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Okay, you know, we know what sucks is when you didn't sleep all night, because you've been working all night researching and researching and researching, and it's like. Oh it won't be a problem. The day won't be that eventful i'll, make my videos and then i'll go. Take a little nap it'll be fine.

No markets got ta, go to crap, i got ta, be awake to buy the dip. So now i'm on, like my eighth, no probably like my tenth cup of coffee in the last like 24 hours, i'm on my second monster. This is turning into like a a 36 hour event. Man sucks anyway, volatility is going up, fear is going up again.

People are freaking out because tomorrow, cpi data comes out, 5 30 a.m, we're expecting to be the worst in like 30 years, then you got jay powell, who's gon na freak, the markets out next friday or next wednesday. So don't worry, there'll be plenty of buy the dip opportunities uh and then, of course, you got evergreen, and then you got omicron congress as expected has been a nothing burger. Ah yeah should we be concerned about lucid look how many times on this channel. In the last month, have i said lucids going down like, i think i shorted them profitably like three times, maybe twice anyway, i think we said it like a million times on the channel.

That lucid is going to go down and uh it would. I mean it was so obvious, but um it's all right. You know, learn for next time. Uh and and we've also been talking about how the market was going to have pain specifically because of the uh.

The fear catalyst that ended up becoming a little more prominent along with the jerome powell's kind of route pull honestly, oh, i didn't put a thumbnail in today. I got to do a thumbnail really quick hold on. We got to do a thumbnail together. I just there got a thumbnail okay, cool i'll, put that up really quick, see i'm just so sleepy now, i'm behind.

How am i gon na get the thumbnail up, not figure it out anyway. So stocks are sad, but that's okay, because they create a buying opportunity. The uh kathy wood is more bullish than ever. Other people don't believe her, but uh.

What is cool is that she's, either gon na be right or she's gon na be wrong. Uh and if she's right, you're gon na wish, you bought the dip if she's wrong. You're gon na hate, her kind of am buying the dip and blowing my cash, i'm also very closely watching uh bitcoins levels, but rather than us talk about bitcoin in this video. I highly recommend you watch my bitcoin video that i posted kind of covers everything.

The um hearing with congress yesterday what visa said and some other things going on with uh with pricing, but look at this peloton folks, is almost under 40 backed holdings back down to 14. This is the big old momentum, one the one that keeps just going back and forth back and forth, and let's look at this one a little more closely where to go here. It is back. Oh yeah yeah, okay, here we go so we just ran up to 1832 and now we're back down.

Where do we go there? We are hmm, not weebles glitching again, whatever we'll get out of there, uh, okay, so and then dwack's coming down as well. Look any anytime, you have uncertainty or fear in the market, it's worth remembering that people are going to escape risk assets and momentum. Stocks are like the definition of risk assets. So i get a lot of people that ask me like we just did it.
You know we uh not so much in the course member live stream, but uh. I do sometimes get asked about it by newer course. Members who join uh by the way shout out to all those of you who mentioned that you just joined, and it was your first live stream this morning it was fun. Hopefully, you got some good insight out of what we talked about all the secrets, but anyway um.

I don't know what i was gon na say anymore too, tired, what's gon na, say it's gon na say something: oh right, yeah there are a bunch of people uh in in sort of public commentary and then very rarely, but it does come up. Some people say like oh i'm, a bag holder on workhorse or whatever you you're, not supposed to diamond hand, momentum stocks and i think that's something very, very, very important. If so, if you identify something as a momentum, stock do not die monday, don't know it. No.

I didn't like voyage or uh not void. Wait. Are you asking about very good foods right? You asked my voice very good foods. Are you asking about voyager? Oh you're, asking my voyager digital 1275.

I mean this is where it had a low point earlier. I actually bought around like 11, something yeah. It was like 11 80, or something like that, and some of the dip that we had not the recent dip. It was before that it was in october.

