So you want to make a little extra side cash while you're in college? Today I've got you covered on how you can easily increase your income without sacrificing good grades. These are the easiest and best paying part-time jobs for college students!
Part Time Jobs:
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video Sean's, the name and cash money. Moolah is what we're talking about today. I graduated college about two years ago now holy I'm old, but I still have lots of friends still in college that just can't seem to graduate and start living their lives they're all about those victory laps, but it grinds my gears because every time I want to Go do something I hear the same thing from them, I'm down, but I don't have any money right now. I wish I could, but I can't swing it right now.

That's just too expensive. I don't think I can go out tonight. I'm really broke. I don't have any money right now, it's so damn frustrating because I've been there, but not necessarily when I was in college quick background on me.

I was fortunate enough to go to one of the most high-end and rich kids schools in Arizona. My parents were not well-off, they were working their butt off. I was on tons of financial aid. I got tons of scholarships because my academics were good, but I was able to go to a really high-end high school and because of that, all my friends were incredibly rich.

So I was lucky enough to get a really good high school education. But the thing that really sucked was my friends were able to do whatever they wanted to, and I literally could never keep up. I couldn't even afford to put the gas in my car to go just hang out with them for free, so it was really challenging for me to go to high school knowing wow. I want to go.

Do all these fun things that my friends were doing, but I literally had no money to do it. So this is what motivated me in high school to figure out how in the hell, do I make some money, so I never run into this issue again and now I never let money be the reason why I can't do something that I really want to do So when I got to college, I was only making like 40k yearbut 40k year in college is like I'm a big baller baby, so for you watching this video. If you can generate twenty to forty K here, while you're in college you'll literally be living like a king of fifty to most people in college is like half their bank account. So if you can make a little bit of money, you'll never have to worry about how you're gon na pay.

For that thirty rack or how are you gon na pay for that? Fifteen dollar bottle that you're splitting between five people, which works out to three dollars? A person no way it'd be three dollars and 49 cents, because we have to factor in the tax and the point four miles of gas that Johnny's going to go through to go to the store and pick it up. The days of college, where the savings accounts are bone dry and the bar floors are soaking wet, but I get it. Money can be incredibly tight in college, which is why I want to make this video on my best strategies for how you can generate some serious part-time cash while you're going to school and again it's part-time cash, because we don't want your grades to be falling, which Leads to your fifth year and your six year victory lap in college, so let's get into it 2,000 years later. Okay, so I've made a few videos in the past about how you can generate a little bit of extra money.
Things like passive income working from anywhere in the world, or just working from the comfort of your own home, so I'll leave those videos linked down below. You should definitely watch those after this one, but I put together a list that is specifically designed towards college students, because if you're in college, you typically have one no experience, no money and three tons of time. So, with those in mind, I put together some things that either I did in college, or I knew some of my friends were doing in college - to generate roughly $ 25,000 a year which is really great income as a college student and, first and foremost, we're going To be starting with some jobs that are really more well known and a lot of people actually know about, and then, as we get towards the end of my list, there'll be some things that not a lot of people know about or not. A lot of people are doing and it can make you some serious money, so number one is going to be tutoring.

This is easy money that is constantly left on the table, just because the kids sitting next to you in class will call him Johnny. Just cuz Johnny doesn't have any money doesn't mean that Johnny's mom doesn't have any money and Johnny's mom really wants him to graduate college she'll do anything for him to graduate college. So, if you're doing really well in the class and Johnny is not doing so hot, go to Johnny and say, look Johnny, I will tutor you to make sure you pass this class and will study for twice a week we'll do it for two hours. Each time.

You'll pay me 20 dollars an hour. That's a no-brainer you're, literally going to be doing the homework or the work or the studying anyway, so you might as well. Do it with someone else and make you know $ 80 a week which is gon na, be what like four thousand one hundred and sixty dollars a year? That's not bad easy money, and actually did this in college actually tutor my buddy Pete, you guys know Pete right, you guys are riding with me. Are you ready for this reward yeah yeah his mom hooked it up for us? I would do his accounting homework.

Make sure he passed his accounting classes with me and in return his mom would pay us really good money, and I say us because all that money, that we got we pretty much just spent on like beer and alcohol, but she doesn't need to know that so Number two - and this is another really popular one: it's just getting an on-campus job, whether it's in the restaurant industry, cuz, there's tons of places to eat on campus or it's in the campus maintenance or like field maintenance or being an RA or like a personal adviser. I mean there are so many on-campus jobs and there's so much employee turnover, because people are constantly coming into campus and leaving campus that it's really easy to get one of those jobs. I know this because my sister actually had the king of all jobs in college. She was like the payroll manager on my University's campus.
I don't know how she finessed her way into that job, but she pretty much paid and worked with all the hiring managers, so she would pretty much say yeah. Anyone who submitted an application. They almost always got a job on campus, it just kind of depended on where they got that job and what they were doing. But there were so many jobs that needed to constantly be filled that when someone submitted an application, it was just a matter of time before they started working.

