Today we're going to discuss the step by step guide I used to reach my early retirement goal in my late 20's. Enjoy!
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PHASE 1: Your Freedom Figure
This is the target you have to reach, in order to have full control of your life. This is something you should know even if you have $0 in the bank.
There is a great way to figure it out and it's called the X25 Rule...
So firstly let's assume you want to make $50,000 per year without working. Secondly, we would need to multiply 50,000 by 25 which gives us 1.25 Million Dollars. The idea is that you are able to withdraw 4% of this per year without ever running out of money, and 4% of 1.25 Million Dollars is $50,000.
PHASE 2: is Laying The Foundations!
There are 4 stages I considered when I was in this phase during my early 20's.
Stage 1 is Paying off High Interest Debt.
It's crucial to pay this off before you even consider investing your money, as high interest debt is holding you back. But saying this, it is very important to understand the difference between 'good debt' and 'bad debt'
Stage 2 is Putting aside an Emergency Fund
This is essential for your foundations as if you start investing without an emergency fund you might find that a few months down the line you get into a spot of bother with an unexpected expense and no cash to pay it... You will then have to pull your investments out to cover the expense, and you will miss out on potential profits.
Stage 3 is Building A Great Credit Score
A credit score is a bit like your CV: it follows you around in life, is regularly updated, and it helps lenders decide whether you're a worthy borrower.
All you need to do as soon as you turn 18 is get a credit card, start putting some little expenses on it like gas, and pay that baby of in full at the end of each month. This way you pay no interest and prove to the lenders that you are a reliable borrower.
If you aren't 18 yet you can just ask your parents to make you an authorized user on their credit card.
Stage 4 is Reducing Your Tax Liability
In my early 20's my income was really starting to get eaten up by taxes, so I started looking for the best ways to save as much as possible. I then discovered if I opened up a retirement account then I could save money I hadn't paid tax on. This is known as a 401K in the USA and a SIPP in the UK.
I opened another account that allowed me to save money that I had paid tax, but in the future I wouldn't have to pay any tax on my capital gains. Or in other words, all the money that money generated! This is called a Roth IRA in the USA and an ISA in the UK.
PHASE 3: Building Multiple Income Streams
A secure job is nowhere near as common as it once was with the average person now working up to 12 jobs in their lifetime.
The more perceived value you have to society, the more you will get paid. If you do the bare minimum or your service doesn't really help people, you will be paid bare minimum.
PHASE 4: Creating Passive Income
Once you have your side hustles and income in check, it's time to start looking into passive income streams. Side hustle money doesn't last forever, that's why you want passive income streams so that your money can make more money WHILE YOU SLEEP!
I'm talking Stocks, Real Estate and Cryptocurrencies!
The stock market is probably the easiest to get involved in, especially nowadays.
Cryptocurrency is the second area I would focus on as it also has quite a low barrier to entry with apps like Coinbase making it easier than ever to purchase crypto coins, however it is definitely riskier.
Real estate is the last on the list, this is honestly the holy grail of wealth building, however it is a little harder to get into.
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus.*

Hi guys it's mark, i believe the biggest reason most people don't achieve early retirement is that they were never given a step-by-step guide. The only path that seems to be pushed in schools is to get a 9 to 5 job. Save your money work until you're, 65 and finally retire when you're too old to enjoy it. Luckily, one of the businessmen i looked up to explained it in a slightly different way.

He said the word retirement should be replaced with the word freedom, because once you reach a tipping point, when you have enough money to stop working, you have true freedom. Every day you can do exactly what you want. No questions asked maybe that's relaxing on a beach sipping, a pina, colada or building businesses that change the world like elon musk, when you have the ability to retire. It's entirely up to you how you spend your time.

So on that note, today we're going to discuss the plan i use to reach my retirement goal in my late 20s, starting from zero dollars. This may be a little extreme for some people, but that's just me, i'm either 100 in or i'm not in at all. Obviously, you can take this plan at your own pace and who knows maybe you'll even beat me we'll get into all of this right after you hit that like button for the l2 buga rhythm, as it really helps push this video to more people also make sure To subscribe, if you want to grow your wealth phase, one is all about your freedom figure. This is the target you have to reach in order to have full control of your life.

This is something you should know, even if you've got zero dollars in the bank. If you don't know your freedom figure, then it's a bit like being blindfolded in a running race. You can't see where you're going so you may end up putting all your efforts in going in the wrong direction or even tripping up and falling flat on your face. The reality is, there are three types of people in this world.

There are doers dreamers and drifters otherwise known as the 3ds. Actually thinking about it. When i was at school, they gave me a cap with d on it. They must have known.

