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Holy smokes. Thank the lord, oh, my gosh. This morning's labor report was so good because of what was deep inside of it, not because of the headline numbers, but what it means for the fed rug poll. Folks, we got ta talk about this unemployment or employment report and why the market is still going to poopy dupes we're gon na talk about that right now in this video and if you need any solution for your stresses, remember just go to life to make Sure you sign up for life insurance.

You can get in as little as five minutes, despite the fact that we're still in pandemic and there's a war going on life. Okay, folks, this employment report was amazing and it again was not just because we had about 250 000 more jobs than expected. The bloomberg survey had us at about 423 000 jobs, uh the unemployment rate falling to about 3.9 percent. We ended up getting about 678 000 jobs, unemployment rate falling to 3.8, great fine, whatever uh and most sectors gaining, i mean almost - i i don't think there was actually a negative sector here.

Leisure hospitality gained the most 179 000 food and drinking places within that umbrella. 124K, professional business services - 95k 64k healthcare construction - 60k. I mean the economy is still hiring like absolute bonkers. Now i'll tell you.

This data was collected in a particular week within february and you're going to want to know what that week is, but i'll tell you that right after i tell you this now to really understand what the heck happened in february, which is the report we just got. We've got to understand what happened in january and why it was such a disaster in terms of what it could have signaled to us. So in january, earnings went up 23 cents. This was that blue section right here: 21 cents or 23 cents.

Rather, all the way up to 3163 31.63, so these are the average hourly earnings now in order to understand how much this actually went up. The correct thing to do is actually minus 23 cents here. So you end up with the old number. Now you can do a little bit of division and it's quite simple: you just divide the current number by the old number and then you're going to get a number that starts with 1..

So i'm going to divide this 31.63 divided by 31.4 and i get 1.00732 1.007 now. What we're going to do is we're going to subtract 1 from this, so we get rid of uh, so we just have the difference left and then we're going to multiply the rest by 12.. So we're going to subtract off one and then really what we're just multiplying by 12. Is this here right, so we're going to multiply 0.00732 times 12, and then we get this number that looks like this 0.088.

I'm rounding a little bit here, which is basically an annualized wage increase of move. The decimal eight point, eight percent, that's insane, okay, that is really really high, especially because last month inflation was seven and a half percent. This means the start of a wage price spiral, which is very, very bad for that to continue, because that basically means workers have more power to demand more wages more so than prices are actually going up and it could start a self-sustaining cycle of inflation. The director of the university of michigan consumer sentiment survey said that we are seeing evidence of a start of a con, a wage price spiral that is decoupling from supply chains, which means even as supply chains get better and prices go down.
Wages could just keep everything getting worse and worse and worse, that's like literally crisis mode. Worst case scenario: the federal reserve will force a recession pure fud, pure disaster. Everything goes to heck very, very bad. Well, folks, guess what happened here? Average hourly earnings of all employees were 31.58 little changed after large increases, so they stayed flat but wait.

A second wait. A second. This says 31.58, but wait. The last report we had said wages went up to 31.63 and going up to 31.63 was equal to an 8.8 percent increase.

That's why we were freaking out about a potential wage price spiral, but wait a minute. Now they just went back and said: no, no, no wages actually last month were uh 31.57. We went back and revised it and changed it, and now they went up one cent to 31.58. Like wait, a minute.

Wait a minute wait a minute! That's actually doubly good news, so what you're saying is wages did not go up to signify a wage price spiral in february, and this is not to say we don't want people to make more money right. It's just to say like in terms of an inflation aspect. This is good like they're up, but they're stable, but you actually revised them down so last month we actually only had wage growth of about 6.6, which is actually less than the inflation rate, which is not a signal of the wage price spiral. So not only do we have no wage growth now, but last month you took away the wage price spiral that you said there was so you said you were wrong last month and now you're revising the data.

Saying no no, never mind last month, wasn't even that bad! Okay, like wait a minute. This is actually really good news. This is really really good news, because the biggest fear the federal reserve has, in my opinion, is the potential start of a wage price spiral where they have to force a recession, and then we have to start fighting the fears of potential stagflation. What does this now mean that the federal reserve could potentially do well? They they have two options here.

They could potentially be more hawkish. Maybe they could raise rates more right because the labor market's doing so well, but i don't think they're going to do that, because we're actually seeing wages flat and now we're already seeing people's purchasing power go down because we're going to get you know. Look, we had 7.75 inflation last month right six point: six percent was the actual weight annualized wage growth for last month, which means a reduction in purchasing power this month, wages or last month. You know feb uh compared to january anyway, feb wages stayed flat, which means again a reduction in purchasing power.
So why would the fed decide? Oh, this report is going to make us go more hawkish. It likely won't the fed's likely going to stick with their 25 basis, point hike, hike hike. This report reiterates great: we've got a stable, labor market, but not one that's running away to where we have to be aggressive and try to dampen how much wages are going up nope. That is not a problem anymore, which is really good news, because it substantially reduces the chance of the federal reserve's rug, pull on top of that.

You probably, if anything, are going to keep the fed in a little bit more of a dovish direction, to try to support the labor market as much as possible while trying to control overall headline inflation, and so, in my opinion, that is that course of 25 basis. Point hikes consistently, so to me this is actually a great news. This is a very good report, i'm very very happy about this, but not everything is good because, unfortunately buried in this report, we find out when this survey was actually taken, and unfortunately this survey - not that necessarily it's going to make a difference. But this survey was taken around the 12th day of the month, which was about 12 days before the russian incursion.

