The Federal Reserve just raised its key policy rate by 75 basis points on Wednesday, the biggest hike since 1994. This is what's actually going on.
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Well, get ready to go back in time all the way back to 1994, which is the last year. We actually had a 75 basis points increase by the fed, exactly what happened today and somehow the stock market skyrocketed out of the stratosphere. What's going on well in this video, explain exactly what's going on, but i'm gon na remove all the smoke screen and you're being force-fed by mainstream media by just giving you the actual factuals without the bs. Now look the one thing i will just tell you before.

I go into my analysis. It was really unfortunate for me to hear jean paul speak today because he said something that absolutely infuriated me and i don't think he even noticed how infuriating that was. He said: hey, nobody really thought inflation is going to be that bad and when it happened, you know it. It was a little bit of a surprise to the upside for everyone.

It wasn't a surprise for the upside for everyone. In fact, if you actually bought groceries or had to gas up your car in the past two years, mr powell, you would have known how bad inflation is, but because you're, a millionaire living in your ivory tower, that's a surprise to you, but for everyday, hard-working people. That's hardly a surprise, i'm sorry, but that's just the hard facts, no hate to you, but i mean we all knew and it was really easy to feel it if you're actually spending money on everyday things like gasoline and groceries, which i don't know when it's the Last time you actually had to do it, but look the one thing i'll give jerome powell is that he pulled off a magnificent trick, which is called the leak, and i don't mean a leak in a bad way like you know something that you do in the Bushes, when nobody's noticing, when you can't find the bathroom i'm talking about the way they leaked the mainstream media about the 0.75 increase. Let me explain the reason.

The stock market skyrocketed today is because mr powell and his compadres basically fed the media, the actual rate hike. Two days in advance, not officially, but they leaked it. Every single media outlet go check. Me talked about this naming 75 basis points for a whole 48 hours.

How did they know? Why were they so sure? That's because people leaked it quietly, sometimes officially sometimes unofficially, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, but the entire media knew about the 0.75. Of course, the market right away priced that end, causing a massive avalanche and also added another 0.25 priced in just for safety. Because that's how much of a credibility problem we have with the federal reserve right now at this point. After being told for a whole year that inflation is transitory, we absolutely don't trust the fed, we're like the wife, that's been cheated on and now we're trying to work on the relationship with the husband, but the trust is gone same thing with the fed.

It's going to be very hard for the fed to create any sort of credibility with the whole transitory. That transpired, especially if the guy who made that mistake, is still you know, sitting in his chair keeping his job, but that's a whole different video. So, basically, when the market found out that it is 0.75 and not 1, then immediately everything got priced in into the certainty. That is an exact rate hike.
So once the market knew exactly it's 0.75, all the extra risk got priced out of the market, and that's why you saw the market fly up now. The one question i would pose to the audience is: do you think that what fed chair john paul said about ending the year with three and a half percent as our target kind of rate for the end of the year? Will this be enough to stop an 8.6 inflation? Now you don't need to be an economist or a scientist or even a human being. You can be a ping-pong table and you'd know that you cannot stop an 8.6 inflation with three and a half percent interest rate. It cannot be done.

It's like asking me to beat michael jordan as prime at basketball at a seven game series. It ain't happening. Why well go back in history and check me on this. The last time we had rampaging inflation was in the 70s and 80s and paul volcker, who used to be the fed chair of the day, enacted 18 interest, and he did it to fight at 12 inflation.

So right now we're dangerously close to this 12 number. We're dancing and flirting with nine realistically we're, probably already at 12 and 13. if we actually measure this thing correctly, but let's say we're close to it. So if you do a pro rata analysis, if 18 is what was needed for 12 inflation, you probably need 13 to 14 right now to battle this inflation now, even if you apply actual rules that were designed to kind of tackle these questions, like the tail rule, The tail rule basically is a formula telling you how much interest rates you need to battle inflation by using the inflation rate right now, deducting from it the base inflation rate, the good inflation, which is two percent and then the result.

Six point: six percent gets multiplied by two and that's the interest. You need right now, so thirteen percent thirteen point two percent is what the tail rule tells us 13 is what the statistic tells us. If you look at what paul volcker did in the 80s, so you cannot do it with three and a half percent, you probably need to be closer to 13, but the problem is the fed cannot go to 13.. I've been out very spoken about this.

