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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #fbi #twitterfiles #twitter ⚠️⚠️⚠️
The Twitter Files story DEEPENS. James Baker FIRED.
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Remember Coupon code PP expires Friday Join or pay a higher price later. when you finally join and get that lifetime access, the Twitter finals drama gets even worse and even creepier. Now look I Believe and I hope that many of you realize I am not Mr Tinfoil Hat I'm gonna run to every single conspiracy that pops up, but this one just keeps getting weirder and weirder. and I have a belief that when there's smoke, there's fire.

Okay, when there's a suspicion that something is going on, there's probably something going on to some degree. And what you have to remember is in case you haven't watched my last video on the Twitter files, let me give you a very, very quick synopsis. Politicians especially: Democrats since they provided over 99 97 to 99 of donations to Twitter which gave them a lot of access to contacts at Twitter were in the past and who knows, maybe at other platforms still are able to today request that certain Twitter posts be removed potentially potentially from their competitors. right? And in my last Twitter video about the Twitter files I talked about how disgusting this was and how if I could just find out that Gavin Newsom potentially did this to me when I ran for governor in California and all of a sudden my posts were getting censored and deleted for nonsense.

Boy oh boy would I have had a better chance running against them because it would have shown how corrupt the system is and how disgusting the system is. Now that's what we talked about last time, but we also talked about how weird it was that the FBI had been investigating and had knowledge into this Hunter Biden laptop for potentially up to two years and then just conveniently before the New York Post releases their story in October of 2020 just weeks before the election, the FBI just happens to conveniently send multiple warnings to Twitter that hey, hey, hey, there could be Russian disinformation coming. There could be hack and leak attacks where stuff gets hacked and then it gets leaked and that's why. Essentially immediately when the Hunter Biden laptop story dropped which the FBI knew when it was going to drop, since they were surveilling Rudy Giuliani's emails, they knew when the story was going to post so they could prep.

Twitter Hey hacking leaks coming. and then sure enough, the story drops. And what does Twitter do? Twitter censors the story along with many other social media platforms, They censor the story without even the knowledge of Jack Dorsey going behind his back or not letting him know about this censorship. Despite the calls from even Democratic Congressman Rocana suggesting hey, like you have to be careful here, this is a free speech violation And what does Twitter do they say? Oh no, The Hunter Biden laptop information or material was hacked even though here's an article from The Hill The Hill which actually leans left saying there was no evidence that the New York post's Hunter Biden's story was hacked yet What did Twitter do they assumed Russians or hackers were behind it yet? What's really interesting is this guy right here.
James Baker worked for the FBI whom I just kind of gave you a little background on how they like to play in the game apparently apparently okay. I I allegedly again, where the smoke, there's fire and I and I don't want to say that the entire organization has problems I don't like to do that I Think sometimes you just have some people potentially like this guy that do things wrong and that does not mean the entire organization is bad I Want to be very clear of that I Think that in In fairness, we should all agree with that. doesn't mean that everyone's bad. Maybe there's some other bad apples too.

But anyway, this guy. what's interesting about him is this is a photo of him when he worked for the FBI and he worked for the FBI during the Alpha Bank drama working for the Hillary Clinton campaign trying to find any or potentially fabricate any potential evidence that Donald Trump was working and colluding with the Russians at the time this individual worked with the FBI. After all of that, he ended up getting a job and none other than Twitter and this was the individual who was responsible in large part for censoring The Hunter Biden story in 2020.. in fact, here's the Hill article.

There's also James Baker the controversial former FBI General Counsel involved in The Bureau's Russia collusion investigation. He left the FBI and became Twitter's Deputy General counsel. Some Twitter Executives expressed unease with censoring the story including former Global Communications individual or vice president I should say Brandon Borman Who asked, can we truthfully claim this is part of the policy and then Baker jumped in to support censorship and said it's a reasonable to assume that they may have hacked and that caution is warranted again, even though there was no evidence of any kind of hacking. Well, Bombshell gets released today now.

