Trading offers a lot of freedom. Is that a blessing or a curse? That depends on YOU. Here’s how traders can make the most of their flexibility. Tune in to learn to avoid the ‘I should be trading’ trap!
When you’re first starting as a trader, it might feel like you need to be chained to your computer at all times. There’s so much to learn, so much studying to do…
But once you figure out what works for you, it’s really just a lot of ‘rinse and repeat.’
In fact, as you advance in your trading career, you might even find that less is more.
In today’s episode, Tim and Stephen discuss the importance of stepping away from your monitor every now and again — both for your own sanity and for the sake of your trading account.
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Like the funniest thing, is you know i don't really, i still have a thinkorswim account, but i have obviously i use stocks to trade instead. It it blows me away. I will get like six-year-old alerts like i'm like, like a pop, a pop like i got, and i look i set that alert in like 2014 and it's like a pops at 12., i'm like what you know it's like they just come back and that didn't used To happen, you know all right: everyone welcome back to the steady trade podcast gon na kind of probably be a little bit of a of a quicker uh episode today i'll try and keep the introduction under 20 minutes to to thereby hit that goal so um as Many of you might well if you're watching on youtube steven is traveling just kind of checking in with him. You know something we talk about.

A very you know, a recurring theme and something i firmly believe in is you know taking taking advantage of. You know the freedom that trading allows, i mean many of you know. If you follow me on social media, got a million different hobbies. You know steven's back out.

Traveling, i mean i mean the beauty of the stock market is listen in the beginning and again this is a theme we talk about all the time you got ta lock in and never leave the house for 18 months or a couple years, but then, after that, Once you can start figuring out these patterns of recognizing what works for you, then it's just a lot of rinsing and repeating - and you don't have to sit there and stare at that computer every day and you know and steven's kind of reflecting that so welcome. Back stephen, where in the world, are you no thank you, i'm actually at a surf camp in portugal and um and honestly, like i've, been working like when you think about it? I did advertising for like full time like nine or five night or six night or seven. Then i was studying training for five hours on top so like for me, i'm just taking a break like enjoying a couple of weeks, uh and chilling um. So what if you i again, what are you you're in the middle of a surf camp? So is it? Is it like uh? What is this like like they teach you or what or what exactly are you doing, yeah? No, no! It's it's pretty wild! So basically um i mean look, i'm a big guy, i'm a big guy, so surfing, there's a big guy 34.

So it's not easy. There's a saying that i need to to diet. A little bit do do a bit of do a bit of what you're doing do a bit of that hard, 75 um but yeah. I know i'm i'm in the algorithm in sagras from portugal, uh surfing every day, surfing like from 9am to 3pm couple hours every day, beach volleyball in a comp in a camp with some different people and just like just chilling just resting i've got this.

Then i've got a retreat in mexico and then it's like three weeks old. Oh then, i'm probably gon na find a place get back to get back to the ground because i think a surf camp is for surfing. It's not portrayed. You know what i mean sure sure.

Well and again you know it's like listen, i mean especially with obviously the pandemic and stuff i mean it's like take advantage. I mean i mean, listen and i love trading. You love trading, we all listeners all do, but it's like g. What's the point of going to something like that, if you're just going to sit in your room on your computer 12 hours a day, you know yeah.
No, no, i mean honestly look. I was. I was honestly at the point where, when i'm trading, it's like, i i've come to the point just taking the time off, like i tried to like dip in and out of stocks, try to like trade when i could um. But now it's just it's easier for me just to like stop take two weeks off.

I do you know i do get. I got to give you credit. I happen to see one of your tweets uh. I like how you came out of retirement to short a low float biotech at all-time highs.

Trading 200 million shares the other day well done by the way yeah. I know. That's that's the other thing as well, like you just do stupid stuff, like what i've kind of learned is your head's got to be in trading like i also remember, like matt monica was saying if you ever move house, never trade on that day, yeah, because your Head your head's, not in the market and like when you're in a surf camp and you're like you, missed the open, and you didn't see what happened yesterday and you just think. Oh well i'll.

Just take a look at this this this should work um. I think i think your head's not in it and you're more capable of making bad decisions. So it's it's almost. I mean for me i'm finding that, like you just take a couple of weeks off and then like when you're grinding, grinds and when you're not grinding.

