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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #Failure #ChristmasFailure #Fail ⚠️⚠️⚠️
I failed. Do not break these rules. Fitness challenge and car purchase of Tesla and Lucid.
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Videos are not financial advice.

Hey everyone me kevin here in this video. I need to talk about some failures. It is christmas, so i wish you all a merry christmas and yes, that does mean there is a coupon code. That's expiring! Tonight.

Look y'all heard this before the price goes up over time. You get lifetime access. You all know. I love these programs.

What i do every day is try to contribute and add value to these, especially with our daily live streams that are almost like mini lectures. Check. Those out by the links down below okay failures, all right, the first one i'll do the first one. Second, the first one's more embarrassing, uh, the second one's just stupid.

So i'll do the second one. First, that's kind of confusing, but i don't really want to edit this video so we're just gon na go with it. Okay, uh first one is uh who remembers that uh? Well, i should show it like this. Who remembers this quote that, i always say: don't buy a tesla by tesla, yeah uh? I i screwed up, i um.

I i bought a tesla. I really really really want a full self driving and you can't get it in the 2017 tesla until they come out with new cameras, and i'm like i really want to be on the next frontier of self-driving technology and i'm like okay i'll get myself a christmas Present the christmas present arrived a little bit uh earlier than than christmas time, and i've been like desperately waiting for even getting a safety score. Uh i have to rant. I still don't have my safety score, which is extremely frustrating because i've driven it quite a bit and still still but the deaths look i'll.

Do a broader tesla video, but i had weakness. I had weak hands everyone. I failed. I had weak hands.

I bought a tesla. I bought a model s plaid, it's really freaking fun, there's some problems with it and i'll make a full review video. But it's christmas, i'm not going to burden you with all that right now, but no uh, and this i think, is a very important lesson. Uh sometimes we can be weak and it's bad uh now uh there.

You can always justify it. But like oh, you know i want experience, i want to know it for investment purposes and stuff, like that, it's weekends, like you, buy cars, they're butter. I i really don't think cars are good investment unless you're like a car collector, and you really know what you're doing and you have like a car garage and you you make a business out of this. But then it's a business right, but otherwise cars are depreciating assets.

I think they're a really bad idea, and generally, i just think like if you're gon na buy the car just buy the stock instead, which i i have been buying tesla stock but um yeah. I had weekends, that's all i got to say. That's all i got ta say now uh. I know some of you are like, but kevin but kevin you.

You also have a reservation for a lucid. Does this mean you're, not gon na get the lucid? I had weak hands there as well. I i already paid for the lucid so soon, i'm gon na have a model s and a lucid, and i feel like a complete idiot and a because this is like it's literally just butter. Now i'm gon na i'm gon na tell myself and justify this as oh yeah, i'm gon na be able to compare the two side by side is uh.
You know for investment purposes because tesla's, like forty percent of my portfolio and i got ta, know if you know the first uh fully electric uh startup competitor a tesla to to deliver you know more than 500 cars to the public is going to end up being Lucid, i don't think they're going to reach that this year, but how good are they actually compared to tesla? Are they actually going to be able to hold a candle on tesla? No, i i'm also looking forward to rivian, but i think i got to stop buying cars uh, although i do have a pre-order for arriving and that's that's. That's bad and the maki person keeps calling me that's also about i got i got to stop. I told you this is a failure, video. I don't.

I honestly don't know why you're watching it uh, you know, maybe you just needed a reminder about that course. Coupon now uh, okay, uh, the the other failure. This is so bad. The other failure folks um.

Well, this is like failure. 1.5. I really failed at uh buying enough property this year. I i bought a good.

This isn't really the second failure, i'm just kind of delaying getting to the next one, because i don't really want to talk about it, but i'm going to the other failure. Is i um i really. I wish i bought more larger property this year. I bought multiple, smaller single-family deals and that, but they don't give you as big of a a day.

One cost segregation benefit and i was really looking forward to having some more tax shelters and so i'm going to be paying a very, very nice tax, but i think aoc and elizabeth warren will be proud this year and uh honestly. I do not live to make them proud. Oh well, i guess we'll talk about that in another video uh, then um, then okay, the the other thing is um. You remember the fitness challenge yeah, i'm i'm a little bit disappointed and i and something happened.

So i i did this fitness challenge where i promised over the next, like i think i gave myself about 38 days. I would do two things. I would uh run a mile in under six minutes and i would do 60 push-ups, which we kind of revised from the video, because i had in the video said much higher but um. I.

I was really good up until my kabul, vacation and even during my cabo vacation, but when i came back, i did something that was not very smart and this is. This is an excuse. I know it's an excuse, but it's an excuse. I noticed that when i posted my fitness videos, i actually lost subscribers like it seemed like people didn't care about those which was really weird.

