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Conservative Political Action Conference happened this weekend and Donald Trump apparently is the leader in the CPAC straw polls taking 62 percent of the straw poll vote with DeSantis polling just 20 percent. Now, a lot of folks are arguing that while CPAC was selling Donald Trump shirts and hats, but no to Santa's hats. although DeSantis hasn't announced his candidacy yet, there are a lot of people saying CPAC was really just a mega rally. Now, whether or not that's true, does it really matter what's worth talking about or some of the things that Donald Trump said so we can talk and add some opinion to some of those items first.

Donald Trump Really hit on this idea that it seems like you'll get lynched for doing a great job and that we don't have free speech today and that I am your retribution really? Donald Trump opened this idea up that hey, look, if you want somebody, whether you like me or not, if you want somebody who tells it to you like it is, vote for Donald Trump That's the argument he's making today and that free speech is critically important and I think everybody. I don't think there's really anyone who disagrees that free speech is very important and this is of course, what politicians do right talking about basically about things that as many people as possible can agree with. Super super normal. This idea, though, that Donald Trump will be the retribution of America is one that's essentially suggesting hey, you know what if you're pissed off about the economy, if you're pissed off about the way things are under the Biden Administration If you're pissed off about immigration, if you're pissed off at all, vote for Donald Trump.

That is the argument that Donald Trump is making and he goes into some specifics as to what he believes he'll do. This one got particular Applause He's changed from the idea that we're going to quote unquote, drain the swamp to now what Donald Trump is going to do is totally obliterate the Deep State. Now the Deep state in obliterating the Deep state is this idea that people who are super wealthy, uh, or people associated with, let's say, the world Economic Forum the military industrial complex, the lobbying industry. Basically, anybody who tries to control the narrative runs the media, runs covid narratives.

those sort of deep State individuals will be totally obliterated by Donald Trump And he says that he wants to do so without destroying Social Security including not raising the age for Social Security or cutting Medicaid. These are arguments he's made now. Joe Biden has made the argument as well that we're not going to see any kind of cuts to Social Security. That is something that Joe Biden had made very clear during the State of the Union because it hasn't been particularly popular.

Uh, an idea of an idea on either side about any kind of limits or restrictions to Social Security Medicare Medicaid. Uh, Then he talks about the largest deportation coming. that countries are basically emptying out their prisons and mental insane asylum individuals. Those words he used and dumping them into the United States That is the argument Donald Trump is making.
and he's suggesting we're going to have the largest deportation under a new Donald Trump Administration Ever a vaguely deportation. Now this is an argument that has been very popular for Donald Trump Build the wall, Build it bigger finish building the wall. It's an argument that he reiterates here as well. But one of the things that I like to mention about immigration is personally: I Think we have an immigration shortage and an entitlement excess.

So in other words, with too many people using our social services and not paying into the system, whether that's people going to the hospital and not actually paying their bills, you literally have hospitals as reported by The Wall Street Journal on the border of the United States who are potentially going to go bankrupt because too many people go to the emergency room to seek treatment and they're undocumented and they never pay because they have no money and they have no insurance. So you're bankrupting our services, our social services because of the illegal immigration that is occurring and in my opinion, one of the ways to solve this. And it's one that I ran for governor under in California which is a state that desperately needs to help. Uh, if there's a state that has more mental problems per politician, it's probably California And that's because of the lack of money that California invests into mental health, education and housing and homelessness care and immigration care.

California is a complete failure. They'd rather send stimulus checks to people making five hundred thousand dollars, but we don't have to talk about that. I I Tried to run for governor, came in second place of retalk recall candidates when I Kicking my words out it's too early in the morning on a Sunday here 6 35 a.m on recording this but anywho, Donald Trump talks about the largest deportation coming. I Think one of the things that might be popular to talk about would be the idea that if people can come to America in a streamlined way and support themselves, get a job, uh, work for a company and support themselves without using any social services and actually contribute to our GDP our taxes in our economy then I Think it should be a lot easier for people to come to America I Think it should be a lot harder for people who rely on our social services to come to America but a lot easier for people who don't and actually contribute and pay taxes to come to.

