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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another video something new something a little different from the crypto bedazzled jazzel. Did that make any sense, probably not well. We went ahead and got a full reaction. Video coming from graham reacting to my millennial money episode, a little uh reaction.

Section i'm gon na be reacting to graham reacting to my millennial money episode. It took like three to four weeks of prep. They went through all my finances, uh they had a guy come here. We had a film all day in this episode with graham's reaction.

I'm going to share with you guys exactly a little bit more about my story, my life, you know some things you guys might have questions about like. Why do i have a fridge in my apartment and you know what what's going on? What's up with the car situated, why something you know everything will be covered like the usual guys if you have been enjoying these updates, don't forget to drop a like down below, thank you to graham stefan and jack selby and his editor and their team over there. As well, there's probably a strong chance you already know of who he is, but either way i'm gon na be linking their second channel down below in the description for you guys to check out as well boy do we have an amazing episode today because uh millennial Money believe it or not, featured brian jung. I don't know if you're aware of who brian jung is, but if you've googled or searched for bitcoin or crypto at all in youtube.

Brian jung comes up, he's been lately doing these really extravagant thumbnails, but i got ta say: i've been a fan of brian since the very beginning has come up has been absolutely amazing and it was just revealed that he makes 3.7 million dollars a year in rockville. Maryland wait for it millennial money. I always thought that there was this separation between the rich or people who were just well off versus us, our family. It was just difficult seeing that we wouldn't be able to pay the bills sometimes or if we wanted to eat somewhere.

My mom would have to cut back. There were many nights where i oh look at the fancy apartment place here wow. This has got to be one of the community centers. They they went ham with these plants.

They just ordered them all. They there's a massive so graham's spot on with that, like he knows his real estate, i will give him credits on that um. This was actually in the community center of my apartment. What was actually interesting is, during the time we're filming they have these metal like aluminum staircases, so everyone walking by we just have to pause, have to pause for like five seconds until they walk past uh.

But i figured that was a good area to film this at just because my apartment itself gets a little cramped in here. Still my name is brian jung. I'm 25 years old i make about 3.7 million a year and i live in rockville maryland absolutely killing. It.

Imagine being 25 making 3.7 million dollars a year. That is crazy, that is, that life-changing income at 25, as long as he doesn't screw this up as long as he didn't have it all invested in tara, luna he's sitting fine look. He got the lambo, though i think it's basically required that uh. If you make more than a million dollars in crypto, you got ta buy a lamborghini.
I don't know you know personally now i feel like the lambo thing is uh. It's. It's got a bad stigma to it. It's like uh, i don't know what it is.

The lamborghini tai lopez ruined the lamborghini lopez every you know, influencer got a lambo and then everyone had one so uh you know brian. I would upgrade this to a ford gt that that's going to be the next lamborghini just watch. I actually had this lambo for a little bit now over a month. I've kept it a secret for as long as i can.

No one really knew about this car. Unless you know it's like my close friends in real life, the stigma of of the lamborghini has gone ruined, especially during the times we live in right now, so i just did not want to ever come off. You know i got a lambo in the middle of the worst upcoming recession after one of the top five crypto projects completely nuked, but grandma. Your ford gt is sick.

That looks amazing. Hopefully, one day i could check it out because i'm a big fan of cars and that right there is a classic yeah, those crypto cpms, i'm telling you you can make a video about investing and the cpm's good. I mean well, it's really good, really good about investing crypto. On the other hand, oh my gosh, sometimes the crypto cpms - could be double what i would make on a normal like stock market video.

It's absolutely ridiculous, just because a lot of the crypto companies have money to spend on advertising and uh right now, with the market dip they're trying to attract as many customers as possible, which is one of the reasons by the way that you could get all the Way up to a hundred dollars when you sign up for ftx us down below in the description with the code, graham hey i'll work with ftx2 a double shout out to ftx. What? What do you mean? Is an angel investor go over a restaurant? Brian? Listen! I'm just upset because that was kind of my next move and i thought i would be the first one to uh be an angel and well. No, i wouldn't be an angel i'd, be a co-owner of a restaurant. I thought i would be the only one to do he's he's doing this before me.

