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What's going on traders welcome back to the uh, i guess you would call the afternoon stream the mid lunch stream. Welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, pretty much what we're going to do is just go through everything that happened for the day. So, as you can see by the title of the video expr stock explodes watch these levels, this is going to be the first thing that we discussed today as a stock ended up ripping and going through our expected price target.

So pretty excited to see that happen. So we're going to start here with expr and then what we're going to dive into next is going to be all of the most popular stocks on the day. So it would appear that the stock spce baba, expr fubo fubo, wish wish tesla expe b-i-d-u, t-r-c-h and a-l-f are right. Now the most popular stocks being talked about over like the last hour amongst a lot of chat rooms.

So that's what we're going to focus on here in this stream today so definitely appreciate you guys tuning in with me uh. So first thing we'll do is look at expr we're gon na jump into full screen before we get started. Let me grab my handy dandy. Drawing tools start there we're gon na pop this down like a d and boom boom there we go all right and give me one more.

Second, i am going to uh share this stream to a couple locations locations. Why did you guys change everything around? That's so odd! Hmm, i don't know why they did it like that, all right, we're ready to go sorry about that, so we're starting here with expr all right. This is a stock this morning, uh that we reviewed at 8 30 in the morning during the pre-market trading session um. This was something that we had mentioned.

You should watch on the long side. So this morning i don't remember exactly where it was trading when we started looking at it, but the recommendation was you wanted to watch the market on expr? Why are you not working? That's weird, i don't understand so odd anyways those aren't working. So the recommendation was to watch expr long bias today, um once it broke through the deviation mark, um and i'll show you here in just a second, so the recommendation for expr was to watch the market long bias for a break through the 611 to 610 price. Once you broke through the 611 to 610 price, then you could see a move all the way up to 6.80.

So the analysis this morning was to watch expr long as it broke through the 610 price, because if it could break 610, then it could gain momentum and push all the way up to a projected target of six dollars and 84 cents. You will see, we went up to 684, we stopped, we hesitated and then the market kind of did like a cup and handle pennant formation, which exceeded 6.80 forced an intraday short squeeze all the way up to the next target, which is 649, which we know by Going to the daily chart - and it's i mean it - didn't quite get there - we might still get there by the end of the day, but once we broke through 680, the next move was targeting up to 770 to yep 770.. So i hope i didn't confuse anyone there, but the way that i'm going to go about explaining this is i'm going to try to bring my drawing tools up one more time. I don't know why it's am i sharing the wrong screen.
Could that be it? Let's see, share screen one: yes, that's the one, maybe that was it yep, okay. So this level here today was um. It was the current resistance right, so this was resistance that had to break once. We got through this point.

You're gon na see that all the volume starts to kick in and we start to gain momentum from there. We're going for a what's called a plus one deviation, move okay, so we're going for one deviation, move the one deviation move is from point a to point b. If the market's successful at breaking out this here, then we'd be going for the next one deviation move, which would be from hold on point b to point c. Okay, so, nonetheless, all it means is, is expr had a really good day it broke out.

It went all the way to the desired price targets and we probably shouldn't expect expr to be really over this price today if it gets through 770s and keeps going, that would be extremely extremely lucky, but it could happen so, for the time being, you should expect The atmos target on the day for expr is about 770. now going into the next couple days here with expr um. You know this has the same setup that amc did and then now amc is up at 70 bucks. So, however, you want to look at it.

Be my guess: doesn't matter, i'm still bullish to stock the next target up once we can get through this previous high. So if we can get through this previous high, which will currently be held down all right, the reason that the market might stop below this previous high is because the current resistance in the market right now is this dotted line in this red line categorized by the Dotted line and the daily chart green line excuse me daily chart green line, so we have long term trending resistance that exists at 770 and if we can get the market up to there and we can get the market to successfully break through, then we're going to Target up to the price of 8.47 and then if we can get through 847, it's the same story: we're going to go all the way up to 10. right. If we can get through 10 we're going to go all the way up to 1180 and then we'll be testing that previous high, so the current really overbought location of the market right now, the very overbought location of the market would be up in this zone.

For amc, which lines you up pretty much with the previous or sorry, it's expr excuse me, so the overbought level on am or expr is up here. So you'll see that this lines up pretty much with the previous high, these two lines, the purple and the blue. So pretty much all this means is that this is the overbought level as it was back here. This is where everyone went short.

If you can get the market back to here and through this, is where you're really forcing a bigger short squeeze same thing that you saw on a m c at the time this level was the oh hold on so basically, at the time, this level was the Extremely overbought level, as categorized by this topping back here, so a bunch of people excuse me, went short and you're able to get back up and through the overbought. These are all the shorts getting squeezed. Now the market goes back to hold on now. Market goes back to overbought.
Location market is again selling down, so your next big, real short squeeze, has to be through that price point zone. You have to get the market up and through there to force your next big short squeeze. Look at how long it took to short squeeze this move one month, two months, three months, four months, squeeze drop we're into one month could be two three, so on so forth, and the reason i say that is because the longer this goes down or the more We kind of trade like this, the more time it's going to give these trend lines to go higher. So, for example, if the market on amc slows down and just kind of trades sideways, what's going to happen is this trend line is slowly going to go up.

