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Hey everyone Meet Kevin here! Well I Don't think any of us including myself thought we would even make it this far before this video was coming. Well, the time has come for this video After 64 Meet Kevin reports in a row of waking up before 3am I have a flip-flop for you and it all goes back to when Lauren and I went to a Taylor Swift concert on March 18th. It was a very important Taylor Swift concert for us. It was also very enjoyable.

We were. well, we had the privilege of actually parking next to Taylor Swift's jet, one of the two that she had there. We're covering up identifying information here. Uh, here's actually even a little clip of Max walking underneath it.

We had to quickly get him back. You're not supposed to walk into other people's planes, but that was pretty cool and it was really surreal. Her entire uh tour is amazing! Her arrows tour is awesome and we had some great seats. We even were seated in the row that this viral security guard this woman with blonde hair.

She ended up dancing basically to the entire Taylor Swift show and she made it on a ton of viral tick tocks. You actually see Lauren's back in some of them I think some of them you could see my back and it's kind of interesting, but the point of saying it is, it was kind of Epic It was a really epic time, but I actually had to leave early because I had to get to my meet Kevin report at 2 45 a.m so I had to leave around 9ish. walked back, uh, got back, maybe got about four and a half hours of sleep and then back to meet Kevin report Uh, and that's been extremely difficult now. Fortunately, coffee has been amazing and I really need a lot of coffee in my life because I try to control my day to where I can be really caffeinated in the morning because that's what I'm generally doing all my research.

That's when I'm doing my earnings calls my fundamental analysis uh, the the Deep dive into the market. Jpow, whatever. Like all the Nuance that's going on like I think the best analogy to use is is really just kind of Matthew McConaughey taking it away and explaining how I feel to you. you're dealing with numbers all day long.

decimal points, high frequencies Bang Bang digits okay, all very acidic above the shoulders. Mustard? All right. Yeah, um I just can't explain it like that. So anyway, I really like that because it kind of lets me regulate when I get to be like super jazzed on coffee.

uh and then in the afternoon I kind of schedule my day around being with family where I could be more chill and or be uh, you know, with Realtors for my real estate startup. Big deadline coming up by the way, in four days for accredited investors for that househack.com that's it. Funding round is closing. it'll be absolutely gone.

kaput. Uh, it's a fantastic company, but the funding will be over. Uh, subject obviously to the potential of us doing the reggae, but we don't know if the SEC is going to give us the green light in time. we hope.
May June for non-accredited but uh, we don't know. SEC Uh, you know we have to go through their process so we'll see. But anyway, so coffee is fantastic. Love coffee, but there's a time when coffee doesn't actually work.

Uh, and so I've actually in the past, uh, stopped drinking coffee just to test it and I always come back to coffee because really, lets me regulate my schedule. Uh, so huge love for coffee. But there's one thing that makes coffee worthless. It's alcohol.

It's alcohol. See alcohol makes coffee absolutely worthless. It makes it not work for me. it.

basically, when you have alcohol, you become dysfunctional, uh, to some extent depending on how much you drink and it's kind of the opposite of coffee. see coffee is kind of neat because it kind of like lets you play makeup work for uh, like, oh no. I didn't get enough sleep. Let me have some coffee and then it makes you functional Again, alcohol makes you somewhat dysfunctional while you have it.

and then it also makes you dysfunctional in the future like the next morning. And so as of March 18th I've quit alcohol now I'll probably flip-flop on that faster than a YouTuber making Finance videos, but at least it's a goal for now, especially hard alcohol for now. It's just a perfect way to rob my productivity the next day and running basically three different companies the media business and actively managed ETF and a real estate startup that I spent all this money on a private jet for. So I could fly around and make sure that I actually get where I need to go and I'm paying for that jet not the real estate startup I need to make sure that I'm making the best use of my business and if there's anything that I'm not at full optimization on I Gotta fix it now.