Zero Hedge Put a phenomenal piece together on this: I'm just going to give you the bottom lines on this: It turns out that the person who was a vetting the release the release of all the Twitter files. this stuff which Matt has been posting the Twitter files on uh on Twitter obviously uh, the person who was vetting the release of the Hunter Biden files the Twitter files was none other than James Baker Unbeknownst to Mr Musk. And so what did Mr musk do today? in light of concerns about Baker's possible role in the suppression of information important to public dialogue, he was fired from Twitter today no Elon Musk wrote that he was exited from Twitter There was a hilarious reply to one of my comments on this tweet thread. Somebody wrote no Kevin he wasn't fired, he was promoted to customer Okay, I laughed about it I thought it was great Anyway, so uh, this was interesting because apparently Elon Musk talked to uh to Jim uh and uh and uh.
you know when at when Baker was asked to explain himself uh Elon Musk replied uh yes that he had talked to Baker but his explanation was unconvincing and this reply I'm assuming and that's why I wrote joke next to it I just thought it was funny Somebody replies his explanation was I still work for the FBI uh Elon Musk adds Clarity that he only discovered that Baker actually was involved in the Uh Twitter files vetting uh on Sunday which if you put put this together, you could see why this is so weird. it. maybe it doesn't seem so weird just yet, but if you put it together, you can kind of see the string here. If in 2016 your anti-trump right? you're You're working trying to basically find uh Russia or working the Russia collusion Russian collusion angle.

Okay, you're clearly anti-trump right? Then in 2020, your censoring. Uh, the Biden story under quote-unquote hacked materials policies even though there was no evidence that the materials were hacked. and now all of a sudden here in 2022, you're in charge of the release of the Twitter files which could actually show how much censoring you were personally doing. You can see how that would be a little weird, right? And the fact that the FBI was heavily involved here potentially here and has an interest in not being involved here.

In fact, what I think is really interesting and this is me just going a little further. Here is: the first batch of the Twitter files didn't actually show any kind of evidence. uh, in the Twitter files even though we're expecting this because this is what. Well, what? what has been reported many times before.

You could watch my last videos to see with some more details on this. The first batch of the Twitter files didn't actually show any kind of government involvement, But we're wondering now. Did Jim Baker selectively protect the FBI removing that information and any incriminating information for himself and then turned over the Twitter files right? So it's kind of like the revealing of all the censorship was being censored and it's just like oh my gosh, like how many more people like this are still at Twitter That's the big question now. and look.

I I Always want to say I am not Mr Tinfoil Hat I Try to be very, very reasonable, but I'll tell you when there's smoke, there's fire and this seems very very sussy and I feel personally involved in this because in 2020 the same year all of this stuff was brewing like crazy. I had my gubernatorial campaign censored. It's bad. It's wrong.

It should not happen. It's disgusting. and if you watched my last video, a lot of you agreed with my solution. The solution was very, very simple.

Anyone who requests that a post be taken down should have that request made public. Anybody who gets moderation uh made or whatever uh on their post, That moderation should also be public. So in other words, you should almost have like a blockchain style history of here all of the requests being made, all of the reports being made against the post like let's say, this is a post. Okay, this is uh, this is my son's job, my son Jack's prediction of the stock market.
I'm not exactly sure if you hold it this way or this way, but either way it ends up up which I'm very happy about that. I did use it as a coffee coaster which he was very upset by which we also talked about in my course member live stream this morning. Clearly we've got really high quality information the course member live stream for you and this is why you got to be part of the course member live streams use that coupon code expiring on Friday it's coupon code PP Okay, expires Friday So the day I go ring the stock exchange Bell Anyway I Believe that there should be a log where basically if you click on a post, imagine this is a Twitter post. It should say here's a list of all of the time-ordered reports and complaints filed against it.

So if I could see Gavin Newsom Gavin do some Gavin Newsom Gavin Newsom at least I could transparently see that he's continuing to be the scumbag that he is. uh, and then on the other side it should say no action, no action, no action, no action right? Or if there was action taken should be transparent I Believe that is the best thing to come out of this uh is. or at least that's the best thing we could hope for out of this. I Don't believe that what we really need is is, uh, anything more at this point, uh than than utter transparency I Think transparency is extremely important? Who knows? We'll see what other drama comes out of the the Twitter files.