The federal reserve is trapped because our government isn't too much debt. We ballooned our debt from 15 to 30 trillion dollars in a matter of just a few years, we're paying already a lot of our gdp to service this debt and, as time goes by, it's only going to get worse and worse at 3 4 interest rates. We're probably playing one point: two one point three trillion dollars per year to services that as it stands, imagine what would going to 13 would do to your debt service. Now this money has to come from somewhere right now.
The government did not make any adjustments to get that money, whether it's increasing tax collections, whether it's going after offshore companies that are not bringing profits back to the u.s, not getting taxed in the u.s, whether it's decreasing government spending. None of this they did something else which is basically saying. Well, you know what you know. We probably can go as high as four five percent interest.

I'm sorry about that! Maybe six percent! This is as high as we can go with a 30 trillion dollar debt that we have to service. So at this rate, inflation is not going anywhere. That's the dirty secret. The fed cannot admit to it's probably going to be here for a few years, and the federal government is basically telling you right now.

Well, look. This is going to solve the problem. No, it's not so here's what's going to happen, and unfortunately, this is how this thing is going to play out. This is how the cookie crumbles so right now the job market is super hot right.

There's a lot of demand for employees, salaries are super high, etc, etc, etc. Over the past few days you probably heard coinbase tesla, a lot of established companies are firing employees. Well, that's the first sign of the last lagging indicator. That is the job market.

That is starting to unhinge, because what's going on right now is the fed is saying: well, we cannot really fix inflation by raising interest rates to what they should be, because we can't afford it with this debt, so we're essentially going to let the middle class of America take the biggest brunt of it all, and some of them will collapse. They will pay the biggest price, but this is the only way to fix it. We're going to destroy the economy just enough to kill demand and then we're going to stop this madness before it goes too far. But by that time a lot of people will be at the wrong end of the deal.

Let's put it this way, so letting a recession happen and basically taking a shot at the middle class is the only thing they can do. Unfortunately, that means that for the next couple of years, we're literally headed into stagflation stagflation is high inflation, high unemployment, because, right now, as inflation gets, elevated interest rates go up, companies will start firing more and more employees, and this hot boiling job market is going to Become very, very cold. Quite soon, that's the last indicator to fall when you're going into recession. So i assume that in about two weeks, we'll have the second consecutive quarter of negative gdp, which is the definition of a recession, and then it's going to lead to more firings, more job loss and inflation is not going anywhere three and a half percent.

So as this year progresses, we'll have more inflation more and certainly the job market and more stagflationary impact all because the fed was too late to react and is too late to react to this point and of course things can happen that can slow this thing down And change the trajectory completely, for example, russia and ukraine - can work itself out changing this course completely. However, it doesn't seem like it's anywhere in that direction. So at this point, i'm not very optimistic on the market and i've got to be honest with you. It doesn't look good, we might have a few good rallies here and there, but right now look at the macro.
It doesn't look good now, i'm going to be here and i'm going to tell you exactly how i see it, i'm not going to sugarcoat it and i'm going to be all nice about it, smiling and telling you everything is going to be fine and we're going To sing kumbaya around the campfire, this is the situation. It's not good, and now we're going to have to ask the people who are on mainstream media and our politicians to tell us the truth as well, which is exactly what we're missing right now see you next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “I don’t want to make this video, but i have to.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zk Motivation says:

    “If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing your limits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing your potential” – Ray Dalio

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chander Raj says:

    What do you mean MJ beating you in his prime….h'd kick your azz now

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C L says:

    Ole Joe just sent 40 billion to Ukraine. Way to take care of Americans. Let’s go Brandon!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imnotanalien says:

    Biden needs to open domestic energy immediately and 2) stop spending in other countries and 3) lower taxes on business and individuals 4) reduce regulations…. the 4 things that Trump did. But the Commander-In-Thief Biden is determined to crash the economy…so we are screwed!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Smith says:

    You don't need to exceed current inflation to reduce inflation.

    For instance, if the fed raised interest rates 500 basis points today. The markets would crash and go into a deep recession. The defaults would cause extreme deflation and all the current inflation would be gone. So even though the interest rates were around 6 percent, the Fed solved our inflation problem.

    It's true that interest rates affect inflation, we all know this but there's a lot of ways to cause deflation. Even just changing lending standards can cause deflation no matter where the interest rates sit.

