Freetrade is lying to customers about the free share promotion they are running to attract new customers.
Their marketing materials say that customers can get a free share worth between £3 and £200 if they sign up using an affiliate link.
And that was a large part of how Freetrade got to 1,000,000 customers - most joining in the last few months.
But last week Freetrade changed the terms of their promotion without telling their customers.
And they are now primarily giving out shares worth just above £3 to the vast majority with a near-0% chance of getting a free share worth over £5.
And I am very unhappy about this because Freetrade has always stood for transparency.
And now they are dragging me in as a content creator because it now appears that I am also misleading my viewers in my content unintentionally.
And I do not like it at all. I especially do not appreciate that Freetrade refused to acknowledge there was an issue with free shares or make any attempts to discuss or address this issue.
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Hey guys it's sasha today we need to talk about free trade, because free trade has changed and not in a good way. I have used free trade and talked about free trade on my channel since they were much much smaller and i have had a lot of good things to say about them. If you go and look up free trade reviews right here on youtube, you'll see my review right up there. That has a lot of good things to say about free trade as well as their limitations.

If you want to know how to get started, look up free trade for beginners and there i am explaining how to get started with the platform. If you're wondering what the best investing app in uk is, you can look that up on youtube too and yeah. I'm there as well - and i also say a lot of good things about free trade in that video anyway. Today won't be one of those videos, because today i have something pretty bad to say about free trade, something they deserved, that people should know, and recently free trade passed the 1 million customer mark, and they have been very proud of that achievement.

They've gone from a small also ran platform that nobody's heard of to one of the big guns really genuinely in the uk and while trading 212 is currently banned from taking on new accounts. Free trade has been hoovering up customers throughout the year and to do that, free trade have used the classic free share method, let customers advertise to their friends and family, and if one of your customers then refers another both of those people get a free share and Then get a whole load of influences on board, including youtubers like myself, and let them do the same thing dish out them free shares to people joining and to the youtuber for referring them, and that has clearly worked a treat, because now, free trade has that one Million customer number and they have attracted those customers with offers of free shares worth up to 200 pounds. You might have noticed more recently that the messaging has had a subtle change of tone. It now says, instead of just the up to 200, it says that you can get a free share worth between three pounds and 200 pounds and in the last two weeks, free trade has decided to shaft their customers completely and start lying to them.

Instead and last week, i began getting some messages from people uh higher than i ex normally get number of messages who were saying that they signed up to free trade using an affiliate link and their free share was just over three pounds and they were saying it's Great that it's still free, but it seems kind of on the low side and yeah free trade have been giving out a range of shares over time and a lot of people wouldn't actually get shares at the lower end of the spectrum. That would be expected and the average of these shares over time hasn't been all that great. I have personally collected many thousands of these shares and my average has been seven pound fifteen. If you exclude a promotion that free trade ran at the end of august and beginning of september, where they raised the minimum share price to, i think it was ten dollars.
The average was six pounds 90 for me since i started and yeah that does sound a bit low when the ad says that it is up to 200, but there was a fighting chance of getting those high ones. You could sometimes get some of the bigger numbers. I would get a few shares in the 25 to 40 pound range per month and then even summon the 80 or maybe even 100 pound mark that did happen, but over time the number of these occurrences, the number of times you'd get those higher price shares has Been dropping and according to free trade, i get the exact same distribution of shares as any normal customer, so this should have been dropping for them too, but it's been quite gradual, but then, last week free trade decided to go and shake things up and i went And changed the way that free shares are being distributed, but they didn't let their customers know they didn't tell anyone. They didn't update the promotion.

It still says the exact same thing. It says that you can go and get a free share from three pounds to 200 pounds, except here is a fact for you. If you are considering applying for free trade, then feel free to go and use my link in the description below. If you really want to your chances of getting a share of over four pounds, is pretty much zero or extremely close to zero.

In fact, your chance of getting anything over five pounds pretty much is zero. After i got these messages, i went and looked at the numbers because you see i get quite a few of these free shares, so i can make some statistical analysis. I received 250 free shares from free trade since i began getting those messages and so 250 people who used my link also received their free shares and not a single one of the 250 shares that i received was over five pounds, not one. In fact.

