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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #biden #china #chinaspyballoon ⚠️⚠️⚠️
China Spy Balloon.
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We gotta talk about this crazy Chinese spine balloon because uh, yesterday I jokingly tweeted which of course I encourage you to follow me on Twitter You can see some of the crazy stuff that I post uh there at realmeat Kevin But yesterday I posted this crazy post that here is a leaked photo of U.S Airspace Tomorrow following Biden's harsh actions today and this post was inspired by the fact that we didn't shoot down the large Chinese spy balloon and uh, my joke was that there are now going to be eight of them in the sky. And obviously I'm being facetious because I don't actually expect they're gonna be like eight of them in the sky. but I I photoshopped an image of eight of them in the sky Anyway, for the lulls Now what's remarkable is no earlier or or should I say no later than five o'clock yesterday. Do I get a message or a notification then. Now all of a sudden the second Chinese spy balloon has been discovered in Latin America and apparently China is sending them all over the place. Now we have no idea how many of them there are. These instances have come up in the past, but apparently now there are two Chinese fiber balloons floating around. Now it's remarkable and I'm gonna give some thesis in terms of my theorist what's actually happening here because I've got an idea apparently and allegedly and I don't know if this was like an after the fact backlash and so they wanted to politically re-engineer the message, but some people are saying Hey Joe Biden actually wanted to shoot down the plane, but for the Pentagon's like no, no, you can't shoot it down because the damn balloon is like they're the size of three school buses wide. and if you shoot it down, what ends up happening, you end up getting a lot of a debris field. And if you have a debris field, guess what? Uh yeah, my potentially end up hurting people and that's not good sure. But then again, the darn balloon was also floating around Montana and Kansas And let's just say there's plenty of open space for you to calculate the trajectory of you shooting this thing down. and it Landing Where they ain't nobody you gotta worry about now obviously. uh, who knows what actually happened did Joe Biden say let's shoot it down f after he got a bunch of backlash on the Internet or did that happen before? Nobody knows but Canada Apparently First saw the Spy balloon coming through their airspace and kind of floated over the Pacific Ocean from China and through Canada and then down through Montana. Obviously the concern is hey man, why y'all finding spy balloons where we've got military bases around the heart of America China's like no, it's just a weather balloon, it's just following the jet stream. We can't control it. But then yesterday the Wall Street Journal is like, wait a minute, The darn thing just changed Manu it just maneuvered into a different direction. It obviously is controllable. The Chinese are controlling this. It's probably not a weather balloon. Well, no, duh, it's probably not the weather balloon. You know what? Because China tells us oh well, it's just a weather balloon and it's conducting other scientific research as well. Sure, let's fly a balloon. uh, you know, somewhere around 60 000 feet in the air above America and get substantially better real-time imagery of America than we could get from satellite. It's kind of interesting. now. what's also very interesting and this is where I want to get into my thesis as to what's actually happening here because obviously the Pentagon doesn't want to shoot this thing down. Although there were some videos on Twitter of what looked like potentially something getting shot down, nobody really knows what this was yet. Uh, but I Also tweet replied to it yesterday and I'm like uh, what is going on here So I'll go ahead and play that. It's basically apparently a video from Montana where somebody says a military jet just buzzed a neighborhood and so after a military jet buzzed a neighborhood, this person takes out their camera and starts filming and you get this footage of what looks like something being shot down. I You know, can't actually confirm that with a malicious intent. Uh, hold on here. I Don't think we have audio there I don't know if it is actually audio. Oh, there we go. Okay, so you get some kind of Flash and some kind of Boom I'll Replay that. Yeah. So basically what you have is something that looks like you know comet in the sky, big contrail of something falling and uh, there's some sort of explosion in the sky. We don't know if that was, uh, just the breaking the sound barrier. Like a jet breaking the sound