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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

So you may not know this, but I actually began my career as a day trader as a New Year's resolution. This was the New Year's resolution that changed my life. So I'm going to talk to you about my decision to make that resolution and how I was able to stick with it even in the most difficult moments when I wanted to quit during this episode. I'm also going to share with you a recap from today's trades: I Traded four stocks today I came up just shy of my $5,000 daily goal a green day and I'm grateful for that, but it was a little slow.

What was interesting today was my first trade was the biggest winner, second trade was the second biggest third, and then my fourth trade was my smallest winner and I was like I am getting to a point where the next trade's probably going to be red. So I'm green on four out of four stocks. I'm calling it quits there throwing in the towel, and I'm grateful to live another day. And when I'm thinking about a $5,000 daily goal, this really puts it in perspective.

So let's time travel together. Let's go back 10 years. So let's go back 10 years. So go.

It's a little bit more than 10 years. So Great Recession 2008, 20072 2008 The stock market drops. We've got the financial crisis at that time I was living in New York City and I I had a job where I was working for an architectural firm and it was a very interesting job and I liked it a lot. but a lot of the projects that we were doing were projects that began long before the stock market crash.

so we had a bunch of projects that were well into development that you know there were in in construction. We were just doing sort of project management and we weren't getting a lot of new projects coming in the door now. I Sort of sensed the writing on the wall that this was not going to be good for the firm that I was working at. it was a small firm and as an example so we would occasionally hire interns at that firm and one of my jobs was to just look at the resums and we would have people.

this was in 2008 and 2009 applying for unpaid internships who had master's degrees. That's how bad the job market was. People were so desperate just to get their foot in the door now I had a four-year degree which I was grateful for but I I already had my foot in the door with this company and so I was working there. but I just knew the writing was on the wall that this job probably wasn't going to last.

So I was spending a lot of time kind of going back and forth between my home state of Vermont and New York City Driving back and forth and a lot of time I did it I had a cat at the time and with my girlfriend was my girlfriend's cat. Um, but the cat would go with us on this three-hour car ride back and forth to the city. It was a nightmare anyways. So um, so we're going back and forth a lot when I would come up to Vermont I Just I felt like this: this is my home like I'm home I'm in Vermont This is where I feel calm I feel connected I love I'm an outdoor person I love doing things outdoors I love doing projects, building things and when I was in the city living in this small apartment I couldn't do any of that and so my Outlets that helped me kind of decompress.
I didn't have them and as a result of that and just the way I'm naturally wired, living in the city built up this stress for me. where I got more and more and more stressed, more and more and more anxious and it started bubbling over into actual physical panic attacks. And that was when I decided to quit that job in in New York and I said you know what I'm I'm going to move back to Vermont and I'm going to be in Vermont and I knew that the job market in Vermont was even worse than the city. but I had some experience working at this Architecture Firm and There Was An Architect up in Vermont that I had already been speaking to and they wanted to have me help with some part-time work doing some project management.

so I was like this is great I can you know do a little part-time work for them I can probably still do a little parttime work for the firm in New York City and that'll you know that'll sort of Tide me over for a little bit while I sort of figure out what's next. Now the problem was that uh for both of these firms that I was sort of doing part-time work for work did slow slow down and eventually it stopped completely and so now I was in a place where I was like okay I need to be bringing money through the door I need to either go get a regular job or figure something else out and so something that's kind of interesting to me I I've always been a very anxious person. That's the way I'm wired. It's the way I was born.

It's the way I've always been. it's the way I'll probably always be. and I also I think I've always been a very insecure person that anxiety I think creates insecurity. Um, maybe it's the other way around I don't know, but I've always been a very insecure and anxious person and in fact I think it's the combination of those two traits that have actually plus a few other things that have led me to where I am today.

And so even though those are aspects of myself that I have a hard time liking at all, I actually need to love them because without them, I wouldn't be here today. So what do I mean by that? growing up in Vermont I grew up with a sense of scarcity. A lot of people have a mindset of either abundance or scarcity and I grew up with a mindset of scarcity that I felt like we didn't have a lot and uh I always felt that pressure especially from my mom that things were very tight and you know we a penny saved is a dollar earned her fa her grandfather who raised her cuz her father wasn't around. um, he lost everything in the Great Depression in the 1930s he lost everything and he actually was working on the stock exchange on the day of the crash in 1929 and he lost everything and he has a start over and so he instilled this true sense of scarcity uh, in my mother and and I think that this is actually a generational trauma.
The loss that he experienced it affected him so deeply that he ingrained that into his grandchildren, his children, and his grandchildren. and then they in turn ingrained it into their children. me and so I grew up with this sense of scarcity and as I got a little bit older, I began feeling this uh, this fear of of security feeling feeling that there was no security in whether or not I'll even be able to keep a roof over my head or whether or not I'll be able to afford food. And as an example, this: I watched my mom she worked for 40 years 4 Z 40 years at a hospital in Vermont and then got laid off and I learned that uh, I interpreted that to to mean that there is no such thing as job security.

Uh, that you need to find your own way to build your career and generate wealth that you can't depend on working for somebody else now I Think my sister interpreted all of this a little bit differently. Um, my sister has. she graduated from college, she did a sort of traditional college experience, got a job working at a hospital, working at a medical center, working a dentist, and then working at a hospital, and she's sort of found security and a sense of Financial Security by doing everything. really.

