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This is a fist. for us. it's a sign of strength, power, self-defense But in Russian culture, this thing has a very dark history. When the USSR decided to abolish the ownership of private property, this was done with a massive scops campaign.

Convincing people is for their own good and while a lot actually bought into the idea, obviously people who had nice things well, not everybody were excited about giving it up and those people were initially shamed and were called kak. Kak means fist. It means you're too cheap to donate to the greater good. Of course, those who the shame campaign did not work on actually had to be physically encouraged to give up their stuff if you understand my meaning.

But the term kak was so shameful. it was so disgusting that it became this stigma. Nobody wanted to be a Kak. You don't want to take more than you need.

That's the whole principle of Communism right now. Why am I talking about communism and Kaki and about all this Russian history stuff? Well, the reason is that we're talking here about Elon Musk Elon Musk Just came out of the courtroom in Delaware where a US judge ruled that he just got too much money to justify such a big payment structure. Yes, I'm not even kidding you. a US judge literally said that this man is too rich and his salary is too high And that happened in the United States not in Soviet Russia Not in the USSR Not in China It happened on Us soil.

Now allow me to put this a little bit in context. here. You see: Elon Musk is the most creative, most successful entrepreneur we have seen in our lifetime. A lot of people compare them to Howard Hughes but I think it surpised them because Howard Hughes did not change the way we live, Did not change the way we consume energy, Did not change the way we go to space.

Neuralink just implanted a chip in a human being. Elon Musk has achieved so much in his lifetime, as an innovator, as an inventor, As an entrepreneur, we have never seen anything like this. He literally the most successful guy we have ever seen, And about 6 years ago in 2018, he decided to bet completely 100% all in on himself. If you ever share the table with a poker player who just went all in on one single hand and you thought to yourself, well, who is this crazy mother lover well that's the guy.

He just did it. So he took the riskiest payment structure we have ever seen a CEO take in the history of corporate America and he bet on himself entirely completely. The gist of this payment structure was that either Tesla does the impossible and completely blast through any sort of normal expectations of company growth, or IL doesn't get paid at all nothing. Zero Zil Nadak Kaput and he took it.

And of course, 80% of the shareholders of Tesla approved this, because who would be insane enough to gamble six years of salaries as the CEO for the success of a company and not just the success of a company company, but the complete B Out of Hell cataclysmic insane out of the Stratosphere explosion of a company. Who would say to themselves I'm crazy enough to do this and now we're sitting here 6 years later when he literally hit every single Mark of this insane mad Professor plan he took on himself and some. The company is now 800% more valuable than it was when this agreement was signed. There's not a single shareholder who voted for this plan in 2018 who regrets it.
800% return in 6 years. That's a great deal now. I Admit this was not a typical standard CEO payment structure 100% but I also admit that Elon Musk is not a typical standard guy. He's not a typical standard CEO That's why he gets this thing done.

The man literally bet on himself to do the impossible, something that has not been done in decades. many decades, start a brand new car company and make it number one. and nevertheless, here we are with Tesla selling 2 million vehicles per year with 800% return on the stock since that day, with the best margins in the Auto industry, living the entire Auto industry in the dust, and yet somehow Elon Musk found himself in front of a judge in Delaware defending this agreement retroactively six years later and losing. Now that judge said that he was the richest man on the planet and that his agreement was not fair.

Now, I'm going to assume here that most of you did not read the full 200 Page ruling on this case. In fact, most people haven't and that's fine. And I'm going to give you the executive summary here. And although this ruling was all about the technicals, the procedures, the gist of it was: this was not fair.

That he was too rich. It literally is stated verbatim. Is this fair for the richest man in the world to get this much money? This was stated among the 200 pages of procedural argument. This was the truth.

This was the one thing that you can distill the decision too. Now the saddest part about this whole thing is that Elon Musk's payment plan is not going to change. He's not going to get paid less. They'll redo the plan, revote it, rewrite it, rephrase it so that procedurally it passes the test that the judge laid out, or they'll go and incorporate in a different state.

Whatever the case may be, he's going to get paid exactly what the deal says, and there's nothing this judge can do about it. But what happened here is that this judge just screwed not just the state of Delaware, but the entire US legal system. And that's the saddest part if a court of law in the state of Delaware just told you Hey, despite the fact that this was approved by 80% of your shareholders, I'm going to overturn this because it doesn't seem fair. How much loss of business will the state of Delaware absorb because of this Court ruling? How much uncertainty? How much risk? How much lack of clarity and lack of transparency this introduces to the whole Delaware incorporation system.

A lot of it has to do with the ease of the Chance Record and the speed of the Chance Record Delaware will suffer from this not El musk and I' argue it's even bigger than this. Look the whole concept of America when you distill it to the most basic principle, it's freedom of decision. Freedom of Choice Freedom of choice of religion, Freedom of choice. Where to go to school, Which language to speak? what to think, what to say.
But at the end of the day, freedom of choice is the building blocks of the US system. If you have a court of law that takes this away on the account of somebody being too rich, of his payment being too high, and the structure of the way he gets paid is unfair, this has no place in the United States of America. Have a great weekend.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Elon musk situation just got worse”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikebaker3152 says:

    No salary for Musk. Just share options

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @meirdahan1989 says:

    Make a Spotify podcast Achi

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @richardpeacock says:

    @TomNashTV Could not have said it better myself! Thank you 🙏

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @MojoMaddison says:

    These videos are funny if you are in on the joke. Summary, "US oligarchs made from scams are good".