It was starting to run it had a nice little run here and took some tendees on that, so that was nice. That's a good little trade, piton uh yeah! Look at that straight down today. Oh my gosh uh. Obviously, no tesla stock split announcement so far without we're gon na get any kind of crazy announcement, although i did buy some of the dip on tesla along with many other stocks which remember you always get all the alerts in the stocks and psychology money group, robin Hood down a 7.6 percent down to about 22 waif.

Oh my gosh. Look at wayfair folks, wafer went down to 219. holy moly. Are people really going to uh restoration hardware instead of wayfair fascinating dance? Sofi is working its way back down to that 14.

Wait! That's not so far. There you go so far is working its way back down to 1471 big fat uh support line here. Ada just fell under 130, a firm 118. nice when we had that big fear sell off.

On monday, it went down to under 100 for, like 20 minutes, tesla is now officially down a full six percent. It is almost under one thousand dollars. I think elon's just dumping the rest of his shares. It's creating the sale for us folks, creating the sale and, right now it looks like we're selling off a little bit into the clothes as well box ink.
I don't know anything about. Unfortunately, okay 97 people got so mad at me for shorting them, so mad you're, like huh. How could you short arc just bought the dip at 108 you're such an idiot for shorting arc at the bottom goes from 108 to 89 on its low. It's like yeah.

Okay, people like oh, but it's that support line like really really that's what you're gon na think is gon na hold you up in this market a support land on an etf. It's not even the underlying stocks. Whatever you always got, ta say something mean five percent down on etsy fastly's back down after a little recovery they had gosh fastly was such a big momentum stock for a while tribalism is in stocks too. Oh yeah, oh yeah, for sure.

No doubt about that. Hmm! So restoration hardware is still up seven percent today. Build-A-Bear is up four percent, which is incredible, so dick's sporting goods, mp materials after some incredible news. This morning, uh only up 2.4 percent twitter's up a couple percent visas up about a percent ubiquity united wholesale mortgage company.

Some smaller companies here uh slightly up, but otherwise it seems like we're, mostly a downside. Yeah google only dropping a quarter of them. It's not a lot see i like i like it. When they're big drops like blood on the street.

You know, like i like scrolling around here and just seeing like an ocean of like negative, seven and negative ten percent. I think it's great someone says lucid is tanking. You were right kevin. Well, i mean i hate being right at other people's expense, but you know lucid is tanking.

Uh amc did hit a low of 25 31 wow. That was monday. Wasn't it? No, that was friday, that we hit 25 31. wow.

I can see what you're saying. Can you tell me your thoughts on isrg? I have no idea what that is, but i'll write it down. I-S-R-G all right, let's see here, let's see who does earnings today that should be fun earnings all right. Here we go so today we have chewie lulu, costco oracle, oh good ones, four, five, four fifteen four five and four chewy reports right at the bell.

That's going to be interesting, that'll be very, very interesting wall street sniper says dedicated to become or sorry i decided to become a member after following you for a complete year that support line on the etf got me that's funny, thanks for that. Welcome aboard how a bunch of you joined here, jake welcome, vibhov wall street sniper and taylor foss thanks thanks for joining uh yeah, so chewie lulu cost and oracle costco airport. Let's take a look at unity here: oh yeah, look at that unity is a little bit of a suffer, but it's still it's still in january prices i mean it's not like it's so horrible and what's so horrible is shift. What straight down hmm waiting for ethereum to break 4k? It is so slow to break robinhood almost that full 8 down did drop to about 20 58 on the uh on monday, so far, 1574 on its way to that 1470 support, let's go ahead and see if we can get a little bit of uh news updates Here, oh yeah, okay, yeah, here's uh, here's, the headline inflation, your 40-year, high shocks, americans, spooks washington.
Well, i think they're, like pre-anticipating the inflation report tomorrow. The u.s is poised to enter year, three of the pandemic, with both a booming economy and still mutating virus. But washington wall, street and uh wall street and washington, one kova chalk after start, is starting to eclipse almost everything, oh, but for washington. Okay got it omicron right already, hot inflation is forecast to climb even further.