Okay, so uh just so. Nobody has any ideas. I didn't i didn't. I didn't even know he did this uh, so i'll be i'll, be second, i'm, okay with a second one of the reasons why i decided to angel, invest into a restaurant.

This actually happened back in october november of 2021 youtube. It is magnificent. I love what i do: uh crypto, seeing the portfolio in the nfts. That is all amazing.

I sometimes think just because i'm glued to my computer 8 to 12 hours a day that i've wanted a bit more of a tangible asset. I wanted something that i could you know sit in, see see the waiter say: what's up to the restaurant manager see the customers if i ever invested into a restaurant, my biggest thing was: i wanted something that could represent me. What i'm proud of and my brand gizo, the japanese barbecue place, is seen to be pretty luxurious. They got wagyu beef.
The food is amazing and i was a huge fan of eating there before any type of investment talks ever came up once i was able to invest and have some equity within this restaurant here it actually opened my doors to invest in other restaurants. Now the great thing about this is, i would actually have to wait a few years for my money to pay out. I get an owner's distribution check that i write to myself every single month. Once i'm able to pay off that investment, then that's free cash flowing for the rest of my life.

Now, investing into a restaurant is much more different than anything else when it comes to any type of brick and mortar location. You're going to be dealing with other issues that you wouldn't be when you're just investing into stocks, do not invest too much money into it and just make sure that you get the evaluations right, it will take a while for it to return that roi. The benefit is if everything goes down, the poop hole and the economy never recovers, but i think just diversifying it's something that i mentioned on my channel. I'm sure graham mentions it often as well as long as you're diversified in different industries.

You should be set there. My mom initially worked in a hair salon. Now she actually has a job at the post office, my father, when he first immigrated to the us. He actually had a job in the flooring space.

Oh it looks like his dad a little bit. I could see that a lot of people tell me i look more like my dad. My dad was like, like cut back in the day yeah. My my dad is just incredible like i could.

This could be a full 30 40 minute thing, and i'm just so so uh honored to be the child of the parents that i have there are countless moments where i would choose to. Instead of going to a rugby game, sometimes opt to even go help him with work. Oh my gosh that that's brian geez. I know i had no idea who's in the rugby.

You know what that's the thing. Maybe i missed it, but uh. I never really knew the background on brian drunk i've seen all not all of his crit i've seen a lot of his crypto videos but uh. I never really got the sense of like who he is and what his background is.

This is really cool to see. Rugby was actually one of the most impactful things that have ever happened to me in my life. I actually had two division: 1 scholarships to play in college in high school. My team had went to nationals twice.

Rugby was just one of those things that actually got my life back on track. So i talk a lot about my history. I was a troublemaker got kicked out of school at one point i started going to church. I started really playing rugby um and that's where i learned a lot of my self-discipline got my confidence within this world really and rugby.
Even to this day, i still play i play touch with my team, which is just non-contact and then during the summer. Sometimes i go in at into some open social tournaments yeah. I got banged up a little bit, but for me to play at a competitive level at my size during high school is like 150 160 pounds. So, for me to step up, i had to be more agile.

I had to be more technical. I had to get my form right in this life. I don't know what can amount to the amount of fun that i had in rugby. I will say that there was a point where i dislocated my shoulder so many times that i needed surgery.

My mom was not in a position where she could afford that surgery. She actually took out such a long-term loan where she ended up having to pay small amounts of it for a very long time in order to pay that back. It was times like that, where i saw my parents and their love for me as their son really shining through, and i always made a commitment to myself since the beginning, no matter what happens i'll always be making sure that my parents can get taken care of A lot of what i've done is because of them. Oh, i bet they're loving this right.

Now, it's their son's making four million dollars a year, they'll be taken care of for sure. That's it. He just needs one good year and then just don't screw it up. That's it just don't screw it up, it's not that hard, don't screw it up.

