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Yeah, your boy kevin just lost lots of money. Oh that's, okay! I am with you with you. Oh man, kevin just lost lots of money. I am with you here.

We here we go hey everyone! Welcome back to uh closing stream here so uh yeah, some additional pain there in the market, specifically around higher valuation companies, software companies uh very, very tough, uh higher valuation companies with future earnings. Very, very tough right now. These are uh typical, uh expectations that you would have in a market that is um concerned about rising rates. The uh rationale for buying the dip would be that you believe inflation will inflict down in the future and that rising rates to maybe raising rates.

To maybe one to two percent will be uh, an ultimate, nothing burger. That would be the uh, the the belief that you have to have to be able to buy this dip. Essentially, okay, so all right, let's see here, let's go ahead and look at sticks, see what we got crazy crazy day today. Okay, so oracle, doing very, very well uh oracle just explosive over here then you've got ford motors.

Look at that 10 at ford. There's got ta, be news for ford uh. That's that's incredible! I'm gon na quickly see if i can find out what the news is on ford. Uh it'll just take a second but uh yeah evs uh tesla, actually went green again.

I really think tesla is kind of being held down by a lot of elon musk selling, so i would expect some of that selling to wane uh once well. That's selling pressure to wayne once he's done and then maybe that's when tesla could actually go to uh new levels. Oh ford, lightning, sold out huh. Okay, got it nice c3, ai five percent, not that 30 percent that we saw in pre-markets.

What pre-market buying can be so dangerous, sometimes uh, although it did yeah, i mean it opened at like seven percent, so it's only fallen a little bit lucid 3.66, pretty nominal. You actually got adobe doing well, so adobe's, pretty high up there on the s, p, 500, uh and uh being pretty up there on the s p has has made a lot of folks um. You know almost kind of go through the list of your top players. In s p, 500 stocks and then just buy those you've seen a lot of that.

That's why i mean look at this apple, another two percent. I mean it's just it's going like parabolic right now: crazy apple, gamestop, xsping, uh, here's tesla 1.37. So hopefully you got in a little bit of that dip this morning when we were below a thousand. If you wanted to add to tesla uh visa is almost up a percent, so you've got some things doing quite well here, google up a third uh, some things, but then you've really got a lot of pain uh, and this is where the the you know.

This lots of part - and that's specifically, if you look at selling pressure on uh a lot of these plays look at this cloudflare folks is down 6.8. I've been waiting for this to get into that 130 region and it's at 139. Now it's juicy um. I got to transfer some money and add to this.

Then you've got uh robinhood down 8.26. I mean it went under 20 for a period of time. Here it was like 1998, i think or 1982 or at 1982. That's what it fell down to look at this folks wayfarer is almost under 200..
It's not good yeah, that's pretty crazy and you look at the ta on on wayfair. I mean it is just on this. Oh, it is now breaking the trend to the bottom. That's that's painful.

That's very painful uh not not ideal at all. Uh cloudflare! You see that sort of euphoric uh end to that run. Hopefully it still maintains trend, though i think, though we may have just broken trend uh. No, i mean if we include that dip.

I don't know if we wan na, if we, if you include that dip, it's not really going with trend, see trend, would be a little bit more like this, and if you include the low of the dip, it does give you the implication that potentially there's some More to go something like this now we'll see, hmm uh and then nvidia just won't get under 300. Very long, not much you can do here in terms of ta on the day chart pound here now under 19.. Let's go look at uh. Sofia, i believe, is down right now as well.

Oh yeah see this is a really nice spot for sofi to be just technically it's. It's got a good. This is not a bad spot for sofa. Let me see here trying to see if i still have my.

Oh my login here, oh i do oh good. Okay, that's cool! Okay, yeah! I i like sofi at these levels and a firm at these levels is very nice too. So let's do a little bit of a buy here. Let's do a limit and d.

Oh edit! Oh, i hate how they make you do the share calculation, because i just want to buy one two three divided by it. Let's just say three, three, three, three, okay got it three, three, three, three all right cool order placed. I don't know if that's actually gon na end up going through. It should go through yeah, it's at 14.98 right now, so that should go through.

