Lets talk about the AI Revolution, Chat GPT, and the businesses you can create to get rich in 2023 - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan | GET MY WEEKLY EMAIL MARKET RECAP NEWSLETTER: http://grahamstephan.com/newsletter
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ChatGPT is a computer program that allows you to ask it almost anything, and it’ll relay an answer using its artificial intelligence. This can be used for a variety of applications, like:
1. Building Apps
I asked it to “give me the code to create a jumping game for iOS” - and, within a minute, it gave the results. Granted, I only spent about an hour learning the mechanics of how to build a mobile game, and…I couldn’t figure it out on my own, but the fact that you could use a free resource to code a game, which - you could potentially SELL - is mind blowing for someone with no prior knowledge of building apps. This also extends throughout website creation.
2. Writing.
The writing feature opens the door to some rather unique opportunities for those who want to create sales scripts, essays, emails, or - pretty much anything you can ask for…in a fraction of the time it would take to write, and - it would probably do it better than most people, since it has the ability to scrape the internet for the best information.
3. Imaging.
Now, it’s probably not something that would make you a fortune, since the market is being FLOODED with AI-generated images - but, with some basic photoshop skills, you could certainly use the service to “speed up” the process of creating unique content. Not to mention, as the AI gets more advanced, I wouldn’t be surprised if this would one day be able to give us photo-realistic images of ANYTHING you could imagine.
-I’m a bit concerned that most people don’t realize that the cutoff point for its knowledge is based on late 2021, so, anything newer than that doesn’t exist in its frame of reference.
-The information you’re getting isn’t necessarily factual.
Since the program words by gathering information and then constructing them into sentences, it won’t always give be correct. For example, the website Stack Overflow no longer uses ChatGPT as they said it was full of coding issues. They also said that “The average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low,” leaving them with no other option but to prevent their answers from being listed.
-You’re also prone to receiving regurgitated, generic information.
See, one of the benefits of open search is that - it allows you to cast a wide net of information and then assimilate the bits and pieces that you’re looking for with an open perspective. But, in the case of AI - it’s often pulling from the same basket of information, which could be why quite a few AI videos seem eerily similar here on YouTube.
-AI cannot form and share experiences.
I have to say: when sharing information, there’s nothing more powerful than a real life story, with perspective, emotion, and empathy. As AI continues to develop with information, I guarantee that EXPERIENCES will begin to take place of sales copy, blogs, and writing, there’s just not a substitute for firsthand knowledge.
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For business or one-on-one real estate investing/real estate agent consulting inquiries, you can reach me at GrahamStephanBusiness @gmail.com
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available. This is not investment advice. Public Offer valid for U.S. residents 18+ and subject to account approval. There may be other fees associated with trading. See Public.com/disclosures/

What's up guys? It's Grammy here. So in the middle of a recession, one industry seems to be absolutely booming with the promise and making a lot of people really rich. and that would be artificial intelligence. For example, I Told Open Ai's Chat Gbt to write a YouTube video in the style of Graham Stefan on Real Estate investing and make it 25 minutes long and in less than a minute I had a complete outline.

In fact, it was so good that I just asked it to add a little bit of humor in a few seconds. It says we're going to make this as fun as buying a new toilet because let's be real, who doesn't love a good toilet? Honestly, in terms of using this to make money, its potential is really only limited by the questions you're willing to ask it. and from what I've seen, this is really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what's possible since this could be used by almost anyone anywhere to generate an income from Freelancers entrepreneurs to business owners and people online who make jokes about a toilet. So let's talk about exactly what this is: why it's already starting to become such a big business: How people are able to generate substantial wealth from a concept that's only just begun.

and then finally, how you could use this information to make you money on this episode of Terminator 7 The Rise of Stolen Art. All right. So first of all, I don't think you fully understand just how much AI is currently being used throughout almost every aspect of your life. Just take Google for an example.

like if you go to a new browser and you type in how many it'll Auto populate with the most common suggestions that you might be interested in. But when you search for Terminator and then type in how many it knows that, you're probably asking how many Terminator movies there are. And when you start noticing all of these tiny things, you'll begin to realize just how accurate it's becoming. For example, in 2018 Facebook revealed to be using artificial intelligence that would predict your future behavior and then serve that to advertisers before you even know you needed it.