So that blue line, that's overbought at 74, will eventually be a hundred and that purple line that's really really overbought. That's priced at 89.80 will be 120, and then the market will actually have room to go up back to an overbought location right now, back to the overbought overbought location will only be a 14 move, not to say that it can't do this and do this. It can, but that's just kind of the natural flow of the market, usually good afternoon brian good afternoon, tt dandy hungry for wedgies. I love the name.

Well, let's get rocking and rolling we're going to jump on over here into the stock. Spce. Now give me one quick. Second: there we are all right so now we're going to go over to spc, so svce is kind of mind-blowing because it just is so.

I didn't expect this move. For the past couple weeks. People have been asking me about spce, we've recommended it as a long pretty much for a while. Now our recommended price target for spce today and over like the past couple days, was this price zone okay.

So this is a great learning example. Our recommended price target for spc, like when it was down here, was back to here and the reason we projected that was just because that was simply where the trend was so today, the market and actually it should have been adjusted. Maybe i didn't adjust it today. So, as our target was up to the these prices right here wow, i didn't really think about doing that.

Looking at this today, that's silly but anyways you can see where those two red lines are today we gapped up and through the resistance, so the resistance that was needed to be broken to break spce further was gapped above today. So yesterday, again, we had recommended that you were meant to be long bias on spce to here and to here and we figured this is where you would start to see selling pressure. But this time it was just so strong good news that we broke above the resistance and squeezed the short sellers that were all located here. So people who started selling short yesterday, who have been short from the previous day and anybody who tried to add over top of the short-term resistance, just kept getting squeezed today.
So this here was the projected resistance for me um and then we got up through it. Put a bull flag in break out, we dipped back down and just went for a gigantic rip and you'll see that all we did okay is we went from. I think this was plus one to plus two. You might not know what that means, but all i'm saying is we just did what's called a one deviation move when this resistance breaks successfully will normally go to the next true resistance, which will normally be a deviation point whether it be one two or three.

This is two i will showed you indent your mind will be blown okay when we go to was it the daily chart. We'll do both all right, so green line here um and then we go to daily chart and daily chart green line there. We actually exceeded it a little bit right, so you see how i'm making two lines. You see.

I have two red lines here now, that's the same exact thing i did down here so when spce was trading up to these two red lines, all it was doing was trading up to resistance for whatever reason news we gapped over the resistance by market open and Then what did we do? We just went to the next line up all of these lines on the chart, the gap or the space between each solid colorful line just equals or could be categorized, not even categorized described as one okay, they're all equal. Okay, if you subtract 64. from 73.74 you're gon na get the same exact price or price difference. If you were to subtract uh 64 from the 53 and you'll get the same exact price, if you subtract, you know 53 to 34.

and same price. If you subtract, 34 to 2508 etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, so the space in between the purple to the blue, the blue to the green, the green to the yellow, the yellow to the white, the white to the yellow, yellow to green green to blue and blue to purple. Whether going up or going down are all the same, and you can just say that it's one one one right, it's all just one so on so forth and all of those ones right now equal about ten dollars, it's a little less than that, it's actually nine. So that's six! It's 9.74 ish! That's actually 973 right! Now, okay, so each one of those gaps from solid lines are equivalent to a 9.73 range.

Okay, when one of those levels breaks, the market generally tries to target to the next line up. So, for example, when we go over to expr and it's it's so mirac - oh guess what yesterday was pretty crazy yesterday when we got off our lunch stream and um, i checked my youtube's like uh analytics, believe it or not after like a two hour, long live Stream yesterday i checked my google analytics and i actually dropped by like 25 subscribers and i watched it happen. I actually refreshed it could even happen. Oh my phone's dead, but i'd show you, but i refreshed my phone and i saw it go down subscribers, i'm like that's not usual, that's not very common, but anyways.
So we're going to look here at expr and kind of give you the rundown again so with expr today, when we had suggested that you would uh when we suggested the target right. Look at this ready. So the difference from this yellow line - it's 609 to the to the green line is 771, so you got to you can call it a dollar sixty-something, so you have like a dollar sixty in here. A dollar sixty difference from each one of these lines right.

So we broke this first yellow line and you can see we just ran to the green one today and that's generally what the markets try to do, but in this instance i gave you the 680 target. So i told you if you get the break of the one deviation you're going to look for a target up to the four hour, one, because that's an easier target to obtain and you'll see what sort of interaction happens. You see we break up and we went straight to that level. I suggested today and we traded down because a lot of times it would be resistance.