America That's my opinion. It's not something we heard from Donald Trump We just heard about Mass deportation and something that he wants to focus on. He says we won't give unlimited money to fight Foreign Wars that are endless Wars stupid Wars here Donald Trump is talking about Ukraine and some of these arguments are really being made globally. in fact.
Uh, we went through an entire topic on the channel talking about how really the war between Russia and Ukraine is becoming regionalized is becoming uh, something that the world doesn't see as a World War III threat, but rather as a problem between Ukraine and Russia and that ultimately will need some kind of negotiated solution rather than endless money from the United States and In Fairness. Uh, Donald Trump's not wrong that a lot of money from the United States is going to support Ukraine. In fact, if we hop on over and we look at this particular chart, from the Council on Foreign Relations, you can see that Usaid to Ukraine far exceeds that from the other top 20 donors far exceeds We're over 70 billion dollars in Aid. The EU in total is setting somewhere around 30 billion dollars.

Of course, you could then add in individually Germany uh, the United Kingdom, Canada Poland and such, but it doesn't even hold a candle. The amount of money that the United States is throwing to Ukraine without the ability to actually track where our weapons are going that we're sending to the United uh or to Ukraine rather Donald Trump Uh, uh. did strike Applause uh for that argument about giving unlimited money to fight Foreign Wars Uh, He says, why is NATO not putting up dollar for dollar? What the United States is? It's not wrong. Again, the United States is putting up substantially more money.

Now of course, the argument is made that the United States is the largest economy in the world and maybe there's some form of therefore responsibility for the United States to maybe contribute a larger share. but boy oh boy, the US is already doing that an order of magnitude larger than other countries. Uh, Donald Trump goes on to make arguments like there are killings happening in Manhattan like nobody's ever seen before. This is probably not true.

Uh Manhattan's at somewhere around its lowest murder rate since 2019, but that's not to say that the argument of being tough on crime is not popular. I Do think it's important to be tough on crime. For example, Walmart is pulling out completely of Portland because it's essentially become Lawless in the eyes of Walmart so much property crime that is just not profitable to operate Walmarts in Portland because the policies in Portland do not actually respond in a proper manner to prevent crime. It's the same kind of thing that you see in San Francisco or or in in countries along the west coast and it's a big problem, so it's not wrong about striking that sentiment.

Donald Trump talks about how we lost 85 billion dollars of the greatest military equipment in the world. Talking about how much of that is is really going to uh uh Ukraine Uh, He talks about windmills and how windmills are terrible for green energy. On one hand, he's he's not wrong in that windmills are a lot. uh, more expensive than things like natural gas, solar, or geothermal energy.
They are less expensive than nuclear, hydroelectric, and biomass, so they are still a little pricey so he's not wrong on that. But I think the argument that windmills kill birds is a little silly. Birds are notoriously really stupid in that 900. Well let me put it this way, every year windmills kill about 328 000 birds and I feel bad for those birds.

But if 328 000 birds get killed by windmills then we should also talk about how many birds get killed flying into buildings I Kid you not, they need like a better Vision system or like lidar or something attached to their heads because they're so stupid. 988 million Birds die every year from flying into buildings buildings. Yes, windmills kill 328 000 Birds But 988 million Birds die from flying into buildings so well. Well yes, maybe wind is not what wind is is useful in some degrees and it can become cheaper over time.

and I'm not a fan of saying don't invest in wind energy by no means I'm a big fan of eventually going green I'm a big fan of actually finding the most green energy that we could potentially find. In fact, there are arguments that there are 47 terawatts of heat right below us. Now when I say right below us? I mean like six miles below us. So we need to come up with new Drilling Technologies like millimeter wave drilling technology or plasma drilling technology as well as more advancements coming to well construction to be able to drill.

uh, six miles down? That's very difficult. but if you can get and tap the super critical steam potential that we have six miles below us, which Super critical steam is about 700 degrees Fahrenheit about 10 times as strong as the geothermal energy that we use today. Super Super hot steam. You get power the entire world solely with geothermal energy by 2035.

you literally have three times the energy potential six miles below us then we use worldwide today. So geothermal like you want to start looking to maybe potentially like geothermal kind of stocks. and Investments I mean hashtag not personal advice Financial advice. but let's just say we're going to be doing some geothermal fundamental analysis in the course member live streams.

