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Chris @chrisheuwetter Instagram @traderdrysdale Twitter
Jess: @jess_trades on Instagram
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Wondering what I think the All Star Day Traders out there have in common? 🏆 Read this blog I wrote
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. So uh, we're gonna get started here I Wanted to let you guys know that I'm gonna be teaching a free class on Monday and the topic will be on what I'm going to cover. The couple of topics will be on finding setups in real time, timing your entries, and managing your risk, and I'm going to share with you the story of how I turned less than 600 583.15 to be precise into over 10 million dollars in trading profits. and I know that some will find that hard to believe.

So I already pulled up my um, my broker statements for you so you could take a look at it. Uh, this is actually my, uh, my audit. My broker statements audited from 2017 through the end of 2021 which showed as I Scroll down here: a return of 1 million 645, 475 percent, 87 average monthly return and then in dollars I started with 583 dollars there in January 2017. and uh, I was at 9.5 million at the end of last year and I've now crossed over uh, 10 million in trading profits with an average monthly return of 159 000.

So this is audited. This is real money and I share this with you. Not because I want you to think my results are typical, not because I think that uh I want you to assume that trading is risky because it's not or trading is easy because it's not. Trading is risky I show it to you because I want you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is real money because there's a lot of people out there that do talk a big game, but they don't have the actual profits to back it up.

So I put my broker statements on the website which you guys can see anytime you can go to about and you can see 2022. Uh, just for my latest ones. but these are all right here all my broker statements. So every month here from when I started this small account with 583 dollars Now um, the topic of the webinar will be sharing with you the strategy that I've been trading during this Challenge and I have right now about 12 million in gross profit and over 22 000 trades.

Now those 22 000 trades I've taken all of those have become data and what I can essentially do is I can data mine all of those trades and draw conclusions about the way I trade, what works and what doesn't work and this is what gives some um, you know, some real conviction behind the trading strategy. They trade every single day. I know based on all this historical data that this is a successful strategy my Approach for trading momentum. So we we and we'll We'll really look into this in a lot more detail when we get in the class, but we'll we'll talk about the days and times where I make the most the price and volume of stocks I make the most Market behavior of when I trade the most winning loss, expectation, liquidity.

We're gonna go into all of those details during the free class because I want to share with you all of the insights that I've gained from all of this data. Essentially for you as someone who's out there as a beginner. Trader Uh, you have the benefit of of me being able to say here's a strategy that I've been trading for more than 10 years. Okay, I've been trading the strategy for a long time through a lot of different markets and and here's the result: If you are thinking about learning how to trade, you need to find a strategy.
I'm not saying my strategy is going to work for you, but it is a profitable strategy for me and I think it's valuable for you as an aspiring Trader to try to really understand it. And if you want to practice trading at it and practice a simulator and see if you can really get a feel for it, then by all means you should. and maybe it'll be a good fit for you and the only way you'll know is by giving it a try. So uh so anyways, that's going to be Monday at uh, 1 P.m Eastern and I actually put a link uh, right down in the description which you guys can check out.

Um, so if you haven't already checked it out, make sure you check that out. So that link in the description, let's see. Um, let me let me open up this window. Here you go.

So that link in the description is going to pop up This window right here where you can register to the class Monday at 1pm. All right. So that's coming up. Um, this week and I actually got a I've gotta up to hang on? Let me I don't know why that's updated the I'm just gonna ask my developer to update that real quick.

Um, this is old. that's from the last class that I hosted. although it goes to show that I don't teach these classes very often. So um, this is going to be Monday November 21st at 1 pm.

Eastern All right? So Monday November 21st 1 pm Eastern you can see the registration uh right here so make sure you guys register for that. Um, one of the things that I've been thinking about. uh, quite a bit in this market is for new Traders out there. What is the um, what is the best way to approach trading through choppy markets? Because obviously we've seen a lot of volatility.

And I think one of the things that you need to be focusing in on which one of my students has gotten really good at? his name is Manoli. he was. um, let's see I believe my fourth student to cross over a million dollars in trading profits. He's at about 2.5 million right now and he talks a lot about trading.

