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Well, this is getting crazy and I promise you this video is Not clickbait. Don't buy palantirins within this right now. Don't listen to why we're going to say in this video. Trust me now.

I Want to talk to you about a guy by the name of Frank Lee Frankly is the head of research for HSBC A fine establishment. Frankly just came out with a 780 dollar price target for NVIDIA Perfectly logical makes sense. You know it's his job and you know it's his opinion. No issues.

The problem is that just five months ago, that same frankly hit a price target of 335 dollars for the same Nvidia And that's also kind of okay, even though it's a little bit wacky. Silly. but I mean okay. so he doubled his price Target It happens.

The problem is I'm loading up here bringing the hammer. The problem is that December 2022 Less than a year ago, this mother lover had a sell rating for NVIDIA at 107. So this is the dude who had a 170 sale in December nine months ago is now at a buy at 780. Now you see what's going on here.

folks. Media is using you as sheep, being led to the slaughterhouse. And before we move on with this video, a quick shout out to today's sponsored 10v's Now! I've been working with 10ds for over a year. They're a wonderful platform.

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Now there's a link below for you guys to go and check it out. It's free so there's no discount codes. Check it out, tell them Thompson you and thank me later. Now let's go back to the video.

now. if you're buying Nvidia right now, at these price levels, right for earnings, you're literally playing Russian roulette with your penis in The Mousetrap It's not going to end well. trust me. And by the way, the same story goes for a Tesla and Palantir and I'm a huge Tesla volunteer bull I'm also a huge and variable, but how does this even coexist together? How can you be able to these companies and say hey, don't buy this right now.

Trust me, it makes perfect sense. Listen up. Now here's the deal. Let's look at Palantir.

Palantir is another fine example of a company you shouldn't buy right now. I'll explain the second one. pilot here went public at ten dollars per share. They then went up to 35 per share, then went down to six dollars per share, then went up to 20 per share and within a matter of few days they're down to 15 per share.
This is a roller coaster that I haven't seen in my life and you think that's special? look at Nvidia Nvidia is up 600 of the past five years. That's like a hundred million percent a year to 20. just in the past six or seven months. I mean the correction on this stock is going to be insanely painful I Don't know when it's going to come, but when it happens, this is going to be one hell of a ride and not a pleasant one.

Now this is the same thing. even though Tesla is probably one of the most undervalued companies in the history of the stock market, given its potential. but at the end of the day of the past five years, the stock did a thousand percent. It's like 200 per year.

Hey Look, if palleteer in Tesla Nvidia are all up massively here today. We all know that right? Some better than others, but they're up massive here today and we know that the media is now hyping up Nvidia Nvidia is the new kind of hype product. everybody's talking video yeah, you should buy Nvidia at these levels, etc etc. Here's the thing you need to understand and I put my money where my mouth is and I'll explain a second.

My own portfolio is very, very simple. I've been on record multiple times showcasing how simple it is: 40 in the S P 500, 40 in Palantir, 10 in Tesla and another 10 in a few individual stocks. Now if ninety percent of my portfolio is in Tesla Palantir and the S P 500 mainly in the S P 500 and Palantir year to date, I've done 70 percent over the past year I've done 30. That's great, right? But if you look at the S P 500 proportion of that 15 here today, six percent of the past year.

So the S P 500 you know in my portfolio is dragging it down right now. why am I staying in it and why I will always stay in it Because when the write down starts and it always happens, the market never goes up like you know what in the world, know what and you know what I mean I Have this joke about something in a Thailand establishment but we'll Reserve that for the patreon. If you want to hear that joke, come over the bridge and But you know the market isn't just going to go up endlessly, it's gonna correct and it's gonna correct multiple times. I Just showed you the other day that we have a five percent correction every you know, three or four months on average every single year.

So the thing is holding an S P 500 or an equivalent. There's a lot of equivalents to the S P 500 Other ETFs companies like you know Berkshire Hathaway holding an ETF will give you an insurance policy. Yes, it's gonna drag you down when things are great and you're only going to make 10 to 15 cool. But when things go bad and when the hit the Shan, you're going to be thinking the Lord Jesus in heaven for having that S P 500 in your portfolio.

because these other multiple lovers like the palantiers, the testers and videos, they're gonna hurt your portfolio in ways you're not even imagining yet. trust me on that. So the idea here is very simple. These very exceptional companies that are extremely volatile and are extremely reactive to the overall goodness or Badness of the market.
You want to buy them when the sentiment is horrible. The best time to buy Palantir. Factually one, you know, seven dollars, Eight dollars. When the entire mainstream media was telling that Palantir is horse manure, that was the time to buy plantier when Tesla was at 100 per share and Gordon Johnson was going on CNBC You know, three or four times a week explaining that it's a finished company.

