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Hey everyone welcome back to another market, closing live stream, so we'll leave it to the mainstream media to freak out over covet uh, leading the dow to drop as much as point eight percent about 270 points. Uh today over covet fears, which, in fairness, we've kind of seen europe start struggling with covet a little bit over the last couple weeks. It's really picked up. It's sort of a momentum in the media, though today uh mostly today as the stock market's somewhat starting to react, you're also getting some indications and planning, probably a deeper video on this, but uh.

Some indications of potential concerns over evaluations for software companies. These are going to be things like intuit, a crowdstrike potentially cloudflare, zoom docusign and some of these other particular software names in the event that well, i should say if and when interest rates, uh rates do go up, uh, no, no more to come on that, but That is a sort of a warning coming from bloomberg that there could be a substantial compression. Some software plays uh as rates rise potentially going into 2023. So we'll see, that's uh, that's still quite a while away uh and uh yeah.

That could also potentially explain some of the recent weakness that we've already seen in the market. Remember markets generally want to start pre-pricing in expectations of changes 18 months in advance, uh all right. So with that said, let's uh, let's hop on over. Let's take a look at some of the headlines, uh headline numbers we got here and then let's get into individual stocks and see what we got going on so take a look here.

You got the dow negative 0.72 at the moment. You've got the s p down 0.08 nasdaq up 0.44 technology is doing particularly well, especially hardware related companies like cars or chips. Russell 2000. No surprise! This is down point seven percent.

I honestly, if anything, it's surprising that it's not down more given these uh. This latest sort of media drama coming out regarding covet bond yields uh sitting at 1.543, slightly higher than where we were this morning. Oil still trending down brent. Now, at 78 84.

this had ran. We ran over uh 85, not too long ago, and at that time everybody was talking about. Oh my gosh oil's, going to a hundred. It's getting ridiculous well turns out uh that you turned pretty fast, but then again we had uh uh covet uh government fears pop up again.

It's also worth noting that citadel founder ken griffin was the person who apparently spent 43.2 million dollars at a sotheby's auction for a rare copy of the u.s constitution. He was competing against a crypto group constitution, dao dao, a that had 17 437 donors with a median donation of about 206 dollars who were donating ethereum to uh to try to get this constitution, and ken griffin of all people was the one who was the one Who outbid them that's kind of incredible but uh yeah, that's uh what happened so uh, then what else we have here? Let's go ahead and look at speaking of cryptos. Let's look at some crypto prices and look at look at individual stock prices. Here there we go put this down: okay, so good old, kenny, ah ken griffin, all right so uh we've got bitcoin sitting.
It's really struggling to get about 58 000 right now, because sitting at 57.8 ethereum's not having that problem, it's up 5.48 today really rebounding uh from where it was. Then you've got uh cardano coming back up about 3.36 sitting at 187.. You've got crypto coin up again. Six point: nine four percent really moved crypto coin moved a lot: uh after the uh renaming of the staples center to the crypto coin, now uh.

Let's take a peek. Let's see how some of the stocks are doing. Today, united wholesale mortgage up 17 lucid up 16 today after selling off uh, probably roughly that yesterday uh we're pretty pretty incredible, you actually don't. Oh there's rivien rivian yeah rivien's coming up only about half of what it lost yesterday and keep in mind when you lose 15 one day, and then you come back with 15 you're, not at the same place as where you were quick, math 100 times a fifteen Percent loss brings you to eighty five dollars times.

A fifteen percent gain. Brings you to about ninety seven. Seventy five so you're still about two and a quarter percent shy, not that that matters. So much on these larger swings here but boy.

Oh boy, look at that! Lucid just running, i'm gon na see if there's particular news on lucid here - hmm, okay, so lucid today, no particular reason that i could see uh yeah quite interesting to see lucid, run up again. Uh, let's see here, okay, i'm gon na dive deep a little later and try to figure out. What's going on with lucid, very interesting to me, okay, so loose it up, 16 could be a momentum mover yeah. We talked about apple going to the evs yesterday.

It's definitely a reiteration of uh. Oh did lucid get another award that wasn't even let me show up on uh the term here. Oh, let's have awards. Let's see news, oh, that was, it was motor trend.