When november data comes out on friday, 6.8 percent highest rate since reagan was president in the 80s wow economist forecasts of inflation fading away, it's still high 5.6 percent four percent. Well, it does lower. It lowers under lowers to about 3.2 percent, supposedly by q. Uh end of q3 2022 see what happens there is uh is tesla under a thousand yen.

Let me see not quite yet it's so close to a thousand, though i mean at this point doesn't matter it's like less than one percent away right then we're considering restricting options trading for retail investors really um, i'm gon na take a look at that. Do you know where that was posted, uh yeah? I don't see that all right, let's see if you can tell me a little bit more about where that was biden, made a comment that lower gas prices won't be seen in cpi until next year. Does he already know the number? No, he doesn't already know the number, but he's right. Action of the central government takes a long time to actually trickle out seeking alpha, okay, um.

Probably this story, then the risk of regulators restricting options trading is rising and that could be a problem for robin hood yeah because they make a lot of money from that. But uh do we actually think it'll get restricted, probably not so much but uh hmm? Well, they got a they've got a request for comment. Okay plans to publish a request for comment in the recent weeks to solicit feedback about options. I mean, i don't think people trading in options is necessarily a terrible thing.

It's a great way to lose money really fast, but i don't think it's necessarily horrible. If there are ways you can make some nice money, especially if you're selling options, those are always juicy well, not always juicy. You want to try to ride high volatility down right. That's that's your goal: let's listen for a moment, while i'll take another sip here.

What these guys are saying because they've been on tv for like 10 minutes revelatory, but we're moving beyond the revelations now to real solutions. We want more than just fist shaking. We want real remedies and all right, that's boring, alexander's asking: how do you become a member on the channel there's a join button that does not show up on ipad or iphone, so you'd have to log into a browser, and it's right next to the uh subscribe Button because apple wants to cut and google's like no way jose. Hmm yeah roblox, coming down 6.6 percent of firms down a lot of these recent ipos upstart hood spy's only down point four: five percent: it's really incredible how how little the in individual indices will move, but how much the uh stocks can move underlying ones.
Okay, so volatility on the dow has not been this high since um twelve nine. Oh that's day. Okay, that's a one-man chart! Okay hold on! Let me go to the day trip. Oh yeah same thing: hmm, sex, yep, it's interesting! Okay, 13 minutes to the closing stream or, and then we get to earnings.

Kathy wood is announcing she's using the recent dips as a buying opportunity, not a surprise. She is misses by the dip i'll take mystery by the dip uh hud 8 has been on the severe trend of a downside. Unfortunately, hmm all right so volatility 2173 restoration hardware build bear these guys doing well, dick sport, mp, material nokia. These guys surviving the disaster.

Let's get some more headlines, do i think costco is overpriced. No, i think they're probably fairly priced, but that's just a gut check. What was he gon na say: uh, oh yeah, bloom, maybe even the financial times um. Okay, let's see u.s stocks halt rally as cost of omicron weighs markets.

Okay, i don't think that's. Gon na be a big deal. Debt ceiling increase, puts uh put on the pressure. The fast track pressure for senate vote; okay, hmm, okay, a lot of info over here.

Let's go to ft all right, let's see so talks between biden and putin. No surprise here. New bank shares that's another one, that's a latin american one. I wonder how they did.

Let's look at that. Just call him new bank. I guess it's this one. Could it be um, i guess inferior? Hmm, oh well, just trying to get a little bit of a zoom out on this one but kind of difficult.

It's got a long history. Long history had a lot of time to convince companies and investors institutions of revenue. They did not do so. Sometimes it's a little bit of a red flag, if you do say so: um, okay, gamestop down to just over 10 percent, felt on 10.74 still stuck at that 31 figure, though uh.

It's probably a good thing. I don't really want to all go down and plummet. Someone wants to go fishing one day. I love that.

