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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #trump #2024 #campaign ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Let's breakdown everything about election 2022, the red wave, Donald Trump, Lauren Boebert, Trump's announcement for 2024, Ron Desantis, Gavin Newsom, and more.
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We need to have a serious talk about Donald Trump and the future of Maga in America. My goal is to do exactly that in this video. Let's get started. First, one of the cool things about Donald Trump is that you can actually track people's sentiment of Donald Trump using the stock market. That's because there is a stock ticker symbol d-w-a-c which technically represents some ownership in the social media platform Truth Social, which of course people believe would be very popular under a potential Trump campaign or Trump presidency. Now, while we haven't actually seen proof of revenues and profits at Truth Social yet, it is actually a functioning platform, which a year ago and about 13 months ago it wasn't. So it is actually a functioning platform and pretty much the reason to use it is to see what the heck Donald Trump is up to. since at least at the moment he's banned from Twitter And even though Elon Musk suggest he'll get unbanned from Twitter, it's unclear whether or not Donald Trump will actually make it back to Twitter. But if you look at the sentiment, so to speak of Donald Trump on or via this stock, you can see it's certainly been in Decline and seen better days certainly. When we had the first Euphoria of the stock which ended up exceeding at 1.170 up to 175 dollars per share, you can see this stock has behaved very much like a typical meme stock as volume declined. which are these bars at the bottom As volume declined, price declined and the stock went all the way from 175 dollars all the way down to where it sits now at about 22 dollars. And you see, it's a race and weakness following the election because we didn't end up getting that Donald Trump announcement. Now we'll talk about Donald Trump's announcement, but it's worth noting that 13 months ago I went on Newsmax and I was asked hey, yeah so what do you think about Dwac? What am I buying when I get Dwac And here here's what I had to say. Plus here's what I thought the valuation might end up going down to while it was trading for nearly a hundred dollars a share of the time. So what is Dwac I mean can I touch it? can I go into it What am I buying into with this SPAC Dwac What am I getting for my money? you're getting Hope that's what you're getting right now is hope you're getting 100 bucks ish you're telling me that. I I So it started in like the single dollars. It closed yesterday in the 40s today went as high as like 147 and people are buying hope. Yeah, that's correct. Is this the type of stock you hold on to as an investment? Yeah, that's that's what I think I want to know I I would say maybe in three months when it comes back and rubber bands back down closer to ten dollars, it's not something I would hold on to right now. So obviously I've been tracking Dwac for a while, but I also track the Donald Trump campaigns because well, a they're very entertaining and B I think they're very indicative of the mood of America not necessarily Trump's mood. but uh, what is America thinking when we vote at polls? And so what's fascinating is Donald Trump Had first planned to announce his plans to run for president, so announce this campaign for president in 2024 Monday the evening before the election. Now wisely. So he was encouraged not to run for election or announce his campaign for election before or the 2022 election on Tuesday. This ended up being, in many regards, quite smart because the performance on Tuesday by most Uh accounts was not exactly the red wave that individuals were expecting. Certainly, we do believe that Republicans will take control of the house and there's still a chance that Republicans will actually take control of the Senate. So the achievement of a divided government has been checked off, and that's great for the stock market. But the fear for Donald Trump has always been uh oh, what if people are losing interest in the Trump campaign brand or movement? that would be bad and this last election sent at least some red flags up that maybe the Maga movement is losing some momentum. Now it's possible that much like when Donald Trump became president in 2016, individuals so dearly expected a red wave that they didn't bother to go vote because their vote wouldn't matter and then very much like those who thought oh, Hillary's definitely going to become president and then Donald Trump became president This time we saw or thought we were going to have a red wave and didn't get a red wave. So really interesting. So what's Donald Trump up to now? Well, here's the first thing that you need to know about campaigns. Remember: I even though I lost I did run for governor in California so I know a little bit about campaigns I'm not going to profess to know everything about campaigns, certainly, but hey, we got almost a million votes in California and uh, gave Gavin Newsom some challenges to think about, so certainly made him campaign a little harder. That guy's got to go. We'll talk about him in a moment though. So you need momentum when you announce your campaign and so you don't want to announce on the back of weakness. And so now there's talk that Donald Trump who is supposed to have his victory announcement and announcement that he's running for 2024? that is a red wave Victory and a 2024 announcement at Mar-A-Lago today actually Thursday the 10th of November that has been delayed possibly a because hurricane