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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #israel #hospital #warcrime ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Israel West Bank Hospital attack. Did it save lives though?
00:00 Attack Footage.
05:00 Analysis on War Crime.
10:45 Trump v Biden.
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

Did Israel just commit a war crime? No, we're not talking about the death of over 26,000 individuals in Palestine Specifically, today, we're talking about the fact that three Israelis dressed in disguises Precision struck and killed three Palestinians inside of a hospital in the West Bank 10 minutes after their arrival, they were gone. In this video, we'll go through the actual CCTV footage and look at what some International law says specifically about wearing disguises for attacking your enemies. Here's the footage of the attack and then let's review what international law suggests. Here We can see a group of four individuals walking ahead, one looking like they're wearing a nurse's outfit, one woman here carrying what looks like a uh, baby carriage or some form of, uh, baby car seat.

Here's an individual with a stroller. multiple individuals carrying bags here. Uh, these bags will become very important in just a moment. There's also a second group that walks in right after.

We'll see them coming into screen in just a moment. Uh, from the entrance that's marked over here at the bottom left. Here, they are also what looks or appears to be a um nurse's outfit with some form of headscarf. Again, another baby carriage car seat here.

So we've got a group of about eight individuals uh, that walk in into this CCT footage Here we can already see rifle out some movement here at this wheelchairs bag. that bag drops, another rifle comes out and a third rifle comes out here. as they're outside of a hospital room. they Rush the hospital room with a stackup formation there.

You can actually see that rough stackup formation as we've got one to the left side of the door, uh, facing out. The others prepare and here we go. one in and two. All of them immediately follow.

You've got the next group here. these are the next four. Looks like they uh, also follow in with covering uh, or coverage provided uh from the outside watching potentially down this hallway here, and uh, the hallway they came from clearly the wheelchair a ruse to uh, essentially, uh, carry in baggage rifles weapons. Apparently these individuals ended up striking three, Palestinians killing them, and uh, then leaving the hospital again.

This Hospital in the West Bank This now on social media being considered a war crime and so we're going to have to evaluate our Uh thoughts on whether we think this is a war crime. Worth noting that uh, the individuals that were apparently executed here were supposedly these three individuals. Uh, this individual was seen as uh, a uh, partially paralyzed individual receiving care in the hospital. Uh, some are remarking that this was a boy that Israel killed in a hospital.

Obviously there are uh, two very distinct images. The image that we just had of him holding a rifle and then this image of what looks like maybe an 18-year-old or younger in the 20s here receiving some kind of care. Uh, as the individual is trying to move his legs. Otherwise, this apparently or allegedly being one of the individuals that was killed, Uh, there is another angle of this attack that's slightly worth looking at as well because it gives us a better look at some of the Garb that uh, the individuals are wearing as they move through the hospital and gives you a very clear look.
Here at one of them carrying a wheelchair. This almost looks like at this point they are extracting from the hospital, that they've completed their mission. and now they're they leaving guns clearly drawn here. Uh, as, uh.

And and they're moving pretty quickly. Here's what appears to be the uh. the woman. uh, the other person here is carrying their wheelchair.

Obious. It's folded up here in this image. Uh, and uh. It looks like the goal here is oh, they've got somebody, uh, that they've either got cuffed or something over here or that they're doing a quick search or pat down in.

It's difficult to tell given that how, given how quickly they're moving here, it looks like they've completed maybe their first strike. They could potentially be between strikes or they're just on their way out at this point. Uh, you've got the wheelchair person. It's almost like a a movie set here where you've got, you know.

C Cue the wheelchair. Go this way. No, just kidding. Go the other way.

Uh, as you can see, they, uh, they end up coming back through the scene right here. You've still got the baby carriage on the floor here and uh, that is roughly the end of the there we go baby car. SE Moving out, all guns drawn here and they extract now the key and critical component here. it's going to not come down to the Garb or the dress that they're wearing.

uh, not necess. Well, specifically regarding civilian clothing. it's going to have to come down to Medical clothing. So let's head to where we've got a little bit of a breakdown of this.

Of course, is where we post a lot of our research Totally for free. I Spent a lot of time working with the team on throwing up, uh, information on here. whether it's economic news Federal Reserve news or otherwise, it's free. We're working on turning it into an app as well.

but here's what we've got and this is inspired by a post from The Economist Did an Israeli Hospital raid breach the laws of war? Now they don't come to a clear conclusion in this, but here are some of the arguments. There's this international law that's called uh uh, Perid and it's basically a way of saying hey, you should not deceive your enemy and uh, certain types of deception or considered illegal. So let's go through some of those examples. One, You can't dress up as a UN Peacekeeper.

This makes sense. Dressing up as a United Nations Peacekeeper would imply, uh, that you're not a hostile. It would imply that you are somebody who is there to keep the peace, not even necessarily make the peace right. It's just.
you're there to make sure that crimes are not conducted. Here is an example of an Israeli Peacekeeper: Force Looks like we're on battery backup right now while we're filming this. Wonder: what's going on in California again Gavin Nome is not paying the bills again? Gosh. Okay, well.

we'll keep filming here. Good little test of the battery system though. everything's functioning. Uh.

anyway. so uh, that's a un peping Force You Also, you cannot dress up a command center as a mosque for example, or a church as another example. Uh, you also can't pretend to be a medical transport plane. but you can pretend to be be a friendly plane.