That's a big thing for me: it's when you have the bag, don't fumble it. I've learned that through sports, i've learned that through life, i'm doing my best out here to make sure i don't fumble a bag. I noticed you know a lot of people tend to lose momentum, a lot of steam. For me, i just want to keep going and for my parents, one of the questions that i was getting a lot is brian you're, making so much money, and you just bought this nice car, multiple cars.

You know why are my parents still working the way they are even with my mom. She started her job at the post office within the past year and she works still six days a week and it crushes me a lot of older koreans always think they're gon na get dementia um. It's just a concern that they have when you whenever you watch like korean dramas or movies. It's always regarding, like some type of mental dementia, and it's really sad.

So my mom just believes that if she stops moving around she's, not active and she retires right now, uh it'll be too early and she's gon na be bored. There's not gon na be much for her to do so. You know i respect whatever she does and as a son, i'm gon na do my best to make sure that my parents are still taken care of and out of all this. What graham said about me: fumbling the bag and just not screwing anything up.
I'ma. Do my best, i try to keep my investments rather conservative yeah, i'm into crypto and the nft stuff. I still play as a well diversified portfolio still holding a lot of cash at this moment and still making sure that i'm scaling very slowly and i'm trying to keep that risk very outward. It looks like we got a message from uh future brian, i'm so glad that i started planning for my retirement and investing into my crypto ira early now i have eight hover cars and a private rocket to go to mars.

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Just by signing up using my link down below and leaving your account funded for about 30 days, if you guys want to get started, don't forget to check out the link down below in the description. Thank you again to i trust capital for sponsoring this video and back to the content. Oh, that's awesome, community college that that's what people should be doing two years community college, then transfer save the money unless it's going to be paid for and it's like you know it doesn't cost you anything you're not going to take out loans, community college and then Work a part-time job yeah, so graham, is spot on with that. I am a strong believer of the benefits of community college yeah.

Every now and then you'll see the naruto kids running alongside the wall and doing some crazy stuff too, and it's a little bit of a more interesting demographic than you would getting. You know if you're going to an ivy league school, i saved so much money going to community college. That is where i really was able to find myself as an individual. A community college was completely free for me because my parents were not in a high enough financial bracket when you're, actually in a lower income bracket.

You get something called the pell grant that actually covered my entire tuition, but i did take out student loans. I took out like two to five thousand dollars with that i bought a new computer um, i'm not gon na lie. I did use that for my facebook ads and starting my ecommerce business, but i did pay all of my student loans off during the pandemic. It's because i went to community college that i was able to change my life around as well.
In addition to playing rugby and having the community that i did um, that's actually where i was watching graham's videos like four or five years back and that's where i was watching so my other friends. Videos, like jordan, welsh's drop shipping videos, my other friend, ari, skertian searchion. That's where i learned all the fundamentals of wearing different hats and starting my own econ business, and that's where i started to roll this over. So, even with a lot of people that i'm friends with now believe it or not, i actually looked up to a lot of the people that you know are like some of my closest friends.

Now there was a pivotal moment in my life, where i had to tell my parents: hey guys. I know you worked really hard and i know like how scary this is going to be, but i'm not going to finish school, i'm going to pursue business, i'm going to be a youtuber mom and dad you see what jake and logan paul do. I'ma do youtube. Videos, it's like that's what everyone thinks of i hate to say it's like.

Oh, you do youtube, uh who's, that one guy i'm like jake and logan paul were like oh yeah, that guy you that weed i'm like! No, that's not what i do. I think we're beginning to overcome that sort of vlogger prank sort of uh. You know youtube time that that era we're we're moving past it and youtube has become a place of like really great content. Now and uh.

The older generations are beginning to uh finally catch on to it. They were a little taken back many business owners that they know do not do well now, what's that that looks like matcha to me, he should be drinking bankroll bankroll coffee, brian. We could send you some bankroll coffee, just just drink it. I don't know if anyone does this, but i went through your traditional coffee that my parents were having.

It was hot. I drank that then. Ultimately, you start leveling up, you get hit with the cold brews and you start getting into the chemexes with the pour over and the fancy stuff. I would say the end boss is the espresso shots and at that point you're just you're addicted.