Let's see, if i get the one through order order placed by the dip, this is actually uh. I bought this on public shout out to public. You can still go to public public and this post will post when your order is complete. Why is my order? Not complete uh? I don't know whatever it'll either go through or won't uh.

Let's look at a firm in the meantime. Okay, let's see here a firm. How do i know? Oh no, okay, it went through okay good a firm. What do we got here? 1414? Okay, here we go.

Okay, one sec! Here we go so uh really low res says somebody is anybody else having a low-res issue, i'm not seeing that i actually see decent res right now, yeah kevin. I actually uh added to my hood position today. I don't think it did anything, not that i was expecting it to but yeah. I did add to my hood position today.

You say uh, it's a swing for me, but i think it's gon na take until january. So there's gon na be pain for a while. The sold put thank you on the resolution. The sold puts by the way are extremely juicy right now on on hood.
Like uh, you know you could look at 15 to 20 and you could go out on the timetable. Oh my gosh they're, really good amc down. Seven percent, i tweeted my amc position. Some people were wondering if i'm still hodling my amc and i am uh, so i asked if i was doing it right, uh upstart wow.

This is this was the like the definition of momentum stock here for the long period of time 15 to 18 on hood next week. Maybe it's possible next week is still pain week and then after that, then it's just a then it just sucks yeah. You know the whole upstart movement started here. It was this earnings call that made this stock just go to the freaking moon and it's insane the ride it's had, but that's calmed down a lot.

Okay, let's go to btc, so bitcoin bounced off nicely off that 47 level. That was this morning right yeah. We were streaming this morning while it was rotating down, but i can't where were we? This was no this morning was up here. Oh that's right! We ran a little bit after the inflation read after the inflation.

Here was the inflation print. We had a little bit of a run to 50k rotated down again to support line and bounced up. We've seen something similar with ethereum today as well, but we did actually break under support for a good hour. I did buy tesla below a thousand.

I did uh and i'm not buying lemonade, no spy um, oh wow yeah. Look at this run on the s. P. 500 and to the close, very interesting, so you've got some major index buying here money going into the into the s p, that's probably going to help out at apple, even more yeah.

Look at that apple's pumping at the same time should we make sense. Does that also mean tesla's moving uh 1.3, not really 1.2, no, not really yeah there. It is google such a good company. They could be dysfunctional but long term.

I love them disney, pushing up towards the close a little bit. I don't think we're going to get a sell-off into the clothes which is good, at least i'm not really seeing indications of a cell and to close yeah folks matterport is under 24. remember. This was like any time.

There's metaverse stock, this freaking moons, it's crazy. A firm's moving up a little bit into the close coin. Yeah. I really like a firm.

I just bought the dip on them. I think it was yesterday the xbi 35, it's okay, um, okay, cool! Let's see what other news we've got going on. So, let's take a peek here all right: let's go to bloomberg early u.s omicron cases caused a mild illness and vaccinated. Well, that's good! This is on uh, so we can look at it together.

Here hedge funds ensnared an expensive doj probe good screw them. Consumer prices, climbed. We saw that amc, meme cording ceo, sells 9.65 million dollars of shares additional shares, meme cording, i love. I love how it's meme courting yeah.
It's gon na take jerome powell sounding dovish again to get this market to rally. If uh jerome powell sounds hawkish, the the selling could could continue. You know it's you're gon na be slaughtered like uh, like uh, and if you, if he comes out dovish, then uh. You know that that could uh lead to a nice little rally and then you could go ring the bell or the register.

That's what he said anyway. In the meantime, though, you're gon na be doing this lots, but we've been waiting for a dip for quite a while. It's just weird it's when it's here, it's kind of like ah yeah i sold lemonade. I made a video on them.

Uh probably been out of lemonade for about six weeks now, honestly, it's like 65 or something like that, and i've traded it before too, with options when it just went crazy earlier the year a lot of ceos are selling stock. We were reading about that this morning. Thank you for your 20 question, but we were reading that this about this this morning in the live stream. A lot of executives are selling stocks because of the uh tax hikes for uh capital gains and income next year.

