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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. Well uh I have a couple of very special guests with me today. I I was gonna have you guys join for the morning show but trading was it was like you know Black Friday trading things were going kind of crazy so I thought you know what? Let's just let's just hold up on on that uh and and do a special little episode uh when trading is finished. So what I want to talk about is how long you guys were watching me on YouTube before you decided to take the leap of faith and become a member and what sparked this for me was an interview with um, uh Justin who's a million dollar badge holder who was telling me that he was um, following me on YouTube for like I don't know Six months almost a year before he finally joined and he said even when he was joining he was like I don't know if it's worth it and I was like what am I I must be like really underselling what it's like to be a member because he's now one of our best members and even he was like oh I don't know I don't know if I should but then of course after he did he was like wow Game Changer so Danny you've been a member since like 2019 or what was it? 2020? 2021? Really yeah okay yeah, January 2021 Okay okay yeah okay so tell me tell me, uh, how did you sort of find out about me and were you were you watching me on YouTube before? Oh yeah big YouTuber Here you were, you were on YouTube yeah, I subscribed to the channel I Yeah I was for like a full year.

Okay, you're right. at least you're subscribed. Okay, yeah. I would I would be the guy? Thumbs down? No, yeah, right, we need more of those.

No No. I was following you for like a full year and um I'm a big YouTube guy I I found out about day trading in like winter 2020 and um actually I think that what had happened was YouTube recommended just some other guy's video to me on day trading and I was like oh, this is kind of interesting I've always known about it and um, had never, really, never really. um, actually tried to learn or do it myself. so I just started watching some videos I thought it was really interesting I was also looking for potentially another source of income at the time so I was like, all right I'll give this a try and um so I was watching a lot of his videos and then and then I came across you probably within a month or so.

um and I I started watching all of your videos I've probably watched um, you know, up until sometime last year just about every video that Warrior Trading has on YouTube and um, we've got a lot of videos on YouTube Also, I mean there's a there's a lot too. Morning shows a lot of content. Yeah, yeah. I went back.

there's a lot of content. um I'm I'm the type of person who likes to figure things out myself and things for myself and that kind of thing which I think is a good trait to have if you want to be a Trader but that was kind of my Approach at first. and then the other issue was I really didn't have extra money to spend on um, really anything else at the time. So I really liked the videos that you guys were putting out, especially because I thought that they were very transparent and honest and a good representation of maybe what I would expect as far as like, you showed a lot of green days, but you also showed a lot of bigger big red days when you had them.
Um, so it gave me a good example of like I know that I'm not jumping into this with someone who's telling me I'm just going to be guaranteed to be green every day or most of the time or anything. Yeah, which I think What do you? What do you think it is that that part of you that wants to figure things out on yourself? you know, figure things out like put them together. Do you think that that personality trait is also what makes trading just in general more appealing? because it's sort of like a it's an independent thing, you don't work for someone else. Yeah, it's like a puzzle.

That's the thing for me for sure. I was looking for something that I didn't have to rely on other people for. Um I love puzzles I love figuring things out myself and so two and a half years into my trading Journey now um I'm still so sucked in and I feel like I'm learning things pretty much every single day. and um, pretty much any other job I've had I've been bored within a year or two because I run out of things to like, keep learning and getting better at.

yeah and I think that if you want to be good at trading, you have to be that kind of person who just constantly wants to learn and get better. Yeah, and um, there's no end of challenges in the market, no end of things that you can learn in the market. There's so many different types of strategies, so it's pretty much just endless, which is really cool. So and I want to hear from Jess too.

But so you were following me on YouTube for a good stretch of time and your kind of approach. It sounds like was you were sort of bootstrapping it because you were tighter on money and you're like I'm just going to try to piece this together myself and you know, sort of put it together. I bet there's a lot of people on YouTube who are watching this right now because we're broadcasting who are in the same place. They're like, you know.