By the book, you know she's got the four-year degree, she got the job, she moved her way up the ladder and she has the security of that 9 to-5 job. She has the security of the 401K and all the things that come with it. I Think for me, the combination of being anxious um, and seeing what happened to my mom led me to be unable to believe that a 9 to-5 job could is actually true job security and not Not Just an Illusion of security And so for me, what I felt was that I I needed to find a way to create my own income and so when I was living up in Vermont I started looking for ways I could start my own business and essentially be self-employed but you know I I would be generating money from this business and I was trying to think of different businesses I could create. Now one of the challenges was I didn't have a lot of startup capital I certainly wasn't eligible to get any loans because I wasn't employed.

a self-employed isn't good enough to get a loan and so I was sort of struggling with figuring out what I what I could do to sort of jump start a business. And one of the things that I was good at because I've been introverted, uh, and sort of a that type of person I I became very good with a computer at a fairly young age and so one of the things that I started looking into were ways that I could make money online and one of those ways obviously has been trading. There were other things I tried first though: I there were Drop Shipping websites you create a Drop Shipping website and You' ship stuff out and there you know I I tried that I there's affiliate marketing I tried that there. Um, there were some other things that I tried, but the problem was in those days.
Um, you know I didn't have any social I wasn't a social media influencer I didn't have any followers, you know I couldn't affiliate marketing works when you create great content that people check out, but I wasn't able to do any of that. Day trading felt different though, because day trading felt like something that was really within my control. It's me versus the market, so you know it's not I don't need to go find customers I don't need to I'm not. It's not a landscaping business where you know I have to deal with.

oh, someone's not happy with how I mow their lawn I tore up. you know I ran over something or whatever. whatever. it's just me versus the market and I liked that.

And the market doesn't care, so it's it's sort of an even playing field there. It doesn't care about your education, It doesn't care about your religion, your race. It doesn't care about how you look. It doesn't care about how anxious you are.

It's just how you perform every day. So I perhaps naively thought that I'd be able to figure it out. Uh, and the reason that day trading even came into my mind as a possibility was for a few different reasons. Um, when I was in probably Fifth Fifth Grade maybe sixth grade? Um, somewhere around there.

maybe it was even fourth grade I Learned about a family member. Um, my So my great-grandfather lost my mother's grandfather. he lost all his money in the Great Depression and he had to start over. but his uh, brother-in-law he started an investment company in following the Great Depression and he made millions of dollars and this was this was way way back then.

He was incredibly wealthy, incredibly successful. and so there's these two branches of the family tree. One that has they're so close together, but one that has you know the real trauma and the fomo of missing and the loss of the stock market. and you can't trust the market and a penny.

Sav is a dollar earned and you got to. you never know when the next depression is going to come and then the other branch that had all this wealth and prosperity from the same Market Two different approaches and so I think when I learned about that, I I was inspired by um, you know the fact that this was a branch of the family tree that did not deal with this anxiety of scarcity that had abundance. That was interesting I was very interested in that then uh, in my middle school years, the school that I went to because it was in the late 90s did a semester on the stock market teaching us how to actually begin investing and we had dummy accounts set up with and my my partner was named Cooper he and I he lived just a couple streets over from me in town in Vermont and he and I had this account that we set up and we were all paired up and we were buying these different companies. you know it was a do com bubble I mean everything was going up and so that was really inspiring.
As part of that semester, we did a trip down to New York City and it was very powerful so some of you already know this. So what? I decided to do after dur during that semester Uh, it was winter time and I was an avid skier I'm from Vermont so of course I know how to ski and I thought I should invest in the American ski company because it's a public publicly traded stock publicly trade company and they own some ski areas in Vermont and it was only trading at like 95 cents. It's probably bankrupt now because it's not anyways. but nonetheless I wanted to invest I wanted to make my first investment with my hard-earned money $100 So I went to my local Edward Jones office with $100 and I said I I want to buy um you know 100 shares I guess of American ski company and they said oh shoot well we charge a $50 commission to buy and another $50 commission to sell so come back when you have some more money and I thought oh shoot darn it Okay so so that was it for me, you know I was uh I don't know probably 12 13 years old I was interested in the market but I couldn't um I was limited by those factors Someone today wouldn't have those same limitations with.

Robin Ood you could just go ahead and start getting that experience which is amazing. but I it wasn't the case for me then. So a couple years later in high school I funded my first Aera Trade account. it was before they merged with TD so it was just a Mera trade and I funded my first account with about $1,000 this time and this is money I'd made from mowing lawns and you know, doing OD jobs and things like that.

So I funded this account with a th000 bucks and this time uh, this was after, you know the bubbles. So at this time I was looking at companies I wasn't day trading I was fancying myself as maybe I'd become an investor I'd be buying shares of stocks that you know I thought were going to go up over time, but I had unrealistic expectations with a th000 bucks I put my money into these companies I was familiar with Caterpillar Exxon Mobile Us Steel Fiser maybe Johnson Johnson a few others but by the end of the summer um, the account was more or less unchanged. So I took the, bucks out maybe 1100 whatever it was and I bought. bought a 1990 Volvo station wagon a 240 uh with 245,000 M on it I owned that car for probably five six years and ended up selling it for about 1,700 bucks at the end.

because you know those cars I mean they don't really lose value and I added a new stereo system Anyways, that was a good investment. As it turned out, you wouldn't expect it to be. uh, it also got hit in the parking lot of a movie theater and so I got an insurance sell out of that for like $1,500 also. So all in all, that car was a great Roi I'm on a tangent.

