How to Create Trust and Likability as a Real Estate Agent | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
How can you create trust and likability on a massive scale to grow your real estate business?
Likability doesn’t come from being perfect. Rogers Healy will tell you that. He failed the real estate exam 21 times. (And that’s not me being mean, because I think he mentions it like 21 times in this podcast episode).
But today, Rogers is not only running the largest independently owned real estate company in the state of Texas, but he also has a beautiful family and a well-balanced life.
In this hilarious and inspiring episode, I spoke with Rogers about how he made it all happen by working hard, maintaining faith, and being his authentic self. You’ll learn how to be more authentic in your life and business by letting go of control and marketing yourself honestly.
Make sure to watch or listen because I bet you this one will make an impact.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – How Rogers started
02:50 – Rogers’s business today
10:10 – Perspective that creates change
13:52 – Identity and likability
17:05 – Hiring a Director of Ops
21:02 – Disruption and recruiting
25:06 – Work ethic
27:00 – Incorporating music into business
32:38 – What’s Hot or Not
38:00 – Rogers’s nonnegotiable for success
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Foreign. Hey welcome back to the podcast today! I've got the Rogers Healey in the house man! Thanks so much for making it to the show today! Thanks for getting my name correctly with the V I've always wanted to be introduced like that, especially like if I was a football player. um and I went to a college I didn't go to SMU I went to the Southern Methodist University So yeah, we're off to a great start. I love that B B Southern Methodist thank you Tom Hey so this is for the the the show.

For the people that don't know, you give them a little back story. You've been in real estate for a long time. You told me a funny story as we were just getting prepped. so tell us what's funny to you.

Yeah, the funny story is that uh B Rogers Healy took the real estate exam more than anyone in the history of the state of Texas so I'm assuming that's what you were referencing. Um, yeah. I mean background. you know.

All kidding aside Perpetual loser in the sense that I lost everything. not that I was not trying. uh in real estate. uh, randomly kind of found me uh when I was in college I had interest in all things other than real State other than business.

from music memorabilia collecting to trying to be a sports broadcaster and you know it was one of those kind of godwink moments where it just felt right and uh, decided to pursue it and after literally failing the exam 21 times I finally by the grace of God passed it on Lucky 22 and it kind of took off from there. Yeah, try to find a way to, you know, bring an entrepreneurial spin into a pretty stale business back in the early 2000s and still here. So what were you thinking at around test fail like 10 or 11. So we're going to really dive deep into this.

What was I thinking I wasn't obviously because if I would have thought I would have gone back to waiting tables at Papados which is what gave me the ability to pass a test. but you know I think that in life. um and we'd like to talk about this a lot I think it's more important to fail than to win and I think God was really just prepping my heart for you know, relative success where you I just expected to lose and it was kind of. The reason I was single for a long time is that you know I rarely had you know a relationship that stuck but I wasn't afraid to keep trying and so I think that that was really um you know it was just preparing me to be a humble leader and to you know, take everything with in stride.

but yeah I mean obviously it sucked passing it and I would rotate testing centers I'd walk into like good morning Rogers I'm like hey Glenda here again and then when I finally passed it was like tears of joy but also like I'm gonna miss you yeah I'm gonna miss you taking it but yeah, it just kind of set me up and um I'm not a great test take care of every learning disability Under The Sun I had it before. it was cool but you know I think that also made me more relatable as I you know continue to climb where I'm not your run-of-the-mill success story. Yeah, so tell us about the business today just so we have contacts and then I really want to go back in time because many of the people that are listening it's the individual right now that's listening to this. They could be running a successful team, They could be a brand new agent, They could be 50 years in the business and be a CEO of a company trying to figure out what's next for them.
So it's a wide variety of listeners and then tech companies and other friends. I'll tell you about the arm Wrestleman. That's what I feel like is about to happen. Yeah, over the top.

Here we go. Yeah, here we go. Yeah, but give us context for what does the business look like today. How many offices? How many agents? What's the volume in transactions? Just so people have contacts? Yeah, sure.

uh. If I was trying to just short and sweet and pressure I would say we've got the largest independently owned real estate company in the state of Texas right? What does that mean? It means a lot of things. It means that there's larger companies owned by Uh, Warren Buffett Yes, but I think the theme of it is what got us here is probably what's not going to get us to the next step. and by the time this airs coincidentally today.

Uh, we're introducing a Director of Operations, which I Never thought I would do, but it just reached a point where you know I've kind of hired myself out of a job. So it's it's a company based on faith and it's based on collaboration. It's based on acceptance and it's based on really everything as long as you work hard. Yes, and that was my calling card and it still is where I think that God built us to grind.

Um, and so you know it started out not like in my basement, but also we were in a room about this size with three people and I didn't have a business plan I still don't but I just knew that you know working for someone else even though that's all I do now technically right? Uh, it wasn't for me and just on a whim started a real estate company. Yeah, and that really is the most glamorous rated glamorous way to describe it. And you know, just by being resilient and having some faith and some grit, it just kind of started to work. But now it's a real company volume.