The theme now: I Want to show you these two stocks from today because I think this is a really good example of Market sentiment. So I'm going to actually make these these are two different stocks, but notice how similar the five minute pattern is. Okay So if we look at these stocks here, I'll make this a little bit bigger. This was a bit of the theme today.

the theme was both of these are recent IPOs All right now, many of you know that I'm a big fan of trading recent IPOs I talk about all the time one and I'll I'll share the reason I like in a second but for right now, let's just look at the chart. so grnd this makes a squeeze up kind of. At the open, it's a little bit choppy and that starts this really strong move here where it tops out at about 11 A.M Okay, this one squeezes up here and tops out just a little earlier at about 10 am. Very similar pattern.
They both go up. they drop back down, this drops back down quite a bit more, and then pops back up right here at about 11 40. This pops up right here also at about 11 40. and then it drops down at about 12 45.

this drops down here at about 12 45 1250. So these started trading really closely together and this is super common when you have one stock that's really strong. What you'll often see is sympathy momentum that carries over over to the next stock, the next stock in the next stock. And so what you'll have is a series of stocks that are all within the same theme.

These are stocks that are hot, They're moving quickly, and they share something in common. In the last few months, we had a big surge in September on recent IPOs Specifically that were Chinese right and so many of you recall, we had HKD which I could show you the chart on um, real quick. HKD makes an absolutely explosive move. Let's see.

So I'll do this chart here. So HKD went up um to about 2 500 a share. All right. So this thing went absolutely crazy.

Let's see. let me get this full screen that was right here. Recent IPO I mean this chart is unbelievable. Look at how high that went.

I Mean you know that this is like you think GameStop is crazy. This went from about ten dollars a share all the way up to two thousand five hundred dollars a share. but it did come back down. So within this a setup here, there's a lot of volatility and volatility creates opportunity.

Whether you're trading to the upside of the downside, long or short, volatility is what we're looking for, But ultimately, your biggest responsibility as a Trader is to manage risk. Every single day, you have to manage your risk so you have to sit down. you have to ask yourself how much do I stand to gain on this trade and how much am I losing potentially on this trade? What's my profit to loss ratio? What's my risk setup? And so one of the things that we'll talk about in the class on Monday is my Approach for managing risk. So you know there are many times where I'll say to myself, gosh, I really I could have made a lot more today.

Um I wish I had done a little bit better and you know that's fine to feel that way. But the reason on those days usually that I didn't make more is because I was thinking first about risk and second about profit. When you think first about profit, oh, I could make this much of this much this much you can take, you can end up inadvertently taking an obscene level of risk to try to chase those gains and that can obviously be a disaster. So what? I try to approach first is thinking about the risk on a trade now.

every now and then I'll find myself, you know, catching Fomo. If you're missing out and slamming that buy button and top ticking a stock, you know as it adds. Peak I Try to avoid doing that. It does happen from time to time.
I'm not completely immune to it, but more and more, especially in this market. I've been trying to train myself to hesitate and wait for something to really prove itself. and then when I take the trade to take it in a calm, calculated way where I'm taking measured risk with a very set idea of what my profit potential is. and when you have a stock like a HKD where you have a five ten dollar spread, it's going to be very hard to manage risk.

And so naturally these ones are going to be difficult. and and for sure something like an Satx today, that one's going to be difficult as well. I did make some money on it. um, you know, but it but um, uh uh.

grnd actually lost on it. All right I mean this was um, oops, wrong, um ticker? Let's see. So grnd I actually lost on it which was kind of disappointing because you know the stock ends up making a big move and um, you know I I just ended up sort of mismanaging my trade, but you know I'm still green and all in all, the risk is managed. There are so many traders that, especially in cold markets, they'll start to get desperate, They'll start to get frustrated, and then that can lead into this kind of behavior of flailing um, which is which is really not good.