and for me when I started putting content out on YouTube and I had my YouTube channel for almost 10 years so it'll be 10 years next month or actually uh, the month after in January But for me, like I I'm I always go to YouTube for like how-to you know stuff like how to anything is a how-to like how to yeah, like how to day trade? It kind of made sense as I started looking into it that this is that would be a place I would go to. Um and you know what's funny is when I was getting started trading and of course when I first was trading, it was even before YouTube was around. But uh, I didn't see a lot of good how-to content on YouTube and I thought that there would be an opportunity to put out a lot of stuff that would get people interested and My Hope has always been that the stuff I put out on YouTube genuinely helps you. I don't try to just say like not everything is a sales pitch, you know I try to put out stuff that's genuinely helpful and my hope is that if it's helpful, you'll spread the good word and maybe at some point you'll end up joining.
But I get that a lot of people you know won't for whatever reason, but you guys both did. So what was what? What made you decide? Do you remember why you decided to join? or like what made you for sure? Okay, what was it? Yeah, so um you had put out so much good content on YouTube for free and um it was always kind of in the back of my head that if I could get the hang of it and start making some money that I wanted to buy in at some level just to like help support Warrior trading and kind of like as a thank you um so that was. that was one thought. um I did make some money that first year and coming into the end of the year there um you had announced that you were going to be re-teaching all of the courses doing winter school.

That's right. Yeah yeah, winter School 2021 and so I had made some money and I was talking with my dad and I was like what do you think about this and um he one of one of the things he said was it's never a bad idea to pay for more education. Yeah, he's gotten a master's degree and um that was his approach. He did a lot of education and has done really well for himself.

so um I didn't totally expect him to say that. So I was like all right great I'm I think it's a good idea. people who are smart around me think it's a good idea. Let's go for it.

Yeah um so I joined mainly because I wanted to be involved in those live classes. Um, but then what? I didn't know at the time was it? You get the whole Community Um, there's all of these mentors that are running sessions every day. Um, there are endless archives just like there are on YouTube of recorded Mentor sessions live trading archives. Um, it's just like YouTube times ten? Yeah, um and just a very high quality.

Community Past that, thank you. That's yeah. Well thank you for saying that. Um I Think that that's one of the things that you know classes.

I Think that there's a lot of people out there that can watch a lot of content on YouTube and can probably piece things together fairly well. Um, but what you don't have on YouTube certainly is the community of like verified profitable Traders which for me is like such an asset I mean I I So much value that even for me and my trading like I want to surround myself with successful Traders And it's awesome that some of my students have gotten to that point where you know I'm surrounding myself with some of the students who have done really well because it helps to know what other people are looking at. It helps to be able to gauge Marcus sentiment. You know what's what's the general consensus and the bias on these stocks.
Is it you know, good or bad? because it's easy to get in a bubble and I've seen people who have said oh, you know what I'm going to learn from Ross and then I'm gonna go trade all by myself and a lot of those people have eventually said like I'd really like to come back and not all of them and you know whatever. but but a lot of them have because trading all by yourself you can kind of get into a little bit of a bubble where you you're just sort of like you don't have that ability to sort of like a measuring stick of like what are other people thinking about this like how are other people doing in this market and I think it's really helpful to be able to have that because it keeps you grounded, it keeps you kind of connected with like what's going on, especially with small cap stocks and penny stocks because these are so driven by sentiment. and yeah, just the emotion of what's going on in the market. You know, large caps, you know, maybe maybe less so, but um, I still think there's value in it? Well, so Jess what about you? What was your kind of approach? You were dabbling on YouTube for a while too.

Yeah. so I uh I gotta start. Um, much earlier than most people. Yeah.

I was in the market kind of like uh, way back I think when you started um, but I wasn't making any money. Yeah, so I was kind of just poking around same thing I was looking everywhere and then on a forum somewhere someone's like hey uh check out this guy uh Ross Cameron I'm like I don't know I don't know like I'm not into I'm not into like people getting paid to teach me I'm like I'll learn myself yeah and um so I was watching some of your YouTube videos and I was like all right this seems uh this is really interesting I I want to learn more but at the time I was a business owner thankfully so I can I was able to watch the market and trade when I wanted to and all that other stuff and so I joined uh as soon as you had a sale or something like that. every time you had like this little sale I would like I would inch my way in a little bit more I'm like all right let me get a little bit more information from it. let me go a little bit more and my thought process was was kind of like well I'll I'll get it down so I can make make money and then I'll just pull my membership I won't I won't rejoin and many years later I'm I'm still here but it was it.

That's exactly it was the same thought process I think as most people have. well uh, let me just get a little bit of information and learn how to trade and then I'll do it by myself. Yeah yeah and then what it really grew into was bouncing Like you said, bouncing ideas off of very experienced Traders um and you know, providing really good quality trades and you know, growing with these people, it's it was. It was actually quite amazing.

