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Hey this note from the federal reserve that you're about to see could be bullish for us. I'm really excited for it, especially leading into tomorrow, where, if you haven't yet watched my video watch, the video that's titled, watch before may 11th, all about cpi tomorrow, but i really want to focus on what the fed just said. Neil kashkari, president of the minneapolis, fed, let's get right into what he said and then i'm going to give you a conclusion at the end, which, let me just say i was not expecting this all right. Let's get into it.

Quick note remember, six days until we have the largest price create increase ever for the programs on building your wealth link down below. Specifically, you want to take a look at that real estate investing one right. Now you get 12 years of not only my experience, but you also get 35 years of my my in-laws lauren's parents experience because the connie, for example, makes appearances, multiple appearances in our do-it-yourself property management course and rental renovations group you get all of the property management Rental property experience from myself, lauren connie bill, you name it our entire family, really incredible content and a lot of folks have been checking out on both the zero to millionaire real estate investing group and that do-it-yourself property management group, as a bundle so check that out Before the prices go up and you get a better deal, if you bundle them together, link down below all right folks, let's get into it phasing rates and in whether it's through a series of 50 basis points or maybe 75 does at some point come back on The table, if you're, trying to increase supply through investment, you're cutting off your nose despite the fit your face you you want to. You know you want capital deployed to ease all the supply constraints and it's going to be more expensive to do that.

Every time you raise race, it's it's almost a catch-22 and a very difficult and blunt tool that the fed has to just try to destroy demand. It's a real problem. I don't know you sure you want to keep doing this. A really good question there, by the way, because the question is like dude, like lower rates, would help us invest in the factories and in the supply chains to make them better.

Obviously, my expectation here is the federal reserve's argument is like hey. You got high enough valuations to finance and we just want to get back to neutral. We don't need to stimulate more to finance your expansion. So while i like the setup, it kind of misses the fact that companies got plenty of money, but let's listen to the response from neil kashkari, he is the president of the minneapolis fed.

Well, we have our job to do. You know we have to bring inflation back down and i'm confident we will do that, but remember the cost of capital for most and for most large firms is still very, very low right. They can still go fund themselves at very attractive rates, so i think we're a long way away from the cost of capital being the barrier, for example, to firms investing in the energy sector. I do think it's more lack of confidence on where energy prices are going to be over the medium term to see what kind of return they get on their investment and also the regulatory environment that you spoke about.
Hey neil um, the fed has a dual mandate and that's to focus on inflation, but also focus on unemployment. The jobs market um in the past we've talked about how the fed probably has even more mandates than that worrying about a series of other things from the economy overall to to what might happen with the stock market. Is it fair to assume, because at this point you sound like you are pretty laser focused on the inflation piece of it? Understandably, so inflation is destroying things right now. Is it fair to assume that you're not paying that much attention as a as a body to what happens to the stock market? At this point, it's it's going to be focused on inflation and what happens to the market happens.

He's nodding. Absolutely i mean we. I mean i'll be honest with you. I never focus on the stock market as a goal.

Uh we pay attention to asset prices, as it comes back around into psychology and spending behavior, but ultimately it is our dual mandate that drives us. You know for five years up until the pandemic, i was probably the most dovish member of the federal open market committee, and i was i took that view because we were undershooting on inflation and i still saw there was slack in the labor market. So, if you're under shooting on both sides of your mandate, that means the monetary policy is too tight. Now we have a very strong labor market and we want to keep it strong, but inflation is much much too high and we have to bring inflation back down and ideally, if we have monetary policy dialed in right, those two things will be in tension, we'll be At two percent inflation and we'll be at a very healthy labor market and we'll have confidence that we've got it right, but right now it's just imbalanced and we need to bring it back into balance.

You just said you don't focus so much on the stock market unto itself, but you do focus on the psychological impact of of the price of assets well effectively. What i imagine you're saying, is the wealth effect or the lack of wealth effect given where you've seen assets move over the last month. How do you think that that psychology has changed has do you think that, and also given some of the other numbers you were just talking about in terms of how much household wealth families have? How much more does that have to come down to change the psychology? Well, it's a good question. You know when i think about this, this um regime that we might be in a higher pressure equilibrium.

The wealth effect is part of that. So stock prices were very high relative to pre-pandemic, home prices, very high relative to pre-pandemic, and then even the lower income, households that don't own stocks or don't own a home, many of them have much stronger healthy balance sheets than they had before the pandemic. My theory is that all of that is leading people to feel more confident and to spend more - and maybe that's what's pushing us into this higher consumption, higher spending higher inflation regime. So yes, the stock market has come down.
Home prices are still very high. The the latest data is that still been quite robust, even though mortgage rates have climbed quite a bit just over the course of this year and again, household balance sheets continue to be very strong, and so you know we just need to keep paying attention to the Data some of the most recent inflation data on some measures is a little softer than we had thought might come in. So maybe there's some evidence that things are starting to soften just a hair, but we just need to keep paying attention to the data and seeing where it comes out before we can draw any conclusions, did you catch what he just said and in my opinion it's Bullish inflation is actually already coming in lower than what the federal reserve was expecting it to remember. The federal reserve missed the boat in terms of the fact that inflation ran way too hot way too fast, but their expectations were that it would slowly cool, eventually and now, they're actually already saying that internally, amongst each other they're seeing more of a decline.