Now let's go back and talk for one second about uh, why I like recent IPOs So much so for those just tuning in, I'm going to teach a free class Monday at 1 pm Eastern Let's see refresh this page. Um, look at how fast my developers are All right. So Monday 1 pm Eastern There you go, All right. So Monday 1 pm Eastern um I'm gonna teach free class I'll be talking of course about the strategies that I use to turn 583 into over 10 million in trading profit.

And no, my results are not typical and there's no guarantee that you'll find success where you trade on your own. you'll learn from me. So please manage your risk and trade cautiously. But one of the things I want to show you here.

Uh so for those tuning in, you can register there. Let's see. Let me go into so if I go into my day trading course on strategies and scaling, let's see in chapter 8 Under Momentum Trading I have this setup called the Recent IPO Breakout. We have the recent IPO breakout there and we also have the Blue Sky High Blue Sky all-time highs and we also have the special acquisition company.

So what I have noticed is a little bit of a theme where we've been seeing stocks that were special acquisition companies. They do a merger which is what happened with Grindr they did a merger and then all of a sudden we see this big squeeze up. So let's go into my class. So this is day trading, the basics and we're going to go into part two on strategies and scaling and we're gonna go down here.
So we've got breaking news, reverse splits, and recent IPOs So over my years trading I have noticed that this daily setup of the recent IPO breakout is especially powerful. So these are a few recent IPO breakouts: Cltx recent IPO right Gnpx recent IPO I Am and Imte recent IPO Excel recent IPO Lmpx recent IPO That was a really good one. Uh, was this W-i-m-i recent IPO a really strong one. This was a recent IPO and you'll see these happening again and again and again.

One of the things that it's important to realize is that these patterns in the market, they repeat themselves. They keep happening again and again and again. So what is the underlying structure that allows this pattern to keep emerging? I Think that's really kind of the big question here. All right.

So the underlying structure that allows recent IPOs to make such a big move is based on a couple of things. Number one: when a stock does an initial public offering, a true IPO for instance, There is almost always a lockup. All right. So there are insiders that have stock, but they are not allowed to sell their stock for a period of time or following the IPO That's one of the terms of an initial public offering, so they the company does an IPO But then insiders cannot sell.

So first, you have institutional traders that accumulate positions during the IPO and this is part of the underwriting process and part of the the company doing its Road Show and getting interest among institutional. Traders They get shares and of course retail. Traders can get shares as well and when a stock first begins Trading Whatever the float is, the actual number of tradable shares is always going to be very low because there's just a huge portion of those shares that is not free. A free float.

Because they're tied up, they're locked up. And so the benefit there is that you essentially have a stock that is in high demand and has a very limited level of supply. And that's why when we get these IPOs we can see really, really big moves. now.

The Chinese IPOs that we had earlier this year were particularly impressive. Those were some of the biggest moves that I've actually ever seen. And so one of the other themes that we've noticed is that we've had Cycles where Chinese stocks have been really, really high. Now, there's a lot of speculation in rumor around why that's the case.

Specifically with Chinese stocks. It hasn't been the case really with um, stocks of from other countries that are listed on the US exchange, but it's been very prevalent among the Chinese stocks. Do you want some of these so you know you could speculate as much as you want? Um, you know. Ultimately, there's probably very few people that really know the true answer of why those Chinese stocks can be so volatile.

But we've seen that there's a pattern there. Um I don't you can look over there I Think so. We've got a recent IPOs we've got the Chinese stocks, we of course have um SPAC mergers and we have recent reverse splits and we have blue skies. all-time highs.
So when you've got a blue sky setup, it's when a stock is at all-time highs the highest the stock has ever been. And this is an area where a stock uh, at least in theory has no resistance because it's at all-time highs. It's above any possible resistance that it previously had. So the the buying that you would see is a combination of people who are covering short positions because they're getting squeezed as a stock makes new highs.

and if you have a stock that still isn't a lockup because of the terms of an IPO then as it makes those new highs which is what we end up seeing on something like Satx that can be especially powerful. And so that's how you have a stock here that goes from ten dollars a share to eighty dollars up 800 percent in like five days. I've learned these patterns in the market well enough that when I see a stock starting to meet those criteria I'm very interested it. There is no guarantee there's no way I knew back here when I was at 20 that this would be the one that would go to 80.