So you literally have no excuse to go, get an on-campus job pretty much. Anyone can get one so get off your butt and apply next up is something I wish I did in college and it's one of my biggest regrets. I tried convincing my roommates to do it every single week and they just weren't down to do it, but it's starting a podcast in college about your college experience because one after getting a decent amount of momentum going you're gon na start making some really good money With the podcast and then to imagine ten years from now, when you got a wife and a couple gremlins running around you're gon na want to say, hey, let's go listen back to all these crazy stories. We used to do in college like absolute gold, and it's so easy.

You literally go out do something fun one night, the next morning, you record the podcast and boom super easy. If you have no idea how to start a podcast or where you even go about doing something like that, I've made a video I'll leave it link down below it's so easy to start a podcast these days and start making some good money that way so I'll Leave that link down below but number four another a really popular guy, and I'm just gon na throw this in here, really quick and it's just driving if you've got a car just start driving for uber, lyft or post mates or whatever it's such easy income that Forms exactly to your schedule, so if you want to work five hours one week, ten hours, the next 20 hours next, you can do whatever your schedule allows and it's okay money to just get you by in college, so work, one of those jobs driving and it's Easy money pretty self-explanatory, but the next one is actually something that can make you some serious Bank and it's being a maid in college and hold up. I know a lot of you're like a maid. What are you talking about a maid? Well, I personally hate cleaning and I actually kind of hate to admit this, but when I was in college, I actually paid a maid to clean my bedroom in my bathroom, not the whole house, just my bedroom in my bathroom, because the rest of the house was A team effort with me in the roommates I wasn't gon na pay her to clean the whole house, just paid her to clean my room in my bathroom, and I paid her like fifty five dollars once a month to come.
Do that she was never over for more than like two hours max, and I say a maid, but it was literally just another college student who put up a craigslist ad and was like I'll come clean. Your house cuz I'm trying to make some spare money and she told me she was killing it. She was like. I would do a bunch of the little things like this clean, some small dorm rooms or some small apartments, and I make really good money off it.

So a you want to make some money go, be a maid and if you're like whoa Sean, I am NOT gon na go clean. Someone else's house, I can barely clean. My own then be a mover yeah. Think about how many times people move from one place to another in a college town, myself alone, I lived in the dorms for one semester.

Before we pretty much got kicked out. That's a story for another video. Then I moved into an apartment for like six months and then I moved into another apartment for 12 months and then I eventually moved into a house for two years and then I moved out of that and moved down into the city that I live in now. So Wow I moved to like five five times bottom line, though maids and movers absolutely kill it.

So definitely take advantage of that. Then the next one on my list is something I've talked about as well in other videos, and it's just I'm gon na bring it up again in this video, because the amount of time you spend doing this versus how much time you get paid is so good And it's doing online surveys or taking part in all focus groups so down in the description right now, there's a link for respondent. I you go to that website click, the link and sign up. It is so easy to do a simple project on there.

That'll, take you maybe an hour, probably like 30 minutes honestly and you'll, make anywhere from 50 to 100 dollars for the time you spend so easy. Do that make some extra cash in college? I'm telling you that's! Probably the best thing on this list for the amount of time versus how much money you get out of it so go in the description, click, the link and sign up, and next is something that kind of goes with the podcast. And it's predominantly how I made a lot of my money in college. You guessed it it's with a youtube channel and I say a youtube channel, but it could be either a YouTube channel or just a written blog something to document what you are doing in college and your college experience, because if other people really enjoy the content, you're Making you're gon na start making a lot of money from it.

So I cannot stress this enough. You're gon na want something in college that you can look back on some sort of content. You can look back on and say wow remember when we did that in college and if you're gon na do something like that you might as well make a little bit of money off it. I cannot stress this enough.

Luckily, for me I had a channel that was already kind of moving before I got into college, but college is really where I blew up my other channel and really started making me some good money. So I highly recommend you do that just just go. Do it right now, just start one: do it, but alright number nine, I'm saving one of the best ones. For last.
This one is absolutely insane. It's actually a friend of mine who told me about this, because he was doing it in college and he was making. So much money, it's being a property manager and no you do not need money. You do not need a property.

You just need to sacrifice some time. So what does a property manager? A property manager, is pretty simple. There's this guy right here who owns a home that he rents out, okay and then there's tenants on the other side who rent that home and there's always some stuff that always happens, and the tenants are constantly calling the landlord and say hey. We need this fix or hey something like this or there's constantly all this time right.

