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Welcome back to the final market: open live stream before the holiday uh, which means uh, i'm 98 sure the stock market is closed tomorrow for christmas eve and uh, won't uh and then of course, uh saturday. There's christmas day, uh. Obviously, markets closed anyway over the weekend. So won't see until monday, which means any investments you make right now.

You are getting stuck with for a three-day weekend uh, and it also means that if you've got any kind of options - and you are a buyer of them - you're paying that theta decay for the next three days, even though the market will not be moving so whatever Investments you decide to make now uh today, you're gon na be stuck with, not that that's necessarily a bad thing: uh and uh. We do have a little bit of uh christmas green, a little bit quarter of a percent almost on all the indices. Here dow point 0.27 s, p, 0.29, nasdaq, futures 0.19 uh worth looking at a couple bloomberg headlines here: uh both uh, both front and center. Here first one is about u.s inflation, adjusted spending stagnates, so inflation adjusted is basically uh saying like hey.

You know. If our spending went up six percent uh, but inflation is six percent higher did we really have any more spending? So, let's see what they say here: u.s consumer spending adjusted for inflation stagnated in november as the fastest price gains in nearly four decades eroded. Purchasing power and so yep here you go here's cpi and then inflation-adjusted personal consumption. Here this uh looks like this is all month over month.

It kind of seems like honestly we've we didn't really. I mean when you look at the chart. It's it's not like we're in such a dramatically different spot with inflation, adjusted uh spending, as we were like two months ago or four months ago or what looks like six months ago. I believe this is 2021 start here and then, of course, here's march of 2020..

So i i don't, i don't know if this is really that much different from this or this or this so um yeah. I i i don't know bloomberg. That might be a little bit of a stretch. Another one: that's interesting is uh this one here, which is uh hilary suburbs, the uh.

He was a one of the treasury secretaries anyway, uh he's talking about uh a testing period for the u.s economy in the coming years, with a risk of recession, followed by stagflation. Now there have been a lot of uh inflation or not inflation, now recessionary fears lately, as uh folks are worried that hey look if we raise rates, but then inflation comes down quickly. We could actually crash our economy with a recession and then how are we going to grow coming out of that, and so this is really where this fear of recession and stagflation is coming from now. Uh.

Let's see here interviewed in a podcast, it says summers says that the federal reserve has been too late to spot the danger of inflation and that delayed action to cool prices could potentially trip up the economy and so kind of an interesting argument that basically, the fed Responding too slowly was going to slow down the economy when most folks are usually worried about. If the fed responds too quickly and tightens too quickly, we might crash the economy, but anyway he says, if i thought we could sustainably run the economy in a red-hot way. That would be a wonderful thing, but the consequence - and this is an excruciating lesson - that we learned in the 70s of an overheating economy: it's not merely elevated inflation, but rising constantly rising inflation. That's why my fear is that we've already reached a point where it will be challenging to reduce inflation without giving rise to a recession.
So uh you definitely have some um, some bearish omens uh out there for the market, but you know what uh you've always got that and uh they tend to come out. It seems like more often when the market's uh a little uh got a little bit of uncertainty and we're not sure okay, which way are we gon na, go and uh? Well, we've got a lot of stocks relatively near their bottoms. You've kind of got a little bit of a slow liftoff. Some recoveries have done very well over the last uh, really mostly the last four days.

Like look at carnival cruise lines, i think it's up like 22 percent now uh just over the last four trading days. Here uh 1790 was was a pretty solid uh point, but it did go down to 1632 and uh it's back over 20. Now, though, back over our purple uh support line here and uh looks like in pre-market we're up another 1.46 percent. Obviously, a lot of uh positive, omicron style news uh.

What are, are we you know? Are we really seeing uh a strong rebound in our stock market, or are we just kind of getting these little false? False buttery starts to little rallies, uh mixed in with with larger pain, and so that's really the question here. It's like hey, you know this was the concern was: are we seeing a double top and uh? Are we potentially just going to get these weird little uh? Convictionless rallies is what we keep hearing and uh and uh. Eventually here mostly just start trending down uh, i don't know well, i personally, i'm pretty bullish going into 2022., i'm very excited about whatever, whatever i've got left to ex, to invest doing that in 2021. Before 2022, especially since we again, we do have a lot of stocks relatively close to those bottoms that we've seen within the last couple weeks, uh, and so i think, there's still wonderful opportunities to invest but hey.