Because we've also seen stocks that have done this kind of pattern and they go up to 20 and maybe 25 and then they start to sell off. So although history doesn't repeat itself exactly the same, there's a lot of similarities. and there's a lot of things that we can learn from these past examples. So you know every time I see an example like this: I archive it I end up adding it to the classes you know for Traders that are attending the classes because these are really good examples and one of the things that I would encourage for you guys.

Um, I I've heard the feedback that many Traders are struggling during this market. We've been in a bear Market that's now been, you know, 11 months long. Essentially, So this whole year has been a bear. Market If we look at the S P 500, you can see the overall Market is.

um, it's rallied back up a little bit. but um, but generally we're still. You know, we're well off our highs. Fortunately, we're off our lows, but we're coming into a bit of descending resistance up here, so if you look at where we've come from, we've certainly experienced a pretty substantial drawback in the market right then, and it's been sustained.

So this is definitely a different Market that we're trading in right here through 2022 then what we had in Uh I guess the second half of 2020 and through most of 2021.. this is a market that is going to force traders to adopt a practice of being patient and disciplined. They are to survive because you will not make it as a Trader If you can't be disciplined and you can't be patient cold markets, this is the time when you can start to get frustrated. And when you start getting frustrated and you do not just step back, you can take yourself a hole really, really fast that you won't have much of a chance to to get out of.
Because unfortunately, this is a market where you're getting just a lot of small base hits and not a lot of really big home runs. That's not to say that there are some home runs out there that some people have had, but those opportunities are a lot fewer and further between than they were between 2020 and 2021. So one of the things that um, so I had a session with Ted earlier today Ted runs the trading Psychology program here at Warrior and many of you guys um, know Ted very well. So let's see um he he and I co-taught Trader rehab and um he taught this trading psychology course so both these are available for warrior Pro members and this one's available for warrior uh Plus members.

But Ted also hosts Mentor sessions So oops. If we look at the mentor session uh, calendar you will see that Today he was on the calendar for 1pm Trader Psychology session. There you go, There you go. So one of the things that Ted was telling me because: I I you know I like many of you I feel like oh, this has been this has been a tricky year I haven't uh I'm not doing as well as I wanted to do.

Now you know of course it's important to keep perspective I'm still doing quite well. Uh, I really have no reason to complain, but uh, like many Traders I'm competitive, I'm aggressive and I set a goal for myself at the beginning of the year and I've come up I'm coming up short on that. and so I was talking to him about how I'm feeling kind of burnt out I'm feeling kind of frustrated because I've been I've been grinding on bass hits and hey, they're good bass hits but I miss the Feast of a big winner right? I miss having six figure days or a seven figure week so you know I'm I'm finding myself getting a little impatient and having a hard time. sort of sticking with an idea if it doesn't work right away.

I'm like, oh, forget it I don't care, but then some of them work. So I'm finding emotion bleeding into my trading a little bit. and anytime you notice this and like I said, I'm not immune to it and nobody probably is anytime. I find this.

Um I I try to look back carefully at you know what's been working, what's not been working. So for instance, earlier this year in June you may recall I ran into a little bit of a a roadblock. Let's see if I'll get my metrics up here for the month of June. So let's see, we'll just start with um, we'll just go back to here.

All right. So so let's see. um uh I want to do a detailed and then win loss expectation? Okay, so this was January for me. so January you know I came off a really hot month in November and December January boom had a little bit of a setback I was up 100 Grand and then had a set back in January I was able to Rally back up of course.

um but things kind of slowed down for me through, you know April May just kind of slower progress and in June I started getting really frustrated. I was like wow I am like not having these big green days. it's just I'm kind of grinding on these really small green days and I had a day in June where I snapped uh and that was on June it was. It was these two days right here.
Uh, it was the first. It was this these two days. So in these two days I lost eleven thousand dollars and in that I gave back everything I had just made in the last week of trading. and so for those of you out there who have ever given back everything you've made in a week or two weeks and two days, you know how frustrating it is.