Okay, so let's bring it back. Okay, all right so that was my second experience trading. didn't really go anywhere I go through the rest of high school and during high school I had a friend who made $166,000 trading a penny stock. That was inspiring.
So anyways, I do my college stuff I'm not in the market I didn't have the money I I just didn't Um, I didn't know anyone who was actually doing it. My one friend had that one trade, but that was it. It was a lucky trade and I wasn't surrounded by people talking about this. You know this was probably before YouTube was even invented so you know I I just I was isolated I didn't I didn't know there was I'm sure there were people trading and there was stuff happening, but I just didn't know about it.

Uh, so then I'm basically completely out of the market on you know, from 200 2001 and then 2002 roughly until I came back in sort of during this great Great Recession and it's a Great Recession I'm now back up in Vermont and I thought to myself, all right Well my friend Ben made some $166,000 trading a penny stock when we were in high school. Um, if I could do that twice a year, three times a year $45,000 that would be incredible I mean I'd be making a lot more than I would make if I go get a job at the ski area or if I work down at the deli one of these you know, at the restaurant. So I may I Now the thing is I my friends were all working these shifts where U they were up really really late at night so I was not a morning person in these years. So part of my New Year's resolution was setting the alarm on my phone just to actually wake up so I could watch the market open at 9:30 because I wasn't I wasn't waking up at 9:30 I was staying up till 2 3: 4: in the morning and I was sleeping till 11: or 12 which was the same as most of my friends who were working at the restaurants were doing I was on the same schedule as them so I made this commitment I was going to change my schedule and that by itself was hard and I remember those first few days pulling myself out of bed I was like this is so stupid.

why am I doing this? Probably the same as someone who sets a New Year's resolution to exercise every day and you're like oh my God why am I doing this I see no results it's been day two I'm exhausted. This is stupid but I I kept with it and what I started doing was I would sit down each morning and I would pull up. um, some websites so I would pull up Yahoo Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance I look at Yahoo Finance. they have those message boards there.

you know people be talking about different stocks. um I would Google search I would search for penny stocks my friend Ben had made money on penny stocks. so I was searching for penny stocks and I was seeing all these different you know websites and they'd all say enter your email address here. we'll send you the next penny stock alert.

So so I subscribed to like a hundred of those not really 100 but you know, but probably a dozen and I started getting all these emails for peny stock alerts. But this was good because I was able to start looking at stock charts I was able to start kind of getting oriented with what's moving, what are people talking about and unfortunat. So I had a little bit of beginner's luck. one of my first trades I made like 300 bucks and I was I was blown away I was like I just made $300 in like 5 minutes.
That was incredible. That's more. I would have made it a full week of working one of these minimum wage jobs. Whoa.

This is real. There's some serious potential here. but no sooner had I made it, did I lose it. The thing is, um, I wasn't worried about the losing.

The fact that I had been able to prove the proof of concept of how quickly that money could be made. That's that's what kind of motivated me. that I was like I I have to figure this out now I know that it's real I've gotten a taste and I've got to figure this out and at this point I was like it's just a matter of creating a set of rules and a strategy and a system that I'm going to follow. I need a system? I don't have a system yet I need a system and I started trying to look for a system and and you know, I spent all my time studying charts and looking at these different websites and watching videos.

And there were courses out there. but unfortunately I I felt very cynical and skeptical about a lot of them. I was like I don't know. You know if this person is really a successful Trader You know, why do they have this course? and so I try to find out.

Are they really a successful Trader What's their trading history you know? Is this all just like an illusion? What's what's their actual trading history? And for a lot of these guys, there's no broker statements. There is no trading history. There's nothing. Which is why it's so important that I've put transparency at the Forefront and put all of those on our website.

For those of you guys who look at my stuff in that same way, you're like Ross if you're really so successful, why do you teach? and I can answer that in a second because it's there's a whole the way. I Learned was intertwined as teaching and trading. but for those of you that are just curious about my own results, I put them on the website because that's what I was looking at in other Traders I was saying what is their performance? What's their track record? What's their consistency? If I'm going to spend the time learning their purported strategy that works, show me that it actually works for them and I didn't find that. So I was probably more critical buyer than other people out there when it came to looking for a trading course or something like that.

Uh, but and as a result, I didn't buy the those courses and and then I was stuck with trying to kind of reinvent the wheel, figure it all out myself, and that took me over the next two years. Two years of trial and error of making money. and then losing money. Making money.
and then losing money. So My Equity curve during those two years. um, it actually looked. um, it wasn't It wasn't terrible.

Uh, the first year I made about uh, 30 grand was not bad I had some losses the second year I lost about 30 grand. Now that wasn't so great. Uh, the problem here was that although I guess I was more or less zero, I was up 30 than down 30. During two years, I had been taking money out of my account.

so my account balance when I was making the 30 grand I made the 30 grand. but my balance was the same because I was taking money out each month. So then when I started losing money here, well, I couldn't take much more more money out of my account because I would go below the minimum account size. So what I ended up doing was basically keeping my account the same but incurring credit card debt.

