I met Andrew Tate before he was arrested and had a 2 hour conversation with him on my podcast 'Strike It Big'. So here are 10 topics that me and Andrew discussed and my thoughts on them.
Watch The Podcast With Tate Here: https://youtu.be/a4Ta3srGmXo
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That is Andrew Tate self-proclaimed billionaire I'm already a billionaire and the most Googled Man on the planet, This is me Mark Tilbury A self-made multi-millionaire traditional businessman and investor who leads a completely different life. And here are 10 things: Andrew Tay Shared with me on my podcast. Strike it big that I want to give my perspective on as someone that has achieved wealth in a completely different era. If I carry on with the trajectory I'm carrying on, they're going to put me in jail because I'm too influential If they lock me up for some insane I didn't do it and if they say I killed myself I didn't kill myself either.

it's all a life. You could say this statement age like a fine wine. It's only a few days after he told me this, he got arrested along with his brother. Tristan This is really split in the comments section.

Some people think he said this because he knew the authorities were closing in on him and other people believe the Matrix sent their agents because Tate has become too powerful. Whatever you believe, It's certainly true that we live in a world where what's right and what's wrong is determined by large tech companies and algorithms and how it really frightens me, people need to be exposed to both sides of a story so they can decipher themselves what's actually true Andrew Also talks about how these social media algorithms are like Echo Chambers every time you go on Facebook or YouTube you're being fed specific content from the algorithm. based on who the tech thinks you are. It reinforces opinions people already have and sometimes drives them too far left or too far right wing.

Is it really any wonder that we're more politically divided than ever before in history? In 2016, a company called Cambridge Analytica worked for the Trump campaign and used their influence and data to manipulate political views on. Facebook I consider my content pretty clean. certainly not as controversial as Andrew Tate and I even woke up one morning to find that my Instagram account had been banned I Couldn't believe it. So do I think Andrew Tate is guilty? The simple answer is I don't know.

But what I do know is that the people that toss innocent until proven guilty in the trash as soon as they don't like the personal rest are all charge are the ones we should be worried about. They are too manipulated by the echo Chambers and the new digital world we live in. Just imagine you were falsely accused of a crime I Bet you wouldn't like to be judged before any evidence was actually revealed. I Truthfully believe that the universe is a very giving place and that if you actually really want something, you can have it.

I had a mentor Named Dave who taught me that entrepreneurship is all about creating value in other people's lives and profits are the reward for doing so. Everyone thinks they're trying, but not everyone is. I Had to sacrifice weekend parties, nice restaurants, and a lot of comfort when I was younger to get where I am today on days when the sales were poor I actually slept in the shop because I didn't have enough money to buy gas for the drive home I Remember waking up feeling great froggy in my shop with a blistering headache and getting to work the moment my eyelids open. It's not easy.
Nothing meaningful ever is because if it was easy, you wouldn't value it. Not everyone needs to be so intense, but if you really want something, you need to have laser focus and be willing to sacrifice a lot of other things in order to get it. I started this YouTube channel and I believe that anyone can become rich as long as they work hard and follow the tried and tested principles. I teach online completely for free.

That's why I agree so strongly with Andrew on this point. Female nature is if they find a man of high enough status that they're happy for him to have multiple women. Okay, so with this I understand that he's making an evolutionary point, however, in modern day Society I Don't agree. This is the best way for men to get ahead.

First off, I know that looking after one woman is hard enough, let alone multiple. But seriously guys, if you're hyper focused on getting multiple girls, you're waiting. your precious energy that could be used inquiry, money and power. I Understand that Tate is saying if you're already rich and powerful enough, your lady will be happy for you to see other women.

But let's define happy. Take points to the fact that Kings have often had multiple women throughout history and it's something we shouldn't be opposed to in the modern day. However, there was a clear threat of violence or even execution if a woman was to step out of line back in the day. this just doesn't really exist now in a loving relationship.

thankfully. Therefore, we've got to actually ask ourselves what is keeping these multiple women happy. And the truth is, it's money. And Status they don't care about you if they were offered all of your money and power with a click of their fingers.