Now was the right time to buy this. Same for NVIDIA The best time is to buy these things where the sentiment is horrible. Now just the other day I was at a meeting. step out the meeting go to make coffee.

Um one of the receptionists walks in like a little bit older lady but very nice. very nice, very kind lady. She walks up to me and she's like yo uh well she didn't say yo I'm paraphrased. she didn't say yo I'm sorry lady but she said hey hello.

We started chatting and she said she was just buying Nvidia shares right now and she never had the portfolio. it's her first time in the market. She's really excited and you know she wants a piece of the action. So she's buying Nvidia shares right now.

First ever investment she's ever made. This is the moment I Knew I have to make this video at that moment in that kitchenette I Knew I have to come on here and tell you. Beware of Nvidia Test and Palanti right now Now this is to say Do Not Go YOLO into Any of these stocks Right now I Know that you're seeing Nvidia and Tesla go up 10 in a single day which you've seen over the past 24 hours and that feeling of oh my God oh my God I'm gonna miss the boat. everybody else is making money I'm not making money chill.

that's false. that's just human nature toying with your mind. Stay focused now. This is how you actually do it if you want to invest in these companies which I think is a great idea I would love to be a shareholder of Palantir tested Nvidia in 10 years because each of these companies is going to dominate the industry for the next 10 years.

I Have no doubt my mind, in fact, I've been on record saying that there's only a few certainties in life, which is death factors. Tesla I'm probably going to add palantironment by 2030, all these three companies are going to be insanely dominant in their Industries There's no now you know, no doubt in my mind. and if you remember in the previous video, I showed you that the market is really good at closing the gap between the quality of the company's fundamentals and its share price. So at the end of the day, these companies will do fine.

So how do you invest in these great companies without getting screwed right now by all the Fomo? and Insanity So here's a system and I'm going to walk you through it step by step. Don't worry, the first step is make a budget understand how much free cash flow you have every single month after you paid all your fixed expenses variable expenses Etc What is your free cash flow? Then you check how much debt you have I'm not Dave Ramsey So I'm not going to say clear out your mortgage right now, but accept the mortgage which I'm willing to accept every single item on your debt chart. Every single debt you have Credit card debt. whatever that has to be cleared out.
Of course you can also accept. you know, student loans, mortgages, stuff like that. But credit card debt. has to go.

I Don't want to see you put a single Dollar in the stock market before you paid out all your expensive debt. It has to go number three. Six months emergency fund. I'll accept even five to six months over an emergency fund that has to be in place.

that is to cover your ass In case you know it goes to. It's up until you have that emergency fund in place. Do Not Invest In The Stock Market. Okay, then.

every free cash flow you have at the end of the month you can allocate to the stock market and you can decide how much each company gets as a percentage of your occasion. But you only invest 70 of the money. Thirty percent of your free cash flow goes to the sidelines. This is your powder in case you need to go in harder.

Now seventy percent you go and you start dollar cost averaging slowly into companies you like. You never never never never fomo into a stock. Go all in because they're trying to catch it before it goes to the moon slowly you. DCA Every single month, slow and sure remember.

Peter Lynch Said this the best. There's always time to invest in great companies. There's no rush now. Why do you keep that 30 on sideline? Well, if the share price drops below a certain point which is for me, 10 below the 52-week high, then I'm gonna double down the amount of DCA Dorcas averaging I'm doing so instead of let's say buying a hundred dollars every month, I'm gonna be buying 200 every month.

Now here's the thing. Every single month you audit your selections, you go through every single company you invest in and this is part of the reason: I only invest in two or three companies every single time because I don't like to audit 17 companies. So you audit every single company you have and you make sure your thesis is not damaged, it's still intact because if it is, it's time to bounce. And number three, most importantly, you gotta have balls of steel.

My guy or my girl or my giraffe. Whatever. I Don't know I mean I don't know I don't know I'm not gonna get into that place. You know it's not a gender thing, it's just you know you have to have a lot of Courage a lot of for the dude to be in these talks if you want to be in palantir and Video in Tesla you have to know to eat the volatility and just smile.
It's like going into a ring. you know you can't do martial arts or MMA or Judo or any of these things without knowing you're gonna get punched in the face. If you can't handle that, just you know, stay out of the ring video and Tesla is like getting into UFC ring. You have to be prepared for volatility and pain.

It's part of the deal. Now again, this whole system is something we teach on our patient. If you've lasted this long and you're not a member of our community I Highly recommend you check it out with a 30 day money back guarantee For anybody who joins join a community we have a super active Discord We have a Tesla room a plenty room a general stocks room. We do Zoom meetings multiple times a week.