That's awesome! Welcome, reuben and multi-partisan, hmm solano and aethir solana and ethereum they're doing well, but cardaro and doge have really gotten displaced. That's the trouble with some of these smaller coins. Is they just they run, run run run run, and then they get this high ranking in the app store and then just slowly, bleebly bleed slow bleeds are the worst see. If i do s bib, that might not be there, ticker then hold on a sec.
Oh okay, i'm not even sure what hmm okay hold on a second. Let me get the terminal up, so i'm trying to find this. No santa claus rally yeah no kidding the santa claus rally. I don't know so all these catalysts, maybe honestly, once we get to the second half of december, it's like what what negative catalyst are we gon na have left is just gon na, be the actual taper of uh of the beginning of the year and then potentially The rate uh increase all right.

Let's see here: okay, three, okay, all right that way, we'll have the term up for earnings. Anyway, we wanted that. Okay, we talked about the inflation number all right, we'll listen in here for a second and then we'll come back to the sticks. Ge increased their aviation sales uh for 2023 by 11, higher than where the street is at and believe it or not.

The stock is down today, which is silly american express during this week at a conference season. They actually raised the high end of their guidance for 2022 because because tne, travel and entertainment is actually stronger than expected and david, we haven't even seen business recovery. Yet so i think, there's real upside to that name. Marriott is opening 30 luxury hotels next year.

That's higher than expected because of demand, and then we had a whole bunch of shareholder friendly actions in terms of dividend, increases and buybacks zoetis cvs, stanley, black and decker they're, also making an asset sale carrier. So while i think the macro is always important, it's on days like the day after thanksgiving when stocks get hit really hard. I go back to my notes and say i want to own all of these names because they're doing really good things. So i think that's really what with the theme for me this week, i i like what she's saying you know, buy good companies that are doing great things, not a not a bad, uh or or even great companies that are doing good things right.

It's kim about his best ideas for the new year. Here's jim talking about one of his top picks it's disney, and he says he bought more today for his charitable trust. I think disney is way overly hated. Some of us just worries about the pandemic.

Some of it is a belief that maybe management is as strong as it used to be. I have to tell you that when you have an iconic franchise like disney and you can buy 50 points below where it's been, i say you start buying some that's interesting. We've been talking about disney for a few weeks now, and i really like disney like disney's a good one uh. You know you you're really wanting to buy them on the flip out where, where you're gon na you know catch them on okay, everybody's over this whole omicron thing and uh, and then you buy the recoveries see.

Personally, i agree with what i said yesterday that if omicron can outpace delta gg now kova's over uh and that's really exciting - i mean it might still be with this for quite a while but uh, you know if it's just a cold, it becomes a common cold That would be best case scenario right. Okay, so everybody gets the cold. Then you got the t cells against it, and then it comes back next year, hopefully as a cold. That would be so ideal.
Look, don't don't get me wrong. I'd rather i mean best case scenario - is just no covet right, get rid of kovin, but uh you get a nice you turn down to in in the severity where, like nobody dies, nobody's gon na go to hospitals, you just got a little sniffles and a sore Throat best case scenario, uh all right, yeah disney remember, is also a big like netflix style play. So the fact that net or disney is down so much while netflix is up. So much don't bet against is oh.

I love this uh if they, if they were down a little more i'd, probably i'd probably add a little bit to them right now, but i did a lot of adding today, so i don't want to get too aggressive. I have a whole spreadsheet of kind of where my targets are and i'm trying to go so uh and i've shared that with everybody in the uh stocks of the college mini group. Okay, arc, invest according to bloomberg, is soul, searching as its growth-focused funds fall out of favor. Amid expectations of tighter fed policy said founder, kathy wood ouch, i've never been in a market that is up, has appreciated and our strategies are down.

That has never happened before yeah that that sucks, it sucks um all right. Well, what else volatility's come back down a little bit? Look at this. It was up about 10 earlier, like when we started this live stream. Yeah! Look at that! We started this live stream.

Literally, at the peak at about 2205, nowhere near that 30 percent fear that we had earlier, so you could easily see another fear pump, although i do really believe that once we get that data tomorrow, it's going to just be one of those burgers where it's like. Okay, cool: we got the the burger. Are we all good to go back to the moon? Now? You know, let's see we're getting last minute deals here: lucid's at 36, wow, yeah kind of expected, uh, hut's, obviously rotating down with crypto, so a shift. I can't wait to identify bottom here and go back in on this t-docs another interesting one, substantial sell down here from all-time highs, but generally not a good idea to just value a company by looking at all-time highs.