All of you of course already know this is redundant. Uh, but it's worth mentioning in case you're new here that yes, I'm a licensed financial advisor. this is not personalized. Financial advice though for you: I run an actively managed ETF a real estate broker I've got a real estate startup as well I do a lot of things and I have courses on building your wealth link down below including going from zero to millionaire in real estate.

that's what I did real estate investing Fantastic way to become a millionaire, Stocks and psychology Money: How to make more money as a real estate agent as a YouTuber or even just as somebody who has a job in the Elite Hustlers course uh, or an entrepreneur by the elite Hustler's group. Those all come with course member live streams by the way which I'll be going to the Elite Hustlers live stream after this video. but anyway, uh Donald Trump uh uh, you know, does. does uh make an argument here against windmills? uh I do think uh, we should be talking a lot about geothermal energy and we will be a lot more uh in the next decade here.
So I thought it was worth talking about that. I I'm really personally I'm tired of hearing about the bird argument. Let me put it that way and again, my goal is not to be like super like a Trump apologist and pro-trump here. And it's not to be super anti-trump it's just supposed to be some dude on the internet with a jacket that's way too big.

uh, giving you insights and opinions on what's actually going on in the world using as much data as I could get my hands on. Uh, so another thing that's worth noting is Donald Trump makes this argument that no one has gotten anything from China other than Donald Trump I Think he forgets the fact that we collect about eight to fourteen billion dollars a year in import tariffs from China. But then again, he's trying to reiterate his tough on China argument which is not necessarily a horrible idea, especially given the Uh data leaks that we regularly have to China Uh, including the theft of some of the most advanced chip making Technologies from companies like Asml, the Uh Dutch Advanced chip manufacturer to basically circumvent U.S sanctions against China and U.S export limitations for advanced chips, but that was probably going to happen anyway in the long run. Uh, Anywho, so uh, personally, I think that for the Donald Trump CPAC event, it wouldn't be surprised if the polling from CPAC was highly Trump skewed given that DeSantis wasn't there, right? Uh and uh.

and and DeSantis hasn't declared he's running for president yet although that's widely expected. Uh, it did look like in some CPAC polling that the Democratic Contender that's really expected it from uh from CPAC estimates is a Gavin Newsom being number one. Uh, number one after Joe Biden Look at that. Damn, who do you think the Democratic nominee for president will be in 2024? Joe Biden 39, Kevin Newsome 21, Michelle Obama 14, Kamala Harris Six percent I Thought that was really interesting.

This idea that uh, you've actually got Michelle, Obama and and Kamala up there. Uh, then you also have let's see here this: these were the results here. Who would you most like to be see be the Republican candidate for vice president I Thought this was interesting. You got Ron DeSantis actually coming in at second and uh, he came in at 14 Kerry Lake beat him by six percentage points.

She was the Uh obviously one of the Uh she was the Republican nominee for Uh Arizona governor. She's been suing like crazy about the election and the rigged election. blah blah blah blah whatever. Nikki Haley Presidential campaign Governor South Carolina Nikki Haley 10 percent got Mike Pompeo and some others over here as potential VP candidates.
So CPAC very interesting. I Think we're going to see a lot more rhetoric from Trump I think where Trump could really, uh, like if if I was going to give and not not that I'm in the position too. But if I was going to argue where Trump has his strongest potential for Unity it's the economy. That's probably where he's going to have the most strength now.

Even though we could say that a lot of inflation impetus came from the Uh during the Trump Administration due to bipartisan support for coveted measures. obviously, looking back, we printed way too much money. Biden did continue those and potentially made them worse, right? The first thing he did was the the leftover two thousand dollar stimulus check which was the extra 1400 bucks, the extension of the child tax credit uh, part of his policies, the student debt for Uh deferment for as long as it's been going on, right have all contributed to more inflation. Gavin Newsom Sending stimulus checks in October of 2022 all contributed to inflation.

So you know economic blood is really on both hands. but I think it makes it easy for Donald Trump to uh, let people sort of compare the economy then to now. it's sort of a very simplistic, uh and unnuanced argument that's probably one of his strongest. But I will say a lot of people are pretty surprised by the CPAC poll because people generally have been thinking that DeSantis would cream Donald Trump that might be the wrong way to think about it.

although there could be a lot more Trump support at CPAC again for the reasons that I've already mentioned, Uh is very interesting. yeah to see uh to to see this information and I think the 2024 election cycle is going to be fascinating so I'll be covering it so make sure to subscribe.