For me, matcha is much more of like a stable energy level. I don't crash as hard and it doesn't hurt my stomach. So i have a really sensitive stomach. If i do try some coffee again bankroll content, i spend about 2 500 a month on groceries, restaurants and just overall eating.

I do like to eat out quite a bit. I told myself as soon as i was able to create a little bit of money for myself. Food is never something that i was gon na cheap out on look at this budget. I love it.

I need to hear this from graham. This is what i was waiting for. Look at his face right now, where it's paused. I love this.

Oh okay, oh, that was gon na, be bad, fifty thousand dollars a month in investments. What am i supposed to say that amazing, good good job, brian where's, all the other money going? Actually, because, if he's making 3.7 unless, unless they're, basically taking his last six months and like extrapolating that over the following six months - maybe that's it - he should be investing more because nothing else is that high he's got thirty seven hundred dollars in housing rent for a Three bedroom apartment plus utilities is not bad at all discretionary 33.50 with barbells shopping gifts, donations, laundry, it's funny - they put laundry in there like laundry, would be the equivalent of him like dropping a few pennies on the floor. In terms of like how small it is compared to the overall income, it's like oh yeah. He spent a penny on that all right: food.
25. 34. It doesn't matter, i mean at this income. He could be blowing.

You know, 20. 30. 000. A month on random stuff - and it doesn't matter supporting parents - 24 78, fine, subscriptions, 223 renters insurance, that's good 176 and gas 98 is fine.

It's fine! You should be investing more though, where is it where's the extra money going unless it's other investments? Let's see i spent about 200 yeah, so that's a really good question. Graham, they actually did take an average of this year so far in terms of my investment. So there are some months where i put in three 400k into the market. I believe i did that in april, and there are months where i don't buy in at all, even though right now it says it's 50 000 a month, that's just an average of what we're seeing right now with the state of the market, i'm playing a bit More conservatively, just in case the talks of you know the upcoming recession last to be a lot longer than expected.

For me, even that 50 grand right now. I think that is the minimum of what should be going in the market, but i'm always holding on to cash. Looking for other alternative assets to invest into as well, i'm looking at getting a beach home just for my parents to use when they're you know going to fishing, i can use it if i'm ever getting burnt out just drive two to three hours to rehoboth beach. Right now, with the times that we're living in, i want to be a bit more conservative of the way i invest into this market.

My nft and crypto portfolio is a decent size, so i don't know how much more i want to keep averaging in. This is a long term play and i'm more than happy with my current split right now, but it just depends on the times that we're going through if we see any more talks of federal chairman jerome powell announcing a little bit different plans with the inflation cuts. So we'll see we'll see if interest rates go up, maybe i'll start investing more if it goes down who knows, but at the moment that is currently my average 250 a month on my water, i get my water custom delivered. So the reason why i believe water is so important is because when we have purified water or water, that is just coming from the pipes, it doesn't oftentimes have the full array of nutrients that you need.
I've never heard of that before i've heard that like tap water, has everything i'm fine with tap water. I i can't tell the difference between that. Okay, i got ta hear. I got ta hear the the water part because i know when i didn't, even when i was not even making this much money, i did the custom delivery water thing way earlier on.

There is actually a website where you can find natural wells to get spring water. There is like a cult following on spring water, but let me hear graham's reaction first and then i'll give you guys my four and a half cents and rising just as long as it's not the sauni. We could all agree. Dasani sucks i'd rather tap water over that stuff.

Dasani is trash. Dasani is completely terrible uh. But when you try fiji, like you know, i think this is an interesting test that anyone can do. If you try fiji compared to dasani, you can clearly tell the difference.

There's just a different tasting water feels like my income went a lot higher. When i did change my water, it could be, you know it could be different. I i'm not saying i feel energized more every single day, but i will say: try it out. Graham there's.

Actually, a lot more better water delivery services on the west coast than there are on the east. Mine is really hard to get. My bottles are glass too, because plastic is not good for you. I don't know if you care about all that stuff, but i'ma say just try it see if there's a difference, so i currently live by myself and then for two of the other bedrooms.