barrier. That's entirely possible. We don't know if something was actually shot down. it certainly looks that way from the picture. The Pentagon of the White House say no, nothing was shot down and then the balloon was no longer spotted in Montana It's been spotted in Kansas and and now it's expected to be somewhere Over by Tennessee Now then it begs the question. Are there multiple spy balloons already? Well, given that we saw another one in Latin America Maybe there are, who knows. But what we do know is exactly what Colleen here says: China lies about everything. Well, yeah, there's no doubt about that. But I think nobody actually in China believes that America believes this is a spy balloon. Let me tell you what: I Think this actually is starting with where it is. So the Spy balloon is floating around at sixty thousand feet. Now that is above our air traffic. Our air traffic's generally at 30 to 35 000 feet and private jet travel is somewhere around 40 to 45 000 feet. Now what's interesting about that is private jets. Like a citation that was flying uh I think it was a Latitude that was flying around Kansas actually reported a derelict balloon floating just a few thousand feet above it and they report this to the FAA uh and I think the message that's being sent is hey, we're really here's China Really trying to purposefully toy with your airspace even though we're at that safe level 60 000 feet or close to private jet travel is kind of a way of saying hey, we're just gonna taunt you America Usually we fly spy balloons between 80 to 100 000 feet. why don't we fly this spy balloon at sixty thousand feet? So that way the private jet people can see it and the Americans can see it from the from the ground and it sends an uncertainty. It sends a signal to Americans of oh my gosh, the Chinese are watching us. On top of that, it sends a message to the Biden administration of look, y'all aren't doing anything right even though maybe they want to and they're choosing not to Whatever, it's China's way of basically telling Americans you should be afraid of China because your government ain't gonna do anything about us and you know why this is happening. In my opinion, this is retaliation for two big things: Number one: the Chips Act sanctioning China and limiting the export of high quality Advanced manufacturing chip machines like Advanced lithography machines from Asml the Dutch company to China a Dutch company is not allowed to sell Advanced lithography machines to China because America said so China is like how dare you f you now people are like why can't a Dutch company sell products to China Well, because if they do, the United States will say fine. We won't do business with you anymore. And guess who does the most business for advanced chips with companies like Taiwan semiconductors? Obviously, Taiwanes Semiconductors doesn't really like what's going on in China and Asml Obviously America Because not only do we have the largest chip demand in the world, but we also have the largest demand for through our trip demand uh, chip making equipment from companies like Asml. Even other companies like Intel Intel is the third largest chip manufacturer in America and it's expected to spend over a hundred billion dollars making new chip making plants over the next three to four years. It's going to be a lot of Chip making capacity and a lot more orders for chip manufacturers or or chip equipment manufacturers. again like that Dutch company Smll. And so what is Asml not want to do? They don't want to lose American business so they comply. So who loses what we lose? In part because things get more expensive when you cut out part of the world, right? Consumers always end up losing when it comes to sanctions because things become more expensive. That's just simple Econ 101. We won't go through that sort of explanation, But what's more important is China gets pissed because China's like you're saying, we have to take the old like third generation or like the old generation crap and you guys get all the new stuff, all the advanced stuff and America's like yeah, what are you gonna do about it And China is kind of like the little toddler talking to their parent like the parent is obviously stronger. but the toddler is starting to grow up a little bit and they realize that well, even though they may get thrown in time out, they could still throw crap down the stairs and piss you off. And that's kind of what China is doing because it's setting the signal of hey, hey, we can we can fight back too. Obviously, that's somewhat what China is doing here. they're trying to purposefully. Oh, look, Fox is playing it right now on TV there's there's a video of it Pentagon confirms second Chinese balloon. In my opinion, what you have is you have China trying to create a retaliatory, saber-rattling