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Here's the latest on Israel's War Against Hamas. 8,000 dead, 3,000 of those children with over 600 air strikes. That means every single time you see that black smoke of an explosion from an F-16 fighter jet on TV Think to yourself: five more children dead, 10 more adults dead. It's terrible.

Just as the attack on Israel was. and now Israel is pissed. Every single boom you see, think to yourself, half of a classroom is gone. We're going to get to how tensions are now increasing between the United States and China What's going on in Russia Donald Trump's reaction.

But first, let's get into some of the details. Right now, Israel is moving into what they call their second wave. This is their small Spec Ops approach to attacking the rest of the Gaza Strip. In essence, rather than taking a complete military to occupy the Gaza Strip Israel has scaled back their complete Invasion plans, instead using Spec Ops at the same time as circling overhead with drones and war planes.

quote: Unquote: destroying everything that moves according to IDF Israeli Defense Forces in a Bloomberg interview. Their justification is we told them to leave and anyone left over is assumed to be a threat. That's in part because Hamas doesn't drive around in tanks or military Ch. They drive in the same cars that civilians, families, and children might be in.

Unfortunately, this is the terror of war. The benefit to Israel by using smaller incursion forces or Spec Op forces combined with air support is that Israel could use more of their defenses in their troops along the northern border against Hezbollah where Lebanon or hez Bolan Fighters have, uh, threatened further incursions or attacks against Israel from the north and allows Israel to preserve more troops for their strikes in the West Bank. We'll talk about the West Bank and Strikes in the West Bank in just a moment as well. So far, though, it's worth noting that Israel doesn't appear to want to completely eliminate Hamas but rather wants to set them back decades.

This could be based on the weak Enemy versus new enemy theory. That is, if you completely destroy your enemy, you'll get a new one. That could be even worse. However, if you keep your enemy around barely living or Hanging On by a thread, you'll be able to control them or at least always overpower them.

So far, Israel has invaded into Gaza with special forces about 3 to 4 kilomet. Now that might not sound like a lot, but it's 10% of the length of the Gaza Strip Yeah, did you know it was just a little more than 40 kilomet long? Or well, at the lengthy part, it's significantly less wide. That means you could get from the top of the Gaza Strip the Israeli side down to the Rafa Crossing in about an hour. Yeah, that's not all.

just one convenient highway going 60 M an hour. That is about an hour of a commute to get from one end to the other. 27. M Long Hey, Speaking of long, did you know that the long process of getting to the non-accredited and open to International investors? Uh, fund raise is finally coming to a close.
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At the moment, the latest hostage count is that we're at 239 hostages still in the possession of Hamas Hamas argues that hey, hey, hey, if Israel just stops the bombing, we'll start releasing more hostages. but Israel's purposefully keeping up the bombing to try to force Hamas out of their tunnels so that when essentially they come up for air resources IDs back up forces and air support are there to attack Hamas Forces Hamas is almost certainly integrated into just their tunnels right now with smaller Defense Forces up above all at the same time. Israel's Benjamin Natu is now facing calls to quit after this weekend. he posted on social media blaming his security Chiefs that they were at fault for creating one of the biggest security lapses in decades.

This comes after many have said how could Israel have been so blind to an attack from Palestine especially following not only warnings from the CIA but also Egypt. However, These Warnings do come regularly, so maybe Israel Thought this would just be another attack that would be fended off by the Iron Dome. Some this is very few argue this. We don't know the truth about any of these were the 100% truth about any of it, but some argue that Israel may have purposefully left a little bit of a lapse or some security Chiefs may have left a lapse so that they could get additional funding, new weapons and Counterattack the Gaza Strip.

Obviously, there's nothing to corroborate that theory and it's just a theory. It could be completely false, but the point is, a lot of people are pointing blame at the Israeli military for failing to properly protect this border. Benjamin Natu just reiterated that Unfortunately, that came at an insensitive time and now he's facing calls to quit and resign for trying to point the finger rather than taking responsibility himself. And as is usual in countries and it's probably the right thing, the buck stops with the top and that's Mr Nanu Israel has also started striking inside cities within the West Bank.

Remember, that is the separate region of Palestine Palestine divided into two. We've got the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The city of Jennin was just raided with a spec Op style raid to arrest over 36 uh, suspected Hamas militants as well as killing the commander of the Islamic Jihad or one of the ground commanders of the Islamic. Jihad.