Nicole is making a landfall a category one, but also number two because of the divided election in Georgia. Now the Trump campaign is suggesting that they want Herschel Walker to focus heavily on the December 6th runoff and maybe we actually won't hear about a Trump announcement until maybe next week. Or maybe not until we see what the performance is for. Herschel Walker After all, some say there really is no big rush for Donald Trump right now. Although Donald Trump really wants to be early in his announcement in 2024 so he could front run and start doing more events for Donald Trump Getting out in front of the people rather than as much in the media is a big part of his campaigning strategy. Getting in front of people, meeting people and rallying together crowds as part of his Uh not only impression of success, but sort of his way to Brand his campaign and entrench people into his potential successes. Now, people on the inside are suggesting that Donald Trump is potentially fuming over the loss of Dr Oz's loss in Pennsylvania. However, Donald Trump is publicly distancing himself, calling this fake news and saying that I'm after all a stable genius and therefore he's not lashing out. In fact, Donald Trump endorsed stock draws long after Dr Oz got into the race, so again, publicly distancing himself from the loss that Dr Oz faced, which was about a four percent margin loss actually ended up being pretty decent against a doctor or not doctor. Mr Uh, Mr Fetterman. Fetterman, of course, had already been part of the government he was the existing Democratic lieutenant governor and Dr Oz losing by four percent is not exactly Uh, the most ideal for Donald Trump who's obviously endorsed stock draws but again is distancing himself from that loss. Trump update it and just to fact check this: Dr Oz Announced his campaign on November 30th, 2021 and Trump endorsed him on April 10, 2022. So some validity here. But of course, Donald Trump isn't just getting Flack from Pennsylvania he's also getting Flack from the DeSantis group. The DeSantis group is privately suggesting that this is a complete disaster for Donald Trump Now Trump responds to this and says, what are you talking about I got 1.1 more, 1.1 million more votes than Ron DeSantis just got in this election when I ran for president now of course. uh, you know you could say there's a difference between a presidential campaign and a governor campaign. Oftentimes you just have less turnout in midterm elections, especially when they're not as dramatic as the elections that we see with Donald Trump running in them. Oh, but yeah, look, this is certainly disappointing for Donald Trump because Ron Desantis's performance was great and even just before the election, Donald Trump was going out of his way to bag on to Santis suggesting that if DeSantis tries to run Donald Trump might threaten to release or expose not so flattering information because Donald Trump says nobody knows DeSantis like Donald Trump except maybe Desantis's wife. So the scientist's group, on the other hand, is suggesting this is a landslide victory for moderate Republicans a landslide in Florida a flipping of three House Seats the victory of Miami-Dade historically liberal voting County all pointing to potentially DeSantis running for president in 2024.. Desantis's victory speech was also very, very focused uh, in a very presidential tone and in a tone that would suggest National unity and a way uh, forward for the nation. And that message was very simple. Ron DeSantis as I tweeted, Ron DeSantis had the following to say that Florida is where woke goes to die that Florida is a state that focuses on facts over fear though of course people will debate that and especially since Ron Santos had the nickname Ron death santis with Kovid, Although so when we actually look at statistics for covet deaths by some account, elderly individuals who were most at risk of death in Florida actually had lower death rates than States like California which had much more stringent lockdowns or lockdowns at all and masking requirements leading to the suggestion that maybe there is some truth to Ron Desantis's handling of Covid. Though of course, then there are counter arguments to everything. like people saying oh well, the people who are older and moved to Florida are more active and wealthy and therefore more capable of seeking better care or surviving an illness anyway. Ron DeSantis speech also focused on Law and Order versus riots and crime and freedom above all. Note also that DeSantis signed a bill to require high schools to teach personal finance and that was signed this March in 2022 and when I ran for Governor in 2021 I made Financial Education in Schools in California a core premise of my campaign that this would become something mandatory and something that we would strive to implement in every single School within the next 12 months now. Of course I didn't get elected, but that's okay. What we want to pay attention to though is these are very moderate claims and you're actually seeing even Democrats come towards these sorts of centers. You're seeing a massive Movement by democrats. Away from this defund the police argument and the BLM movement towards a more Centrist view of okay, wait a minute. We probably need better training and more police and not less. This is something that Mayor Suarez who follows me on. Twitter by the way. Uh also suggests in Miami that imagine this, they hired more police officers and provided more training and crime went down. Of course people will always dispute that and things will always be up for debate, but you're seeing a lot of moderates suggest runs for president. You've got Tim Scott suggesting that he wishes his father had been alive to see