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In today's video, we delve into the recent flip-flopping stance of President Biden on the construction of the border wall, contrasting stories from major news outlets CNN and BBC. We discuss the potential implications for environmentalists as the wall construction bypasses key regulations such as the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act. Additionally, we touch on the opinions of former President Donald Trump and his remarks about the wall's progress. Amidst the political discourse, we also touch on climate change, with a look at the alarming Arctic sea ice levels in September 2023. Join us as we unpack these pressing topics and question the decision-making of our elected leaders.

Biden is flip-flopping Okay, this is actually really incredible. There's a CNN story that says Biden says border walls don't work and then right over that I tab over and it's C it's BBC going Biden approves new section of border wall if I was an environmentalist I'd be pissed. All right and we're Biden is building a wall Biden is building a wall. If you remember part of his campaign, he was talking about not one foot more of wall, right? Well, they're going back on that and they're building 20 miles of wall at the border.

This was announced yesterday. You know it's so incredible too, because there's so much, uh, uh, so much talk about uh, like, uh, you know people love bagging on Donald Trump and they say like, oh, I think Chris Christie In the last debate, he's like, you know, Trump only Built 56 miles of wall. Uh, reality is, he built 80 miles of new wall and then he rebuilt much of the 452 miles of wall that were previously there with a substantially better system. That doesn't mean it's perfect.

I mean any wall isn't perfect. Not even the Great Wall of China. You know there was a story the other day that somebody was wanting to farm on both sides of that wall. so they just demolished part of the great yeah, just so they could have easier access.

But anyway, so wait. Biden is flip-flopping B He listened to us yesterday. We told him if we want to, if you want to quash the the Republicans argument to start doing something about the border and immigration I guess he tuned in yesterday. Okay I do want to hear this because this is not only is this very okay, this is actually really incredible.

Hold on we we need a uh wait a minute Biden says border Walls don't work is a CNN story. can you put this up on? look at this I just pulled this up this is uh uh by on CNN the top can you show oh am I not plugged in? Well make sure can you get to that? Let's see if we can pull anyway. it's a CNN I'll replug it here for a second see if it pops up. but anyway, there's a CNN story it says Biden says border walls don't work and then right over that I tab over and it's C it's BBC going Biden approves new section of border wall and then this Reuters headline is gold It says in reversal Biden to build more US border wall Trump demands apology.

That's uh yeah, that's uh. okay. look at this. Kevin Uh Kevin doesn't even plug in the cables here.

Uh, so we'll do that. Yeah, so so tell me more. What do we know about this? When's this wall going up? Do we know when it's going up and uh, how much it's going to cost I mean who's going to pay for this and what Speaker of House is going to approve this? I have no idea as far as dates, uh but what I do know is they seem pretty desperate because there's a total of how many uh, 26 different Federal Acts that they're kind of bypassing to do this including um, it was like air safety a water safety. like they are kind of dismissing a lot of the protections acts because they seem like they want to build this up.
ASAP yeah it. I I have a map here we can pull it up. Uh, here's a picture of what uh, the area that's going to be getting the new section of wall right here. Rio Grande section.

uh and uh, it. that's a Biden's wall proposal Which will be really funny because uh, you know what Trump's going to do here is he's going to grab this and say look, look at all the wall I built. You know know it's going to be a map of like 452 uh, miles and then Biden's like oh, walls don't work Then all of a sudden now walls do work and we're going to build a wall. and then this is the part bid.

So Trump's going to do one of these. You know the which one do you want Oh My Gosh So here's how Biden's admin is arguing that this is a good thing y because originally in his 2021 campaign quote, Biden said no more American taxpayer dollars to be diverted to construct a border wall. Well, as we just heard today, they flip-flopped on that. But here's how they defend it.

Um, on. Thursday The administration said that the action did not deviate from Biden's Proclamation because no money. That was because of the money that was already allocated to Trump's term in 2019 now has to be spent. So they're saying in order to build a wall, we're not going to use the taxpayer dollars that we promised we wouldn't use, but they're just going to use the ones that Trump had already collected.

You know it's it's that's just politics for you. And it's so frustrating because it's like just just be real with the American people just tell people look, we actually have a problem at the border and you know what you got to give the devil uh, the do as they say or however they say it, it's like the wall maybe could actually help right? That's what like the Biden Administration should say and uh and look, then you could justify by saying look, we're using old money but it is a difference from what we said. But here's why it's going to help or whatever, right? And it's it's okay. but this this oh uh, we're still following our promise.

