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Hey hey, what's up my friend, so in today's episode I want to talk about how long does it take to become a profitable trader so before I know I kind of give you the straight answer right. I want to walk you through the different stages. A trader. Would go through the first day is what I call the hyper newbie at this stage.

You don't know what you don't know, so you study and devour and everything you come across. Where is it you know, trading books blocks causes forums whatsoever. You just you know, des voeux everything that comes your way. You study, you learn everything from A to Z, chat, patterns, indicators and whatsoever, and I call this the hyper newbie, because at this point right you are you're pumped up right.

Oh man, I'm gon na be the best trainer in the world. I'm gon na be the next champion trader. I'm gon na be the next rocket wizard, okay and uh. This actually those those were the thoughts.

I I had right when I first started out. I'm gon na be the next best trader trader I'll, do whatever it takes and in this stage the hyper newbie. What usually happens is that you will end up blowing up a few trading accounts and that's where you realize that the strategies, the techniques right they are not everything because of risk management, also plays a huge part, and that's where you progress on into stage 2. The risk guru the risk manager, where you you know, is that being careful with your trades, are you risk? You know 1 % on each trade, 2 % on each tree, always having a stop-loss all right, managing your position size knowing you know that that you shouldn't take too much risk on each trade, so you become the risk guru, and at this stage you know how To manage your risk, you raise a fraction of your trading account on each trade, but you're still not making money you're still losing money, even though you have eradicate most of the large losses, but the losses still come in, and this is where you know you encounter.

The death by a thousand cuts right, you don't lose a lot, but you lose small and consistently and when you realize this right, that's where you move on into the third stage. The third stage is what I call the Lone Ranger at this point. You know that risk management is important by the same time. Risk management is not enough, because you also must have a trading strategy that works in the long run, otherwise known as an itch right having a trading strategy that offers you an edge in the markets.

So at this point this is where you start to declutter. So in the first stage you start learning everything from A to Z, but at this stage you everything you start throwing out tools that you don't use right, no, trying all the indicators throwing out the middle. The trend lines or whatever whatsoever - and you just leave with you only a few core trading concepts may be. You know you could be going down the price action trading route.

Maybe you got going down the systems trading route whatsoever. You would abandon right. 80. 90 percent of the stuff that you have learnt and focus only on a few things.
So that's where you really dive into your trading methodology. This is where you start getting serious right: developing a trading plan developing a trading system. You start doing back testing forward testing to make sure that trading system right there you have develop actually makes money in the long run, and this dish I would take quite a while - and if you do make it right. This is where we move on into the fourth stage, where you become a business owner.

What I call this, I call it a business owner, because this is where you start scaling up right. You start moving your trading account, maybe from five figures, to six figures, then from six figures to seven figures. This is where you start diversifying your trading so called source of income. You start trading multiple trading system, multiple trading strategies, because you know that one trading strategy doesn't work all the time.

So this is where you incorporate multiple trading strategy to diversify right, your returns right to smooth vanina over time. So your knowledge, you know, thinking like a business owner and you start scaling up and also to manage your trading psychology at this point, because trading, a five-figure trading account and a six-figure trading account in a seven-figure trading account. The trading psychology that is required is vastly different, because, if you think about this right, a 1 % risk on a $ 10,000 trading account is like $ 100 per trade. A 1 % risk on a million dollar trading account that's $ 10,000, but free.

So you can see that the trading psychology that's required is vastly different. The percentage risk is the same, but a number of zeros right in terms of potential wins and losses right also adds on a few zeros behind. So that's where you need to have a level of your trading psychology be mentally stronger and to trade, a large account and that's where the fourth and final stage lies right, where you start thinking like a business owner. So now you might be wondering okay Reina.

So how long does it take for me to be a consistently profitable trader? Well, that really depends on which stage you are in right now, where are you at stage one or maybe you're at stage two? I have no idea so yeah. So a rough guideline is that you know: there's a market wizard called mati Schwartz. He said that you know he spent nine years studying fundamentals and he didn't make money in the markets only in the ten years that he became a consistently profitable trader by relying on technical analysis. So he took him like close to nine or ten years to become a profitable trader and back then, when I was a prop trader right, there's a very root kind of like a rule of thumb right there.

They give you about six months to a year to prove your worth, to prove that you can make money in the markets. If by the timeline you don't make it, they just simply cut you out. So I can't really say right how long it's gon na take you to become a profitable trader. You really depends on how much time you spend right becoming a better trader which stage you're at right now and how much you focus on the process.
Okay, so with that said right, I hope you understand know where I'm coming from to understand, which stage you're at right now and what you can do right to progress on to the next stage, or this is important. You have to know where you are right now and what are some of the things that you can do right now to get you closer to the next stage, for example, let's say you're at stage two right now now you realize that you know you know. What's a risk management, but you don't have an edge in the markets. So what can you do right now to get an edge in the markets? It might be studying trading systems that have really been proven to work making tweaks to it, so that you can finally write a double system that works, or maybe you know, incorporate a trading plan back testing.

It forward testing it to find out whether you know it works or not. So that's it. I have come towards the end to the end of today's episode. If you've enjoyed it hit the thumbs up button smash it subscribe to my youtube channel, and I will talk to you soon.


