Four times the pleasure — today’s episode is a series of mini-episodes focused on hot trading themes!
The challenge? Keep each topic to five minutes. What do you think … Can co-host Tim Bohen stick to just five minutes per subject without running over?
Stephen Johnson has his doubts, and Kim Ann Curtin isn’t around this week to keep things on topic.
Don’t make a drinking game of it … The SteadyTrade Podcast is NOT responsible if you need your stomach pumped!
Don’t miss these four hot trading themes.
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#StockMarket #Trading #Podcast
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Comparing that to trading i mean you're, risking your money, your emotions are in it, but if you can force yourself to slow down step through that list, and then truly say, is this a good trade or am i just bored? You know i got my freelance work done for the day. You know kind of a crappy day, i'm just kind of sitting here, not much going on, i'm going to make a trade and then you lose money and then you get mad and then you, you know it's so good and then you lose it. You try make it bad now, listen! Is it gon na? Is it gon na turn you from a money losing trader to paul tudor jones? I don't think so, but i think that it's going to force better habits all right. Welcome back to the steady trade podcast everyone, i am tim bowen back with steven uh kim's traveling again, we think we we uh stephen and i in classic great preparatory fashion um we thought kim was traveling, but we we changed the record time and we forgot to Tell her but we're we're gon na roll with it because of the fact that steven came up with a really cool idea.

You know, remember i i know i bug you all of you all the time you'll shoot us. Those emails give us those comments because - and i really really mean this and stephen means it and kim means it. I mean we have thanks to stocks, to trade. Thanks to steady trade, i mean at the end of the day they they should probably be checked into a mental institution, but they give us free rain.

You know free editorial rain to do whatever we want with this podcast and the reason i bring that up is we want to help you, okay, you know again, you know if you're on that treadmill right now, if you're on that commute right now or or if You're pretending like you're, working and you're listening to us. Let us know what you want out of the podcast, whether it be you know more interviews, we there for a while geez almost a year. All we did was interviews, then we kind of thought. Oh that's too.

Many interviews so then we did other stuff, so we're always experimenting always testing, but at the end of the day, give us those comments, whether it be on youtube or steady trade or twitter or instagram or wherever, so that we can cater the podcast to you. Now that being said, steven was watching a podcast on youtube and and uh they kind of did this format where they did four topics. You know five minutes each on those topics, so he put together four topical topics. You know timely topics and that's what we're gon na do today and here's the cool you know.

The great thing is he's got four talking topics, five minutes each you know start your timer because i will probably exceed the five minute limit. Expl. You know just giving what the topic is so take a drink every time i go past five minutes because i can't even you know i can barely get started. I can barely introduce myself 200 podcasts later in less than five minutes.

So thank you, stephen. Thank you. For the content, uh of the idea and welcome back my man, so yeah yeah. Thank you.
Thank you. So much how's how's it going it's it's a little bit slower out there yeah. Well, i mean you know, here's the thing um, and this is something i talk about. A lot is, i think, uh.

You know you, especially if you're new, you know you'll hear me say this: it only takes one, you know and listen. Sprt was great back to back days. I mean you had to be patient, but like t-cad i mean when j right now t-k-a-t nft play, which is one of stephen's topics. You know once that thing broke yesterday i mean t-cat's worst stock in the world once it broke, yesterday's high, it spiked like freaking, two bucks, a share, so i agree slower, but you know i think it's for people that have been trading a long time like you Have i have um, we can manage more, we can manage 10 stocks running all over, but to me i think if you're a newbie times like this are almost better because, especially if you're under the pdt, i mean it's like listen if you're under the worst thing In the world, uh, you know is to be under the pdt and have like this perfect setup, and you got no day trade.

So that's the one nice thing: if there is nothing going on in the morning, you close your terminal and you save your day trade. Before we get into the topics. First off, congratulations will aired publicly on uh on the was it flgc. What was the ticker you? You guessed more or less to the penny correct on that afternoon.

Ram oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right right, yeah yeah cause it was an er. What's it have a car, i can't go anyway yeah something else: yep yep yep the run to 10. man. I'm usually good at this, but that was it was a week ago.

That's a problem i can like. I can remember like everything from like 24 hours, you know like. Like i mean listeners, know you know you bring up a ticker, i'm like. Oh it's this in 24 hours, but after i'm too much of it after 24 hours, it all just kind of goes away.