Yeah so within I think when I started the trial, you were teaching a new course. um uh instantly I was I was kind of off. out of the gate and active trading because I knew exactly how to trade. Yeah um and once I learned my own strategy and styles it really just turned into all right you know this is this is kind of like my home I want to stay here? Yeah so then it really just grew into like this huge huge type of family thing.
kind of like as as Danny was talking about. yeah I mean I I sort of think about like um, you know in the kind of like older days before the internet, people who play like you know these these video games and stuff like all by themselves and you know that's funny everything but like the ability to play in real time with other people. that's like so next level and I feel like trading is kind of like that because for a long time I think people did trade uh, sort of independently. Although if you really look back at the beginning of trading and the beginning of day trading a lot of the the very first day trading um, you know day Tech and some of these old day trading firms, they were prop firms and so people were actually trading together in a room and then you know.com bubble E-Trade You know people start trading from their home whatever trading alone.

but you know now I think people are trait coming together more and more because of that benefit that you have of being around other people. but I feel like there's a little bit of a flaw in the logic of I'm gonna I'm gonna follow you know this person. whether it's me or anyone else I'm gonna just follow them like on a periphery sort of peripheral way until I'm making enough money, just sort of sort of following them along whether it's you know, however it is and then I'll join because I I Sort of feel like the thing with trading is that this is sort of like the blessing and the curse of the market. which is that like you could be struggling for years to consistently make 10 cents a day and then once you're consistently making 10 cents a day, you know with a thousand shares 100 bucks.

the only thing stopping you from making a thousand dollars a day is to start increasing your share size. So I feel like you can. People can turn the corner real real quick and if you're in that place where you're just kind of going sideways like two steps forward, two steps back. and I mean we're all there sometimes.

But you know if that's been your entire experience that expecting that you're going to turn the corner might not be realistic because there might be something that you're specifically lacking that you might not have the insight, but that's what's holding you back. But once you learn that and it's no guarantee that you would learn it from me. But just just thinking out loud it feels like it's like I'm I it would almost be like I wanna like on a just sort of like crazy example like I'm gonna learn how to fly a plane and then once I learn I'll go to Flight School it's like well I mean that might work for some people who can just kind of like figure it out from like videos and stuff but but it feels a little bit backwards I mean again, there's a lot of content out there on the basics of how to trade enough to get a lot of people started. but I think a lot of the information out there which is this makes it tough is that it can be contradicting because you can have different people telling you very different things because they have different strategies.
It doesn't mean either of them are wrong, it's just different and you can't. You have to make a choice of what you're going to do. So when you were in your early years Jess Because you spent a fair amount of time, you know not making money. you know.

Two steps forward. Five steps back. So what? what do you think looking back was like the the flaw that was keeping you from moving forward. Um, it was very easy.

it was. It was no education. I I would you know I I knew what gapping stocks were. You know stocks would Gap up, they would move.

but I was missing that. that piece of the puzzle. What was just a basic understanding of technical analysis? Okay, you know, trading momentum with volume stuff like that. And it was.

It was a very simple concept that I didn't understand until someone basically taught me how to do it. and once they taught me I I could teach myself more. So it was kind of like opening the door to something and then what that turned into it was me being my own. Trader Um, almost.

You know we're kind of on the expert level I would almost call that. so it would. it was. It was very interesting and then once all these other Traders started joining and coming in with these big million dollar badges, it was more education, right? And it was all.

It was all right at my fingertips and it was very interesting to see that. Oh and and to see all those other people come out like hey, you know you know they make x amount of dollars and they don't have to share their information with anyone. You know there's no, there's no reason that they should, but they do and with that it's It just really fuels your growth much faster. That's interesting.