I'm not sure how much the russian incursion is actually going to affect hiring, but this report does not give us any indication either or like. We certainly don't have any russia drama, i should say priced in to this report, so that is uh. That is worth noting. That next month is when we'll actually see what impact russia is potentially having on our jobs market, so that is an asterisk and an unknown.

However, the stock market cared momentarily. In fact, if we look at the pre-market here, we could see this is the nasdaq technology. Here we had a nice little bump on the jobs report, not much, but we definitely saw a bump here. Unfortunately, this all got sold off because of fears uh that russia has taken control of a nuclear power plant.

This is not like a nuclear weapons plant. It's a power plant in a specific region in ukraine. Unfortunately, this is also that city, where we saw thousands of individuals, line up trucks and sandbags and tires and stand there to defend the glory of ukraine. Well, unfortunately, that facility has been taken over by russians, and this is leading to increased fear that potentially this this war is going to drag on much longer.

That putin has no interest in negotiating a ceasefire, as we've seen in negotiations over the last day and, unfortunately that this could continue dragging on and out, which is terrible, uh it's. It is exactly why we are seeing wheat our index here for wheat skyrocketing. Let's go to the day chart here. Look at this you're, probably up about 50 to 70 percent here, which makes sense because wheat prices are up about 70 year-to-date, which is wild, and most of that has happened within the last 30 days.
Specifically because of the incursion in ukraine because of a substantial amount of wheat exports that come from ukraine now, the wheat harvest is not actually until august. So if this crisis is over within the next month or two and uh too many wheat fields were hopefully not destroyed. Well, let me make sure i said that correctly, let's hope many wheat fields weren't destroyed. Then i would expect wheat prices to plummet very, very, very quickly, so if you're short-term speculating on this great but just know when this turns it's going to turn fast.

So just just bear that in mind. Now it's it's also worth noting that uh some riskier plays are selling down right now, uh upstart, open door, qqq, look at how you've even got dave and buster's coming down. Five percent sofi kills it on earnings and just plummets here, a firm falling right. So there's a lot of pain in these more profitless, riskier sections, uh and, and that is normal uh.

That is normal. This is the kind of market where i do think it's a mistake to get into the riskier uh a profit, uh companies uh, and it's a mistake that i've made as well. I i try my best to limit the mistakes that i made and recognize them. When i, when i do make the mistakes, but what i'll do is i'll, do a portfolio update for everyone yeah in a different video and we'll take it from there so anyway happy to share this good news thanks.

So much for watching and folks, we'll see in the next one.

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25 thoughts on “Glory!!!! **excellent** news!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    Stupid video conjuring up good news from statistics taken in February when we have game changer events of war in March. I don't think leisure industry job growth is going to continue in March as the whole world goes into recession.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SheepMan says:

    So the fed is trying to keep our wadges from going up.

    Thats funny. Really funny. They cause rapid inflation and are hoping our wadges don't go up. WOW

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ptbigtimer says:

    “Revised” is another word for a cooked!! JPOW said yesterday they are looking at moving the goal line now for inflation…
    FED: Cool the numbers, change definitions, move the goal line, don’t use any formula, and blame a war or pandemic to hide how bad they are at their jobs!!! 🤷‍♂️🍻

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pomy Ali says:

    Hey Kevin, what's your intake on snow?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronpaulbot123 says:

    Fed will not provoke a recession because one is already coming.
    Still the net will be a generational inflation in my view.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ktomjr1 says:

    Bro, I don't get how you believe them. They lie, it's all lies.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ethan Cervantes says:

    Price precedes News Kevin…price moves first then media outlets find news to match the positive or negative move.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kramer 90 says:

    Kevin, I am sorry I ever trash talked you. Please start your market open and close streams again.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Adabachy says:

    The report was good which is honestly bad for inflation lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Sanders says:

    I like hearing the birds outside your window. Haven’t noticed that before.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NICK O says:

    Can we believe this to be true, or are they revising numbers however they think will fit their narrative??

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy says:

    Biden needed that data to be wrong last month because he used that as a talking point in one of his speeches. Saying how great things are and wages were going up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smartestmoronx19 says:

    So wages continue to not keep place with inflation… Still less money in my pocket

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars luis Hernandez says:

    Fckn Haters! Kevin is actually up overall since he sold and bought back in. How are you guys doing???? LOL. LFG KEVIN!!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reinaldo T says:

    You did the math wrong kev it’s iaght tho

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rex Yu says:

    From Taiwan here, we’ve just experienced the biggest electricity crisis in history yesterday, the facility is so old and no backup plans for grids, i believe we’ll soon face a big electricity shortage, could lead more chip shortages, tech inflation! Tsmc

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yadadamean116 says:

    Naw. Offsets inflation for now and next year wages will stay stagnant like the last 20 years

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars red32303 says:

    People’s unemployment ran out. Not surprising

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull Waves says:

    This Fake Report = Attempt to manipulate this inflated stock market.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob says:

    The only good news is extending your car warranty

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Kahng says:

    let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his content for us. Great joB

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Forsaken says:

    Kevin sold the bottom and bought the top!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Rappa says:

    With the high cost of everything the majority of people are going to have to cut down on just about everything six months from now these job reports are going to be a disaster

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thy says:

    Kevin, can we get a new coupon code, please?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! BIG EATTA says:

    If ur still watching this goof , how do u still have money to trade? ur portfolio lookalike arkk

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