In this instance, the market was so strong, it just broke out and you can see. Expr is still moving pretty solid on the day. So again, don't be surprised if you see expr end up tagging this price by the end of the day or into after hours, trading 772.. Let's get it all right, uh real quickly, let's pop on over! Oh, so all that all that garbage, i just told you about spc, basically means that it's a bowl of stock.

In regards to its move to me, it seems like well, i know not not, it seems i know we're selling down and i know why we're selling down. So i really wouldn't be any bit more long bias for the day because it's it's reached really high prices, and so i think for today it's pretty much done not pretty much, i'm just gon na say it is done and if i'm wrong tomorrow, you can come Back and call me a jackass, but i'll probably be right, so you can come back tomorrow and you can hit the like button so but no serious. I think you're you're just going to end up seeing this kind of just kind of hang out. Maybe trade down or a little up for the rest of the day, but not break out.

I could be wrong, but that's kind of how i'm feeling whoa all right. Let's move on over to amc because it would be good to recover that today, um so pretty much the recommendation for amc was. You should be bearish for the day on amc and the recommended downside target for the day on amc. I just deleted it, but hold on the recommended downside target that you're expecting to get to today for amc was this dotted white line? We didn't quite get there.
We were off that target by 20. No, we were off that target by 70, no 62 cents. So this morning, pre-market during the analysis, we basically told you the market was going to be bearish targeting down to hold on. I forgot that red line, so we were saying bearish targeting down to this red line.

We only got the 52.97 sorry right and that when we got down to here, that's where you would you would potentially look for the dip by well. It only got to there and we're going back up all right so now on the upswing. So this upswing, all right - where is the upswing going to go to well the upswing here on the way back up, is trying to get back to the price of 56.51 so again by tomorrow morning, a better way of rephrasing? This is if this bearish trend doesn't continue. You'll then see the price of amc.

Reverting back to 56.51 crossing through 56.51 is what's going to lead you to the next bullish, ripping move on amc right now, it's 56.51! Tomorrow, it's going to be a little bit different. Just make sure you tune in 8 30 a.m and you'll get the goods. Okay, oh yeah. Sorry, oh yeah, tomorrow, monday monday morning, monday morning, you can see.

I basically do this every single day. So i just think every single day we're going to be on streaming doing this. So anyways, yes, we'll be back on live uh monday morning and then you can tune in hotel heat tripping 100k. He don't even know what he talking about huh.

I don't know what your name is, but, mr v, i would really encourage you just to tune in like just just give us a try, like maybe two times next week, and i think you will that opinion might change a little bit. But that's why i say just give us a fair shot. Come back monday morning, tuesday, um check out the analysis. Watch us call things to the penny.

Almost maybe that will change all right and then, if i suck, then you can call me an and i'll accept. Um you're the man you're, the man, it's friday, it's tuesday who knows what day it is um your thoughts on u-r-g-o uh, one. Second um! You are geo. I have no idea.

Let's take a gander. Oh i can't get too sidetracked. We got to get through all the popular stocks today, so you know what give me a second give me a second uh we're gon na jump on over to baba now, so mr baba has been having a good day. This is the best we've been seeing baba trade in in quite some time.

You can see it drop down bounce blah, blah blah good good, good, all right. So let's get the price targets. Okay, so baba has met its first price target now this is hmm one. Two, this is the shift point, so ideally you've made it back to the shift point on baba.

If we can successfully get baba over here, then we'll probably be able to force the market up to about for now call it 2. 30, like 8 237.. So i myself am expecting this is the 4 hour 180 day yeah. There is good volume here.
Let me check the volume. Oh, let me do daily chart volume that'll be better, so daily chart volume solid, buying tad a bit of selling yeah. I would still be bullish on baba. Something tells me we're going to be able to get through the regression trend this time around and if we do, we should be able to cause a pretty good pop on this.

So i think for right now it's it's! Okay! To have a target on baba as high as excuse me as high as uh 233.72, but i'm also watching for baba to pull back overnight, because we are on the daily chart resistance. Here you can see that you see this trend line so we're on the daily chart resistance - and this is excuse me a first attempt at breaking the resistance. Generally, we pull back and you also have a gap to fill here. So i wouldn't be surprised if we do like a one two day: pull back gap fill come back to break trend, so i'm expecting we're gon na have maybe a bearish day overnight, and if we don't and this market does rip, you should have the price target.

Being 233.39 for now, did you see fubo thanks for your help, the other day yeah we'll go to fubo, because that's kind of next on the list so we'll hop on over to fubo? Yes, if you remember, we had recommended that you should be long fubo with price targets of these two red lines and that you should expect to see a little selling pressure around this area. Well, if we look at how fubo has interacted for the past couple days well, let me do like a five day chart. You will see that as we got into this red line area we sold down, we came near it again. We pushed away from it today.