A few days ago, north american car of the year, finalist announced - maybe that's it that was yesterday anyway. Okay, so obviously lucid's on its tear, big digital assets and some of the crypto miners coming back up. Hippo holdings gets a price target of eight dollars by jefferies bounces uh, seven percent. Today after uh after that, uh initiated coverage voyager digital of seven percent.

Today, uh also on crypto moving back. Let's see, then, we've got backed 13.56 percent on back backed often moves with crypto, i notice when backed uh or when crypto falls back heads down and face up another five percent. You cannot stop this company. This is unstoppable uh.

You know. Enface first buys out a company that uh does ev chargers, electric vehicle chargers and uh. Let's see here, there's a a partnership with power. Solar grow battery systems in puerto rico to help stabilize their grid, which is incredible, i mean end phase - is just doing great things anyway and face up five percent.
It's amazing, uh end phase is gon na, be over 300 years soon. 267. Really incredible: nvidia up again about four percent sitting at 329. tesla: oh my gosh tesla taking off three percent.

Today, here's adobe at 2.9, another software company trade desk sitting around that 108 again coinbase, coming back back to those 330s after a little bit of pain. Over the last couple days, has been such an incredible performer etsy 293 sitting up one point: two: three percent neo up about point four percent, going to the downside here, looking at uh d-wack, coming down to 51.50 octa's down a little bit as well upstart Holdings folks, this one had the craziest trader run ever and i think i got asked a million times: hey uh. Is it too late to get in this isn't too late to get in and i'm like? Ah, i'm not getting in it's scary at 300 or whatever, and now it's at 209 scary, scary, one momentum just go, makes things go to the moon rather than fundamentals, it's fun, while you're in it. But if you are in it, you uh should potentially consider uh the potential for taking profits or or hedging your yourself a little bit uh, because this is common.

Look at as well. I'm gon na just double check, though. Let's see if we have upstart wait. Whoa whoa wait a sec.

What is this decentralized exchange? They call this tb dex. So a decentralized exchange is essentially a peer-to-peer marketplace, so you could either buy and sell cryptocurrencies. It really gets rid of the need for a middleman here, whether that's a bank or a brokerage firm. This is extremely wonky, guys it's about a 20-page white paper really geared toward developers.

They say that they're looking for feedback, it's posted on github, which is a developer platform, so intended to be sort of a first draft here, they're looking for feedback from the community, but it is the first piece of news we've gotten out of this bitcoin business. It's still called tbd. This version is called tb dex so more to come here on this uh decentralized exchange, but this is the first step in what looks to be a new business foursquare out of its bitcoin uh segment of that business. Back to you guys, kate, quick follow-up here um, how many exchanges do we have roughly now, i'm not gon na put you on the spot, the exact number, but we seem to be getting these announcements of new exchanges fairly often yeah.

So there are square itself offers bitcoin, buying and selling through the cash app, so they have a sort of exchange on their own. You've got coinbase, you've got robinhood. The difference here is that it is decentralized. They say there are others out there.

Something called uniswap is one of the more popular ones, but the idea here is that it actually wouldn't have a middleman, so it wouldn't have a square or a corporation associated. It would be decentralized so really going with the core bitcoin ethos here and making it more of a community developed project versus something out of square, so it is uh extremely wonky, though i'm reading through some of the use cases here fascinating but i'll give you any Updates, if i find out more, this is very hey. Thank you, kate, rooney foot locker getting crushed today, despite beating earnings estimates and better than expected same store sales. That's very interesting to me so hold on a second, so square square.
Tbd d5. Hmm unit is tv, but this has been talked about before, so this is not new news. This has been talked about before see. Look at this jack dorsey says square.

Has a new bitcoin business named tbd? Okay? So what's the news now uh? Instead, the company's creating a new business focus on building an open developer platform with the sole goal of making it easy to create decentralized financial services. This was from july 2021 this. So, what changed? What's the announcement? I don't. I guess i don't understand because if that's already been announced, then that's not that's, not something.

That's going to really move this stock if it's old news, uh or shouldn't at least so. I also don't see this in the bloomberg terminal. So i don't know why. Cnbc, all of a sudden thinks this is like big news here or new news.

I don't know if they just got a hold of something, but i don't see anything else on this. It's a little weird uh. Maybe maybe there were tweets on it. Let's see here, uh, let's go with i'll.