But the side effect was you drop dead without any risk they'd get caught. They'd probably do it in a heartbeat. Why would they be loyal to you when you're not loyal to them? Now, if you're okay with this definition of happy, then that's up to you. But I know personally, it would disgust me.

There is something very special about monogamous relationships between men and women, and having the right by your side will make you into the best, most capable and powerful man you could ever be by surrounding yourself with women that just want power and Status you're actually weakening your circle and pushing away the high value females that could actually add to your life. If you're the type of person that always brags and shows off status, then of course you're going to get a lot of status seeking women. I have a lovely wife and I couldn't be happier I Definitely wouldn't have reached my level of multi-millionaire wealth without her by my side. So I've got to say: Tate I Strongly disagree here I Can never be poor.
My skill set The people I know my phone book, my reliability, my reputation. You could take all of my money today. I'll Be A Millionaire again in two weeks Okay, so now the polar opposite. I Completely agree with this point.

The habits you build on the journey to wealth are often as important as the wealth itself. Along the way, you learn from mistakes, learn skills, and establish a reputation that you carry throughout your life. I'm a firm believer of investing in your education and making mistakes when you're younger as you have more time to recover from them. I've hit rock bottom many times in my life.

in my 20s, my business plan was stolen by one of my best and most trusted friends, but every time I got up faster than the time before. I've talked to so many millionaires that have told me if they went broke, they could do it all over again in under half the time. Many would make sure they started investing sooner. By the way, if you want to get a free stock worth all the way up to a thousand dollars from Public.com when you fund your account, then I'll leave a link down below so that you can pick that up.

I Think a good life costs about a million. Half a million a month is doable with this one. There's a lot more to it than first meets the eye. Money is like gasoline.

It's great, but only if you know where you're going. There's many things in life that having more money won't improve, like learning languages, building a healthy and strong body, and having meaningful relationships. Even travel doesn't require nearly the amount of money people think it does. You should never sacrifice your your health for money.

This is something I learned quite recently after I had a traumatic fall down the stairs and a near-death experience while I was in the ambulance. I started reflecting on my life and how important my health actually is. Without Health you have nothing and you can't even enjoy the things you have. Now if you ask me, a good life is about balance.

Some people are so life poor, all they have is money and others are poor but have Rich lives. I Notice a huge jump in the quality of my life once I hit around 100K a year. any more than that and I barely saw a difference. but I'm just not much of a spender.

Never have been. I'm quite happy with what I have and prioritize my family and experiences. but everyone's different. I don't own anything.

there are cars. uh, trust in Singapore May own a percentage of a company in Dubai which may have access to a car that I could borrow. but I don't own anything and that's because if you own things, they come for you. I agree and I think what Andrew's saying here makes sense for someone with tons of money and a lot to lose, but not so much for the everyday person.
I've been lucky enough not to make too many enemies, but I've had days when I've woken up and went to the mailbox only to find a letter from someone trying to sue me. It seemed like once I had money, there were more and more people trying to take it from me like vultures. As I started making more money, I realized that many of the things I owned started to become liabilities. So I think the old saying More Money More Problems hold some water but still I've always been a big fan of accumulating assets that produce cash flow and I'd rather own many things than nothing at all I get peace of mind owning an apple tree that grows apples if you catch.

Madrid For the everyday person, a limited company should offer enough protection. This will just make sure that if people try to get your money, they could only get what was in that specific company, not take away your personal property. For most people there's no need to dive into the world of shell companies and offshore accounts. I believe in every point I make.

However, there are points I make in a deliberately aggressive fashion upset people. Yeah, I do that. So with this: I See where Andrew's coming from? We live in an attention economy, especially on social media where the ability to quickly grab people's attention in a competitive environment is more important than ever. I Once watched a marketing documentary that said as people become louder and more outrageous in order to get through the noise, the only way to break through is by being even louder and even more outrageous.