You know what a lot of people that are much more bearish about 2022 than i am all right. So, let's take a brief look here at uh, bitcoin and ethereum. Also, a little bit of a reiterating omen for folks uh is is the fact that we are having this weird uh stagnation of uh of bitcoin right here, although we had that this summer as well. Look at that stagnation.

We have this summer. We just kept moving to lower level, lower level, lower level lower lower level and uh, and we had a similar kind of move here in september, which kind of felt like we were just diagonally rotating down down down down down and we're getting something similar here, which Hopefully, kind of like what we saw this summer and what we saw in september, we ended up getting a nice large breakout eventually on bitcoin uh right now, though, it's really following this uh this this sort of diagonal trend we drew just a couple days ago, yeah, You know if you take the bottoms over here, the supports here, flip them turn them into resistance. Here we've really been respecting this trend and that the trend so far is uh continuing to be respected, as you can see right here on the 30-minute chart, so we shall see okay, so this is bitcoin 48.5. Let's look at ethereum by the way i mentioned theta decay, one thing that you can do when you have uh a three-day weekend, something that's popular is go, sell some options because you get that theta decay over uh over the three day weekend.
So, for example, if you sold some puts or sold some calls, you you benefit from from a three-day weekend, all right, so ethereum stuck under four again kind of also in the same kind of slowing trend here uh and we have let's take a look at some Individual stocks here so we got nicola trying to get back to ten dollars after delivering its first uh customer vehicle uh. I think it was uh. It was on the 17th. They they posted a press release about this on the 17th.

Nobody really cared. What was weird, is they didn't tweet about it and cnbc didn't cover it until yesterday and all of a sudden, it's up six percent on this, which i thought it's kind of interesting how slow that reaction was. Oh well when resorts up five percent uh. Five percent of the pre-market with las vegas sands wind, going back to uh ninety dollars here so you're, seeing some of the recovery stocks play a little bit of catch up compared to the others that that have already started moving off their bottoms shift.

Technology is up 1.83. This is, i believe, the second day now in the row mm-hmm second day in a row here we're seeing some recovery on shift, and it makes you wonder. Is this going to be something like what we saw over here on the eighth and ninth, where uh or or even honestly, here uh back in august? You know we saw a little bit of that green and it just was sort of the beginning of the rotation down, but look how large the volume has been over here compared to anywhere else, and it has not been a lot of retail trading uh. This is just it's these and we talked about this in the cat and mouse game, video that i made, but it's been shift technologies, it's coarse, hair, it's um, lemonade, uh, yeah and a tattoo chef.

These four are in this really weird place of just very, very low retail purchases and high short interest. So i'm going to just do a quick little peek to see if there's been any movement on retail buying in just the last couple days. I'm not sure if they give me data to the last couple days, but i'm about to find out. Okay, all right i'll! Wait for this: oh there we go.
Okay, i kept. I didn't realize that the ticker symbol shift is actually in microsoft, like m s, f sft, so it kept giving me microsoft, uh anyway. Okay, so retail buying uh was at its highest point on november 11th and uh there's there's been little sputters of retail buying, but but nothing spectacular. This goes back to yesterday.

Oh that's interesting. Yesterday we had a little bit of a uptick in retail, buying and um, but but most of this volume, i'd say here from yeah november 9th has really come. Yeah i mean there's, there's definitely been an elevated retail. There's been more retail volume here than there has been in this period, but it's declining retail volume, which is really interesting because, like the retailers buying the dip over here a lot of retail volume, then you get this declining retail volume but volume's still staying high.

In my opinion, i think this is really this is where the shorts are coming in the hedge funds, using this as a tool to short all right. So, let's see here, tesla tesla somebody says here: do you think tesla will have a stock split in the near future? No, i don't but uh yeah i mean the speculation. Is that if they were to have a stock split that the stock will go up? So obviously, if you had a call option on it or uh uh shares people would be optimistic about that, but i don't think we really get to split territory until the price hits like fifteen hundred or two thousand. That could be a little bit of time.

I mean there could always be some euphoric rally again uh i mean we saw that not that long ago we ran to like 1250 or whatever it was wow. The fda authorized merck's pill. Merc's pill was only 30 effective. Are you serious? I mean this is the kind of thing that's just driving me crazy.

I mean. Suddenly we find out about gilead and they've had that one. You know that that's been out there for brenda severe for ages. Uh again the narrative completely lost.

I i emphasize narrative because, like what, what i'm thinking, people or whatever jim uh, but that's crazy, the pfizer pill is so much more effective. I mean, i guess i guess 30 is better than nothing like if you're gon na have one of those covet pills. You'd. Obviously want the uh the pfizer one that thing's like 90 percent effective at preventing, uh some severe, covet or or death.