That was, and that was the first one i posted and then the second one i posted, had the same problem and then got half as many views. So it was like it's almost like uh my motivation uh to to share my fitness challenge. Totally got robbed now, and i think i'm just like justifying why you know it's december: it's easy to have a lot of holiday parties and to eat a lot of food and to drink and to like wow. It never rains in california, but, like all of the month of december, it's kind of been raining which is crazy.
It's probably good for california. Maybe they'll fill up those darn rivers again, but uh. This is just an excuse. The reality is, i failed uh.

I failed. Okay, i i excuses are stupid. I used to run all the time in florida and it rains every freaking day in florida, so excuses are bad, but this was something that was a really demotivating for me and so um. What what i'm devising right now is a because i made a promise that if i failed, the challenge i'd shave, my hair at the end of the year.

Uh and - and i want your uh insights on this. But i'm thinking the only way it would be fair for me not to shave my hair uh or maybe i just shave it and then do a new challenge is if i had a new challenge that was even more potentially painful but maybe more realistic, like, for Example, if i gave myself three or four months what what should the challenge be, if i give myself three or four months in a fitness challenge, but then then, in addition to shaving my hair, because it has to be worse, if i fail the challenge, i have To like give unless it's the last thing i want to do, i have to like write a check to graham stefan for 15 000 or, if i win, i take that fifteen thousand and divide it to my employees so that way, hopefully like they motivate me and It becomes this like really competitive thing where it's like. I will not freaking fail this, because i don't wan na write. I don't wan na give gram any money, uh and i think that that'll be uh, really competitive and really fun uh.

So i kind of think like if i make the challenge even more ridiculous uh, but then also do it for like not for like youtube purposes like go into it with the mindset of like no, this shouldn't just be like. Oh you know people would like to maybe subscribe to this or whatever make this like a challenge, but make it something that would benefit my employees. If i did it well, but also benefit me, and i gave myself like four months. So what what do you think uh and - and i think the options here would be uh screw it? You f'd up shave your hair, uh upvote comments.

If you think that or uh okay, we'll give you like another four month opportunity, but it has to be a worse challenge now you have to be, i don't know, like an example might be, you have to do the six minutes and you have to have a Six-Pack, i don't know, that'd be crazy, but maybe it's four or five months or something like that uh. But you got to pay graham x dollars, uh or or whatever right. I think that would be really fun and something we can embark on and i think the best way to kind of commit to providing updates, and i want to see what you think about this in the comments as well is maybe uh, maybe maybe every time we Do a market open and close live stream? I have to start with a quick little update or something just to hold myself accountable, because that's something i definitely did not do it didn't hold myself accountable. I did for like the first two weeks, but that's the easy part, then i let any excuse in the world kind of get in my way, uh.
It was really hard to make progress under 39 days, and so now i'm thinking okay, this is, i failed. I screwed up: what can we do now? Do we just go? Okay? Forget it? Don't do a challenge anymore quit you failed shave, your head, be done or turn it into a new challenge, so i'm obviously leaning towards the new challenge idea. But i want to see what you all think. Anyway, i failed.

I was very weak and that you know i think sometimes it's helpful to just get our failures out there and uh acknowledge them anyway. A merry christmas see ya.

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34 thoughts on “I failed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mp2u1 says:

    Kevin- challenge… here we are following you to get tips on financial success. Take us through a $1000 to $100,000 in 3 months or something like this. It would be exciting and interesting. We all would follow closely. It’s something we all can participate with you on. Let’s do it!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas Cardenas says:

    Run a marathon in under 3.5 hours! I would put a poll on with YouTuber gets the money. Graham, Matt Kohrs… ect.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Silent Films says:

    Kevin if you set your punishment for not making your goal to be selling all your Tesla shares and buy an S&P 500 etf with the money. Or you could make a huge donation to AOC or Elizabeth Warren. I’m sure if you make one of those the punishment you will for sure achieve your goals. Best of luck. 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S Finch says:

    Kevin IMO you should sell your roadster and the other Tesla. Try to get your money back on the Lucid. Why buy the Nokia phone when you own the top of the line Apple phone. The maintenance and storage of all those vehicles is a burden on you. Sounds like a real pain to me. The plaid will get you a front seat to FSD and it’s a nice safe family car. I would say for a second vehicle get a Ford Lightning. Useful for all your everyday needs and the boys will really enjoy it. Plus there’s going to be a ton hype on the lightning and you will be able to post about it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Kimura says:

    trying to snake your way out of shaving your head. give me 15K and shave your head.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Master Shake says:

    You should do series of Start with $400 and make a million dollars by the end of the year 2022 using Robinhood only and you have a limited amount of money you can put in every 2 weeks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Odd Thomas says:

    New challenge, complete a triathlon and document it. Punishment for your imminent failure, invest 1 million in TTCF.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnold Valentino says:

    If you fail, you have to give away your courses for 3-5 days. 😉

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hydrostatic3g says:

    Any man who is a real man wants to drive himself. Why am I not surprised. Straight up, if you didn’t have a wife and kids, I’d be convinced you batted for the other team.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Zurko says:

    Shave head for this failed fitness challenge. Restart a challenge except twist it. You must keep head shaved during challenge and if you win you grow it back out. Then for real pain if you loose Let Lauren pick your next property…. She gets to choose personal or investment.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brook McLaughlin says:

    Gosh you really don’t want to shave your hair do you!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Shoots says:

    You should do a new challenge it’s called (75 hard) you can look it up here on YouTube and if you lose you have to pay the 15,000$ dollars to graham.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G T says:

    A bet is a bet. If you failed then you pay the piper. I think it's the best for your viewers. I personally don't find you more interesting with pink hair. Maybe missed that fail episode. Literally cut your losses. I have a similar bet going on with my kids I'm balding anyway so no big deal. Good luck.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LA Style says:

    I thought Kevin said he cancelled his Lucid because of delays…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bj T says:

    Can you make another video on Rivian? I bought about $10k in put options after watching your video saying Rivian will dump. I was hoping to get a big return to pay for my wife’s medical bills. Rivian has been going up so I’m down over 85% so far as it’s currently pumping 5%+ this morning 😭 I also thought it would continue to dump and never bought that much in puts before and now I’m fucked lol. This is my first negative return with outs since June and my largest loss so far w stocks 😭😭😭Why is it going up????

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Beautiful Horizon says:

    Make it a competition between you and Graham. Maybe ask Jeremy and Andre if they want in on it too?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael zahn says:

    You have to give the money to your governor if you fail😈

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilbert Solar says:

    Kevin any update on your Lucid order? It says you paid cash here so wondering if you got your vin. This company underpromised and over delivers so if you ordered a dream air edition my guesstimate is that you will be getting it by year end. Congrats!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Almodovar says:

    What's the point of making money if you don't splurge every once in a while. YOLO.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Baker says:

    Challenge idea-Make a profit from Hippo stock very short term…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saed Tourè says:

    make it a donation to Elizabeth Warren instead of graham, now it's interesting!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rugrad98 says:

    AOC and Elizabeth Warren are Democrats, just like you.🤔

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rens Vleer says:

    I dunno Kevin, became coursemember this week and just watched a vid about Loss-assessment.. stay true to that =]

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Wilson says:

    Ooooh 😏, I can't wait for BTC, KRRX, XLM token to take off 🙄🙄, by the way, who heard about that 🤔??? I think the Kyrrex project is worthy of filming a separate video 😄😄

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Physique Mechanic says:

    I proposed this, get your body fat check via a dexa scan, and make a challenge where you have to run a mile in 6 minutes and drop 5% body fat as well as 15 pull-ups and 60 push-ups.
    Possible photoshoot at the end?

    If you don't do it pay your employees 6 grand each, and donate a bunch of money to charity based on a poll you can do on YouTube along with shaving your head.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arun Mehta says:

    You already changed the initial challenge (reducing pushup count) so I think you should own up and shave the hair (which was a feature of 2021 Kevin). You can start fresh in 2022 with a new challenge that will motivate you to take action and follow through as the hair grows back too.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VidaNaCl says:

    Instead lf giving the 15k to Graham, give it to subscripers 😀

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Tenn Yuk says:

    I’d like you to show us how you can grow a small account in 2022 from 3000 to 100000 for example or 10k to 20k.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Fugere says:

    Challenges might not be the best. Maybe just shave your head, and then give updates every day on stream for fun instead of as part of a challenge

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars z says:

    Kevin, Merry Christmas and thank you for another year of informative and honest content!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Parrilla says:

    Is anybody on here making a living off stock trading and investing that has a family of 4 ??? And has a 5,000 or more a month

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 50caliber says:

    Love you, Kevin! You have taken my money management to the next level. Thank you for that. I don’t care about your fitness….I think you you should go all in on getting the jet. The jet will truly take you to the next level of business while maintaining subscriber and member involvement. Keep pushing. Your are a animal and and inspiration. Get the jet!!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Green Xeno says:

    Stop finding a way out of your consequences. It's not healthy. Go bald, then do a new challenge.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LAGOJOE says:

    Kevin is the dude!!! It's worth joining his courses! Happy Holidays everyone. 🍻

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