You generally want to do the fundamental analysis on it, like dave and buster's, almost back to 30. and face whoa and face is down 4, and this comes as kathy. Wood is added. That's that's quite interesting and uh.

Oh pins, back to 38., oh they're, so juicy. If i didn't already add so much this morning, i think i'd be buying both of those right now and you can always get smith and wesson. Look at that 2.3 or 2.8 ish percent up okay, two minutes to the closing bell: let's go ahead and get the earnings ready, because chewie's gon na be up, i would not sell lucid, puts i think, you're gon na get exercise. Okay, we got cost.
I actually don't think i'm gon na be able to make it to all of the earnings, but we're going to make it through the first few that is going to be cost nope. Sorry, i don't think we're going to make it to cost. So we're going to do lulu, chewy and oracle oracle av grows up as well. Is that true see? I don't know what that is.

Hmm yeah! I don't see anything about that. One all right, oh well, 30 seconds to the bell. Folks, let's see how uh, what's it called? The spy is ending up all right 30 seconds to the close here we go and the spy is falling into the clothes and tesla is falling into the clothes almost under a thousand and ark is falling into the clothes lots of things falling into the clothes. I think honestly, even restoration, hardware, yep and restoration hardware - that's institutional selling! That's fear! Look at the guy on the right in the middle.

Oh now, he's smiling. I think somebody told him to smile because he looked so grumpy all right. Uh dao is flat uh smp 500 down point; seven: two percent nasdaq down one point: seven one russell: two thousand small cap down two point: two seven percent hop on over to the six actually hold on. We should have chewie uh.

I think right at the bell. Actually, let me see if that's true chewy chewy chewy, chewy nope, not yet so chewy, lululemon and oracle. That's what we're waiting on for earnings! Okay, we're expecting a twelve point. Twelve percent move into chewy expecting a seven point.

One percent move in lulu expecting a five point. One percent move in oracle, like somebody got in their money into end phase right before the close good. For you all right, i wait for chewy earnings to show up, i'm just going to kind of do a quick scroll of the day here. Oh my gosh lucid is almost down a full 20.

Almost almost almost it's down: 1834. whoa uh dwack down 13 voyager digital down 12 peloton down 10.75 game. Stop down 10.37 yikes amc down: 8.7 shift 8.3. Oh, i was shift down almost under four dollars, robin hood down 7.6.

So far, down 7.5 wow, ethereum's gon na be bouncing off two or four thousand very soon. Cloudflare 6.43 tesla 1003.. Oh man, everything i dip bought just ended up dipping more, not everything but uh, that's okay! This is the time you want to build up. You want to build up when there's fear you build muscle when it's hard, not when it is easy.

Well, like arnold all, right nobody's giving us earnings yet quite annoying d listing yeah. I don't know about that. Uh, let's see still waiting. No earnings wouldn't be surprised that they all come out in about two minutes.

It's the uh, oh five, time frame. Let's see what this guy is and what he has to say, we'll add some commentary rising that tends to lead uh, cpi um and then, if you look at the components, the big component of shelter, you know, that's gon na continue to put upward pressure uh for The foreseeable future, but i think the bottom line is, if you step back the economy, is much much tighter than it was way before every anybody ever heard of covad and those pressures are going to continue as the economy continues to grow. Uh - and i know you've also along with uh with richard as well uh, been talking about a bubble. What is it about this market that is giving you sort of concern that that we may be at least in some sectors in a bubble bubble? Yeah? Well, it's not just that the market's expensive i mean the market's been expensive for a while.
I think the the difference between a speculative market and a bubble is that a bubble pervades society and that's clear. You know everywhere you look in every sector in every. You know in every conversation you know people are talking about markets and what to invest in and those are clear signs of the bubble. You know the use of leverage, the trading volume, so you know all the criteria that we have.

