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Welcome we got ta talk about stocks, i didn't want to have to do this didn't want to have to say it, but stocks are going up and uh. It seems like every single day. Fear is starting to evaporate from the market. So if you haven't bought back in stocks at least somewhat of your portfolio, you've already been left behind someone now to some degree.

I know there will be other opportunities because there are always other opportunities because someday you know some crazy things can happen where all of a sudden you just get like a you know some huggy woggy monster or whatever comes out of nowhere and all of a sudden. It was like, oh, my gosh praising the father's fear and nonsense. They're like the midterm elections coming up. Maybe we'll get the fear of the 50 bp hike and all that kind of crap uh, but but really uh and we've been saying this pretty consistently the the the market's getting pretty comfortable with all the garbage we're being fed getting pretty comfortable with okay.

Even if we get a 50 bp hike, okay - and it isn't a surprise to me that after yesterday's one percent down on the qqq we're up two percent today on the qq, in fact yesterday, while the qqq was down one percent - i even said this is this: Is just the market we're in we're up what eight percent in a row do we give back one percent and then we might go up two percent again here we are the very next day almost up two percent of it. It's crazy uh. I do believe that uh uh with the research that we have from at least vandertrak - they track retail a lot uh. They believe that it's a retail, that's most active at the beginning and end of the day and that we have this flatness here in the middle.

I see this pattern over and over again and usually, if we have a low beginning, we get a little bit of a high end or if we get a high morning, we get a little bit of a relaxation into that. So hopefully we continue to rally into the clothes here uh i do. What i want to mention. Nvidia has just been absolutely destroying it today, and we were talking about this a little bit in the course member live this morning.

Uh and i'm personally very very excited about uh, seeing their autonomous software start getting incorporated into lucids. We don't have clear details yet, but uh. I know something that that's really cool and that is that iota lucid. So so i i feel like once.

We actually get news uh and an update that lucid is finally pushing this nvidia autonomy software out to vehicles. Oh trust me i'll, be the first to tell you whether it's garbage i uh. I am a big investor in nvidia in terms of at least relative to my portfolio, it's about ten percent of my portfolio, which i'm very happy about. Obviously, on a day of it being up nine percent, it might be close for, like eight percent uh, that it's my portfolio but whatever and uh.

I i have my doubts. You know i i don't want to. I don't want to come across as a bear here, but i really am concerned that this software, this autonomy software comes out from nvidia for for the lucid and it's going to suck. I want to be the first to see it because if it does suck that's good for tesla bad for nvidia, if it's really good, i'm going to start trembling a little bit for my tesla shares, uh and uh yeah intel is actually getting love today in part, Because of nvidia, you see uh intel this morning murmured.
It was like 6 15 this morning that in the future maybe intel could manufacture. Nvidia chips for nvidia freaked out market freaked out people like that people really like that uh. So that's that's! Pretty neat uh who's! This anyone, you can't just write and kevin chickened out like you got ta you got ta have the first part like you got ta say you know. I don't know.

Kevin saw a hot girl and check it out. Oh wait, but he's married. So it's okay! Uh! You know you like you, you got ta, you got ta, like put it all together, like give me a story, you know give me something to respond like what what is that kevin has load of flies? No, that's my son jack kevin read my comment. The step says my absence: that's jerry, my step, bro checked in lines had planted lately stop.

This is ridiculous. Oh man, oh geez, that's hilarious! Okay, all right! What are we doing so uh, okay, yeah. So i mean great news here with uh with nvidia uh. Somebody says what the f is going on with sundial uh, probably retail uh 20 dude we're going back to a dollar.

Oh my gosh look at this i mean sundial was one of your og momentum stocks from march of 2021. That's crazy! Uh! This one. By the way, these momentum ones consistently have not lasted long. Okay, set like a 10 trailing on this.

Okay, like you're gon na, want a trailing, i think on this one uh. I hope it does well don't get me wrong. Like i'm not saying, i don't want to go to a dollar and you got ta be careful because it moves very. It can move very quickly, so you should pay attention to it, because you could also get stopped out uh but like who cares? If you got stopped out with with a 10 law, you know a downside because it could run up 10 and then drop 10, and then you get stopped out, basically where it is now right, yeah.