environment for America and send the signal that if you limit us from being able to buy chips and you keep doing business with Taiwan Well, we'll do missile tests. We'll do military tests, We'll fly balloons over your country. and you know what? That's politically going to look bad for you, Because guess what, You're too much of a weenie baby to actually shoot him down. And because he ain't gonna shoot him down, we're gonna look great. and then guess what we're gonna do? the more you sanction us, the more balloons we're gonna launch and the more stupid crap we're gonna do to make Americans feel worried about China because the more Americans are worried about China the more Americans are going to call into their Congress people and go do something. We hate that our Administration and Congress people aren't going to do anything. We're not going to vote for you anymore and then in some degree that actually makes politicians go. Maybe we don't want to be so harsh on China because I'm losing votes over here. See how it's all like a game of 4D chess I Think China really gives a crap about what they can't already see with satellites this higher resolution imagery. You think they really give a crap what Nancy's doing in her backyard in San Francisco although they didn't fly over San Francisco Uh, and there's probably not much going on in the backyard over there. anyway. You think we really care what Karen's are doing in Montana in their backyards or what these military facilities look like that have our Icbms and nuclear warheads in the middle of nowhere? We really think China really needs a weather balloon to spot that and that they'd really be so dumb to Signal some form of like impending attack. Of course, not because there is no impending attack, it's all just saber rattling. It's for the show. It's designed to make everybody talk about China And guess what when everybody talks about China It puts political pressure on a politicians to do something. It makes them look weak. and then they get pissed because they don't want to look like little weenie babies. But now they do look like Winnie weenie babies. and so guess who wins? China So whether or not you actually shoot the balloon down China wins because China says we are a loose cannon even though they won't ever actually do anything. Well, no guarantees. just knock on wood. But that's the signal they're trying to send is hey, we can look what we just did. We just flew balloon over your country and you did nothing. Y'all weak. It's all gamesmanship. That's all this whole balloon thing is. I Mean look at it. Look at this. Look at the caption on Fox News I mean it's no surprise on Fox News Biden Silent on Chinese spy balloon, right? Let's just listen for a moment. I Mean in Montana we have an Air Force Base We have about a third of our, uh, strategic, uh, missile defense silos scattered across. So here's a Republican: the Governor of Montana and what's he doing? He's bagging on the Democratic Leadership Obviously that pisses off the Dems and that is how China wins China wins by Fox News Showing all the voting people, the voting people wake up early. Okay, the old people wake up early and watch Fox and Friends and us who will watch it now. Okay, and if you're old I respect you if you're young I respect you too I think it's great I Like waking up early but everybody's different. you know, no shade on somebody wants to replay it later I'm matter to me. but look, this is exactly the media attention China wants they wanted this sucker to be seen because it's part of psychological warfare. That's what this is. It's so simple. nobody gets hurt except Americans feelings and that's what China is doing in my opinion in retaliation for Taiwan Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan Kevin McCarthy potentially promising to visit Taiwan And the chips act. China's pissed they want the advanced chips because Advanced chips Guess what? Advanced chips go into bombs, they go into missiles, they go into computers and they go into things that people buy like iPhones And people want the advanced chips and the latest and greatest. Who wants to buy an old chip or a phone? Nobody. Everyone wants the latest and greatest. so who wins America America wins militarily America wins with product sales and China loses and China's pissed about that China doesn't want to lose China Already got embarrassed enough with the covet zero lockdowns so now they're just waving their little saber around in the air again and that's exactly what you have going on here. It's simple psychological warfare. That's it now. I Understand, we we know we like. Let me just put it this way and I'm not going to comment on it Beyond Just reading it out loud Joe can't do anything China owns Joe and Hunter They have given both Millions.

