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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So we're gonna do June Month in review. I'm a little late on getting this done. I was gonna do it earlier in the month, but I was sick and then went on this trip. So anyways, um, doing it now and going over the metrics for the month of June ended up being a good month.

A green month which is great. We're still in a Bear Market and um, I will put a link right down below here for my uh, you watch the replay the class I taught a couple weeks ago Bear Market Strategies. So the strategy I'm trading right now is different from the strategy I traded six months ago or a year ago. I am adapting to current market conditions.

I'm trading a bit more conservatively, and I'm trying to keep losses as small as possible and be aggressive only on days when there's some really nice momentum and there's some nice opportunities that worked fairly well for the month of June. I carried into the beginning of the month a little bit of a more aggressive stance on trading. Continuing from May, I did have a bit of a like three day red streak in May where I lost 25 000, made it back, traded aggressively in the beginning of June and then came into another uh, red streak where I lost like 15, uh, 16 000. And so after that second kind of drop, I felt like I was basically backed pretty much where I was after the 25 000 loss from May and I was like, you know what? I think I need to kind of, um, buckle down here and just get settled into trading during the slow summer months a bit more conservatively so.

Now I've been doing that for well, about a month, and the last month has been good. The last two weeks of June small gains the first two weeks of July small gains relatively small green days, certainly very small red days which is good, So profit, but you know, kind of grinding on smaller numbers right now and I think that's going to be the theme for the rest of July and then probably for August as well. and then hopefully it'll be September, October, November, December where we start to pick up for Q4, But a lot of that's going to be depending on what happens with the overall market we've got. Obviously, the issues with inflation.

We've got the Fed increasing interest rates to try to slow down demand and slow down the inflation of prices. so we have certainly a couple things going on there. And then there's the concern that the Fed's going to increase the interest rates and slow down growth so much that we're going to have a recession. It'll be an interesting recession because unemployment is still very, very low.

you know, which is different from other recessions where you have high unemployment and stuff like that. So anyways, it's interesting to see what's going to happen. This is a year that you know every year is a old different. As a trader, we had incredible action in 2020 2021.

You know, ultimate peak of bull market trading. And you know, in the eight years that preceded that which were also technically a bull market. I mean, I didn't do nearly as well as I did in 2020 and 2021. like those years were incredible.
And now in 2022, with the market going into in basically into a Bearish downtrend starting in like the second week of January. now we're starting to, you know, it's certainly slowing down and there's less volatility in small cap names, and a lot of these small cap companies are more inclined to do these secondary offerings to raise money. So a little bit of a headwind right now and doing the best I can just to grind on smaller numbers until things start to turn around and I'm happy to, you know, stay conservative for as long as it takes. Base hits is what it's about.

And that served me pretty well in the month of June. So I hope you enjoy this review for the month of June. If you want to learn more about the bear market strategies I'm trading right now, you can check out the link down below in the description. We'll probably pin it to the comments and I'll see you back here first thing, uh, for um, the Morning Show.

All right, So I'll see you then. Hope you guys enjoy this episode, right? So let's go ahead and jump in here. June month in review. Uh, so I'll show you the broker statements first for the month over.

If you go over to down in the footer, you'll see broker statements from 2017: 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22.. The reason I started in 2017 was because that's when I began a small account with 583 dollars and 15 cents. So from January 1st of this to February 6, that was my first that was starting with 583 day one. So these are those first statements from the very beginning of that account.

Um, took that money out, put it into a regular Uspdt account, continue to grow it, and you know for what it's worth. Um, I do have all of, um, the performance from that period of time audited, and this is the review here. So uh, anyways, so that's why it starts in 2017. even though I have been trading for longer than that, that particular challenge of starting with 583 dollars, I wanted to do something a little bit unique which was to show you know the statements as I uh as I grew the account.

So let's see so we'll go back to 2022 here. All right. So finish the month of June with about 38 000 in profit and on the broker statement page. The way I do it is I have my Trader view report here which is the high level metrics and then I show you the two statements.