So it kind of makes sense that we're seeing a lot of ceo selling towards the end of the year that could be creating some pressure as along with all this other uncertainty that we have worth worth. Considering that you know you amplify the uncertainty that there is with ceo selling, which is really tax driven, not fundamental driven, i mean it could always be a combination of both but anyway mm-hmm all right. What else we got wall street journal? No there's not surprisingly, that much news other than the uh cpi print and then gm plans more than three billion dollars for electrical electric vehicle projects in michigan. You got a lot of catch up to do with tesla lots of catching up.

How are you feeling about nvidia even versus amd? I like both of them, i think they're, both great companies nvidia's, just so high - that didn't stop me from buying it be fair about that. Let's see, if cnbc, what do we got over here so indices? Dials up point: five: seven s p is almost up to four percent and then bonds are unchanged at 148. What is what is the s p done this year? Isn't it like 26 percent? Now, no am i doing just go spy year to date, 27.61. Wow on the s p, so good, throw an apple, throw in tesla.

It's so weird, look at the roller coaster of all of them and they're not that far off right i mean apple and tesla did well this 38 39, that's great, but uh. They they definitely took different paths. What about goog goog nvidia? Oh 71, on google wow nvidia, 129, nice even cloudflare, took off this year. 88.

Some still incredible gains here, with the exception of, of course, a lot of uh momentum place. You know uh, oh well, amc look at that! Still up uh! I mean it's come off its highs, but that's right. This was this year, even even them they're still up a lot: 1200 percent, 800 percent even loose. It's still up what 300 or something yeah 275..
So, even though some momentum has has worn away, it's still incredible. What is lucid diagnostics? I don't know what that is. Matterport, okay, we're two minutes away from the close matterport, 117 percent. How about a firm? Oh well, firms! Only 20! Oh well! They had euphoria at the beginning of the year.

That's right. They went into the year kind of high. They just exploded off the lows. Hood though, that's got to be like a minus like a lot minus 42 percent - oh my god, visa in face.

Let's try visa visas down 2 for the year end phase is only up 24 for the year, all right, so one minute away from the close. I don't think we have any earnings today. Usually we don't on fridays, nope uh by the way, if you're a course member, just a quick mention if you didn't watch the course member live watch the first five minutes of the course member live. Today we got a cool special partnership with uh lois uh, not sponsored okay.

So what else? Hmm blue apron volatility down 13 yet certainly looks like there's a lot of play. Pain in some of these stocks, but again they don't get measured in the vix fix, is looking at the dow lemonade lemonade, jeez 43 bucks peloton's at 38. Oh, the people who just invested billions at 46, ouch so 550. 15..

The s p 500 on track uh to gain almost 1 on the day 47-13 would be a new closing high. As the dow finishes up about 228 points. Well, there it is uh. Dao is up 0.6 s, p at 0.96 and nasdaq up 0.73 but and russell's down 0.38.

I can see that behind my head here and well, that seems great and we're happy. Sarah eisen's happy there's definitely a lot of pain in the market yeah. Most of that pain is in higher valuation higher pe companies, but not limited to higher pe companies. You know you look at something like corsair, almost value style play at this point.

21 bucks. I mean this has gone straight down: uh trade desk 94. It's actually not terribly low for for trade desk, it's still relatively elevated. It's a great company though, and face also still at higher levels.

You know than where we were. Let's do etsy here, etsy up 225 kind of continuing the trend, though look at oh that's interesting. Let me draw a trendline here on etsy, no, not quite ideal, let's try again yeah. This is interesting, see if i go here, you can kind of see where i'm going with this see.