Take it off exactly yeah yeah, i'm not i'm not as much of it i'll just jump in and see. What's there and create it, i just don't think it didn't work for me. You know, obviously i'm a big fan of routine and i try to do you know the same stuff same order same time of day every day and stuff, but but i'm the same way you know with, like obviously haven't been traveling as much the last year and A half but i've got a trip next week and you know coming back i'll, be coming back on a thursday. You know i'm coming back from the west coast, so it's going to be like an all-day thing, so the odds of me actually making a trade on friday, probably pretty low, because i think that it just i call it getting your c leg, see legs back.

You know it's just like even just one day now. I think i might be an ex. I might be an extreme example of that, because i am such a creature of habit such a you know the routine stuff, but um i've made again i've rushed into stuff. You can't just make dumb mistakes and so yeah.

I i'm big believer in that. Like i said next friday, i highly doubt i'll make a trade because i'll just be looking to see. Okay, what happened yesterday? What was the theme? What are those plays doing today and then i'll be ready to get back at it monday type thing so yeah i know and and i'm and i remember roland wolfson as well like he went on vacation for a month and he was like i'm just gon na Sit and watch for a week, i'm gon na size down for a week, oh yeah, especially dude. It's the right thing to do, and and if you're not and and uh who was the guy um, the famous trader uh, he said you've got to be immersed in the market at all times to be successful and profitable.
In this i'm just not a believer in dipping in and dipping out so um yeah. For me, i'm gon na take a couple of weeks like out of the market um. I might like i'm on stocks to trade mobile like i'm a bit of a dj and i'm still like i'm still watching, but i'm gon na take a couple of weeks away from trading and just um and come back fresher from the break. You know what i mean: yeah yeah, but but that said i did see the spy dropping uh it took a bit of a drop.

Is that something related to china or well yeah? I mean it's just one of the so so we had that whole. You know it's starting to fade already three days later, but that whole evergrand property. You know it's it's this huge property, investment, firm and they've like missed their interest payments - and you know it's another one of those classic overreactions where it's like. Every every talking head on tv is like.

Oh, this is the beginning of the end, the world's gon na collapse and everything - and here we are three three days later number one barely anybody's. Even talking about evergrand. You know it just shows you how worthless the med. You know that that and obviously not you know, we don't talk politics here, but it just shows you how it's like the first read is like always the wrong read, because they just they want to push those hot button, button issues, scare, everybody etc.

And then here it is three days later and i already saw like evergrand they're, making a bon a like an interest payment. It's like it's like all of a sudden. It's like wait a minute this weekend. This was like the worst thing in the world.

This was like 2007 2008 all over again and it's freaking wednesday. I mean i mean we're talking two and a half days later and it's like oh, never, mind, never mind. You know. Yeah, i mean at the end of the day.

Uh news newspapers need to sell newspapers through headlines and yeah and websites need clicks for for the ad for the ad generation and then but then here's the beauty of this and again, you know here's your your useful information from this i mean again one of the Reasons we're here, you know 200 episodes later talking about penny stocks is monday. One of the i mean i remember finishing that webinar on monday and i'm like, i did an hour-long webinar and i'm like guys. I didn't even get to like half the stuff in play. Today, yo edsa, look at edsa from the week of you know: september 20th crvs i mean crvs goes absolute, which you had a great cover by the way you covered it like 3 30 at 3, 30 p.m on friday, and it went like three dollars a share Higher in after hours friday night comes in monday week, open ready green comes in tomorrow week, open or yesterday week, open grad degree.
I mean it's like so that's the great thing about this stuff. Is you know, penny stocks? Don't care you know, there's always well, not always but 9 out of 10 days, there's some wild penny stock mover so especially when guys, like stephen short them on day. One no less day, one low float had news breaking out on multiple time frames and ridiculous. 200 shares trading, so no, but i'm just gon na i'm just gon na.

I don't want to give it everything but shorten shortened. First, green days as of the last few months, it's been the hardest strategy. No, but it's been the hardest strategy in the world to the point where i've just stopped doing it like i'm, just not doing it anymore for now for now but like but like you've got to give it to me last year short and first screen days worked. You could even show them all fools yeah screen days, but uh i mean well, if you you uh and again, this is such a recurring theme.