If you take it at at symptom onset but uh what merck's like 30 effective yeah, that's an interesting move. All right anyway, we've got metaport. 2.69 percent to the upside here almost to 25 dollars. Again all right.

Let's see here, jd.com dropped uh 7.8 percent as uh. Oh, who was it some company was giving out it was. It was another chinese company, so baba. I can't remember who it was, but anyway, some company um uh offered up a bunch of uh equity in jd and and uh, even though those shares are outstanding anyway.
As soon as we increase kind of that that market supply uh, the markets always seem to sell that kind of news down. I got ta get a little bit of updated information on jd. To answer that correctly, though, why jd's down 7.7 here redfin redfin, stuck in the mud down two percent sitting at 39, back holdings sitting at nine wayfair wayfarer right at 200.? I wonder if wayfair hit a bottom here - ah 10 cent. That was it! Thank you! So much so uh yeah look at this even wayfair, hitting somewhat of a bottom at about 183 and a little bit in terms of closing price bottom, probably right around 193.

If uh, if you take a peek here at uh, oh the bell once they get it once the healthcare workers get it, they got to be back on their feet. So i hope that the first million go to every hospital in the country uh and then the next to the nursing homes prioritize. Look how green that is! Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome, so uh all right here we go.

Let's take a look and see how the day's moving here but yeah that was 10 cent, so uh s p right here: no, no real movement right now, so uh, let's see how individual stocks are moving. What do we got here? These are warrants. Okay, we got steel case over here. We've got shift, uh shift technology; actually nice little nice barcoding in this cut uh nice red candle to start the day, uh snapchats rotating up a hippo sitting at three dollars.

How's hippo been hippo, also kind of coming off the bottom about two dollars and fifty cents yikes carnival cruise lines going to the one minute chart here next open. Oh now we're turning green, we'll see how it goes wouldn't be surprised to see a continued kind of rally in some of these recoveries uh, and so i'm not sure if there's just some profit taking in that initial minute here but uh. I don't know this. This is one of those that i just feel like.

You could just see a nice little run throughout the day, uh carnival cruise lines here i don't know if it was. I was interested in day trading today. This is probably one i would consider um, but anyway uh. I don't look at how well, if a bunch of retail buyers started buying this one too.

Let's see here, oh look at pinterest wait! No! This is bngo bngos. What's up, that's red candle sticking, uh roku, going down 222 pinterest going down expi going down! Hmm where's santa! Let's see here: etsy oops, uh sun run rotating down square; no interesting, no real retail buying. Here on carnival, it's been negative retail buying on carnival it's been selling. Here you go.

I have no way to uh to buy this. Unfortunately, today, oh well, uh, that's all right, so shift technologies. Actually, i might later well later i got ta. I got ta call chase, but anyway uh no guarantees so nvidia, let's see video's almost back over 300..
Okay weeble wants to be impressively slow right now, all right, fine, okay, looking at the headlights, oh jd just dropped another about percent and a half. So another extra bit of uh of of rotation to the downside, pinterest 145.. Let's see too early to tell i feel like which direction we seem to be heading cannabis. Oh there's nicola nicholas moving a little more win.

Las vegas sans cardano sheep planet 13.. These guys, all up about three percent cheesecake 2.6 embryo. This is like three or four days in a row here: uh really impressive. Yeah, it's come out so it it seemed like it had its bottom around 13 to 14.

and it's really come out of the mud. You know the tough thing for a lot of investors is when, when they're looking at a potential bottom is wondering: okay is it? Is it that dead cat bounce or are we going to uh? Is this? It is this the beginning of of the rally that that's going to continue. It's always difficult uh and that's why i personally like uh what i call um. I guess i don't really have a name for it, but i like to look everybody always talks about.

Oh just dollar cost average dollar close storage. I like to dollar cost average falling knives. Let's put it that way, so uh like like when when tesla uh is under a thousand and it's like, oh it's, 9 30 or it's 9, 15, or it's 886 or 890 or whatever it's just like no problem along these levels. I don't love the idea of.

Oh test is going up: oh it's at 1100, oh it's at 1200 and buying in that direction. Right and i think sometimes when, when stocks are going euphoric and running, you have a lot of traders and and folks in the media. Oh, just just don't worry about it, it might be really green, but don't worry if uh, if the market's green, just dollar cost average - and i hate averaging on euphoric times, because you usually have pain that follows. Remember, you're, building up that roller coaster, kinetic energy to come back down, no bueno all right.

