⭐️ Learn how Adam made $1mil* with NFTs! Don't miss this event: https://stockstotrade.info/3Nj9oM3
⭐️ Get in the Crypto War Room: https://stockstotrade.info/3tAFAm5
Adam Jarrett started off as a penny stock trader. In fact, he's a Trading Challenge student. Having an interest in crypto since about 2015, NFTs caught his eye. After creating a collection with the help of his sister, it took off!
Tune in to learn more about his process, how he's managed to use the profits to impact the lives of others, and don't miss the event Wednesday, March 30th 2022 at 8:00 PM EST!
PLUS, Tim Sykes is dropping an NFT collection!? YEP! Be sure to click the link above to reserve your spot. 👆
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#StockMarket #Trading #NFT
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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What's up everyone, we are in the war room uh i just sent out a tweet. We have a special guest. His name is adam here, he's on this side, uh i'll. Let him tell a story uh real quick, though i'm gon na steal the spotlight and uh.

I got ta talk about my solana, trade uh, adam is a solana madman. So are you so interesting yeah? So let me uh. Let me share my screen real quick. What, though, i'm trying to get it to save, so it just shows the good stuff all right.

Real quick share, my screen. There we go um, i just got ta pull up the solana chart, so i got some down here at 84., just i'm trading it um, but i'm looking for this thing to pop up to like 110 115 i've been talking about this. Last, like two three weeks, this nice bottoming action we've been seeing here specifically in solana, and now i mean bitcoin and ethereum - are looking very healthy if you're looking at the daily charts, so i'm expecting a very nice bounce across crypto, it's already underway, um, the crypto Rocket members, they got alert uh when i bought that at 84.. But enough about me - because i got adam on today and he's got some cool projects, there's a link below if you guys are eager type it in uh, but adam got into the nft space.

What in october october last year is when you launched your project, i think, like uh june july, pretty much okay. I think july was like really right, because i moved down here and everything right around uh summer. So it was like shortly after that that i got into it nice um, so when you got into it, were you like trading nfts off the bat um buying and selling them or like did you like just full on jump to the creation side, uh yeah? So when i got in full time was the creation like i bought some cool cats and sappy seals and like some of the earlier ones that were on ethereum um back in, i think it was actually august, is actually when i bought those at the first week Of august and um yeah, it was the next month we actually created started creation of our own token. So i never.

I was like full stop or full-time penny stocks when i moved down here um, and so that was my focus. Gotcha yeah for those of you who don't know adam joined the tim sykes trading, challenge uh and moved to puerto rico. To take advantage of all those taxes which is where he still is today, then he got into the nft yep, i'm right here, because power went out so and then like uh bombing in an office right now, so yeah, that's what you get for paying like four Percent or whatever it is on taxes right, i can't complain yeah, i wouldn't either um yeah. So then you bought the early nfts and you got in and created your collection.

So i haven't talked to the war room really about what the collection is or any of that process. So if you could like explain what it is talk about it, i can work on pulling it up on my screen here as well as you walk through it. But the floor is yours, man, yeah, absolutely so um. I was kind of well.

I had been in crypto since, like i mean 2015., i knew about it when i was in high school uh like 2013 and whatnot um, but i actually got into a 2015. I never really held anything, but i started full-time trading about summer in 2016. and um, so i always saw nfts coming kind of like that. I didn't know it was going to be like this kind of crazy mania um going on what i knew about non-fungible technology and all this kind of stuff um.
But i always kind of just like to opt out of it, because if you're critical of it like there's a lot of degeneracy in the space um, but you can make a lot of money through that and you know i wanted to be like a healthier individual Because i was trading crypto years ago and i was like fully obsessed with it and it just wasn't a healthy lifestyle because 24 7., like i mean my alarms, would go off and wake up out of bed and stop so triggered and like all kinds of stuff, I mean many years of um not being balanced in life, so i was kind of just like yeah. I don't really want to get into it, but um after some conversation and stuff it was like hey. You know. This is um a perfect time and a perfect way to capitalize on this market and also do something influential um, and for that that was like a philanthropical take on this technology.