If you can stop out, i mean i mean that's again, i mean not to go there for the 10 000th time on the podcast, but it's like listen. You can do it. If you can stop out the reason i beg newbies not to do it is you know, they're still holding when they're down six dollars a share or something you know yeah. Sometimes i don't even know if it's a good strategy, if you stop out, though sometimes i just think it's not a good strategy, because it just for me, it's um, it's just there's not enough room on them anymore and also on the long side.

It's just like. So say, for example, sorry, there's a loud noise in the background. Can you hear that yeah? But it's not bad, we'll manage you know, listen any any background. Noise is always going to be less annoying than your fake british accent.

You know so uh, it's weird, i'm i'm in portugal and attract. I just throw past it's pretty weird, but like the one thing that i'll say is last year, there was enough downside on short and first green days, and it worked enough times. But but now there's like 60 upside and there's like and 50 half of them run now do you. I know, i'm always mr opinion.

What's your opinion? Why? Why do you think that is because i i think that's going to be. You know if you're driving in your car listening to this right now, you know: that's that's probably what the listener is thinking. So, what's different, no, it's just there's too many new people in the market and there's too many newbies in the market, and everyone is just looking at the the morning scans because they don't know any better and they don't have. They haven't developed the patience to all the discipline or the education to monitor stocks over two days.
Three days a week, two weeks, they haven't learned that skill they've just thought: what's hot buy anything it's going, fifty percent, so when you've got noobs, who aren't educated they've started their own partner, just works? How do you think that in obviously, you probably know what i'm going to say, but is that noobs on both sides? Is it noobs short in these things too? You know, is it is it is it just? Is it? Is it just a sea of noobs on both sides? No, no. I absolutely definitely believe that um there's a bunch of new shorts who just think short and school because they say like people with a lot of money and making bank all of the time. And then i think, there's a bunch of people buying first three days, just because buying is the natural instinct, and i think those two things together have eradicated just shorten the first green day pattern. I think it almost just doesn't work until something changes in the future.

Like you know, it's me bread and butter. So for me now i need to go back to the drawing board and and find a couple of new strategies that way and drop that one for now. So one more question, then: we're gon na kind of take this episode home stephen again he's having fun at the surf camp and his wi-fi is a little wonky. So i've got a stephen, a question for you, stephen, do you believe you know? Obviously listeners know.

I love a good conspiracy theory. You know whether whether it be you know, stephen's, fake british accent or bigfoot or or flat earth, etc. So i've been operating under this uh theory the last couple years. You know - and i don't know how much i've talked about it, but do you agree that some of these guys do you think a lot of these guys on twitter that are that are talking the big game shorting these first green days? Do you think they're going long like, i think they are and they're just saying, they're short on twitter debate, people? You know they got.

These guys got big followings. They got a lot a lot of people following them. You know they post big games. They post these charts with making you know epic shorts, i mean, do you think, do you believe in that conspiracy theory, or is it right up there with flat earth? I think it's a step to fall and if you think so, okay, fair enough yeah, i mean look i'm going to mexico for like a spiritual retreat.

I mean - maybe maybe when i've like had me mine twisted a little bit. I might be on that level, but nah nah nah. These guys are, i mean they're, showing the profits short. So there's no way it's no enough fair enough, fair enough.

Okay, i just uh. Can i just ask, but just one final thing as well, because i've been missing steady trade morning and afternoon webinars, so i've been it's been pretty sad to miss them because i've been away. Is there any highlights any takeaways? Anything that i should be remembering since i've not been in well i mean it's, you know it's a lot of kind of what i mentioned earlier i mean we were all over crvs, the last few days, all over edsa all over hlbz, and you know again. I think that you know what is working right now, and one of the reasons stephen is happy to take the time off is what what's what's what's working right now is just checking those boxes for like a low float stock with new you know.
Mrin today is uh september 22nd. Mrin is a great example of this. So currently it's sideways okay, but they had some news with google last night squeezed in after hours. Everyone started bashing the news.

This is a recent runner from a couple weeks ago, this stock's hanging around right now and it's quarter to 12.. It's not even noon yet and if this thing breaks 11 today or tomorrow, it's freaking party time and that setup is, is really working right now and you know again mrin many of you may remember from back in june from when it, you know, went from two To like 27 in like three days so it but and then they had some news with google last night, so you can check these boxes. Man and you start keying off those key levels, whether it be those ready greens, those high days, that it's it's really really working and going back to monday that huge gap down on the sp why it was like it was one of the busiest days. I can remember meanwhile, everyone everyone in real stock land is like.