another black man become a president. Then you have Mike Pence also deemed by many to be a moderate of course. mag. Uh, Generally, the the More Right aside does not really appreciate Mike Pence but Mike Pence is deemed by many to be a moderate and Mike Pence who's going on a book tour starting I Believe next week is somebody who's also considering announcing a run in 2024? Really a push towards the moderates DeSantis Tim Scott Mike Pence And of course they're different levels of mod it. Then you've got somebody like Lauren Bobar. Now this is a very interesting one because Lauren in 2020 won a campaign by a landslide on the belief that we must focus on constitutional freedoms and gun rights further down the right wing spectrum. and she won her campaign by a landslide. She beat the existing Republican by a margin of 63.9 to 36.1 a massive Landslide on a percentage basis. though on a vote basis, it was only about a 23 000 vote difference smaller District But what's remarkable is that right now she's fighting for her seat with a difference of only a few hundred votes against a moderate Democrat And so what we're seeing is this election is not just about ill about inflation, but it's about a move to the middle. The the more we see people on the right and people on the left move to the middle, the more well they seem to actually be performing in polls. And so even though 8 out of 10 of the Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump are gone, they've either not announced a rerun or they've already been knocked out in primaries or in their campaigns. They're actually two left who are widely expected to substantially lose in the selection as Republicans and lose their House of Representative seeds. Well, so far, these remaining two are actually performing better than expected. You've got David Villado of California with an eight percent lead over an over a democratic Contender and you've got Dan Newhouse of Washington with a 36.8 percent lead over a competitor. Also, you've got Pennsylvania being a pretty decent sized problem for Donald Trump Not only did Dr Oz Lose by four percent to the existing lieutenant governor, but the governor a Democrat won by a 14 margin and the eighth District which was a district that Donald Trump carried by 2.9 percent just had a Democrat win. In other competitive elections like the 17th and the 12th, Democrats won as well, in at least one case, flipping the seat to a democratic seat. And so this is where things are really interesting for Donald Trump Looking forward, see: I Always thought it would be really ironic that Donald Trump loses his second term. Then we get really high inflation under Joe Biden and then the 24 election happens and inflation plummets and Donald Trump comes back. And now you have the situation where all the inflation that was created during Covid, much of which was under the Trump Administration. the latter witch under the Biden Administration didn't help that created a lot of the inflation which then Biden inherited a lot of And don't get me wrong, Biden made mistakes, especially the canceling of the Keystone Pipeline I Believe he's made lots of mistakes regarding Afghanistan and Ukraine foreign policy and oil or things and energy Independence or are big failures I'm not here to show Joe Biden but I Always thought it would be kind of ironic that if Donald Trump was able to escape all of the inflation and then got back in because the other president had high inflation, it'd be quite comedic. almost because we know that the inflation we're facing isn't solely driven by the president. It was driven heavily by bipartisan money, printing of Congress and the Federal Reserve through very loose monetary policy and uh, zero interest rates. So that irony, though, might be turning around. It is possible that we could see Peak inflation under Biden's second half of his first term. If inflation actually plummets by the time of the 2024 election, which is two years away, it's entirely possible that Joe Biden or a moderate Democrat who runs potentially if decided somebody like Gavin Newsom then the Democratic party will try to make the argument that c this was just Trump's inflation and we solved it. We inherited the mess and solved it. is something they might try to say. So what does Donald Trump need to do going forward? Well, in my opinion, one of the first things he should do is moderate I Think this is a hard thing for him to do, but I see a lot of politics moving to the middle. People are worried about things that are called common to everyone: crime, safety, education, schools, and the economy. It's the economy. stupid after all. as the famous quote goes, we're seeing the left moderate and really, it's time for Maga to moderate as well. I think while there are many claims and they're always going to be claims about elections and election security and fairness, and I always believe that checking or auditing elections is a good idea I Think it's very important that folks on the further end on the right spectrum and focus on the further end of the left Spectrum move towards the middle if they want to actually continue to win elections and I think that's what exactly the outcome of this last election was now I Want to hear from you after you consider that link Down Below on Amazing perspective and wealth building programs through getting into real estate and going from zero to millionaire with real estate investing Stock Investing or the brand new course that comes out Black Friday which is on pre-sale now called the Elite Hustlers University where I teach you how to make more money as an entrepreneur or an employee or someone with a side hustle. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see in the next one. Goodbye.

