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Well, a left leading media organization claiming that Donald Trump is likely to win the presidency was not on my bingo card today. But yes, you may have heard of The Economist before. They are a left leaning Center left leaning publication. They're generally very good with their economic data, their analysis, and you don't have to politically agree with everything they say.

That's okay, you should always be critical of anything you're listening to. And of course, my goal in the video is to be neutral and unbiased here. But I'm just shocked because the Economist is very very anti- Donald Trump any article they can throw in how much they dislike Donald Trump They do. They do not like the Donald Nobody knows dislike for the Donald like The Economist Yet what did they just publish? Donald Trump looks terrifyingly electable.

If America's presidential election were held tomorrow, he would probably win. Oh, that's got to be so p painful for them to write. And I know there are a lot of people watching this right now going hell yeah. let's go eat it.

Let Trump win. and then there are other people going. no, no, no. I mean that's the nature of politics, right? So, but let's look at the rationale that the Economist gives and again, the reason I'm showing this because I think it's so interesting is it's the opposite of what you would expect.

It must be crumbling to write this. Anyway, here they go: So Rivals have repeatedly argued that Mr Trump would be unable to defeat Joe Biden and Democrats refuse to even entertain the idea about Trump potentially winning again because they argue, hey, he's got so many indictments against him, he must be guilty, right? That's sort of the thesis that is promoted by people who are so anti-trump who are repulsed by the idea that Trump could ever be elected again. But because of that repulsion, they might actually be as The Economist says here blind to the fact that he is absolutely dominating polling and we're talking leftist polling as well. It's left polling.

It's right polling. It's either a tight race or it's a Trump win if the election is held today, some of the big factors that they consider are listed right here: Voters believe they trust Donald Trump to do a better job on handling the economy, a better job on immigration, and a better job on the Israel Palestine conflict. Now, what's fascinating is most people who are voters who end up voting don't vote because they believe in somebody's plan. Or they they've critically analyzed and fundamentally analyzed exactly what a politician is going to do.

Instead, most voters vote based on the emotion of which candidate they believe is most likely to be able to lead. The best people are looking for a leader in a candidate. somebody who is going to deliver hope, somebody who is going to take away pain, somebody who is going to deliver happiness. And unfortunately, Biden's economy has been driven by in part Democratic policies, but most importantly, the Federal Reserve fighting inflation so without being political, it's very obvious that anyone who becomes the president in a tightening cycle which has been entirely on Joe Biden's back is going to have a really hard time making people feel cheerful.
When interest rates Skyrocket and everything that they're buying is already more expensive. you got both of those things happening in Biden's economy. So what do we have? We have a 59 to 37% lead for Trump versus Biden over Biden on the economy 53 to 41 on immigration 50 to 39 on Israel Palestine 7 in 10 voters at 70% think Biden was too old to Be an Effective president including the majority of Democrats a majority of Democrats since that seven out of 10 could include Republicans, but majority of Republicans it's more than half I'm sorry, more than half of Democrats think Biden is too old. But beyond that, and these are concerning statistics here in the Battleground States Trump leads in almost all of them by a margin of four points and Biden's only winning in Wisconsin in terms of battleground states by two points.

Based on this Nyt analysis and we know these Battleground states are key. Remember: Biden got elected promising to finish off that $2,000 stimulus check. Remember, it was the idea, the hope that there was basically going to be more stimulus. That's almost one of the reasons we saw a Biden reelection, at least in part was the idea for more stimulus.

but unfortunately after that last round of stimulus, what happened fed came to crush the party and take the punch bowl away. But what's even more concerning is this: Listen to this in these critical swing: States 42% of Hispanic and 22% of African-American voters said they would vote for Mr Trump which if true, would Mark a collapse of the minority support that Democrats had relied on for decades. So Democrats remember there Joe Biden's famous line: if you don't vote for me, you ain't black that it was a famous line because it showed the ego of Democrats to believe that the minority populations will always vote for Democrats That way we support immigration. We support people moving here.

We support via either Sanctuary cities or health insurance or Section 8 or whatever it might be. We support what we can to bring people to America get people into programs and then they vote for us now that support is being lost for not only those who are immigrating but also Americans who are Hispanic or black, both support is being lost and that is support that I think Democrats are being a little cavaliere with thinking oh no no no no no, we we got that vote. We got that vote No, don't be so certain about that and remember this is the economist saying this: This is a big deal. when The Economist again very Pro Biden is suggesting that Democrats are literally sleepwalking their word, not mine sleepwalking Democrats Listen to this line to sleepwalking Democrats Who believe that Mr Trump has been rendered unelectable after his Shameless attempt to overthrow the previous election.
The results landed like a bucket of cold water to the face. Here, you could see the Economist's bias, right? His Shameless attempt to overthrow the previous election We know they don't like Trump and maybe you agree and say hey, it was Shameless That's okay. Remember I'm just reporting uh, what what what the uh, what the Economist here is saying and reporting that we know they lean left. We know they don't like Trump but they even acknowledge that Democrats are being blind to this change and that could kill them in this next election.

They say here: should Democrats Be in a panic, they might try to console themselves by appealing to vagaries of sampling error in terms of basically trying to say oh well, there must be a problem with the poll. But as they say, the better argument for those who defend Biden is that polls are a snapshot in time and even though the polls look bad now, the election is next year and I actually have to agree with the Economist substantially here, mostly because the economy could be in a vastly different place next year. It's very simple: If we're in a recession in November of next year and consumerism has died and and the stock market is even lower than it is now, then what happens? You almost guaranteed walk in Trump But if by the November of next year, a year from now, a year from now, it's actually less than a week Now it's like 51 weeks from now. Isn't that crazy? Yeah, a year from now, we might actually end up having Biden win with a good economy.

