Elon Musk FINALLY Reveals New SPACEX IPO Plans [This is Huge]
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Elon musk finally breaks the drought on his silence about the spacex ipo after eight years. He's actually talking about it and what he just said on twitter is nothing short of exciting. So, eight years ago, elon sends out an email to his employees, basically outlining every single reason why spacex should not go public and yesterday, in fact, last night he replied to an old tweet, quoting from that email. Basically saying a lot has changed in the past eight years, so obviously that begs the question what the hell is going on.

Is he taking spacex finally public when this ipo will happen at which valuation and how to get shares early today, right now before the stampede? It is going to be the ipo. We also what happened version when the whole crowd goes crazy about one single stock. There's got to be a way to get these shares today. Right now, and i'm telling you there is i'll.

Tell you exactly how to do this? In this video in may, millions tuned in to watch nasa and spacex make history so rises. The new era of american space flight of a new generation continuing the dream, the spacex initial public offering is going to be the ipo of the decade. It's going to make riviera look like a grocery store in the neighborhood. It's going to be a complete pandemonium.

It's going to be insane now, speaking of rivien. We can use it as a nice benchmark to see what the valuation of spacex might be when they actually go public because look riven produced 150 vehicles, they're valued at about 100 billion dollars. On the other hand, we have spacex with you know the space vehicles, the starship, reusable rockets, all the technology so based on my super duper financial modelling, they're, probably worth like a hundred trillion based on what rivian just did now talking about spacex, i mean it's not The most environmentally friendly - i know what you think, i mean, there's nothing more environmentally friendly than a bunch of kerosene powered rockets burning through the sky. I know, but the future of mankind actually depends on space exploration, mining, drilling tourism, military defense.

A lot of things will move to space in the next 10 to 20 years and whoever wins that space is going to make a lot of money, and i know a lot of sarcastic people and cynical people will say well. Elon fans will buy this company, regardless of what the financials say. In fact, most of them won't even bother opening the financials, even if they are available. The problem is that they don't understand that financials don't mean junk anymore when it comes to elon musk.

The only thing that matters, if it's twillon twillon, if elon tweets about it, you know what we're keeping twilon i like it. If twilight tweets about it, if he does, it goes up. If it doesn't, it goes down simple as that and jokes aside, we're talking about a company, that's literally going to the moon or even mars. I mean how can you pass that up now? Obviously, there are a lot of fundamentals here they have a great management team.
They have the greatest ceo in history, they're pretty much the michael jordan of cos, those guys playing nba level, basketball against middle schoolers. It's not even fair, and if you even compare them to who are their competitors, i mean blue origin. I mean virgin galactic, comparing them to these companies. It's like comparing a formula one to potato.

It doesn't really make a lot of sense and here's the kicker, a lot of investors will completely misunderstand and convolute what this man just said on twitter, including a lot of so-called smart money, idiots check this out. I think elon is taking one company public, but i don't think it's what they're thinking of, let me explain so currently. Spacex still has no reason to go public, no more reasons than eight years ago. Basically, it has no problem getting funding.

You can literally line up the amount of people who want to invest in spacex privately right now, there's not enough spacex to go around. People literally are fighting for the right to give him money. I mean it's kind of the largest private company in the world. Right now, with the valuation of a hundred billion, he has no problem getting funding to keep spacex going and to put this not a company in the collision course with the board of directors and shareholders trying to handle the money pit that will be traveling to mars.

I think it's going to create a massive headache, especially given the fact he already has one. He has tesla it's basically putting in one ceo in charge of two public companies. It's like marrying two naggy wives that constantly on your case constantly scrutinizing every little thing you say, or do i'm talking about the sec, of course not actual women, but basically the game isn't worth the candle. There's no reason for him still to take spacex public, but i think there's another angle here, which most people won't understand and we can capitalize on in the most remote parts of the u.s.

Reliable internet is still hard to come by 42 million. Americans still don't have access to broadband. This is a nine and a half acre homestead in idaho, and when we first got here, we had zero cell service. We tried to put boosters at the top.

We tried to put boosters at the bottom. We tried to put boosters anywhere. We could we had no cell service, so we really needed some good, reliable internet and then starling came along and in case you haven't figured out what i'm talking about and don't feel bad about. If you didn't, i'm talking about starlink a division of spacex, that's basically designed to provide internet via satellite to anywhere on this god-given earth.

Even if you don't have access to broadband now, this company is actually doing way better than people anticipated. We're going to talk about that in a second, but what i think is happening here is that eight year change ellen is alluding to in his tweet is actually with styling maturing enough to be spun off out of spacex into an ipo. Let me explain: you have to pay attention to his exact words, because this man is cryptic. As hell i mean his cryptic tweets are basically the worst thing that a pizza delivery guy can experience.
Imagine taking a pizza order from this guy. Do you want pepperoni with that? Well, a lot has changed since my last order a week ago. Sir, do you want the piranha or not? I think you already know the answer. Like hang up now, you got to figure out what the hell this man wants, but it's similar to what just happened on twitter, but i think i understand what he's talking about that change.