Come on. it's the same thing as like uh oh uh, two quarters in a row of negative GDP Well, that's not technically a recession anymore. Has a president ever just gotten up to the podium and taken accountability? I mean question like I I I whiffed I'm I'm sorry. like have they ever I would say so uh I I Would love to think of some examples, but that's a really good question.

You know that would make a really good video is like a Sizzle reel of like Presidents Actually owning up to it I think one of the most it have to be a short. Yeah, it' have to be a short a you know one of the ones that I I thought of as you were asking that and I don't remember what it was about I'm sure I could find it but it was actually Obama going up explaining that there was some kind of mistake and he says the buck stops with me and I thought that was actually really empowering. We we should have more of that. I I shouldn't get a question like that and be like uh I get think it won.
You know it should be like oh yeah all the time, but you're right, You know it's just how can we spin this into oh no we didn't We didn't mess up. Do you want to hear what Trump had to say to this announcement? Absolutely love to hear that. Actually, this is in the same Roers Reuter's article as I've stated often, over thousands of years, there will only be two things that have consistently worked wheels and walls. Trump wrote on social media Quot will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving.

so Trump's like Biden's doing like the right thing. It's just now he's come to a census to finally do it and Biden's saying well this, we're just using Trump's money to do it. so Trump kind of still somehow like always comes out looking like a champ and taking a w on this. He's like my funds are still building the wall allall and you guys are still taking credit for it.

It's just so hard to to argue and and this is not to like. take sides and and you know with Trump or whatever but it's Trump is in this like having officially lost the 2020 election, he's almost gotten now into this crazy uh, like everything has gone his way. He escaped inflation Biden had to deal with all that inflation. The reality is, we would have probably had a lot of the inflation with Trump as well.

Maybe we wouldn't have passed some of the inflationary measures like the inflation Reduction Act that certainly added the $1,400 stimulus check that's certainly added, but we definitely would have still had the first round of of two big Co packages Trump $600 and the 12200 bucks. We would have still had that inflation, but Trump was able to dodge the inflation. Not only that, but then you know everybody's like oh Trump you're crazy for the hunter laptop story and then it's like oh well, it was real. You know everybody's like ah haa Trump says the Market's going to crash if Biden gets in.

Oh well, you know, like you just keep going down list is like damn this guy, he's just nailing it. You know there's an interesting perspective at Lally The last line of the The Ruers article Reuters Rutters how you want to Sayers Um Mexico This is the Mexican President speaking and I've never really thought about it from the Mexican President's perspective. He said this is a step backwards. If you're the Mexican president, do you advocate for the United States building a wall? or do you like because if he's saying this a step backwards to keep building the wall, it means he's almost in support of his people leaving.

Which if you are a president and you if these people are really wanting to come to America to work, then you're hurting your own economy by having the people that are wanting to work are you? They're fleeing because my thinking is so much of that money like I don't know what percentage of their economy. Maybe that's worth looking up, but so many people who come to the United States end up sending money back home. so I don't know if it's actually helping or hurting the economy in that perspective. Point That's a good point.
but then at the same time you're people are leaving. If they really do feel in danger, people are leaving and you're giving more ground to the criminals and to the the. the the cartels and things there. So if you're the Mexican president do are you happy? The United States builds it I mean obviously he's not.

Think about it if if you're let's put it this way, if you're Germany and you're like you know what? We're done with the Poland the poles. We're done with the poles. We're building a wall and the polls are going to build for it. What does that make the polls feel like it makes them feel lesser.

It makes them feel worse, like they're failing right? And and obviously there's a massive gap between Mexico's GDP and America's But of course the President's going to say that he has to the president of Mexico so so that that it it makes sense. really. The argument here is look we need to, we need better Solutions and of course do. but we probably need better Solutions and A and a secure border I Feel like if I was an environmentalist I'd be pissed because part of why they're bypassing all of these federal regulations and I have them here.

the Clean Air, Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act The Endangered Species Act and 23 others. Part of why is because it takes a long time to go through all the proper channels and if they had started the process early, well, we'd still be building a wall, but we would be building it like the safer way. Sure. Instead, we kind of procrastinated now last minute.

It's like all right, screw all the rules, build the wall. That's really interesting. It became so bad. Now they had to bypass all of the environmentalist.