Billion dollars a year agents. We have a lot transactions, we sell a lot, we do a lot of leasing. but I've learned that through my obsession with business. I've been able to go and Infuse um, an industry that is not really business savvy for the most part, which that's really the disruption I Always thought it was social media and looking different than most people, but it was really the fact that I I know how to scale and I know how to look for things you know kind of ahead of others.

but in order to be a Visionary and a driver, you have to have structure in place and that requires a team of people that takes time to find. and I think that's what you know. that's the next level for me is really removing myself and turning my name into a brand in real estate. where I can you know forecast and you know kind of be the the creative and brains behind it.
Yeah, be the Visionary Yeah, right Again, there's not a playbook for that and if you've done this for a long time, it's okay to recognize that you suck at something. And for me, there's a lot of things that I still suck at. but there's some things I had to learn enough of to where when we put someone in that position I can lead them and I think that's what a business owner is supposed to do so you and I share a common uh, value set which is like scaling right. Like why do something small if you can build it the right way and serve more people? Yeah, it's just for the greater good.

Yeah, where did you learn that? Um, golly. I think trial by fire. You know my dad's my hero and he's had He has a successful insurance and estate planning business, but he has I think 10 employees and his version of success was he's very Niche with his clients High net worth individuals. Period.

Yeah, that's never been my Approach I'm in the business of making money which requires you know volume which comes with a different set of problems. but I think that you know the common theme between all of my failures really was me. Whether it was dating the wrong people, whether it was hiring the wrong people, whether it was leading the wrong way, and eventually you know Covet. Honestly, Covet gave a lot of us a reset an opportunity to put priorities in place.

but prior to Covet we didn't have departments and you know we were still. You know, a pretty big player. We were top 20 company in the city and selling a lot of real estate, but it was just a lot of the same starting over. Here we go again, right? and bad hires and you know, waiting too long to remove people.

Um where during it's the entrepreneurial game like especially as a founder? Yeah, but like get over it. Yeah and I think that you know Covid was like my office locked me out of my office because I was an addict that needed to be at my desk and working and I was able to be with my then wife my now wife. but I'm saying she was my wife at the beginning of Covet is when we got married and I kind of could look around and be like all right it's okay to wear shorts, it's okay to you know sleep to five a.m and do these things that I just thought I was having to always be on and if I wasn't available my office would collapse and people would quit. but I finally just reached a point I was like screw it I want to be myself and I want to go and really leverage the fact that like there's more to life than work and by doing that work became more you know, more efficient and more successful in Revenue grew.

but you know it just takes time and I think learning to scale like I'm looking here at your your props. This is kind of how I used to build things if you guys can see this with poker chips and eventually it would it would fall and then I was like I need to have a stronger Foundation where stuff actually sticks exactly and by the way this was not rehearsed or prepared but this is just how my you know Middle School brain works and it started to work and the ego started to drift away and people started to come to the office. not because of me and people started to be successful because of other you know structure in place and I was like all right this is a business but the hard part for that is I kept stepping away from the stuff I was used to and then you reach a point where you're like dang I'm not really needed anymore yeah like how do I go and still find relevance which again was another opportunity to grow and that's kind of where I am today. You're hitting on so many things here.
So so one of the one of the statements I made to CEOs and brand new agents and everybody in between is your structure and your systems and the standards you have for yourself. That's that's where you are in business. We rarely rise to our goals. People write down oh I want to achieve this and I'm like that's great.

Yeah, show me the systems and the structure and the standards that are going to be in place to make that happen. Then it works. So you're now bringing in this new Director of Operations. Congratulations! what are you trying to accomplish? Um, a different kind of growth and I think honestly, it's just I'm not I'm 42 I'm not that old but it's just at a point where I used to I mean my work family is not my family.

Yeah, they work for me. Yeah, and we work together and my family is my family and that's always going to be more important than competing. And I think that you know real estate, especially in a city like Dallas or in, you know, in the west coast. Every day there's a new real estate company that opens up right and a lot of them have the objective of just taking us out at the knees.

and I'm like if that's how you want to live your life, go for it. And if people want to follow bad leaders, it was nice to meet you. The toilet will flush itself and so you know I've had to learn that the hard way. but it's you know I have to just stay in my lane and my Lane is wide but by doing that I've found happiness really for the first time as an adult and I'm not married to my work.

but in turn that makes me a more genuine sales person where like we were talking about you, you find your role and I think my role is visionary Rainmaker but also just a genuine hype guy because I'm leading by example which you can't do if you're living in the business every single day. I Just spilled coffee all over my shirt. By the way, it's great how much of both. It's also freezing in here, so you just got a little warmer.