So I incurred $30,000 of credit card debt during my second year of trading, right? So now all of a sudden I've got this credit card debt going up. My account's still here and I actually had to make a decision. Should I liquidate my account account, pay off my credit card debt and just say that was 2 years lost I screwed up. You know it's not going to happen for me and I was very close to making that call.

Um, what I ended up deciding was uh and and I made that this this call that I made I had a day where um I had dropped. Even despite this, I had taken a $5,000 loss. So now my account was I was locked out unless I added more money to it. So I had 25k in the account now I had 20 left.

So you know I was like do I take the 20 out, pay off the credit card debt and but that wouldn't even pay off all of it or do I what do I do? How do I get myself back up to 25k, you know I'm I'm cute, but we didn't have only fans back then so you know I didn't have a lot of options. I Uh, I ended up pulling all my metrics from the previous two years of trading and I started analyzing them. I was going through those metrics and I'll pull up my screen share here just for a second. Um, and I'll actually put the metrics on the screen for you.

Well, they're not the the same metrics I was looking at in those days, but I'll show you what what I was looking at. Essentially, Um, I'll log into my metric so you can see So I sat down and this was with um Excel this wasn't with any fancy software, this was just with Excel and um I was using let's see some uh, just some sheets. So I was sort of printing stuff out all right. So what I ended up doing was I took my metrics and I went into uh, essentially starting to um, filter them and I was asking myself, okay, uh, what day of the week do I make the most money and you know I was tracking my trades in the Sucel Doc by day of the week, week by time, a day by price So it's what? What day of the week Am I making the most money? What time of day Am I making the most money? What price stock Am I Making the most money on and doing this was really a helpful exercise for me because you know if you look at these metrics right now and you said well, if if it makes sense for me to really focus on one specific area, what would it be, Well Pro Probably like this area here.
Clearly that's where I do the best. So like you know, that area is the place under $2 you know it's not. Yeah, that's over many years of trading, but but just as a ratio, this is a tiny amount. like it's not contributing.

So the thing is, any attention focused on this is an opportunity cost from focusing on one of these. So this helped me. Looking at all these metrics helped me get dialed in and with that I sort of Had A Renewed Commitment that? okay, I am going to fund my account back up one more time and this time I'm going to follow a set of rules. It's a system that I'm going to follow I'm going to follow it systematically.

I'm not going to be I'm I'm going to try to take my emotion out of my trading because I'm just going to follow a set of rules. These rules dictate the price stock I buy the setups that I buy when I get in where I get in when I get out where I get out what time a day I walk away no matter what and all I have to do is follow that and you know that and that worked for me. but it took me years to develop that system myself. So as I was developing this system I was um, I was documenting the system that I was creating I was doing a lot of blog posts about it because as I had mentioned, I was really good with a computer I Had One of my first businesses that I made was with a friend.

We were in high school and we created a webd design business and we were building websites for local companies, a couple nonprofits, and a couple of for-profit companies. So I learned how to code in HTML I learned how to use Photoshop I learned how to use Dream Weaver and some of these different Um platforms that you can use to build websites and make them really nice. and and so then you know. When WordPress came around it was like whoa, this is amazing.

just new post and fill it out. So what I started doing with Warrior trading was creating what I thought would be essentially like a almost a personal database or library or like wiki Wikipedia type of thing of um of my trading and the setups that worked and the patterns I liked the patterns I didn't and it was a a way of me organizing my thoughts. Now this was something I was doing for me but as it turned out because of course WordPress sites are searchable, the site started getting traffic and people started coming and visiting it and I was getting comments I was getting engagement people were asking me questions, I was answering those questions and then in 2014 I created a chat room at Warrior trading I was like you know what? I'm going to create a chat room, a community so I can talk with other people who are as passionate about this as I am and then in 2015 no so I'm sorry it was 2014 uh I taught the first version of my day trading course. 2015 was when I wrote how to day trade the book my my first book and at that point I began teaching pretty much like every couple months I was teaching these live classes and I was trading every single day and I realized that being a teacher made me a better Trader because it forced me to articulate exactly what I was doing which helped me better recognize what was happening the patterns that were right in front of me.
uh, that reflection was really important and it also helped hold me accountable because when I was making mistakes, I was right there in front of everyone sharing them with everyone. this was a mistake I made. Shoot wow that was. that was not a good trait and so my my teaching and my trading have become kind of like like one.

like I do them together every day I sit down to trade and I also open up the chat room and and I've got this wonderful community that we've that we've built over the years and someone asked me the other day I said Ross you know you've made all this money trading. you've made over $10 million trading. Why? What's the point? Why do you keep teaching? Why do it? I'm a third generation teacher. So um, my mother was in the school system.

um, my father uh, was not the school system, but my mother was my uncle was in the school system. Uh, my grandmother on both my mother and father's side were both teachers and I think that there is something. maybe it's in the school schooling that I went to um where you know the older kids teach the younger kids. but I really enjoy teaching.

And for me, for someone who's insecure, uh, having something that you know that you you can teach someone else about and show them how to do it. There's a real feeling of um of confidence that comes with that, like wow, this person wants to learn something from me and I even see it in my own children. my son who's five teaching his little brother who's three how to do things and it's like good good for you and and now I'm like, how can I give my youngest son the opportunity to have those same experiences? Well, he's got younger cousins and things like that, so he will. but that that teaching, um, finding something that you can be good at and then helping other people learn.