So naturally I was frustrated I was I was just I was really, really frustrated because I was feeling burnt out. you know I'd been grinding for a couple of months not producing huge winners and I was just feeling burnt out. So what I decided to do is I said, you know what, that's it I'm done trading with Big size. this Market isn't even Worthy of my share size Max size Monday 6 000 shares and that lasted for about uh, two days.

I very quickly was like okay, 6 000 shares was a little bit of an overreaction I can't go all the way down to six thousand shares and I had been trading with like 50 to 60 75 000 shares up until that week. So I was like six thousand is too small. so I'm gonna cap it at 10 000 shares and I kept my share size capped at 10 000 shares and I left it there I finished the month of June uh in okay shape, you know I didn't crush it but I I recouped the losses no doubt I had ten thousand dollar day there five thousand, seven thousand. another red day here.

Uh, but you know I did recoup I Went on to have uh, a great month of July only two red days in July and those days red days were super super small. They were small red days finished with an eighteen thousand dollar Green Day and then I went into August with a no red month, not one red day in August and this was my best month of the year and it was really great to start with sixty thousand dollars of profit in the first week with a 28 000 Green Day here and a twenty six thousand dollar Green Day there. At this point I increased my Max share size from 10 000 shares to fifteen thousand. It was around this time continue trade through the month of August increase my Max share size to twenty thousand going into September.

Pretty solid, right? Not bad. not a bad month finished at a hundred and thirty thousand dollars in profit. Still share size is pretty small and then we come into October. This is where things have started to unravel.

So coming into October I had a really slow start to the Uh to the month, you know I just kind of a slow start. I had a good day here. A good day here. but then I had the biggest red day on the 19th that I had had in like six months that I'd had since June that was upsetting.

and then two days later I have an even bigger red day 6 500 and then another red day on the Monday recouped some on this day and then another big red day here here and then a Green Day on Halloween. So this ended up being my worst month of the year until I made back 6800 on Monday of Halloween. So at this point I started to feel a little a little bit frustrated and absolutely my emotions were picking up. I was over trading the day I was down 700 I traded 31 trades not because there were a lot of opportunities, but because I was trying to fight off having a red day this day here.
27 trades, 18 trades, 14 trades, nine trades on this day, 17 trades on this day. So October was my second worst month of the year and uh, I imported a couple of trades for um November but I actually decided to stop importing trades for November I said, you know what? this is what I'm gonna do I need to do a couple things. So number one, when I hit my last roadblock in June I reduced my share size to a cap of 10 000. well, I've only gone back up to 20.

So I could scale back down to 10 but I'm already scaled down pretty small in share size so I don't feel like scaling down is exactly the solution here. Um, so what I decided to do uh was to free myself of the burden of looking at my P L every day and measuring where I'm at on the month. And this is hard because a lot of us get into this habit of measuring where we're at on the day, therefore the week, therefore the month there for the year. And so we're constantly staring at this measuring stick that's comparing how we think we should be doing with how we're actually doing or how we were doing at one point in where we're at now and that can be a really negative emotional influence.

Um so one of the things that I was talking with Ted about today, he was talking about this poem that he read titled lost I believe that was the title and that the first thing that you do when you feel lost is to stop. So my son over there, uh, he got. he got stuck in a lawn chair uh the other day and as I saw him uh, trapped inside the lawn chair, he began to freak out. He was flailing his arms and he wanted someone to help him get out of there.

and so what I said to him I said all right. All right. First of all, the first thing you need to do, stop wiggling around. you're okay and I'm going to help you get out of here.

and of course, uh, it reminded me as I thought about that today of my experience trading. how sometimes we can find ourselves in these, um, you know, areas of our career. our journey where we start flailing and we're probably an outsider. Can easily say the best thing for you to do is just to stop moving or to stop Trading But against maybe better judgment, we continue to flail.

