Looking for a career change or some ideas on how to make a lot of money without a college degree? Well check out these insanely high income earning positions that you can jump into today!
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#HighestPayingJobs #SecretHighPayingJobs #BestJobsWithoutADegree
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to the Highest Paying Jobs
1:35 High Paying Job #1
3:15 High Paying Job #2
4:11 High Paying Job #3
5:17 High Paying Job #4
5:49 High Paying Job #5
7:24 High Paying Job #6
8:58 High Paying Job #7
10:00 High Paying Job #8
11:36 High Paying Job #9
13:31 High Paying Job #10
14:29 The Common Trend in High Paying Jobs
16:17 Where to Find More Information
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Hello, everyone and welcome back to a new video shawn's, the name and today i want to talk about some of the most highest, paying jobs that nobody seems to know about we're not talking about doctors, lawyers, strippers, surgeons, pilots; no, we're not talking about those high-end jobs That everyone already knows that they make absolute bank, because those have years and years of schooling, usually eight plus years of schooling or some sort of experience - and you know they have usually tons of student loans tied to them. No, we are not talking about jobs like that today today, we're talking about jobs where you don't need any real prereqs or any real schooling to get. You can start in them and start making money right away. In fact, a lot of these jobs actually pay more than the previous jobs i just mentioned.

So, if you're looking for a career change, let's do this. Okay, so right before we actually jump right into this list. Please hit the like button on this video because i spend way too damn long on these videos. But okay, since i'm a mortgage broker, i see tons of applications, thousands of applications of what people currently do and how much money they currently make.

So i'm not just telling you this list, because this is what other people have said. No, i'm literally seeing and talking to these people every single day of my life and because of this i pretty much have a really good gauge of what someone makes based on the role they're in or what they do. Just because of how many applications i've seen. So now that you know a little bit about me and how i know this information - that's a good lead in into the first one that i want to actually talk about a mortgage loan officer, which is essentially what i am makes great money.

Actually, let me back up mortgage loan officers have the ability to make really good money. The typical loan officer is going to make anywhere from five thousand to two hundred thousand dollars per year, and these roles are heavily, if not completely commission based so the uh job salary is gon na vary tremendously, based on how motivated and how good you actually are. At your job, because that pay rate sounds pretty awesome right, 75 to 200 000 is more than most people make in the united states, but it gets even better than that with the fact that you have the ability to make so much more money. I know plenty of people in the same role as me, making upwards of 750 000 a year, and i even know a couple people across the country who are at the level of over a million dollars a year.

So it sounds pretty mind-boggling to think you can make that much money in a single calendar year without having all this crazy schooling behind you, but it is doable. You just need to get licensed and you know build up a little bit of a book. I will say it does get easier the longer in the role it's a pretty baller roll to kick this video off because of how much money you can actually make, and i'm going to actually post a video soon on how loan officers actually specifically get paid. So you have a better understanding of it.
It's a good reason for you to hit the subscribe button, because not only am i going to talk about how loan officers actually get paid, but i'm going to be talking about. I guess specifically how i get paid and how the whole industry kind of works. So it's going to be really interesting, really cool hit the subscribe button and i guess if i've already made the video by the time you're watching this video i'll leave a link down below. But then the next one on this list and i'm going to knock it out real quick because of how popular it is, but it's being a realtor.

It's very similar kind of in the mortgage business you're doing something similar in real estate. But you don't need a college degree for it. You just need to pass your test. Get your licensing now i will say: 90 of realtors do not make very much money.

They are probably making less than fifty thousand dollars a year. That's ninety percent of realtors! Maybe fifty to sixty thousand dollars a year, but the other ten percent of realtors can make really good money. I would say the ones you're doing it: full-time hardcore they're, usually making, depending on the market they're in they're, usually making anywhere from 100 to 250 000 a year. And i i limit that at 250.

But i work with and know plenty of agents who are making close to half a million dollars a year and again there is no limit. You can build out a team, you can build out a company, you can really take it. You know pretty big and a lot of people know about realtors, so i don't want to spend too much time on that which brings us to the third one on our list, and that is an insurance agent. Most people have no idea that insurance agents actually make a crud ton of money.

Now i will say, insurance agents are going to have a massive grind phase to get to really good money, for example the first yeah i don't know three years, maybe even three to five years, you're, probably only going to be making anywhere from 30 to 80 000. In those kind of startup years, as you're building up your book of business, but once you start getting into that five to seven year mark or even pushing the 10 year mark, the earnings potential is pretty stupid. I've seen insurance guys very easily getting anywhere from 180 to 400 000 per year, and the craziest thing about majority of that is once you've grinded your face off for all these years. A lot of that income that you're getting is basically passive and it's just reoccurring.