I I feel like for me? uh that was like kind of where I was at when I when I first started trading in high school like I knew nothing I didn't even know like about level two I mean I I didn't even know there was a bid? ask spread you know I I knew enough that I was interested in the stock market and stocks I was familiar with like American Electric Power and the U.S steel and um just these like you know, pies or companies of Johnson Johnson Companies have been around forever but I was like I was like I'm gonna fancy myself as an investor but I had no idea how to make any money with a thousand dollars that I had saved from Moen wands and so naturally I put it into the market and at the end of the summer I had not become a millionaire but the money. it was like basically unchanged because the stocks would go up I'd be up like 45 cents in one day or I'd be down like a dollar. It was like not moving and that that phase for me was like I knew nothing and then for me what happened was I had a friend who made some money trading penny stocks and so then that got me kind of into this world of Googling stuff like how to trade penny stocks and that's where I started learning about. You know the different things people are looking at with these penny stocks and of course A lot of them are you know, trash but that's kind of got me sucked in there.
and then I I think I I started putting a lot of the sort of you know things together and it's just like a lot of trial and error. but for me the reason that I wasn't making money was because I really didn't have I was very haphazard with what I was doing I was just a little of this, a little of that I was kind of just guessing and hoping that things would work and trying things like you know, sort of like on the Fly um it's like you know it's kind of like risky to do that with real money. um but I was just like it's like working on your electrical system without turning off the circuit so it's just like I'm just gonna see like what happens here and um it's just everything was live and so for me developing a strategy was really the Turning Point like that was that was the spot where it was like you know and I've talked about this before but like I had a really big loss which put my account you know so I couldn't trade so I spent the next whatever. it was a period of time few weeks just like looking over all my trades and kind of trying to like draw insights and it's pretty quick to figure out that all my winners shared something in common and I was like okay, well what if I only focus on that type of stock you know in that type of setup and then having the discipline to do it and the patience to sit tight on days that setup didn't form and then that for me was a turning point.

But Danny like what about you Because when you were first you're you're kind of like you made a little money, a little beginner's luck, maybe your first year. What was it for you? that um, you feel like was kind of holding you back from really turning the corner like quickly just from the information you sort of pulled together. um I think one of the challenges that I had was developing my strategy and developing how I would take position size. um I became profitable basically scalping Tesla um there.

this was like two splits ago and it was. It used to trade really well, Um, it used to be pretty consistent and a little bit less erratic. and um, the spread between the bid and the ask was, um, pretty solid that if you're getting in on the right Trend Direction I Basically what I was doing was buying on the bid, selling on the ask when there would be little pops and little pullbacks. Um, and that was basically my the first strategy that made me profitable.
Um, and then for a long time passed that. so Tesla had a split in August of 2020 and after that it became more difficult to trade and I started having a bit of a harder time maintaining profit. Um, because you know Tesla is a large cap, I hadn't really focused on small caps and I hadn't really become profitable trading small caps yet. Um, so I was pretty much trying to learn a new strategy and it was very difficult.

Um, so around that time is when you had announced winter school and I joined and I just got a lot more information about how to trade small caps properly and how to use share size, how to how to scale in and out, how to adjust share size. all of that stuff. Um, and so then I started to actually learn how to trade small caps and that's where I pretty much stayed. Yeah, and continued profitability there.

So that was. that was kind of a 100K badge. trading small caps? Yeah, yeah. I mean the remainder? Yeah yeah.

And then then the rest of it was yeah yeah. I probably have 30 35 000 worth from large caps and the rest small caps. Yeah, yeah, that's a good Supply that's really solid. Yeah, um yeah.

so that was pretty much it for me I think was just more quality information about how to trade another strategy and I think that's important is we'll figure out. It took me a while to kind of accept that scalping Tesla was doing well for me I wanted to be good at like breakout training and momentum trading like you? Yeah, um but I leaned into what I was Finding I was good at yep at first and that got me somewhere that I could start to think about learning something else. yeah see I Think that that's so important is if you can try enough things, you can pull your data and look at those analytics and be like, well, what am I actually good at like if you trade, as long as you're taking good notes about what the different trades are, then you can start to figure out what's actually working for me. and that's when I was doing that for me was the game changer when my kind of you know put my account so I couldn't trade in it until I put more money in I went through all my metrics and I was like wow Okay the stocks I'm making the most on and I mean I can I can show you guys my metrics for those that are tuning in but it's I mean it's like it's it's like not even funny Um How my trades are distributed um, basically entirely on um, a certain type of stock.

So I'll show you that one second. Um I Want to put up this um link here. We um, we're running a sale on more at Warrior trading right now. Many of you guys know that.