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32 thoughts on “Just shot down: the real reason china is spying on us surveillance spy balloons.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars no brainer says:

    Disclose top secret! What a dumb person!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue C says:

    This will be the black swan for the market- short term for sure on the Chinese stocks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars no brainer says:

    China owns America.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Qi says:

    Point to note: The US has miltary bases just about everywhere.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jthomas808 says:

    Exactly there are a lot of stupid people in America…. Will fall for anything…they just want to point the finger at each other and place blame …. Never do anything productive.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aj torres says:

    The same way they do scientific research on whales oh is for science but end up in supermarkets

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ECO BRITE FL says:

    The stupid people comments on here is funny China not here with there shit for vaction. They are here with that crap for a reason

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ECO BRITE FL says:

    More reason to ban everything connected to China like tik tok

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frogger says:

    Chinese Communists will soon rule the world, and we’ll all share the same degree of freedom with Chinese people: NONE

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZENITH BOUND says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gen x tech guy says:

    This was actually a pretty interesting and feasible assessment of this situation.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T F says:

    It's sad ! We used to command respect ( and fear ) from the world, now we are the laughing stock of the world thanks to the weak puppet in the white house. The entire world knows they can just F with us and we won't do anything ! Shame on everyone who voted for this idiot Brandon !

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas N. says:

    sending a spy ballon is the funniest sh*t
    What are you? Doctor Robotic 😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denggo L says:

    China lies about anything
    Kevin: "yeah, there's no doubt about that"
    Wow that's really middle of you 😃

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    Covid 19 now balloons fuck the CCP

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    Their balloon is in the ocean….sad part is there will be repercussions for Chinese Americans if this escalates.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sterling Sansing says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M L says:

    Dont be stupid, it is not for shaming US, it is an obvious military platform test and testing on US response time. These balloons are cheap, imagine thousands of these balloons containing virus flew over US, US will be doomed.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Reynolds says:

    I’m no expert but if I was making a spy balloon I’d color it blue. I think you’re right kevin.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GSGMcLovin says:

    Don’t let the ballon be a distraction from the Biden documents and hunter Biden sending the letter to the doj confirming the laptop is his

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Life Coaching says:

    F the Chinese government and their dictatorship regime. They are rich today because of America and now they are messing around many countries. Stop trading with China and let them go to to ice and rot in hell.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n says:

    wait…why don't we shoot them down???

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mexico Adventurer says:

    Eric Fartsmell's girlfriend ❤️ CCP army Lieutenant Fang Fang sings, 🎵 🎶 "Up, up and away, in my beautiful balloon…" 🎈

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mexico Adventurer says:

    Come to find out that there were three over the USA. I saw one here over central Mexico yesterday. There are no LESS than 8 in the air right now.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt says:

    I'll take "creative ways to get the public to look up for 500"

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dawna Werbeski says:

    That rant must have felt really really good! Canada should have shot it down first. We are weak.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oleg Grigorev says:

    Indeed we are in recession, Kevin posts 4vids ++ a day even on weekends… 😂😅🤣

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Wondering says:

    Lol that literally was just a weather balloon probably been of course ever since those bad storms came through government known about it all along and instead of shooting it down or repurposing it they decided to use for propaganda

    But of course government running with the ammo to turn Americans against China instead of us turning against our own government

    This is why every war is fought
    Some government starts to lose control over its people so they redirect population into a war with another country

    Sorry but younger generations are done fighting pointless wars

    Hate to break it to the Governments worldwide
    but they are not really in control anymore nor are they needed

    we normal everyday people get along just fine with others around the globe and we don’t really feel like killing people from other countries in real life
    when we do it all the time playing video games with each other 😂

    Younger generations globally are fed up with this outdated and useless concepts of big government and wars.
    Both have done nothing but serve their own interests always leaving the people to do the dirty work and gain nothing but regret or death in return

    Globalist Powers THAT BE
    can try to enact WW3, but I’m here to tell you when it’s all said and done there won’t be a Government left in power
    You think protests are as bad as they ever have been….just wait till they start a world war 😂

    The world has become so globalized the only way forward in settling differences is either through


    Simulation style wars via technology /video game style probably best bet

    Or champion style 1v1 combat as representative of national interests

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Singleton says:

    They spent money I think they wanted info
    We let them have it and yes they won

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Singleton says:

    Follow the money

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali says:

    its a civi air ship with people on it studing jet stream shift that might lead to next ice age.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meet Kevin says:

    Update: as off 11:45am Pacific 2/4/23, the first balloon has been shot down.

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