You know - and this is the last thing i'll say before we'll get into it, but before we started doing this podcast like four years ago, i knew i had a problem remembering any ticker ever and i and i was getting severe anxiety before every podcast that we Would talk about the ticker and i would not remember the name, i'm sorry. I used to like write them down without showing you, but anyway, that's that was like four years ago and now i've just well and here's the thing you know and and and again the listener might be like you know, and listen if you're a faithful listener. You know a lot of times: stephen will be trading this stock and he'll i'll have to like remind him what the ticker is, but here's the beauty of that you might be like you know, how's that you know, but keep in mind the stocks we trade, the Stocks we recommend trading and and steven you hear me on the on the webinars a lot i mean this is four letters man, you know it's like it doesn't matter. If it's tcat or sprt, or or flgc, i mean they're all insane at the end, yeah exactly they're all crap and um and you'll be looking at 10 to 15 a day and as soon as one's out of play, you forget it.
So it's it can be understood, but the sbis, the tcats, the is it bbtt, btbt yep yeah, see that's how bad i am so all right, let's, let's just roll in so topic, one five minutes, uh the return of meme stonks, yes, um, very, very impressed with Amc's comeback, i don't know if it was news driven uh. We got that that late dave v uphold afternoon. Squeeze um, i believe it went from. It did not go from 12 to 70..

No, it went from yesterday. Yesterday. Amc went from 37 to 48. yeah.

So, like 30, almost 30 percent move yeah yeah, which is all massive for a big uh, 20 billion dollar market cap yeah, but um i'm just curious to get your thoughts on. I mean like like a degenerate on a quiet day. I got stuff long and short on this, but what what what's your thoughts on amc? What's your thoughts on the comeback um right now i mean 25th of august breaking frontside trend. It's looking like a failed bounce to me.

Well, i think you know so the news was and understand. The news was very dubious, but you know yesterday it dropped that citadel was basically pulling money from melvin capital. Okay, remember: melvin um! You know this is, i know, i know it feels like years ago, but it was just a few months ago. Remember, melvin was the big uh hedge fund that was going against the wall.

Street bets plays shorting them and you know, and all the hoodies went after melvin and and so anyway, citadel, which you know ken griffin's, got more money than god. Okay, you know he started pulling money out and now that changes - and this is again something for the listener. When we talk about it's just tickers, you know that changes, nothing for the long-term prospects of amc i mean amc, is still doomed and i've been saying that for a year, but what's cool about these meme stocks, is you know the hoodies, the redditors, the wsb's? You know they just they just grab on something and run them and again, if you're in the right place at the right time. If you know these tickers, which again you can't forget, amc, we we joke about or gme or or all that you know it's.

We joke about these crappy. You know biotechs, that that spike wants and never do anything for five years, but i mean you start seeing an amc on your volume scan on your dapper scan man. You need to pay attention and um. So that's that was the.

Why? Yesterday and then ultimately listen, i told everyone yesterday afternoon a lot of people wanted to gap these and i'm like man. I just don't know i. I think this is a this. Is that one and done i talk about, and you know, as of right now, amc struggle, i mean it's trying to stay green but really struggling.

So i don't know if we're there yet. But in my opinion you know, especially as we get into fall falls always fall winter. Is you know? That's that's the busy season, everyone. You know, you know a lot.
A lot of a lot of the world you know is in the northern hemisphere. You know, and it's like you just don't go outside anymore. It gets dark, it's cold and, and you might be like weather, for real tim, but it's like yeah, i mean listen. I trade less in the summer.

I want to freaking go outside. I want to do things you know where, when it's 10 degrees in michigan, it's like i'm just gon na trade all day, so i do think there is a resurgence coming and yesterday was encouraging, but something i say all the time is let these things you wait For two or three days because and then this is a quote, i said on the on the steady trade team webinar, i'm like listen! If it's, if it's the true resurgent, you don't have to be there on day, one okay, you know if, if amc's actually going to a hundred, you don't need to be there at on day one you can trade on day two day three day, four, maybe two Weeks from now post labor day when it's breaking the highs, so you don't have to be first. If it's really a true run same thing, i say with weed stocks and stuff: it's like so many people get bagged on the weed stocks because they want to pile in day one. Let them prove themselves yeah.