I was a doer, so, let's start off with drifters, they go through life living paycheck to paycheck. Without any financial aims, they don't really see the point of saving or investing money as retirement feels like it's, not something a young person needs to be thinking about dreamers. Do have financial goals, but they don't have any plans in place to actually achieve them, so they will forever just stay dreams and finally doers they have financial goals but, most importantly, have a plan to reach them. And that's where your freedom figure comes in.

This is a very individual thing and it all depends on how much you want to pay yourself each year when you retire. It's actually a great way to figure this out and it's called the times 25 rule. So, let's, firstly, assume you want to make fifty thousand dollars per year without working. Secondly, we would need to multiply 50 000 by 25, which gives us 1.25 million dollars.
The idea is that you're able to withdraw four percent of this per year without ever running out of money, and you guessed it. Four percent of 1.25 million dollars is 50 000, 1.25 million dollars. How am i ever going to get that in seven years? This video's a lie? I know this may sound tough, especially if you're starting from zero dollars, but it is possible. No one said it's going to be easy, but with the right approach it can be done.

I mean, if i can do it, then so can you in the early stages of your retirement plan? The way you think about money is crucial. It's all about getting the right mindset in place. The key is to prioritize building wealth over cash flow. This is because building wealth is about locking your money away in assets that increase in value, whereas cash flow gives you more money flowing into your pocket.

Now this may sound great, but it can lead to a variety of problems such as lifestyle, inflation and sky high taxes. Cash flow is extremely important, but more so later in life once you start to unwind. This is why, whenever i made some extra cash, when i was younger, i made sure to reinvest the majority of it. Of course i get it.

Sometimes it can feel really nice to secure some profit and lock it away in your bank account it can give you a full sense of security. Knowing you've got all your money sat in your account for whenever you need it, but the reality is you often don't need as much money as you think, forming a habit of reinvesting. Your cash flow is absolutely essential when it comes to building wealth as fast as possible and hitting your freedom figure phase two is laying the foundations. This is kind of like building a house.

You need to lay a solid foundation to ensure your house doesn't crumble. The first sign of an earthquake. Unfortunately, seventy percent of millennials now live paycheck to paycheck, which means they're building their lives on an unstable base. Just like building a house on quicksand.

If you find that unbelievable, then this is even more shocking. Forty percent of americans, with an income greater than a hundred thousand dollars a year, are still living paycheck to paycheck. This just goes to show how important laying the foundations are, and even though it may seem, simple, many people are failing at this phase. There are four stages i considered when i was in this phase during my early 20s.

The first stage is paying off high interest debt. It's crucial to pay this off before you even consider investing your money as high interest. Debt is holding you back, but saying this. It is very important to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt.

Good debt is anything low interest that makes you money, for example, the mortgage on a rental property or low interest finance on a laptop to build an online business. Bad debt is high interest. Debt that doesn't make you any money, for example, shopping for clothes on, buy it now pay later credit card debt or even a typical bank loan. All of this debt needs paying off as soon as possible.
I was in quite a lot of debt when i was 18 and in order to get out of it, i used the debt avalanche method, which involved making the minimum payments on all my high interest debt. Then i used any extra money to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first, which was my store credit card at 32. Crazy, i know signing up, for that was a huge mistake which i've talked about in some of my past videos. I then worked my way through the bad debt, with the lowest interest rate, which was my car loan at around 15 of the time within a year.

I'd managed to get everything paid off. The big lesson here is: you can't invest to build wealth when being weighed down by bad debt stage. Two is putting aside an emergency fund. This is essential for your foundations, as if you start investing without an emergency fund, you might find a few months down the line you get into a spot of bother with an unexpected expense and no cash to pay for it.

You will then have to pull your investments out to cover the expense and then you'll miss out on the potential profits stage. Three is building a great credit score. A credit score is a bit like your resume. It follows you around in life is regularly updated and it helps lenders decide whether you're a worthy borrower having a good credit score is especially important if you ever want to get a loan in the future, for example, to buy your dream house, you just never know When you're going to need it, i should have actually started building my credit score a lot sooner than i did, because it's so easy to get started all you need to do as soon as you turn.

18 is get yourself. A credit card start putting a few little expenses on it like gas and pay that baby off in full at the end of each and every month. This way you pay no interest and prove to the lenders that you're, a reliable borrower stage. Four is reducing your tax liability.

Every dollar you earn, has hidden costs of all the expenses. However, taxes can sting the most and take the biggest bite out of your money. Noah likes the tax man. The good news is that tax efficient accounts can minimize how much tax you have to pay and maximize your savings.