A lot of celebrities purposefully commit scandals just to get the world talking about them. maybe before a book or an album release a white name Tate understands this game very well I will not administer CPR unless you're a hot female. This is the reality which I think is the sole reason he has become the most Googled man on the planet When I got on Tick Tock I needed to think of something that would help me stand out and get noticed. So I would wear silly wigs and play these different characters.

This helped me to scale to over 7 million follows on Tick Tock in under a year. So while I think being unique and standing out is good, I think there's other ways you can do it without having to start fights or attract negative attention. This is what most people don't even understand about the crypto. Market is player versus player.

You can only sell it for ten dollars after buying it for a dollar. because someone's buying at ten dollars, someone is out to lose. Hey, absolutely nailed this point. Crypto is a zero-sum game, meaning for you to make money, someone else has to lose it until you sell.

It's just numbers on a computer screen. Most of the coins out there are absolute scams pumped by people are out to make a quick. Buck Influencers regularly get emailed from these projects offering big amounts of money to promote a shady coin or Nfts. I Always ignore these emails because no amount of money is worth selling out my audience or ruining my reputation.
My mentor once told me it could take a lifetime to build a reputation, but only a moment to destroy it. So when Tate said that he could make one billion dollars in no time with a crypto coin, but refuses to do it I find this commendable while I believe in investing in a small percentage of your net worth in Bitcoin in Ethereum, I would steer clear from investing in the thousands of random all coins out there. Speaking of crypto, I've been buying mine on Coinbase and if you use my link in the description, you'll receive five pounds once you sign up and make a trade. just make sure you store your crypto off the exchange for maximum protection.

Tate Says that clown world is over because the last two years have been clown world. Now the real world's back and it's hard to make money again. People who made big money on crypto all coins probably won't again for a fair while. And to be honest, he's probably right.

2020 2021 Saw a huge amount of easy money pumped into the economy due to the pandemic, but we're just now starting to suffer. The Hangover If there's one thing I know about money, it's this: Money gained fast can be lost even faster, but reputation lasts a lifetime. So shame on all of those celebrities who were promoting all coins and Nfts during the bull Market. In my opinion, Andrew takes Integrity on this point is Head and Shoulders above those guys and that's the problem as patriotism breaks down and the whole idea of paying tax just gets destroyed with it.

And when a country is not prudent with its finances like Western Nations aren't it pisses you off? I Agree with Andrew Here For a country to work well, people need to believe in it. With the huge wealth gaps, wasted tax, and lawlessness I Can see why he thinks the Western world is breaking down. Democracy is hard. Having one leader makes things a lot easier, but it goes against so many of our long-standing values in the West.

While I'm not quite as jaded as Andrew is I do see where he's coming from here. When I was younger, we really believe lived in and trusted the government. I've always paid my employees and my taxes on time. but I Have to say my view of England and the Western world is really starting to shift in recent years.

I'm shifting. Yeah, well. I Am shifting I Stay here because I consider myself a strong Patriot But it's not perfect. There's so much money in the world to be too stupid to generate money I think is less than five percent of the population.

Then you have arrogant and lazy and these are the two most common. You know what? Andrew I Agree. If you were to put fleas in a jar, they would easily jump out until you close the lid. However, once the lid has been closed for over three days and then you remove it, the fleece will never jump past the ceiling that was set for them.
They have effectively been trained by the system that they were subjected to. What's even more interesting is when these fleas reproduce, their offspring will follow the same example as their parents and never escape the jar. This applies to humans as well. Most people go to work and in the evening, just chill out and take it easy a lot like their parents did before them.

Now would I call call this arrogance, laziness, or stupidity? I Don't think so. I see them more as victims of the system that need waking up. Everyone has something they can teach you and once you've been woken up, if you can't see that, then you're definitely arrogant. This is the exact reason I Interviewed Andrew Tate and I feel I got a lot from the conversation.

If you want to learn how to use the 2023 recession to get rich, then I'll leave that video right up there, but don't click on it just yet. Make sure to subscribe if you want to grow your wealth. Okay, I'll see you over there.