I know, and i think that a lot of the weed stocks these days and amc what they all have in common, is that they're very heavy floats that are going to struggle to bounce and and what what a lot of people don't realize as well is like You can get your tcats and you can get your btx's that it might be worth trying to find the bounce, because the three million floors - five million yeah exactly yeah - there's been a risk, but the likes of amc. It's just not likely it's you're going to try and get that bounce 10 times, and it's not going to work 10 times so you're dead right with what you're saying about trying trying to trying to just wait for the confirmation - and i know nobody wants to wait - I mean, but it's like you know, like i said you know, i've said it a bunch of pre-market prep, i'm like just set an alert at like 60, because here's the thing you know right now, amc's at 40. Okay, if it gets to six the party's on okay, i mean it's like the squeeze is on, and you know you just that. That's my big thing yeah i mean.

I know you know i was the story. You know the story of the two bowls right, stephen. No, no! I don't okay! Well, it's kind of it's kind of r-rated for the podcast anyway. The listener can google the story of the two bowls, but everyone is just all foam owed up and you know you can just wait and look at those key levels: 50, 60, 70, etc, yeah, but and the other thing is when, when amt lasts, for i mean Watch it landed running right, but she's headed for high day right now, but it was like it was june.

There was, like everyone knew what a meme stunt was like. Even random people knew what it was: we're hitting volume and 800 million like how's the mc going to squeeze on summer trading trading, a fifth of its normal volume with when it's already done, it enlightening, doesn't strike twice. Do you know what i mean and everyone's already been bagged once so? It's just yeah. For me, it's uh! It's i'm! Not! I don't.
I think you're stupid the shorts. I think anyone shortening amc is stupid, um because you've never seen never right right but um, but yeah. That's my point, so i mean we're if we can move on we're well past the five minutes. Obviously, but i took up four minutes and 59 seconds of the five minutes, but but that's why i talked about that key level thing is, is because you know think of this, that rule of ten you'll hear me talk about.

I mean when it breaks five when it breaks six. Okay and again, that's a rule of ten idea. That's where you're gon na see panic, that's where you're gon na see fomo and when you're just talking range bound right now i mean again: amc is going once it gets into the 50s there's just a brick wall of resistance, and i just think the odds are It fails at that point, so, okay, so the return of the meme songs is uh, not not quite yet, but we not yet not yet post labor day, but when the when the, when the chill is in the air okay, when when, when the leaves start to Turn: okay, when when steven has the han solo outfit, you know what the han solo outfit is right. No, you don't well, oh you're, not in america, that's right! So so people will know that the han solo outfit, especially like on college campuses, when the girls bring out the tall boots and the sweaters and the pumpkin spice cannon count candles and the lattes.

That is when meme stocks will return. I promise you that okay, i'm gon na i'm gon na, go with that and take your word uh. The second topic is the nft comeback, the resurgence of tcat and very nice red degree today on the 25th of august um again like, but this is a low florida, so this is kind of more expected, but we got that crazy run from the 10s to the 70S, it's been kind of dead since it's been, it's been a really like a one day runner and then this is the first time in a long time. It's put in two days yeah, and i think you know i i will admit: okay and - and we have podcasts, that you can go back and listen to probably you know, january february, i you know what what has me excited about the nft stuff.

Is they never really, i think, nfts kind of warmed up and then meme stocks kind of pushed him to the side type thing, so i think you know, especially as as we right now: okay, we're recording august 25th. I think this. I think we might get a real nft run because i you know, i know, tcat went big, dlpn went big couple other ones, but it was all it was over in like a week. You know it was like and - and you just look um i mean everyone.
I mean it's cover of mainstream media and you know these these pixelated. I still don't get it. I mean listen. I know i'm an old man, but i remember beanie.

Babies. Do you remember beanie babies, kind of yeah vaguely that was like the very beanie babies like made ebay, ebay, okay, like no one knew about ebay's and then all of a sudden, these little stuffed animal things like you know. People were trading them and it went nuts or like cabbage patch kids, i mean that's even older, that's like the 80s, but um i mean listen in my opinion. If you bought an nft and you could sell it for a big profit, run away and move on, but it's mainstream right now and who knows may last several years and uh.

I'm excited because of the fact that a lot of these guys never had that chance to do the offerings. Okay, that is the one good thing about the short nft run we had. They didn't have time to dilute. It ended so fast, so now, they're all still low floats.