Other algorithms are known for feeding you content that it's predicted you'll watch based on past behavior, and if we take it a step further, it could be used for determining whether or not two people are romantically compatible or how long your existing relationship could last all from using the data that you give it, although in its most basic form. in terms of how this applies to you, let's talk about the technology that's gaining the most attention as a potential business, and that would be chat. GPT Now I'm not going to bore you with too many nuances because there are plenty of YouTube videos out there going over every imaginable detail. But as a high level overview, just think of it like this: Chat Gbt is a computer program that allows you to ask at almost anything and it'll spit back an answer using its artificial intelligence to show you just how insane this is.
I Tested it out by asking it to write a script in the style of grand staff and about how people could make money with chat Gbt and in seconds I had an outline that was even detailed enough to know the style of my intro. Then from there I told it to make it funnier and it added a segment to my style of. but Graham I already have enough chat bots in my life I don't need another one I Seriously can't make this stuff up. It understood my videos well enough that it could predict the jokes I make and then place them in the correct spots throughout the video.

I Could probably even have it write sales scripts, emails, birthday cards, thank you letters, or even a legal template for a liability release in the state of Nevada Obviously, the software isn't perfect and there could be some serious problems to using this that I'll discuss shortly, but in the most fundamental level, the applications of this could be infinite if you know how to give it the proper inputs. for example, building apps like one of the First videos I watched on the subject was from the YouTube channel Joshua Moroney who built an app from start to finish just using the chat Bots recommendation and then when you had a question, he could ask it back to the chat bot to get an answer. So of course I went ahead and asked it to give me the code to create a jumping game for iOS and within a minute it spit out the results. Now obviously I'm not a developer at all and I have no idea what any of this stuff means.

So I then went and asked it how do I create a new iOS game on a Mac computer and it literally gave me the entire blueprint. I Then followed the directions but then got stuck for an hour trying to learn xcode, but I was able to get some help from a subscriber on Instagram who I'll link to in the description and within a short time after, the so-called game was at least kind of functional. Now granted, I only spent about an hour trying to learn the mechanics of building a mobile game and I still had to ask for help and couldn't figure it out on my own, but the fact that you could use a free resource to build something that you could potentially sell is mind-blowing for somebody who comes with a very limited background to learning how to do something like this. Not to mention this extends throughout almost anything.

like you want to build a landing page for a coffee company. Just ask and you could preview the page here. or you could ask it to be more modern and there it goes. Well after I spent a few days tinkering with this I Understand that it's not a hundred percent perfect, but you know what, It's close.

and for somebody who already has the understanding of the basics, it could be used to dramatically speed up the process and have Ai do the framework for you. The second application I found incredibly interesting was writing in fact weeks before messing around with the software. I read an article about an author who created an entire children's book using artificial intelligence and I have to say it sounded like a genius idea. He explains that he gave Chat Gbt the general idea, then went back and forth honing the topics, and then used the Discord server mid-journey to create a style of artificially generated images from which she could used to illustrate his book, and within a weekend, the book was published online, but not everyone was happy.
See: typically a book like this would require the creativity of its writer and combine that with the artistic ability of an illustrator to bring those words to life. But with AI a program could simply scrape the internet for images, rearrange them, and then they're indistinguishable from the real thing. On top of that, there's also the question of who owns the images. Is it the person who asks or is it the data from which the information was gathered and sourced? Something like this actually reminds me of the website this person does not exist.com which compiles images and then rearranges facial features to give you an entirely new person who does not actually exist And we'll get to the dangers of artificial Imaging shortly.

But as of now, the writing feature opens the door to some rather unique opportunities for anyone wanting to create sales scripts, essays, emails, or pretty much anything that you could ask for in a fraction of the time that it would take to write on your own. And it would probably do a better job than most people since it has the ability to scour the internet for the best information. AI also takes it a step further by paraphrasing and rewording specific sentences to give you an alternative text to use. For example, I Took one of my outlines from a previous video, ran it through, and came out with a new outline with notations for each word that was changed.

To me, it's completely scary how this could be used to essentially copy someone else's work and then change it up enough not to be picked up by plagiarism filters, but you have to admit it's pretty impressive how well this is able to deliver information and even Elon Musk called it scary good. You also have another unique aspect of this, and that would be Imaging Even though an app like Lensa AI has been getting a lot of popularity throughout Instagram with everybody posting these AI generated images of themselves, the Discord group mid Journey takes us a step further and creates whatever you can imagine for free. Now, it's probably not something that's going to make you a fortune because the Market's being flooded with AI generated images, but with some basic Photoshop skills, you could use the service to dramatically speed up the process of creating an image like say, for example: I want to use this image but instead of a Tesla in the background I want it to be in the middle of an ocean with a shark in the background and Treasure Chest Well, in the past I would have to find each of those images separately and import them into Photoshop and blend them together. But by asking mid-journey I could get a workable background and cut around the parts that I want to use to create the Perfect Image not to mention as AI eventually gets more advanced I Would not be surprised if one day we could create photorealistic images that would be indistinguishable from the real thing.
Like, why spend tens of thousands of dollars creating a professional photo shoot of a Big Mac when you could have Ai generate the exact same image you're looking for in minutes from there. imagine this extends throughout cartoons, movies, or even influencer deep fakes. like just watch this video from The New York Times If you thought she was real, she's actually a deep fake. It's only getting more and more lifelike from the way I see it.