Just go dollar sign square, let's see, okay, so no! These are just people talking about that and that's boring. Where is it coming out with a decentralized exchange like sheep swamp? Is uni swap meta mask? What else am i missing? Well, we don't know that it's gon na be like meta mask square, to launch a decentralized exchange to buy crypto. There's not much detail about this. I wonder if there's a square press release on this, let's that might be the way to look at this yeah.

I don't. I don't see this as necessarily new news here and it sounds like it was really something that they just hmm square up all right. Let's go square up a news press release. Let's see all right, tired, okay, i don't even see news from square about this.

Okay, that's weird twitter. We could try either jack or like an 8k and jack. I mean i like square, but i think their evaluation is just a little sticky uh and in the high world sec scc filings i'll. Do a quick look here did point bitcoin magazine say something: is that sure, okay i'll look in a sec look here? At the same time, we'll look at twitter square, oh square square acquisition company, my goodness, just give me the ticker, this sq um yeah.

What's up with this, let me get a different. Oh here we go! That's what i want. Okay, let's try over here uh at first i was afraid i was petrified nice uh. What about if not jack, then you somebody said: bitcoin magazine, bitcoin, mag, yeah, tb, dex tb, dex tbd tv decks.
I don't see anything sec filings jack. We made a white paper. Tbd 24 minutes is this uh interesting? Okay? Maybe this is where they released it introducing tv. This could have been the news that they were talking about.

Tb dex protocol aims to create ubiquitous, accessible, on-ramps and off-ramps, allow the average individual to benefit from crypto innovation. Okay, so read the white paper now so they they've released the white paper on tv decks. I don't know yeah, i'm gon na pull up the github. I don't know if this is something to get excited about yet for for square stock, we'll we'll let those things load.

I'm also not sure why those are loading, so slowly, yeah square doesn't seem to be carrying much. I mean it had a little moment of a cnbc pump there, but it seems like that's u-turned again pretty quickly, but the one thing that hasn't u-turned is the fact that we have an expiring coupon code, for that expires friday at 11, 59 p.m, called black friday. You should check that out programs on building your wealth, anywho uh, okay. That was a good little distraction.

I don't really remember what i was talking about before that oh upstart right, yeah, upstart, i'm gon na look at let's go look at upstart news. I think uh yeah upstart news. Okay, let's see what we got here, upstar, no, no real indications here that there's any real news. It's just sort of momentum dying, unfortunately, and then i was going to look at, not expensive, use the coupon code and they're a great deal make sure to use black friday plug it in and you'll see there great deal.

Okay, let's see gains from better branding software development, accelerating nope, no indicators of of really news on either so dwack upstart, just taking maybe a little bit of a momentum breather because monday's been running as well. Very well uh! It's it's done excellently here! This year, robinhood continues to sell down uh. Robin hood is down at 28.93. We do have some substantial lock-ups coming up uh the first week of december, so it could be that there's some anticipatory selling uh leading into the uh.

What's it called leading into the lockups expiring, which means more people will be able to sell insiders earlier investors, things like that dave, buster's 4.5 to the downside shift technology down another 4.5: oh my gosh shift technology is getting destroyed, see shift had a lock up expiration And now the stock is just evaporating holy moly. Look at that lock up expiration earnings. Earnings were great, huge, beat on earnings, you actually intraday ran up to almost eight dollars a share and then wow, that's incredible is lemonade. Getting wrecked too.
Somebody writes, let's see here. It's been day after day on lemonade, i mean 1.8. I guess i'll call in that one uh. Then we've got baba ooh baba down to 140.; oh a firm down as well whoa.

That's cool uh net, oh cloudflare's, down to 211.! Oh we're getting a little bit of a sell-off on some of these. That's great! Okay, let's see here. Let me listen to for a moment here what we got going on here, what is this 11, 10 or so minutes left into the training day? We are now in the closing bell market zone, commercial, free coverage of all the action going into the closed cmc senior markets. Commentator mike santoli is here to ah just sort of an intro okay uh, a firm 2.3 percent to the downside, lemonade 1.76.

So far, 1.34 huh ha ha here. Talent here is also going down about seven tenths per print. Google is over three thousand look at that uh. It did close yesterday at three thousand and two it's sitting at three thousand and three right now.