It is an incredibly fulfilling uh experience. And and I I love the community we've created and it's also giving me opportunity to build these incredible tools. our scanners, our charts, the chat room, everything else. These are tools that I use in my own trading, but of course many of our members use them too.

And then of course seeing students who have gone on to achieve incredible success. although as always, results are not typical. Those who have done well and who come to me in this say Ross you changed my life, you know I I feel like I changed my life? Uh, I set this New Year's resolution I had to figure all these things out on my own. Um, I didn't have a lot of help from other people aside from some of the things that happened earlier in my life that sort of guided me.
So if I can be the person out there putting out this type of content that helps you make better decisions, that helps you become more financially literate. that helps you achieve any degree of Independence financially in trading or or otherwise that's awesome I love that. so it g for me, it really does give me purpose and so that's the re. That's the why.

that's the why I keep doing it and I keep trading and I keep teaching and and I I don't really To me it's like why would I stop Why why would I stop I mean of course I wouldn't stop trading. Why would I stop trading I that that'd be silly. but then same with Tra teaching. why would I stop teaching why I mean I'm going to trade anyways.

So why why not? You know? Um, and so now, more than a decade later, uh, I I Look back at that moment where I said I'm going to start waking up early every day and I'm going to force myself to do it even though I don't really want to. and I'm going to force myself just to keep studying, keep learning. and I'm going to spend an hour or two hours a day just continuing to absorb because this is a marathon. It's not a Sprint so it's about incremental progress.

You watching this episode right now is a a little bit more incremental progress. And maybe watching this episode right here isn't going to be the thing that you know flicks the switch for you or whatever, but it's the culmination of all these little things that they sort of. You know as all of these little pieces of information come in. they I don't know what the word is, but they sort of.

They just sometimes have to simmer on the back burner until it's like whoa. The pieces are now falling into place and it makes sense. I'm getting this and it was that thing he said in that video and it was this thing I saw over here and okay, so you know and for what it's worth. Uh, since I turned the corner I've been trading virtually the same strategy.

same strategy for all these years. You know? Yeah, I'm a more aggressive sometimes. I've made more. Some years I've made less.

Other years there's things that I can't control. You know what's going on in the market, but more or less I've traded the same strategy for all these years. And the system that I trade is the same system. I I Teach it in my classes.

It's and it's being traded by thousands and thousands of Traders all around the world. Because the the strategy that I trade, it's It's not like it's proprietary exactly. You know it's yeah, it's my strategy. but as a day trader, you really are doing like one of two things.
You're either Trading Momentum or you're trading. uh counter Trend I'm a Momentum Trader So people have been Momentum trading for for forever, right? That's just trading with the trend and people have been doing it for 100 years in one way or another. So I just have my sort of variation on it. But I think what people really enjoy about me uh, if I was to say is the way I'm able to articulate my trading and and and explain something that is fairly complex in a way that's simple.

So I kind of have gotten a good sense of um as I'm teaching something when to hold back pieces that are complicated and overwhelming and not necessary when to focus on just the core element that you need to understand for this step in your journey. If you could, just Master this you're good and then we'll get to here, to here, to here and eventually we'll fill in all the details. but rather than you know, it's like I don't know if you ever watched someone do a painting but rather than doing like a perfect drawing of an eyeball and then the rest of the painting is a white canvas, it's like sketching it out and then layering in the detail, layering in the detail. That's the way.

that's the way I teach. and I think that that's the way. a lot of people learn. So let me give you a little example.

Um, let's look at. let's look at today's trades. Uh, today you know we're we're in a period right now where we're seeing some. uh, we're seeing some Vola.

We saw some opportunity I Finish the day up. Um, $3,000 which is pretty good. Um, a little shy of my daily goal, but uh, but a good day nonetheless. Fwbi this was.

This was a big move this morning. We had two really big moves on it and I kind of. um I kind of fumbled them. so I'll show you what happened on this one.

This right now is fading. This is a fade off Vwap. Actually, it's going all the way to a halt down Golly 10,000 12,000 on the ass? 13, 14, 14. All right.

so that's halting down 18. The the stack is getting bigger right there. So this is one of these little pieces of detail. that sort of nuance.

So when I see a stock going into a halt, you've got the bid, You've got the ask, and then you see that ask number going from 12 and then going to 13 and then going to 14 and then going to 18. The order is getting bigger, more people are selling, so it's going to definitely halt down. When it goes smaller, it goes 12 and and then it's like 8 and then it's like six. Well then people are buying and it actually might do a false haul and pop back up all right.

So nonetheless, halted down showing a resumption lower right now at 804 projected. Okay, so I'll put that back over there anyways. Uh so I'll start with let's go back to um Nkg. All right.

So Nkg this one um this one pops up on the scanner. uh had some news it was was right at uh 8:00 a.m. top of the hour Boom the stock goes from 330 all the way up to almost $5 a share. That is a big move.
However, what I will tell you is that um I traded it cautiously with small size and I didn't go back in because look at the volume profile. This is a very unattractive volume profile right here. um light volume on the move up and I got in this um in the move up and then it Peaks up here and has high volume selling off. So I got in this U Basically what happened on this one.

It's actually not a bad chart. if we look at the 10sec, the 1 minute is not as attractive the 10-second time frame I was using on this um on this trade. so I always have the 10-second chart up and uh, this is what I saw. so this is my workflow all right.