Something like mid-journey is not a replacement for all things images, but just like every other aspect of AI, it could be used to speed up the process dramatically and is only limited to the questions you're able to ask it. But as far as putting all of this together to make money, a few ideas come to mind like investing in AI based companies writing sales pay Pages for blogs or clients or using its information to create your own content that you can monetize. although instead of breaking down those businesses since Chat Gbt could easily do that for you I Thought it would be more interesting to break down the risks and downsides that almost no one is talking about because I guarantee it's never going to be as easy as you think to start. I'm a bit concerned that most people don't realize the cutoff point for Chat Gbt's knowledge is based on late 2021, so anything newer than that doesn't exist in its frame of reference.

Of course, in the big picture, this isn't that big of a deal, and if they expand the system to eventually cover breaking information, it could easily be incorporated. But that brings us to the second point in that the information isn't necessarily factual. For example, the website stack Overflow band Chat Gbt is substantially harmful for coding issues. They also said that the average rate of getting correct answers from Chat Gbt is too low, leaving them with no other option than to prevent their answers from being listed.

What's even worse though, is that the AI sounds extremely confident and can frequently mislead their users who take it base Valley. In fact, our brains are wired to respond to confidence, partly because we've evolved to follow someone who seems to know what they're talking about. And because of that, it's essential that you be critical of all the information you receive. Which, let's be real, most people don't want to think for themselves.

In addition to that, you're also prone to receiving regurgitated generic information see. One of the benefits of a search is that it casts a wide net of information and then you can assimilate the bits and pieces that you're looking for to form an open perspective. But in the case of AI, it's often pulling from the same basket of information, which could be why quite a few of the videos here on YouTube seem eerily similar. Not to mention, there have been quite a few biases in the system, which was the experience of one Twitter user or the unfortunate case of a Twitter bot who took a turn for the worse.
And finally, the largest downside that I see is that AI cannot forum and share experiences. The thing is, there's nothing more powerful than a real life story with perspective, emotion, and empathy. That's something that AI has yet to replicate, and there's no substitute for first-hand knowledge. now.

grant that. it's still insanely impressive to get more more than a million users in five days, which gives Mr Beast around for his money. But in terms of practical uses, here's where: I think it'll absolutely disrupt everyday businesses in just the next few years. First Customer Service As of right now.

Most chat Bots that you see are absolutely terrible. They're slow, they're clumsy, and every situation is too unique to get a desired outcome with a predetermined answer. In fact, 78 of consumers are connected to a person after failing to resolve their needs with the Bots. but I have a feeling that's soon going to change as AI technology advances.

We're probably going to get to a point where you have no idea you're talking to a computer leading us to number two video. Google Was able to create two side-by-side deep fakes that were able to have a fully self-aware six minute conversation about their lives as a robot. And even though they just seem a little bit off, the videos from 18 months ago which is forever an internet time and I promise. technology like this tends to be exponential with each year being able to outpace the advancements of the Year prior.

tenfold. Just take this: Google Assistant AI Phone call. as an example, their AI technology was able to book appointments in a human tone without the other person even knowing they were talking to a robot. I'm looking for something on May 3rd Sure.

give me one second. That means with enough time, we'll be able to create completely lifelike videos with people that don't actually exist that we have no idea doesn't exist. Of course, the downside is that it might One Day become sentient, which Google denies. But regardless, we have third search.

My theory is that if AI is able to predict what we want to search for in the type of information we want, it would be able to assimilate that within a video that you could watch just like anything else on. YouTube like say, for example, you want to learn how to fix a flat tire well instead of sifting through hundreds of YouTube videos that usually have flop in the beginning and ask you to hit the like button and have affiliate links in the description and mention that you could get a free stock when you sign up down below at their sponsorpublic.com With using the code grand, it's worth all the way up to a thousand dollars and you make a deposit. Uh, well. besides all of that, AI might be able to generate the perfect video that applies to exactly what you're looking for without any fluff like imagine, You're able to ask a question and it generates the exact video that you need for exactly what your question is with the exact model of carve that you have in theory.
all of that is possible and whoever is able to control that could essentially control the internet personally. I Think AI is a tool that's really, really incredible. like being able to develop web designs within seconds, giving the basics of code for an app, or giving a blueprint of a script. But I Don't think it's at the point yet where anyone could give it free reign of creativity without a human going in and correcting the mistakes.

