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Video Outline
0:00 Introduction
0:20 My Diagnosis
1:57 My Childhood Experience
8:07 The Downsides
9:14 The Positives
11:05 How I Manage It
17:59 Conclusion
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That's right folks. Recently I got diagnosed. This diagnosis happened about a year ago and I can't believe I'm talking about this here on my channel. Can't believe I'm making a video on this because I plan to uh, actually not talk about it I wanted to keep it more Finance Credit cards crypto.

you know the whole shebang. If this video is able to help just one person out there, this is something that I'm willing to make. So the diagnosis that I recently got hit with was ADHD This came to me at a big surprise just because I was never told any of this growing up that I could have anything you know neurological like this. but you know after some time me dating my girlfriend who just got her master's degree in nursing and she also is very familiar with people who have ADHD she was like hey, you should get tested out, you should check out if you have something like this.

So I was uh tested more than positive because I was very skeptical in the beginning Now I'm more than confident that I do have ADHD I wanted to talk about in this video four things: I got four great bullet points. It's gonna be my childhood experiences what I was like as a kid. I'm going to share with you how I've managed it up until I was able to finally know that I had something like this I'm going to share with you guys my discovery of it which was pretty interesting because on that side of it, there was a bit more education that I never thought I would have learned to the degree I did and I'm also going to share with you how I deal with it now. So the biggest myth that I had on my own level with ADHD was just the fact that anyone who had it I always assumed that they just talked a lot or they were just super hyper active.

It turns out right now, there's a lot of misconceptions getting debunked about ADHD and just the level of the way it affects people. but instead of seeing ADHD which is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder as just hyperactivity of behavior like going crazy and you know, talking a lot. I noticed that sometimes I do talk a lot I do, but in most cases I don't I'm more of an observer. but you can also get diagnosed with ADHD which is more medically known to have hyperactivity of the brain or your brain's always just going like 100 miles an hour and it seems like it can't stop.

So let's first start with my own childhood experience. It's guys growing up in school I was actually always tired and there were times where I did get enough sleeper I thought I was getting enough sleep too and no matter what, there are always periods in class that I always had to take a nap and I thought this was just related to the fact that I was straining my body since I always played Sports after school, you know my diet wasn't good so I always try to change it up, try to eat healthier, try not to eat those like circular pizzas and the french fries and it might be like a Maryland thing but all the kids here would put Tabasco sauce on our fries and Old Bay on it and I was like okay, this is definitely not good for my health and maybe I got like the Asian genetic Korean microbiome of my stomach so it's just making me tired. That's why even when I shifted over to more of a cleaner diet and I had to still take what I call tactical naps in between like after lunch, I would always knock out in whatever class that was and usually I would have to take like two tactical naps every single day in school. So I think this is one of the reasons why it was hard for me to, you know, be a good student just because I was sleeping in some of the classes.
More than that at I always had an inability to focus on different subjects which never really like made sense to me. Why could I not focus on certain things? Why would I get so frustrated at the concept of like math or like chemistry things that I just had no interest in Now I know a lot of where that came from, but back then nobody had ever told me that I could even have a possibility of being someone with ADHD I Always had classmates who had ADHD I had heard of like Adderall or Ritalin which is some of the medication used for that. It never crossed my mind. It's really interesting I Think it also might be the fact that as a Korean within our culture, it is very taboo to talk about anything mental health related.

So you know ADHD I would say is within that spectrum and I think it would be pretty odd to ever bring that up in conversation, even just as an example. If you guys didn't know, Cree actually has one of the highest suicide rates out of all developed countries at about 26 per 100 000 people. This is partly due to the fact that a lot of things are more taboo. people don't want to talk about health or you know their inability to focus Focus or even just trying to keep up with the competition because studying is just so stressed and if you don't get into the good school if you turn out you're like not smart, you can't pay attention.

People find that their value is worthless and after that they bad things happen basically. So I Always thought you know the reason why I got into so many fights at school and the reason I hated school I didn't care about it was just because I was. you know, like I never fit in. but I really do think it was just the fact that I was always tired.

you know, a lack of sleep, lack of focus, not doing well, always feeling just very misunderstood. Had a result of you know this ADHD that I recently found out about. On the other hand of that though, there were some subjects where I learned it so quick and I was like easily you know even growing up as a kid. I remember in elementary school I was placed in all the GT programs uh for like reading the spelling bees and it just got to a certain point.