This is interesting. So a new high, but yet red today matter port's actually up 1.43 etsy's up 1.3 neo's up a little bit: half percent lucid's just destroying up another 15, that's nuts wow and 5 on end phase, which is basically right there with nvidia whoo, incredible, very similar chart. Actually, here i wonder how in faith well, nvidia's probably outperformed end phase for the year, let's see here and stock, and the reason for that is, i think, end phase went into the year pretty strong, ah 172 yeah, i'm pretty sure nvidia has done better nvidia's crushed Everything but in face is a 36 billion dollar company and they are killing it. Let's do a compare here, gosh.

I don't know why it's so slow today, the last couple days, all right. Let's compare to nvidia, let's see here year to date, whoa! No! It's not! Oh there we go whoa, look at that nvidia. 151 percent year-to-date. Oh my gosh! That's amazing! That's really good! That's a that's incredible and then i guess it depends when you bought if you bought any of the dips.

Oh, that is cool and then, let's add a compare, tesla whoa, look at that outperformance by nvidia 55 and face tesla. Nvidia has done incredibly this year, for is that year to date on a firm, oh yeah, because a firm, i think, went all the way down to like 40, but that wasn't at the beginning of the year, because at the beginning of the year some of these Were still at highs, that's interesting and nvidia didn't have the sell-off, as as yeah nvidia stayed positive most of the year. These guys went down mid-year then recovered wow yeah. Let's look at md amd 67.

uh aapl. 23.. It's another one! Look at your debate! Year-To-Date performers! Oh matterport, 150 whoa matterport has matched nvidia whoa, that's crazy, throwing forward four to 126 percent wow. That's awesome! That is really cool dis this year.
That's a good one! That's a good question down 13 disney spy. What should be like 26 right? 27 percent etsy! That's another good one to ask: let's compare seventy percent btc! That's a good question! Ninety seven percent whoa! Oh well else it's packed, i mean it was a ten dollars. It was a cciv. You know, it'd be like 5x.

I mean i'll put it in, but it did ipo this year. Yeah, look at that 437 percent is so cool sheep. Okay, this is the last one. I don't even know.

If it will, let us do that. Sheep usd nah. Microsoft did very well this year. It's last longer, 57 yeah matterport was a smack, but i thought the ipod last year or the spec ipa.

I thought it was like last august matterport's back well, that's when they did the combination, but when did they announce because they were um? What were they before? Ccib was lucid. I can't remember what matterport was that's weird, but anyway um. It was gores right, gore's holding something like that. I don't remember when they announced it gore's holdings for ghvi or something like that yeah anyway.

I wonder when that happened. Ghvi, that's what it was ghvi yeah. When did they announce that? Oh, it was actually announced this year in february, early february, wow, fascinating! Okay, that's incredible all right! So where are we? Where do we stand? Let's go see what we got. We have lucid destroying things at 16, united wholesale mortgage coming up right, blockchain, 7.9, hippo, 7.6 voyagers back up today, marathon, digital wayfarer, up and phase up five percent nvidia's, three nine tesla tesla's still running into the close got another price upgrade.

It's incredible. I think uh. It was a web bush, but whatever they uh, they upgraded. Oh that's ribbon hold on uh.

They upgraded tesla's uh to a 1500 or 1400 base case scenario: uh price target yeah. This is just this - has just been running like half the day here. This is incredible. 11, 35 wow, hmm upstart, ugh upstart really selling off into the clothes.

I really think upstart has a lot of traders in it and it's very common to see traders close out positions at the end of the day. So to me this is a little bit of a reiteration that you're. Probably seeing traders sell this one down: um: okay, okay, shoot! Okay! So then we've got let's see. Wow lucid is still running into the clothes holy moly.

It's a euphoric stock wire. This is what it feels like all right. Let's look at some uh headlines here quickly. Okay, hmm, all right! We got two minutes left into the close, no earnings today, because it is a friday, so a little bit more quiet on a friday yeah.

We talked about ken griffin buying the constitution, uh copy, that's incredible surprised. He came out to buy it. Billionaire economy is booming with private jets in short supply. Yeah no kidding this.

This is incredible. This is actually uh. We want to check this out because this could actually refer to embraer. We'll look at this in just a moment.
I do want to mention, because a lot of people have been asking, especially since there's been talk about the stream labs, uh issues and there's been some drama with stream labs. People have been asking me what software that i stream with, and i just wanted to mention that i stream with stream yards, you can go to meet kevin to learn more meet kevin. I love it. It's really great uh and a lot of people have also wondered why or how you can put up the little comments, uh as uh different little um bubbles or styles or.