There's some immediate benefits of this: I'm noticing it's easier for me to exercise and run the next day. Maybe I can actually go to the gym Now it's easier for me to get through the day on slightly less sleep and I'm trying to optimize other things in my life as well. For example, I deleted Twitter and Tech talk from my phone I found these were really low output High Time commitments So for example, you could spend like an hour and get like a two minute like oh, that was cool or like some kind of insight, right? whereas I feel like when you watch YouTube videos you could watch a 10 minute video and hopefully at least get like five minutes worth of insight, right? So so it's like 50 of the time, it's like okay, yeah, this is useful information whereas I feel like maybe, uh, probably honestly less than five percent of the time is useful information on I hate to say it, but Twitter Tick Tock it's it's surface level, right? You get to spend that time reading a good article from Barons or the financial times and usually get about 20 fold deeper then you cannot. Twitter or Tick Tock Twitter maybe has an edge over over Tick Tock At least they could give you some inspiration, but I Just personally noticed like after the algorithm feeds me it's first 10 or 20 recommended tweets.
the rest are like repetitive memes or I'm just not getting stuff done where when I actually read research reports I feel like my time is more equally weighted similar to a YouTube video where it's like, okay, at least 50 of my time reading this gave me some form of output, right? You can't expect a hundred percent value for 100 of the time you spend. That's just never gonna happen. But I think the value is 10x on YouTube or doing research or reading news articles. high quality stuff compared to short form content and I kind of I call it the ice cream, right? because cream ice cream is made from the cream of milk that separates the lower fat uh, protein content from the high fat.

delicious stuff. So I think basic social media is kind of the fat and I I kind of am associating alcohol to the lack of productivity that I get watching short form content or reading Twitter uh it's sort of like after you've had alcohol the only thing that you're kind of well in the in the moment you just go to sleep after your you know through the face of alcohol but the next morning like your brain power and processing capabilities are I feel like so impaired still that uh you just you just kind of like you're just looking for the cream but then you're not actually providing as much value as you should to your various different businesses and that I don't feel like is what I owe to you. Now some people are going to take this information and go oh well, you know you, you must have been addicted to alcohol. No that's actually not true.

In fact, the entire uh week to two weeks before the Taylor Swift concert I had maybe three glasses of wine and a mai tai over the various different uh, date nights or whatever we went on. I actually really like to drink super casually like a glass of wine with Lauren at night I'm super moderated in that it's just fun. It's relaxing. it's a great way to you know, get to sleep as long as you don't drink like right before going to sleep.

uh but I noticed the benefits of that uh really didn't outweigh how quickly I got sleepy even off one drink and the extra calories just really aren't worth it. Now Am I going to refuse the occasional beer in the future? to you know, when I'm hanging out with family or you know, gonna go uh uh, you know we're having a Super Bowl party or whatever. No, probably not. but the the idea of all right, let's go all in.

we're at a concert. Four double shots of tequila. you know that was fun when I was like 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 all the way up to like. well probably last year.

So anyway, going into 2023 I really set a goal for myself and I wanted to evaluate was drinking actually adding a positive value to my life and I realize now with all of these businesses that I have I've really Consolidated what matters down to some very Basics it's househack YouTube My ETF and my family. Obviously YouTube includes providing value to my course members every day. Uh, you know I do my best. but what I noticed does not create a lot of value in my life I hate to say it because it used to be such a big part of my life.
Video games I haven't played any video games this year. alcohol just now making it to the stage of cutting it Twitter Tick Tock doesn't mean I won't ever post there, but you know I I just don't want it on my phone I don't want to scroll through it anyway. it's just it's it's not a good use of my time. Uh, and so these are.

these are some of the big changes that I'm making. Now if I can now convince myself to actually go to the gym and work out rather than just run every day, well, that'd be cool. Uh I really like running, running treadmills? uh uh, you know, big fan. but uh I think I actually need to go lift some weight.

but hey, I guess you can't be perfect. So I'll keep trying. I'll um, you know, keep doing my best and I'll share the perspectives of the journey with you in the meantime. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow for the next meet.

Kevin report So as always, thank you so much for being here! Check out the sponsors and the links down below. Yeah, it's life insurance. it's what Lauren and I personally use you can Apple pay Android pay for it and sign up in as little as five minutes. Really easy to do.