One is a traditional trading account that has leverage and margin and the other is a retirement account. Uh, this month I was actually down in my traditional margin account 5500. And you know, so usually I don't trade in this account because it's taxable, but sometimes when I sit down, I'll take my first trade and not realize which account I'm in. and I usually only do that when I'm rushing.

So these days where I was rushing, well ended up costing me some money. Uh, the retirement account Uh, finished in great shape. you know? I had 450 000 in the account the beginning of the month and I did two withdrawals, one of 550 at the first of the month. so started with um, 450 versus like a million and I did another 50 000 withdrawal around the 15th which I used to set up my Uh Td Ameritrade account which has 50 grand in it now.
So in any case, uh, 58 000 in gross profit off of a 450 000 balance is not bad. Didn't really need that much money in the account to make this much, not using the majority of my buying power at this point, but 43 000 in profit in the retirement account with two, well, one big red day and then a second smaller red day following it. So three red days for the month? uh, it looks like, all right. So anyway, so it's it's helpful to see those numbers.

but that doesn't really tell much of a story of the month. So that's where we're going to get into Trader View here. Um, so from January 1st to June 30th to January 1st, 2017? June 30th, 2022? Uh, just showing over 10 million dollars in net profit after fees and commissions. But Trader View is always a little bit higher because there are some fees that do not get exported when you import your trades.

So my actual net is just a little bit lower than that, but not a lot. All right. So let's go to June. Well, we can.

We can look at the year. Uh, so my net profit on the year right now is 392. Uh, what's kind of sad is that that's less than I made in one day. Last year.

I had one day last year where I made 475 thousand dollars. My results aren't typical. There's no guarantee you'll find success. Take it slow.

Okay, disclaimer, but uh, so it's a little bit. Uh, it's a little sad in a way. But that's part of trading. you know.

I mean, and and that's like, it's probably like a lot of different businesses. You might have a year, or a day, or a project, or a client that's like a big payday and then you know you kind of go back to normal. So uh. anyway.

so this year though, what is notable is that my commissions have been quite high. So I've actually made 524 000 in gross profit. But uh, 20 of that has gone to fees and commissions. I'm at 130 000 in fees and commissions.

so that's quite high. And that's because this year there's been a lot of grinding. Two steps forward. Two steps back.

Two steps, four, Two steps back. Not really having like really opening up having big big green days. Just kind of a lot of churn. Accuracy: 66 Profit loss ratio is negative.

Uh, biggest winner is smaller than my biggest Loser. So you know this month has been, or this year has been a bit of a grind and June wasn't really that much different. Uh, so let's see. so net profit here: 38 000 Profit loss ratio was fine one to one, but this was about a third of what my average winners are.

My average winners are, usually, well, what was it? Um, we go for a longer period of time 2020. average winner is typically 1900. So you know the average winners right now are about 25 as big. I'm trading with smaller size.
Um, if we went back here, let's see average daily volume. Uh, you know, much higher. So I'm trading on about a third of the volume that I was and I'm making a little less than a third. Uh, you know this is a market where we're in a bear market.

and it's slow. There's not as many opportunities, there's not as much volatility in small cap stocks, which is the area of the market that I focus on. And so you know you could say. Well Russ, geez, your problem is your volume is too low.

Just go back up to, you know, whatever it was before and you'll get that profit will go with it. And it what it wouldn't Because right now there's not enough liquidity in the market and there's not enough volatility really to support sizing up and scaling in. We're not seeing moves that are big enough. So what I've done is, I've gone into Bear Market Strategy and the Bear Market Strategy right now.

which you know again. Reminder: There'll be a link right down below that you guys can check out. You can watch the replay of the Bear Market Strategy Um, class that I taught a couple weeks ago. The strategy I'm trading right now is adapting and adapted to this current market.

And I am profitable even in a Bear Market. As you can see, I'm not making as much as I made in 2020 and 2021. But those two years were exceptionally crazy and I don't. And and even in Bull Markets prior to that, because we've been in a Bull market really since like, 2000, not 2010, right? So I didn't have any year that was as good as 2020 and 21.