We built, which i mean myself and actually was my 14 year old sister uh. She illustrated all of our art for our project called belugi's, so it's an 8 000 nft collection on solana and uh yeah. It took about a month and a half for the entire creation of it, uh to come to life, and everything like that. Um we sold out - and you know the price fluctuates but uh like right when it was sold out.

We made a million and roughly 21 000 in 10 hours, um october 16th of last year and since then, we've used like secondary royalties and a percentage of that that we made to donate to multiple charities, we're up at like just right under a quarter million. Right now, we've donated to food well conservation, we've donated to ocean cleanup we've donated to 100 000 to sunshine, kids, children's cancer foundation. We donated money to uganda in an orphanage a 60 plus children orphanage in uganda. We donated to children's illness and cancer home in kerasina brazil and we donated to the typhoon, ogai or a type of an odette bride that happened in the philippines a few months ago, back in december, we donated to them as well, so we've been really trying to Utilize, our nfts our collection for not just self-serving, because i mean there's like so much money that can be made in the space and very quickly um.

So it's always been something that like when, when that, finally clicked that you can like tokenize, the community tokenize, an idea behind this technology to be anywhere around the world and people have actual self-interest in it, because their token can go up in price um. It creates this perfect system for in my mind, where we can do really cool stuff and really impact stuff for them, and so that's that was the motivator, obviously make money for ourselves and help people along the way yeah. No, it's awesome and it's awesome. What you've been able to do? You've um, you uh.
What was the one you raised, forty thousand dollars on like a secondary mint two for what country was that uh, so that was part of the donation to um, uh, the philippines. So yeah we raised about 40 000. We had some of it come from our secondary too um, but majority of it was it sold out in about 40 seconds about 40 000 raised in total and uh. We donated that to have that to the typhoon, uh relief that was going on in the philippines.

Hey, let's finish the collection we collaborated and uh, brought it to life and raised some money, yeah for sure man, incredible work, um that you've done just yeah you're, not because, like you said in the nft space, there's a lot of like cash grabs, a lot of People are just trying to make a quick buck here and there, but you've, you know you've created a fantastic art. Well, your sister actually made it. I saw she was also on doctor, which is crazy yeah. She did he put on dr phil uh, i'm not an artist at all, i'm like an analytical members, uh kind of person, a traitor, um yeah, but i think it was just the perfect opportunity for us both and it was really cool to be able to do.

My sister uh to come together and um - you know, like i said, obviously make money for ourselves, but also do something really cool and impactful. At the same time, as you can see, i don't know it's kind of blurry on my side, but um 60, plus of our uh monthly secondary commissions, go to charities. So not many projects doing that and i mean teach their own. You know everybody goes to the market when you go to the market just to make money for yourself yeah, so they do penny stocks when i trade crypto, i'm making it for myself, but i think that's the beauty in nfts at least the way that i see It is that, okay, just off the secondary speculation um, it doesn't take much effort to be able to help other people, and so that's really been the core idea.

I love it. No, that's incredible. Do you mind um, because i know like that building this collection was like a super grind for, like you know that was that month period. Um.

Do you mind just walking through that for everyone kind of explaining that process a little bit and then we can get into like kind of what you're working on now and the exciting cool you have coming down the pipe yeah. So it's actually, i think, uh sites. We came up it's a new diet plan uh, so it's how to lose 17 pounds in a month. I actually i lost.

I actually did i lost 17 pounds um during this because it was literally just like full-time obsession. Wasn't going outside um who wasn't eating right? I wasn't doing anything balanced or healthy at all, and that was kind of like the reason i didn't want to get back into it um, but it was open and you know i'm glad that i did we've been able to do some really cool stuff. Definitely changed lives, and so it means a lot for sure. So the process is um, it's not as technical as you would think um.
So you can create a collection. You obviously have to create the art, so you have to find your base character whatever it may be. We did a generative collection, which is uh, it's not one of ones. So what that means is that you look at the blue juice right there.

You see one face here and then you see all the different traits that it has right. So that's a generative collection because you create different files in photoshop and you layer those files and then put them into essentially code that generates the characters it just randomizes them and you eliminate, based on the rarity that you set. So you have to create the base character and then you create all the trades um you set the rarity for it, and then that is like i said, put into the code um, which is like node.js and um. People use like visual studio for it um and that creates your tokens and then a developer.