We get desperate. We start taking a lot of risky trades and in one day we can snowball and we can accumulate massive losses that could take um, weeks or months or even years or to recover from or which may be so big they're not even recoverable. That's that would be certainly the worst case scenario. So as I see myself in a little bit of a cycle of getting frustrated I had a trade earlier this week.
I was up about 6 000 on that day I think it was Monday it was Tuesday um I felt like my trade I I recognized it almost exactly as I took it that I was emotionally charged because basically what I did is I said screw it I'm just gonna throw a big order out there. What the heck, let's just see what happens. So I threw out 15 000 shares of orders and I got filled a pretty good position and you know what? I ended up making six thousand. But when I was first in the trade, my unrealized loss because of the spread was like minus five thousand and I was like as soon as I got in I was like what are you doing why are you taking this much risk? Your job is to sit here and manage risk and I knew that it was because of that frustration that impatience that's been getting to me.

and when you start to get impatient, you're getting a short fuse. Which means your ability to exercise that muscle and to use that muscle discipline starts to get. really, it starts to get really hard. So I had to trade like that on Monday or Tuesday I had another trade like that on I don't know Tuesday or Wednesday And so then coming into Thursday and Friday I was like you need to just slow down, You need to take it slow and not get yourself wrecked.

This is not the market to be taking that kind of risk and you know I say that and then of course we end up seeing a couple of really big moves today and I traded Satx very conservatively and although I made money on it, um, there was a part of me that was a little kicking myself for not really stepping up to the plate to try to knock one out of the park, but that's focusing on Greed that's focusing on profit that's not thinking about risk. The reason in the moment that I didn't was because I knew if I slammed a market order on that trade with a two or three point spread you know with 3 000 shares I'd be down 10 grand. Unrealized. Sure if it goes up three points, it's a winner if I sell on the ask, but if it goes up three points, it still has a three-point spread.

I'm only Break Even it needs to go up six points to sell on the bid and realistically the risk at the times I was looking at it did not warrant uh it Justified the reward potential and so I had to trade it with small size and so I'm glad I made some money on it. maybe 1900 or something like that. but I didn't crush it. Um, you know and this is because right now I am trading uh, in a little bit of a more I'm being a little bit timid, a little bit cautious.

Those can be good traits. They can also, uh, hold you back sometimes when I think I hear more often are traders who say I wish I knew how to sort of ease off the throttle I'm pushing way too hard in a cold Market How do you? How do you get good at just like not slamming those orders when Market's slow and you know to be honest, it's taken a long time and I'm not always great at it. But I think that experiencing some of those really big losses and knowing how quickly like for real I could be down 30 grand. doing something like that on one of these stocks for me is what's keeping me in check.
I don't want that drawdown right now. There's other markets like last year where I could afford a 30 000 red day knowing I'd probably make it back the next day. But right now I don't feel like I'm there. So my So over the last, um, you know, over my career of trading over the last, um, several years, I've been focusing uh, generally speaking on the same exact strategy.

My strategy is for the most part unchanged. All right. So I am a Momentum Trader I look for stocks that are moving I look for stocks that have volatility and I Look to jump on I have a number of different Um setups that I'll trade a number of different sort of subsets of Momentum Trading, which I'll talk about more in the class um, at one o'clock But if you look at my syllabus here, this is day trading The Basics: This is my advanced class. So for Gap and go trading for instance, I have seven unique setups that I focus on for General Momentum Trading I have eight unique setups sorry, um, a set eight unique setups right here: Pullback: ABCD half dollar whole dollar micro pullback buy and break a high a day view app buying into out of halt and dip buying those are the the eight main ones.

There's others in here like entries off ascending, descending support Head and Shoulders patterns. Uh WIC reclaim that I'm not. Don't have an entire Um section dedicated to but of course those examples are part of the Uh the live trading archives for members to watch. but live trading archives are, let's see right up here.