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rosaiverson3475 says:

    The shareholders that brought legal action against Musk as well as the judge are UNQUESTIONABLY pawns bribed by (you fill in the blanks) to take this kind of illegal action. The public likes and respects Mr. Elon Musk and they must demand that they leave him alone!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-fs4gp7un2r says:

    Thanks so much Tom…..Right you are

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cdd7672 says:

    Great job , you nailed it. Thank you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @unclemartinandthegiants3227 says:

    yep. the most lethal russian weapon ever. communism. yet totally common.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DenRyj-qd5tv says:

    He not have more then 13% of Tesla means to many shear holders wich he don't hold by Tesla ! If you not lower don't talk stuper he can't take shear holders fore 55 billion if he don't have them frome his 13% this no a y shears to hold lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IDCOfficial- says:

    I hope Elon Musk doesn’t go missing

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GuiltySpark347 says:

    The judge was on the side of the share holders.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @YSapphireGroup says:

    Wow. America doesn’t need the fundamentalists chanting Death to America… it’s happening from the inside – absolute madness and shame! Love Elon ❤ …love Tom too 😊

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sailingonasummerbreeze7892 says:

    There is 'fair', and there is the law. A certain political persuasion disregards the law.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kromekicks says:

    This is what happens when leftists have any position of power. Remember, the road to hell is often paved with good intentions.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Jermunkle says:

    Elon is realizing the price of "free speech" in the land of the free. When you don't bend the knee to the ruling class, you get the Jack Ma treatment. The judge wasted 200 pages when it could have easily been summarized in two words, "I'm corrupt".

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @eugeniustheodidactus8890 says:

    welcome to the USSA comrade

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @drtoxiccookie says:

    Down fall of elon finally started 😂

    Elon musk is not creative or intelligent.

    Please provide prof of this chip implant?

    He employee smart people to do all the work and takes credit.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stephenkrall7609 says:

    100% agree, it has no place in America.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @hecmen7298 says:

    This wasn’t about having too much money, this is about teaching Elon a lesson for speaking against the current regime. Come on Tommy you know this

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @floridamanHooning says:

    I tend to not listen to people that arent trained in the law and arent judges… Then again lawyers like Habba exist so gotta pick wisely who to listen to else you could end up $83mil short haha

    If anyone can find any ACTUAL reason her judgement was wrong ill listen. Not conspiracy or "im triggered by this"

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikes8510 says:

    The judge also screwed me as a shareholder. Tesla will now have to foot the bill for this litigation, which means me as a shareholder will have to pay (directly and indirectly). I voted for the package, so where is my voice?? So 6 plaintiff shares trumped my 2,000 shares? So, US is turning Russian?? My understanding is one of her issues is there was not enough disclosure from the Board to the shareholders. So where is her disclosure to me as a shareholder before her ruling? She never asked me if I think the package was fair? If knew of some close relationships between the Board and Elon? Of cause I did, I invested in the damn company, I know Elon and Kimbal are brothers. I know Elon is close to the Board because of his previous experience at PayPal.😠 Any lawyers here that knows if we can file a civil suit against her for damages in Delaware? Damages like payment to the Plaintiff's law firm, delays to Tesla products because Elon has to spend time in resolving this frivolous case.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @KaliYugaSauce says:

    The US judge is a deeply compromised Democrat donor. It's politics people, the political class is not even trying to conceal their corruption at this point. Time to move out of Delaware to a state that respects shareholder rights.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @piaeichberg says:

    Now, without judging whether 55 bn was a fair amount of compensation or not, there are aspects that this channel fails to ignore. First of all, the shareholderes approve the CEO´s compensation, based on the proposal of an INDEPENDENT board. Now, already, it is blatently obvious that the TESLA board is not independent. Effectively EM set his own compensation and the first 3 years of targets were targets that were known within the company that they would be met. However, this was not transparently communicated to shareholders, so they voted on what they considered to be ambitious targets. This is NOT how this works. One cannot run a publically listed company like it is a private company. Personally, I do own Tesla shares, so I have not interest in seeing the company fail. I just feel that this channel does not represent an objective factual analysis of what has actually happended.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ArendJanV says:

    As a long time Tesla shareholder I really hate the whole Twitter situation. Imo it has been the worst decision of Elon’s life. It provides absolutely nothing for Tesla shareholders but negative sentiment and the optics that the ceo is hopelessly distracted. If you ask me the best thing that could happen is for X to go bankrupt tomorrow.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @johnoneill1011 says:

    This decision is made on a regular basis inside some of the biggest US companies. Suppose a sales rep is assigned a sales territory and quota. If the rep retires too much of that quota from a single big deal that management did not see coming, the rep won't get paid for it all at once because that might trigger "accelerators" on the commission rate and make the rep leave for the very realistic fear of an impossible sales target the next year to "get even". The company at its sole discretion can decide to pay that commission over several years, but only if the rep stays with the company throughout that period. It's a lock-in strategy and one that avoids the rep getting wealthy enough in one year to bid the company adieu. Been there, seen lots of that. Perhaps that judge had a prior career as a salesman.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @robertcalamusso1603 says:



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