Let's see what the spy is doing here. A quick reminder tomorrow is christmas day, which means, at the end of christmas day the prices of the programs on building your wealth. Do go up. We do have this amazing new program coming out as well on the path path to building wealth, which kind of looks at uh somewhere between 32 to probably somewhere around 70 different people's portfolios or their life situations and uh and kind of hashtag.

Not financial advice recommends considerations in terms of different ways: you can uh diversify into real estate or stocks or work and and really build well, they say so. Many people know a lot about stocks. They know a lot about real estate, but then for their own situation. They know what to do so.

A lot of people have been bundling that with the uh stocks insight group, but anyway, so uh nicola moved up another couple percent here, it's almost at 10 smile direct clubs actually having a green day. Let's we're going to look at the spine. Oh let's go to the minute here. So it's up a little more! It's up halfway! Look at that! If anything, we've got a nice little rally there in the spy so far, uh! So will it last it's like? Will it blend um then we've got, let's see, train desk docusign disney disney was another one uh.
Sorry when i meant yeah my bad. My family always celebrated christmas on christmas eve, so we have two two more days: uh chris christmas day is uh a saturday uh. So uh but yeah tomorrow is not christmas. Tomorrow's christmas eve the next day but anyway, so uh disney 152, here's another.

I don't think this one's really moved as much as like the carnivals has it. No. I guess it has. If you tried measuring directly from the bottom, but this was the beginning of september or december bottom really more recently - you were just sitting at about 145.

You know if you, even if you got it for 145, what would that be? 152. 145. That's only about a 4.8 percent move if anything disney's lagging a little bit in terms of that those recovery stocks coming back so maybe disney still has some uh. Some potential buy power shift now up almost three percent, so a little bit of a a nice rotation.

Here, hmm, you know shift is just so incredible: you're you're sitting at what was it uh? Let's look at the uh shift. Tech investor relations. Look at the balance sheet of shift. If i remember correctly, they had somewhere around 200 250 million dollars worth of uh cash and that's roughly what their market cap has become.

So yeah cash and cash equivalents, as uh as of september 247, now not to be confused with book value because they do have liabilities of about uh, 256 million 144 of those being convertible notes. So that should already be considered in terms of dilutive impact. So really you're. Looking at a line of credit and uh, you know maybe 50 million in in uh payables here floor flooring line of credit.

I don't think they're actually talking about flooring, but i've never heard of that. I'm going to google that one flooring line of credit or okay wholesale finance - well, i've heard of wholesale finance inventory finance is when a line of credit is established between a manufacturer or distributor and a dealer. Wow i've never actually heard that called a flooring line. This line of credit provides that the dealer, with an extended amount of time, to pay for the purchase of inventory, wow, okay, very interesting yeah.

What's the market cap of the shift right now stock, it is 273 mil now and then shift it'd be interesting. Also to look at i i don't even know if trends shows this one up shift technologies, does anybody actually type that, though i feel like somebody would type like shift codes? Well, that doesn't do good shift magazine like what would you search for shift, use used cars or can i can i do company yeah, you can but again who's going to type shift tag. There's no way to tell um. I guess what we could do is you.
Could go to a website analytics platform and just do a quick peek to see how they've been performing. Let us take a look yeah. I don't want people googling. The word shift uh, because i don't care about people searching for the stock.

You care about people using the service uh. What okay? Well, let's see here all right, let me go to what is it sure what's their website? Is it shift.com? It is alrighty shift.com, let's take a quick peek here. Oh it's traffic rank has not been great website. Metrics not great they've kind of all rotated down in the last uh, but i wonder how many of those folks were investors who were looking but anyway yeah their website rank, has has declined over the last six months and you've got a uh, less page views.

So that's i that's interesting. I'd have to do a little bit more digging there to see maybe look into their earnings calls and actually see what's going on, but anyway uh in the meantime, you've got wind resorts 3.7, so softening a little bit back under through 90. Here american express coming back how's the visa visa was another one of those. Oh, my gosh sparty, that's uh, very, very nice of you to say morning guys don't forget about the coupon code down below for the program's new member of the stock and psychology money.

Here. My only regret is not buying the course sooner. That's really cool! Thank you for saying that that's awesome shift ceo, very vocal on politics on his twitter, which many people are not liking, huh, all right, okay, so visa visa is definitely up from its bottom 216. Yeah.

190 being kind of about yeah, we've moved nicely on visa. Actually, coming off of that 210 shelf, we took a little break at moved up, another three-ish percent since then a firm still getting stuck under a hundred lucid turning red loose down. Yeah. Look at this a little bit of pain here intraday.