He's talking about is actually startling maturing into what it is today, a completely independent company, especially given the fact that elon was already on record multiple times talking about how styling is probably going to ipo before spacex. In fact, his president spacex president gwen shotwell actually went on record saying that they're considering spinning off styling from spacex a year ago. That's not nothing. New they've been considering this for a long ass time.

So the question is now we know that's the case. Is it worthwhile to even consider starlink as a potential investment i'll tell you in a second, why, i think the reason isn't overwhelming yes check this out. The first reason is: they already have a lot of clients they're, currently servicing 140 000 clients at 100 bucks. A pop i mean it's a serious business if they actually open up that closed beta they're looking at another 700 000 people that have already signed up and shown interest.

So there's a lot of potential clients today about a million that want this service, and i know it's not a lot of money, we're just talking about 140 000 clients with a hundred bucks, a pop. It's not a huge amount of money, and even if you ignore the fact that once they open it up, they can climb to 14 15 million clients within three years. Just ignore that, for a second just based on what they're making today, it shows me two things number one: there is cash flow. It's really really important that the company gets cash flow and number two.

They have paying clients on a monthly basis, which means this is a feasibility test. That proves that this actually works, i mean, while it still can compete with fiber, there's a lot of clients that don't need fiber, they just need broadband access and they can't get it right now, how much well, literally, they just tested out and got 700 000 applications. Just to test out, what's going on, there's a lot of clients dying to get in the waiting list is all the way up to 2023. There's way more people that they can handle right now, now imagine with the technology advancements at some point, i'm sure they'll be able to compete with fiber it's going to be insane now.
The real question is: what's the valuation now, based on the current numbers and the current projections, it's probably realistically anywhere from 30 to 50 billion dollars and that's very generous, but given the cult-like status of elon and the hype around this company, they're, probably going to apo At anywhere from 80 to 100 billion and that's definitely way too expensive to get in on the ipo date, if you don't want to origin yourself into this deal, you got to figure out a way to buy these stocks and get exposure to these stocks today and Actually, no way - and most of you would never guess what i'm talking about now. The first way is actually to invest in funds that have spacex talk because, as you know, starlink and spacex is currently the same company and even if it spins off you're going to get exposure to both. Now these funds have one flaw, for example, the scottish mortgage investment trust or the bailey gifford u.s investment trust both have spacex shares, but we're talking about 0.8 and 1.5 of their fund being invested in spacex, so you're literally buying 99 of things. You don't want just for that little one percent.

I don't think it's a smart decision to invest so much money just to get a one percent exposure into spacex. I think there's a better way now. Most people don't know this, but back in 2015 spacex actually raised a billion dollars from google and fidelity. So as of 2015, google owned about 8.3 percent of spacex and to my knowledge, they haven't sold any of it.

So as crazy as it sounds, it's actually as simple as that, if you buy google stock today, you're not only getting a value play that has pretty much high growth potential, which is unthinkable, you're, also getting about 8.3 stake in spacex now. Obviously that has been deluded since, but you're still getting a huge chunk of spacex while parking your money in a company like google, which is basically about to explode and just to put this out there. If you want exposure to a good elon, musk company, tesla is still hella cheap. I mean i did a video a year ago.

Here it is about how tesla is a 1500 company when it was 400. watch. This video check it out tell me what you think see you tomorrow shout out to everybody:.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Elon musk finally reveals new spacex ipo plans this is huge”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DonFronShow says:

    Taking notes….. comparable’s with Rivian… 100 Trillion… math checks out! Suck it aapl, why did it take them decades? Elon will do it in a day lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noiz Detal says:

    I hope be bought the spinoff from TRCH and MMAT merger = the oil land from TRCH in Texas. Also hopes Metamaterials is in the windscreen of the cyber truck as protection from the green laser windshield wipers.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dool Nath Chowdhury says:

    Wasn't there an email link from SpaceX that the company might go bankrupt? Why doesn't Musk fund his space ventures by selling a bit of his Tesla shares….