We already know that the stock market needs to go down for the federal reserve to feel that individual's wealth is going down, so they spend less money to drive inflation down. Now, that's not the goal right. We know the goal isn't to bring stocks down. It's just that when you bring the stock market down and you bring the real estate market down, people spend less money and then inflation goes away right and now, obviously he gave us a big hint here that hey you know, stocks have kind of already gone down, But real estate, even though rates have gone up, still hasn't gone down, in other words hey, we might still have to kind of tighten the screws on real estate a little bit so they're watching and waiting for real estate prices to come down.

Imagine being this group of people like, let's go crash stocks? Okay, let's now go crash real estate like it's kind of wild and powerful right, but think about this way. Loretta mester this morning said the following: quote: volatility is painful but necessary to get inflation down. I wrote this on twitter. That's why you should follow me on twitter at really kevin i wrote translated yo, we need stocks to drop, so people feel poorer and then inflation will come down as people spend less.

Don't worry, though. We sold our stocks beforehand to avoid a conflict of interest sure by the way they stopped owning individual stocks, uh and sort of being able to make these portfolio decisions kind of at the peak of the market in like november, and then they went into this crazy Tightening cycle, so it's like oh gosh, just copy the fed when the fed sells you sell, but they can't do that anymore, supposedly, anywho uh this this lower inflation expectation really big deal. Imagine if tomorrow, and maybe they already know this right - maybe they have their own estimates or they get a leaked early copy or whatever imagine. If they already know the cpi is going to come in low tomorrow, in my opinion, bullish very, very bullish.
If we get cpi that confirms the thesis that inflation may be peaked in march and actually comes in even lower than expected, it can be very, very, very good, especially for risk assets which are all kind of still selling off anyway. Good luck out there, thanks for watching check out the programs on your wealth link down below.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “I was not expecting this.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Slingluff says:

    Seems like the fed is beating up the stock market to force people into bonds at more friendly rates.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spooder Mun says:

    you gotta turn off those discord notifications. I keep checking my own discord 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silambarasan Balasubramani says:

    Kevin's Affirm exit, greatest escape of the century.😁

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Archila says:

    You should have nobody special finance on your channel Kevin

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dryloch says:

    Back in 2008 I shorted Fanny and Freddie. I got screwed just like others when the lying government officials came out and said they were both doing great with no issues. A month later they went bankrupt.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raze says:

    in my eyes we should all leaders send to putin and drink alot vodka to recouple rus&ukraine and the whole world

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CALI GEORGE says:

    Nothing new. The rich trying to get richer. Hope to save y’all some time, or not.
    Good day folks!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Science ELI6 says:

    I bought coinbase at 400 as you said is very good price. Today I'd below 80. I remember your calculations. You did a lot of work. Should I still keep it more?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAHMOOD ogaili says:

    First of all we love you Kevin
    I would like to add on the big picture
    The USA discusses to remove tarifs applied on good came from China
    And as you know the supply chain is the main issue
    Please search the positive effect if the USA do and will wait new video about
    Thank you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Mendez says:

    Look at the vix index, higher highs and higher lows since november 2021 in the 5 yr chart. Things are gonna get way uglier before they get any better.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMCG FARM & AQUATICS says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juraj Resko says:

    Kevin, the FED was wrong about the "transitory inflation" and you still trust them, God…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kurdi98k says:

    Look at that intra day spike out of no where. It's rigged I'm tellin' ya.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan S says:

    So the paycheck to paycheck workers who rent are doing well. And these are the people who are driving demand

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karl Dailey says:

    that's a good catch, I think he did suggest inflation might come in slightly lower tomorrow

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fishing with Billy says:

    I hope I get my home sold before the housing market crashes. I need it to buy one of your courses! …and a bigger boat to guide from so I can stop working for "the man" and start working for my own clients.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rinzler D says:

    Yes it is, good thing I went all in this morning at 780 on tesla woohoo!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smokelord (SPL ingame name) says:

    You think the fed are truthful??? Lmao yeah right. We already know they lie about inflation

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Rappa says:

    Kevin doesn't care about inflation he's super-rich he wants the FED to stimulate the bubble to the max

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ECKSDEE 1 says:

    think will see a bullish market soon

    I just Added more from great discounted companies

    More inventory means more competition and will lead to low prices then low inflations lead to the fed to start easing the % then the market will start to expand again

    Biden says discussing dropping US trade tariffs on China

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew B says:

    Kevin: inflations coming lower!!!
    Also Kevin: my new course is about to cost new aths!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! T Leonard says:

    someone should trade exclusively assuming the Fed is lying and each year see how that portfolio does. I bet they would do better than Nancy. How many times do these people have to lie to you before you don't trust a single word they say, they arent trying to help or re-assure anyone, they are trying to transfer wealth from regular people to the elite and the government.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garret Fey says:

    Goddamn dude all about money….Stop the money the war and Convid go away.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Shilalis says:

    2000 mules. Any thoughts on the trending topic on Twitter?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DarthHaya says:

    I don't feel inflation leveling off? Anybody feel this?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Letrbuk says:

    How can inflation be going down when fuel prices keep going up?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr OnePocket says:

    Halted SoFi so the illegal shorts can exit without losing billions

    So sick of the manipulation

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfrefo Cortez says:

    You’re a stubborn, the economy is collapsing, be honest to yourself

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