But then let's say it goes down to 15, if you're watching it, you could always rebuy so um, but but i i mean when, when we get these explosions on the moments i like, i, like my trailing stoppers - oh but then again, i'm also not uh. Super heavy on on momentum uh, although some people will call tesla momentum, but okay, there could be some truth to that. Some maybe a hundred points but uh a little bit of a rotation here in oil towards the end of the day, really happy about that, because i've been waiting well, i don't know why that would make me happy. Well, i guess it makes me happy because as much as the more oil comes down, the more our stocks do better.

So take a look at this. You start getting oil plummet around 11 17 to 11 43. Let's line that up with the qq 11 17 to 11 43, it did absolutely nothing through the sophomore. Okay, fine, never mind that didn't work out today.
Sometimes they align quite well, but uh yeah. It just didn't get high enough for me to short it zim, on the other hand, down about five percent uh, but i i have written down for oh dude. I i swear. Actually, i shouldn't swear swearing's bad well, i wonder where i got frozen.

Well, video stuck at 43, oh well, it was uh. 42. I don't it's! Oh it's! When i looked at the stupid oil prices. I just can't look at a different tab on my computer that my friends is called a mac.

That is a mac for you. Oh, oh, oh, oh, we got a. We got a ranter, we got a ranter, i signed up for the cash flow email and never heard back kevin. I'm angry! You know, that's actually the point.

The point of the cash flow which which reminds me if, if you want to sign up for the uh uh the cash flow email, just throw your email into medkevin.com series a and, like i said, every other time, i've pitched it you will get zero emails from Me until i actually have an announcement for you, which probably is going to take another 90 days, they just got chill out bro, you got chillax, i know you're excited, i'm excited too. I share the passion, but we got to wait. I don't want to wait. They say we got ta wait.

I know, i know it sucks all right, etsy, hey! Look at this folks etsy! This is like a triple rejection right here on etsy at uh at the 23.6. It's not so good. Okay, thanks, not yelling yeah! Remember! If you have options on neo, you need an 11 move approximately to make money, because that's what they're pricing into these options so just be careful rough date for the flip flop, i'm in cash ready to pounce yeah triple rejection. I know that feeling.

Oh sorry, you know, maybe if you changed your profile picture uh things wouldn't be so dark. Ah dad jokes, okay, anyway, so rough date for a flip-flop um september. You know right before midterm uncertainty that could be a pretty crappy month. Bitcoin equals cardano.

I love me. My cardano uh yeah 117.. I i'm almost a cardano millionaire. Let me see one 1.17 times: 800..

Oh 936 thousand dollars uh. I have made so many housing market videos. I don't watch other people's housing market videos. I don't really care what other people say.

You know the thing is i don't like watching other people's videos because then it - and sometimes i do it's in fairness sometimes, but it taints my mind because then it's like, if i say something, then it's like, oh, but but what? If that sounded similar to somebody else, even though that wasn't the intention right, it could like subconsciously happen. So i'd just sit around all day long and stick my head into deep research mode. The yeah day-to-day craziness yeah weed voting hits the floor monday for federal legalization. This is not momentum, it's news.
I guarantee you it's in the house. Let me see i'll i'll, look i'll look. I will oblige evil oblige one million dollars all right all right. I don't know why that was up.

Okay. What am i doing? Canvas canvas news. Dude. Come on man dude come on man.

You can't give me this crap marijuana legalization bill with the house set up for vote. You can't tell me this is news dude they passed this garbage like 17 times, and the senate sits on it and does nothing. This is this is a like at this point: it's just a fraud that they're even voting for it they're voting for it, so they can go back to all their districts see so we voted for it. We passed it in the house.

Oh darn mitch, mcconnell darn. It's not happening dude i mentioned yesterday. I was short oil at 1 16.. I think if you want a better representation of the oil market, look at real future clk2 uh is the front month being traded.

I i don't know if weeble even knows what you just said say: oh no, there's 27, 25, 24 and 26.. You said 22! Well, maybe if i go to 23 what'd, you say cl, i don't know oil. I just know line up and i expect line to go down. Okay sounds stupid, but i've always said i'm not a commodities expert dear.

What oh christian martinez called me paper hander. Why why you know what i think about that? I want to ask you a question. Christian, i ask you a question: do these hands look like paper hats, oh god, uh. How do i purchase course? Member lives, i've purchased course.

Oh, it's! It's included. You just have to get set up and discord. If you have a problem uh, we we we reset up the whole way you get registered and it booted out some of the losers, who are uh trying to sneak in yeah. So if you have an issue, just email kevin at mike.com - and there are these - these two wonderful people who will be more than happy to take care of you called gabenada anyway uh.