They haven't pumped up the float. They haven't done, the reverse splits they haven't had any time for that. Yet so i'm excited i'm excited, you know, especially. You know another week: it's it's post, labor day and um.

I think that this could we'll see, but i think this could really be a hot sec. Yeah i mean the really the good thing about nft is it's it's actually like a legitimate sector. I mean yeah. That's always weed right, but i mean, but if you look at the weed stocks, weed was a legitimate sector.

It ran four times in a row, the diluted four times in a row exactly and now everyone's kind of like all right, it's done, but with the nfts. It's like we've got all that to come right, see any great point. You know and we're a green. You know the and again newbies might not understand that.

Might they might be like well? Why do these weed stock? You know somebody will go on the senate floor and be like oh we're, legalized, weed and then everybody's like. Why aren't they going anywhere? Well because they diluted so much and there's so many more shares out there and and people have been burned so many times i mean remember, the first weed stock run was 2015.. I mean that's we're going on seven years. The beauty of the nft stuff is it's february, and it's just a few months ago.

So so stephen and i are agreeing you know they haven't had time to burn everybody. With these offerings they haven't had time to increase the float by a billion shares and insiders haven't really sold so they're they're motivated to pump like it's like the perfect. You know it's it's the perfect and, as we both mentioned, they've got the mainstream media coverage. So it's like it's like the the perfect uh perfect potential stuff.

Don't want to take up yep, exactly two more small topics to jump onto uh. It's we've talked about this before, but part-time trading in slow markets. It's heavily discussed on the podcast before, but it's relevant um how? How? How do i wish well i've kind of got freelance work, but still i'm still fall victim to this stupid overtrain. You know the biggest thing i will say, and i think i've touched on this or not, but i mean one of the big things that i recommended you know, and i i i have those worksheets that i share with the steady trade team, but you can create Your own, i think that as much and again i know i'm old school and i'm old, but i really think forcing yourself and i've mentioned the checklist manifesto.
Okay, it's a book i read 10 years ago and and basically it focuses on like, if surge, even in emergency situations. So you know stephen comes in with a gunshot wound, because some angry husband shot him because he's you know out on the town with the guy's, wife or whatever you know, even in those situations, if the surgeon steps through like a physical checklist, the odds of mistakes, I mean, i don't remember the math exponentially lower, even in life or death situations, and comparing that to trading i mean you're, risking your money, your emotions are in it, but if you can force yourself to slow down step through that list - and then truly say is This a good trade or am i just bored, you know i got my freelance work done for the day. You know. Maybe it's again, you know it's the theme talking about the weather, hey it's kind of a crappy day, i'm just kind of sitting here not much going on, i'm going to make a trade and then you lose money and then you get mad and then you, you Know it's so get back and then you lose it.

You try make it bad so so that i tell you and again whether it's my list or your any some sort of list checklist, i think now, listen. Is it gon na? Is it gon na turn you from a money losing trader to paul tudor jones? I don't think so, but i think that it's going to force better habits and you know in in the firearms training world. You know, there's there's this quote and, and i think it's very applicable to trading and uh yo slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Okay, so keep keep in mind again.

You know, listen if you're getting in a gun fight, okay, it's not the same as trading, but if you can practice those repetitions and you can build good habits. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. So, even if you're coming - and it doesn't - you know, you're not like on the movies and you minimize mistakes, and if you minimize mistakes, less potential for disaster yeah. No, no, it's absolutely true, and actually what turned my trading around a lot is is just a checklist.

Creating a checklist saying: does it fit? Is there any red flags across these six criteria? Perfect, if there's two i'm sizing down, if there's three i'm going long and and if there's one or none, i'm trading it with a bit more size, so it's uh, but it's also that uh can you step away? Can you physically step away if you, if you're on a good month good week, i think i'll just risk 200 300, whatever whatever it is i'll, just risk a little bit, because i i love the vanity of that green day in the condo and the calendar. Just all green that week not a black zero um. Last topic: it's just small lifestyle, how's the 75 hard, so um interesting. So i actually i'm glad you brought it up because i was gon na.
Do them instagram live, but i had too much going on. So if you want to check out 75 heart andy frisella, i noticed you posted it. Andy frizzella clip the other day. Well done yeah.