Um, so we're doing some free gifts for YouTube subscribers. So even if you guys don't end up joining any of the classes or becoming a member, and we do have some um, gifts that we want to give you guys. So micro Pullback Strategy lesson. Um, we've got my technical analysis.
Um, no, sorry, um my small account worksheet. All right. let's see. so this is the small account worksheet right here that you guys will get I'm going to give you my pre-traded checklist, the micro pullback um strategy as a printed PDF So you this this shows you the examples of the setups and you know again, it's just giving you guys more free content and um, you know, once you're on our mailing list, we send out you know chart examples and we give you guys info about when we're hosting free classes and doing stuff so you know we we try to keep the community informed about things that are going on and help help you guys keep learning even if you're not in the place yet to be a member.

So so check that out. um for those watching on YouTube But yeah, let me show you. Um, so this is. um, let's see.

so on my trade review stats, I've got a bit over 10 million in gross profit. Um, and if we look at the price and volume, you're going to notice. Um, let's see. So price of course is sort of a bell curve where I make the most money on lower price Stocks By far.

Um, and then if we look at instrument here: I Want to look at this one right here: Performance by Instrument Relative Volume: 85 percent of that 10 million in profit is on stocks that have five times relative volume, five times relative volume. And right here: 97 is on stocks up over 10 percent. So those are things that when I was first trading, you know I didn't know that stuff I didn't know that like you know I'm telling you right now I'm someone who's made 10 million dollars of trading I'm telling you 97 7 of my profits are on stocks up more than 10. So if you're looking at stock that's down on the day or is up only three percent already, there's a very low chance that that's going to be the type of stock that I would probably try to make money on if you're trading a stock that only has one times relative volume which would be Tesla Basically, on every any average day, that's not the type of stock that I'm going to make a lot of money on.

Now that doesn't mean that there's not someone else out there that has a strategy for very profitably trading a low relative volume stock. because there certainly might be. you know. But if if you're if you're trading my strategy, you know which is not like like I reinvented the wheel I mean I'm just trading a momentum strategy and I've got my variation of it.

but it's a strategy that people have been trading for a super long time. I mean this is basically like even old times like ticker tape they saw. You know, Green they saw prints on the tape you know, printed out and they buy. I Mean this is like not anything new.

it's just momentum trading. But but for a lot of traders that are new, they might not have this, um, realization and and so for me, you know realizing that Wow, Okay, that's where I'm doing. Um, that's where I'm the most consistent. Um, you know that's um, that's something to be aware of and that makes me think, okay, that's what I've got to focus on, right? So if you haven't had that like aha moment, you know one of the things you could certainly do is look at your metrics.
You might not know how to kind of dissect them, but looking at your metrics, that would certainly help you. And you know at the end of the day it's trying to find what what's your strategy going to be and what are you doing. That's even that's working. What's what's being consistent so you know it and you have to be willing to adapt, right? The market changes.

So one of the things that we've done at Warriors we've sort of positioned our, um, you know, our community where we offer a lot of trading tools and this is something that you know. Five years ago, six years ago, we didn't have a lot of trading tools. SO Trading tools are things that, um, you know. I have a development team that I've hired and built them out and so we have the chat room.

We have scanners, we have a trading simulator, and we have charts that are coming soon and so for a lot of our members they're just paying for the chart for the tools that they use and a lot of the money that we bring in from. that goes right back in to paying our development team to keep building out the platform to make it basically a One-Stop shop. For anyone that's really passionate about day trading, that's our goal. We're in a niche, right? Day trading is not.

That's not what TD Ameritrade's thinking about. They're not. They're not catering to day. Traders Neither is E-Trade None of those.

That's though. you don't get that big by focusing on a niche, but you know in a niche you can find success. and I've found some success by focusing on something that is for Traders that are a lot like me. So we have our one-time membership fees and those are a bit lower.

Those give you access to you know a group of the different classes which you guys can check out and then we have the tools which are monthly subscriptions. although you could pay for a year if you want to but you know they're those are just sort of the monthly subscriptions that are the tools. It is what it is and that's a lot related to the hard costs that that we have to provide you those tools. So My Hope for some of you guys hanging out there on YouTube is that hearing these guys talk and share a little bit about their Journey gives you some insight and maybe you could draw some comparisons about where you're at in your journey and you know at the very least, Hopefully you guys will keep being subscribed on YouTube and keep tuning in and try to learn as much as you can from the free content that we put out there.