It actually looks like we're getting a little bit of a rally into the clothes uh. Let's see here, um yeah, okay, all right! I want to see what the suits are saying and what's going on with yields. Dude tesla cannot get out of 10 14. Today i mean whatever, but even disney's, green matterport and etsy and mullet mullen again mullins losing it all you mullen brothers.

You got to step it up. What happened? I i i don't like mullen, but what happened? Wait. Where's amc! Oh, it's still down, but it's actually moving a little bit into the close, because my my call options were not happy this morning when it was down like nine percent or seven percent wow the people but wow the people that watch your content are losses. No people can't be losses.

People are great who watch my content by ross. Gerber infected by ross, no that'd be crazy as the bull run for crypto begun. I think on the bottoms out, in my opinion, for for uh uh markets, so i don't it's very likely in my opinion, that that kryptos gon na have a nice little uh run here uh unless we get some ridiculously continued bad news. Okay, let me see what the suits are saying.
Oh man, i got ta log in again, argenian is so lovely runescape stream. I just needed. I didn't. I don't know if i started streaming video games.

That's all i'm going to be doing. It'd be kind of funny, though, don't i have a channel there's like meet kevin gaming or something like that. I don't know i've never posted anything on it. One day, maybe one day you may have heard california sending 400 to everyone who owns a car.

It's getting a lot of attention today, my seven, my six-year-old son, of course henry says private chat. Probably tomorrow i i got ta. I got ta find a few more people to yell at because it's hard for me to to put people's names up, who pay 499 a month and then me yell at them that's hard, and so i want to yell at the people who don't pay 4.99 a Month, but i'll turn it on probably tomorrow meet karen is on her monthly. Hey see max is going to be one of those people who doesn't get to chat anymore because he's broke.

Yeah 400 goes to eb owners too. Thanks. Thank you. Dex, hello from israel, hey, uh, okay, ten, two, ten: two! Let us see what the tend to looks like bitcoin equals.

Okay. Here we go so the ten two whoo seep in a little bit. Let's go some bullishness again. We really need this.

Listen if this goes back over 30 bull market confirmed imo thoughts on trudeau. Oh you know. That is a landmine. I saw him once in new york and, if you like him, then after i saw him in new york when i spotted him uh, i waved at him.

If you don't like him, i threw an egg at his caravan. I did see him in new york. You see everything in new york. Cheap chat is good.

That's funny! Let's go to uh the five. We also i'm serious. Every day i look like three or four times at the five year break, even and it's pissing me off that it keeps going up, because i know jerome powell's just sweating every time it goes up. He gets a little bit more nervous.

He starts like biting his fingernails and uh. It's not good, it's not good for his fingernails and it's not good for the market. Finally, a little bit of a chillaxing, though chillaxing freedom chat, you're about to go to freedom, pay chat, oh, which reminds me uh the course coupon code expires tomorrow for the courses on building your wealth uh. I got ta put that in a little description and then i always get the same comments.

Oh it's always expiring. All right, pay more price goes up every time uh, but it's yeah it's about every three weeks. Okay! So, let's see here, i want to also see what the suits are saying, because there is a lot of attention, obviously, on retail versus the suits. I think a lot of suits are more bearish than retail and we're seeing that in the the numbers as well.
I don't i look. I was very bearish in january, but i you turned when j-pow you turned, which is what i said i was going to do anyway. Let's see here, am i going to buy the cyber truck heck yeah, so you hate your who says. I hate jeremy, i only hate tattooed chef.

I, like jeremy, he's a good guy, very good guy uh and his kids are cool his wife's cool, uh, okay. So what's gon na do oh yeah, the suits and live ticker symbols. These nuts, i got click baited at work. Are you turning? No, i didn't want to do a live stream today.

It's true i didn't want to. I didn't want to come on. I uh didn't want to do the closing livestream and i'm, like you know this guy max k is just going to come around he's going to hate on me again and i'm going to have visions of max k popping up in the chat again and him complaining About something like here's meet karen uh anyway, oil extends decline. Wti is heading for the biggest decline in more than a week, with traders keeping an eye on developments in europe.

Where biden is working with european leaders to reduce dependency on russian supplies, higher volatility is also weighing on trading activity with hedging costs rising. Oh, that means the shorts are going up against oil. Let's go steps is my asses. That's right! Ah yeah max cahill weenie baby haters, that's right! You know even warren buffett sells stocks like warren buffett, doesn't diamond hand everything uh, let's see after surging a couple weeks ago, on the death of bretton woods 2 theme.