However, i want to do it to answer comments uh to answer questions whatever it's all stream yards. They do it for you. So if you want to learn a little bit more about that, go to uh sorry without an s just slash, meet kevin meet kevin. Okay, let's get the bell so again:! Okay! Let's get the uh closing bell here to the downside all day.

That is the case right now. Those uh apple and a couple of other stocks holding the s p up, take a look at net new lows: uh on the nasdaq. Actually, right now far exceeding new highs 18., it's a little bit elevateable waiting for our fed care, renomination and all the rest, and maybe some instability below the surface. But the market goes out just below the flat line on the scp 500, also just below 4700.

wow. All right, dow jones is down 0.75. Even here, 268 points, s p, down 0.14 kind of slipping into the close, so did the nasdaq nasdaq technology is down 0.4 and the russell slipped even more into the close 0.86. So i had a little bit of a sell-off into the close small, maybe some profit taking which you can't really blame.

Folks i mean this market has been so hot uh. Take a look at this. This is uh here. You've got uh the s.

P, 500 yeah. Just sort of rotating down here, the last 90 minutes of the day, it's kind of what you saw at the other indices as well. Looking, though, at how things performed, i have to say it has been incredible how much a loose it has been running. It makes me nervous, because i i think it's running a little bit on on momentum, uh speculation.

I think you've got a lot of rivian investors who got stung a little bit yesterday, uh, who are jumping over to lucid, lucid now, sitting at a 90 billion dollar valuation, and we still don't have certainty that they're actually going to be able to manufacture uh a Decent number of cars uh, i uh in fact i'm gon na check in on mine, just checking in uh. I i sent them a message saying that i was frustrated and i was thinking about canceling uh. They uh they they, you know tried talking me out of it and then i said okay well. Well, if, if i'm gon na get one uh, when am i gon na get it? You said you know two to three months back in september, so actually it was even earlier than that.
No, it was in september, so we're at two months. You know we should be prepping for a delivery date here. You know if we're getting close and so so far, i'm not i'm not seeing anything so a little nervous about the potential run there on valuation uh and if we get out of an eevee super cycle, i i don't even want to know rotation that could happen To some of the evs really all of them, it's not like i'm just trying to insulate tesla here or whatever, but uh you get out of an ev cycle. It could be.

You can end up having a little bit of pain like neo. Remember, folks, what neo did and neo delivers thousands of vehicles, but, and but neo also has autonomous software autonomous driving software right, but look at neo neo when, when it was hot uh ran like crazy. It ran to 66, it's basically half of that right now, which is pretty incredible. That's pretty incredible! Uh and uh yeah.

I don't know if momentum somebody's saying momentum may have shifted from from tesla to lucid. I do think that a momentum shifted away from tesla during elon musk's selling pressure, but ironically momentum i mean elon's been selling and the stock has started going up while he's been selling. So i think, if if people are looking for a fundamental ev, tesla is still the way to go, but uh, but yeah trading, wise, rivian and and lucid have been very interesting. I do think that props it up on pretty um, uncertain foundations, but uh i mean good for the folks making money.

Congratulations, backed 19 bucks. Definitely down from that craziness. What did it run to like? 40, 50 yeah? Look at that 50 and 80 cents, pure momentum graph here folks, look at that is your classic momentum climb and then your bleed out gamestop gamestop did well today. Look at this uh gamestop up eight point: eight five percent today up another third in the after hours.

Congratulations: gamestop, i'm gon na check. If there's any particular news here on gamestop, so don't actually think there is individual company news, uh gamestop, implied volatility surges as shares rise, okay, um yeah. I i see nothing on gamestop in terms of news. It must just be uh.

Social media movement mentions excitement trading because i don't see anything particular here. Look at this macy's down seven percent. You got a lot of these uh these these. These companies that have been doing very, very uh well on uh covid, waning and the merck pill, and and these announcements of boosters and children getting vaccines and stuff these companies doing very, very well, but now almost all suffering because of this uh resurgence of covid in Europe nordstrom macy's uh the cruise lines, the airlines, you name it wow, okay, all right.