In the you know, eight years of Bull Market that came before that, that was sort of the peak. and I'm glad that I capitalized on that opportunity well and and put away some good profit. And now here we are in a Bear Market and this is the best I've ever done in a Bear market and I'm pleased with that. But you know you have to be able to adapt to market conditions.

Otherwise what's going to happen is you keep trading with big size, you keep trading aggressively and you're going to lose money. And so one of the things that I mentioned and so I'll say it again. Here is that I mentioned this to Warrior members yesterday. I think it was in a really strong market and I'll go to full screen here.

So in a really strong market like in a in a bull market, you can have traders that, um, can make money, even if they're a little complacent, you could be a little sloppy and you could still make money right because the market's just so forgiving because it's so strong things sell off, they go far down and then they come back up and so you can learn some bad habits. And those traders when faced with a Bear Market. if they're not able to adapt, they'll keep doing what they've been doing and they will blow up their accounts. And that's what I think you've seen.
You probably saw a lot of traders that came into the market in 2020 2021 and made some money and then they got knocked out of the market. Now you may also have traders that came in in 2021, 2020, 2020 and 2021 who lost money despite a bull market. and that just speaks to the fact that they didn't have strategy dialed in yet. So this right now is a good time to be practicing, because if you can do well in this type of bear market, I think that that bodes really well for when the market picks back up because you're the only way you do well right now is if you have a high degree of discipline.

All right. So um, so anyways, Uh, so so this month, Um, all things considered, the metrics are good. The average, the biggest winner, and the biggest loser were about the same size trade hold time three minutes and four minutes. That's all kind of typical accuracy at 64, a little lower than I'd like, but not terrible.

Profit loss ratio is good, you know. Honestly, I just wish that the average winners and average losers were like a thousand and I was up. you know, 80 000 instead of 38. but I just didn't feel comfortable sizing up.

And the reason that I traded a bit more conservatively here was if we look at the calendar and we look at, um, go back to like, April. Um, you know I had this red stretch right here. This was like a twenty thousand dollar, twenty five thousand dollar kind of red stretch right there in at the end of May And that left me feeling pretty disappointed. I was not feeling really happy.

Um, sort of at the end of that. And so when I came into June I was like, all right, you need to tighten it up And and I did. I trade really well for the first week, but then you know, once again, I had these two sort of big back-to-back red days and you know, on that on those days I was pretty upset. You know I felt like man, look at this.

You know you had six good days in a row and now you've given back half of it in one day. You know, Six steps forward and then three back all in one day. And then there you go. There's the there's the other three steps.

Now you're back to flat on the month. So those two red days really hurt And so coming out of that I sort of said to myself, you know what I think you need to really think about changing your approach here. It's going to be a long summer if you keep trading like this. Let's just dial it back.

Let's bring the stress down. there's no sense in getting this worked up And so at that point I set a max share size of 10 000 shares on my account. I said, you know, Well actually first I set it at 6 000 and I was kind of a bit impulsive When I did that, I was sort of frustrated. I was like, you know what? max size: 6 000 shares.

I'm done trading big. I'm not even gonna give give it a chance to trade aggressively, but I think that that was too. Um, that was too tight. So then I bumped it up to ten thousand.
And so then I trade the rest of the month with a ten thousand share max position size. And you know, you can see, like these days here: seven hundred dollars, Three Hundred dollars. I mean, these are very small green days. Uh, but the fact is that there weren't a lot of opportunities these last those last two weeks.

Um, this was a no trade day on the 22nd, another no trade day on the 24th. These could have just as easily been no trade days because there really wasn't a lot that was moving. Um, and then you know you come into July. and July has sort of been a continuation of what we've seen here.