You know for a bubble have been met with flying colors, and so i think that's the biggest concern that people need to be positioning for it's not just a risk, but because it creates this huge misallocation of capital. You know creates huge capital scarcities and i think those are also the opportunities you know mike. We are expecting this inflation number tomorrow, cpi is out, and the economist forecast is 6.8 percent, so very high, very hot, even more than last time, the highest since the early 80s, which gets everyone concerned. But but it's been one string of hot inflation after another and the s p is up what twenty something.

So what is the market relationship with these numbers, because it did feel like a little bit of a sell-off on anxiety about that number. First of all, tomorrow's going to be a little bit of a rorschach test, because the annual number is projected higher, but the month over month is going to be lower, probably than we got. Last time i mean that's the forecast because of what you're going up against a year a year ago, six point: eight, doesn't change yeah get the headlines, that's the that's exactly what it is. So it's the psychology era, inflation.

The president today said. Well, you know the drop in gasoline oracle's out oracle. Just came in with 10.4 bill in revenue. Gosh, that's huge.

They came in with an adjusted eps of 121. That's a beat. 111 was the expectation. Revenue came in at 10 36.

It's beat from 10 21.. That is, an oracle beat lulu lulu just out lulu. Coming in with here we go, lulu comes in with 1.5 billion in revenue q4 revenue, they are seeing 1.13 to 1.78 eps comes in at 144 versus 110. A year ago.

They raised their guidance, that's good news. They beat their estimates eps of 3.24 to 2. or 3.21. Oh, that's, really good uh hmm hold on it's just gps.
That's just dps! Oh that's rev! Oh, oh okay! I see uh. They posted this one. A little excuse me but or a little weirdly. Oh well.

Okay, good, so lulu sees net q4 revenue of 213 to 217. The estimate is 217., so that's slightly soft in the forecast, so software slightly uh, slightly soft looks like oracle is bouncing at least three percent right now and let's see how the market's treating lulu yeah oracle's up about three percent very nice and then let's try lulu Lulu down five ouch: okay, chewy just have an 8k here. What's this one say: chewy litter shareholders they're doing their shareholder call today yeah, i just don't see their their letter. Yet, oh here we go it's just an attachment.

So here's your chewy attachment they had net sales that are you're better, but you want to compare to the three months ended in the last quarter. Usually let me see if i could just get a quick outline here on this one. Oh yeah, here we go. Net sales came in at 2.21 billion.

The estimate was 2.21, they met adjusted ebitda was 6 million. Oh that's, a miss, oh adjusted, ibitel was 6 million, they came in, wait, no wait. Yeah they came in with 6 million and the estimate was 23 million, so they met revenue but missed big time there on adjusted, ebitda. Oh, what's going on with chewie's there we go yeah rotating down, it's not a surprise uh, but not much.

Only about two-ish percent. 2.7 could still evolve. Hmm, no massive movers that we can see here in the pre-market, slash after hours, okay, everybody's going to be tentative now for that cpi data release 5 30 a.m. Tomorrow morning i'm gon na be there be there be square folks uh.

I got ta go. Thank you very much for being here. It's always fun and we will see you probably later today and tomorrow. Alright, thanks everyone.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Fear index spiking – stocks falling”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Why do you put Cramer on here… he’s the same guy that told us to buy bear stearns at $70.00… Sell BTC at 29K and send the military D2D to force vaccinate ppl… fuck him!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Useless Spermy says:

    Stop with the stupid close up face pics. We get it. Your original just like ever you tuber. You make tons of money, probably millions from you tube, not from being a true a investor. If you can make so much money from investing then stop the you tube garage. Your killing it with $$ only from YouTube. Not from being a genius stock investor.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howe’s it going says:

    Kevin your work is never taken for granted, thanks for sacrificing your time ONCE AGAIN to always keep us informed!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michelle Eaton says:

    Btc is declining for the first time in five trading sessions, with losses accelerating after it failed to sustain the positive momentum seen following this past weekend’s flash crash. And on a technical basis, it is seen by some analysts as being caught in a no man’s land between different moving averages. No matter the sideways movements you should always learn to seek help of professionals. I was a newbie when I started trading with reliable signals from Brandon Traister strategy < whom made me 9btc in two week.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beckley Smith says:

    <Great video i like your energy and professionalism in your videos.. I remember months ago when I joined your channel and watched a video where you spoke about your confidant about Harvey Barrett FX, who has been a fundamental part of your journey, I am happy I reached out to him like you suggested because his one on one crypto sessions has made me better. copying his daily cause of action, has helped me avoid mistakes and get better returns, thank you so much I also feel you should make more vids like that, it will help people know the right person to use to get a better one on one experience when the youtube videos are not enough to avoid getting scammed, make wrong moves and make better yields.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Ceesay says:

    Hmm selling Lucid puts while there are question marks around delivery and the SEC investigation isn’t a good idea. A lot of head wind and the stocks falling. May as well buy when it bottoms.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Martins says:

    Jesus Kevin, your heart is gonna explode. A lot of coffee and 2 monster? Look out for yourself.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Babelouis says:

    Kevin you are a Michael Jorden level athlete of your unique sport: following current news, cycles and patterns, and leveraging your viewers’ comments and info all in real-time. Just think, back in the day people thought gamer -kids were just wasting time learning a useless skill. How quaint!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Walton says:

    You look so stupid!!!! Grow up and you wanted to be governor

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe S says:

    That video thumb nail image. I can’t, I just can’t get the "insert your caption here" comment out of my head. No! Get out! No! No! Nooooo! 😂😂😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Baker says:

    Profiting $28,630 weekly, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Palmer has totally changed my life.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Elliott says:

    Thanks for your videos. Keep it up. They are great!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Elliott says:

    Why didn't you just buy the vix and go to sleep?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emman A says:

    Kevin I feel you lol, Kevin has a lot of pressure on his hands , cause we all million + people subscribe come here for comfort and reasoning on wtf is going on in the stock market 🤣 , and so far Kevin doing great job

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Schneider says:

    Yer looking very Dr. Seuss these days, 'specially the thumbnail.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Monitor says:

    The other funds are obviously shorting ark stock pics and looking at her daily trades. She needs to stop posting so much

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel oh says:

    Dip not bc of omicron.. cpi date.

    Sold all my calls, and went heavy into $TZA and $SQQQ. Going to sell those mid day and buy back my calls at sale prices!! My top picks $SOFI $HOOD $AMC.. after that, I like $PYPL, $DIS, $DOCU, $GBOX, $PLTR, and maybe some Corsair bc of Kevin.

    Who says you can’t time the market!!! (Knock on wood lol)

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paolo Sartore says:

    Kevin: “Don't touch momentum stocks!“
    Also Kevin: Only mentions and talks about the few same momentum stocks every day.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean says:

    Had a couple people message me about how bitcoin was falling and how I'm doing haha!! I'm doing great buying up more btc!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Boo boo please don't play me right now, I'm not in the mood, really though, take heed!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Moore says:

    lcid is trash just like nio, docu is trash just like pltr, and tdoc is trash just like enph. … good luck little buddy. apple and mrvl and some other semiconductor chip makers. on, sgh, nvda, amd intc. thats all you need little buddy.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Rodriguez says:

    F*** me i literally just the other day bought a ton of call options after confirmation that the 3rd dose is effective against the stupid virus

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Boo boo, stop playing with me right now, l'm not in the mood!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ¡ՅƐȠƬiՑԨ says:

    Yea Kev is the best..not like all those hyped YouTubers

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DiscreetBtm xxx says:

    4 of your last 5 videos, you were holding your heard in your thumbnail; are you fainting? If so, we are fainting with U:)))

    Buy tmr as it will be falling after CPI

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SSGTacoma says:

    you love dis ?
    dis nuts ha! jk kevin sorry love you

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rabs says:

    Take a look at SARK great way of shorting cathie woods innovation etf

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    You know I will never give up on you boo boo forevermore sweetness sweet pea pooh Bear guarding her cub alone always my love!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Intrepid Razor says:

    The stock market reminds me of that gasoline fight scene in Zoolander.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis says:

    Just tell your son's you did it for their college education

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