It was like sixth grade to eighth grade where I really realized School wasn't for me. Now that was my childhood experience. College was kind of like the same thing too I always went through school just try to get by school like I would find ways to be able to at least pass with the least amount of effort that I can put in. Uh, one example I had was this environmental science class and my professor looked legit like Albert Einstein and he would act on his best behavior when The Observers would come in from the the like administrative office but when they were out he would just like be a terrible teacher, not someone who is good for the students.
Uh, he was abusing his power a lot as a teacher too. This professor here would go out his way to not mention these deadlines or like a final project coming up. or if he would not mention anything and he would just put it on the kids. If they forgot about it then he would just be like okay, you know like you messed up, you failed, just didn't seem like he had our best interest at all.

Fast Forward College Going into adult life you know when it comes to having ADHD I Realize there are a lot of cons that I thought were normal of everyone. this is just having a hard time sleeping. This is one of the reasons why you guys might see me rocking this ring. It's actually an aura ring to help me track my sleep for the past four to five years there.

Urban Periods where I get terrible sleep like I'll wake up three or four in the morning where my heart is like beating and it feels like I was either suffocating or I just ran like I just did some wind Sprints I also had periods where I got burnt out really quick I talked about that a lot on my channel and I always Associated that with just being a creative you know just being a YouTuber and working at a pace. but I do think having ADHD that contributes to it, but anyone can be susceptible to a lot of these things. That's why it's like a lot of the symptoms or some of the results of inconveniences I had it's things that anyone can experience but I noticed that it was a lot more common for me and I thought it being so common for me meant it was common for everyone. the first time I went on Reddit to look up like sleeping problems and I'd heard there were a group of people where as soon as they like touched their bed and they just like close their eyes, they can fall asleep.

But for someone like me like I need to be playing something I got to be playing a YouTube video I got to be watching a show I got to be reading a book. The best analogy that I could put about out having something like this is as if I have a car in my brain that's you know, consuming gas and it's getting about five miles per gallon. kind of like a sports car where you're flooring it and then you're slamming the brake and you're flooring it and you're slamming the brake versus someone else who might just have a normal ongoing brain. You're getting an easy 30 to 50 miles per gallon cruising.

You don't need to slam the brake, you don't need to slam the gas pedal, it's not, you know, accelerating, decelerating. and I think that's what leads to me getting so tired. Uh, this is particularly one of the reasons why I never really traveled that much if I went to a conference like Bitcoin conference if I traveled anywhere I'd always get tired like right before noon and I get so tired where I needed to sleep even more even if I had like eight hours of sleep and that's just because my mind's always running. it's always thinking of either the next business idea or what I have to do for the day and it goes through so many different scenarios and I just realized it's my mind just continuing to move and burning so much coal in there where I thought I was an introvert I realize I'm not really that much of an introvert I just don't like going out when I have low energy and I find out that I have low energy pretty consistently because of this.
So I'm not going to go over like all the cons about this because it's this video is not focused on that to any degree. These are things that I think have been very manageable and the biggest lesson that I actually wanted to share was just the fact that I'm so glad that I heard about this now and not been told by someone or like a psychiatrist when I was in middle school or something that I could have ADHD because I could definitely see a older or sorry I could see a younger version of myself using that information as a crutch and saying I won't be able to do this because I was born with this or I won't be able to be an entrepreneur because I got ADHD I won't be able to make seven to eight figures because I got ADHD It turns out there's actually a lot of successful entrepreneurs that do have this and it might even be like I Don't know how true this is, but they do say like almost a lot of creatives to some degree the most creative people have a form of add is the less hyperact active version, but this is where from the overthinking and the mind wandering where people are able to come out with such great creative ideas, this is where people get their wit and their cleverness. and I think it's just what makes people unique in general. Aside from all the cons and you know the gas analogy I was talking about, there are a lot of Pros so it makes sense as to why I could work and like switch on from a task, go to another task and I could even be hyper focused on a specific thing without eating.

might not be good. It might be a con too, but I could go and do that for 12 hours plus I Also noticed that people who do have more on the severe level of ADHD they have a very high level of intrapersonal intelligence for me. I'm I've been very well aware of my emotion when I'm mad or something bothers me or I just pick up a like a wrong Vibe something I've always been very confident in myself is having a gut feeling about someone I always know immediately whether or not I like someone or not whether or not a person I would deem is is a good person or not, it's really never. It's never proven me wrong.
I Think this has to do with ADHD I think it just allows me to have more awareness of my motivations, my beliefs, my goals, my emotions, and putting it out on this journal has helped me a significant amount. In addition to that, guys. I Also noticed that there are times where I can definitely be one of the most productive people in the world as long as I'm able to use the right techniques to keep myself on track. On top of that, guys, you know I've been doing more reflection just even aside from YouTube Because As most you guys know, Sports has always been a huge part of my life.