But um, you know I would um I would love to see you guys. uh you know, take the leap and become a member of the community so you know. Just wanted to let you guys know that and we hope to see you there. Uh Jess Danny Do you guys have any, um, any last thoughts you want to share? Yeah, I mean I think um, especially for sales and stuff like that goes and this is not.
It's not. Definitely not a sales pitch for me or anything like that. Um, like Danny was saying, it doesn't hurt to invest in your education, even even if you're like, wow, you know what? the Market's not for me. You'll carry that education for the rest of your life.

understanding what is going on in the market? You know you'll You'll know technicals, You'll know about all these different stocks, You'll understand the foundations basically, how technical analysis, and how the stock market works. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the thing that I wish that you know I wish that more people learned about in school. I was super super fortunate exactly that the school that I went to in middle school during the.com bubble did a semester on the stock market because that was when I first started paper trading was when I was like 13 14 years old in middle school and I think that's very unusual and I I've expressed my gratitude to the teacher that thought that that was important for us to learn because that's so rare. Most people go through high school and college without learning about hardly anything about the market, even though almost everyone ends up participating in the market through a 401k or Roth IRA or at least has the opportunity to, but doesn't know how to fully maximize on it.

So yeah, I mean I really have to financial literacy Is it really is important? Yeah, yeah, so important. I would I would Echo that? Um, just like Jeff said and and you say it all the time, you know we. it's impossible to track the success or the metrics of all of the members at Warrior but if you join, if you go through some of the courses, that kind of thing, there's so much education that you will be better educated and able to take that with you. Yeah, yeah, I mean that's you know that's that's the goal is I've tried to kind of articulate everything that I know about trading that I've accumulated over you know, my kind of lifetime of being in the market or the portion of my life that have been in the market.

and um, you know you I think that can only benefit someone that's wanting to learn. So I wish I had had that and you know if there had been someone out there when I was getting started that had you know the track record like what I had um and actually seemed authentic and genuine and believable I would have I would have absolutely wanted to learn from them I wish this was something that was offered you know in school, but you know it wasn't So um, anyways, uh, so we got a question here from Relentless Trader Uh, tips on sizing up So what do you guys think about that? I mean I've got I can share with you guys anytime. What about Jess and Danny what do you guys think about sizing up? I think um I mean sizing up shouldn't be. It shouldn't be stressful.
Um, when I started sizing up, you know I went from you know 2 000 shares to to 5 000 shares to 10.. now I can trade upwards of 20 000 shares or so and nothing in my strategy actually changed. It was just my share size that increased so it wasn't You know it wasn't pushing boundaries of some unknown in my trading, it was just trading the same exact strategy and increasing my share size. And of course it was it.

It really came much easier after I have a much profitable track record so it was a lot of proof that I knew what I was doing. to take that that extra share size? Yeah, yeah. I agree with that last point. Uh, very much the being profitable first I think is so important because if you're not profitable and you're just sizing up and doing the same things, it's probably just going to put you more red more quickly.

Um, but once you have become profitable I think it makes sense to start sizing up either slowly or at whatever pace is comfortable. But the thing with Sizing Up is um and this is what kind of threw me off at first when I was going from like 100 to a thousand to more than that share size is the you don't have the track record of bigger winners yet and you start taking a bigger loss or two and it can be really challenging or scary and that's the hard part to manage. and yeah, um, part of why. It's great having a community, but also really important to understand what kind of Market you're in when you're trying to size up? Yeah, um, does it make sense to size up right now? or maybe should should I wait to further to be more consistent, better opportunities, and maybe be more successful with bigger size that kind of thing? Yeah, yeah.

I I Don't go. You don't go from like like one two miles an hour on a hoverboard to try to set like a land speed record overnight. You have to like ease into it and that's that's the only way. And the next thing you know you're like whoa I'm doing it like I'm going 12 miles an hour I'm going 14.

I'm going 35 miles an hour on a hoverboard like this is awesome. You just can't go from zero to 30 overnight like it's not. It's not possible and if you wipe out, it's going to be bad. So you have to ease in and it's just like turning the temperature up on.

You know what do they say? Like a frog in in a pot of water, You just turn it up so you don't even know it's happening. like it's just like you just. you just keep turning temperature up a little bit each day, so gradually that you know use. You acclimate without even realizing it's happening.

So that could be a little tough if you're used to trading in 100 share blocks because now you're at 125 share blocks, then the next week you're at 135 145. But it's so arbitrary just to say I have to go from 100 to 200 or 200 to 400. you can go in smaller increments. You just got to slowly keep pushing.
And the fact is, if you're not pushing yourself, you're not growing. and if you're not falling down, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. So yeah, don't be afraid to fall down. Falling down happens.