But for me, I've been doing this for long enough that I have a lot of faith in my ability to trade momentum and that really is backed up by a lot of historical data. And so for those of you guys out here that are tuning in because a friend suggested this video and are checking it out for the first time, I Hope that you will check out the class that I'm going to teach I will most likely make a replay of it available so those of you who missed the live class can watch on the replay and that's fine when the replay is no longer available. I'll just take this video offline. so um, so people won't see it anymore.

so if you're watching it, the replay is still most likely available. you know, or obviously class. you know it's it's Friday now. Classes on Monday class hasn't started yet, but um I I would encourage you to really try to study and to learn a strategy that someone else is trading that works I Know that it's going to sound biased here, but I Really don't care if you learn from me or you learn from someone else, but I really think that you should learn from someone that actually is a profitable Trader Number one, Number Two is articulate in their communication of the strategy that they trade because one of the criticisms that I've heard a lot not about me, but about other Educators is that there's a lot of Education that's about General General topics of trading which is important but that a lot of classes lack this bridge from the theory of yeah I made 150 000 trading this stock I I bought it and it went up and that's how much I made Okay, that's great, but then how did you actually find that stock like in real time? How did you find it? What tools did you use? out of all the what were the other stocks you were looking at that you made the decision to choose that one instead of this one.
and then when you finally chose it, what was your process for pressing the buy button and what was your stop? What was your risk and so I thought that what I had to focus on um was really hey, hey I don't want you to do that. Excuse me girl, those goldfish are not for you so um, sorry I lost my track I thought there for a second but um yeah I think my my goal has been to try to bridge that Gap by showing you at least for my strategy, the nuanced details of how I find stocks to trade. How I tie my entries and exits and you know that's all. Thank you, thank you! That's all.

obviously reflect in the class, so learn from me if you want. If you think my strategy is a good fit for you, learn from someone else. If you want, um, you just have to find someone that is actually a profitable Trader um I I Think you're going to do yourself a really big favor there. There is more information out there on the internet for um, day trading then you could possibly consume.

so you have to make a choice of what you're going to consume. You have to filter it out. So what's the criteria that you're going to use to filter out who do I learn from? and I I think that you know, not that it wouldn't be interesting to hear from like an MIT Well, I don't know. I mean not not necessarily graduate, but maybe a professor or um, you know, a hedge fund I Don't know someone who knows a lot about the market, but isn't exactly a Trader that could be interesting.

You could certainly learn something from someone that's not a traitor but has other qualifications that a lot of the market experience. Maybe a maybe someone who's like a developer who knows a lot about Market structure and you know how orders are routed and things like that. I Don't know. but but you know ultimately, when you're trying to figure out how to trade, you need a strategy and that's what a lot of people don't have.

And so to learn a strategy I Think you can really only learn that from someone who's actually trading? So anyways, like I said, learn from whoever you want. At the end of the day, you need to make some effort to try to figure out whether or not this is actually for you. And I think by the end of the class on Monday you'll have a pretty good sense of whether or not you want to keep learning about trading. I'm not going to sugarcoat it I'm not going to tell you it's easy because it's not I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear I'm going to tell you the truth that this is hard and for the few that find success, it's a phenomenal, amazing career.
I Couldn't imagine doing anything else. Figure out whether or not you have what it takes. all right. So I want to help you in that Journey if I can and I'll share with you the tips and tricks I've learned along the way.

what do you want to do? Take this off? Yeah, okay and I hope to see you guys! Um Monday at one o'clock All right. So I will be uh, probably tuning in over the weekend to teach a or to do a class on um, my game plan for the week ahead. So I'll do my game plan for the week ahead. um, probably on Sunday and So I'll come on and give you guys another reminder to make sure you register for my class on Monday But uh, you're welcome to register now and we'll send you guys, uh, some study material that you can look at over the weekend.

So make sure you check that out. And um, you know, if you really are interested in learning more about trading, dedicate a little bit of time this weekend to studying and join me in our class on Monday and I think you'll have a pretty good sense of whether or not this is something that you should keep pursuing at the end of that class. Okay, so uh, that was all I wanted to come on here and share with you again those watching this after the fact. uh, if the video is still up, it means you can check out the replay.