Like right now. It's perfect for tasks that simply speed up an existing process like search results or getting a quick outline from which you could build upon. but all of those are fairly low risk. and if they're wrong, it's not like anything bad is going to happen, right? Although once we go beyond the bare minimum, the danger becomes that we'll begin to lose our understanding of why the chatbot gives the answers it does like.

Sure, you could ask it something and get a response back, but you'll never truly understand how it came to that conclusion or how you got that specific answer. That's why I Think it's a really great tool for laying the foundation, but it's really up to the person to then have the knowledge to know if that information is actually correct or what needs to be done about it. No doubt it has a lot of potential, but I Personally think it's years away from being able to match what a human could do with critical thinking. and Analysis but hey, if and when it does become indistinguishable from the real thing to the point where AI can create the perfect song within the perfect movie with the perfect people, then maybe it.

Someday we'll see Terminator 7 written by AI So with that said, you guys thank you so much for watching, As always, feel free to add me on Instagram And don't forget that you could claim a free stock with their sponsor Public.com Down Below in the description when you use the code gram and make a deposit because that could be worth all the way up to a thousand dollars. So you may as well do it and Joy let me know what stock you get. Thank you so much And until next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “How to get rich with chatgpt”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad says:

    I asked GPT who is CEO of Twitter, and it replied – Elon Mask. Then claimed it was an error. How did it get that information?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars b gg says:

    ChatGPT votes democrat

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Enoch Shepard says:

    You should look into an AI called Jasper. It is better than ChatGPT

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    It's funny that they assume the Ai is the "racist asshole" for assuming good = "white male", when it's probably scouring millions of line of NPCs (read: liberals) talking about the "white patriarchy" and assuming they know what they're talking about 🙄

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    My issue with this stuff is we will devolve into a bland wall-e/idiocracy society with generic everything and no more creativity. Look at videogames and movies, they already play it safe and hardly ever innovate. Imagine that x1000

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everyday Earnings says:

    I think this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to learn how to use ChatGPT to achieve financial success😍

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Everyday Earnings says:

    Great video!! I highly recommend it for anyone looking to increase their wealth!😍😍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ernestd says:

    "(…) with AI, a program could scrape the internet for images, rearrange them and make them undistinguishable from the real thing (…)". That's not how AI works. It generates what it learned from many images analysis or the meta descriptors of images, instead of doing a straight collage from existing images

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DZ says:

    how do you manage to make so bad video about something that interesting?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna-tic says:

    This person doesn't exist…. SBF.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna-tic says:

    Ask it how to get rid of Logan Paul

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna-tic says:

    Computers are only as intelligent as those who programmed it. They aren't capable of critical thinking. It only can give answers to things already solved. Just moved a few words around. Admit it you're lazy.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna-tic says:

    You said you were quitting. Why are you back ? Well tell me how to get rich since you want to throw that tired line around.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justo Barba says:

    Misleading title

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandra F says:

    Try NOT buying whatever Graham is schilling, that's a great start. oh that's right, we pretend Graham didn't sell his soul to FTX? noice

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whataap+① ⑨①⓪ ⑤⓪② ③②⑦① says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ndulgellc says:

    We had chatbots in the aol days

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJ Outback says:

    ARTIFICIAL Intelligence = unintelligent

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dev says:

    My understanding is it is not linked to the internet and it is only updated to the year 2021 but it’s shrill a lot of fun

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunbankVlogs says:

    Is creating ai like this possible just by one person

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cornelia Jennins says:

    U.S stocks found their footing in the final hour of back-and-forth trading Monday after all three major index logged their worst week in three months, Heard someone say the best season for a financial breakthrough is now, especially with inflation running at a four-decade high. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $117k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this down market?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jo-Milk _ says:

    The ai is as misleading as Google algorithm. So far, Ai had misleading information that still points at a better scope to research. I think it’s true it’s an amazing efficiency tool to get brainstorming done and a rough copy of a text.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tbagstealer says:

    Jeez Graham has really fallen quite far from where he was a few years ago. I didn't know you could be so misleading

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Cardona says:

    Love the sasquash story the best, kind of sad though 😢

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austen Summers says:

    Would be cool if you covered the title of the video inside the video

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew says:

    I’m about to try this out for my college essay

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Quindiagan says:

    I love how Graham makes boring things seem much more fun and exciting!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Jameson says:

    You forgot to mention that the ChatGPT is not ready to scale. Their servers were down for capacity for several hours today.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric (ex-PiPi) says:

    all you do is make engagement bait

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anna Pontillo says:

    You really made this video the year after I graduate highschool😐

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