If i go from over here. No, that's not gon na work i'll play with this later. It's not so important right now, almost almost there, but this this is kind of what it feels like we're, seeing right, where you're getting uh this sort of revisit to a low on this trend, i'll work on that later uh, but anyway, a firm firm's, almost gon Na be back down here at uh, what are we at almost uh? What did we drop to? Oh, this was uh. This was monday.
I think we dropped it. Yeah 96, oh my gosh. Does it talk about short-term pain? Pile powell speaks on wednesday yeah. Let's see eve oh eath, pop and tiny a little bit, but anyway yeah i mean anything higher evaluation.

Let's see palantir snowflake docusign these guys all hitting relative lows, not monday lows, but still pretty low docusign. Let's try snowflake snowflake, though i think is held up better yeah they've actually held up decently, but these are these are opportunities. You know they're not as low as some of the prices that we've seen, but there are a lot of things that have sold off quite well for for the for the to end the year. With some of these lower prices, they just create nice re-buy opportunities, we're away from that euphoria right now, i think, is great, especially if higher net worth individuals for selling for tax purposes or whatever realize their gains this year, instead of us next year, wow apple ended Up 2.8 percent - oh my gosh, that's really impressive! Santa rally postponed to new year's.

It does not need to be a rally. Remember that rallies are a gift, and when you get that gift you must, you must take profits on your options. Why'd, my wire transfer get cancelled all right, whatever i'll figure it out so anywho there you go. I like net yeah anyway.

Thank you so much for being here appreciate it, thanks juan for the five dollars 99 cent sticker there stephen thank you. We talked about the 20 one uh, hey folks, look have a good weekend. Next week's gon na be uh interesting, so buckle up. It's gon na be pretty crazy.

All right! Good luck!.

By Stock Chat

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28 thoughts on “I just lost lots of money”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars giosdad925 says:

    If the market crashes will you shave your head ?????

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIG WHALE! 🐋💰 says:

    I NEED $100K OR I DIE


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Music from the people says:

    That intro touches me deep down in the ape parts

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Garcia says:

    I want to buy that song! 🔥👏 “ here we go come on push it, buy the dip!Buy the dip” 💪

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan newyork says:

    Don't wary you will lose everything soon and drag everyone who is listening to your nonsense with you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ks Tattoos says:

    Could you cover the crypto Quant? QNT

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver says:

    With the recent happenings in stock I feel too scared to go in.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RoadToFSD says:

    It’s ok Kevin. Btc will go back to $55k to your average price soon

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ab Dullah Bin Packing says:

    Yea your losing your mind you got pink hair 😂 wha you sent to a saloon and said let me get pink hair 😂 should have pink your facial hair also 😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars christian amezquita says:

    Who the fuck watches this shit

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie I Warner says:

    Visa and Mastercard and apple pay and google pay and PayPal can crush affirm

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie I Warner says:

    Btw nobody that knows anything about the markets trades pre market

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laurie I Warner says:

    Adobe can crush DocuSign. Apple(and others) can crush matter pot

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BUSHCRAFT QUEBEC says:

    pink hair ??? must be a democrat 100%=simp

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars [NETPAYJOB.COM] 👈 - Easy $700 Day says:

    A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. ~David Brinkley

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bones says:

    Yeah here we go come on push it by Da Dip by the dip then watch it rip

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romel Rodriguez says:

    So this dude with pink hair wanted to govern California 🤦🏽‍♂️ looking more like a hacker than an investor or governor rather

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kendall Kidd says:

    I'm so broke, I don't even have money to lose

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G2G Contractors says:

    Shibninja coin…..That is ALL…..🍾🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀😎😏

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    I’ll make back all u lost plus gains from MOASS that is coming !

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dillon Tavares says:

    That music video was funny lol 👌

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Mirza says:

    Kevin definitely did shrooms before making that intro

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew H says:

    Join the motley fool don’t listen to i make a etf portfolio Kevin

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ttef Wojack says:

    Kevin is super pissed that he is loosing his 50% return this year. While the spy is yielding around 30%.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew H says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard this guy say one useful thing on any of his videos

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew H says:

    Kevin likes balls look at his hair

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battlefield Curator says:

    Now do a remix intro of Jim Cramer 😂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Freedom Made Simple says:

    at least you've got some to lose, just kidding.

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