Now that's actually an interesting one, because it's a way of saying that if you are, let's say you're a jet, you're an F16 and you're going to fight I Don't know. Yemen Okay, uh, you can set up your transponders to pretend that you are a Yemenese fighter jet when the reality is, you're an American fighter jet. That is legal. but you can't pretend to be a a medical transport plane.

Now that becomes important for this discussion on Israel. Another thing: you cannot pretend to be wounded to lure your enemies. So if you pretend you're wounded or whatever and then you turn around and shoot your enemy, that would be deemed illegal. you can't use ambulances to move Fighters This is something that Israel has alleged that Hamas is doing.

uh. you also uh, if you carry weapons, weapons should be unconcealed. so you should not carry concealed weapons because that could lead to to a confusion as to whether or not you're a civilian or otherwise. Now, when it comes to disguise, disguises per international law are not illegal.

Now we'll get more into disguises, but I want to just also quickly note that something that is illegal on the flip side is if you hold up a white flag and then you pull out a gun that would also be illegal. Now let's get back into the disguises part because let's be clear, disguises themselves are not illegal, but what we have here goes beyond that. In fact, a lot of folks argue that if these individuals who raided the Israel uh, this Hospital in in the West Bank uh came in with military Garb and guns drawn, there would have potentially or likely been a shootout and maybe a lot more deaths and casualties which includes injuries of course. However, dressing as a doctor is considered illegal just like using an ambulance to transport.

Fighters is illegal. Dressing as a doctor or a nurse is considered illegal and assuming or implying that you are a military plane that's a medical use plane when the reality is you're there to conduct a strike is also illegal now. Israel Argues that because this raid took place in the West Bank, this was not actually a war zone and therefore exempt from this law. Now others say there's no way this was exempt.
it all falls under the same umbrella of the incursion against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Even though this took place in the West Bank, it was still a targeted attack against Hamas. And therefore, while using disguise to dress up as civilians to attack is not illegal, the fact that we saw at least one doctor's coat and one nurse outfit does does potentially make it illegal against subject to the defense that the strike in the West Bank would not apply. Now, everybody's going to have their own opinion on this.

My opinion is it is likely illegal given that it's very clear we don't dress up as doctors or nurses to conduct strikes. So in other words, this right here probably illegal. This This this, the use of a wheelchair, the use of, uh, a a baby car seat, all of those fair game. So interesting analysis from The Economist If you take issues with the Economist, that's fair, but that's my POV Let me know in the comments what you think now I'd Also like to give you a quick little heads up on what else The Economist says about Biden versus Trump.

Kind of interesting. They've got a cool piece on this so quickly. 60% of folks disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy. Trump fares way better I Think this is very interesting because the Economist does not like Donald Trump at all.

But the economy is improving fast. Inflation is falling, all the prices are still high, growth is strong, stock market is at all-time high. There are three things to consider, at least according to the economist. Two hurt Biden One helps Biden One impressions of the economy matter more than the actual economy.

So if people are pissed about inflation, whether or not inflation is falling, doesn't matter. That probably hurts Biden People hate inflation. That hurts Biden But voters have a short memory which could help Biden according to what the economist believes. if we get to the election cycle, well, when we get to the election cycle now, what do I believe? I Actually agree with the Economist here.

that much like what Kathy Wood told me at brunch the other day, if the economy deteriorates come election time, you'll likely sway voters towards Trump with a deterior rating economy because maybe rates were kept too high. Too long, too much suffering boils over you get Trump The economy booms. You don't get a jobless surge. people start going.

Oh, things are getting better and they're not that bad. You could potentially move mid voters. remember, the middle always decides elections towards Biden And so this is kind of the interesting economic pendulum uh, that will be facing Now we'll see. but this is my take combined with some of the evidence that we're seeing in the economy and the take of The Economist on both Israel and this let me know what you think about this.

My goal is just to provide neutral as as much as possible politically neutral news and takes I want to hear what you think and I want to be exceptionally clear? My heart seriously goes out to all the innocent lives that are being lost in Wars around the world. I Have a lot of children myself, at least four got a few more on the way. Stay tuned. Uh, but um I I Could not even imagine the loss of life of a child.
It's it's it's terrible and it's devastating and and it it should break everyone's heart. Anyway, thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one. Goodbye Can not advertise these things that you told us here. I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see our go.

Congratulations man you have done so much People love you people. look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get you a take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker and becoming a stock broker. This video is neither personalized Financial advice nor real estate advice for you. It is not tax, legal or otherwise personalized advice tailored to you.