We broke into it and above and you can see the markets are starting to sell, so this was kind of currently the price target in the market for the current long trend. So i'm not quite sure if we're gon na break this out uh still, i i think we should expect well, here's the other thing too. Fubo has the same sort of grind on the upside that s. Spce did here's another thing to remember that when stocks grind into resistance levels, they're more likely to break through when stocks just run right up to they're, more likely to pull back at for volatility reasons? Okay, so right now with fubo, we are on resistance, but i'm not.

I don't feel confident that we're actually going to pull up pull back significantly hard. So i don't think we have a really giant pullback coming from from uh fubo. I just don't feel that way. If we did now, let's say i'm wrong about that and we did actually have a big pullback, then you should just expect the price will end up going back down close to one second 29-23.

If it really does pull back harsh, we might expect to move to 29.23 to yeah about 29.23. But this is a very strong trend right now and it's not something that i would try to short against and if we go look back at spce, you will agree that it's it's somewhat similar in the sense that you know this jumped up it kind of grinded Up it pulled back, it pushed up it grinded, it pushed up it held it grinded, grinded, grinded right and then, when you go look at spce or sorry you go back and look at fubo i mean fubo is arguably sort of similar right. It's gone up. It's pulled back since it's grinded, you know so, but anyways.
This was what i was that's what i was targeting that that was my projected target. I think you will see fubu higher in the future, but it might need some consolidation before doing so lego, daniel, okay. So do you have a patreon? How do we join? There is links in the description of this video that would take you to our website. You can join our premium chat.

We might be switching everything over to youtube regarding our premium. We might just do full streaming to youtube in the future with maybe doing the whole members chat, we're not really sure there, but we think it might be the right move terms of business and growth and actually cutting back expenses too and other things, but anyways, so That might happen in the future, but i'll keep you posted is goed. The next expr and or amc isn't go geoed that one stock that went up and then just like, crashed yeah um. I really have no idea what this stock's about, but we did recommend this as a long swing trade down here.

We're like this is a low risk zone to buy in i said: i'm not gon na buy it myself generally, because i don't like to mess with things that crash this big, and i don't know why, but just from a simple technical trending perspective, we basically said You would not want to sell short down here. Your risk is better put on the long side, so for now goed i could see may be coming back to fill the gap to 570, but that's only thing i would be projecting on goed for now. All right now, let's pop on over, to wish, which seems to be a popular one recently. So if you guys remember just from a couple days ago, everybody was asking about wish.

We recommended that you had a price target of these two red lines and then you would start to see a little selling pressure, so you will see that over the past couple days as wish has gotten to those red levels. We have sold down, sold down, sold down, dipped, went back up and sold down, so we know that this is the current breakout level. So, right now, your breakout level is pretty much. You know, 1489, this 1480s, 1460s etc.

So you should not expect that the stock wish is going to be seeing too much more long bias trading until it can successfully cross through the four hour and the daily chart, plus one deviation, yes, which is that yellow line now, if it does break that which I got ta say i would be kind of surprised um. I mean i really wouldn't be surprised. I've seen a lot of crazy, but you know if it does happen, then i'll just say: go for a price target of 1790.. I don't want to go too in detail because we got a lot of stuff to do but uh, you know if it really does break then pop up like 17 or something okay i'll go to the other time frame, because if i don't then someone's like.
Oh well, what did this do all right, fine, so yeah. If it breaks out of this right, you would target up to the half deviation and the look at that ready. Like think about. Does this look like a coincidence to you, okay, hold on damn, it connor get your together.

Why is there two price levels there? How does it make sense? Why is it that way all right, so support resistance stock stops? It must be resistance right, so just by looking at this charting formation, most average retail, most average people analyzing the market or just generally any investor in the market with a set of eyes, will naturally look at this chart and go okay. The stock went up here and then it sold down, so this must be the resistance zone right. True, look at what else also exists right about here hold on this trend line. Look at where that trend line lines up the previous high must be a coincidence.

Let's go to the daily chart: where does this next trend line? Look at this one? Where does that trend line occur so remember i was telling you to go for a price target of 1790. If you can break that trend, i'm basically just telling you that you're, targeting back up to the previous four hour top as categorized by long term half deviation. So basically, that's the resistance. Therefore, on the long side, everybody going long is like hoping to get a breakout here and up to that price point.

That would be the objective i would see so yeah and and honestly like this doesn't really look too weak yet because you kind of had a good breakout here, you had like a little like pullback and then it had a very bullish candle, but right back to Resistance, so i'm actually sort of optimistic about this um. You know if this market could cons. I would i say if this market can sustain its 100 moving average in consolidation here, then you might be able to force a long move in the short term um. So, that's probably what i would watch for on on wish.

Thank you hugh w um, it's 99 cents. I don't see a question with your 99 cents, but it looks like i got 99 problems and a question isn't one okay that was kind of corny. I won't do that again, but thanks you. I appreciate that, thanks for the expertise of sarcasm and for laughing behind the computer, i appreciate you, mr i don't even want to try to pronounce that, but thank you.