So what else dq wonder why? I think wonder why dq is going down, because a lot of the solar companies are actually doing well. It must just be chinese exposure and nervousness about just the chinese economy in general, which is probably honestly why you're seeing some of that pain at neo as well, because there's yeah as expected. There's no news on dq dq is a solar panel provider, but looking like sun was it was it sun, power or sun run? Let me see here, sun. No, it wasn't sun power, so it must have been sun run.
One of these ran today. Uh, oh man. I can't find it: sun run come on. Okay, this computer wants to be so fun, we'll just go type it into google.

There we go okay, 3.87. Today, yeah there, there was a point where it was a little higher somewhere around five percent on on the day. Yeah, it looks like it ran up to four point: seven: four point: nine yeah! We had a five percent here from brief little moment: uh intra intra chart. Okay, then we've got yeah so, but anyway you get a lot of the solar companies doing very well, but you're not seeing that at dq.

The chinese solar panel manufacturer, hmm playboy amaranth xl fleet arrival rivian a little bit down in the after hours after hours. Not much movement right now up works actually up 3.86. That's about the same that it lost today, well a little bit more than what it lost today. Let's see if there's news on upwork as that closes above 16 000 for the first time ever, wow yeah talk about rally mode is elon on tweet storm.

Is that true yeah? I don't see anything on upwork. Maybe that's upworks moving on covet could be elon. Let's see what elon's up to ah dinosaurs right dinosaurs watch out for the air asteroid: oh no they're wearing air pods. They can't hear us omg somebody do something: yeah don't want to brag, but i'm the best at humility, okay and then some other ranting from yesterday.

Maybe some more replies. This has been called the most annoying gif on the internet, but it has some interesting references because it's a kind of visualization in a gif form of a concept of coastline's factual fractional dimension. Oh man, oh, that is pretty painful. That's a good stitch wow that is that's pretty annoying all right, fractal fractal, whatever fro is that like is that, like uh, the the frozen fractals of uh uh, what's uh, what's that snow, vidi movie with uh, what's her with disney frozen, it's from frozen fractals frozen Fractals or whatever anyway, i'm over it moving on to bloomberg all right, so we saw the acquittal, it's obviously grabbing headlines.

Oh, we were gon na look at the uh, the billionaire thing uh. The jet thing here see if there's any mention of embraer property stock surge is that in china, property stocks, chinese property stocks posted sudden gains on friday, sending an industry gauge up by the most in a week, amid investor hopes for more policy easing ah bloomberg index. For real estate firms listed in hong kong and mainland china climbed as much as 4.7 fueled by an 8.7 surge in uh, china's evergreen group wow, okay, yeah, they ease restrictions. You kick the can down the road bitcoin's still sitting at 57.7, holding on better all right.
Here's the private jet talk so bombardier, bombardiers global 5500 has a top speed of 594 miles an hour wow non-stop la to moscow wow. Oh, it's only 45 million dollars twin engine jet wow geez uh next group co-founder got one this year he's one of the lucky few to snag new jets as private aircraft makers. Strained to keep up with record demand from the burgeoning ranks of the ultra rich market is in a position. That's never been in before uh every aircraft out there there's two or three buyers for popular model, billionaires economy.

So, what's the point for like stock purposes, costly homes are soaring. Cheap debt is being blamed as a reason for that yachts. Spax, cryptos stocks, ipos mergers, yeah, it's a lot of money out there. Right now, whole market is growing.

You said yep u.s, the private jet industry is the biggest market. Look at this. The nation's 2017 tax bill allows buyers to write off the full amount of their new plane, making a private jet affordable for more wealthy americans. The number of private flights departing this year through, okay, whatever this is just wealth, backlash, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah all right cool.

So anything else, we'll do another peek here. Obviously we're watching congress we're watching the president and the fed there's a rumor now or maybe not a rumor. I think a gensake replied yeah, that's what it was. Jen sackey responded to a question about uh, what's going on with with biden and when is he uh picking, uh a fed chairperson and he mentioned, or apparently jen sackey said by the beginning of next week.

So, as i almost expected, they're literally just kicking the can down the road. Okay, hmm, canadian, solar dropping a little bit, but that's just in after hours and after hours is just notorious for poor liquidity. So you don't really want to look too much at the after hours pricing. I could give you a little bit of a tell if anything, ethereum's doing well right now.