So far Israel claims they have arrested over 1,030 individuals and 670 of those are believed to be Hamas terrorist. It's about a 60% hit rate on those arrests. Syria has also been strong Rock by Israel but not just by Israel but the United States is also getting involved. Us fighter jets bombed facilities used by Iran's military Friday Iranian war planes.
Well, I'm sorry Iranian drones War Drones then counterattacked US troops in the western part of Iraq. However, US troops claim they promptly shot down these drones. Other rockets that were fired by Iranian backed forces missed. This is really just a way of saying y' don't know what you're doing, Are you seriously wanting to strike back against America Americans and American Counterterrorism officials are claiming that this is a preemptive strike to send a clear message to Iran Do Not Get involved, Do Not come as Kamla Harris would say do not come uh and then of course uh.

We do also have to say that fortunately in these recent attacks, no US service Uh members were injured. However, we did about 10 days ago have 19. Unfortunately, US military members suffer minor injuries at Alsa Alassad in Iraq and Altum in Syria these are garrisons so far. It's worth also remembering that we've got about 2500 troops in Iraq and 900 in Syria for counterterrorism operations.

Keep this in mind: Afghanistan we down to zero. We pulled out our remaining 2,000 troops and promptly the Taliban took over. It's probably one of the reasons why we still have 00 forces in Iraq and 900 in Syria specifically to try to prevent the Takeover of these regions by groups like the Taliban. The two strikes that the United States struck were arms and weapons Depots so we're told again as a way to send a signal that we know where your guns are.

we know where your ammunition is. Don't even bother getting involved. A lot of folks also now calling on Egypt or continuing to call on Egypt since this has been happening since day one to allow more Gins to to move into Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula. However, Egypt and actually the United States say this would undermine the efforts of Palestine to actually remain as a country because if all your citizens just leave, then why is anyone fighting for the country at all? Maybe the country just shouldn't exist and that's seen as probably more problematic than trying to provide humanitarian Aid as much as possible inside of the Gaza Strip which it's worth noting that some a is now actually flowing through.

We just had a 33 truck Convoy come through the Rafa Crossing This is a fraction of the 500 trucks that used to arrive per day before the war on October 7th now. I Think we're at a total of about 47 trucks loow truck loads of Aid uh for Sunday with a total of 131 to date. So that means we just had 33 cross total of 47 for Sunday 131 in total to date. That means yes, most of the aid has just now arriving, over a third of the aid is just now making its way into the Gaza Strip of the total Aid that has been delivered so far and it's a fraction of what's needed.
It's so bad that hospitals are becoming shelters. 14,000 individuals are right now sheltered at the Alad's hospital. I'll show you on the map where these are this over here in T Al Haah is where the AL Cuds hospital is. 14,000 individual sheltered here with another 20,000 individuals sheltered at the Nasser hospital.

But there's also a combined Children's Hospital here in Conun. The problem is a lot of innocent people who are coming to these hospitals with injuries from air strikes or fires or Burns or even C-sections are now being treated without anesthetic because there's not enough left. Yes, the Director of the Nasser hospital is now reporting. we're not sure if this is propaganda or truth, but the Director of the hospital is reporting that women are being treated with C-sections without anesthetic to try to save as many children's lives as possible.

It sounds absolutely devastating and so does getting kicked out of the hospital when you're 60 to 70% cured. In other words, as you're still in your recovery, go recover outside because there's no room left. This is an absolute disaster in a human travesty. Donald Trump of course, is unsurprisingly anti-biden here, arguing that Biden's response is too weak and that anytime an ounce of American blood is spilled, we will spill a gallon of yours.

This sort of rhetoric though, is also increasing across the rest of the world with China now coming in apparently within 10 ft of a US B52 bomber that this 10- foot sort of buzzing which I'll show a video of in just a moment. Here it is this uh buzzing is uh being uh considered shabber saber rattling by China again, this is China uh, you know waving the sword, arguing hey, this is Ourland China's more official statement is that US military planes have traveled thousands of miles to show off their Force at China's doorstep, which is the root cause of sea and air security risks. So China this defensive the US calls China Reckless and unsafe of course this is propaganda from both sides as each side exerts their might. On top of this in Russia you just had an Israeli plane come to land in Russia and apparently what Russia calls Mobsters storming that airport to try to find the Jews those are their lines not mine.

