Find Your One Reason | Mindset Monday
Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you truly believed in, only to break it a few weeks or months later? What caused you to give up? There are a million reasons to quit, but you only need one reason to keep going.
For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated about changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!
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this is what i'm gonna do this is what it's all about this is what i'm doing this this is the time you ever thought about quitting why do most people quit why do most people not follow through why do most people break their own promises why do they break their own commitments i think about it all the time i look at my own life i look at the people the men and women that i've been blessed to coach i think about uh all these extraordinary people that show up to our events and they write down this is what i'm gonna do this is what it's all about this is what i'm doing this this is the time and yet most people don't follow through most people break their promises break their commitments with their kids with their spouses with their business with their finances they don't follow through and the question is why and i know if you sat and you said have i done it before you'd say the same thing i have yeah of course i've done it before do i feel good about it no but why and you know what i've discovered people have tons of reasons why they don't follow through tens of reasons why they can justify or rationalize breaking that promise tens of reasons why they can say yeah but it was just a one-off there was just this one situation but you know what i know you only need one real reason why to follow through and i would argue that the real case for life a life at level 10 is to find that one reason why that one driving force that one thing that just aligns you that has you see through all the and just follow through being a man being a woman of your word all the time and being that person that others can rely on i think that's the whole game you sit here on this monday and you reflect on last week the call you didn't make the appointment didn't book the deal that got away and i would argue that if this week just for this week you focus on that one burning reason why your why ultimately is going to determine your real action if you know why it is an absolute must for you if you know why making this phone call even if i'm delivering bad news i still have to do it i gotta follow through i told my kid i'm picking you up at school i told my wife we're going out on a date whatever it is follow through follow the schedule execute you do that you have a life by design otherwise you got a life by default and i don't know you written right here on my arm you should google the death clock tuesday august 16th 2016. that's the day i'm gonna die you know what we're all running out of time and the one thing i don't want to do is be on my deathbed saying i made a whole bunch of promises myself that i didn't follow through on i want to be on my deathbed surrounded by people i love knowing that i kept my integrity right and i falled through and i executed my face off and that's why i'm here and i'm at peace.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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