That's probably a good thing. Um, how much of, uh, the birth of your daughter in the last year has has really changed the way you view business? everything I mean it's I Love cliches and I love like those inspirational posters that you'd see like in your dentist office in the 80s because it's it's true. Um, getting married changes everything, right? I think um, that's awesome, but you can still live a somewhat selfish life based off routine. Yeah, and my wife is a grinder too.
But you know, having a child that looks kind of like me, it just puts everything in perspective and as you know, kind of crazy as it sounds. I just stopped caring about everything other than what was right in front of me and started working from home a little bit, started dressing more casual, started drinking coffee I never had caffeine um, until two months ago fun fact and now literally addicted. Yes, um, but I just put it in perspective and the stuff that used to worry me and you know for a solid 10 years I would avoid going out in public I was like I'm going to run into somebody who's burned me or that quit my company or that and it just sucks. and I think the life of a Realtor, it always gets voted the most happy, happiest career.

it's not. no. And the thing about real estate um which is just kind of crazy. And to make a you know a music reference Hotel California one of the greatest songs ever.

Whether you like the Eagles or not the theme of it for to most people that interpret it is once you check in, you never check out. Once you find success in real estate and you taste that forbidden fruit, it's impossible to step back into the innocence. and I had to just go and having a child. you know, help catalyze this.

but I had to be like all right, there's more to life than a deal. Yeah, there's more to life than having the biggest real estate company and having the greatest. Bottom line: it's like I have to go and find a way to find joy that has nothing to do with a yard sign or a business card. and again by doing that, the right people have risen, the wrong people have found their way out, and the law of attraction is stronger than it's ever been.

I Know for the person listening right now, you've probably heard me live in an event or maybe on a podcast where I said in order for you to scale you have to let go. you have to stop doing the things that got you here, right? Yeah, yeah, like we know those cliches. but God Cheers! Not going to get you there. Yeah, but it's hard to let stuff go.

It's hard to let routines go that that became you said it earlier. intentional or not about your identity. Yeah, became all of this. being at the office, every single day, grinding it out and now all of a sudden the birth of your daughter.

Yeah, you you see this opportunity to change. A lot of people don't change. Yeah, and you have to. If not, I mean you're going to change or change is going to kill you.
Yeah I've learned to use words too. like I had a guy um, his name is Jerry McNabb shout out to Jerry he's like a second dad to me and reached the point. It's probably eight years ago where I was just Rock Bottom I was a part of a Ponzi scheme with a homebuilder and DFW called Bellavita. they were just did things I was I was a sucker and I was in a really bad relation.

It was just like the storm was perfect and I reached a point I finally called my dad and I'm not one to ever ask for help and I was like all right here I am waving the flag. he's like you need to call Jerry this guy is. You know he's like what you do for real estate people and Beyond he does it. you know kind of to a different scale where most times he works with people it's like a four to six month process.

Yeah, seven years I was with him and he learned. he learned, he learned me. He taught me how to think different and how to operate differently. One of the words that I started to use was evolve and I feel like the term evolve is a positive way of saying things are going to change Yes and so I really got into it I love Dad quotes and I love these things that I never thought I would enjoy.

But the one thing I kept gravitating towards was a quote. He told me the very first time we met by Oscar Wilde who I've never read any of his books or poems, whatever he writes but he had a quote that said be yourself because everyone else is taken Yeah and I heard that I was like that's my quote I was like that's how I need to live my life but you know how do I go? Couple that with being a business leader and being a relatively public figure and still just obsessing over ever being the best version of me and that really was. You know what changed my life? So many people hearing this have experienced this to to become successful we feel like we need to become this person, right? It's not me because you know I I'm not enough. It took me 22 times to pass a test so if I become I just think it's just it's so I'm gonna go take it again today.

I'm gonna fail it and I'm gonna come back and be like I passed it but then I failed it after I passed it 23 Michael Jordan Here we go. But you know what I mean like we we create these identities and then those identities are only good for so long. Yeah, do you know what I mean like you the the young hustling getting started. only 21 year old kid in town Selling Houses and everybody looks at you or at least you, you perceive that they look at you a certain way.

Yeah, so I'll show you. well that only gets you so far. That's exhausting and and we were talking about this before as well. I think that we've been very blessed to be around all generations of people in sales.

Whether it's you know old school Realtors maybe I'm old school the new school and I think that you know the kiss of death or you know the the kiss of success is a phone. and I see these people that have such incredible brand opportunities and they have a great heart and they know how to smile and they get sucked into the Vortex of tick tock or Instagram and I do it too. But I'm like why are you posing on a car that you don't own and you're not smiling and you edit your face? It's like that's not, that's not. Yes, that's not authentic and it's hard for me to work fine.
I'm like all right I'm gonna keep being myself and the right people will gravitate towards it and if I can help correct the path. Great but it's it's hard and you know you're speaking my truth Because okay so my dad is the legend of this business I Used to say to people, um, you ever got a business card from somebody in real estate, looked at it, looked at them, looked at it, looked at them and thought what happened dude and now now we have that on Instagram and Tick, Tock and Facebook and everything else and look, if you're out there and you overly Photoshop stuff yes, I'm talking to you. This whole game is likability, right? We talk, We talk about trust. We talk about likability.