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28 thoughts on “How long does it take to become a profitable trader?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Young says:

    Damn you’re right lol I’m 4 years in and just becoming profitable

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nsubuga Naziru says:

    Shout outs to us who thought we could make money in just two months of learning about forex trading πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sajad khan says:

    Great staff man ,Iam In second stage now for total of almost 6 months
    It's really frustrating though I think it would take a year to be consistent profitable

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brayden Bledsoe says:

    short answer, 1-3 years. Everyone thinks they're the guy to beat the average but you wont be more than likely. Plan ahead for the longer side.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winston Chan says:

    I skipped Stage 2 and went all the way up to Stage 3, but it's holding me back in my day-trading journey. My edge is fairly developed and it's proven to be profitable, but my risk management skills are very underdeveloped in comparison. I would have 5+ day streaks of profitable trading but I would get overconfident slowly scale my size up and lose weeks of progress in one day. Today was another one of those days, and I realized just how important risk management is. People are extremely correct when they say risk management is king.

    I'm going to go back and study up on risk management so I can eventually turn this weakness into a strength.

    Good video!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Black says:

    i hv been in business owner..in just 5 months..but the pressured can kill a person if not strong in the mental

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek JP says:

    This combines well with Mike Bellafiore’s 4 stages. In a Chat with Traders episode.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ace Paul says:

    10 years to be profitable and make a living? Yeah back in the old days I would say that is true. With technology the way it is, trading and education has come a very long way. Still, with that mind, I think you are going to need at least 4 years of very, very hard work to become consistently profitable in both up and DOWN markets. You need to see the up and down cycle to be able to handle them when they come. There are a lot of new traders who have been doing this for about 2 months and think they market only goes up and that TSLA and NIO will never come down. Well they are going to be in for a very rude awakening when the market corrects. For a experienced pro, down markets aren't a big deal, they even make more money with the market goes does while new traders get wrecked. I've seen that happen a million times. Since I've started professionally trading full-time, there aren't that many survivors. This is a brutal game.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cold Trades says:

    i'm between stage 2 & 3 right now and you're completely right

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vegito Blue says:

    Mati took him 10 years WTF lol, how long did it take you my Friend ? be honest

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred says:

    Congrats from Brazil I’m loser consistently haha but I will go being winner

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anawo Victor says:

    Success only come to those who worked hard, Mr.Dennis @dennis__forex09 att instagram was able to guide me through forex/binary options trading and making Huge profits weekly, You could also be successful as me.βœ…βœ…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ProfitStandard says:

    If any of you all are looking for more tips and tricks regarding trading forex, feel free to check me out! I'm uploading multiple times a week πŸ™‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goody Gospel says:

    I still can’t believe it HiTFXSANDRA actually delivered…..saw a testimony on ig about her investment package and I decided to give it a try ….I invested for the forex package and within 3 days I was credited x3 of my initial investment….now I’m able to clear up my loan debt and pay my children tuition fee…tnx Sandra follow her on insta @ HITFXSANDRA

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bolly Domnic says:

    Hey hey ..watsup my friend…rayner thank for your guidance..and saving amateur trader fo self destruction..

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal Bosher says:

    I'm a risk guru, but progressing faster thanks to your content. Thankyou!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petrus Obame says:

    You can skip all these stages in 2 months buy following this video
    1) Price action
    2) back test and forward test and keep at most 4 strategies that works with 50% to 60% win rate
    3) risk 2% to 3% per trade
    4) 1-2 risk reward
    5) Read trading in the zone and the discipline trader
    6) stick to your trading plan
    Thank me later

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karan Sharma says:

    Thank you Rayner.. I am in lone ranger stage. I have thrown everything and adopted M.A.E.E formula of yours.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _Master_Saint_ says:

    Hey hey, what's up my friend😁☺️ im between risk guro and lone ranger and soon as a process to be a business ownerπŸ˜‹β˜ΊοΈ

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrkogui says:

    My 9th month now. I feel I'm at level 3 breaking even trying to be profitable soon I hope

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SAli says:

    Super hyper newbie, I just want to learn how to make at least $500 – $1000 a day. I wonder if I will ever learn and get very good and confident. Yes I am trying to figure what I need to know. I almost blew my account so I decided to fall back on trading and try to get a strategy etc.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King Cole says:

    hahaha im only now a risk guru. after two years lol ahahaha

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Canoy says:

    im expecting you should atleast give your APPROXIMATION on how much time will it take from this stage to 4th stage considering im fully/part time committing my time, but thanks for the insights anyways

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Chhabra says:

    Hey Rayner, as I'm watching more of your content i feel I've landed in a safe place & now I feel for me to be as a full time trader, i do not need to make trades everyday or expect big profits quickly that too with a small capital ( Am I right? lol)

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GamingOfTheLegend says:

    I’m currently the hyper newbie but I’m not sure how to become better if there is any videos directed at people like me if you could drop a link for a couple that would b highly appreciated. thanks for teaching us your ways as well learning from you is easy to understand

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emil Roboczy says:

    "hey hey whats up friend" πŸ™‚ It is epic.

    I'm between 3 and 4 stage with something like 950 hours on the market. I was profitable most of time (even in 1st month) but now I'm more conscious what is going on. Greetings from Poland.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amirul firdaus says:

    im at lone ranger now
    every time u scaling up to the no 4
    i was like, maaaaaaaaaan! whoooh
    rayner gt a psyhc or somethng haha
    enjoyed ur video, thanks man.. maybe u can do 1 or 2 video about FA
    coz that what i just realize my mistake coz im only look at TA,
    im becoming profitable since then when i combine FA and TA
    much love bro

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rational Thinker says:

    A Genius like this can only define these things….
    Wow I salute you..

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