Oh, the world's ending you know, yeah, i know and and uh emeryn emeryn has the the capacity to run it's uh, it's one of the biggest losses i've ever taken. Oh really, i didn't know that yeah, emeryn and cielo. They are the two biggest losses. I've ever talked so um.

So look look it's i mean for me. I mean we'll close on it. It's a great time to be along. It's a great time to be along.

Of course you can shut them back down, but you just never know when the top is and the stocks never die. So you never know so many of them come come back too. I mean now. Listen, i'm not saying anyone like stayed short mrin for two months.

I'm not saying that. But it's again it's like how many times have we seen these cart. You know you know, and i and i talked about that - a lot that that the classic penny stock pattern. It was like that that spike that fail and they would never come back like never get de-listed.

You know just go away and that's one of the biggest things we've seen last couple years. They come back and they come back and they come back. I mean it's like it's like zombies or something it's like. They never really die.

I think back to when i got started, i mean so many of these stickers. It was like it's like what is you've. Never even heard of this thing. What is this kicker? You know and then it would die the next day and never come back.

Get de-listed go bankrupt, go go away and we don't see. I mean obviously some of them do it, but not much anymore man. They hang around. So i i think a good strategy right now is that whatever - and i know a lot of traders who do it - it's uh, whatever, whatever pops, whatever runs, and it's obvious right, you've taught a strategy.
Anything that's run before, keep it on a list yeah and in the minute it breaks trend. It has a press release. Volume comes in, i mean like this is an intricate button. This and we'll finish on this point.

I know steven's he's running out of battery too, but, like the funniest thing is you know, i don't really. I still have a thinkorswim account, but i have obviously i use stocks to trade instead. It it blows me away. I will get like six year old alerts like i'm like, like a pop, a pop like i got and i look i set that alert in like 2014 and it's like apops at 12., i'm like what you know it's like they just come back and that didn't Used to happen, you know so so yeah use those former runner lists is is what stephen's saying so? No, it's just put your alarms on put your alarms on for a little bit and and then yeah on the pop-up and take them all right all right.

Well, thank you. Everyone, a little bit shorter episode, but uh. You know i i drug stephen in off of his vacation um. I like how he brags about his tan, even though i mean i mean.

Is that, like a good tan in the uk dude, i'm uh, i'm like broner than you, those skills comment on me dancing. I look really good, but the worn kisses, because i think they think i'm fast fair enough, fair enough. Well, hey, listen! You know you can always fix that. Okay, you can.

You can fix that, so you can never fix your face, but you can always lose a few pounds. I've got a good face, though, but i need some days in the bone camp to lose the weight. Some super days in the bone camp hold the bone 50., all right, we'll we'll uh, we'll let stephen go again he's low on battery and low on wi-fi thanks steven thanks for thanks for jumping back in and thanks to all of you again, you know steve and I like to keep the routine going a little bit quicker, the episode than normal, so hopefully you're not left out there on the dry on on the commute in um. As always, definitely head over to shoot us an email drop us a comment.

Um. I know i say it pretty much: every episode, but um, hey. We love talking stocks. We love talking strategies.

If there's stuff, you want us to discuss um if it's something we haven't gone over in a while through something new, definitely drop us a comment and we will uh we'll get after it. So that being said have a great day, everyone and we'll see on the next steady trade podcast. I hope you guys enjoyed that video thanks so much for watching and being part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you have not already, our goal is to hit a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without you guys.
So if you like what we're doing here - and you want to hear more - please please please hit that subscribe button and i'll see you guys on the next video.

By Stock Chat

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5 thoughts on “Ep 222: when traders should take a break (and what to do instead)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Isakov says:

    Thanks guys ! appreciate it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars New Investor says:

    A fellow northerner, it seems such a rare business up in these parts Steve, hoping that changes but you guys provide inspiration to keep battling on, thanks for the video gents. A sea of noobs hahaha

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Faber says:

    STT guys I hate to be a nagger like this with these awesome episodes, but can we please get them released a little sooner than A MONTH after they are filmed? Avid and loyal viewer/fan, but it becomes so hard to remember the tickers and price action that they are bringing up from what is now a pretty long time ago. The video, to me, loses a lot of its value?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocket says:

    Keep a list of former runners! Got it

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Apefathers man child says:

    Can you cover aqst? Has no available short shares and many good catalysts ahead!

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