    Even by the end of this year, if the mortgage rates hit 7 percent for instance, on a 4 percent fed rate, the massive losses in housing could cause a major recession crushing demand. Demand down, prices down.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt3373 says:

    Tom wasn't the difference in the 70's that inflation expectations were massivly un-anchored? It's my understanding back when we were coming off the gold standard and there was basically 0 percent faith in the FED not to say their is a ton of faith in them now but still more than in the 70s.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars craig ross says:

    I am working on the assumption that inflation will go to 4-5% per year for the next 4 years. Stagflation and rising unemployment look likely but I see the property market cycle coming back in 2024 for a 4-5 year boom off the back of bank issued credit.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars htsauce420 says:

    Wait for Ethereum to hit 900-950 and BTC hits $19.5 just sit on it. It's the quickest, easiest way you can regain your losses. Don't mess with small cap tokens or projects.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Gray says:

    You should do a video referring to the video where you mentioned being a former finance professional who worked on DCFs every day and valued Palantir at $105 a share, I believe a little over a year ago

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Auson says:

    Great video and explanation! Going into the future though, I don’t want to see the fear mongering titles. I know it’ll to good for your channel but in the long run, that’s what makes us views lose the respect. That being said you’re doing a great job, thanks for the insight.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corn Pop says:

    The Feds job is to "take away the punch bowl" when the party start popping. They are not removing the punch bowl, they are filling it with cocaine and running around like naked frat boys

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy says:

    Better to be very very aggressive with action on this. Rates can always be brought down, to adjust. Seems like they will string this along for years, when maybe a year of pain, if they solve this problem now.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fswarriors says:

    This administration reminds me of a sports team purposely tanking trying to get the first round pick.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lulu minator says:

    I stopped buying chicken wings every weekend. I felt inflation hit like a rivian truck.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Karridian says:

    Tired of your videos beating this inflation dead horse. I get it. We’re screwed for a few years. Can’t we go back to Russia won’t invade Ukraine videoooosheeet. Too soon?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel C says:

    If my grandma was a ping pong table she would have four legs and a little net between them to catch balls.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Douglas says:

    Not to mention he kept saying he and the rest of the board said they 'didn't see this inflation coming"

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyson Industries says:

    Tom landed a huge interview with Patrick yesterday. Scroll back to watch. Incredible.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Roy says:

    Pathological liar Joe just re-appointed him for another four years. No worries though, 2024 if Trump gets back in the office he’ll be fired. Just like Joe did with his executive orders after being sworn into office and five minutes later he destroyed the country. I can just see Trump coming in and less then five minutes all these corrupt appointed officials will be gone.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Baker says:

    If this country can get gas prices down it could bring down inflation sooner then two years…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kaputasri says:

    Good points Tom unfortunately as you said only job cuts can cure inflation at this point.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ryan mcdonald says:

    People didnt have 800–1000 thousand dollar mortgages when Volker went hard. 3-4% interest on these mortgages is significant. What are your thoughts on this, not good enough?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ally says:

    You're the only financial YouTuber calling out the Fed. We are F'ed for the foreseeable future but we will get through it. Thanks for keeping it real. Stacking cash to buy the real crash!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Galand of Truth says:

    Jerome Powell's kind of protecting Joe Biden, although I wish he shoved them in front of a bus. Like the bad policies have been really crazy. The Federal reserve has a really hard job right now.

    But wait no one's blaming Joe hmmm.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Daxis says:

    Tom, your titles are the strongest click-bait – but I always click because your content is always relevant and totally worth it.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markus S. says:

    Hey, I'm a pingpong table and I tell you that inflation sill may be transitory – when considering a 10 year horizon.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ec says:

    Anybody has had bought anything in the past year has known about inflation. It’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Normal everyday goods at Walmart are up 30 – 40 percent. Pet food is a perfect example. Even the pool installation guy said inflation was 30% a year ago when I got an estimate. Powell bull 💩 . Inflation has been here which is now being amplified by higher oil prices. Economy will be crushed and then in 2-3 years the fed will do it all over again. Stay alive till then.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Mondragon says:

    Meet Kevin explained it way better and he was not biased like this guy. More loaded info came from meetkevin

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vegas Fritz says:

    Absolute lies that are unbelievable. He sounds like a kid trying to lie to his parents so he doesn’t get in trouble.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Guerra says:

    The only person I’ve been waiting to upload since the meeting!!!

    I appreciate you bro!

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