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32 thoughts on “Israel attacks hospital in doctor disguise war crime explained.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rahilatalpur2424 says:

    War Crime for sure

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @osnateddy says:

    kevin was ist los mit dir iche lebe in israel du weist das
    die hamas das groste problem ist was wilst du hir
    wircklich sagen ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AntonBerg-pz8ip says:

    Hello. I appreciate your analysis and opinion. You might want to look into the Geneva Conventions concerning protected places such as hospitals, ambulances, etc.. and medical personnel. … Moreover, Israel is, as an "occupying force / power" is per definition, a party to a war, and it has obligations as an occupying power. Just saying, liik into it… (from a Medic).

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tonisultoni3738 says:

    Israel true teroris

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ABanRocks says:

    How is this not Israeli terrorism. Israelies are not the good guys and never have been. They break international laws worse than Russia and China together 😮

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @x1can0 says:

    Posting videos that aren't pro- israel may make you target. You can never be too careful, Kevin. Nobody is immune from anything nowadays.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheBioase says:

    Israel is a terrorist state committing genocide, and calling for a ceasefire is considered radical, this is how far the world has fallen, absolutely pathetic.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MO-vv4op says:

    You’re getting into sticky situation and if you criticize the Tengu 👺 they will censor you and attack your channel and income. Tengus are evil and dont believe in freedom of speech and basically has all our politicians in their pockets. Running the western mainstream media and banking system so watch it kevin be careful.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @willporter9620 says:

    I think the word surgical applies to you picking isolated events allegedly perpetrated by the by the Israelis. The word surgical definitely does not apply to the actions of Hamas in that they have committed mass atrocities. but let's just focus on isolated events by the Israelis.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sidneypaulson1798 says:

    Voters doesn’t have as short of a memory as Biden does.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @amrohaddadin5699 says:

    The whole creation of Israel is illegal.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @osamamghazal says:

    Kevin, I appreciate and respect you and your POVs. Here's a point, however! Before calling this fair game, how many hospitals and public facilities have been bombed, eroded, or broken in with the justification that tunnels or weaponry were hid in there and then nothing was found??
    IDF is firing in every direction claiming to have the most powerfull intellegence in the region, yet after 5 MONTHS, their media admitted that more than 85% of the so called tunnel is undiscovered???

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Youtubesucks2022 says:

    Palestine is not real

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @middleclassinvesting says:

    This is what the Palestinians have been dealing with for 70 years ….

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-bh9cs4so8p says:

    Why don't you talk about October 7, 1500 young Israeli men and women will not see the sky again

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheMMSpirit says:

    What nonsense. Hamas are not protected by "international law" because they are terrorists. Unlawful combatants. Thus, no protection under the Geneva Conventions. Aside from that, Hamas was in the midst of violating international law.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @LogenProof says:

    Like most of your work. When you try to sound neutral but in effect doing more harm when explaining things in a skewed way.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ChicagoMike7606 says:

    Yup war crimes are committed by Israel 🇮🇱

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-bh9cs4so8p says:

    Be careful brother you are the financial advisor but not a Politician

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheRyanvoeller says:

    Middle East does 100% of the list of war crimes. Noone cares though not sure there is a line anymore

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stockbulll says:

    Democrats will artificially improve the economy near election time. They always do then reality hits and it turns to sh1t again!! We need Trump. There was no BS just reality and it was good. Excellent stock market, low energy rates, NO WARS, lower food costs, lower interest rates, lower cost of living, lower taxes etc etc etc etc. I've learned that democrats do nothing for the people and only care about their own power and keeping it…. at out expense!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Planet_Xplorer says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Planet_Xplorer says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ureshii99 says:

    Lol, since when has the legality of war ever stopped the IDF? They are doing exactly what they complain Hamas of; dressing as civilians and then using civilian buildings for military aims

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @michaeltop7350 says:

    Kevin I like your vids about the markets, but jesus you are our of proportion. What is this BS with playing legal or not when Israel fight for its lives against ruthless islamic terrorists?! we all saw on October 7th what happend when you dont erdicate islam teror on time! when these terrorists come for your children trust me you wont give a dam rat about what your local SWAT team wear to eliminate these rapists and murderes. also mentiong 26,000 "individuals" is like saying 4.3 gemran individuals killed in ww2 not mentioning many of them were Nazi soilders.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ahmadeshish5878 says:

    Not to mention that West Bank is not on crime with Israel. This is not in Gaza

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ingad772 says:

    Hmm under the same logic then any undercover cop would be in big trouble. So, let me guess, when the US went undercover in Colombia to bust the drug cartels, that was a crime under international law? The idiotic left just keeps giving.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @importkauf says:

    Thanks Kevin .continue to fight for Humanity and free Palastine.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-gu9rt2cp3j says:

    Fuck plastine

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andydandy9016 says:

    The international law also says you when an injured militant is at the hospital getting a medical treatment, he is no longer considered as a soldier. He’s a civilian.
    The IDF never really care about the international law..

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @omerblau2391 says:

    26000 death In Palestine? You mean gaza? Or Palestine is a new country that I don't know of

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Ednajjarine says:

    Kevin, I solute you for having the courage to say the Truth about this incident. Much respect…

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