Target That's really it's interesting because in 24 Hours quote you said yesterday Kevin that this is probably not a top priority for the Biden Administration Why do you think that changed in 24s? They saw our video to get around the obviously saw our video. Do you think it was more of a political issue? or do you think there's an actual immigration issue? Is it a political move or is it a an actual the problem because we're sitting here going Biden ain't doing Jack S. You know he's not doing anything like get off your butt and do something about it. You know it's like enough of that and all of a sudden enough of the population screaming like please, government do something.

If you don't do something, you're just going to get voted out. So that's where it goes to the second part, where where? Yeah, of course it's also politically motivated. It's like okay, okay here's how we're going to do it. Uh which it is very interesting about the that the climate impact or maybe not necessar climate impact, but the bypassing climate regulations and rules I was just reading this in the New York Times Christian You could throw this up on screen.
uh we we you know there obviously a huge debate as to whether or not climate change is, uh, contri like climate change is worsened by humans or or not. That's the big debate. We do know that the climate is changing though, and this graph was incredible. I Think you guys could see it here on screen too.

Look at that when you zoom in. This is the September 2023 an Arctic sea ice level and it is the lowest and about to be on record for the lowest basically recorded ever recorded. All of these lines represent one year and here's where we are. uh and then obviously the dots is sort of your your, uh, average, your your uh, midpoint there.

Uh, so pretty pretty incredible. lowest ever recorded. pretty wild. uh.

little tangent Off the Wall there, but that is a crazy flip-flop Anything else on Biden's flipflop here? Well, not his flipflop. Just why are we still electing 100y old politicians to run the country? Yeah, yeah, that's yeah.

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26 thoughts on “Joe biden flips announces he s building the wall!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wall Street Charts says:

    Hello everyone! I post daily videos with stock market analysis, very accurate setups for trading! Hope you enjoy👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Nuttall says:

    I can see that Kevin is becoming increasingly arrogant. Stay humble

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cohenkevinlori Queen says:

    Let’s Go Brandon !!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agro says:

    They let enough young military age male foreigners. Look at the pro Palestine demonstrations. Now wall keeps you in.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Koch says:

    Maybe a wall is ok if Biden builds it but not ok if Trump does so.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew S says:

    The Biden admin owes America this. But even still, how are the able to just bypass all these acts you were mentioning?? Laws don’t matter to them? If Trump had done that, he would’ve been impeached again lmao

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mari5 says:

    I don’t believe it!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Knott says:

    These guys are really cramping your style go back to solo

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Dubela says:

    Solar Wall. Sell clean energy to Mexico to pay for it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Man Lama says:

    Yea like Trump said, Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lane B says:

    Is there ANYONE else other than biden or trump we can vote for… I just want a fresh start from these two.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madhu Kyatham says:

    Another flip flop 😂😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J A. says:

    This makes miss millennial money 😢

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars truthseeker0218 says:

    I like Nikki Haley for president personally. Great show

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BillyBobLeeSwagger says:

    Watch, he'll just take all Trump's notes and start saying HE'S developed a plan bla bla bla😂 what a fkn joke

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HORATIO CAINE says:

    Didn’t Biden get the Mexican government to actually pay for it?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar Montoya says:

    In Mexico, it's really hard to get a job without the visa. They don't hand out visas.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lonecody says:

    If building a wall is racist against Mexicans, go down to Mexico's southern border they have a huge wall that spans almost the entire border. If you walk into Mexico illegally, you automatically get two years in jail.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaon Nguyen says:

    Sleepy Joe is lying…he ain’t building it!! Watch how our mighty President Trump wins in 2024 because of this.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elora Welch says:

    Of course he is, Kevin.
    Biden is also going to win the Iron Man triathalon competition.
    If you actually believe this, I have some cheap oceanside property in Arizona for you ….

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mooo says:

    Trump is always right

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MONEYinThe MAKIN says:

    I think the Mexican president is for South Americans crossing 👀 idk wanna say racism?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slobo says:

    He is LYING.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd says:

    how can a public corporation compete withh famlies for homes? should be illegal.. your pricing famlies out of homes! good day..

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nancy King says:

    Too Little Too Late Sleepy Joe

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LinkJLaptops says:

    Saying hes going to build 20 miles of wall is like saying you're going to eat a large burger combo with diet coke.

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