So the stock pops up and hits my scan so it goes ding ding and my dog with the black ears he like looks up and he's like oh, God he's this, that large man's not going to come trampling across the room is he cuz he's like a little nervous. uh but I'm already sitting here so dingding. So I click the ticker, the chart starts loading while the chart's loading. I'm coming down to my level two window and I'm typing in the level two so gdtc and then the level two is up.

The first thing I'm looking at is the spread Now I'm glancing at the chart. the spread here just for instance this okay, we got like about 30 Cent spread the chart's 550 so now I might be thinking okay, do we have breaking news? Where do I check that right here news headline. So I'd say okay, do we have breaking news today? What's the date? No, no, that's not fresh news today. all right now.

if we had fresh news, it just came out in the last two minutes, I might be like okay I think I'm going to be a buyer on this. Um, you know, as soon as this thing breaks over that level and then I'm already getting my order ready. uh for that breakout I'm just going to move this up a little bit so in that case, I'd be like okay, I'm putting the order at 551. uh and all I have to do is click this buy button right here and I'm going to send the order right to the market.

I don't change the Market Route I don't change this. None of this changes. um I just and sometimes I'll change a share size based on Comfort the spread right now in this one is too big. but nonetheless, this is what I what happened this morning? So um so n NK So Nkg hits my scans so Nkg so I typed it in I saw Okay, we've got news on it Then I'm typing in the level two here nkg and I'm looking for an entry I saw that it was at about $380 so it's at 380.

I'm like okay, 380, that's close to four I then look at the chart, the 10-second chart and I realiz it already hit four and I'm like oh okay, it hit four and now it's pulled back off of four. Let me just back this out. Okay, so so I'm like okay, it's um, I'm just gonna I got to double click it there we go all right So it's hit four and that was right here and then it pulled back. Now it held right here.
It held for about a minute and I thought okay, well 30 seconds. So I was like okay, um I think I like this for a long right here over 380. So I went ahead and punched it and I got filled at 383 394, 3.99 and it pops up here to 433 and I'm like okay, 30 cents a share and then it dips right here and I add another 2,000 shares at 4, 18 and 419 it pops up here to a high of 443. I'm like very nice I add another th000 shares at 442 so it's going up a little bit higher now.

I took a little profit off the table. it hits a high of 462. it pulls back. it goes up here to a high of 479.

It then sells off all the way down here. I bought a th000 shares at four and caught this bounce back up. Uh, but you know my initial starter wasn't very big and I I did take profit on the early side on it. And then as I'm looking at the one minute chart I'm realizing that the volume profile is looking pretty bad.

We've got high volume selling, so we had light volume green candles, high volume red candles, and I'm thinking no, this isn't good and ended up retracing most of the move which was kind of disappointing as I've talked about I trade stocks that are moving. So at this moment the stock was moving I was interested so that was my first trade of the day. All right, So Nkw or sorry NK GN The next trade was Fwbi Fwbi Now this made an impressive move and again, it's come back down. So you know there's volatility here.

volatility equals opportunity. What was interesting on Fwbi was that on this one we had this long period here. a pop up, a pullback, a pop back up and I took my first trade right in here. Okay, it's a small winner it goes up to here it's like 300 bucks.

uh it dips down and then I I got back in right here but I was sort of nervous because it had rejected did right up here before and I and it also kind of had a nasty rejection on that candle there and I was like I don't know and we just seen these other rejections so ended up getting in and then I was like ah gosh I don't know if I want to chase it up here. it breaks 925 and goes to 10 11 to $12 That was fast now up here I tried to do a dip which was super risky. uh I stopped out of that lost like 700 bucks on it. it sells off, it comes back up I got got back in up here as it comes back through the high and made a little bit here at the open.

I got a nice dip at 13 and the high at day was 1430 or or 1450. so I got some nice trades on it. uh but all in all I really didn't make that much and I gave back uh a thousand or so of what I had made I was up 3700 at my Peak today and then I gave back 700 so and that was on Fwbi so that was um, you know, so it was. We had some good momentum on it, but it was a little a little touchy, a little touch and go there for a few minutes.

It was a little difficult um and then we had uh, let's see. so next one was Nxu nxu did a um a popup premarket dips down and then pops up and then there was a little dip and rip opportunity in here. but honestly it was nothing exciting. I I really didn't feel confident on it.
it was the I didn't like it so very small. Winner was in and out and then there was C Cing was strong this morning pre-market with Fwbi. but uh, although we had this nice move, I tried one dip trade here for the break over five and it was a close call and I got out of that with 40 bucks at that point I was like, you know what I think this is good I think I'm done I'm I'm not really feeling it anymore and you know it's noon time now. the Market's still going to be open for four more hours regular trading hours.

but I don't really feel like I've missed anything at this point. Um, you know Cytk is been grinding higher higher price. It's not great for Traders with smaller accounts. Um LR Made a little bit of a move this morning and I saw some Traders There were definitely some traders that did far better than I did today, even in our own Community Fwbi This gave some great opportunities, but now another halt Back down.

So now showing a 615 resumption? Uh oh okay, so 11:55 Yep, so you've got news there, All right. So announces exercise of warrants and issue of new warrants Private placement $4.8 million gross proceeds at 550 a share. Yep, so you know the funny thing on this. This is a thing that I'll say is kind of funny.