Gold has retraced back to its established prior trading range. I don't know 1963. I don't think that's all the way back down. It's already good.

Actually, i guess it depends. If you look at real terms or not and issues, that's boring. That's bullish. High housing prices are here to stay.

Oh, the latest new home builder results reinforce the case that there's no housing bubble set to pop anytime. Soon the industry's biggest problem is building homes, not selling them demand. Side increase includes an increase in millennials and gen z's. Looking to buy how how are gen z's old enough at this point, wait i what gen z's! Oh, i guess a gen z could be like 20 now right, 22 now, 20 to 22, something like that.

Probably, okay, all right: okay, dang, i'm not the young generation anymore, i'm old, uh mcconnell! I cannot stand it will not support, judge jackson that just came through uh. Someone here says they want a tesla under a k. Dude, it's been under a cave for so long. Yo, how many chicken nuggets will i eat for lunch? Please do ta i've been having fried chicken daily the last couple days from a macro perspective.

Give me your macro thesis. Give me give me bad news that we don't know yet uh i'd like to hear it. Millennials are a thing of the past: oh no, we send strongman personal finance into millennial money, let's go! Who needs chicken nuggets when you've got tendies, stop they're, terrible, uh; okay, a little little slippage here prior to the clothes? Let's get the bell: ugh the chips taking center stage materials, communication services, healthcare all doing well, today, the nasdaq going out with the biggest gain of the major averages: nasdaq 100 up 2.2 dude that lady's just staring at the bell. It's like she doesn't even know where she is on the left.
There look at her. She has no idea where she is. Oh now, clap, okay. What if she's blind, though okay? Well, then i'd be such an thanks.

So much oh man, i didn't even think about it. I hope. Well, i'm sorry nevermind, okay, so um yeah, well, um stocks, yeah up uh, dow up 1.01 uh s, p up uh, 1.44 and 1.93 on the nasdaq and uh yeah that uh and the russell's up 0.87. You know, i really i really miss it.

When sarah eisen would tell us what the the market did at the end of the day, but now it's just that you know like the bell happens and that does it going over to this guy, this guy, mr bear every every time somebody gets some it's actually. I actually kind of think it's funny uh and i i appreciate it every time. Somebody does something wrong. He remembers he's like well back in january.

You said this. It's funny, uh, look at the volatility decline, though look at this uh, so just for reference. We are now going back to first week of feblos on vol. We are around the same volatility that we had in october, leading up to the big run in november, and where was may here, is that may 12th vol, which didn't last long? This volatility spike has lasted quite a while that's actually quite interesting.

Let's zoom out a little bit blind, shaming. Oh man, stop yeah yeah! Look at this look at this in terms of volatility. Look at how thin most of these volatility spikes have been, with the exception of the drop right spike spike spike. All of this by the dipping on these spikes has been easy because they've been they haven't, lasted long of all spikes.

Look how thick this is and how like it's a double too uh, it's disgusting! It's really bad! I don't think neo reports earnings until tonight. You know every time i look at neo earnings, it's like seven o'clock or some crap yo alexa. What time is it in china? It's 402. Am you think they're gon na do their earnings call.

Now i don't think so. Neo, oh, that says: 4. 30.! No! I don't! I don't believe it that would be in 28 minutes. I don't believe it.

I think it's gon na be a lot later. It's gon na be like six or seven p.m, or something like that. So i don't know neo earnings or 6 p.m. Eastern that sounds right that that does sound right, single mothers, millennial mothers on the rise there, you go clown, america, what's? Why are single millennial, buddies, clown america, respect, moms, speaking of which it's my mom's birthday? I got ta call her wish her happy birthday? Okay.
So, let's see here, u.s stocks rise as treasury slide with oil. Oh, is that true, did we get a treasure slide, not really 10 years at 2.36 i mean that's no big deal, then you've got putin, stirs concern u.s concern that he feels cornered and may lash out. Oh yeah, everybody sought that for a while, all right, putin and z exposed the great illusion of capitalism. Oh yeah, okay, i'll, read that one later that's uh.

That sounds like something i'm gon na yell at summer said fed's record of soft landing, not relevant. Today, this guy is so angry all the time at the fed he's the fed bear. Let's, let's see what he's got to say regarding the course i'd say for europe, 90 is applicable like the principles of real estate, the principles of investing that 90 works, but yeah 10 is going to be like that lending and tax stuff that you're going to have To adjust for for the foreign markets, but there are a lot of course members who are foreigners uh. We are all okay cool.