You can see it here from the Guardian in search of Jewish pass passengers arriving from Israel This by the way, is at a Russian airport in MAA Cola I Probably have butchered quite a few names in this video, but I'll tell you I'm doing my best Airline employees here, huddling inside of off planes to be protected from what are being called Again, the Mobsters. The C according to Russia reported that 60 protesters were arrested. uh, apparently 15 potentially stormed the runway. This, by the way.

Uh, the city worth noting is just to the west of the Caspian Sea. Here it is on the map. it's just north of Azerbijan and uh, somewhat north of Tran over here. So you're much closer to the Middle East than you would think.
But when you look at Russia I mean, look at how large and massive Russia is here and keep in mind it actually does extend into the Middle East over here. Uh, and so that's why sometimes there's a little bit of confusion when people hear Russia's somewhat involved uh, or at least certainly trying to propagandize itself as being on the right side of History here, coming to protect Jews in uh, the Middle East which is very much remember what their claim is in Ukraine that they're attacking Ukraine to den naify Ukraine Notice how the narrative stitches together all of a sudden? Anyway, this is the latest on the disaster in Israel and Palestine. Certainly, there will be much more in the way of updates. I Really appreciate you watching this.

If you like this kind of update, make sure to subscribe. I'll continue to bring you more updates. House Haack Fund Raise closes November 1st check out for the programs on building your wealth and the link to the house fundraise. or just go straight to Read the offering circular.

Thank you so much! We'll see you soon! Goodbye! Why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations man, you have done so much People love you people look up to you Kevin P there financial analyst and YouTuber Meet Kevin Always great to get your take.

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36 thoughts on “*escalation* israel palestine trump world war 3 russia china october 30”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valinda Giles says:

    If you say other countries the Buck stops at the top you said about Israel, then the Buck stops with bide as in the pres position. Thank you for pointing that out.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars McEw says:

    why the airpod?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Kipling says:

    I hate this “Israel let it happen” theory. But it would make a little sense, though, wouldn’t it?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kris Kipling says:

    “Keep the enemy weak.” I think that’s what Israel THOUGHT they were doing all those years.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarJo333 says:

    I dobt believe that. A C-sec with no anethesia. No cant be done..i know the U N had to of brought anethesia. .dont believe everything you hear.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Kohan says:

    Thank you for talking about these important global issues, Kevin

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark-Anthony J says:

    I’m happy and saddened at the same time knowing the comment I made on this channel predicting the current state of the economy and war unfolding is coming true. I did my best to warn everyone 4 years ago Smh… But people said, I was crazy and everything is fine.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Loyal III says:

    There are a lot of Nazi in Ukraine. A large portion of their military are Nazi

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Web Surfer says:

    Fantastic Paffrath! Keep it up!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Lopez says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THE N WORD says:

    The historical journey of the Jews over the past thousand years.

    A short historical sequence related to the relationship of peoples with Jews over the past thousand years.

    1080 – Expulsion from France.
    1098 – Expulsion from the Czech Republic.
    1113 – Expulsion from Kiev in Russia (Vladimir Monomakh).
    1113 – Massacre of Jews in Kiev.
    1147 – Expulsion from France.
    1171 – Expulsion from Italy.
    1188 – Expulsion from England.
    1198 – Expulsion from England.
    1290 – Expulsion from England.
    1298 – Expulsion from Switzerland (execution of 100 Jews by hanging).
    1306 – Expulsion from France (3,000 were burned alive).
    1360 – Expulsion from Hungary.
    1391 – Expulsion from Spain (execution of 30,000 and burning of 5,000 alive).
    1394 – Expulsion from France.
    1407 – Expulsion from Poland.
    1492 – Expulsion from Spain (Law prohibiting Jews from entering the country forever).
    1492 – Expulsion from Sicily.
    1495 – Expulsion from Lithuania and Kiev.
    1496 – Expulsion from Portugal.
    1510 – Expulsion from England.
    1516 – Expulsion from Portugal.
    1516 – Law in Sicily allows Jews to live only in Jewish neighborhoods.
    1541 – Expulsion from Austria.
    1555 – Expulsion from Portugal.
    1555 – Law issued in Rome allows Jews to live only in Jewish neighborhoods.
    1567 – Expulsion from Italy.
    1570 – Expulsion from Germany (Brandenburg).
    1580 – Expulsion from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible).
    1592 – Expulsion from France.
    1616 – Expulsion from Switzerland.
    1629 – Expulsion from Spain and Portugal (Philip IV).
    1634 – Expulsion from Switzerland.
    1655 – Expulsion from Switzerland.
    1660 – Expulsion from Kiev.
    1701 – Complete expulsion from Switzerland (Philip V's decree).
    1806 – Napoleon's warning. Badajoz.
    1828 – Expulsion from Kiev.
    1933 – Expulsion from Germany and genocide.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh A says:

    Is that how you think Netanyahu is pronounced?? 🤣

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SC says:

    Your facts are way off. The media is not a source of education.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars constantin58 says:

    If Israel occupies any territory from Gaza when this war ends, you get your answer why Netanyahu "failed" to see the attack on his citizens.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Truth Is out there says:

    Alios Irlmaier

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrMcgillicuddy1 says:

    Isreal is 100% within its rights. Just like Russia, who has been invaded by Ukraine for more than 20 years.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Realty Rewind says:

    Should have voted for trump

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiko Wasabi says:

    Land and resources can be abundant and shared to all with kindness and respect. Technological advancements can be focussed on creating rather than destruction. If we keep following this trend, all the advancements will haunt us with only our own greed to blame.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Boogie says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Z says:

    US war OF terror in the Middle East
    -Ron Paul

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Galloway says:

    Its amazing how low s9me peo0le are. Promoting their stupid bs while covering a story about a lot of people dying. Dude…has no shame or class. What a pos

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Izy says:

    Kevin, Who is giving you the death toll numbers? gaza health ministry? aka Hamas?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole says:

    Fun fact ☝️ 83% of the population of Dagestan adheres to Islam

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crypto milk says:

    Free Palestine, stop funding Israel

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holly Gustafson says:

    And guess what America your tax dollars are paying for it all this death of innocent kids

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investor UK says:

    500,000 people on Saturday in London marching for Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris G says:

    Please update to thumbnails to more a more mature/ grown up tone and lose the weird self fellating montage at the end. Especially where you take sole credit for Tesla advertising.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Dobosz says:

    Excellent thank you compulsory listening

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Said Khalil says:

    True journalism, accurate facts thank you for your professionalism and integrity. Peace 💕

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janet Petrovsky says:

    The name is Na-ta-ni-yahoo

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tidusfantasy says:

    His name is pronounced as "Net-tan-ya-hu", u do pronounce the H sound, as this is not a european name

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johum Mirza says:

    Very tragic to what is happening to civilian population in G@.Z@ , very graphic and heart crunching videos of civilians specially kids and pregnant women along with unborn baby/ies being killed via air strike :'( – has been happening to them for more than 75 years and its just more visible because of social media. To be honest the Western biasness is at its peak and USA not vetoing ceasefire resolutions in UN while I$r#@l breaks war and UN laws one after the other, acting like a rogue state without impunity , journalists being killed, their families being deliberately killed via air strike (more than 8000 civilians killed so far and many more under the rubble) and hostages are some where lost in the middle which it self is tragic. The Gen0c!d3 Joe on the other hand is against any ceasefire. Alot of Jews in USA and !$rael protesting themselves against these atrocities and calling for ceasefire ! (Jewish Voice for Peace – @Jewishvoiceforpeace ,

    Independent Jewish Voices – www. ijvcanada.og , Norman Finkelstein – @normfinkelstein). If any one wants to look at the true history of 0pression and what natives of the p@les!ne have been through some recommended books are:

    – The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities

    – The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017

    – Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom by Norman Finkelstein

    – The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy S says:

    From what I understand, Israel told the Palestinians to move their people out of those areas 2 weeks ago, so if there are people and kids dying it's on the Palestinian government for using human shields. It's sick but that's what terrorists do in the middle east. It's not Israel's fault and you can't put that on Israel's air strikes.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEN Y says:

    thanks for speaking up.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Johns says:

    What about ENPH, TSLA and poooooopy diaper fund PP?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Omar gadalla says:

    Israel is doing a really bad job targeting Hamas. They keep targeting children women and innocent civilians. 🤔

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