If the economy recovers, those are just ifs. I'm not saying what's going to happen obviously I hope the economy is better because I don't like when people have money suffering and money pain. This is why I try my best to teach perspective that I can in my new ver Pro Crash courses I encourage you to check those out. We have a coupon expiration tomorrow that's Friday evening November 10th Learn more about those new burst Pro crashes Crash courses at Meetkevin.com Great new content.

they're on pre-sale Those will be launching towards the end of the month beginning of December Despite the Biden Administration trying to make Bomic a rallying cry, 55% of Americans say the economy is getting worse, not better. Real wages are down about 1.4% since Biden took office. they're up since before the pandemic. But again, you know it doesn't feel great when we see prices that have risen as much as they have again grocery store restaurants.

We know this. Mr Biden appears to have no intention of standing down and the party appears to have no intention of throwing him out. There have been a lot of rumors about a Michelle Obama or Gavan Nome but you think we would start to see some hints of this and we're really not. They're just rumors.
Some people say oh, just wait for the State of the Union in January but uh, I think the Democratic part is probably going to play just uh. wait and see how the econ unfolds here. I Think they're very happy they have an extra year to try to figure it out and then we get to this bottom line idea that maybe Democrats are just purposefully waiting because they think Trump will get a convicted in at least one of these cases and maybe then he'll be disqualified from actually running. Then you end up having a Biden versus like a Viac or something like that or a disantis.

Uh, and even though I know a lot of people are big fans of VI you going to have to get a lot of Trump supporters. Uh, who would not be able to vote for Trump in such a case which I don't know. Man, it's almost going to cause like a civil war having to start dividing their votes amongst different Republicans I mean you going have anything happen then it could be Biden versus Haley at that point for all we know. so who knows.

That's all pure speculation. but uh, very interesting that that could be what Dems are pushing for and maybe that's why there's some pressure to get some of these court cases wrapped up. Anyway, that's the latest that I'm seeing on Trump and I am shocked by this and the polls for Trump they look pretty good right now. Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes.

Congratulations man, you have done so much People love you people. look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

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33 thoughts on “Here’s how donald trump will win per left-leaning publication.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SunsetSheen says:

    You know shit's bad when left leaning media outlets who revile Trump are publishing articles and polls indicating that he's going to win.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redreximus says:

    Ty Kevin

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Redreximus says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars emma+amy says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C Math says:

    If he wins he will believe himself untouchable by any power. Absolute power always corrupts.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars someguy1870 says:

    The economy will be better by the election

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr balloonpimp says:

    Of you think Trump has gained more voters since 2020 you are a fucking moron.

    Hell just think of how many he killed from covid. Who can't vote now that are fellons. As well the effected families.

    Not even counting that 40 of his 44 cabinet members have said they won't vote for him.

    You are reaching Kevin and you are gonna prove how irrelevant you are in 2024

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIGREDBULLDOG401 says:

    That’s because media has manipulated the sheep

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    Ohio Republicans politicians going against the will of the voters.. magats going to try to uncerify elections next

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Spence says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ottiz joseph says:

    Honestly. I am 25, more liberal but lean democrat and after Bidens mistake in handling this war in Gaza i would not vote for Biden anymore

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Campbell says:

    Only 12 more months of having to listen to this election stuff that makes no difference for another 12 months.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Cassidy says:

    DONALD TRUMP 2024!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raw Financial News says:

    If Trump were marked disqualified and not on the ballot, I'd write him in. Vivek isn't quite ready for the job and DeSantis needs to do his current job.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tiago Ramos says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I’m from the year 3452 says:

    It’s the evil left’s plan. They’re turning on Biden by design so they can install their next villain (AKA Newsom, etc.). They’ll commit another treasonous theft of the election.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Inbm210 says:

    Trump 2024🎉

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tad Somato says:

    The likelihood of a New Yorker wanting to be associated with a man named Cleveland is unprecedented.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ttt555 says:

    Donald pump let's gooo

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Elizondo says:

    This is probably their tactic to get / motivate (leftist) to vote

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garrett Hartle says:

    Yeah COVID, massive money printing, and tax breaks for the rich was awesome for the economy. I'll never understand why anyone would like anything about Trump. I do honestly think he'll go to jail and the Republican party will be completely screwed. Both parties should find better candidates.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mario valdez says:

    Vivek made some good points but idk man..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Castle says:

    They can always mailing ballot

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Logsdon says:

    This must have been written before the elections Tuesday lol

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto Ronin Dude says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Moore says:

    Standards have dropped so far for what’s expected of a president 😮.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marciuks puks says:

    if economist is left leaning then you are a nazi

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z M says:

    They will LOWER RATES next spring and get the economy “rocking “ (falsely ) .. even though it creates MORE INFLATION…. Democrats will win unfortunately… killing the middle class even more but Dems/RHINOS want to be in charge FOREVER…..expect crime , homelessness and illegals x100 for the next 10 years ..PRINT , PRINT , PRINT to oblivion

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maryln M. Banton says:

    love the grounded reality of this channel!!,Regardless of how Bad it gets or the economy, I still make over $22,000 every single week

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Zambrano says:

    Trump= The Undertaker

    Biden=Hulk Hogan

    RFK=Stone Cold Steve Austin

    These are all clowns that the rulers of this world put in front of us🤡 lets get dr shiva on here

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kryptonite says:

    TRUMP winning in 2024! mark my words!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars albert apodaca says:

    There more afraid of vivek

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sagig72 says:

    There is no way Trump can win an election. Even if he was the only person to vote, he would still not win. There is just no way. Sorry.

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