Um, the stock has 20 million shares of volume today, so has entered into agreements with certain holders of existing warrants exercisable for um, 800,000 shares. So they sold 800,000 shares. Looks like, um, well, the aggregate gross proceeds from the exercise is approximately 4.8 million before blah blah blah blah. But you know it's kind of funny because, um, in terms of the relative, um, oh, look at this.

in consideration of immediate exercise: the payment of 12. half cents per share underlying for the new warrants. Wow. $5 here again? Yeah, this is.

this is tough. It dilutes the value of the company. You know it's it's tough. but um, sometimes um, direct offerings can be a little bit better when they're actually selling shares right into the market because then, um, the the price action can absorb the selling a little bit better.

And then it's like, well, when they announce it it's already over, it's already done. It's already the shares have already been sold. So any Market Impact is, um, it's already happened. Now you just have the news around it and you know the price of what they sold at.

But if they were selling it at the market, then the price isn't as bad. But this is a price down to like five bucks. You know this is, uh, this is something we see a lot with these um, biotech stocks. So the thing that I say is don't overstay.

You're welcome. Get in, get green, and get out the reality. With a lot of these um, pharmaceu companies, it's clinical stage pharmaceutical company. They need to raise money.
They need to raise money from investors in order to put that money back into research and development. That's what they have to do. That's why they're publicly traded. It's so they can get that money.

And if this company is able to come up with some really amazing, um, you know, treatments, uh, drugs or whatever the case is, then it's You Know it's like a lottery ticket for them. That's H That's all they need is one. But in the meantime, they need to keep raising money. And so when we're trading them, we're always sort of speculating on.

Oh, did this one have the lottery ticket and this when the price goes up 100 200, 300, 400, 500% Yeah, that's that. Seems like they got the lottery ticket. Now the stock price is reflecting it. But then into that move, either you know the company will become a buyout, uh, candidate.

Uh, they have a license agreement that's giving them cash flow or uh, you know it's good news. but it's still too early and they do need to raise more money just to keep keep up with cash flow. And so when they raise more money, they do that through an offering and then uh, that's that. So uh.

anyways. uh LR right. So this was another one that was on the scans this morning, so we had a number of stocks that were moving today. Uh, but it did feel it sort of felt to me after Fwbi started selling off that this was going to be difficult and actually here.

So note this: I actually said I Think there's a a chance that we're going to see a big red candle like this. And here's the reason why. let's look at the chart. Same thing happened back in September So I said I Think that the action probably on this is going to be pre-market and we're going to sell off and it's almost the exact same.

So this was predictable to a certain extent. Now you could say oh, if it's so predictable, you could trade to the short side. Well, let's not forget shorting a low float biotech stock that is already up 150% These ones can go crazy. You could come back and it could be the one that's at 25 $ 35, $40 $50 a share.

And in any case, I trade in a retirement account. so my trading profit is taxfree which is fantastic. Uh, but I cannot short stocks so that is a rule with retirement accounts you can't short stocks anyways. So um so Green Day Nonetheless, and for those of you guys who are out there thinking about taking the leap and wanting to learn more about trading, H You know, obviously the best time to have started was a year ago.

The next best time is now. So I thank you for watching this episode. Keep absorbing all this content, the knowledge, and the process of converting that knowledge into skill. It takes time, it takes practice, you got to practice and you should do it in a simulator where you're protecting yourself from draw down.
I didn't follow that advice. you know for me I put real money in the market and well, it made it for a very stressful two years where I had a lot of points, where I was ready to throw in the towel and give up and and I almost you know I almost didn't make it. but I think for me, my drive came from the fear. it was the fear that motivated me, the fear of, um, what would happen if I did not figure this out financially, how much I invested in it And so that fear became a really strong motivator.

The fear of, um, of of insecurity or financial insecurity Financial instability. The fear of scarcity. You know nothing is going to move a chipmunk harder than the coming winter. and so you know it's just that feeling you have to.

um, you have to put that away. That's a very strong motivator for a lot of people. Uh, it's the carrot or the stick type of thing. And for me, I was not motivated by trying to make enough money to buy a fancy car.

No, that carrot that doesn't. That does nothing for me. The motivation came from the other side of the fear. That's what has kept me running.

You see people running I see whenever I see someone running in the morning at like 5:30 they're jogging I'm like, what are you running from? You know, For me though, it's that it's that is an incredible motivator. So anyways, uh, thank you guys for tuning in to this long episode. I hope you, uh, will consider making some type of um, commitment to yourself that you know this is what I'm going to do. This is how many hours a week I'm going to do it.

This is how many days a week I'm just going to. you know I'm going to make a commitment and I'm going to try to stick through with it and see where I am 3 months from now now I bet you'll have a lot more knowledge than you do today if you make that commitment. Okay, so thanks for tuning in. As always, reminder, Trading is risky.

My results are not typical. Manage your risk, practice in a simulator and don't try to blindly follow me or anyone else. Don't go for trade alerts. Don't look for people that are going to send you text messages or Whatsapp or the WhatsApp messages.

Those most of them scams. Stay away from that stuff. All right. It's you versus the market.