So, let's get oh. Why is it doing that again? Ah, don't like it to it. It does that all right, we're gon na look at this summer's thing. Oh yes, okay, former treasury.

Oh it's this guy, former treasury secretary, lauren summers, oh lauren, summers! Let's see when he was popular. I was gon na, be like the 70s. The 80s stuck in the past. He was the 71st u.s secretary of state, oh from 99 to 01., so what'd you do during the 70s eh.

You tell me what you did about inflation in the 70s. No, he just worked at a bunch of stuff. In the 90s, which is when we had the soft landing, so it's an interesting title by bloomberg here that summer says fed record of soft landing, not relevant. Today, oh yeah, what do you got for us summers? Let's hear about it? Okay, he says i don't see how anybody can regard those as relevant precedents.

Oh what a dis! This is a reference to jerome powell, saying that 1994, 1984 and 1969 were historical examples of soft landings with the fed. Inflation is now notably higher than it was in the past. Three episodes and the labor market is historically tight in a way that it wasn't in those cases, summer's, also yeah, but i mean to some degree the tighter the later labor market is the the more we can actually tighten inflation without causing employ unemployment. Right, i mean that's my belief.

Summers also drew the distinction with a with the fed's current policy framework which, since the mid-2000s allowed for an overshoot of the inflation target, that doesn't automatically view a tight labor market as warranting monetary restraint. Yeah, okay uh in the historical episodes quote. The whole point by the fed was preemptive action to restrain the economy. Okay, so a little behind right now got it check.

Okay summer said he shared powell's hope that a soft landing is possible, but i don't think it's something we can count on. Why, while paul and his colleagues are now committing to a much more aggressive cycle of monetary cycle, uh tightening to quell the fastest inflation for decades, summers said there remain quote problems in the way the fed is thinking like policymakers appear to view an increase in labor Supplies contributing to the effort to damp inflation to some degree, but increased employment will serve to bump up demand, interesting pov, actually doing little to defuse prices. Interesting point of view. The more people work, the more money people have and the more money circulates in the economy.
The more you get that velocity of money that actually pumps up, uh, potentially demand, and then inflation - that's good, that's good uh hold on. I just got ta pause here. The god pill wants you to know that mullen is a squeeze bigger than gamestop god pill. How much you got in mullen it's likely to require significantly greater interest rate hikes than the fed or markets are now expecting, aha see, and that would also be my concern.

The former treasury chief said obtaining inflation quote. I don't think we need clear signals that we are prepared to accept some slowdown in economic activity, if that's the price of reducing inflation, otherwise we're going to make the same mistakes of the 70s that will ultimately create the need for a really catastrophic recession. So he's right about the second part. In my opinion, if inflation does not go down, they will force a recession, they will do it and it will wipe out inflation.

Inflation will be gone. Uh, oh yeah. You notice poppy play time in the thumbnail yeah we're just we're just hanging out today: yeah uh, but uh there's potential for greater interest rate hikes yeah. I would say come september if inflation hasn't gone down, we're screwed yeah, definitely definitely screwed uh, okay, all right! Well, all right summers interesting.

I actually appreciated that. This idea that hey, if you have more people working that means more more demand, yeah, that's a good point. I hadn't thought about that. I was.

I was suss at first uh uh, okay, boring boring. It's so boring. Don't they already have this apple working on a hardware subscription for iphones? I thought they already had that apple is working on a subscription service for iphones and other hardware products, a move that could make device ownership similar to paying a monthly fee. But we i thought we already have that the iphone upgrade program or whatever the service would be apple's biggest push yet into automatically recurring sales.

Uh adopting hardware subscriptions akin to auto leasing would be a major shift. I swear. We already have the iphone upgrade plan that does the same thing i mean maybe they're just trying to make that a little bit more simple, that that doesn't sound news to me. Fibs on arkamoto, it's been recovering, it's been retracing.
I still got ta post my arkamoto video, then you'll see some of my thoughts on arkamoto that'd, probably be a better way to explain those. Let's watch that video anyway, let's do just a little quick little look here is clever really up 22 in after hours or is that a glitch could be there's no volume. There's there's like no volume at all yeah after hours, always a funny place. Oh, my gosh did the honest company just report or something because it says it's down like 15 hold on a second, let's happen with, let's see, what's going on, see, listen i like to listen to moms when it comes to jessica, alba's, honest company yo, alex.