Only a tiny, tiny handful were over four pounds. The average share price that i got in these two weeks is three pounds 43, and this is a problem because you cannot advertise a promotion saying you can get shares from three pounds to 200 pounds where there is no reasonable expectation of actually getting a share over Five pounds if there is not any kind of like sensible percentage of people who might possibly get a share of over five pounds, because if you are doing it, unfortunately you are a pathetic liar. I went and spoke to a bunch of other uk creators and between us. We have a sample of somewhere in the region of maybe 12 to 1500 free shares in this time period and everybody else got the exact same thing, nothing over five pounds, and i have a massive massive problem with this, because i have all of these other videos Out there, where i now feel i am misleading my customers.

I have videos where i talk about this promotion and i say what the terms are, and people will then use that information, because they trust me to make the decision to sign up to free trade, and it now appears that that information is incorrect, but free trade Won't go and say anything about it: free trade is lying to customers and they're, forcing their creators who trusted in the information that free trade gave them to also lie to their viewers, and i am not okay with this, because customers think that they can get a Free share worth up to 200 pounds, you see, it says it in the promotion and free trade are simply lying because under advertising standards, rules and the fca handbook. This is illegal. If you are advertising that there is a range, but do not give any expectation of how that range is distributed, and i specifically asked free trade and they refused to give me any data, customers should have a fighting chance. Something that most normal people would say is sensible or reasonable of getting a share somewhere in the range above five pounds and here's the thing i studied maths at university.
So i understand how you know, statistics and distributions work, but you really don't have to know much. Math to understand that when there are several hundred over a thousand free shares in a sample - and there are zero shares above five pounds in that sample - then it is quite unlikely uh. It is a very low chance that anyone is ever going to be able to qualify for a share of over five pounds. Certainly, within this time period - and you would expect you know if you're a customer and you're applying for a promotion that says from three to two hundred you'd probably say hey, maybe there should be at least eight.

You know a one percent chance that i might be able to get something over five pounds. Would you say that that would be a reasonable expectation? I i would say that it would be uh, so this really doesn't smell. Good 95 of all the shares being given out here are between three and four pounds at the lower end of that range. If free trade is giving these at random, as they say and as they should um, then given the sample, the mathematical possibility of getting anything over five pounds is a tiny fraction of a percent and getting anything even remotely close to 200 is basically as good as Zero, i spoke to free trade before making this video.

I spoke to them several days ago and gave the time and said this is not okay and i am not okay being their pawn and part of this and misleading my viewers. I said that changing the rules of promotion without notifying customers is not appropriate. It is not legal and it is not okay, and i can clearly see in the data in the last two weeks that they have changed the rules of this promotion. But they didn't tell anyone - and i said that i am happy for them to cut me out of the affiliate program if they dislike the direct approach that i'm using and they dislike this video.

Maybe they will, i don't know, we'll see what happens, but i urge free trade in that conversation to either come out and say that the policy has changed, say that the promotion is now different or fix the issue because, as it stands, they are not doing either And yesterday, free trade decided to go and dish out another load of free shares. Several days after i had that conversation and nothing's changed. The numbers are the same. So here we are doing this video and their official response, and i confirmed this on the call with the person.
The official response was that the promotion states that free shares range from three pounds to 200 pounds so because just over three pounds falls into that range. They feel that's completely okay and fair, and that is honest with their customers and it's a real shame, because free trade used to be all about transparency. Their ceo was openly mocking trading 212 when those guys went and did their bait and switch earlier. This year, free trade has always made a massive point out of being honest and upfront, but here we are having free trade delight to their customers and cheap out and giving out three shares.

Oh three pound shares only uh, that's one month's worth of iso fees that they're going to collect from the customer signing up for isis to acquire those customers. This is pretty pathetic, and the advertising standards isn't a big fan of this sort of thing. You might be surprised to hear first off the advertising standards clearly state that in the case of promotional marketing, there are very few circumstances when changing the tnc's of a promotion might be considered acceptable, and i would say that suddenly out of the blue only giving out Three pound shares and a promotion where you're telling customers that they might be able to get up to 200 is a you know: material change. Perhaps free trade should go and read the advertising standards code, section 8 that talks about promotional marketing.

You know like you would learn a thing or two if you bothered to actually do your homework, because in the vast majority, if the vast majority customers are receiving three pound shares, but only a tiny, tiny minority measured in a fraction of a percent - and that is The best argument that you can have here, given the data i have have a chance of getting anything above anything any of the high value shares. Then those high value shares, stop being gifts and they become prizes, and there is a big distinction: hey if you're watching this from free trade offices, it's not very difficult, go and read rule 8.19. I'm going to help you out here. It says if a promotion offers a gift to a significant proportion and a price to a minority.