So i wonder if this is extending to a lot of companies. Here's lucid and that's prague. Here's a firm, yeah, a little rotation down, uh derwin! There will be a video for that when there are more answers. Uh so, but for right now you could always click the link.

I don't know somewhere in the description. There should be one: that's i think it's metcalfer.com cashflow you can, you can put your email in there and then you'll be first to know. Okay, so i see a little bit of a rotation on a lot of different stocks. Here the sparklines look ugly here right now: uh expi hot, a charge, point rivian, there's even robin hoods over here uh, you know one one and a half percent or so um sos twilio, backed roblox, lucid peloton.

All of these are are sparking to the downside. Hmm lemonade, it's almost like bitcoin is, is, is your sort of barometer but slows down, and then stocks? Do you never know it could be the other way around, but uh really not much running right now, you've got more recoveries running than anything american express, uh, fedex or more consumer optimism, nordstrom jpm, the financials uh darden cheesecake restaurants, here adobe's, actually going up wow adobe's Up one percent adobe: well: what do we get down to about 250? Was it? Let's see here? Oh wow, we went down to 238 and in just the last two days had a nice little recovery. It's about three three. Four percent recovery uh a firm continuing to sell down right now.
Look at that intraday here, uh intraday pain. So is this pulling our indices down this kind of negativity, we're seeing here, yeah, look at that tesla's down about half percent spy is spy's still up uh mostly, i would imagine - and this has been one of the things that's been so incredible about. In my opinion, the indices is the days you have recovery stocks up outweigh the techs going down and the days uh the recoveries are going down. The texts are going up not always consistently like that, and there's been a lot more of a mix.

Certainly this year than than last year, where that was so that barbell was so classic, but it just seems like it's so hard to keep the indices down uh here in 2021 that uh individual stocks have been been a lot more volatile and frustrating which i i Would say in a normal market, we're not expecting yes and p to return 26 24 to 26 in a year, but uh yeah. Look at this a firm now uh yep, still rotating down sitting at 97.. Modern is down another three uh, just over three bats. Another three pitons, another four peloton, isn't that the last the lowest point that we've seen? I think that's that's an all-time low.

It is wait. No no peloton got down to like 17 back in march of 2020. I'm pretty sure. Let me see where was it march? Yeah here it was went down to 1770, so it's not an all-time low but it's definitely a 2021 low.

Oh that's nice to you to say, look at that can confirm i'm a new course member as well one month in at this point, stocks in psychology. Money has already made uh back its cost and paid for this comment. Haul. Well, thank you for saying that that's awesome, uh someone says piton get downgraded.

It seems like a lot of things are just all of a sudden, starting to rotate down a little bit before the holiday here. So the opposite, i think, of what many were hoping for. Santa claus was supposed to be coming and it has been the uh. It's been a relatively frustrating market to get started up, but then again it's that it's that convictionless rally uh or convictionless rallying that we continue to see yeah rk here sitting at uh down about 1.4 percent on the day, uh etsy one point: three tattoo chef, one: Three expi one one snapchat also round one one cloud flares down: another percent, docusign, half percent.
So really what's what's keeping the indices up, it's got to just be the uh, the recovery stocks, the wind, the sands, the the darden, the cheesecake. I don't know where carnival went. Are the banks jpm, obviously huge portion, a lot of folks uh parking, what they call sort of safety, money and berkshire hathaway? I know uh the uh class. A shares of that are pretty ridiculous, but uh.

You can always look at the class b shares, but anyway, uh you've seen the sidewaysness uh, with the exception of recently here, a lot of enthusiasm for uh berkshire's cash hoard. It's almost like a little uh flight to safety, but look at this tesla now rotating up again. It was down about a half percent so and now we're up about 0.4 fascinating market to try to to try to see which direction we go in the first. Obviously, 20 30 minutes of the trading day are so frequently like this, or sometimes we get these these rotations to the downside, and we can.

We could potentially have a rally for the rest of the day or not you just trade sideways, so somebody here says apparently, if and historically, if there is no his uh santa claus rally in december, it signals a lot of red for january. Oh, could c3i become a penny stock. Well, in theory, anything can become a penny stock, but yeah c3 ai has been uh, certainly rotating down now and so of a lot of those, the fintechs and the financials. I mean yeah that reminds me.

I haven't looked at mq in a while mq's sitting at 17 18.. Oh, they did get down to 15., then uh house so far, let's see so far. Uh 1493. So, under 15 soft day here as well square point, four yeah square square is also relatively close to the bottom.