Your channel doesn't get enough credit. You have been a great help in my training strategy. You know i want i don't i don't know it's probably because i'm just ugly, that's probably the main reason i would assume, but yeah i don't know channel, doesn't really get much credit. I know what you're saying i field you on that one wish the new meme to rip alrighty.

How do you set the red lines? Uh, you set red lines by using the drawing tools in your thinkorswim platform and it's called the price level tool. It's the horizontal line with a dollar sign over it. That's how you add a price level to your chart. What's a good strike for fubo if one were to play some option calls that my friend is hard for me to say now, because my analysis led to a price target of 33 dollars, and that was even back when this was trading down at 22..
When we were trading at 22, i said you should be going for a price target of 28, i think to like 33., so my long target would have my longs. You know we're down here targeting up to here. So, for me to be like, oh you should it's like it's kind of hard for me to say um. What i would say is i don't know if this is going to continue now, because it's done the long move.

I thought it was supposed to do so. Maybe it can go more and if it can go more, you shouldn't probably buy like option calls that are outside of 3994, because this is the next trending resistance which would be the most likely, which would then be the most next. Then i don't know how to say this: that's the next most likely target on the upside, which would then be the next most likely resistance point on the upside. Therefore, if you had option calls above that, you'd be much much less likely to get into the money, as you would then have to go through a next new resistance point so buying an option.

Call that is well before. That would then give your option a much greater chance of going in the money if the market achieves that price target. So if i'm ever trading options, which is very very never, i would only take an option play in which i know the stock has a good chance of getting like. If i'm going to buy an option, that's out of the money that my out of the money option can get into the money based on the projected move of the market right, i wouldn't be buying an option that exists with outside of the current market projection because Then it's much harder to hit you'd have to go up.

You'd have to deal with the resistance pullback, which could take two weeks before it breaks the next level to take you to the next one, and then, at that moment in time, did you know to buy a call that was four weeks out five weeks, six weeks, Etcetera, etcetera. The list goes on so for me, it makes sense to be able to buy an option called that you know is either out of the money in the money but allows if it's an out of the money, it would allow yourself to get into the money based On how much the market can move so in this instance uh something on like spce, you know if it could get all the way up to 39.62, then you know a 35 call. 34. 36, you know even a 38 could still get you to a dollar in the money right, so the higher the call, the cheaper it's going to be, but the less likely you are to achieve and that's exactly the way the game is designed.
Duh buy a call. That's more likely to work you're going to pay a premium right. You buy a very nice high end commercial, real estate apartment, complex, okay, the cap rate. Some of you may not know cap rate's going to be lower, which means theoretically a lower return, but the return is going to be much safer, safer, more likely to achieve you're going to pay a premium.

The real estate price is higher to obtain, so the real estate in the options market is higher to obtain. When that real estate option you're buying is more likely to succeed. There's a premium right. You make less of a return, so to speak.

So anyways that that's the way i would go about saying that uh, no there's nothing newer there, but i'm about to make a video i'm going to tell you right now, i'm about to make a video. I got to show you we're we're going to see how well this works. Garen, mr erin phillips i've chatted with this guy before and watched some of his stuff and um. Let me get the video, but basically most popular, that's weird! They don't do that anymore.

Oh here it is okay, so this video right here this dude made a video how i learned to day trade in a week. So i figured i'll make a video how to learn day trading in a week and maybe i'll get 5.9 million views. I don't know, but it seems like a pretty legit way to do it. I know everything this dude's talking about, so i think we're just going to give it a go and we'll just see how it goes.

So that's going to be my next video how to learn today trading a week and i'm basically going to break down as quickly and as simply everything that i do into one short video and if that doesn't work uh, then i guess i'm gon na go get My dad's porsche rent, a stripper from the strip club down the street for a day, i'll pay her a pretty penny. I think she'll oblige and we're gon na do a photo shoot and then i'll have a sick thumbnail. So that's what we're gon na try! So we'll give it a go, we'll give it a gander. Alrighty then uh, let's get to the next thing on the list, so we did wish okay.

So now we're on to tesla, which we already did tesla multiple days in a row and so far that analysis pretty much working like a charm um, so actually believe it or not. I am going to i might so. This is something that i have to decide. I want to do mentoring, one-on-one things i used to do it a long time ago and i loved doing it and then i kind of got a little big and popular, and then i kind of like lost the energy to do it because i'm always working non-stop.

It seems like, or i'm not working non-stop and i'm being a lazy piece of because i'm burnt out, but i am considering bringing that back um. Actually, my parent company, that we run all of our stuff through on our website, just not just, but they made it available for me to do one-on-one coaching through the site, so i'm haven't really played with it too much. But i might be introducing an option to do one-on-one coaching via my current website, that we promote all of our stuff on anyways. So it'd be nice just to keep everything in like one place rather than having to do this over here and do this over here.
So um and i haven't seen if there's a way that i'm able to put out a schedule on it. So i might be trying to open up like one day a week where i do like coaching sessions for like an hour here or there um. But it's not gon na be like an all weekend all day thing, because i just i just really don't have the energy for it um and with the list of a million other things i have to do so, but i'm trying to make it available. So maybe i'll be doing one two days a week at that um and realistically it doesn't matter, but that is something i'm considering doing yes and i've done it before and then i stopped doing it.