As as you're paying, you know, as these renewals are coming in for insurance, so you're making tons of money the longer you're in the game just offers offer referrals and kind of passive. So i love that part about the industry and you can make some really good money as an insurance agent. Next, up, though, is being a recruiter or a head hunter. Now, for those of you who don't actually know, i was actually a recruiter right, as i got out of college, for i think i was there for like two or three months, so i know a lot about that industry just from being in it and then also Doing tons of research on it prior and post, but recruiters can make really good money now it ultimately depends on what type of recruiter you are and what kind of setup you're in if you're, at a big company, you're, probably not going to make as much money Starting out maybe 200 250 000.
It really just depends on your specific scenario. Now next up on my list is newish but definitely becoming more normal, and it's actually how i got my initial income boost, but it's being an influencer which i hate the term influencer. But it's someone creating content for others who find value in it. Now.

The platforms i'm going to actually include in the kind of influencer umbrella is going to be youtube, which is pretty normal instagram, which i feel like is fading out a little bit in terms of influencers and then you've got tick-tock. And then this is the one where a lot of people are probably going to hate me for it, but i'm going to throw only fins in there. Not because of you know, maybe the i don't know the bad content, that's all on there, because it's definitely got a niche that it crushes um, but there actually are a lot of people on only fans who are doing great things like fitness and health and things Like that, that are you know, giving guides doing trainings things like that, so totally good there, and i'm also going to throw in under this influencer bucket, is online courses. There's a lot of people that you don't know about who might not have big social media presences, but they have massive student bases, selling courses online, and so i'm gon na kind of do everything in the influencer bugget bucket just being well known enough to where either A lot of people follow you, and you know you make some money off.

Ad revenue brand deals things like that or you're selling courses that a lot of people are trusting you for the advice, you're you're doing so that is definitely a job, that a lot of people don't think about, but is very common and becoming very popular as it Was the number one job that kids in elementary school want to be? So it is a thing i did want to conclude it on this list and again it's kind of i hold it dear to me because that's how i kind of got my big start with everything, but next up is one that i'm gon na actually pull out Of chandler david smith's book, he pumps this so hard, and this is how he got his big start and it's basically selling pesticide it's doing pesticide sales. Now this is going to be door door. The amount that you make is going to vary based on how much you do also based on kind of the company that you're working with some will do it year round. Some will do it only during the summer, but when you're starting out you can make anywhere from - i don't know - maybe 40 to 50 000 a year, which is great because you can literally start - and you know literally start selling - i mean all they literally care about.
Is like hey sean? Do you want to sell pesticide and you're like yeah? I do they're like okay, we got to make sure you fit the requirement yup, you got a pulse. All right, you're good, go, go start selling, pesticides so um. It's definitely a very easy role to get into and start making money right away and also start making really good money right away. But the big money making potential out of pesticide sales comes in your second third fourth fifth year, as you continue to grind through it and build up a team underneath you that's really where the big money is in, because you can only sell so much pesticide and Go to so many doors throughout a year or summer or whatever, but if you've got a team of 20 30 40 people who are selling underneath you that's where the big money can be made um some of those bigger producers who have the big teams.

I did actually alone for a guy one time, who's making like 500 grand a year. I was very impressed by that. I think most of them are going to be capping out at about 250 to 350 range and again that's with a large team underneath them and the constant drive to go door to door here. Tons of people tell you, no, you got to have the motivation.

You got to have the mindset for it, but you can make really great money right away and then to piggyback off the pesticide sales. I want to talk about solar sales, real, quick, because they're, basically like identical the only thing that's actually changing, is what you're selling the idea of how much money you're, making the idea of how you how you build out your earnings is all the same. You're still going door-to-door your first year, you might not make that much. Money also depends on your area, but you might not make that much money.

Your second third, fourth year as you start building a team underneath you, you start working your way up to regional sales manager. That's where you start making the big bucks, and i will say, with those two jobs you again have to constantly be grinding and pushing to make your money. It's not roles where you can build up a big clientele list and just let your referral base work for you. It can a little bit, but for the most part you are constantly hitting the streets and getting sales in those roles versus some of the other roles.

We talked about in this video. You know your hardest, your hardest years or your first couple, and then it gets very easy, as your income grows exponentially, which is a great segue into our next job title, which is a financial advisor and don't think that you need some crazy high-end finance degree to Be a financial advisor the sad truth of a lot of it is most financial advisors. Don't have the best educational background they're just certified. They work for a bigger company like edward jones and edward jones, handles all of the financial investments and strategies, and things like that.
The financial advisor is literally just there to go out and get business to go out and get and convince people to build their portfolios with them or to move a portfolio with whichever company they're working for and the financial advisors will make a small percentage. Based on how much business they bring in so again it's one of those roles where, when you start out, you might not make that much, maybe 40, maybe 60, maybe even 70., but over time. Let's talk five years down seven years down and you've got a book of 20 30 40 50 60 million in assets that you're managing and investing aka the company. Is you start making phenomenal money? Some financial advisors will make you know 400.

500. 000 a year. I did a loan for a guy one time he was making like 1.2 million and he like didn't, do anything he's like yeah dude, like i, i work, maybe 10 15 hours a week. He does like nothing, but that's not to say he absolutely grinded his face off for probably like 15 to 20 years to get to that point.