Ah, i would have done it without realizing that's how yeah he was ranting. You posted your instagram stories, yeah yeah! Well, i don't even remember what the topic was, something about like hard work or discipline, or something but yeah, but anyway, so just real, quick, basically um, it's it's uh, two 45-minute workouts a day. Minimum okay has to be 45 minutes. One has to be outdoors um.

You got ta, stick to a diet, you choose your diet. Whatever you know, i mean. Obviously you know it. It shouldn't be like all pizza, diet.

Okay, but you know you choose a healthy diet. You stick to that. No alcohol read 10 pages a day water a day in a progress pick a day. So anyway, you can google it and check it out, so i'm officially today is 25 days in and man i tell you um, it's sort of feel tired, no awesome man.

I i can't recommend it enough um about once a week about once a week i go to bed at like seven o'clock, okay, so about once a week it catches up with me, but um day to day i tell you it's uh my energy level. My thinking, i tell you, like my my re, i mean reading, it has, has gone way up from where it was, and i love to read um again the brain man i'm just like. I got lists and lists and and and to do's and to do's and um. I i it.

I can't recommend it enough. Man um my plan, probably what i'm gon na do now. I'm 25 days in, i might not say this on day 74, but as much as i'm enjoying i'm down 10 pounds um, my resting heart rate went from 59 to 49, okay, so my resting heart rate, big time drop. I think that's mostly the alcohol i mean like like i could i could like like.

If you check, like you, got a fitbit or an apple watch. If you drink the night before your resting heart rate will be way up and then, if you go like two three days without drinking, it comes way down which shows you how stressful that is for you but um and keep in mind. I don't wan na lose weight. Okay, i lost eight pounds.

It's just fat cause, i'm freaking, i'm doing full-on meat head, workouts; okay, i'm not so um uh, heart rate, uh, uh attitude attitude was the word. I was looking for um just across the board. Man check in the boxes, man, i can't recommend it enough. So it's just it's very uh.

It's not like. I don't want to say it's obvious, but uh i mean it's. It's catering to how we're designed as humans right to to meet those physical needs. We should be running around we should be exercising, we should be active, should be eaten clean anyway, um quickest way to go.
That was just to do nothing in a room. Now that was the clip you posted. Basically, the rant was - and i go on this rant a lot was you know, a lot of people got made up problems, and that was the quote for zelda that you posted. He was like listen, you ain't got if you're enough now and i always like to give the disclaimer okay, if you're homeless, in america, if you got disease, you got real sickness.

You got problems, but a significant majority of people like massive majority in western worlds. Uk america, france, you know you ain't, got real problems, okay, you and now you might think you knew yeah, and that was what his rant was about. Now i remember yeah, so yeah no and it's just everyone. Everyone has the uh.

Everyone has the opportunity to to kind of do what they want to do. It's just. You just have to force yourself to put the work in, and sometimes with the likes of trading. It's not you don't have to force yourself too much.

You might do two hours and force the third if you're, studying or force the fourth but uh, it's it's a mix of things, because you need to be passionate, but you need to force yourself sometimes as well, and i tell you you know again when i talk About just attitude it's like you know, so what i'm doing just again if people are curious, um, i do weight training in the morning six a.m roughly and then my cardio, my second workout is, is a 10k on the rower, which is a little under 45 minutes, But it's roughly 45 minutes and usually in the afternoon sometimes in the evening - and i tell you it's like you get that second workout done, you dread it. You dread it. I'm like another 10k on the rower, but um you get it done and man it's just like you, you accomplished it especially when you didn't want to do it and it's just it's energizing man. Are you getting some headaches in the in the early stages? I just feeling like washed out, wiped out like the early stages of pushing yourself.

No again, nothing like nothing mental. Just like i mean i i will always remember it was day four or well. I woke up day five after four days, and i mean i woke up and i i like i'm like. Why are both my arms asleep? You know because, like normally, you know you wake up and you're on one arm and your arms numb, but my arms weren't asleep.