I've done it before and it's always the same reasons, because i end up getting so busy and it's so hard to keep up with okay boiler room needs to ipo um ntm yeah. You could just add more time for protection on your option. Of course you could totally do that. That's always you know you're gon na pay more.

But you know that's that's another thing, but you can do that so um. Is it better to this is a good question, so is it better to buy a house and pay in full lost where i was reading pay in full or get a mortgage considering you're a newly home owner um, so it basically the best way to answer that Is you just look at your specific situation and what your goals are and what you're trying to do and make the best sense of it right? So if you're someone who is well off and wealthy, then yeah, you could probably just buy a house off in cash because there's no reason for the extra needed help of financing right. So if you're so well off and have so much cash and money, then yeah you might as well pay off and buy your house and don't do a mortgage if you're, like the average person that doesn't just have boat loads of money sitting around to dump on A house without being strapped on cash afterwards, then it's probably in your best interest to get a mortgage, but if you could afford it, paying your house off in full would be awesome, but there's always going to be what's called the loss of opportunity so or opportunity Cost is what they call it, so the cost to pay off a house in full takes away, say 200 grand that you may have been able to put into the stock market so to speak and get a 10 return. So you theoretically would be losing right.

You could be making so much money in the stock market that you're really covering the interest that you're paying on the house right if you're, making 10 interest in the in the stock market, that's gon na cover the three percent or four percent interest that you're paying On two hundred thousand right, so you have two hundred thousand of debt that you're acquiring four percent interest on, and you have two hundred thousand the stock market, this acquiring 10 percent. Literally, your investment in the stock market is covering the cost of your interest. For the time being, that is until amc, stock dumps and then you're screwed, but other than that life is good until that happens, so there's opportunity cost. So it's all really comes down to weighing options.
Looking at what you think you can do and going from there for me, i don't like debt. I hate debt, i've always hated owing people, but sometimes you have to use it. So for me. Yes, i have debt on this house which i'm still paying down and until and it's always a liability so until i pay it down fully or um until i'm renting out.

Theoretically, it's just a big liability. So, in my case, what i'm doing is i'm throwing down additional money every single month on my house, more than the average person would and more than the average person significantly more than the average person would even ever tell you to do, because the average person would Tell you that interest rates are so low right now at three four percent, whatever you might have it at 3.75 3.85 that money's so cheap. Why would you pay down the debt quickly right, but that's also coming from the old school? And that's usually going to be touched on from anybody? That's maybe 40 years older, because anybody 40 years and up lived in a world where interest rates were significantly higher than they are now and ever have been. If that makes sense.

So, for example, my fiancee's dad he's a smart guy. He would tell me things like uh. You know, don't worry about paying down the debt right away because money's so cheap. Well, that's also because you probably came from a world where, like you, had 10 interest rates, so for him it's like yeah.

This is basically a free money world, but for me, i'm just starting to build my whole lifestyle in a world. That's three percent! So, for me, this is as normal as it's ever been for my existence within the housing market and having to pay mortgage and all that extra good right. So it's the same for me because it's just me and i'm just starting, whereas he sees it from a world where they sell 10 interest rates. So yes, it's a free money world for him he's not wrong money's, practically free in a way super cheap.

So if you're an average person that is not trying to build wealth through real estate, um yeah, you might as well just sit and and just take care of the debt as quickly as you can, but don't like financially stress yourself out trying to pay it down. So for me, i'm throwing extra money at my mortgage because i know that once this house is paid off and that's the other thing too, i haven't decided if i'm going to pay this all the way down before moving out or if i'm going to pay it Down halfway or whatever, before renting it, i haven't made that decision yet, but basically i'm paying it down as quickly as i can, because i know that once it's paid off it's mine, i owe it. The only thing i owe on is taxes and repairs, and, aside from that, once i own it, i can rent this out. This will rent for 2000 to 2500, given the market and 2000 to 2500 will allow me to actually buy a bigger house than this one.
Not to say that i want one or just say a nicer house than this one, that's worth more value and the rent here will cover the entire mortgage payment and principal payment of the next house. So, by paying this house off and renting it out, i am able to go pick up a new house and live in it for free for the rest of my life. Theoretically, i still have to do the down payment. Yes, i know, but also, if i pay this house off fully, i could use the equity in this house to put the down payment on the new house and still rent this house out and then cover the cost of the payment and the home equity line of Credit almost and still basically be living for free.