By Stock Chat

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26 thoughts on “Donald trump’s major announcement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slackaveli says:

    Ole Trumpty Dumpty

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxime Dorion says:

    Trump and DeSantis will absolutely destroy each other and either Biden gets reelected or a new, younger Dem frontrunner (I'm personally rooting for Pete Buttigieg). Either way it's good news for Democrats!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Activ Block says:

    The left never moderated wtf are u talking about man? Yer such an obvious leftist

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Duea says:

    Trump needs to go even though I think he did a good job. He is too big of a prick and no one likes him!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James R says:

    Yes. I have been saying that about Trump for a while. That he might have set it up so Biden would take the inflation hit. Then look extra good for the comeback.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryza Notnagel says:

    Haha your green hair ✊🏾💚

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Meza says:

    What could happen is DeSantis runs for president, and when he wins he hires Trump to be his main general advisor.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron S. says:

    All i can say is F*** Trump. He a con artists and yeah Biden is terrible too and should be replaced but to have Trump back in office who has been proven time and time again to fuck people over and is currently under investigation for massive tax fraud, which fucks us all, is a sick joke. The guy doesnt care about anything but himself and i feel sorry for the people that cant easily see that by doing a minimum amount of research.

    All of the current govt officials should be fired and all future officials have their power limited. No inside sweetheart deals, term limits, no lobbying or campaing contributions allowed, limited set salary, limted health benefits, and more transparency is whats needed to make actual change.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Khaled Rabbani says:

    Stop panicking Kevin

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Debacle says:

    Media trying to pin stuff on trump when he has nothing to do with the non republican red wave…..trump is just provactive and not the traditional bushite

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joe fitness says:

    I sure the red wave happened, but a lot of cheating going on.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis Jackson says:

    Establishment pushing for Ron desantis. There’s reason to it

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Issachar Isreal says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SH DMD says:

    Love and own both Tesla and Apple stock

    But I have to say I am favoring Apple here. Phones are a must have and electric cars are in this economy

    New iPhone is $30 a month but new Tesla is $1000 a month for a decently equipped model Y and more expensive as rates for up

    This is not mentioning the Twitter headwinds

    Apple by a mile

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bandile Bokamoso says:

    Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life, life was hard for me until I started trading shiba Inu and am now earning $20,000 per week…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jon hassell says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy the XRP cowboy says:

    Great point about people moving to the middle …. I'm a credited invester and the more I watch your station the more I see your brilliant mind …considering investing 🤠

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars codecustard says:

    To play devil's advocate the money printing was bi-partisan…. but Donald Trump was against economic shutdown, which resulted in supply shock, necessitating the money printing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Lee says:

    Keystone pipeline is running and has been running since 2006 or so. The shortcut pipeline is the controversial one and the cancelled one, but the main pipeline has always been running.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kemal Choudhury says:

    you should fold the top of your sleev for watch to stay visible

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🧂UltraSaltyDomerBDE76🧂 says:

    I can see where moderating a little bit would be good but I honestly feel that the america first movement is that extreme right and only looks that way because of how far the left went. You have Lindsey putting out a 15 week ban on abortion and the left went crazy. California just put abortion in the constitution with no restrictions. To combat far left you need to have firm right positions we need to pull the left to the center and that won’t happen with moderate republicans

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Calmeyer Hentschel says:

    We are not seeing the Left moderate on any level except where they have been voted out, where does that perspective come from? Kevin, as a Dem from California perhaps considering his own move to Florida, suggesting Newsome is moving to the center? I don't buy this analysis.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Z says:

    It's actually so reassuring to hear about a potential real wholesale move to the middle. I was starting to lose hope, but it seems the silent majority still have a chance with the ballot. You can't get cancelled for speaking your mind at the ballot.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garret Fey says:

    Fuck trump, we will never be able to move on until this warphead, lying POS goes away. My God repukes get rid of this fucker, look what he's doing? He was register demorat to 2010. Look it up idiots

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🧂UltraSaltyDomerBDE76🧂 says:

    He doesn’t embrace America first. That’s a major problem. America first is the movement in the Republican Party

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay johnson says:

    You are so full of sh9t Biden lover. Suck a bag a dick

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