Like things about you know, sport of rugby guys I I played that for a long time I excelled at it and even with that I noticed that I found myself getting into that flow State just a lot easier where I was focused I was in that zone that some of these books talk about. you know Kobe Bryant had talked about it a lot and I think that really just comes from the condition. uh, the gift. More than that going back to YouTube and when I do for work definitely creativity I find that I can come out with some of the most out of box ideas and these ideas come to me at the most incredible times now.

guys: I could talk so much about the pros and the cons the super powers and you know, the non-super powers the crutches but I want to talk more about in this section the management that I've taken so before I even got my diagnosis I would drink a lot of coffee to the point my eye was always twitching I would have to pre-plan naps all the time. so if I had to go on a long drive I had to make sure that I had to sleep somewhere before that even learning how to task switch even better from doing one thing to another thing and I even found I don't know if it's a connection too, but there is one point where I was drinking quite a bit of whiskey during that pandemic I was getting into Japanese whiskeys I was on the Reddit I was smelling it I got the whiskey glass and all that and I think that just goes into the fact that if I dive deep into something I really get into it like I get almost obsessed. So ladies and gents here is pretty much like the most important part of the video that I want to talk about. and it's just the fact that if any of you guys have anything similar to this: ADD ADHD Because it is common, here are some of the healthy secret management tips that have allowed me to get to where I am with what I have.

so no matter what I try to exercise once a day. Uh, exercise brings out a lot of the endorphins and the dopamine that is normally imbalanced in a brain like mine and it's just naturally generated and people call it as like the natural cure for having ADHD and I notice that whenever I feel burnt out instead of just like lounging around and being on the couch and sitting and not doing anything, if I push myself a little bit in that moment to go to the gym whenever I come back I feel so much better and recharged. Another thing I just recently mentioned is the fact that I Journal guys, if you know me, I've been journaling for many, many, many years I have so many of these and it really allows me to get my thoughts down on paper. I think it's literally one of the keys to success.
So you could Journal about your day. you could Journal about your goals. you can Journal about your trading experience. you could Journal about a lot of things.

if you're a Christian you can Journal about prayer your belief. This is a tool here that a lot of people don't utilize and I think one of the benefits of this is just the fact that when you're opening up a journal and you're using it, you're writing down on a piece of pen and paper that doesn't allow you to get distracted. It's different from typing on a computer because you saw notifications come in. This is going to be timeless.

It works for me and I think it can work for a lot of people so this is a habit. I Highly encourage everyone to pick up Now this here is probably the most important thing that I do. but I always create a list of tasks that I need to do within the notes section of my Apple phone. There are a lot of other stuff that I've used like Evernote and there are even newer apps where they make it a little quicker.

but I've noticed that I have all iOS devices. They're all interconnected so notes section always comes up really fast. it's really seamless and I just need to keep it simple. I don't need all the fancy stuff from notion so I always write down my uh So within that app I always write down my daily tasks every single day no matter what and whenever a small thing is done I always check it off.

so I actually have like tasks to do that are completely filled out and I just go through that every single day and if I can't complete something for that day, I'll just move it to the next day until it gets finished. This is one of the things that allows me to not feel so overwhelmed because there's a thousand things I need to do every single day and it allows me to stay more on track and it allows me to feel like I have a bit more control in my life. Another thing that has helped me a lot is to really just give myself some time I don't like making commitments I don't like scheduling calls and I like to be more aware of my body if I know I need rest if I know I should not be taken back to back to back to back meetings on a Thursday when I had like six hours of sleep I'm not gonna go ahead and schedule that in even six hours of sleep. That can make me like a bit more lethargic.