This last week of June the first week of July was really slow. I had, um, let's see, the first week of July was Friday the first and then we had a holiday on Monday the 4th. I was sick on Tuesday the 5th, green on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I think it was just small gains.

and then this week, small gains on Monday 5, 000 on Tuesday down 1700, Wednesday, down 1300 today. So you know these fortunately are small red days, but this kind of last two weeks of June is continuing in into July, which is exactly what I expected. This is slow summer trading. None of this is really unusual.

it's just important as a trader that you adapt to the market you're in because one of the things that a lot of traders will do is they'll just get stubborn and they'll just get greedy and they'll say, well, I want to make 75 000 this month so I'm just going to keep trading everything with 25 000 share positions and this isn't the market to do that in so you could do that. You'll lose money and then at a certain point you'll realize you've got to get your head straight and after having big loss is one of the only ways that you can really resent yourself and get focused is to trade with small share size for a period of time. So I'm in a place right now where I'm being conservative and I'm maybe being a little overly conservative. I'm probably missing some opportunities that otherwise I might have been able to make more on, but I just am not feeling super enthusiastic about being aggressive right now.

and um, you know, I. I. I think that that is gonna probably be the case um for the next couple months and you know the fact is, if I could keep averaging 35 000, you know a month or 40 000 a month, that'd be fine. Um, 10 000 a week? I'm totally okay with that.

I don't feel that I need to be making you know 200 000 a month every single month. I'm okay with it being a little bit slower, so I'm going to try to just kind of maintain this average through the rest of the summer. You know, 30 to 50 000 a month that you know if I can get a couple of days each month where I have a nice five to ten thousand dollar green day, you know that'll that'll contribute nicely to the month and the rest of the days. Small gains, small losses, nothing big, you know, Keep.
keep it kind of mellow. I think that that's going to be the right approach for me going through the rest of July and then into August and then when we come into September and then go into Q4, October, November, December. That's when things typically do pick back up, so that would be seasonally. uh, typical.

And that's what I would expect it. It depends to a certain extent on what happens with the overall market. The overall market being down this year and being in Bear Market territory is certainly weighing on small cap volatility. While there's a certain degree of volatility in some of the large cap names and some traders have migrated over to trading large caps, I haven't seen enough volatility to really peak my interest yet.

so I'm just just kind of, you know, camping out in the small cap area and making a little bit here and there and trying not to be too aggressive. So if we look at days and times, did the best. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday was read on Fridays traded the best early, gave back profit at the opening range and price and volume. You know we had a lot of momentum on low price names, which isn't really ideal for having a 10 000 share max size because usually a low price stock like 253 dollars.

I'd be comfortable trading 30 or 40 000 shares, but I just I don't know. So anyways, um, a little tricky there and uh, let's see when, Loss: expectation. So this shows those gains and then giving back almost all of it and then rallying back up another red day and then rallying back up to finish right here. So kept the drawdowns pretty minimal.

16 000 was the biggest draw down. That's not too bad, and that's you. know that that's kind of the month. So right now we're already halfway through July.

It seems like kind of a continuation of what we saw the last two weeks of June, so that means it's been slow. Not a lot of opportunities, but a few here and there. And uh, biggest green day was a Tuesday where I finished at about 5 000 in gross profit. So and the rest of the days have been smaller.

And then I've had these two red days last two days. So I'm just glad not to have ten thousand and six thousand dollar red days. Four thousand dollar red days. So I'm gonna keep trying to keep the red days as, uh, small as possible.

I'm not afraid to have red days. I'll let a red day happen and just walk away, come back the next day, but try to keep those losses tight. And then on days when we see something actually moving and I feel confident I'll try to trade a little longer and be a little bit more aggressive and try to squeeze as much as I can out of those opportunities since they are a bit fewer and further between and they probably will be for a bit longer. So anyways, a good time to be practicing a simulator.
Still a lot of opportunities to study level two, gain experience there, and, um, prepare for the next, um, the next wave of momentum, whether it's a month away or a year away. Whenever it happens, you want to make sure you're ready, so that's it for me. I hope you've enjoyed this recap of June in review and reminders. Always trading is risky.

My results are not typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success, so make sure you take it slow. And that right there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor.

please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about Daytrade.