Isn't it 157 was the bottom sitting at 166 now so kind of close to that? Let's look at some other headlines and see what we got. What else we have going on uh, let's go over here, merc pill gains clearance, again, really shocked that that went through, but okay, canada's economy grows for the sixth month in november, canada, california is almost bigger than canada. Putin prey that in population 40 mil it's like 39 to 40 mil or something like that, it's incredible putin praises u.s response to security ideas as positive; okay, double the risk of getting infected with omicron on a plane. Okay, i covered kimball musk's tao like a month ago.

I was bloomberg behind on this uh, okay, so how about wall street? Let's see what we got over here, consumer spending slowed. We saw that this morning, when we uh opened culture clash to tiffany all right. What else not much not much just this overall unease in the market dow, is up, though uh we did start with most things sitting around a quarter like the down s. P were sitting around a quarter.

Nasdaq was around 0.19, so the nasdaq's definitely lagging the dow. In the s p today, so tech's lagging a little bit bonds, ooh up a little bit 10 years up still under 1.5, but definitely up. Let's look at that two two here: yeah two you're also up okay, so slight movement here on yields - maybe that's keeping a little bit of or putting a little pressure on some of the tech stocks, but uh anyway shifts up four percent right now still got this Spark line to the downside on multiple stocks backed holdings kind of getting a little worse amc. 4.25 of the downside.
Let me see the retail buying on amc. I know it's exploded uh as of like uh, friday and monday, but let me see where we sit today. Yeah, that's interesting, so amc buying exploded on 12 17 and 12 14, but has since fallen a lot. 1214 was right here, that's where we opened at 27 and fell 9.4 and also an explosion.

When we went up 8 percent - oh yeah, yeah, okay, uh, but definitely slowing down a little bit that volume and amc is one of those that really needs that volume to stay uh, enthused, okey-dokey shift now, four and a quarter. Maybe that's the better play than carnival right now. C3I is at 34. solar edge.

Okay, it looks like some things that were red. Coming back to life, a little bit s p 500, still about half on the day. Cheesecake, google tesla's, basically flat apple's, basically flat, roku and net, have recovered a tiny little bit. Etsy has kind of been stable.

Let's see arc all the arcs kathy wood. It's got to be so hard seeing so much red in uh in the etf world, yeah i'm loosing a firm okay. Well, not not a lot of uh big moves there. Let's see kev a lot of people are buying crypto coins as they are released, taking the profit when they grow on hype and media would be useful if you spot potential well yeah i mean that's, that's always.

The argument is like oh just get in there and buy buy a little bit of every coin that gets released and then just uh just wait for them to blow up yeah. That's uh that it's pretty a pretty common idea uh. It would be interesting to see uh, i'm sure there have been some studies on the success rates of that, but i don't know how many we would have recently in 21, 20. that'd be something to look into, though most big traders are afraid to hold positions over Christmas, i heard from a vc friend - well i agree with that, especially since you're paying interest, uh or you're getting theta decay on uh on a three-day weekend.

So that wouldn't surprise me especially see options. Action slow down a little bit, but we've only got what four and a half days left next week. I think we do a half day on christmas eve where's the market closed on christmas eve. Let me see sorry, not christmas, eve market's closed on christmas eve, uh new year's eve stock market.

Let's see if it's open, okay, so yeah it's an early close on new year's eve and christmas eve is closed, because christmas is on a saturday all right santa rally. Historically starts monday: uh we've got a comment here on so uh, we'll see that'll be cool santa going to deliver the presence of a green market. Well, we'll have four and a half days to see it. I mean in fairness.
Indices are green today, everything's green today, in terms of the indices they're, just some things that are having a little bit more pain than others uh and some of those being momentum plays see. Look at that amc rotating down. Tmc is another. Uh momentum play uh you're, seeing a game stop down as well with them peloton, peloton's, probably just going down on that consumer spending, and that's probably why a firm is down as well and pinterest for that matter.

But neo just can't catch a break sitting at 29.30. Again, but but again, you've got to pay attention to that chinese consumer. The chinese consumer could be a a big headwind for neo. Unfortunately, if neo were in america, i feel like he'd, be a lot more bullish.

I mean think about it. They'd, be uh neo in america would be amazing. You've got another company that that actually has solid, relatively solid self-driving technology, nowhere near tesla's, of course, but uh pretty incredible, affordable vehicles, so i mean they're, more mid-priced, but but decent vehicles uh people seem to love them. You don't have anybody doing battery swapping in america, i don't know if it would succeed in america, elon musk didn't think so when he originally tried battery swapping years ago, i think like in 2013 or something like that.