We talk about referrals. Etc I'm convinced two agents go on the same presentation from the same company, same price, same term, same everything. Who gets chosen the one that's most likable. Well, if you start my relationship with you online with all this false and then I meet you.

you have an instant knock of trust credibility for me. I Think that every two years Realtors need to get an updated headshot I Agree. And if you're just ugly, put a smiley face on your signature. I Mean let's no.

My joke is what are you gonna do? Scare them when you get there, you can't make it fake. Yeah, it's crazy. um I'm just kidding. if you are ugly like you could still sell real estate I've done it.

Yes. Anyway, Yes, yes, yes. All right. we're not even gonna touch the ugly stick.

Don't edit anything. Okay. Have I even started the podcast yet? I Wrote down all these questions. welcome to the Tom Fury podcast Everyone today we get canceled.

Thanks! Starbucks Thank you Starbucks All right. so here's a random question. Uh, 22 times better. Random How many? How many times the exam? Okay, you're hiring this new direct.

This is actually not on my list, but you're high. You hired this new Director of Operations. Um, how will you go about helping? encouraging monitoring, stepping away, managing, leading, inspiring, measuring performance? How you know if she's doing the right job? I'm going to hire Tom Ferry to implement our structure and our coaching. Drop the mics Sold.

Yeah, Sold. Yeah. I Think that. Uh, really.

but really really? I mean I struggle with it. That's why I'm asking you. I I Don't know and I think there's Beauty in that there's not a Playbook to get inside my head. but I think that you know this lady that is coming ran operations for a very large real estate company for the State of Texas and God's just been really cool that it happened naturally as it was supposed to.
but I don't know I I think that you know, unlike me, I'm gonna just kind of be on call and instead of hovering and making sure everything is done perfect, you know it's gonna take time. and I think through that she's going to lead the staff which is going to lead the agents and then I can actually not be worried about being out of the office at 10 o'clock on a Wednesday morning because this is what I'm supposed to be doing right? So I I think that that's um, that's going to work. But for what it's worth, all of our other staff for the most part they have roles and responsibilities. But yes, you know you're going to figure it out.

and I'm going to observe stuff and when I can help I'm going to do it. but I have to learn how to. also just be quiet which I'm not necessarily I can't see it great at yeah. So that's why they put me in a dark room during the day and locked the door and every couple hours I get water yes and every once in a while when I'm good I get coffee.

Yeah, it's like a French prison Yes no it's fantastic. So if you if you look at the business now and as I understand I thought I saw a recent PR piece you launched commercials I think you did it. it's I'm gonna blame Starbucks I saw it on the list Tom Ferry have branded Bibs guys I think we do, but we'd have to send it to his daughter right green M M's yes we I Think we have like a bananas like baby outfit, like a dry cleaner in the back or something. Yes, Anyway, sorry I just launched.

What do we have? a uh, maybe a blanket? Um you? I thought you just launched commercial. did I yes Today, No. I saw it on Instagram or something. Oh yeah I mean 10 years ago so you've been scrolling back quite a while.

No, no no no no no. I'm gonna dig in my phone so it was a recent yeah and there was two divisions I thought and I was just curious relating to your Director of operations. Yeah, when you launch something new, do you launch it or do you launch it around a who that can actually go do it? Uh, short answer is yes, right? Uh to which part? Yeah. I think whenever the best thing to do when your buried in work is create another company.

Yes, that's where all logic leads. No, but you know y'all that are watching this that are in real estate. You know it's one real estate license for anything. but you also know that a lot of people love to segment and you know it's hard to have a commercial agent working under a residential roof.

Yes, not technically so. Anyway, yeah, we we grew commercial. You know it's been awesome to watch the growth, but about three years ago we've done commercial for 13 years and the companies and you're 17. Um, and I'm 33.

And so um, do the math. Um, we formalized it and just kind of took the same structure of collaboration and culture and put it into something where we're disrupting commercial differently. and then a couple years ago launched a farm like a land and Lake division because that's a whole different avenue. But yeah, we have a little bit of everything and it seems to work.
So we're chatting off camera earlier about disruption and I think you and I follow a very similar philosophy. We will just outwork everybody. that's our So When you say disruption as it relates to commercial or as it relates to scaling a business, same rule applier to different rules apply to your yeah, uh, let me take that and answer it with a recruiting response. Sure, um, recruiting is really hard and I think that if you look at agents in three layers: top producers, almost top producers, Instagramers, right? Whatever you want to call them, people that don't know how to work, the top producers are usually the hardest ones to go and recruit.

but when you recruit a top producer, the level three ones always join. Yep, Um, and so if you think about from The Logical side what I was able to do with essentially growing the real the residential is I would go to people that didn't have their license which is a whole different story which would require us opening that wine and I would probably cry yes, but with commercial, uh, in the world of commercial, there's retail I just spilled again I'm in it I'm going to help you Oh my gosh am I Leaking car Welcome to the Tom Perry Show No More Lid For You I think it's a lid issue. No editing. By the way.

Yeah, please don't edit. This show is brought to you by Starbucks three o'clock in the morning. two mornings in a row. There's no excuse.