This investor doesn't just collect money, you like to think they just collect money, but there's a lot of time. They have to spend making sure these tenants are happy. So, in the middle, that's where you are a property manager is the middle or the liaison between these two individuals. So this person can pretty much make just a little bit money to pay you, the property manager, to deal with all the BS.

That's going on with the tenants over here. You should know what a property manager is, because you're, probably a tenant yourself right now and anytime anything breaks you either calling a property manager or you're calling your landlord and here's. Why you can make some serious money with this think about how many times people move and how incredibly high the rental turnover rate in a college town is like? We just talked about being a mover. People are constantly moving from one place to another.

I think on average people move every single year, while they're in college, so this investor or this property owner is like man. I got to find new tenants every year or I got a dual to other BS and I got a vet make sure each tenant is good. You can take all of that hassle out by making some money and saving this person some time and again, it's incredibly good money because of how much people are moving in a college town. So here's what you do you go on Craigslist or Zillow or wherever you find your long-term rentals in your area.

You call up the property owners and you say: hey look, I know you're a property owner, I'm not actually looking to rent your place, but I'm looking to manage your place. I've got all these years of property management experience. I don't know that, but I want to manage your properties in really just save you, the headache in all the time and the first thing they're gon na tell you is no. No.

I don't need that. I'm here to make as much money as possible off my off my investment property. So no, no, I don't need you and you have to be a little bit salesy here, but you can easily just tell them. Look.
I work for a percentage. Okay, if you're charging $ 2,000 a month in rent, I work for 5 % you're gon na pay me a hundred bucks a month and I'm gon na take all of that headache out of it. For you, literally, all you have to do every month is collect your check now. Everyone who buys an investment property thinks, oh, if I buy this property and rent it out, all I'm doing is collecting money.

Well, that's not always a truth, because constantly things break constantly are dealing with bad tenants all this stuff. So you got to take all that headache out of them and you pretty much get to save them tons of time. So if you're got a decent pitch and you can sell yourself on the phone you're gon na get so many clients and then think about this - let's say: you're, making a hundred bucks per property. You get five to ten properties, that's five hundred to a thousand bucks.

Every single month it depends on right in your area, but that's really easy money and I'm gon na be honest with you. It's not as much time as you think sure you got to be on call and people call you and say something broke or people text. You and say hey: I need this and yeah you've got to spend a little bit of time, you're, not just sitting there making money, but you're, probably not going to be spending that much time for how much money you're making. In fact, my buddy who told me about this strategy, he said he never had less than 25 properties at any given time in his area and he was making like five to seven grand a month, absolutely insane.

He said I'd probably spent anywhere from seven to twelve hours every single week working on this. He goes, but the ROI was absolutely insane and then I asked him well. How did you get so many properties? I mean: were you constantly just trying to pitch yourself and he goes the sales pitch was the easiest part he goes. I would literally call someone and say hey.

This is what your rent is: we're gon na up it by 5 % to cover my pay and I'm still gon na get you tenants, because I know everyone in college right now. All of my friends are like oh yeah, I'm thinking about moving, I'm thinking about finding a place like this. He goes. It was amazing.

All of my friends were trying to find places or tell me when they're moving and I'd be like. Oh, I've got 25 properties. You can move into, he goes. It was the simplest thing ever and these property owners loved me because I made really good money and I saved them a ton of time and actually they made the same amount of money, because I end up just raising the rent by my pay.

Absolutely genius and don't get turned off by thinking. Oh, this is gon na be way too hard to actually go get clients super easy, because most property management companies are charging anywhere from eight to twelve percent. So if you go in and say yeah my rates, 5 % or 6 % odds are most of these owners are gon na say you know what I'm done dealing with this headache I'll, let you manage it for me and boom really easy money so get on The horn and start making some money being a property manager, but number 10 all my list. It cannot be beat.
It is my fail proof method, and it is something I like to call finding your rich wife in college forget happy hours, you're going to want to spend your time in the med school building the engineering building or, if you're a little bit wild, make sure you Spend some time in the computer science building the sky is the limit with this. So here's to rich moms and hot dads, but that's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed it and - and I hope you got some really good ideas for making some really Chetta in college. You should really stop hiding behind the fact that, oh I'm in college, so I'm allowed to be broke.

That's a lame excuse. You can definitely make some easy money, so hopefully this video kind of motivated you to do that. Also shout out to my buddy, who owns a company called strobe pops he's one who sent me all this kind of fake movie money. He makes a really cool kind of stuff for for for videos in movies like this, so all he's going to his stuff down below makes me kind of look like a baller.

I can just fake it till I make it in these videos. You know what I mean but subscribe if you're new around here, and I really hope you enjoy the video again check those other ones out linked down below and until next time. I'll see you in the next video awful.

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