In my early twenties, my income was really starting to get eaten up by taxes, so i started looking for the best ways to save as much as possible. I then discovered if i opened up a retirement account, then i could save money. I hadn't paid tax on this is known as a 401k in the usa and a sip in the uk. Of course, i will eventually have to pay tax on this, but as i'll be older, i'll, be in a much lower tax bracket because i'll be earning less.

So hence i should save quite a lot of money, but i didn't stop there. I opened another account that allowed me to save money that i'd paid tax on, but in the future i wouldn't have to pay tax on my capital gains or in other words, all the money that the money generated. This is called a roth ira in the usa and an isa in the uk. I firmly believe that everyone should set up both of these accounts as soon as possible.
As i know, it really reduced my tax burden so once you've built up these solid foundations. It's time to start expanding phase, three is building multiple income streams. I like to think about it like this. Imagine spider-man is you the platform? Is your life and the skittle is your everyday job? If you get fired, guess what's happening now.

Imagine this spider-man! Is you the platform's your life, but now you have multiple income streams. The stock market could crash, you could lose your job or your side. Hustle could fail, but your life is supported by your other income streams. This makes it very hard for someone or something to come along and strike you out.

A secure job is nowhere near as common as it once was, with the average person now working 12 jobs in a lifetime. There isn't one perfect solution for everyone, but something that has worked for me over the years is to pick side hustles that take advantage of my existing skills, as i don't have to learn something completely new. This will often end up being something you're, passionate about. As you develop the skills without even knowing it, sometimes we can lean towards what will pay the most, but when looking to build long-term wealth, sustainability is important.

So, when waking up every morning being passionate about your line of work is a great idea as richard branson. Once told me over lunch, there is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions in a way that serves the world and you well, that's actually one of his most famous quotes, but he did say something along those lines. It was about 20 years ago, but one thing i do remember all the details about was the fantastic spaghetti bolognese he made. For me, there are many different side hustles you can start, such as affiliate marketing e-commerce, becoming an influencer drop shipping and even good old-fashioned window cleaning bin cleaning, driveway cleaning photography.

The list goes on. The main takeaway here is the higher perceived value you have. According to society, the more you will get paid, if you do the bare minimum or your service, doesn't really help. People you'll be paid the bare minimum it's important to go above and beyond and provide value as best you can to maximize your profits, which can then be invested to reach the end goal of your luxury retirement phase.

Four is creating passive income once you have your side, hustles and income in check. It's time to start looking into passive income streams, side, hustle money doesn't last forever. That's why you want passive income streams, so your money can make more money while you sleep. This is why the rich get richer.
This phase is all about: multiplying your cash and not chasing high returns. This is why i always talk about the importance of consistent, long-term investing. The end goal is to be on the beach sipping a nice drink, not worrying about anything money related now. I do always say that no income is truly passive.

Everything requires a bit of work here and there, but the idea is to get your money working for you. Instead of selling your time, there is only so many jobs you can fit into one week and that's why trading time for money has its limits. I was working a nine to five job, plus all the overtime flipping cars on the weekday evenings working in a shop on saturdays and tutoring people on sundays. I actually had no more time to sell, so that's when i started looking into ways to generate passive income through the markets.

I'm talking stocks real estate and cryptocurrencies. Well, maybe not crypto back then it wasn't around, but i'm certainly interested in it. Now the stock market is probably the easiest to get involved in, especially nowadays, maybe not when i was younger, as you had to call up your broker on the phone and do all your trades. That way.

Now it's all done on investing apps. These apps also have great sign up bonuses. Public.Com are currently giving you a free stock worth all the way up to a thousand dollars. If you live in the usa, and free trade are giving away a free stock worth up to 200 pounds.

If you live in the uk i'll leave the links down below, if you want to pick those up, both these apps also offer fractional investing, which means you can invest with as little as two dollars. This has made it much easier for the everyday investor to get involved in the stock market. It's always a good idea to max out your tax advantaged accounts before investing elsewhere. I personally like to put the majority of my money into simple low-cost index funds, which are essentially baskets of stocks and, like i said earlier, i like to minimize cash flow, so i always turn on automatic dividend.

Reinvesting cryptocurrency is the second error. I would focus on, as it also has quite a low barrier to entry with apps like coinbase, making it easier than ever to purchase crypto coins. However, it's definitely riskier by the way coinbase are giving you ten dollars a free, bitcoin i'll leave the link below if you're interested in that, i personally only have five percent of my money in well-known crypto coins such as bitcoin, ethereum and cardano. I believe that these are the coins that will stand to test the time and i'm not prepared to take the risk of betting on a random coin that might hit it big, like i said before.