We hired a third-party developer, put that into a candy machine, which is essentially the code that generates the tokens and puts them on chain and because, when you go to a website - and you click mint, you're, swapping your cryptocurrency for that nft. So once alana, that's called like the code that handles that is called candy machine. That's where your interviews are stored, so put that together, you have to create a website. You have to create a mission purpose, all that kind of stuff and really try to find your core people and what you're doing and that that's what we did is like.

There is um like our floor. Price is lower and has been lower because, like our audience is a bit different um, it's not like there's so much um. You know, like i mentioned earlier, the degeneracy of the space there's so much vapor in this space too and uh like realistically like most mfts. It's perceived value, and i mean you could say the same about stocks like and stuff like that, but i mean it's different because, like you actually have like capital generation and all this kind of stuff um, but with nfts it's like it's, you know people make the Joke it's jpegs right, so that's always been like my thing is trying to create like something really real and tangible and impactful with what people just call jpegs, but trying to get an audience to understand that type of view.

That's here just for, like oh just, lied about us and give us vapor and nothingness, like that's what pumps projects um, but we haven't gone that route like i'm, not trying to do anything that compromises, integrity or anything, that's not like uh. That's not real! I'm trying to build something real and impactful with using the keys, um, so yeah, that's our full price is a little bit lower because trying to it takes like a more of a mature mind to understand that hey. This is nfts as long as like we have enough people that are buying this and they want to participate in the community and get involved in it. Then the price can't go up, i mean that's just basic uh supply and demand, and so um yeah i mean it's uh.
It's been a journey for sure um, you, you find your core people and when those people are there, they rock with you and they really get behind it because, like 99 really 98, whatever really is not going to go anywhere um and well. If you go way up, but it's going to crash way down and so trying to build something out of this new which what is really experimental technology um is definitely an uphill battle, but i think for us it's certainly been rewarding for sure yeah. No, it's awesome and that's why i had you on here because you're not looking for those cash grabs, you're trying to build something and you actually have a really cool new project coming down the pipe. So i'll put it on my screen, real, quick uh.

If you want to talk about it, um you partner with tim, sykes and you're talking, you know about your nfts, so yeah what what happened on the next wednesday, so we are creating an nft tim sites in a tea club um. It's a membership based club for people that want to join, so i not only did creation during this and made you know we made seven figures off of that uh, but i also traded some nfts as well. Like i said this happy seals, uh some solana nfts. Some cool cats, one of the cool cats i got for about thirteen hundred dollars and i sold it for just over thirty thousand dollars um.

So i created this course uh that really just dives deep into this um and can help you be more analytical in the space, because part of my journey was when i got involved in crypto in um, i turned roughly six thousand dollars into 780 000 at the Peak of it um that's approximate numbers because it fluctuates a lot. It was actively trading um. At one point, i just - and i can remember that this time i decided i'm gon na stop trading and i chose to be an investor. I tried to put friends on start business.

I was focusing on the wrong things. Um life happened. A lot of uh turbulent events happened over the next few years. I pretty much lost everything.

Um returned back to basically zero and had to restart, and so that kind of perception of going from having like a little amount of money to a lot of money back to pretty much. Nothing gave me more of like a critical and analytical mind around this technology. Like i'm not like a like a hype like oh crypto is like um, it's. The label like.

I think that crypto has massive potential um, but i choose to be more critical about it and i think that i hope that i've been able to deliver that. In my course content and moving forward too, because um, like the biggest thing like about all of this, is like one, you have to put the risk on, but you also have to take profits at some point and that's what tim always sees too and his number One rule is cut quickly, um and take profits, and that's that's how you maintain long term and so uh. I created a whole educational course based around blockchain technology, crypto tokens nfts. I really tried to start and build a strong foundation that transfers into nfts and how to actually find opportunities, and even in my my course in there you'll see many tokens that i talked about pre-med.
What exactly wanted to look for and how they did it. After. How they moved because some of these things literally can go. I mean ten plus times within a half hour, so you put 200 bucks on uh.