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29 thoughts on “I met andrew tate: here s my honest opinion”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHREDIT says:

    Point No6…… They have seized his cars and homes 🤦🏻‍♂️

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vexation says:

    Tho Andrew Tate has changed some of his points as he converted to islam

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Normality says:

    Finally someone is not biased

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duke UK says:

    5.01 – 5.09 bloody absolute truth!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aminah Bergliot Rolsdorph says:

    Not a comparison..
    Dr Jordan Pedersen is in a Strong Storm which doesn't make sense 🤔 😳

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Australian Girl says:

    Thank-you for stating the obvious about Women who are Happy to share men.
    You are Right, those Women don't care about the Man (they only care about the money & status) & if a Man really wants to be genuinely loved by a Woman, monogamy with her is the only way to get that.

    I feel like this is so obvious, but either many Red Pill men don't understand this or they just don't want to be Loved.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bigb Boy says:

    You speak only facts here you earned another sub

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars One World Only says:

    I love how one of the first things in This video is not saying he’s a self proclaimed misogynist, like so many extremely biased videos being released right now

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JOHNY🍒REDCROW says:

    so I'm not here to take his side on this .
    But I'm just going to state the fact

    He has been charged with human trafficking
    With enough reasonable evidence you can be charged with any crime. He has not yet been "convicted" of human trafficking
    So until then we will see

    One time I was charged with a criminal threat
    But I was not convicted of a criminal threat because the judge thought it was a nonsense situation

    Only difference between Andrew Tates case and mine is
    I'm a working class American
    Meaning I couldn't pay my bail so I had to waste 5 months of my life over a crime I didn't do

    With enough fingers pointed at you you can be "charged" with anything weather you are guilty or not

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Ang says:

    This man just earned another subscriber 🫡

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bababooey says:

    Great points, shows both perspectatives. exactly what i like too see, now radical haters

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kent Bibby says:

    Heaven forbid we listen to what actually spews from this guy's mouth and think he's a scumbag…I'm not stuck in an echo chamber…I'm here watching your content. Get your head out of your ass

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nilzey says:

    Top Granpda!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Masters says:

    I support the awesome Top G Andrew Tate! He has changed my life for the better with most of his statements/advices!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JanglangMalatang says:

    Look I feel Tate has his opinion on life. And we all have . Just some people are jealous and talk nonsense. Now the politics is how it is .. someone bigger and smarter will and they will take it on as we can see the world. I say na his not guilty.. just lots of people like to take others down . But don’t forget life comes back to you good or bad .. the world knows Taxpayers been taken for a ride no secret and still so we can all see it all Truth is here and more to come . So I say funny enough Tate not a bad evil bloke he just says what he feels just like most people Now clown world is a open book and the people are living in real bad times so that’s now the Truth.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iren Molnar says:

    Yes he is guilty !!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DI MI says:

    People are NPCs and don’t care whether others are actually guilty or not.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    I loved it! unbiased and to the point.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EB says:

    you are spitting facts

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qerm says:

    Yeah why would someone doing human trafficking even tries to be influential and famous, and shouldn't someone doing human trafficking well you know tries to not get caught as much as they can rather than saying they're gonna get caught.. just sayin

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Russell says:

    I feel like he's innocent but at the same time he has 5 passports which is suspicious

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ty Mc says:

    Andrew Tate is a controlling deviant, wether he’s guilty of trafficking we don’t know!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unknown Legend says:

    Still skirting around the bullshit billionaire claim 😂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TalkinTurkey says:

    Yeah by human trafficking 🤣🤣

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N.O.A YT says:

    Ahh here comes another guy milking the Tate name for views. Does it ever end.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan Henrik says:

    Shame on you for platforming him and not doing any research at all, only reflecting on what he says to you. Ye wow he doesnt do crypto scam and does camsitescam and mentoring program scam instead.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rk Squad says:

    The waffle House has found it's new host

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars General_gizm0 says:

    wholesome andrew tate

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Beedle says:

    I watched this half expecting many lazy click baity points against Tate But in all fairness, they were really well thought out, pragmatic and backed with logic. Really well made video.

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