So if i pay this down all the way, i don't even have to take any capital out of my own bank account to go, buy the next house. I could use the capital in this house to get the down payment and then use the rent from this house to cover most of the payment on that house and then you're, basically still living for free, while building equity, in that new 400 000 house or 350 000 house or whatever it might be, or it could be - no, it wouldn't be that. But you see what i'm saying so you have to weigh your options and figure out what you're trying to do. Okay, we're going to top on over to tesla.

Actually we're already here but again the recommendation is still the same, that the expected selling target for tesla was starting at point a to point b, so we've already hit the first cell target. Hence why we're pulling back next bigger cell targets here, i don't know if we're going to get there, i'm not trading to get there on the long side, at least for now. If we kind of come back up - and it looks like we're going to go, then yeah i'll probably take it and project to the next target and then look to be selling the market on tesla back at point b. So for now, you're kind of just in a sitting waiting period for tesla.

Now on the downside of this pullback, i could see tesla, maybe even by monday, having a pull back down to 660 or if this mark increases and goes well hold on yeah. So if uh yeah by monday morning, you might even see the market pull down to the price of 660 72, which is a half deviation, which basically means it's support, which, if it pulled down to here, we probably see a dip and come back up. So that could be a low risk entry point come monday morning or even into tuesday and so on. So basically, if you think tesla will continue up after pulling back a very low risk.

Entry point is right at the price of 660 56 that will change by monday just tune back in 8. 30. Am all's good? What do i think about arc etf and their holdings? I haven't seen their holdings recently, but i know they picked up spce. I feel, like i know, they've been taking up pltr or more of it.
I don't know what their average per share price is on those stocks, but regardless uh, i know most of their investments are still doing. Okay, it seems like after well, they went to the dip. I know they're coming back up, but i mean, if you look at the arc etf, it's doing fine, it's it's performing as most things do, go up, sell down back to support and bouncing back up. So i it's to me doing fine, oh snap, who just said that where'd you go, you might just be my new best friend who said it.

I don't know what happened where he went, but in the chat where'd it go. He told me the title of the video and it's savage i like it hold on where'd it go. I don't know it said you should call the video how to avoid going broke in one week day trading. I love that title.

That is going to be the title of the next video. Oh there, it is allen allen. I like it. Thank you, um whoa, any thoughts on aso, pretty low volume right now, but has had a good run up for the past few months.

We'll take a look at good old aso one second, hmm uh aso. I i don't know if i've looked at this in the past. To be honest, i don't know um i mean it's. A bullish stock trending perspective up down up down we're on the up.

So sooner than later down, if it follows that same pattern and that and that's and i don't really want to say much about this other than it's really just been trading in this channel here - oh that's the wrong thing in this channel yeah, it's been trading in A channel like here to here so that's the way i would just continue trading that and on the upside. Your target is uh, 46 19, so like if, in the event, it doesn't follow the same pattern and pull back again and it just keeps going up. Then we'd project it goes to 58.09 and then that's where it's gon na pull back. That's how i go about watching that let's go take a peek at expr.

Oh, what do you know? Would you look at that? What's that one dude on instagram, let's go yep! What do you know? 7.75, it's probably just a coincidence. I have absolutely no clue what i'm talking about zero. I don't even know yeah. I don't.

I have no idea that that guy that guy, that guy was uh got along, don't know what happened to the dude, but he's a good guy. I'm sure he is i'd, invite him to a barbecue. If i had the chance so anyways there's a 780 target and i got ta say this still doesn't look it there's not a lot of people selling this top right this. This is a lot of times, a very strong resistance point and guess what no one's really selling it at least well, there was a big sell.

Yes, but still that is not enough selling pressure to convince me to short it here, i'm gon na have to give the old phil mickelson thumbs up that this boy is gon na continue for us and we're now gon na give price targets now we're given the Price target of 847 - that's where we think this is now going to go. 8 47. might not happen today. Actually it could happen today.
The price target is still within the realm of the end today trend. So we wouldn't even be overbought on the intraday trend when we hit 847.. So 847 is 100 doable. No doubt stock crashes, i'm the idiot sure but anyways i'm going to stop banging in the desk, because that probably doesn't sound good on your ears.

I apologize but uh yeah now we're just going to go for the old 850 target on uh expr. Now. Another thing we should do is the average true range is only 67 cents and it's already traded 2.19. So that means the stock expr is already traded.

325 of its average true range, so it's basically doing 325 better than it would typically do on a typical day, because it's moved 2 dollars and 20 cents. That being said, that's a pretty damn big move, it's the type of move. That tells me this thing still has strength, and we could see this up to 847.. Now, at this price of 852, i could consider being bearish for a short trade.

That would make more sense, and only really because at that point the stock will have gone up. So goddamn high on the day that it just probably will just have a pullback, but let's also check this so so we went from so so far, though, like i said right from here 611 to like this 773 or whatever you know that is right. We broke this line and we went to that green line. That is a one deviation move.