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36 thoughts on “Donald trump’s *insane* comeback warning.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan A. says:

    You are speaking in Obama accent today

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Boggs says:

    I've killed 3 birds driving a truck in 5 months. It hurts me

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghøst Data says:

    I would vote for him

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Al says:

    No, won't be close. No way Trump gets the nomination, he will lose…again. DeSantis has a much better chance to win.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kurtis B. says:

    “If you want somebody who tells it to you like it is.” Coming from Donald Trump, that statement is so ironic lol.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Ryweck says:

    No, wind is one of the cheapest energy sources and hydro is even cheaper. The cheapest electricity is in the US is in the Pacific Northwest because it’s all hydro with some wind.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Registration Account says:

    Some of your analysis lately is cooky.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Naylor says:

    Pretty sure he was talking about the equipment we left on Afghanistan

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dom T says:

    “ONLY Rosie O’Donnell”

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N says:

    Sounds like the Mariel boatlifts

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    Where is the proof that birds are being killed by windmills? I saw a study that debunks this.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Banks says:

    "Deep State" … "Wokeism"… They are just inventing words and terms that don't have any meaning or very vague meaning.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burnseys RT says:

    MSM , Twitter before Elon , Facebook etc . All didn’t support free speech.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Arnold says:

    Hey Kevin! How about an update to your Youtube course? I purchased it a couple years ago, and it was great! But how about some fresh updates and info on what you've learned and can share since then? Thanks!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Higher Purpose says:

    In defense of the birds the buildings are shiny and have reflective windows as well as the wind mills.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Senda says:

    No and hell no. We have Americans out of work and illegals take jobs Americans could get because they work under the table. There should be NO illegal aliens allowed into this country.
    Period. And don't call them "migrants", "undocumented workers " or act as if they are victims.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars unknown says:

    If he gets reelected. Remember Kennedy.. Theyll just do it again

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Weaver says:

    We definitely need more immigrants I really agree with what you said. We need less people being liabilities and more people being assets. The birth rate is not going to sustain our economy

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    Republicans will want to cut Social Security, moment Trump hits office he will pass this as his first priority!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fight4Right says:

    2 time loser will never win….Same narrative….Nothing has changed!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Dillon says:

    NY is an absolute mess with crime RN,b/c bail reform. Just my 2cents

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n says:

    You cannot use buildings as an alternative to windmills.
    Sure, birds fly into both. But you can literally build windmills everywhere! You will only build buildings where people want to be.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Monitor says:

    Trump was talking about Ukraine in the first part but then was talking about the equipment Joe gave away in Afghanistan 🇦🇫 in the second comment about lost equipment.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Monitor says:

    Trump said if Joe was elected gas prices would double, inflation would rise, your 401k would shrink, a new war would start and the markets would tank = all those things happened.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars piligrimius82 says:

    Kevin really needs money for that plane he bought – all of the sudden he became so on topic about Ukraine war funding.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P says:

    i hate to break it to ya but Trump will be president of the USA again. I don't even care…. i don't live in the USA.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lis Ak says:

    ❤🙏🇺🇸Trump for PRESIDENT 🇺🇸

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoked Tesla says:

    People who try and control the narrative…you mean like Elon musk and Fox News? Yes trump please get rid of them…then wait won’t trump need to get rid of himself? Seeing as he is a cult leader

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Strider says:

    Did no1 hear what happened to Kennedy for trying to take down the deep state considering your propaganda machine is ya cia wich Kennedy tried to take out tells me nothing will change if he doesn't start there he needs to finish of Kennedy s work. windmills must be bad greta thumberge got arrested again protesting against wind farms

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars X says:

    Trump doesn’t understand strategic ambiguity nor compartmentalization. He’s just a swindler at large ultimately.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mick B says:

    Orange man still got it him in after all his BS…………………Chinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deez nutz says:

    Trump 2024

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Lopez says:

    Trump 2024🇺🇸

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unnamed Podcast says:

    Oh and theres more buildings than windmills Kev 😄👍🏻.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kurdi98k says:

    Worst president ever. Populist. Contributed to skyhigh inflation. Most are too dumb to realize that.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mat Lenaghan says:

    Kevin's solution to solve the rampant immigration problem, MORE IMMIGRATION.

    Jesus Lol.

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