But now he makes absolute bank because of how much work he spent in the prior years and jobs like that are my favorite. If you're willing to grind early on you can reap the benefits later on, i'm so thirsty. I get so hyped up about this topic on like choosing a good career path that can make you some really good money, because it is literally life-changing. Okay, next up on my list, i'm guaranteed to blow your mind on this one, but travel agents make bank.

Yes, the person who books flights and tells you where some good vacation destinations are - and you know, excursions and plans out a whole vacation. Yes, travel agents make bank okay story time. Alright, i did a loan for this gal, who was literally making 270 000 a year. Being a travel agent - and it blew my mind so much that i was like - i need to talk with you and learn about this industry, because i had no idea.

I didn't even know. Travel agents were still like around, but i guess they are and they still make absolute bang, and i was talking to her and i'm like how does this work and are you like the anomaly or or do like everyone makes this much? You guys know when you start out being a travel agent, you're learning, you're, building up kind of which destinations which um you know cruises, which kind of i guess vacation packages that you're most familiar with your clientele might be most familiar with um. So your first year, you're doing a lot of learning, probably gon na make forty to sixty thousand dollars a year. It all.

She also said it also depends on the company you're at if you're, at a big kind of um. I guess like like newer company uh you're - probably not gon na make that much money, but if you've got kind of an older school travel agent company - and you can build up a good book - you can. She goes now. The travel agents who've been in business for a long time.
They make roughly 300 to 320 000 a year. She goes, but it's becoming harder and harder to get to that point. Whereas most travel agents are going to be making about 100 110 000 a year, but it kind of just depends on how hard you're willing to work. And you know how much you want to work.

But in my mind, if you could even make a hundred grand a year being a travel agent, that's awesome. I mean you're literally making great money to recommend and plan vacations. Then, by the time you go to take a vacation. You already know all the good spots.

You have the money to take a pretty sweet vacation and you're gon na go. I think that's a pretty sweet life for not needing any type of prereqs, but then the last one on my list, which you probably figured was coming, but it's just being an entrepreneur. I really wanted to include this in this video, because a lot of people don't think about the potential that's out there and doing something that they love to make really good money off it. It doesn't matter what you're doing i don't care if you're, an ac guy you're a plumber, you're an electrician you're, a flooring guy, a carpenter - i don't know you're a dog walker.

It literally does not matter if you are running your own business and enjoying what you're doing and able to make some really good money off it. Then i say: definitely do it you're going to have way more fun, you're going to set your own schedule and your income potential is unreal. I've done some crazy loans for people who do some of the craziest things out there and they make phenomenal money. So i had to include it on this list because, if you enjoy doing something, maybe think about starting your own business, maybe if it's just a side hustle to start and then turns into something a little more long-term.

I think that's the best thing you can do now. Another thing i want to add real quick is that you do notice that a lot of the roles i mentioned in this video do require some sort of sales right there. They are a lot commission based or how hard you're willing to work and that's the bottom line. If you want to make phenomenal money without having some crazy long, you know schooling or crazy long training.

You need to understand that you better be able to sell and you better be able to motivate yourself, because that's how companies make money they make money off of you being able to think outside the box, be a top performer and and be a baller right. They're. Not going to pay you 300 000 a year to sit behind a desk and literally watch cat videos all day. No, they want to see you perform and make money for the company and, if you're willing to bust your balls and do that then you're going to be rewarded heavily financially.
So i will say, if you're not into sales, don't get discouraged by a lot of the by a lot of the roles on this list. I personally think i'm horrible at sales. I don't consider myself a salesman at all. I consider myself more of an educator because when you get into kind of the mortgage business or the real estate, business you're taught to go out and sell, but i'm not a very good salesman.

So what i did was in. Instead, i taught people about the process. I taught people how a mortgage worked, how how the loan process is structured, how different loan programs are right, i'm just teaching people and in in turn, i'm getting a lot of business out of that, because a lot of people are learning wanting to work with me. Wanting to do their mortgage for me and that's ultimately, the difference with a lot of these roles is, if you get into them and do the normal thing that everyone else is doing you're not going to be a top performer.

But if you kind of twist the script a little bit and you do something a little bit different, then you will be a top performer and you will be making some really good money regardless. A lot of these roles have tons of potential and i definitely think, if you're looking for a career change, to give them some thought. But this video is literally just proof that you do not need lots of schooling to make really good money again. A lot of the roles i mentioned on this list: you can actually make more than the rolls that do require lots of schooling, so you just need some hustle and some drive and go out there and get it either way.

I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please hit that like button. Please subscribe for more content like this. Like i said, i've got some really good videos planned. I can't wait to share with you um and also comment down below which position you find the most interesting or maybe one that kind of blew your mind a little bit.

It's probably gon na be the travelage one for most people, but um yeah drop me a comment down below always love hearing your feedback, otherwise connect with me on social media links down below. I hope you enjoyed the video and i'll see you in the next one. You.

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3 thoughts on “Highest paying jobs that nobody tells you about”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Vise says:

    I'm currently a freshman in college getting my basics out of the way but I am still looking for exactly what career I want to go into. This video definitely widened my view on things! Great video!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm better than you says:

    I farted

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shotokan Koban .A says:


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