Special care needs to be is needed to avoid confusing the two. The promotion must, for example, state clearly the consumers qualify for the gift, but have merely an opportunity to win the prize if a promotion includes in a list of prizes, a gift which consumers have qualified. The promoter must distinguish clearly between the two. Can you read yeah? So perhaps a one-liner that says that customers can get anything from three pounds to 200.
Pounds is, i would say, misleading at best, but here's another thing. The fca also happens to care about this. You will be glad to know because this is a financial promotion. According to the fca handbook and yeah, there's different handbooks for different circumstances and there's one for retail investment products too, and seriously go and read that handbook.

Perhaps i don't know if you can't go and hire a competent legal person who understands how to read because it states right there, a firm must ensure that a communication or a financial promotion is fair, clear and not misleading. Look, it even has a massive big fat title above that that states the words fair, clear and not misleading, which part of that did you not understand when you made that change last week, if you're a customer - and you see an offer, a marketing offer that says That you can get a free share from three pounds to 200 pounds. Do you think that perhaps it should be? I don't know at least a one percent chance that you could get a share above five pounds, because i can tell you now. The fca doesn't look too kindly on companies that lie in their ads and here's the thing as per usual.

I will be the only one talking about this, because free trade pay a whole lot of money to us. People on youtube. I personally have earned over 24 000 pounds from free shares from free trade and i'm fully aware that by making this video i'll probably say, bye bye to my free shares from free trade in the future, because they probably won't appreciate somebody standing up for the customer. So i can tell you now: i am not doing this video for the money and i'm not here to refer people to somebody else, as some people in some other communities have a legend.

I just don't care, i just don't like companies that lie to their customers and do bad things to their customers on purpose, and this is a prime case of exactly this lying to your customers. So i really hope that you either change that promotion as you should to something that isn't misleading or maybe go and fix that code that issues the free shares because, as it stands, you are no better than the people that you used to publicly laugh at. You have just joined the crowd now that you're a big platform making all that money, you've forgotten what you stood for in the first place.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “Freetrade lying to customers about free shares”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Marie Champagne says:

    Hello, I'm new to Bitcoin trade and l've been making huge losses but recently I see a lot of people earning from it. please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramin AK says:

    Hello , I’ve been asking this question from Sasha but for some reason I get no answer here so I do appreciate if anyone who knows the answer to this question, responds to it plz . My question is about owning more than one trading account! I live in UK and I've been under impression that you are only allowed to own/trade on one trading app only on ISA for example (at least that's what I've been told) and it seems to me Sasha for example owns and trades on more than one account. Am I getting the whole thing wrong?! If I’m trading on free trade for example , can I also open an account on EToro, as long as not exceeding my trading investment of 20K per year ?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Vethanayagam says:

    Someone is gone into "b*tch" mode lately. But truth to be told.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krishna says:

    Hey Sasha, I know the context is different, would you mind create video on Option Trading platform in UK please ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leigh Smithers says:

    I actually did receive a free Spotify share yesterday to my GIA after setting up a Freetrade ISA 3 weeks ago worth £210, I was super surprised. Great content Sasha, learning a lot 👍

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sennabus says:

    I’ve had 3 free shares, two at £5 and one at £12. This is over the last 18 months lol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB says:

    You shouldn't become dependant to revenue streams like this.. Focus on creating great content andthe money handles itself…. If not switch up

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saul Hughes says:

    'I'm angry because I'm misleading you'… Sureee that's why you're annoyed

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Elphinstone-Walker says:

    I've referred about 10 peeps and I've never had anything higher than £8 and the highest is £10 for the referred

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tuga131 says:

    Please Sasha do a review of Lloyd bank ISA , I believe no more commission on international shares but FX fee 1%.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Powell says:

    Do you have an idea of how much people are initially depositing into freetrade to get the free share? Recently they've done promotions for the sipp transfer/opening a new account, opening an isa/depositing at least 5k in a time period. It shows that the more people deposit/transfer determines what value of free share they'll get. Maybe everyone is adding too small an amount initially but ofc freetrade should show if this the case etc

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PrivateSniper says:

    I am moving my SIPP from freetrade to vanguard (has been in progress for a week or so), I don't like freetrade's pricing model, to get any interesting stocks you need to pay the 9.99/mo fee, which takes away a big part of your gains if your portfolio is not huge, my isa is with T212 still this year, considering also using vanguard for ISA next year as the S&P 500 is just so powerful, although i'm conflicted because I like to own individual stocks and if you pay into one you're committing to that for the year.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin says:

    Like Samsung, Xiaomi, and other phone manufacturers laughing at Apple for removing Jack but only to do it themselves

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Minshull says:

    Thanks Sasha, totally agree. Only ever had one free share from Freetrade, two days ago for £3.54. Feel we're being conned☹

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lutfi Gorkem Turan says:

    It is misleading indeed. I subscribed to a freetrade ISA account 2 weeks ago with your referral link. I topped up to the maximum ISA allowance and the way it is described I thought I would receive a £ 200 share. Have not received a penny yet!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grzegorz Kowalczyk says:

    This is probably new standards for companies like Freetrade and Trading 212. Good video Sasha.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Underwood says:

    When did the policy change. 6 weeks ago I joined Freetrade and got a Free EBay share which I sold for £55. However, I’ve found Freetrade to be poor in comprison to etoro.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haydn Corrodus says:

    Lol I like how he always plays the Samaritan. You lot understand how much money he’s making from the “free” shares. I ain’t even mad at it, but he always goes on like he’s not benefiting and it’s his love of the people why he making his videos 😂😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars george says:

    Sasha, be careful, you risk being sued for damaging a company’s brand with your rants.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Brunton says:

    Different company but I've wondered if Octopus energy is doing something similar. I've been with them for a year or two now, and each month you get to spin a virtual wheel when you do your meter reading. I've never once won. I'm "hoping" it's just that I'm not the quickest with my reading and by that point the prizes have gone, although the wheel makes it seem random at all times…

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IamGrimalkin says:

    I wouldn't automatically assume there's something malicious going on here.
    It could be that they just pick free shares randomly from the shares they have available, and they've just added a whole load of small-cap shares to their available shares which flood out the others.
    It's also possible they just have an error in their randomizer code, company employees are all human after all.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jshahful says:

    Thank you for this video – appreciate your honesty and integrity 👍🏽

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars urthface says:

    I got one of these sub-$4 shares this week 🙄 thanks for at least dispelling my perceived bad luck

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HornetGamer says:

    I have no idea whether this is fair or not, totally open to it being completely true. However, confused how he can have gotten 250 free shares in the last two weeks given that these changes involved restricting people to 10 free shares per calendar month.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J T says:

    I wonder about Trading 212 and Freetrade in so much as what would happen if there were substantial market collapses. It sometimes sounds like Trading 212 is barely able to survive in a bull market while Freetrade is doing something dodgy here as well. If the markets fell in a big way, sure, there'd be lots of money made in the collapse, but then if the regular small traders are kept out of them, how would these platforms have money to survive going forward?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pacifica 9 says:

    Poor Sasha – you've had to do your fair share of rants recently. 🙂 Your work is appreciated.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Christ says:

    In the past there weren't any limit where you could share your code for free shares…now ia to UP to 10 PEOPLE …ONLY

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex says:

    Palantir in the mud Sasha! Video incoming I sense 👀

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint says:

    The key is to use the platforms that are good for your INVESTING and view any ‘incentive’ solely as a bonus…I use free trade and it is a good platform. I didn’t get a free share but have done so with Stake (in mid 2020ish) and was given a Nike share around £110 at the time. I was lucky… important thing is to not let an up front marketing incentive be the reason you make a long term decision… good video, again! Thanks

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! uberpantz says:

    freetrade's pool of shares are all under $5 + the 1 share that is $200. technically they are not lying. dirty lol

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alistair Macqueen says:

    Great video as always Sasha. Always look forward to your honest reviews.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chinwart says:

    The vast majority of those 1 million investors won’t care less about free shares. I can understand why it pisses you or other influences off but as an investing app used for investing do you still agree with all the good things you’ve said about them in previous videos? What percentage of people do you think use the app to get free shares? How many of that 1 million are influencers? Obviously it’s a concern if the company are starting to lie to its customers as this could just be the start, but until they do then I reckon most will be extremely happy with the app as an investment platform.

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