So I'll pin the links in the comments and thank you guys as always for tuning in. Thank you for hitting the thumbs up! Really appreciate all these um Loyal YouTube subscribers. You guys are the best! So I'll see you back here. Uh, probably on Sunday afternoon.

All right. I'll see you then. Take it easy everyone.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “Free day trading class monday at 1pm the topic: finding setups, timing entries, and managing risk”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Mullins says:

    Hi, I’ve been watching you and Jason for awhile now and think you both do a great job. Thanks for all your hard work and keeping those of us still in the crypto market up to date. I really appreciate your regular looks at ETH, SOL, MATIC since I have positions in all of them. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise 16 btc when I started at 9 Btc in just few weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from Susan Kokat . Cheers mate.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KCINAZ says:

    Wow! I’m very excited to sign up for your class. Please keep it available for replay, as I have an appt. at 11 AM (1 PM EST). I’ll be rushing home to watch it! Everything you said is what I’ve gone thru after only 7 weeks trading. I’m still up OVER my initial investment, yet down this week 50% on my profits. I had planned on not thinking about the market over the weekend, yet seriously want to keep learning. I’m 64 yrs old, my hubby is 75 and still works 12 hr days. He loves what he does, and says he’d be bored if he retired, my goal is to payoff our home in next couple years (or sooner). Your videos are amazing and very educational! Thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Reynolds says:

    6 figure days…..7 figure weeks? Damn, I’m just trying to hit 4. Also, love that you’re so casual helping your kiddo get some snacks mid video. Real. This is what I want for my family.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danay Puebla says:

    Thank you Ross, will sign up for Monday’s class,

    Thank you again!!!😊

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WSmart1 says:

    You don't teach kids to listen. You win them over to choose to listen.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WSmart1 says:

    Need bot stops to help manage risk. Market moves too fast. Would also be nice to have a bot for scaling in too. Set your target share size and let the bot scale in and manage the risk. Market moves too fast to do the job justice manually. Order, order, order, out, flat, tight.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Kostantewicz says:

    brilliant advice, appreciate you

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Federico Panvini says:

    Hey, is it your strategy valid on the forex market? Have you ever tried it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelique Laizure says:

    excited for class on Monday!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Er1971 says:

    Taking the class Monday

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Er1971 says:

    Thank you for this video I am talking the class Monday.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Wolf says:

    I feel ya with the mis management today. I lost on SATX and profited in Grnd almost exactly the same for a wash on the day. I found I was leaving a lot of the table with my winning trades a few weeks ago and have been trying to hold some longer while still taking profit on the way up, but I’m finding my self to now be losing more than I’m winning. Granted I’m still learning and am looking foreword to the free class on Monday. Thanks for your time and what your doing to help the community here.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron says:

    Stock Price Forecast

    According to 7 stock analysts, the average 12-month stock price forecast for MULN stock is $23.46, which predicts an increase of 8608.24%. The lowest target is $23.23 and the highest is $24.15. On average, analysts rate MULN stock as a buy.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rndhld says:

    2022 have been about patience and trading smaller for me. When the market is getting wild i push the pedal to the metal and when it's not i watch the market and sit on my hands and trade option spreads. GRND today though, whoo-hooo! haha! Made more money there that the entire month so far by alot. Cheers!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Film Master says:

    I’ve been watching your channel for 2 years now and I would like to learn more but not sure where to start.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Film Master says:

    Can I join your school and how much will it cost?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TVTyree says:

    Thank you for your time!
    I’m still new to this world
    I’m about 6 weeks in strictly studying
    Using TD for paper trades it’s going well.
    I’ve developed a trade plan for when I do start as well. I am excited to progress.
    I wish success upon anyone on their journey out there!
    Take care
    Bye for now.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:

    Have you checked the p&L distribution to see what stocks you have made the most money on ✅

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Ortiz says:

    Webull stinks for paper trading. It doesn't have hot keys. You have to manually put in the order amount everytime you click

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uri Nation says:

    What paper trade simulator do you recommend?

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