Yeah, Anyway, uh Inside Out is the best way to recruit. Instead of going and trying to convince somebody, go and let introduce somebody to the idea of making money based off the network they already have. Yeah, commercial, retail, industrial, multi-family land office. Etc There's a lot of people that know that world and you took the lid off.

which is really risky. No. I'm thinking it's the latest. Yeah, look at the lid, looks completely Mr Wand not the magician? Yes.

Anyway, so We Grew From the Inside Out and and took a creative approach where we've struck what I should have done when I started my real estate company 17 years ago. I did minute one with this and so the structure has been. It's been Harmony and you know we're growing, but obviously there's still obstacles to that. But then if you take so, we have hundreds of clients that are doing the same thing.

small teams, large brokerages, you know, Monster your companies and they'll all say the same thing. You know: I hired 10, three make it seven, don't right? It doesn't matter. It doesn't seem to matter what our training is, what our onboarding is which I'm a fan of. Spent all the money up front in advance.
Don't wait until they're dying. Um, what have you found to to be most effective in bringing on unlicensed agents into the fold and introducing them to real estate? We give them access to the same things that people that have tenure do. and I think that's a big problem with people. What does that mean? Like training? If I'm going to be led by somebody I want to be led by somebody that has experience of what they're leading me in? Yeah right.

I would never get a haircut from a bald Barber I don't want to go eat a French meal from a skinny cook and I think there's parallels to that in real estate. and frankly, like I've sold a crap ton of real estate and so is people. Have people on our staff and so if you want to follow a model, edit it and make it yours. That's success.

And I just have your team like teammates, agents, and others yeah in the training. Yeah, but we also don't. We don't have titles all right. And people in real estate that have like on Double Diamond you know Rick Circle It's just dumb.

Everyone that works at the company is a real estate agent. Yeah, right. Whether you made a million bucks last year or you're living at home because you, you lost money, yeah, that to me keeps it flat and it keeps it. you know, relatable.

And it also lets you know that even if you've made a lot of money, who cares? You're a Realtor and there's no such thing as a cool realtor. obviously. Exhibit A here. Yes, but it it keeps it authentic.

and I think people gravitate towards that. and if you can absorb Tom Structure Roger Structure Jill Structure. Whatever it is, you eventually find something from each one of those people that makes it yours. And by having a collaborative environment commercial Landing Lake Residential.

you know, whatever it is venture capital or Property Management Relocation. Shout out to all of those companies, it works. Yeah, and the people that can't grasp that and they're thinking too much and they're over training with their Beats by Dre headphones. They shouldn't be in sales.

so thank you for your time. Afraid to make phone calls before I call people you know it is. So we started this business. Rogers 20 20 years ago my wife and I we sat down and we looked at at that time I was coaching 16 Did you smell I'm good I'm telling you it was the lid.

It was the lid. Yes, All right moving along. 9am. Um, the the general thesis was when I looked at the most successful people I was working with at the time 16 rock stars on the original Steve Murray when it was only the top 100 yeah they all did it different I mean they all worked hard.

they were all really like hard-working Grinders but this one you know this was their skill set. this one like to Market this way this one love to do open houses. this one was just fine doing their business on expireds. this one was all billboard advertising, marketing.
Whatever it took, everybody had a different flavor and what I'm hearing is you got all these flavors. so if you introduce people to enough flavor opportunities they would say I do that one. Yeah, but what about work ethic? Um I mean you still got to show up and I think that the beauty one of the keys to success is finding out as quick as you can what you suck at. Yeah and you can't be day one real estate and be like I suck at open houses? No you don't you never tried I suck at expires? No you don't you never tried I suck at Cold coin Yeah no you don't you never try it I suck at talking to people in person.

no you if you do then like run from being in sales. but right and again that's kind of why I was able to go lead with efficient efficiency which also LED with I was not necessarily the most sensitive Communicator because I tell people like maybe I don't know like Mr Wonderful like you're dead I mean I probably use that term and people you know probably still hate me. and I'm sorry if you're watching this mom. um but I I think that you know that's the luxury of real authentic leadership versus some hokey Pie in the Sky follow us, it's a shiny new toy.

Yeah, guaranteed leads all that BS crap. Um, it works for the right people. and I think through that kind of part of my um, a mission with real estate is to infuse business into a businessless industry. Yes, um, but again, it's an uphill battle, but you know it's starting to finally work.

I did fail the real estate exam 22 times as a reminder. This podcast is brought to you by failure 22. actually 21 times? Yeah, what's like I'm trying to think of like one of the biggest licenses. Today's podcast is brought to you by X-wee's YZ Licensing school.

All right, Um, totally random question music collection. Oh here we go. Yes. Top five.

Who's your top five solo acts? Top five? Let's say, like bands of all time. Golly, how long is this podcast? Seven Days Seven Days Okay, so I'm gonna ask you to sing the B-side hit of every one of the albums too. No problem, we can do that. So uh, music.