I will definitely be looking and so I encourage you to subscribe to the channel, share the video if you found it helpful and of course check out the programs on building your wealth. Thank you so much and good luck. we'll see in the next one.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Fbi *collusion* on twitter files! biden laptop story deepens”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars parabola says:

    The world is run by The Satanic Kazarian Mafia. All of these people including E Lon are part of it. Our whole reality is a lie controlled by them.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars honey horse says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crunch Beries says:

    You know what else is wrong and disgusting? Meet Kevin getting DUIs and putting kids lives in danger

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B2 Mark says:

    Less then 10% people liked this??? Corruption or Stupidity?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiMi SeeYou says:

    Don’t tell me the FBI doesn’t know that Brian Deese does NOT have an economics degree, and is on staff as head of sustainable development for BlackRock! Go check their website… he is still on staff and is US Director of Economics! Wtf?!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Batt says:

    Oh no Kevin is getting pulled into hunterGate to try to impress daddy Elon. Pathetic and embarrassing. I thought we were talking about stocks?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MiMi SeeYou says:

    Kevin is finally crossing over. All you need to do is search plunge protection team to see all this shit is bogus. They will drop this collapse when they are ready… and we are sooo close.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gioxtream says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim in Michigan says:

    So you really think it is a big deal that Joe Biden wanted naked photos of his son taken down? Biden wasn't a government official at the time plus posting naked photos of someone else, without their consent, goes against twitters policy. Now, lets talk about Trump asking for twitter posts removed when he was the US president. Thats a problem because now you are talking about government messing with freedom of speech..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X_Deadnsyde_X says:

    They said "we can reasonably assume they were hacked" because the files that were taken down contained hunter's nudes… yet, for some reason, with all of your research, you failed to mention that crucial bit of information.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SD says:

    A few days ago. Kevin. I will pitch my courses only once. As usually fillip flop.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Night Wing says:

    The Democrats are a bunch of crooks. Lock them all up and throw the key away.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Tran says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis Tavares says:

    But tax returns!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sumbo Chen says:

    Damn.. This is too good. How could you not watch this. Too freakin good.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars okey says:

    Kevin, you’re a little Elon fanboy 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trudi N says:

    This country is a laughingstock

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ EJ says:

    These guys are out of control.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walkaza says:

    Breaking News:


    Trump has been assassinated.😮🤣🎯

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Renteria says:

    Dont be a conspiracy theorist, oh theres evidence? Yea its no big deal anyway, just a distraction.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sue Ferrill says:

    You talked too fast when you ran for Governor. Should have just been yourself. Didn't sound genuine

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soj. H says:

    FBI needs to be cleaned up.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kash Ryan says:

    There crazy

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Christy says:

    Another smart guy has lost his mind!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown says:

    Put on the tin foil. Chad is waiting. Join the cult

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Y says:

    The system is definitely corrupted.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodiculous says:

    If biden turns out to be "the big guy" and it's confirmed thats it for the dems

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Setorious says:

    When media talks about racism everyone sees racism, they talk about Russian collusion with trump and everything that becomes incriminating is first thought to be Russian disinformation. Our species has to be careful with how we get influenced. My co workers still think the laptop is a full on Russian conspiracy and more proof of collusion.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    OMG, such a PoS for this…Open yje links! They are D#$% picks…

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mmm says:

    As Sam Harris accurately put it, the Democrats could have dead babies in their basements and Americans wouldn't care. Power always transitions and it is time for Americans to find another country to live in.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! bigrr64 says:

    The media not covering it tells you it's a big deal. They don't want their brain washed minions to 'know the truth if it exposes their mass corruption.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S.T. Family says:

    You gotta fight 🔥 wit 🔥😂😂

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars llstevenson66 says:

    Again I want you to know truly Kevin I always enjoy listening, however you are an American, you don't have to follow your dad's Democrat, this is not Germany. Your kids show you Christ everyday so please start being a conservative, otherwise they'll be a Democrat, then Hitler or China one of the other maybe Russia.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul R says:

    Jean Pierre says old news 😂

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike73ng says:

    So, you know it’s not censorship when a private company does it? And you know DT was president when this happened? And you know the items “censored” were Hunter’s dick pics? And you know these pictures were against twitters TOS? You know all this, right? And yet you see evil conspiracy? Really? Can we maybe solve societies larger problems? Huh? Please?

    And lock up DT.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Am erican says:

    Mainstream medias are accomplices, too.

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