Don't give your money to anyone else. You trade it yourself and see if you can Master A strategy, but practice the simulator first. All right. If you enjoyed this episode, here's another one YouTube thinks you're going to love and I'll see you for my next upload tomorrow morning.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “It all began as a new year’s resolution…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikenobles1515 says:

    Wow thank you for making this video. This one was from the heart Ross. I'm having the same story it feels like which prolly is all traders. And at the end of the day to keep hearing we need a STRATEGY and to keep striving for the end goal is very important to hear. Its so simple at the end of the day and traders just cant get it for some reason. Currently on my end I have now actually a hard copy that is printed out of the strategies of what i Like to trade. Number one strategy in my playbook currently that is printed out is the 1 Minute Pullback Setup. It feels so amazing to wake up to the markets everyday and have a real strategy with rigid criteria. It makes trading SIMPLY achievable. STRATEGY STRATEGY STRATEGY

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ericbrett3444 says:

    Why do you have margin account? Don’t you have all this money? What about the pattern day trading rule as it applies to margin accounts? Doesn’t that make it doubly difficult? I’ll tell the truth the more I watch your stuff the less I understand and I gave up on your book really fast.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @BIGCAT-1985 says:

    Ross you are the man and so inspiring!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @scottaustin7237 says:

    I enjoyed this. Thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @camrensmith1910 says:

    I was just given your book, “How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth” as a Christmas present. Can’t wait to start reading it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @martinahernandez144 says:

    Wow! I am impressed with your story. I am in a phase of asking my self if l continue or quit and when l listen your podcast you inspire me again to continue. Thank you soo much for sharing your knowledge with us.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DavidHarperMusic says:

    Thanks Ross!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @boingaon says:

    The only one I trust. Random question- how were you able to find and court a partner if you’re insecure and anxious? I’m both.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @clippo111 says:

    Loved this post, a lot of elements ring true with me, had a few goes on binary but got sick of dodgy operators, still hopeful I can make it fit. 🤞

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dannyrodriguez8258 says:

    Love all your videos Ross everything you say always make sense and you always seem to put a smile on my face with some of your remarks you have great funny sarcasm. Please don’t ever stop teaching 🙏🏼

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gonerc137 says:

    Thank you Ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cvwhr says:

    Thank you, Ross! I have a tiny account. I've messed with trading a few times over the last 3 years. I tried getting on lists and following others, but each time it was a loss. I am at an age when people start to retire. I cannot. I have an old computer and living on a farm, I have slow internet. I am using Think or Swim as a platform. I struggled with their paper trading program, so I started trading 1 share at a time in June of this year. I then went to 10 and now am trading up to 30 shares at a time. Still a tiny account and a tiny position, but I have gone from $350 to $3,000. My trading style is more basic than yours, and I usually trade for less than 15 minutes at opening. It is working for me, at least for now. I am at 77.78% winning days and 80.8% winning trades this month. I finally have gotten my average wins to be twice as large as my average losses. I am starting to scale up and can see that if I continue on, this is going to be amazing. I plan on taking your course and joining your group when It is financially reasonable to do so. I could have never accomplished this without your videos. So grateful that you decided to share with the world!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @anastasiatassillo7248 says:

    These are my favorite videos. I can listen to them all day long. Thank you! 😊

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @raistocktradingltd.2175 says:

    Such inspirational video ❤🙏

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jaredpalanzi330 says:

    Thanks for sharing your genuine human side Ross!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MadMax-gc2vj says:

    Ross is the man an inspiration to us all. Happy New Year Ross blessings , Wealth and Peace to you and family.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MadMax-gc2vj says:

    I have two books long and short I love the stock market.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ghazisuleman3430 says:

    Man but I have to say you are a lifesaver for people like me. Keep do what you are doing

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ghazisuleman3430 says:

    Hey man I really need help with trading could you please help. My family is struggling so I need to help them.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Haro64 says:

    Show your brooker statements 🙂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abmorose6531 says:

    Thanks Ross 👏👍🫡

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chrysc1137 says:

    My trading journey is very similar to yours. I wanted 2nd source of income, something to fall back on but I'm also an introvert by heart. Once I found out about trading, I was captivated. It felt like something I could control, something I can do without dealing with people. I started in February 2019, not really knowing what I was getting into. Started to watch different contents, reading books, etc. I took it seriously the beginning of this year, treating it more as a business. It's been a roller coaster. I'm not yet profitable, but my selection process is more refined and my losses are getting smaller. Your videos have helped me through my journey and I'm grateful for your shared knowledge and experience.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nealwheels says:

    Ross, Curious what is in your library is. Care to let me know what the title of the books are in the background of the video?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Tampanda says:

    Where were you living in Vermont when you moved back from the city?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @noopy24 says:

    God bless you Ross 🙏

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bto9273 says:

    From a warrior pro student. I am learning so much from warrior trading. Fear of not making it is why I’m now a warrior pro student. Love it ❤

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @paulsoules4528 says:

    With your help, I made $1,260.00 my best day ever trading ìn the sim. Thanks!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @robertwalker9515 says:

    Merry Christmas Ross thanks for all the content 👊🎄🙏

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rac1984 says:

    “Im cute but we didnt have onlyfans back then” 😂😂😂 caught me so off guard

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @f9r_ghost5 says:

    Thank you Ross

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @a.d1696 says:


  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @pilotnamealreadytaken6035 says:

    Man, I'm trying to bring half a dozen people out of no savings and no connection to stock tools..

    Ross! Thank you for the content!

    I hope I make you proud by the works I do IRL. 👍

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