I ain't talking anyway uh. They don't seem to like honest. They say the diapers are like scratchy, it's expensive, the product's just not that great. The search trends are going down for for honest yeah.

They did have earnings. Look at this. I mean, i think, that's the thing. Is people love jessica alba? I mean it's great uh.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's wonderful, but uh. Let me see here, honest diapers, search over time and make sure to always get financial advice from somebody not with a huggy wuggy on their shoulder, because that would be stupid where how do i okay? What happened? Google search over time? I really want to know honest. The opers here we go past five years yeah, but dude, it's trending down it's a solid trend down people, don't care man, pampers pure, what's pampers pure see at least that's stable anyway.

Shampoo is nice, though honest. Am i honest all right? Let's look at honestly. Oh dave, z, daisy, sent the triple clown max k, i'm your guilty conscience uh. You know i started to like this clown.

Emoji he's very happy. You know i for some reason people are always sending it to me. Yes, we are greg. Daniels weed is ripping we just ripping on a fraud.

All right. Listen, we got to talk about honest earnings. We got to be honest about the honest earnings. Okay, honest see, it's 20 22 revenue about unchanged versus 2021.

Okay, that's bad! That's! Zero growth! Basically, q4 revenue coming in at 80.4 million versus 84.5 expected okay, that sucks gross margin came in at thirty percent versus thirty four point: four percent expected big miss on margin. I mean that's like twelve percent missed there loss per share of ten cents versus the expected. Six cents that sucks, oh man, the their next oh their forecast, expects q1 adjusted ebata loss to be 10 million dollars versus 1.3 expected so almost losing eight times as much as expected. How are you still losing money? Selling diapers sees q1 revenue down about 15 percent year over year.

Revenue is expected to be flat compared to 2021.. Why would you pay how many times earnings for this company? Oh look: uh subsequent three quarters expected to see mid single digit growth versus 2021., so a decline of 15 q1 and then the next three quarters is supposed to have maybe five percent growth. They say: they're hurt by waning cleaning demand and inflation and supply chain addicts. You know clorox would have been your heads up on this by the way clorox got reamed on earnings absolutely or wait.
You know, wait, wait, wait, wait, clorox, got cleaned on earnings or rinsed, so stupid yeah, so clorox got destroyed for the same reasons. There's no surprise to me that honest is getting screwed on a lot of demand for cleaning products, so you're paying. How much are you paying for this company uh? So they? Where? Is it honest company reports, so they do they're about a 550 million dollar company and they're, making nothing they're, bringing nothing to the bottom line like how is a company? That's losing money uh this with with this growth, because they're losing companies that have really good prospects and good growth right. But how do you? How do you get to this here? This is all public.

I can throw this up okay, so we have last year they had revenue of 218 million dollars, what million dollars and they brought to the bottom line. Nothing. They lost shareholders, 38 million dollars, they more than doubled their loss and from 2020 to 2021 only grew revenue by 18. Mil gross profit, didn't move, uh sg a went up, marketing went up 10 mil marketing went up what? What is that 15 and their their revenue went up five percent? That's not a good sign.

If we now compare the three months, ending 2022 marketing was about the same, but therefore and revenue is about the same. That's not growth, man, there's no growth and yeah. I mean you can't even do a pe multiple you could do. Do you do a sales, multiple, so they're selling for 318? Oh they're, not selling! For that many times.

Sales yeah, because they're, not growing 300, but then yeah, but i mean who cares? You could have so many sales, but you have no earnings out of those sales or no expectations of earnings that this is no good uh tax provision, uh loss before provision for income taxes, income tax provision, 10; okay, that's nothing operating loss! It's not like! There's some fancy accounting going on here, yeah, so you're not selling for a huge multiple of sales under two times sales. But again you got a growth problem here assets they have uh, short-term investments, cash inventories and that's a big point of inventory. That's a lot of inventories, that's about the same as what they had last year: okay, so 213, mil in current. I don't use goodwill and they're not actually valuing much goodwill here, uh property plant and equipment; okay i'll give them that so i'll give them about 260.

Ish 265 in ass at current liabilities, actually, not that bad and total liabilities, their balance sheet is not horrible. Their balance sheet is totally fine. Uh, in my opinion, there's no skeleton here: it's not like they're overvaluing goodwill or whatever the problem is. They have no cash flow and, and they just they haven't, had cash flow for forever and now they're, not even growing so now so they're losing money and now they're, not even growing.
Why would you buy it like? What's the point, let me see here room for improvement like a good old elon line, uh archer dude. I think the ev tall companies are a scam for right now i hate to say it: it's we're not close, we're not close and a lot of the partnerships. These these companies that are like oh we're, partnering with united, then you look at the actual partnership agreements. The only reason they're partnering with united is because they're giving united a free like 200 million dollars of shares.