It was just like, and i i like crawled out of bed - and it was, i mean, probably the two worst workouts of my life - that day. Okay, i lifted weights, but if anybody was watching it was embarrassing. You know i'm like i'm like crawling around. I rode my worst time of the yo of er, so but um, but just physically mentally i've had no downsides so, but you'll do the worst role of all time.
Thinking me, arms are broke and they're going to be eating more broke after this and then the next day the stronger or yes yeah next year was awesome, yeah yeah so pull through. You know - and it's like you know in obviously long-time listeners noah steven and i are just huge fanboys of dave goggins. You know and it's like you know, his biggest thing is your brain's quitting on you and i might be sitting there thinking. Oh, i can't do this or i can't and that's that's all i hear you know yeah, but i just the only thing that i'm cute like because i said i surf all the time right, the only thing and i'm not that i'm not as thin as you Not not as light as you, the only thing i worry about is when i feel my knees, and i feel me grinding sometimes i'm like, should i be pushing this when you're getting those niggles and those slight slight injuries before their injuries.

Should you be pushing that or and just being like well and that's where again, let's remember, i'm i'm older than dirt? Okay, so i just you know i i mean the nice thing is i mean this is what i would say. I mean i've been training weight lifting since, like you know, middle school, basically, so now again, i'm not listen! I'm not like some jack dude, but i have you know: i've been lifting mo, basically my entire adult life. So i know i know when to back off you know and again i'm an old guy. I you know i i got.

I got responsibilities. I got a family, i can't be getting hurt, so i you know i just and obviously surfing's dangerous. I mean listen if, if i'm doing deadlifts and i feel a little twing i just takes, i take some weight off and you know - and i i finish the set you know so so that would be the one tip. I would tell you: listen if you, if you're my age and you haven't lifted in 30 years, take it easy.

Okay, take it easy, so yeah, but show up do your best and do a little more the next time right exactly i mean i mean i mean you know, that's the old quote: it's like you, never regret the workout. You did, you know you'll always recruit. You'll regret the ones you skipped. You know, you're, like oh man, my arms are sore, i'm gon na call it a day and then you're at the end of the day.

You're like i'm such a loser skipped it. You know, at least, if you show up you get through it. You never regret that you, you know so yeah. No and just the final thing for me is it's.

I always joe rogan says so many things so well and he's like. If you skip it, you're the one who's gon na have to lie in bed with himself yep thinking i'll. Let myself down today. You made a promise to yourself and if you can't keep your own promises, how can other people trust you if you can't even trust yourself little things like that are kind of the the congetti and the truth, and i tell you a great point and so, like You know it's it's interesting as this process evolves.

You know like day three or four hey, i thought about quitting i'm flat out. No, no! No! I thought about it but day three day, three day, four day: five day: six, but once you get a weekend, i'm like i ain't quit now, so that my point is what i'm saying is just get through that week, because then you know they got the little App, it's free, you know when you see those seven check marks. It's like man. Do i it's easy to quit when you got two check marks because yo you think about it.
I quit you know and then i start monday and you only got to get two check marks to get back where you were. You know that's what i love about the idea of what he of the program he devised. It's simple, but it's like i mean. Listen i'm 25 days in barring an injury.

I ain't quitting i'm getting a freaking 75 okay, you know now, if i blow a hamming or something but it barring injury. I ain't quitting now, but i mean and that's the amazing thing, though i mean you're, doing a 75-day challenge and you and you kind of sound like you're saying well, i might just do a hundred major 200. because yeah and basically what i as much as i'm Enjoying this my plan is, i might you know, listen i i said this when i started my and i've said it on the podcast million times: pizza, okay, pizza, some cold beer with a pizza okay. But what i that's my nemesis, what i might do at day? 76 is, i might i mean, listen, i might order like a rock, you know the rock size pizza, that's like as big as a table and get a freaking 12 pack of beer, but then the next day man i might - i might just do another 75 yeah.

I mean for me, i've been struggling with random, different diets and stuff, but i'll never forget um. I said i set a challenge. I was in dubai and i'd i'd run like uh 5k and i'd swim 2k every morning before work. So i was like out 7am sun's rising running to the beach swimming way out.

Swimming back running back did that for 30 days and in about 15 to 20 days. First 10 days were hard. Just like yours about 20 days - and i started things you know what is i could run 8k. I don't need to run five and i could swim 2k.

I don't need to swim one. I just want to do more. I want to do more because it physically feels great and then the challenge was a month i did and it was meant to be 30. I went under 50., never felt better.