That was a thesis a long time ago was that tesla was going to do battery swapping. I do think if neo were in america they would outshine rivien and uh and loose it as well. I completely agree with you. I, like aetherium theory, was great.

I have it's definitely something: that's that's part of the sort of core portfolio of crypto. I have a friend that bought every out altcoin, probably like 200 bucks each and whenever the glitch happened. Oh well, okay, yeah a couple weeks ago and just the prices look crazy. Thanks shout out on thumbs up all right: okay, anything left anything left, um nicola 11.7 right now, wow yeah, nice move there on nicola shift is doing okay as well, lift highly on so definitely seeing some some movement on some of the stocks that have been relatively Oversold toast another green day here also kind of coming off its bottom.

I want to say it's the toast bottom wasn't that 30 i've it written down. Oh, what's the breaking news hold on cme hq with breaking news: the last breaking news before the big holiday, we're looking at universal michigan sentiment december final, the mid-month read was 70.4, it improved by two-tenths to 70.6, and if we look at current conditions, they also move, But in the different direction, from 74.6 mid-month down 4 tenths to 74.2 and finally expectations, what may lie ahead jumped up the strongest from 67.8 to 68.3. Now the inflation numbers one-year inflation at 4.9 on mid-month read. Well, you had to go back 13 years to 2008 to find a higher number.
It moved down to 4.8. That's the same final read that we had in october of this year and it's still very lofty. We haven't seen many of these numbers over 4.2 since uh. The last 13 years and finally, five to ten year inflation, our last look was three percent.

There's been a lot of three percents: it moderated a bit to 2.9 and on new home sales for the month of november, expecting 770 000 seasonally adjusted annualized units. The number now 744, 000 and last month had a huge revision from 745 000 all the way down to 662 000 and to figure all of this out, let's head east to diana oleg diana real estate, yeah rick. We're going to have to be really careful with this number, because when you look month to month, the census shows that it was up 12.4 percent, but again that massive revision in october. So we have to take this all with a grain of salt.

You know me i'm always looking at the prices. The median price was hundred sixteen thousand nine hundred dollars, that's up close to nineteen percent year over year, so just amazing price growth for newly built homes. We know why it's because of the high price for the commodities that go into a new home lumber is spiking again we have higher prices for gypsum for steel, concrete everything that goes into a home, and we've heard from big names like lennar, as well as dr Horton and even toll brothers, the luxury builder, that they have huge backlogs of homes, because they're waiting on supplies, they're waiting for these to come in the prices, are higher they're, pushing those prices higher and they are actually slowing sales because they're concerned they won't be able To get the homes done quickly enough and get them to their customers so again, that's why you're seeing these lower sales? That's part of it. Also.

We want to say that mortgage rates rose pretty dramatically in november and these are based on signed contracts during the month. So people out shopping during the month of november those higher mortgage rates clearly having an effect on home sales, not a great way to go into the new year carl uh diana. Thank you for that. Uh.

Wrapping up just a host of data today, the the uh average 30-year fixed-rate loan is still uh. Like 3.08 uh yeah. Here we go 3.05 percent, it's pretty um! You know pretty good. It's still pretty good uh anyway, okay, so uh yeah.

What do we got? Uh left i mean mixed a you know, shift shift doing well up almost five and a half percent here, uh nicolas running added, uh inq as well. That's up six percent, the uh smaller quantum play so hey. Maybe they can hack all the bitcoin in the world. Although by then, i think we'll be on a nude blockchain, but also kind of coming off a little bit of a bottom here.
So if you were looking for bottoms a lot of things kind of near their bottoms, still relatively uh, a firm piton recent bottoms right, expi neo hood draftkings, lucid a lot of things to choose from rivian arc. Arca 96. when's it gon na go back to a hundred. You know, i think uh bloomberg ran a story about how the average cost basis for most arc investors were somewhere around ninety dollars.

So under ninety dollars, people who have been an arc have not only lost all their gains, but they begin to lose money uh in the company. That was very interesting all right anyway, so ooh any good books for this i'd, i mean not directly for stock market, but i love good to great or blink. Those are some good ones anyway. Okay, cool.

Thank you, everyone for being here, we'll um wish you all a happy christmas. If i don't see you in the market, closing livestream but uh, otherwise, uh yeah wish you the best over the weekend. Alright folks.