I've turned one into my office studio and the other one is just a general office where i like to do work and then third bedroom is my own bedroom great for tax write-offs, he's able to write off the majority of this apartment. So that's that's smart! Oh, so that's it so he's probably saving up for a down payment and he's gon na use it to buy this. So that is true and at one point earlier this year i actually had four people coming to my apartment every single day and it was packed. So actually two of them were working in the in the kitchen area, the living room.

So i don't know what part of my apartment other than my bedroom was not considered to be like an office, because i had people literally working on my couch working on the dining table working on the kitchen island working in the other office. I'm working in here you know some people actually notice that mini fridge too. The mini fridge in the living room was actually meant for my employees coming in just because my fridge was getting full with my own food. I was like look if you guys need drinks or cold brew or coffee, whatever put it in that fridge.

That is your dedicated fridge. I've consolidated my team since, and now i have my own mini fridge. I think everyone should get a mini fridge just for drinks. Good for him, i love that january 2023 - brian, you better, have a housewarming party and we better be invited the host to family.
We would show up. I think this would be so cool. Graham, if i have a housewarming party, you bring everyone, especially if you can somehow bring the dog. I love your dog.

Your dog is so cute, i'm a huge dog guy. Now that i've finally been able to make some money. I've been buying the cars that i've wanted and also treating it as an investment as well all right. How was the huracan an investment unless he bought it a year ago and he's if he's buying at today's prices? I can't i just can't see it not a hurricane, so first of all, i've been actually watching the car markets almost daily for the past three years.

The huracan is one of the cars that i've wanted and i actually had a down deposit initially like a few years back and it didn't work out and i'm glad it didn't because the 23 year old, 22 year old version of brian jung, like wanting to get Ahead of himself, but the huracan actually went up a significant amount over the pandemic, and here is where the deal settled in, because the huracan was so limited in its supply. When everything was locked down, it was around 360 dollars. During its peak, i was able to get this one here for 290k, 280. 290K, even right now, if i flip it because it's a 2021 model with no miles, i believe right now.

I could get it for 310 to 320 000 back. If i'm able to find the right buyer now, i'm i'm not like a car flipper, i'm not a collector, so i haven't had experience in seeing the process of doing that. But i just been watching the market prices. I try to also just keep good care of it.

Uh, the audi, that's a good. Looking audi, though i put in a lot of upgrades into this vehicle, and it was actually one of my dream cars that i've wanted. My entire life gorgeous car he's not going to get any of the mods back, but again it doesn't matter. It's like it's at that level of income.

It's it's! It's like a normal person spent like five bucks on something, so it really puts things into perspective. I got ta, say yeah, so the audi rs7 one of my dream - cars uh - it's actually one of the best family vehicles, so i could put it in rs mode, which is it's sports mode and it turns into a monster and the third vehicle that i recently Picked up is a 2021 lamborghini huracan she's in at 290.. The only way this car is going to be an investment is in personal branding, but i have to say i get the appeal of buying the lamborghini because i like, i can't talk down about buying a lamborghini. It's tough because i just personally think if, if the goal is as an investor, probably better, to get something a little bit more uh different, you know: uh a lamborghini is probably the most recognizable on youtube, but like a spiker, get a spike or c8 or like Something crazy, it's like, oh, that brian he's got the spiker, um or or some just like crazy car.
I'm suggesting all the cars that that you know, or you know what would be a great one - is a mustang gt350 like a good. You know solid those. Those are good investment cars. I think they're great for branding.

You know what i sound like a negative nancy. I honestly do so. You know what i'm gon na bad gram. Bad a lambo has been something i've wanted.

Since i was like 16 years old, i've wanted the uh gallardo super luciera. That was the car. I've always wanted. If i could find one and stick one day, that would be great but uh yeah.

I never did a lambo, though i appreciate, graham for being so kind um. You know the other cars, even the ones that he's mentioned. I will look into them. I do want to build out like a classic car fleet.

Maybe if i'm able to continue this youtube grind in the future, but that would be pretty amazing. I really like being able to provide my parents some gifts. So recently i purchased my dad an omega seamaster, oh yeah. Meanwhile, i was wearing the stainless steel rolex daytona.