You've got to do it. It's part of trading, so you've just got to make sure you don't mismanage your risk that when you fall you, it's the one time you decide to go big, right? You've just got to try to be as steady as you can as you increase that share size. So I hope that's helpful for you guys. Um, we gotta run.

Danny's got a class that he's going to teach for uh Warrior members here and uh, we've got Fomo Friday at 1 pm Eastern uh part of our trading psychology program so I'll see you guys back here first thing Monday morning and hopefully uh, some of you guys will be new members in the community. So make sure you check out the sales we've got going on for Black Friday Cyber Monday Those you guys watching this a little bit later after the fact, you're still welcome to get those free gifts, so check them out! And uh, maybe we'll send you an email for the next time we're hosting a or running a special sale or some time some type of a special event. All right! Thanks for tuning in as always and we'll see you guys on! Monday Thanks Jess thanks Danny Thanks.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

17 thoughts on “How long have you been watching on youtube?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AmiTam85 says:

    How’s Daniel made his background transparent?..🤔

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danay Puebla says:

    Thank you Ross and our awesome Warrior Trading Community,

    I signed up for Warrior Starter on Monday after the Group Study Webinar and I’m super happy and glad I did!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T P says:

    I watched 1.5 videos on youtube. Did not even want to finish any other free videos. I needed the whole thing! Signed up for a free class and at the end of the class I was IN full speed. The best decision! I am still learning, no trading yet but, boy!, this Pro membership will take me where I want to be, for sure. The knowledge we are receiving is priceless. Ross is extremely gifted teacher and his Team is amazing! Thank you, Ross!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ay Yusuf099 says:

    I am almost there in joining these guys not ready for day trading yet but mad respect to the warrior trading team

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Damgaard says:

    Are wt only trading stocks or are they also teaching indicise?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sumayah lea says:

    I read your book before I even knew who wrote it Didn't even question it .when I got to the end I saw your name and I guess I found out you had a YouTube video so I checked you out the next morning and said I like it and I was there for the morning show the following morning and I heard the Grateful Dead in the background and I said Yup that makes sense. That was October of last year 2021. I try to watch you everyday And attend the free classes. I've been trading with real money for about 3 months now $500 accountI'm now on my 6th consecutive Green Day. I believe I'm ready to utilize the knowledge that you have to give And Warrior trading.. I'm trying to make that happen right now if I could I'd already be a member. Thank you Ross and Warrior trading

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustMeG says:

    For a couple of years. Saw you on YT, and going through past videos

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Franco Fernandez Lozano says:

    Living in Mexico and earning in pesos is definitely taking a bit longer to save up so that I can join the Warrior Trading community. But for sure I want to be a part of their community.

    Blessings to Ross and the Warrior Trading community from Puebla, México.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Franco Fernandez Lozano says:

    Blessings from Puebla, Mexico.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Burns says:

    Been watching Ross since 2020 lol hopefully one day I can afford your program, I barely make enough to keep a roof over my family's head, so hopefully one day I can learn and trade.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Storm says:

    Lmao no you shouldn't buy if serious it's hands down better than youtube

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Storm says:

    Warrior Pro is for sure the best hands down , there is much more than what is on YouTube, and it's more in detail …. I'm new myself but believe me it's a major difference and if hour serious about making a living from trading there is no way you should purchase this program

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonneonut says:

    I deeply appreciate that you undersell, it speaks volumes to me. Anyone with a successful course and valuable information, wouldn't need to overhype and oversell. That's one of the reasons I believe in you, and can't wait to follow through with your course!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Rice says:

    Been subscribed since January 2020 probably watched every stream, every video, read every book on trading psychology. Could never afford the course so I figured I would just trade the strategy I learned through YouTube. After learning every lesson you could think of, eventually I became profitable without warrior pro

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ABDUL SIDDIQUI says:

    Where else can I find the relative volume.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Langskov says:

    Thankful for you guys.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa says:

    For me, I was watching Ross on YouTube for only like a day before I joined the WT community! That’s how confident I knew this was the best of the best trading education!!!My brother said “yo check out this guy Ross he’s a pretty awesome trader” .. I saw Ross take one trade and I was immediately like you son of a gun I’m in 😬😁 waited until the last minute of the sale to purchase the education package but it was the best investment I ever made. Changed my life.

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