Generally speaking, i would, i would be bearish here like like nine times out of ten. When you talk to me, i would be like yeah, you should be bearish here, but i'm just gon na be optimistic. This time around and say this thing's going to be along and we're not going to do a whole lot of selling down here and we're just going to keep going, and only because i want to be optimistic. I'm never optimistic on the longs.

I'm always like. Oh yeah, you should be bearish and i never get and i'm never like super long, biased and then, like i, miss some good longs at times because of it. Oh, i didn't even notice that i didn't really think about that yeah. So the current pullback support for expr is 772., so as long as the market stays above 772 here on, the intraday will probably be just fine um but yeah, i'm more optimistic on the expr long.

This is a this was a meme stock. It's got a similar formation of amc, not to say it's going to do amc things, but it has a similar formation, amc and now with expr, going up like this, and if it goes up to our our max price target. So our max long target, we'll just say, is 10 22, so that if it goes to 10 22 by tomorrow, you guys can all come back and be like. Oh you're, a god you're a savage hit, the like button, but that probably won't happen.
But if it does just make sure to come back and we'll we'll all play together, um but anyways, the other thing you're gon na hear, but you'd probably have to go searching for it or maybe not. Is that if expr blows up to about 10 26, you might start seeing a crowd of people saying that it's just hedge funds blowing up expr to draw attention away from amc, but continue to huddle ape gang moon gang? That's probably what you'll start to hear. Do i know if it's true? No, i have no idea. If it's true, i don't care if it's true, but it wouldn't surprise me if we start hearing that uh did we cover mrin? No, that was a one stock i didn't cover.

Today it was the one stock i actually lost on today. Such a piece of i'll tell you um and honestly i probably should have just avoided trading it, but i was like yeah, it should go down and i'm probably gon na be right. This thing will probably go down. It was just slower and choppier than i would have wanted to be invested in so today i ended up what i did.

I did a short here got squeezed and i did a short. I don't even know where. No, i think it is short here got squeezed. Oh and then i did a short here and start speaking off, so i did like two trades and just like lost loss.

It was like okay, i'm done with that, and i still have the top tick resistance picked out. I'm like this is the max resistance on the day 334 and i went short here thinking we weren't going to go there and retest and we're just going to break down. No, we went back to retest resistance before fading away, so this is a situation where it's like. If i would have just just like not shorted waited for the breakout and then to short it at resistance, then i would have just i would have been fine, but you know i got a little little trigger happy wanted to make some money blew my load.

A little too quickly and squeezed all right: let's go! What do we, i'm gon na go back, take a little peek at expr, again, no way all the way to 819 holy cow bunga people? Well, you just look at it. I mean just look at it. Just just take a second and just just look at it, would you look at it: hey junior, b what'd you just look at just take a look at osmt uh bag. Real back i'll.

Tell you not the dude. You want to hang out with vol talia he's, not a good guy, mr osmt, so yeah i mean this one. I didn't trade the day wait. Did i wait.

I thought i did. No, that might have been. Did i no so yeah anyways? This was bearish. This probably ain't coming back long long story, short resistance right here.

Market got smackdown, that's pretty much all there is to be said about that. I like cant to low just made a quick 300 on expr. That's lit! You know it's even more lit! That's when you hit that super chat, but hey hey, no pressure, no pressure i'll, be here all next week. All next year, no pressure, no pressure at all alrighty we already covered spce.
The conclusion was: spce was probably not going to be moving much higher for the day so far. It has not really moved much higher for the day. So we will continue with that conclusion. Spce pretty much done running for the day.

What's super chat, it's that little dollar sign where you can throw me a little tip to support the boiler room trading channel so feel free to do it. You don't have to you don't have to, but if you want to alrighty um, let's move on. Let's check this stock exp e. No, that's garbage we'll talk about alf, so alf was one that i didn't even consider really watching.

Today it started moving and once it started moving, i got started getting a lot of questions on it. So basically, what happened was when it started jumping like right here we recommended you should have a first target of that red line. Then the next recommendation was. If you could break this red line, then you would target to this red line and then the recommendation was: if you could break this red line, you would target to this red line and then this is where you would want to stop buying for the day.

Pretty much it all happened and long story short alf is probably going to remain staying in this area or trading down or up a little bit, but probably not going to be breaking out too much more for the time being. I could be wrong about this one, because alf is kind of crazy right now, but i'm going to stick with it. This is probably going to be a neutral project neutral play for the rest of the day, delta promaster.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

7 thoughts on “Expr stock explodes | watch thesee levels”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C0D0N J says:

    Right on the money as always

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aqeure says:

    Your on it! Keep posting.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C0D0N J says:

    Thanks for these videos Connor, great info as always

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Voigt says:

    Do you do morning live streams and go over the trades and trade live? I'd like to watch that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chase Jr. says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Personal Finance Club says:

    Excellent Video! love it!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheRobFather says:

    4 hours in and no comments?

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