Uh, number one Don Henley The Greatest American singer-songwriter of all time. So much so that we named our daughter after him. Yes, number Two probably right now I'd go with Van Morrison uh Ireland my home, my hometown kind of even though I was born in. Corpus Christi Texas Number three David Ruffin uh lead singer of The Temptations uh incredible group.

They did a bunch for music, but also for um, civil rights. Uh, number three. I'd probably go with a combo between Bob Seger Billy Joel rounded it out at number five. would probably be Levon Helm lead singer of the band I could do this all day.

Yeah, but yeah I mean obviously like I start talking about music and I'm more excited than I am about real estate and so I have to find a way to tie that in every day to the stuff that is relatively mundane. Do you know the name Budge Husky? Not yet. Budge is. Budge was the CEO of coal Banker Now he runs uh, one of the biggest Sotheby's Brands down in Florida What a great name Budge Husky.
You don't want to get through a fight with Budge Husky? No. Bunch Huskies Well, either either football name like football ball player or a musician but or a fun disease I've got Butch husky oh God did you go to Vegas much? He said it not me. I'm in Mexico There's a bunch of Sotheby's people right now going What? I've got the bunch Husky yeah he and I met over music on Twitter really it was like it just you know I saw he posted something musically and I thought all right this guy loves music and it was just same thing he has I Want to say about six or seven thousand records in his collection and like myself, it's it's come home, turn on a record Yeah. relax.

soak into being a dad, being a husband you know, not being Tom Perry You know, on stage right? Like so it's a it's just a way to do it. Have you always loved music? Yeah, how do you incorporate music into your business life I saw it on your website and that's why I was like yeah we do our trainings and songs and so we found that people learn better I'm joking we should actually I actually think you really should. there is a new business Tom Healey uh bringing you uh yeah I think that like like anybody probably at the end of the day the last thing you want to talk about is coaching. The last thing I want to talk about is real estate.

I Love finding a way to go connect about the one thing that everybody can agree upon, right? And it's music. No matter your faith, your political views, yeah, what you do for work music is the only thing that when you feel it, you start tapping your feet or doing this, you're like okay, we're we're so we're we're soul Brothers. So yeah I think there's ways to to bring it in but I also am very blatant that like you. our office has big paintings of musicians that people like you like Tupac and you like Van Morrison is that Aretha Franklin who's that random white guy that's Don Henley yeah come on in Yeah! so I think it just gets people calm and uh when I used to do the interviewing for staff and agents I would immediately find a way to connect with anything other than real estate hundred percent and I would ask if you could go to one concert, who would it be and like there was a strand of people that would like Beyonce I was like one concert of all time Beyonce and then Billy Eilish I was like all right, this is not going to be a fit.

Yeah yeah. um so yeah. that's actually that's one of my favorite. Like sitting around the fireplace hanging out with like new friends and old friends like what was your favorite concert, what was your first concert? Yeah, if you could go back and see any three bands today.

doesn't matter what time period it is, it's just so like you get to know somebody's Soul Like music impacts us emotionally, it's anchors to moments in our life. It's like all these special memories and they you get a glimpse of that with people and it's just. it's just It's better than just hey. Are you still successful in real estate? Yeah.
Have you seen my Instagram Yeah no it's it's music is therapy. I think that, uh, there's a quote I Heard that said, some people hear music and the lucky ones feel it and that's kind of. That's a mission of mine. so much so to where I've dedicated a brand to just my music memorabilia collecting and it's been one of the highlights of my life.

I See it? Yeah. I See it. I See it. No sound deprecation about real estate when we talk music.

Man, you're like all in there's no music exam but if there was I'd fail it probably 21 times and that would be how we would lead with that. But yes, yeah, music. and I think again I Love people that are passionate about whatever their thing is I do a podcast and yesterday I had a guy on that essentially sells dinosaur bones for a living. Yeah I don't care about dinosaurs but just listen to him talking like damn, you're so into right a Megalodon tooth that yes, you start sweating because you don't know how to stop talk.

it's like it's amazing and I think that's how I am with music and it just again people can appreciate the authenticity. and I think that the conversions of people that turn into someone who would buy a vinyl record or actually learn about David Bowie it's it's fun Is there a good record store in Dallas there is. Yeah. I might need that list I was going to tell you which one I wasn't just because you know what time it is I do Yes, no.

Um. Josie records over off 635 and Josie somebody capture that please. Uh, and at checkout you can use the name Rogers for a discount. Um, those are my buddies, my business partners.

It's the world's largest record store. My wife and I would go there every Sunday before our daughter was born and that was our weekly date and we pick a record and we would go home and listen to it. I Love that. Yeah.

I love that. So so can we do a what's hot, what's not look uh Paris Hilton Kinda like that's hot. just no, not like that. Not like that.

So every now and then I'll ask I'll ask. You know, interesting, interesting people. just it's just your perspective on on inside of real estate. What's hot? What's not, What's hot? What's hot I Love it.

He has no idea. but let's just play along. You ready? So I'm gonna just give you a word okay and you just tell me your experience hot enough. Can I say that's hot if it's hot? Absolutely it's not hot.