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31 thoughts on “June month in review”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh A. says:

    Hey Ross is the profit factor the same as the profit loss ratio ? And what exactly do they mean P&L standard deviation if you don’t mind helping out thanks appreciate the videos.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars REYMARTZ says:

    Thought you couldn't withdraw from your retirement account since its a retirement account and tax free. Also thought you can only withdraw money until you're at a certain older age over 55 years of age?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TALHA ORİGAMİ says:

    Why not just store your crypto in Cross Staking and get passive income?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pubg says:

    Why not just invest cryptocurrency in the Cross Staking platform and earn your income?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HER TELDEN says:

    What's the point of spending a lot of time trading, taking risks, if there is Cross Staking ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PUBG 42ツ乙乇卄丨尺 says:

    Personally, I keep my USDT only on Cross Staking . The most reliable for the current day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gamze Atata says:

    I think that safety is important and one should use double-protection technologies, such as Cross Staking !

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TNT FOX 2 says:

    Why do you do the analysis if there are reliable Cross Staking platforms such as Cross Staking ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EFEHAN HD says:

    I have seen the best interest rates only at staking sites with Cross Staking technology, Cross Staking for example

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikeb63 says:

    That was fantastic 👍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cheung kinki says:

    Ross, wanna know do u have e-toro account???

    We can follow your strategy to trade stock market

    Many people follow you, you also to earn more profits

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W Bens says:

    Thnx Ross

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn C says:

    Can you set your risk to a dollar amount rather than share size? It would let you go bigger on smaller stocks when the situation calls for it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ambro 789 says:

    Looking at the comments I do not see the questions/comments I have. I watch most all your videos and have read How to Day Trade. I watch you live every day and the recap leading me to two questions and comments.
    1. Why are total fees $13,179 on 38k profit? Just about half? Are the fees taken out before we see the 38K profit? Normally gross profit is first then net at the bottom after all fees.
    2. Remember I love all you have to say. Why are you having such huge down days when you preach the 3k loss limit per day? I know from reading your material you fight with what you want to make over what you lose. I guess gambler fallacy is very real and perhaps you struggle with it? I know my wife does which is why I am the day trader and not her. If you do not like my comment, we can change the words from gambler fallacy to sunk cost fallacy. Generally, the same thing in this instance. No reason to argue over fallacy types since both are bad in this case.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Carter says:

    Yay I’ve been waiting for this. Don’t stop monthly recaps 🖤

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Husain Rabeea says:

    I'm learning from you every single day

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sadelb says:

    Hi Ross, do you happen to have the link to the video where you did $475k in one day? Would love to watch that.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rndhld says:

    It's a bear market for sure. That said, it really is summer as well. We'll see in september. I mean, laws of market gravity does not always exactly apply to the biggest gainers wich are most oftentimes lowfloat, small cap stocks and so on. haha

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bimsrugrat 23 says:

    thanks to u, matt, n wade.. combine the three method with price action n indicators, now i have better perspectives on trading..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy says:

    Ross, there is one question. If you have negative account by the end of month will it be taxable then?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr_x says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rusty Dalrymple says:

    Damn I need you're class you got lay a way lol

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wowstreet says:

    Thanks Coach!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Thanks Ross… great work for June. I am sort of following your lead in adjusting my strategy for the bear market. Am I leaving money on the table? Yes, plenty, but am I also surviving? Yes, in a very small account too! (Avg winners =$60, avg losers = $40). Thanks for setting such a great example for us students.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlea Brown says:

    Love the June in review, appreciate it, thank you 🕊

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:

    Stay Green 💵👍

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All We Do is Twin! says:

    Thank you

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darek M says:

    Maybe a total trade amount limit would be better than a share size.

    Also, why $50k into TD? You still use it?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P N says:

    Thank you for this Ross. This was my toughest week ever..I had 4 straight losing days after having 20 straight green days. I just needed to break that losing streak which I did yesterday with a small green. I am walking into Monday with confidence, hope and lots of enthusiasm knowing that I am here to win, not giving up as trading is my passion and will continue to watch your videos, read and hopefully one day I can make at least 100K in a year…that’s all I am looking for then I will have a party and quit my day job..yes!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MadMax 1138 says:

    Ross, algorithms aren't a bad thing. Without them, there wouldn't be much liquidity, and volume. The key to being in line with them is trend.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Roggie says:

    Did you have any trouble with taxes because you had an offshore account?

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