By Stock Chat

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33 thoughts on “Final trades before christmas”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael streed says:

    they approve MRK pill meanwhile Japan's covid cases drop to record lows using Ivermectin if you test positive

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ardf_ca says:

    Dear Kevin,
    I’ve, through watching your amazing content on YouTube, gained deeper understanding on how various investment vehicles work. I hope your year has been one of growth and successes, big and small. Thanks to advisors like you, this year saw the growth in my portfolio as well as in my knowledge of financial industry and the stock market.
    Am thankful and wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin says:

    Can you do a whole video on Enphase?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Casual Front says:

    its not "rotating down" if its been down since 2020 bruh

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Financial Desire says:

    Hey Kev, time you should speak out against NFTs and how it's an greater sucka scam. Just an idea man.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Trieu says:

    Take a look at $glto. 128m cash, 80m market cap, 0 debt, covid / cancer pipelines, small float. Ipo price $15. This will rocket. The daily chart is ready. Thank me later.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pilot Z says:

    Looks like merck made their FDA payoff!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Goggin says:

    Anyone reckon arks ETFs would be a good investment for 2022 ???

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NepaLian staLLian says:

    NAKD Centro merging. Best time to buy.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars monserrate perez says:

    Crash coming Monday morning 😆
    Buy the dip

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Along Came Abby says:

    Kevin have you ever looked at BIRD? Up 33% in the last week.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David G says:

    Kevin….. was this a SHIFT VIDEO on market open lol….. Said it about 43 times to make us buy 🤫

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Young says:

    Stock market is open for a half day

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swing Trader Rockstar says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jas wats says:

    Dude. That hair is ridic. Still, enjoy the content. 🙌

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Lol that good morning Kevin face!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheryi Newman says:

    MY hands are still holding BTC, ETH, ADA, SOL, MATIC, LUNA. Run in guys.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sudarshana 🔅 says:

    Buhahahahahaha…. my SUNL..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Lucille Hjort says:

    Wishes For A Very Merry Christmas And Wishes For A Very Happy And Prosperous New Year for you and your family! Lucille

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steplaland says:

    convictionless rally lol. they already have a term for this type of move. DCB = dead cat bounce

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marius Tugulea says:

    Santa is coming for sure … watching pornhub

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lt 593 says:

    Whoop shift is u turning!!!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TB says:

    PLEASE STOP SHILLING SHIFT!!!! Oh my god if I were to drink every time you said Shift during this stream I'd be dead. There are thousands of companies to report on, nobody gives AF about Shift!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Morgan says:

    Wages are rising and Fed is just now barely slowing stimulus. Way too late. The inflation genie is out of bottle. Double digit CPI incoming. Brace for impact.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Casper says:

    Thanks Kevin have a great Christmas

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shawn stangeland says:

    Dumped my NIO garbage. Tax loss harvesting here we come

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GewoonGary says:

    tsla stock split someone brought up the speculation. THAT WAS YOU KEVIN YOU FRAUD

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyree Cobb says:

    Merry Christmas Kevin!! Appreciate your videos!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Morrison says:

    did you clear those with Cathy Woods

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eartha Pazos says:

    <BTC makes it above 48k as a support this week then that shows enough momentum to counter key levels. If we don't hit those, the probability for more crashing worse that we saw is looming. It's a real critical moment that could go either way. Bitcoin trading is a lucrative opportunity as it leverages the market volatility always appreciate the realness of your content the bearish and bullish case scenario is very very important to know both scenarios so we are always prepared thank you so much!! keep it coming, I'm more than happy with 9b t c but I want more, been trading with an expert Mike Conroy

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jean lenor says:

    Guys, Im leaving the real estate business for good now. My tenant was working, did not pay me for 8 months. Her rent was only $800/month. After I finally evicted her. I learned that she s paying 500/week at the local motel. She plans to stay there for a year because no other landlord will rent to her.
    We are in the only business where people are allowed to steal from us. Then we have to follow a long eviction process. If you don't pay the hotel for even one night. They lock you out legally. If you leave a Walmart store with $1 worth of item. The police will come for you that day, NOT 3 months later.
    I will invest my money in hotels from now on.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars david kurzdorfer says:

    Kevin could you ever get peter Schiff on and at same time have a serious bit coin knowledge person on and you sit in middle let folks see both sides of this Bitcoin and hear both Peter Schiff and the Cripto expert explain both sides would be excellent learned a lot from watching your show sir

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Conway says:

    Malcolm Gladwell's Blink is a MUST read for learning the mechanics of making snap judgements!

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