That was a good purchase. Now again, i'm hoping he didn't pay for these at like 40 grand, but assuming he got this anywhere near msrp or like more than a year ago, that that is a great purchase. He's got a good taste in watches yeah, so the daytona i'm actually wearing that right now for today's video i did end up buying this last year. Uh and i actually bought this one a time when kevin o'leary was looking at watches.

So some of my og jungies will know about the whole purchase here. This was a great purchase. It actually went up a lot in value, so graham knows his watches. I'm not surprised here started off by making videos on credit cards yeah.

I remember his credit card videos. I like them a lot. I thought they were great videos and they long tail they do well. I appreciate that graham graham's got some great credit card videos too.

So it really means a lot. I think, even getting my first. 10. 000 subscribers was crazier than me getting my million subscribers just because at that time i never had any plans of being a youtuber.

So shortly after that, we started to do stimulus, check, content, yeah. That's so true! Listen! I still have it you could you could type in gram? Stefan ten thousand subscribers, i have my uh, my video. It's still up there. I was elated to get ten thousands.

I was so excited like that. That was the most incredible feeling because yeah going from zero to ten thousand, like i never would have guessed that my goal in the first year was to go to zero to five hundred and if i hit 500 subscribers by the end of the year, i thought That would be a huge success, so when i hit 10 000 subscribers after a few months, i was like blown away um by the time i hit a million. I knew i was it had already like sunk in because you watch the numbers and, like you see, okay, well, you know at this current rate, i'm going to hit it around this time plus or minus a few months. So you kind of have time to prepare, but when it's like zero to ten thousand, probably within about i don't know a month, it doesn't even register it happens.
So fast. It's like wow um. Oh look at this uh on his computer. We got uh stimulus, check, drama, update me, kevin versus clear value tax.

Those are the days when stimulus checks were drama, ah man, so shortly after that, we started to do stimulus, check content during the peak of this pandemic. That was such a crazy, crazy time me kevin is someone. I've talked to before he's actually come on. My channel before in the past, he's invited me to come over on his channel.

I actually talked to brian or i i did it quite frequently during the pandemic. So we were we're, keeping in touch still very good friends with him crazy how much time has changed. I think that was almost over a year ago, maybe two years ago i remember for those videos. I was sitting in my last apartment in my loft and i barely had enough room to record in that studio.

It's been so cool because uh, it's interesting, i've forgotten all of this stuff. I just see him now as, like you know, a crypto channel, but seeing the progression how well he is pivoted. Most people do not pivot. Like brian, it's really hard to do that because think of it like this he's, he has a credit card audience.

That's only so big okay stimulus checks come around. He covers stimulus. This is a huge audience, but to transition from stimulus checks to another trending topic, amc gamestop, it's really hard to bring that audience over and keep them, and then from that into crypto. Very few people can do that and brian has done it.

It was one of the hardest things in doing that, but i realized even with a credit card audience. The audience is so capped and there's only so much you can make in terms of content. Regarding credit cards like how many times can i talk about the chase trifecta, i just got bored of it. I i didn't want to keep making credit card content just because i thought the ceiling for that audience was capped out.

I did my part. I put all the information that i knew and earning redeeming points out to the internet and when i moved over to stimulus and amc, that's when i saw some of the biggest growth in my channel yeah. Even during the um amc gme days, there were times where i was gaining 10 000 subscribers a day. 20 000 subscribers one of these days.

So it's definitely very crazy. Googled someone's bank account that had a hundred thousand dollars in it, and i taped it right here. My goal, which was like in 2020, i wanted a hundred thousand dollars in my bank. Oh that's awesome.

I love that. I love goal setting like that. I think it's really important. Yes, i'm huge into vision, boards, uh, even affirmations.
I know some people are just like. It's whack, it's corny, don't like who needs it. It got me to where i'm at now and i'm. I was a huge believer even now like into law of attraction stuff.