I find that I need a bit more than that too. know your body, understand the limitations and you know, give yourself a little bit of Grace and not feeling like you gotta do all these things all at once and you gotta over strain yourself because that eventually leads the burnout which I've experienced quite a bit On top of that, dopamine detox is Huge I've been practicing this for as long as I know it. Like four to five years ago, turning off my phone, putting on an airplane mode, literally trying not to use it. Uh, like you know, taking a walk in the woods or just taking a walk without technology reducing all that social media notifications coming in, simplifying life that has helped me a tremendous amount.
When I find that you know I'm getting a little bit too caught up and refreshing the YouTube analytics and seeing all the views and comments that's always dopamine coming in almost every quarter I tend to do a dopamine detox where I just cut out a lot of the things that are constantly notifying me, constantly bringing me short-term satisfaction. Other than that, a practice that I've been doing is meditating for the last four to five years. that has been Huge. It's helped me out in just the most tremendous amount of ways.

My favorite way to meditate, hands down, is going to the gym and then going into the sauna and then putting in the app. the Calm app it was free for a while if you had any one of the American Express cards during the pandemic. I also like to read books that helps me to be more present. There are no notifications, distractions coming in from a book and I find that I get super inspired a lot of the time too.

On top of that noise canceling headphones, this helps me to be in the zone, especially when I hear a lot of things and if I hear someone sniffling all the time or clicking their pen. That stuff actually does distract me, especially if I'm out trying to do work. So I noticed noise canceling headphones I feel more at peace with it because I can drown out sound I drink high amounts of green tea which is known to have a lot of L-theanine so that's more calming. It allows you to feel more in that flow state.

So when you have caffeine instead of getting the Jitters, you know L-theanine actually helps balance it out. And then one last thing guys, a lot of awareness. So the aura ring is something that I recently picked up. It is actually one of my most favorite purchases for this year just yet because I can see exactly how much sleep I'm getting and as most guys know, I normally wear an actual watch I'm usually wear the Cartier Santos and I don't wear an Apple Watch which would normally tell me my stats.

So a ring like this has been huge in helping me get more information about myself if I feel well rested. but it turns out I only got four hours of sleep I'll know. Okay, maybe I'll have a crash coming up so I should take this day a bit slower or I shouldn't strain myself at two o'clock after I eat. Now those are are more of the natural things but guys 12 months ago I also did get prescribed Adderall I tried it and needless to say I just didn't like it I feel very like lethargic on it and the crash for me is always really bad every day that I work I don't take it but I will take it if I need to go out on like a vacation or a car long car trip where I'm like falling asleep I'm drinking caffeine but it's still not helping.
So in some instances if I know like I gotta socialize and go out and I'm like so tired all day I can't function. those are the moments I do I've noticed that when it comes to work and just optimizing myself like all those things just getting good sleep, hitting the gym, just having daily tasks, and not being so distracted and unfocused with notifications coming in. that's enough for you to continue building and and just creating your Empire So ladies and gentlemen I mean I Hope someone was able to relate to this video. That's the main purpose of me making this and that's why you know it's a bit more vulnerable I'm putting myself out there you know I got a lot of people I I Don't have that many people watching these videos anymore I used to have a lot of people, maybe more people.

That must be the ADHD me just going off whole point of this is I just hope that this can help someone in a positive way guys because you know these videos, it's a little bit different for me putting yourself out on the interweb something I've already been doing for a long time, but you know, taking a layer deeper. So guys, hopefully you know if you did find value or if you can resonate with anything, let me know. Down Below in the comments I Read every single comment even if I can't heart or comment back at every single one. Um, I do read them and I do appreciate all the love and all the feedback you guys want to follow me on social media on Instagram on Twitter Be sure to do that too! And in the meantime I Appreciate you guys I Love y'all stay blessed and I'll see y'all soon! Peace.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “I got diagnosed… adhd”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns says:

    Blessings my brother. Glad youโ€™re staying well through these crazy times.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Knight says:

    lets go! rugby mayn!!!!!!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars erif 5665 says:

    not sure if I have it…but I have similar symptoms (i.e. low energy, mind always running).
    I still managed to get a couple degrees and own my own business.

    glad to hear your story….much respect

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IndigoRichard says:

    Welcome to our tribe!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Element115 says:

    Oh no! Hope you survive

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noah Castelo says:

    are you still filming on canon or did you make the switch to sony

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cis White Male with Extra Privilege says:

    I think my doctor said I have ADHD, but I wasn't paying attention.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danni Liu says:

    Sounds like you are also an ENFP!! I thought I was ADHD like 6-7 years ago because my bf always said looks like I have ADHD, then I went to a doctor and afterwards she said no I donโ€™t have ADHDโ€ฆmaybe Iโ€™m just a typical ENFP or multi-potentiality!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ์ด์ˆœํฌ says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Choi says:

    Super helpful! Love my Oura ring.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pierston Salinas says:

    Thank you

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jglizzy says:

    I feel like everyone got adhd from social media

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kelly Evans says:

    Hey Brian, if you have only tried Addy it is worth trying trying another med. Vyvanse is the same type of stim but known for being more long acting and not have those crashes you are experiencing. It definitely pricier though. Also many people experience the fatigue when first starting stims, it might be that it quiets your brain and actually allows you to get into more of a parasympathetic state but many people report that eventually easing up.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hardcore Vegan says:

    Nice video Brian I love your videos, keep it up๐Ÿ‘

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Cheng says:

    Yeah I resonate a ton! Got Asperger's (mild Autism) as well.

    One of the biggest motivators for me is maintaining a routine schedule filled with activities, events, and ventures I find deep satisfaction and enjoyment in but can also throw a wrench in my week if my schedule is disrupted by medical complications (skin & foot for me), a family emergency, or just the SSA sending me a 20-page report to complete within 2 weeks in order to keep receiving benefits — any of which often means not getting to keep up with the optimal routine I rely on such as TRX classes or social groups or blocked-out periods of rest & de-stressing which can snowball into me not getting anything on my to-do list done for a few days which can be more than a little discouraging.

    Oh and "amphetamines" or stimulant ADD/ADHD meds like Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta make me loose my appetite and become irritable more often so I've found ways to manage well without them since 2017. I have heard about a few non-stimulant alternatives so I would like to try those if I the need arises.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrZenmancer says:

    ADHD is the most over diagnosed condition in the US.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ebo Zion says:

    Keep doing what you've been doing!! Don't let it define you.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle K says:

    Thank you for sharingโ€ฆA lot of famous people have been diagnosed with ADHDโ€ฆ look at how successful you are now!! My son has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and ADHD ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธ

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis says:

    Iโ€™m also glad I grew up in the 90s lol when I was told by my teachers I had ADD I was like ok. Only new that I had a hard time focusing on some subjects.

    It wasnโ€™t till in recent years I heard people coming out saying they had ADD/ADHD and it would cause them problems. I would here a lot of people use it as a crutch or a reason they are locked in the ways they live.

    I know ADD/ADHD is a scale per say but donโ€™t make it your personality. To most people it doesnโ€™t matter, what matters is that we find what works for us in our day to day. One thing that was huge is just in the past couple years any time I have something to go to or things in the day I need to do I just set phone alarms. It lets me throw those commitments out of my mind and gain the bandwidth back, plus Iโ€™m not worried about missing stuff lol.

    I think of ADD/ADHD like an RPG game, when you create a character you have different classes to chose and it dictates what you specialize in. Thatโ€™s all ADD/ADHD is, itโ€™s us a normal human and we are different than some humans like we all are. We have strengths and weaknesses. But sure our blind spots feel large sometimes but with this variation in the human condition we can have a really high redline and a very creative mind! Some true gems that alot of people wonโ€™t understand, just like how we donโ€™t understand how they can focus on subjects they donโ€™t like lol.

    But I wouldnโ€™t trade this for anything. Itโ€™s part of what makes me who I am.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coby Lyons says:

    You sound very much like someone who is HSP-highly sensitive person or sensory perceptive sensitivity, probably concurrent with the ADHD.

    I appreciate you sharing this about yourself. So much fits with me even though I didnโ€™t hit the adhd threshold. But, I am sure that Iโ€™m neurodivergent as an hsp

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trevor osborn says:

    Id love to have the super powers

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaxLyfters says:

    @BrianJung you mentioned you used to wake up with your heart racing like suffocating. Try to also get tested that you do not have sleep apnea. Sometimes people who have a thick neck and lift a lot can develop it. Getting properly diagnosed also for sleep apnea will help. There are like mouthpieces that can be made to help with sleep.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocky Sivilay says:

    Lol, who isn't these days. A form of stimulant other than Adderall is caffeine.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Byun says:

    I got diagnosed with small gochu syndrome

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