I felt better, never felt happier lost a load of weight, didn't intend to just did it because it's fun did it yeah yeah same with me, i mean i didn't set out to lose weight, but i'm, like i said, i'm down like i think, eight or nine Pounds in you know in 25 days yeah, so i mean you, don't have to be goggins, but it's, but you need to grain through the first seven days like the first. Seven are never gon na be good with anything. Your body's gon na tell you to quit. Yep get through and it's fun funnest one of the funnest things you'll ever do oh, and then you had asked about you know the other thing like a lot of people are like you know, people ask about like alcohol um.
For me. You know i first that again that first week i'd be like oh man, beer sounds good. Last two weeks i had hasn't even crossed siri and 100 hand on the bible. Honesty hasn't crossed my mind that first week you know that first week, i'm like man be kind of nice grab a couple beers right now, but last two weeks never crossed my mind: anyways your wife's, never having a glass of white wine or a glass of red Wine with with something on the tv or nothing like that, no family, now the full disclosure she doesn't drink.

So i don't i don't. I don't have that temptation so um and i don't know. Maybe that would make a difference. Maybe if we were hanging out and she was drinking so i'm i guess, i'm blessed that she doesn't drink so i don't know so i don't that that's a good point where i definitely see where that could be tempting where you're, like you know, i'm sitting here Sitting here with my freaking jug of water, tired worked out all day in the sun, i'll just have some water, so i will say that i unfortunately i don't have that temptation.

So all right, i'm out of topics, that's a wrap from my end. No, i liked it. I liked it so i i'm like 99 sure we didn't hit five minutes on any of them, but uh it was fun. So so that being said, thank you stephen, and i mean this.

If you get a minute, please let us know any and and remember we're open to anything. You know if, if you're listen, if you're like hey, i like this idea, but tim needs to shut up. He he went past. You know i'm.

I could force myself to be like a minute. Stephen does a minute and we move on if you like, that rapid fire or if you like us, saying we're gon na, go five minutes and go in 15 minutes, but but give us those suggestions share with your friends. Um subscribe and, most importantly, have a great day. Everyone have a great day steven and we'll see on the next steady trade podcast.

I hope you guys enjoyed that video thanks so much for watching and being part of the stocks trade community. We wouldn't be here without you guys make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to the channel, if you have not already, our goal is to hit a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of the year, but we can't do it without you guys. So if you like what we're doing here - and you want to hear more - please please please hit that subscribe button and i'll see you guys on the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “Ep 218: short cuts: tim + stephen take on 4 hot trading themes”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Ramsay says:

    Awesome guys. Thanks!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars name name says:

    how do u get free lance wrk
    I would lov to get more mony to put in tradng

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim and Stephen

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Spera says:

    I enjoyed this because I like to keep in shape, and you have to just take the step and actually do it, and it will make you feel better. the hardest thing is to actually commit and be consistent…love you guys

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jayzac says:

    great episode, thanks guys. I would like to see the podcast return to it's roots like todays episode. two traders discussing trades,strategies and dots and don't from real trading experience. while the first few episodes with kim we're great.. I don't think the show needs a full time therapist. as far as guests, except the STT crew (Bryce,Monico,Huddie,Roland ect) I think you should leave the guests to other shows that chat with traders, stick to the original theme of the podcast. Thank you all.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Santiago Berea Moreno says:

    Thanks guys very enjoyable! I personally would like to see some structured episodes and some non structured or more loose ones. Both have great learning potential. As an idea for a structured episode you guys could have a segment where u have a day with (insert known trader) a trader. Where they are a guest but they talk about a specific trade they made this week/day/month. Where they descrive their entry adds and exits risk etc basically going over a trade they have taken.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonoran Good Karma Cafe says:

    good stuff guys!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hamid FitXfam says:

    Man thats crazy . Enjoyed every single min of this podcast. Tim you're a legend mate. Learning so much every day 💪🏾 keep up the great work and help us to grow 🙏🏽

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabian Flores says:

    I like this idea, when you short for a swing, a runner that spiked and also a low float, whet do you need to see to cover your position? thanks

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    would like to see you go over some of your entries and exits precisely once or twice especially on recent winners/losers

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okie Tradez says:

    HLBZ , OPAD , IRNT .. some fire setups really

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maximus Muchimus says:

    Not sure which was more valuable, the trading knowledge or the self care/development discussion. Thank you fellas! 🙏💪🏻

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rocket says:

    Need to take profits and not..look..back!! No fomo

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