If it's not okay, here we go: I think I actually know who that character is ready? Yes, okay. Open houses Hot Hot I Like just just the tone Direct Mail Warm. Warm. Okay, well.

direct mail if you do it like marketing. Uh, the mother of all learning is a repetition. All y'all that are watching this, especially tenant agents that have some some of the houses money you can play with. Do it.
But you have to do it every two to three weeks for it to be effective. And you're not gonna go put a postcard out and be like oh my God my career is made. No, that's not how marketing works. You got to do it repetitively.

Yes, Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna flip the question only because I have a lot of experience with this and I know you do too. Billboards Beginning or last mile of branding. Um well. I started doing Billboards when I was single and my first day I mean you were single like 14 days ago man.

So I failed the real estate exam 21 times for all you people tuning in today. Um yeah. I mean look. Phil Dunphy is a Realtor icon? Uh, actually kind of is if you've seen Modern Family Um and so was uh, what's Paul Rudd's character and I love you man.

I Think that part of the mission of a salesperson is to be unavoidable, right? And there's very blatant ways to do that Billboards Right We have Billboards Join We're hiring Realtors People? Never Wonder Are you hiring? Yes, we are hiring Realtors in Texas Yes, Um, sure. But prepare for ungodly Wrath of people that are mean um which I still am not great at receiving but yeah. But again, as a business owner, is it the smartest move to put my face on a billboard? Probably not when you're trying to edify agents and so we're learning. or I'm learning that the hard way.

Um, but yeah. I think that that's a very blatant way to self-promote but again, you can't just do it one time and it's it's. also, it's not one billboard. No.

Would you rather have a car? or would you rather have a billboard? Most people would choose a car exactly. Which is why I took my bike here. You know this real estate. There's a good chance there could be awesome I bought Peewee Herman's bike that Francis stole from him and so no.

Okay, you know that Paul Reuben's Peewee's character is a realtor now. No, he's not. Keep on exactly God All right. Hot Hot Okay Rogers Healey Hot.

All right. YouTube Videos Hot Hot Hot that was like a that was almost a hot hot thank you Google ads God um man, sure work on that. Yeah, just Google uh no no. I'm saying if again, if you can afford it, if you can afford to pay to play, then great.

But I feel like the authentic like what you're talking about. like being likable and being authentic is a way better way to go and generate leads. Because if you don't have to tell people and force people to like, you know you trust you. great.

But I think Google ads for a business owner might be great, but then believe it or not when you watch the news. Ladies and gentlemen, it never leads with Tom and Rogers become friends and love David Bowie It's always something negative and I think that with that if you expose yourself online, that sounded terrible. Let's edit that if you put yourself in a position where you're easy to find online, people might give you a bad review even if they don't know you. And there's a whole thing called cancel Culture where if you have long hair and a goofy name, people can find you and they love to go and be the mob.
and I don't have long hair? No. I I took the real estate exam and I failed it 21 times. Uh I'm Rogers healing I can show you how to sell how how to feel No. So I I think that if again, if you have this, the strategy behind it and having a really small smart team Yes, but that's not where I put my uh, my money if I had to spend a dollar today advertising.

Love it. Yeah, uh, calling past clients in Sphere every day. Yes, 100 hotter than hell I think that that's what you know. you got to dance with the one that that brought you and I was so good at the beginning about generating business.

but I would never follow up just assuming my people would come back to me. and I lost out on millions of dollars of commission just because they were offended that they thought I was insincere I was like no I closed it. Do you want? I'm moving on to the next, but 100 you should do that every single day. Yes Hunters versus like long-term relationships nurturing.

Okay, couple more. Instagram you've made fun of it multiple times and I love it. Not really. No, no platform.

no the Asians that are doing social and never making phone calls. not doing open houses now hot if you do it right. I was the first real estate agent in the country to do social media and it's not because I thought it was cool. it's because I couldn't afford mailers and billboards.

so yeah, if you do it, just be yourself. Yeah, right? And and please realize that not everybody needs luxury anything. We never use the word luxury in anything that we do. ever.

We sell real estate. If you want to build wealth in real estate, sell real estate, don't specialize in freaking multi-million dollar places. That's not realistic. So yes, but smile.

You know if you have teeth, smile if you don't sell some real estate in your first commission check, buy some teeth. But yes. I I think you've got to find a way to just be. You know, real.

And if you don't have to go and fake it, then you're going to have people that don't waste your time again. Speaking from experience here: um I didn't know how to perfect that until way later in life. Yeah, uh. the Dallas Cowboys hot or not? All right I Don't like the Cowboys I'm not a Cowboys guy I don't support their leadership.

Yes, you can put me on blast. Okay, yes, I'm a 49ers fan. So as we wrap this up, that was a really good segue right there. Um, if if I just said to you hey, this was the last time you're gonna do a podcast and you want to just depressing I know I know, but just go with me.
How about the last time today? How about? well you have no more shows that I have like three more shows today. All right. So it's your last one with me today and you gotta look to that camera and just share with them. If you, if you could, wave a magic wand and help every agent become more successful, what are those one? two or three things that are just non-negotiable in this business? Never settle.

whatever that means. Just be yourself and trust your freaking gut. And um, you know Snake Oil salesmen are real in real estate. Um, run from them please.