You got eighteen hundred, two thousand dollars whatever. If you, if you have time to write and sold it um, if you're able to get in um and there's really scalable opportunity here, especially for smaller accounts um, i think it's like. If you can really put the time in and study this material like, you could take a little amount of money into like a lot of money and that's not obviously saying that's not guaranteed or anything, there's all kinds of scams and rugs and schemes all kinds of Stuff that can happen in the market, and i go over those of course, as well and uh super excited to be working with tim too, because what we're going to be able to do uh like building like a trading community around like nfts and crypto and uh, Have ongoing like monthly earned, picks and webinars and just education, because i think that's really what is critical, because i mean it's insane like you can go into a discord right around happening and you'll be bombarded with messages that look like it's um coming from the team. But it's a scam like it'll, look so legit and if you didn't know, you'd click that and it'll drain your wallet and just like knowing this kind of stuff is like it can literally save you hundreds thousands of dollars, um, just by literally knowing about fishing attempts And how all these scams and these teams work um and like the ponzinonic elements of it and all this kind of stuff, is really just it's critical to be educated about it, because there's so much noise, like the amount of noise, is just it's overwhelming at times, And it's like: how do you um, how do you, how do you come out on the other side of this without getting scammed first or losing a lot of money or not being critical, because we do just like the the day that we minted back in october? There were 16 other projects that meant that day and i don't think even one of them are around anymore um, and so i mean that's just like: where do you? Where do you put your money um? How do you choose to do it? It's like you just have to be critical of this stuff and that there are certain things to look for just like in that i go over a three-step process, um for like what i actually look for, and i think i think people will learn a lot.
I absolutely do i'm pretty confident in that, because i mean i've helped my friends get into nfts um and crypto years ago, some of my buddies. They still work regular jobs, but i mean he grew like several thousand dollars into over 300k with the stuff that i told him about years ago, and he went big on a lot of positions too, like i did um, but like really being able to set the The foundation um and so that he could make money, i don't think he actually sold um with when solano was up at 240 and everything i was back and i was like dude. You need to sell that like what are you doing um, but to you shown again there so but just being able to um. I definitely have a different kind of mindset on this stuff because i'm not just like oh crypto is this.

This is like i see like i thought. Crypto was the red pill, but being able to make a lot of money and then lose a lot of money. If that was actually the red, that's actually, what helped me look more critical, um everything here and be able to capitalize on it, no incredible yeah, so i i just signed up as well. We you know, i saved my seat.

I put a link both in the chat guys you see here and also there is a link i'll throw it up on the screen, so make sure you check it out. Sign up adam's, going live wednesday march 30th check it out. He'll talk about all this in much much more detail, but that's really all the time we got today. So thanks for coming on adam, i appreciate it huge insights and there's plenty more to come, so i'm looking forward to it.

Oh yeah, absolutely! I am pretty excited about it too. I have people uh dming me asking about it and it really is exciting, because i remember when i was like on the outside of not understanding how to trade and break into the market. There's so much noise. You do on youtube and everybody's like like.

Does that face? It's like the hype kind of stuff, and it's like it's just like loud and it's noisy, and it's like how do you actually find what you're looking for um and so i'm super excited to be able to share this with people, because i think it's going to Be a great resource, so thanks for having me on today, i appreciate it absolutely yep. I can't wait to see you next wednesday and what you have to say. So, i'm sure everyone in this war room will be there with you, so get ready to crush it. Man we'll see you, then i hope you all enjoyed that video thanks for watching the whole thing and being part of the stocks trade community.

We wouldn't be here without all of you. So if you have not already make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to this channel, our goal at stockstraight is to reach 100 000 youtube subscribers by the end of the year. So if you like the content, we're putting out - and you want to hear more - please please hit the subscribe button and i will see you in the next video.

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2 thoughts on “Exclusive: nft millionaire shares thoughts on crypto market”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umberto Davide says:

    To obtain financial freedom, one must be either a business owner, an investor or both, generating passive income, particularly on a monthly basis.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg Killian says:

    I’m also moving to Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 because income tax is theft

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