Uh - and i don't know if it's archer, but one of them is partnering with united and uh and then it's like. Why would why would united not take a free, 200 million dollars and you know who's 200 million dollars, that is it ain't? The the ev talk companies, it's your money. Your money is going straight to united to say the company partnered with united, it's a fraud. I i mean i shouldn't say it's a friday.

I don't get sued, but you know what i mean it just it's. It's a little scammy. I don't actually think neo earnings are in 21 minutes. I also don't know who picks 440 to report earnings anyway, uh, okay, so yeah so honest got reamed here.

Who else reported today? Man, i miss doing earnings, do them all alone. It's kind of boring, joby aviation, that's another one of those uh anyway, some people buying the dip on honest joby's, actually up three percent, all right. What else sofi doesn't report today, all right so anyway, where are we uh? Vic's down a lot honest down about 12.4? Clever leaf 16 sundials up, so you got momentum happening over here, you've got which, if momentum happens here, i wouldn't be surprised. If you see a little bit of a gme amc push again, they did recover towards the end of the day and zim tried recovering oil.

Is going to be an interesting one to track tesla's at 112? That's boring! The indices are boring as well we're folks. We are almost back to the 50 retrace on the qqq tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to 50. I mean what do we have to gain to hit 50, not much uh, 3, 5.

3. 5. 9. 6, 9, 3, 5, 6 and then the new number needs to be 36139 divided by oh, come on only a half percent.

That's all we need tomorrow is a half percent on the qqq and we is going is neo did neo just like report or something? Oh, i see a line. I see. Oh, my gosh, everyone, panic get the firehose what's happening again, neo. Oh look! Yeah.

I've actually been running daily. My running goal is going good. Push-Up goal is not going anywhere, there's nothing. There is no news secondary listing by way of introduction on the main board of the stock exchange of hong kong for neo interesting.
I look i like neo. I, like the investors in neo, i like the company. I like the concept. I like everything about them.

I want them to succeed, i'm not an investor though, so let me see what the volume is. The volume is like 10 000 on average right now, right times, 21. The volume is like 210 000. This is a joke.

We just looked at honest company. We just did the deep dive on honest. We just did it, you missed it. You missed it big uh, and so you just had a spike to 133 000 shares, so somebody just came in and bought 120 somebody just came in and bought two and a half million dollars of neo and and everybody's freaking out about the line.

Yeah. It's not manipulation at all uh the food shortages. By the way, i think you're gon na be an issue for tattooed chef like honestly, okay, i'm not trying to honestly i'm not trying to be. You know a d-bag to tattoo chef here, but you got to look at what oils they use.

If you have a tattoo chef package, i would look at the package and - and i would see, are they what what kind of oils are they using? Because we got some shortages coming and it's going to increase their input cost a lot. I know. Let me pick something ttcf, i don't know what what's uh? What's something a stir fry or some crap, i don't know uh tattooed chef, riced, cauliflower, stir fry okay, all right all right here! Look at that! Isn't that cute 33 reviews all stockholders. Okay, let's go to the ingredients.

Cauliflower stir-fry sauce organic soy, soy, uh, sugar where's, the oil is it. Is this just using soy sauce? Oh they're, sesame oil. Oh, i don't know what sesame oil is doing but uh. I know that soy and sugars are getting more expensive and uh.

I don't know about sesame oil, though, like where's where's, that from sesame oil, um production country anita, is falling again a little bit myanmar, china, india, okay, all right so less problems if they're using sesame seed oil, that's that's actually a good thing. Uh. Let me try something else, though. Here, let's try.

Oh yeah: what's this mexican style corn, they make this stuff sound. Really good. I've tried a lot of it. I will reserve my comments.

Canola oil. Well, that's in the mayo yeah it'd be interesting to see. Even milk has gotten more expensive for their sour cream. Even milk's been running up, so it's it's going to be an issue, especially for a company that already has issues with margins.

Let's be honest, it was kathy, have no idea mnd. Oh, you mean monday.com for like a floor price. Oh that's interesting! You know i haven't looked at monday.com in forever: uh kevin, okay, okay, okay, okay, we have to do a poll. We have to do a poll.