And whether it's my company, whether it's getting coached by Tom find somebody that you respect and that what they stand for is not just centered around real estate. And by doing that, you're going to find true joy. And I know that sounds like kind of old man cheesy, but it's really really true. And I think that as success finds people, the right people become better people.

But unfortunately, in real estate, residential, commercial, whatever. a lot of people get bitten by the bug and they think that they're celebrities, but you're a realtor, right? right and again just going back to the being relatable and being liked. Just be your freaking self. and please, if you don't have a leader, you respect, be that leader.

and um, that's what I decided to do I Love it after taking the real estate exam 21 times in a row. but I passed it. Yes, you did it. Congratulations thank you very much! It would be awesome to actually have everyone I have them all Pearson View and I have them all I love it and over the course of my face was bloated because I got really into drinking I'm joking I didn't I kind of did yeah which I want to plug Siempre Tequila which is our newest investment.

Tequila is the only upper of all. Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I Gotta give you a bottle of my tequila. you may have made the wrong investment. Really? Oh yes, we just got top five for extra renaos.

our Cristiano's on fire baby. What are you drinking right now at nine in the morning? I'm drinking bourbon. This is the Duke bourbon I have to hide it over here. Yes.

All right. So uh, it's been super fun. Yes, it's about time we were pinging each other on Instagram I've been you know watching it from AFR I see your Billboards when I go drive out to Dallas National I'm like there he is. Yeah there he is I'm gonna get him on the show.

we're gonna have a good time I have a question for you actually shoot Hot or Not Rogers Healy hot. There we go. Hot and comedic and fun and self-deprecating. Really sad inside.

and then I start drinking Tom's Wine and then the Perpetual uh. cycle of sadness kicks in. Yes, until I put on Don Henley yes and then we're in our happy place. Yeah, until the next morning when I wake up.

uh at two? Yeah, welcome to having babies and that's when I drink coffee. So just the cycle is continued. And if you want to be led by someone like me, run Yeah! Daniella We need to make sure that when he goes to Starbucks like someone else puts the lid on because clearly the living is not working. Maybe here's a business idea.
Tape Coffee tape I Like that. Yeah, this could be the longest ending to a podcast I've ever done. Oh yeah, sorry. how many times did you take the test? I Took the real estate exam 21 times before passing it number 22.

that's how we end this thing. Thank you so much for watching! Follow him on! Instagram for more of this comedy. Please like everything I Post Watch my videos I Like like likes College Baby squish? squish? Yes please. Super cute, All right.

Super fun. Thank you man! Appreciate you All right? We're out foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

16 thoughts on “How to create trust and likability as a real estate agent”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aisha Nicole Realtor says:

    I’m a new agent with Rogers Healy And Associates here in Dallas Texas.. I am super excited for this journey. I just transitioned from active duty after 5 years. I was tired of taking orders.. I want to bet on myself this time around. I’m 24 years old.. In God’s will, I will be a millionaire by 30.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beth Ames says:

    It took me five times to pass the state exam. And after three years I'm still trying to work on my GRI. I cannot pass the 203 UGH!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hélder Antunes says:

    Just listed to the podcast! Great interview! Not the usual guest of Tom for sure!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Living in Orlando with Amy Brown | OrlandoAmy says:

    "…Buy some teeth…." Best advice ever! Hahaha

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stacy Wahle says:

    The Success behind every Rich person today is the decision they made for themselves, so happy I'm enable to acquire my second house this month even as a single mom at 42 and I believe if things keep going well I would retire early………

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Laws says:

    SHOUT OUT to Goat Fuel!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Carlos Perez says:

    "God built us for grind" So true.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arden-Marie McCray says:

    Somewhat off-topic, but if the seam of a coffee cup is in the same spot that you sip out of, it's going to leak. You're welcome!! By the way this is very interesting and inspiring. It also goes to show you that passing the real estate exam the first time, or the 22nd time, does not determine whether you'll be successful or not.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Perey says:

    Such a great interview, thank you! Great reminder about where true authenticity comes from, which is from being real and true to yourself first.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Landry, 1% Lists Realtor says:

    I know Jim Halpert when I see him….lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rufi Alday Estates Team says:

    Wonderful interview !!! Clovis California

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Sandoval says:

    Enjoyed this fun interview, great information and personalities… dude, I thought the coffee was going to be spilled “21” times 😊

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Jean says:

    Thank god for people in the comments putting Rogers full name for those who want to learn more about him. Next time please put the guests info In description.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucian McClanahan - DFW Realtor says:

    Rogers Healy is a beast 😤😤, got some monsters at his brokerage

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 👉 BUY YOUTUBE VIEWS 👉 Link in Bio says:

    good job!👍

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Hilt says:

    Super authenticity!

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