    He would have total control over every aspect of the business….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 88b says:

    TOM – can you do a video on $NAKD? its about to confirm its merger with Cenntro Auto Group – which is an established EV player for commercial vehicles with hundreds of patents and Orders / deliveries already in place. Currently trading at 0/6 cents. Ready to πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADC59520 says:

    What about Rocket Lab (RKLB)? Seems to have a lot of potential as well and anyone can invest in it right now

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xodroc says:

    I would not take SpaceX public, not with all the rich assclowns out there that could team up and own the company. More important than fans hoping to profit off more of Musk's genius. Could lead to the destruction of SpaceX in favor of Union companies.. Like that guy that said the thing about the GM CEO.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Borsellega says:

    Hey Tom
    Elon promised on 2 different occasions that he would give long time Tesla share owners first dibs when ipo’ing starlink…but not sure how he’d do it – maybe issue warrants or something
    ALSO there was a recent tweet in regard to some trouble with the Rapture Engine needed to fly Starship…and the importance of Starship when launching Srarlink version 2…the 30,000 constellation array needed to serve millions of customers…Just saying

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lily modf says:

    hey Tom, what are ur thoughts on $TWTR. with the change in their CEO, is it a good time to pick this up?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jun Yi Yap says:

    If you read about the Unified Field Theory of Elon Musk, I have a feeling that Elon is going to use Starlink to provide internet service on Tesla cars. Wonder how huge of a gamechanger is that.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keryn Adcock says:

    Perhaps a certain percentage of SpaceX shares should be airdropped to….everyone on earth with a net worth less than ? Say 5000 USD

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItzCyleX says:

    Could you please do a video about the recent Salesforce earnings? Keep up the amazing work!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Mellaerts says:

    Hi Tom; I really like and admire your videos and content!
    That aside, it would be interesting to see your comparison and opinion on Astra Space. For me a great contender in the "space race/hype" for the coming years. Very comparable, and also so different πŸ™‚ Astra recently got to orbit succesfully, they have also a great management team, the future looks bright with plenty of contracts (including NASA), a plan forward to increase launches and loads, and a diversification to broadband internet via +13.000 satellites (in collaboration with Craig McCaw), and trying to play the more budget-friendly card… For me a stock that is undervalued and has a lot of potential… but it would be great to hear your opinion….

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glurak says:

    I was all positive about Starlink/SpaceX and still I am, but it is healthy to remember bear case arguments. Russia tested new antisat rocket and threatens to do it many times more, putting whole orbit as hostage. Second, Elon recently stated Raptor engines disaster production, that Starlink V1 is "financially weak" while Starlink V2 is "reliant on Starship with Raptors". Also, to all fanboys, Starlink have and will have limit of customers per geographical cells (like it just can't ever compete in cities ever, it is only for less populated areas, in case anyone expected that)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adi Rice says:

    why would starlink become a separate company and go public if its sole purpose was to help with the cash flow of spacex and accelerate their space colonization ambitions?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zaeraiphel says:

    Awesome content, really appreciate the time and dedication to let little nobodies, like myself, know deep fundamental info on companies I would have no clue how to find. You are a titan in your own right!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dimitar andrievski says:

    Hi, I see stocks with relatively good infrastructure dropping 20-30% in the last month. After holidays we will need your inputs on stocks worthy of our business. That back up cash time is coming soon.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Somebody's Mother says:

    I watched this video from New Zealand on Starlink!

    Excellent service and the connection is fast as!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yung Lee Sung says:

    Hey just wondering why did you remove a video of yours uploaded 9 hours ago titled: How to profit from this stock Market Crash! ????

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eduard PertΓ­Γ±ez says:

    You did today what you claim you would not do… wait to the last second to tell us the answer to the question….

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Jones says:

    WRONG? If the google stake in SpaceX is worth $10b (I assume it’s <$10b since SpaceX is worth $100b based on recent financings and google has <10% of it), that’s 0.5% of google’s market cap, so when you buy google stock, less than 1% of that purchase is the stake in SpaceX. Google stock might be a good purchase but if (big if here) google core biz tanks for some reason, even if SpaceX goes 5x, the investment in google stock will be down. Am I reading this wrong?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Y B says:

    Going public has made him filthy rich… that’s what Elon was referring to. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ β€œa lot has changed”

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mjoto says:

    Tom. I agree with your analysis on Tesla. I know you're biased towards the stock but could you tone down the fan boy stuff. I love making money too but Elon is just another billionaire that doesn't care about anyone except himself and his money.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Avalos says:

    So if starlink does IPO it will be a different stock/company than SpaceX (branching off)? Therefore eventually (if SpaceX also goes public) there would be 2 different stocks correct?
    Btw love your content!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Martin says:

    its super smart to do it sooner rather then later. If they spin off starlink during its deployment phase, Space X gets to bill starlink(a now public separate entity with massive investment in flow) for every deployment launch instead of it just being a money pit for space x.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nice Tub & Tile Refinishing says:

    Jerry Seinfeld step aside, there''s a new kid in town! Too funny! Now if only the growth of my portfolio would match the growth in your joke telling.

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