You can still get 12 free stocks with Weeble by going back Kevin.com free link down below. It's right next to the link for the Needler Nerf gun which is pretty sick and then of course you can now use Buy Now pay later on the courses on building your own link down below to which you get lifetime access form. you could get in for payments I think less than 40 bucks a month. It's awesome! We'll see you soon! Thanks so much Foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “I’m officially quitting”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:

    Good for you it’s been about close to 13 years for me. It’s a good thing you’ll love it your kids will love it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pgopal6 says:

    Good luck with quitting alcohol… I hope you succeed…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars All Pro Earthworks says:

    I been 9 days without alcohol feel a lot better especially in the morning.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Gallimore says:

    I put an order in tonight after the market closed to buy PP. Well after this video and your major issues with alcohol, I will cancel that order that should have filled time in the morning at the open. Not sure what to do so now. I might buy a lot less or none at all.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karateka Maiku says:

    Who asked?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Terry says:

    Cutting the negative out now will pay off huge dividends later in your life. Great choice!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Morris says:

    Haven't had alcohol since new Years. Not saying I''l never drink again, but staying away for while made me realize there's a time and a place for everything. When you're on vacation, drink away. But if you want to be productive and stick to a routine, put the bottle down

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars first and last nme says:

    The intro music is really goofy and it's perfect

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iCarNaya says:

    That's arguably your most click bait title so far, congrats. In conjunction with the continuous FOMO promos, you're really grinding my gears to the point where I'm considering unsubscribing even though I enjoy most of the content.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Walton says:

    Congrats kev..I been 10 years sober( occasional drink on holidays,but have really lost the taste for it) shit really can be a drag on your health and productivity..gets easier after awhile..I commend you sir 👍

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redi Lex says:

    The DUI guy always had excuses.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael English says:

    You should quit because your 30 to 40 minute videos are killing me along with your click bait thumbnails. Summarize the content. Dumb it down and you'll smarten up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jas says:

    Kevin – could we just get bullet points – even playing this back at 3x speed I feel like I wasted my time here when I could have read bullet points in 60 seconds and got the same value.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mabel Abal says:

    You forgot to mention what’s your number 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars christian garza says:

    Went too hard on St Pattys day huh lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shortyshrew says:

    You want to be and stay in the best shape of your life? Quit alcohol. It is the number one destroyer of health and your fitness. Good on you, bro!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaddyJMB says:

    Bro, I struggle as Well
    Alcohol destroys the grey matter in the brain, it destroys us on a cellular level, it keeps our baseline stress hormones high with only a few drinks a week.

    Also Bro, you should invest in some daytime and nighttime blue light blockers.
    Magnesium can help with all of your emf exposure
    Morning sunlight is optimal everyday.
    Eat high quality animal foods and you will thrive!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vince O’Brien says:

    28 years sober… best decision I ever made

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vicente Lynn says:

    It’s hard to stop I’ve started at 9 years old and I’m 40

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Smith says:

    Kevin, this is exactly what I did years ago, actually after having my daughter who is almost 5 now. I used to drink every week. It was so non productive and realized it was just holding me back. I was never addicted just was used to drinking from habit of years of partying when I was younger. It’s been a really positive choice. I still will have a drink on special occasion but never like I used to.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Nichols says:

    We wouldn't mind if you skipped a day from time to time. You deserve to have some personal time off. We don't want you to burn out!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rilezz1 says:

    Bro you should not have bought that PJ..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bonnie's Fun Stuff says:

    Yes! Good going Kevin! Alcohol ages people fast too. 😮
    Thanks so much for your amazingly thorough and helpful information over the years. You have helped me so much!❤😊

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Hermanson says:

    I'll have 6 years in June! Keep up the good work.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donovan Thomas says:

    There's no way he said he's not addicted to alcohol then told us 4 double shots of tequila is something he would've done at 18…19, 20, 21, 22, 23 all the way up until last year🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is the funniest video you've ever made.

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