Should we do a video of kevin and lauren reviewing tattooed chef products? Okay hold on should kevin and lauren review tt? Oh, i know it froze there. Stupid thing: stop it uh review ttcf products; yes, no! We're gon na run a poll. Oh, my gosh, i'm seeing a lot of no's in the chat, so i i don't know doesn't seem like people are very happy blind test. Oh god, uh! Let's see, let's see how lauren feels about this.
I'm gon na call her right now. Hey, do you have a second okay, really quick, i'm gon na put you live just your voice here, live for a sec, okay hold on okay, so you're live, say: hi hi, all right, so, oh i'm frozen hold on hold on there we go. Let me fix that. Okay, there we go all right, uh lauren, according to 82 of the people, watching my live stream right now.

You and i this weekend saturday, have to do a taste test of as many tattooed chef products as possible review them live. What's your reaction, oh my gosh um, well, one that i i'll do it, but two i'm like slightly dreading it because i taste tested and i don't really like it at all - all right see you later all right, um, that's gon na be fun! Oh man! I guess i'm going to tarjay all right, all right, all right, all right i'll i'll, be fair! I'll, be fair. Let me give you my preview of uh what my thoughts are on tattoo chef products. So the last time i had tattooed chef products, my initial reaction,.

By Stock Chat

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31 thoughts on “I didn t want to do this”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Rowland says:

    Don't bother him about his Hoodie. We all have favorite clothes that we won't let go until THEY let go….!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Becker says:

    Retail investors are dumping their tax returns into the stock market. It's sad honestly they will get burned. Bad this time, they need to take their profits and get out. If anything short the market.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Armstrong says:

    I am actually tired of worrying about stocks and stuffs… its driving me nuts these days, I think cryptocurrency investment is far better than stocks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DoubleOSevan says:

    This isn't even Kevin's final form yet.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul gleason says:

    A crash is coming. There is no way all is this is sustainable. High gas, interest rates going up, housing/ rent sky high with no relief in sight. Wages can’t keep pace.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stormrider says:

    KMAN ~auntless, dogged, relentless…like a Blue-tick hound dog you are

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agreeable Dragon says:

    We live in an inflationary country. As long as we have a country the market never go down long term, ever.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Griepenstroh says:

    I love the entertainment value ! Of Kevin's show. Only critique is he needs a partner,preferably a attractive female.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greeny says:

    This guy is so bitter, i would love ttcf to rocket just to shut this clown up

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Godoy says:

    Idk why tattoo chef is still constantly being mentioned in the food and beverage sector. Not a big player and not a great company

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greeny says:

    I think he needs a new hoodie, you see all the holes in his elbows

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimiweezer says:

    Me: just starting a 50 min video

    Commenters: That ending was great!! LOL!!


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel O'Connor says:

    House is talking about legalizing marijuana on Monday. That’s why SNDL is going up

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Smith says:

    Kevin I think that jacket is toast. say your goodbyes.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DankCastle909 says:

    Big money would like you to let your guard down. Tread careful and responsibly.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pilot Z says:

    Its all good on the TTCF front as long as you don’t show up at the headquarters with flowers after being escorted off property once before.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lolboii says:

    Huggy wuggy is dumping on the market. That explains

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lo says:

    Didn’t you just say tesla was about to drop on your last video 😂😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StockCrypto Moon says:

    When you don't have anything nice to say…. lol

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Hibner says:

    Bittorrent that's all and now future all in it. Web3 Big Gains Ahead. 🌎🌄🌐🌍🌏

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArticleReader Randy says:

    bruh tattooed chef is sick lol I'm not an investor

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suchj Flada says:

    Join the course plebs best investment to make right now

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Robinson says:

    I just noticed, you have holes in your sweater…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Na says:

    Make sure to grab your course member package before it expires.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jargon JJ says:

    Imagine selling out of the market and have a war break out to save your ass.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaymeson Mowdy says:

    His initial reaction was to shut down his stream

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erick Garcia says:

    lol that was a fun way to end the stream XD Lauren's reaction tells us everything we need to know lol. Still looking forward to that video and I do believe it would be best as a blind test tho.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars End the Pandemic says:

    tdoc will crash tm on the pending home release

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Rouse says:

    For that I'm not liking or disliking this video

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Stone says:

    OMG he did it again. This week it was the Millennial Money question now the TTCF question. Gets me laughing every time. LOL

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari_Is_Faded says:

    did us dirty cutting off in middle of your ttcf thoughts

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