Now what I want you to do next is get better at valuations at company due diligence. The way you do it is by learning. Now you don't have to join my community. In fact, I have a free video teaching you how to do a weighted average cost of capital, how to create a fundamental analysis of a company's risk.

So this video can be found right here. and of course, if you haven't yet, you can subscribe right here. Thank you so much for joining me today. It means a lot to me.

We're on the path of 300 000 subscribers by the end of the year. Hopefully we can get it with your help. Thank you so much I'll see you next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “How to buy great stocks without overpaying”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Gilman says:

    You had me at Steel Balls!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brigitte Borchert says:

    My emergency fund is Bershire (B).

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live4Food says:

    Always appreciate your content Tom. Any thoughts on doing a deep-dive comparison of Palantir with Snowflake?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fernando Fonseca says:

    Probably one of the best videos you made mate!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Coatney says:

    I clicked this video right after nvda crushed earnings…ope

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganamo henbento says:

    thank you for sharing

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwight says:

    New member here…great vid!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr Lovejoy Station says:

    Tom, I think you understand this, so this is clickbait, but those analysts make their price targets based on Technical Analysis, not fundamentals. Technicals change depending on market shifts, fundamentals change depending on company shifts. The trends have changed over the last year.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dysfunctionalisme says:

    When the fit hit the shans 😂😂😂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UA C says:

    So main idea is not buy palantir because it attracted too much money in last year. Hmmmmm

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P Nick says:

    Go Green, Go White … Go Spartans !

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dimitar andrievski says:

    Hu Tom,
    Just curious if this apply for PYPL as well? Given the current circumstances…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars angel caba says:

    ❤❤ hells yea !!!! Balls of steel lol 😂 my man !

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PahTah Rr says:

    Good vid!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Meditation says:

    Tesla and Palantir are way below 10% of the 52 week average line???? This is contradictory…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dallas Johnson says:

    Great content Tom..I appreciate the guidance. I'm waiting for tesla to tank hard to buy more..$200 or less. If it doesn't.. I don't really care..I'm a long term investor! Daily fomo had me hard when I was in options trading. No more..gots me balls of steel now

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Baum says:

    My $NVDA average cost basis is $47.49 and I regret every single share I have sold to this point. ha ha

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Wigley says:

    Does this guy not realise, they manipulate the market so their bank can buy or sell the stock!
    They want to drive it up and down! It makes them £
    $755 for Nvidia. What an idiot abd anyone who even listens to it.
    You should buy palantir. It’s the company you buy, not the stock price.

    Sorry Tom, you look at the stock prices going up and down 🤦‍♂️

    Look at the company abd its future!

    Nvidia will drop today. It has to big expectations! It also can’t produce anymore AI processors til 2024.

    Go buy AMD!!!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SRF PUNK says:

    All analysts always offload to suckers while they tell everyone to buy. Then they buy while they tell suckers to sell. Same old game.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SPARKYIBEW51 says:

    Tom what is your average share price on Palantir

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lh2000 says:

    Extremely important video… requires some mental rewiring

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Best says:

    U can always tell when a market is going to crash.. For all the B/S conversation gets out of control from CNBC to social media..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Hygog C says:

    HSBC did a lot of bad stuffs with the CCP to Hong Kong. Not a bank to trust

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcio Novelli says:

    I’m in way too many stocks; I need to dial back.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Furniel says:

    Great video Tom

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars santiago almada says:

    Easy to say NOW that you BUY tsla when is at $100…Why didnt you buy your 20% tsla then, and you are buying it now😅..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Shepherd says:

    Great content, as always. With all due respect, however, it was just a couple of weeks ago that you said that you would be dollar cost averaging into PLTR under 16 dollars. Can that be done in the 'do not buy PLTR' mode? I am guessing not. So, are you still buying PLTR? Maybe it should be clearer.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Elemo says:

    TSLA lost 20 % in last 2 months , not sure how you are mixing TSLA and NVDA stock rise

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Entropy says:

    You have been saying not to time the market, but you clearly are advocating timing the market because you are against buying PLTR even after 25% drop. Having said that, your video is not entirely worthless.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Smith says:

    Would be interesting if you add up the difference in total returns. Comparing the 30% sideline based on 52 week down average compared to if you had dollar averaged 100% of available investment funds each month.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyushutube says:

    I’ve been in Tesla for years now and I’ve been in Palantir since after their Direct Listing. I don’t stress anymore, especially if you believe in the company. I can’t believe all the misinformation. I’m in them for the long haul.

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