My strategy is to get modest passive income from the markets and make fast money from my businesses. Real estate is the last on the list, and this is honestly the holy grail of wealth building. However, it is a little harder to get into if you're able to save enough for a deposit on a rental property, then you can really start unlocking the power of leverage. This is because you can get a tenant to rent out the house, which should cover the mortgage or, while, hopefully, the house increases in value you're, basically getting your house paid for by someone else.
Obviously, the earlier you can do this, the sooner the debt will be paid and the house will be yours. Leverage is an amazing tactic used by lots of rich people, but it can be very dangerous if not done correctly. This is because you can become over leverage, which means, if things go bad and you can't meet payments, your property could be repossessed. Most people won't tell you this, but i'm going to be honest.

This step-by-step strategy will be hard to achieve. If you don't take your own initiative and start a profit generating side hustle, it's still possible with a nine-to-five job, but maybe not in seven years. Unless you have an extremely highly paid job. That is also secure.

A nine-to-five isn't at all bad. It's just most. People need a side hustle to kick-start that wealth building. Also just a warning.

For me, this is not gon na be easy. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you, you're gon na have to knuckle down like i did and work hard for a few years to have a lifetime of freedom. After all, if it was easy, then everyone will be doing it when you hit your first roadblock and i'm certain you will just think of it as a challenge to overcome and not as a complete disaster. This plan will only work if you stay consistent and disciplined.

I'm confident that after you reach phase 4, you should be in a pretty good place to achieve financial independence and retire early. So i'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet make sure to subscribe. If you want to grow your wealth and don't forget to pick up your free stocks and bitcoin with the links below okay i'll see you over there.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “How to retire in 7 years starting with $0”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars leinaD says:

    What happens to stocks prices during stagflation and hyperinflation and what are the best assets to protect yourself

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill L. says:

    The difference between good debt and bad debt, according to another source, is whether it's under 5% or over. From this perspective it might make sense considering some stock dividend yields can be around that (or even higher).
    But any debt that eventually yields higher income flow should be good since it can pay itself back. Mark's definition is funner.

    If any debt is high %, refinance it!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miss You Old Mord says:

    Does something like a Roth Ira account exist for Germany? Or credit scores?
    I like ur videos and keep up the great work πŸ‘πŸΏ

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lithium534 says:

    With amount of comments no one is going to read this one but still.
    This is all sound advice and I wish I had this info when I was 20. I would be killing it now in stead i'm just starting but I'm going strong.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mahim kalra says:

    hey mark
    i am 15 and want to achieve early retirement by the time of 45
    i watched all ur vids but I am not able to understand most of the stock market terms
    if you could make a video about the most commonly used stock market slangs it would be really helpfuhelpful

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Changos says:

    Hi, how can i find a good Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) in London UK please?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amelia Garcia says:

    I’m not good doing it alone but getting into the market has been my best decision so far in my road to financial independence as it turned out lucrative for me.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Donald says:

    you should be honest about what the word "retirement" means because people get into a lot of trouble with themselves when they have too much time and money and no goals in life. You still need goals in life, even if you don't need to work for a paycheck. Unless you want to be that asshole sitting on the beach with his rum drink, counting his shekels.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Ford says:

    Would you consider a UK student loan to be bad debt? Love the video Mark! Thank you for everything you do!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Atlantean Wizard says:

    Assuming you make 50,000 and can afford the cost of living in 2021. More grifting advise from those that have to those that have not.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sadman Plays says:

    The other day I worked for 14 straight hours only to be paid less than 2 dollars. Sometimes I want to blow my head 🀯

    P.S. I am in a low-income country so I don't expect to be paid 100s of dollars, but even by my country's standard, this was really low.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clark Kent says:

    Would like to see a video of projections sheet for sipp vs alternatives if you get time, cheers.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tran Nguyen says:

    How do I really invest in crypto and make huge profits , i'm actually confused here, can someone please help me out

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PAPS NY says:

    Yeah i earn 100k+.. but 40% of that goes to tax. Got hit by covid and all that credit score goes down..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Hafey says:

    I wish I had $0. I'm starting with negative $100,000 (student loan debt)…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Risi says:

    Can you make reference to Canadian stuff in your vids too?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike A. says:

    I think you're misinterpreting why people are living paycheck to paycheck a little bit. It's not because people want to. It's because it's virtually impossible to live another way in most places.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C DUB says:

    Get a credit card when you’re 18 and then payoff high interest credit cards? Dave Ramsey would have a heart attack.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francelee Paris says:

    I can retire in a few weeks… all I have to do is win the lottery..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Michaud says:

    A thought I had about the extreme amount of young people living paycheck to paycheck: perhaps it has become more clear that the economy itself is a bad longterm investment and people feel powerless in securing their futures even if they were to pursue financial investment. It is inevitable that the global economy will collapse at some point, and even as someone who is interested in investing and knows exactly what my "freedom figure" would be (although I calculated it differently than you did in this video since my aim would be to invest as soon as possible in real resources that could enable a healthy and fulfilling life WITHOUT economic dependence), I still constantly consider that all modern currency could lose its value before I reach my "freedom figure" even if I am investing 90% of my capital into growing wealth. It is quite discouraging trying to build a stable personal foundation on an unstable cultural foundation.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatever says:

    This guy is so full of crap… 7 years to retire.. So you would have to save at least $50000 per year tax free with you and your wife.. In 7 years that would be $350000.. Compounded interest stock.. Is possibly a 1/2 a million in a year. This is extremely unrealistic. Both of you would be needing a 6 figure income. Your debts would have to be paid off within 6 months.. Most people carry at least $30000 in credit card debt. This guy never tells you how much money you need to invest and what type of returns you would possibly need to get. So this guy is completely full of crap.. I started saving when I was 27 years old.. I work for a major oil company as a pipe welder.. I put 10% of my income every Every year.. After 30 years I Have 2.9 million in $401K.. I am 58 years old. When I turn 50 years old I put $25000 per year.. My wife Put in $20000 per year Starting in 2005.. So wherever this unicorn pot of gold with a leprechaun exist that this guy is talking about.. 7 years is completely laughable.. 10 years is completely laughable… You would need a minimum of 15 years.. And you might hit one million dollars starting from ground 0.. I never financed anything. I never bought brand new cars.. I never owned a boat.. I never bought a motorcycle.. I never carried credit card debt. I lived a very frugal life. Went out to eat once a month. Always took my lunch to work.. We always cooked our own meals.. I always bought a car that was at least 4 years old.. Then keep it for 10 years.. If I could not afford to pay cash for something I did not buy it. I purchased my 1st house with 20% down In 1998.. I paid $225000 for it. I sold it for 500k 7 years later.. I took all of that money and purchased another house for $750000 Is in 2005. I sold that house in 2014 for 1.2 million.. In 2015 I bought a house For $700000 Out of my normal area 45 miles away from work. I had to commute everyday. At this time I already had over $650000 I made off all of the houses.. This guy talks about side hustles.. Most of you will be lucky to make an extra 500 a month on your so called side hustle.. Go work more overtime and actually make more money doing that in a job that allows overtime..

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Starr says:

    So, if you started at 29 you don’t look like you are 36. πŸ˜‚

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kenshidinyas says:

    I have a question. There are some significant financial goals that I want to accomplish. I eventually want to emigrate to New Zealand and buy a home there. Your plan works well for setting someone up for retirement, but would you add a step or make adjustments in the plan for when people are needing to start saving money for big purchases/expenses and then actually executing that purchase?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evildoomk says:

    For sure I would take any side hustle, and I did for a while, but my personal life was getting affected and did not have time for the People around me, how do you do that?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Itchy says:

    Not me working paycheck to paycheck with 0 bad debt struggling just to find a job to pay more.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustAnotherGuy says:

    Quit your job and get your free money from uncle Joe.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nigh Darke says:

    How are you supposed to do this when you live paycheck to paycheck and barely scrape by? You know, like most people in this country?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ラむをン says:

    i want around 75k to 100k a year

    ill probably become a day trader
    and make some good investments

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rebecca says:

    This is perfect. It's the process I've been taking. Great of you to put a guide out, I find it's accurate, and you're stories in between make it more personal. Thank you so much for this content. 😊

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dreamscape says:

    Is it possible to do this step by step w/o ever having to work a proper 9-5, & only relying on various side hustles? Wld it be faster this way?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blu Daizee says:

    Could you please also add the Canadian equivalent to these account names?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RosesAndWhine says:

    I don't like rental investing. I hated leeching landlords when I was young, I will not become one myself. I think everyone would be better off if real estate was not used as a form of investment.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RQuiaios says:

    I like your videos, but lets be honest, IF YOU REALLY ARE THAT FREE THEN YOU DON'T NEED TO BE HERE ON YOUTUBE EVERYDAY ASKING FOR LIKES ON THE VIDEOS. I don't get how people don't realise that all these gurus say the same

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