I needed material like that. I needed to indulge myself in being able to know that there was more and if i didn't ever hear about law of attraction, if i didn't hear about affirmation, vision, boards or goal setting, i really don't think i'd be in the position i was in now so That was actually my parents house, my bedroom there. That's where i used to film my old youtube videos. When i first started my channel, there are even times a lot of people, don't know this, but i would have to film at like three four in the morning.

Um, because in my house it's not a big house. So if my mom is coming in my dad's coming in my sister's coming in my mom's doing the dishes, so i just wait until everyone was sleeping and sometimes that would lead to being like 2. 3. 4 a.m, and i remember i had to stay up so many times, i'm not really a night owl.

I, like sleeping when i'm just tired waking up at a reasonable time. It worked out and that's what it took for me. It took for me to learn something new research and just continuing it. So, in terms of my investments, i actually have an array of angel investments up to date, i believe about 15 to 20 angel investments.

I've made within the last year it'll be interesting to see how many of those pan out i'm told that only about 1 in 20 1 in 25 is actually gon na like make it big, and usually that's enough to uh to you, know, wipe out the losses Of all the other ones, i know by the way we're invested in a few the same ones. So uh, you know basically when what a lot of these companies do they come to all of us or or you know, a big selection of people we all put in some money in them. It'll be interesting to see what happens on this. It's either going to be fantastic or it's like.

Well, you know it's gone so we'll see i am completely with graham and the one angel investment or it might be multiple, but the one that i know of at least that we went in on together was yada bank that was way earlier on, and even with That we will see how it does uh for me, the way i handle angel investments, i just consistently invest and i try not. Even if i'm like fully convicted of a project, there was even a recent angel investment where elon musk's twitter acquisition. I actually got a deal forwarded to me where i could join in and invest into him on the twitter deal and it was a minimum of a 25 or 50 thousand dollar check. I think it's cool, like he can say.

Oh yeah, like i'm, invested into twitter. Now through elon musk, but i don't know how big of a roi in terms of monetary value there would be and with angel investments anytime, i put money into it. I just imagine it's gone forever, that's just how i treat it. So i try not to put huge check sizes into it.
Some of them allow for you to even put 1 000 to 2500 checks into it, but on average it's about 10 000 checks. For me, my angel investment portfolio has surpassed 150 000 over the last year. So i'm also a co-owner in a restaurant for one of the first japanese barbecue spots in the state of maryland, and the reason for this investment is because i was initially a huge fan of the food and i've always wanted to diversify my investment portfolio. That's really cool.

I love that. I wish he uh. I don't know if you made a video about it. I think that's really neat and ninety thousand five percent, so this is a 1.8 million dollar business seems high.

I i don't know how you value the restaurant business like that, but uh i i just don't know what the what the return on capital is like. I think it's cool, though i think it's neat, the valuation was actually based on last year's returns. We went through the entire financial statements and i invested with two other buddies that i had within the space, and one of them is very, very smart. He's a numbers guy, i'm not a huge huge numbers guy, so he went through all of the numbers we.

We sat down just ciphered through it. Japanese barbecue is actually believe it or not, very profitable, just because, on average, our checks that we get from customers is over. You know, 100 to 200, sometimes three to four hundred dollars. Meat adds up.

It's all a cart, so you know you got to keep ordering the meat to get it, and then we serve things like wagyu, which has a high premium, but then we also charge a ticket above that too, so it has not been the best investment financially. For me, just yet, but the amount of networking that i've been able to get inviting people over having just like another hq for me and then having all the opportunities to meet people in person. It's one of those feel good things too. Just rolling up pulling up with my parents when i showed my dad guizo the first time i remember he was like about to tear up like it was just such an amazing time.

It may not be the best financial investment, but it's gon na take some time for it to pay off. But once i get my money back from the restaurant, then we should start seeing some good returns. But who knows i'm just going with the flow right now, and you know at the very least what i'm doing is at least giving back to my community with that money too. We can continue to better improve the restaurant and better give jobs to other people in the greater dmv area.