Look at that ethereum is running a little bit. 4272. btc is the one lagging a bit. Hmm! Okay, cool well, somebody says private jets are at the peak, probably anyway uh wow yeah.

This is uh. This is a pretty incredible market, pretty crazy market. I guess we'll uh we'll now be on standby to kind of see how this market evolves. We got a weekend ahead of us, so if you want to do some studying check out those programs linked down below on building your wealth check out streamyard streaming platform by going to meet kevin, it's also linked below in the description and folks see you in The next one appreciate it yeah bye,.

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  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zuck Fredrick says:

    I<advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.The market is very unstable and you can't tell if it's going bearish or bullish.While myself and others are trad!n without fear of making a loss others are being patient for the price to skyrocket. It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to make 17 BTC from 2.1 BTC in just few months from implementing trades with tips and info from Mark k.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Goodnight Sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone, see you tomorrow some time Cara Mia, love you boo boo!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars susan wolf says:

    Can you tell me when and how l get alerts for your buy and sells,l have already paid for your course . THANKS

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Flash says:

    Docusign DBX is on sale right now.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Where are these gay men coming from, I tried several times to let gay men know that you're not Gay, you love women too much, this cara mia I know boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Rodrigo must be Gay boo boo, he sounds Jealous, can you believe that, isn't he new, He's hit too if I see him on Monday, I kid you not boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gretchen R. says:

    🦍🦍🦍🦍 Invest in AMC ASAP 🦍🦍🦍🦍 Any price under 4 or 5 digits is on clearance!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Holmes says:

    <Good work mate, I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in space in general or probably just naïve, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into trading, since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to make over 7.1 BTC after I started at 2.9 BTC in just few weeks implementing trades with signals and insights from 'Fred' I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than holding for a future based on speculations.'🚀

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Brunger says:

    Binances BTC-exchange having a glith with the exchange rate on it

    exchanges right now btc like x10 price to ethereum

    I posted vldeo

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francky Lesperance says:

    Why is the gas price going so high and people never say anything about it???
    Gas price is killing us…😬

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    Nobody cares about COVID anymore (unless they literally never look away from their tv screen).

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GemZentaurus says:

    Ford and Rivian cancel plans to jointly develop an electric vehicle . Woo-hoo…$RIVN to $52!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodrigo Ipince says:

    Sweet pea boo boo forevermore guarding her cub alone

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard S H says:

    Hello Kevin, can you please talk about IONQ?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Gaumont says:

    Ford dropped Rivian … thats why lucid was running

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars none says:

    Hey Kevin, do you stand behind your courses? Would you refund my money if I decide to cancel?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars empire knowledge says:

    Ken griffin is a joke and thieve

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kk P says:

    the only damn stocks moving are the FAANGs. Everything else is selling off.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Are you excited about it as I am boo boo, I hope so boo boo!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veronica Davidson says:

    Maybe one day hopefully we will meet Kevin, looking forward to the day boo boo forevermore sweetness Sweet pea Pooh Bear guarding her cub alone!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheAmericanOne says:

    The 90%+ vaccinated countries are starting to spike with cases and deaths. More booster shots for Pfizer OR will they stop jabbing people with a useless vaccine?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xtra-xsell says:

    Yo save some monetization for the other content creators

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Lilly says:

    Kevin do a video on your history with runescape please, I bet it played a big role in your financial prowess

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Corser says:

    TBD is big news. White paper released today

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IcEMaN 34113 says:

    You are a Jerk in my opinion !

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alen nela says:

    Have you guys seen GRCL today? This is a steal of a stock, and cant believe it dropped 30 percent on FDA approval.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Alexander-Bekele says:

    I can't believe that made National news!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WalthamVlOGs says:

    Nice profitable drop if I may say so.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harleymark says:

    Shiba coin is the future investing in it now is the wisest thing to do now especially with the current rise

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mouse+Cheese = Vax*Scenes says:

    Crude oil has been dropping hardcore this past week
    No bueno for the stock market be sure of that

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael H says:

    Kevin might be getting close to private jet status if Tesla goes to 1500$ I can see it happening. Im sure he will put a big meat kevin shocked face sticker on the side.. And a coupon code offer

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry wrinkle says:

    Kevin: I want to look like a fresh cut lawn
    Barber: say no more

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