I also have an immense crypto portfolio and an nft collection. One of my nfts is currently worth over four hundred thousand dollars: okay, 50 nfts. Six hundred thousand dollars, i'm curious what the market value of that is. I that worries me so much i mean brian could afford it if it goes to zero um, that's the nft business is something that i think could either double triple could go down.
90. I wouldn't be surprised it just it's extremely risky, extremely volatile yeah, so nfts are very volatile even right now my whole thesis was that nfts would at least be able to hold value if the entire market went down, but we're actually seeing the opposites. I was wrong there, the volume the liquidity has been going down significantly, i'm a little, i would say i'm half right because floor prices once they have dropped. They have stabilized, like they're, holding a specific range right now with my nfts they've gone down a lot since the time of posting this video, but i never bought a board ape just to hold it and flip it, because at the top of the market, i could Have at least doubled my money from it.

I see a lot of these nfts for their utility for what they have offered in the space. If you guys watch my ted talk that i did regarding the future of the metaverse and web 3 and you'll be able to know why i'm placing such big bets into the nft space and if anything, if it does go back down, i'm gon na just continue To build up these other businesses, but in the meantime i do think with my mutants with my board apes. They will never go to zero. I don't think it'll completely get wrecked.

I think they'll always be around. I think profile pick nfts, regardless of what anyone says. There's always an opportunity for them to grow, and i think the upside is much more higher than the downside we could see, but i will say who knows i could be wrong. I want to keep building.

I want to have an entire company where i can continue feeding other people supporting others allowing them to do something that they want to passionately do great advertisement for the business. I'm curious how many people show up to this uh restaurant right afterwards ask for the brian special the show be like yeah. I want the millennial money uh with brian special, and maybe you get like a discount brian. You should do something like that.

You do so well yeah, so uh! Actually, if you guys are watching this and you go to guzo, you can use a little discount code. Let me find it yeah if you guys are watching this and you want to head to the restaurant uh anytime monday. Through thursday you can get 10 off your meal. Just let the server know that you're here for the brian junk subscriber special and uh, we'll hook you up with 10 off.

I think for anyone who's watching this and you may be feeling like you're in a rut. You don't know what you want to do with your life. I'm telling you you can achieve anything as long as you put your head to it. Well done brian really proud man, it's so cool to see, because i do remember those credit card videos, fantastic, and how about this? If you want to come on the iced coffee hour, you know to reach out to just let us know we'd love to have you down in vegas.
We could grab some all. You could eat sushi, graham big fan of your channel and everything that you've done over the years on this space. I just want to say it means a lot to me. It means a lot to me to hear your reaction to this amazing.

Thank you to cnbc, like always for having me and doing this video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Finally confronting graham stephan”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackson Welch says:

    wow love this! About time you started getting some recognition.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Business Phone says:

    Brian, keep doing your thing. DUDE, DONT GET MARRIED WITHOUT AN IRONCLAD PRENUP, spend the 10 to 15 Gs to protect yourself from changed feelings. Because the women are coming for you. If they're not already invading you in-boxes, etc

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernie Zhong says:

    Love to see this keep it up man

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SkullCrusher Boom Beach says:

    awesome Brian and Graham

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigDaddyEV says:

    Big fan Brian, keep doing you big dawg.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NZ FX says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Maust says:

    Awesome video as always. I’m only 2 1/2 hours from you in West Virginia

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars subrena simpson says:

    I am postal clerk, and love watching you!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben says:

    Damn Brian, the come up was insane!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Galactic Taz says:

    Great video Brian love the jungle group

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David E says:

    Asian Avenger assemble!!!! Crypto Avenger!!! Congrats truly from the fishing channel to this BRO all about FAMILY!!!! ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UDOH says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jensaki says:

    Sounds like brian jung is trying to get the Stephen fight in the next Creator Clash.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WkrpliveTv says:

    Awesome bro

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humphrey Yang says:

    a reactioni to the reaction? Graham can you react to this vid

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerardo says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natasha Chisom says:

    Finally both of my best two people in one video😌😌😌

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris P says:

    Lookin forward to seeing you guys hangin in Vegas 👍

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JAVIER CARDENAS says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thet Htar says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yao Fomo says:

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cruciaL mK says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danu says:


  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yao Fomo says:


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