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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well, we had a few opportunities today. It didn't seem like there was as much momentum as we had yesterday, but there was still some momentum and I'm finishing the day in the green which is great and you know what's funny? I is at this point right now I don't even. I was just trying to think what did I make yesterday? I don't even remember. It's like so quickly water under the bridge and I I think that that's really good to be able to detach yourself from the gains and loss is when you start really kind of fixating on.

you know how much you're up or down. you can get yourself off center and focusing on the wrong thing because what you really want to focus on is just sitting down and trading the charts that are right in front of you and doing the best you can and at the end of the day letting it just be what it is, it's done. It's another day and come back again and do it tomorrow. So today we got some good opportunities so I do Dtss.

We also had some momentum on Uh, Tblt, Trhc and there are a couple others that I mentioned and we also uh during this recap. I'll talk a little bit about the S P 500 which is right now into a uh gap on the daily chart that has room up to 401 444 approximately. and then above that there's a window up to 411. so we're getting into some nice areas.

On the S P 500 we're 10 off the lows which is good and we'll see if that is a rising tide. that kind of lifts small caps up with it. Now tomorrow at 12 P.m Eastern, I'm gonna host a special class live on Youtube. Um, so make sure you tune in for that and the topic will be on scalping breaking news.

So this is a strategy that's been working fairly well for me over the last. Well, sort of during the Bear Market where I'm looking and waiting for breaking news, and then as soon as it drops, I'm trying to jump in for that quick trade. And so we're going to talk about that during, um, the mini class tomorrow Friday, 12 P.m Eastern. So I hope you tune in for that.

But as always I'll be here for the morning show tomorrow morning around 9am so I'll see you there first and I hope you guys enjoy the recap and if you do, would love for you to hit the thumbs up. All right, That's it for me. I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone.

So we're gonna do our recap of trades from today. So uh, at this point it's uh, a little bit past noon time and I've locked it up and I'm gonna be done for the day sitting at uh, 945 and 65 cents in my retirement, plus an extra 200 in my main account. so just over two thousand dollars on the day? Not quite to the daily goal, but a green day nonetheless. So uh, the two trades today uh, were or the two stocks I trade were Dtss and Scidu and what I'm going to do is these two were both examples of trading breaking news And so tomorrow at noon time I'm going to do a Youtube live on day trading, breaking news specifically scalp trading, breaking news, taking that quick breakout trade as the news uh is released and so tune in for that tomorrow.
But in the meantime, So Dtss, this was, uh, the first one this morning and you know it was a little. It was a little tricky. Uh, it first pops up here up to a high of 224 and I jumped in in the middle of this candle at about 216 or 215. it dips down here to 213, it pops up to 239.

I took a little bit of profit and it drops all the way down to 206 and then it comes all the way back up here. And I took a trade on the break through the high here of just under 39, we hit a high of 45. We weren't able to break that level and then we started to pull back. We ended up coming back down below the volume weight, average price, and uh, I saw some traders take a trade here.

I didn't I just was waiting for it to retest and hold Vwap, but on the retest it broke below v web it then tried to get back above it here and I saw other people saying they were going to go along here and I thought no no no see it already tried to get above and it failed. Now it's trying to get above again here, but we have to prove we have to let it prove that it can hold this level. Otherwise, it's not trustworthy and it couldn't and it sold off again. So my only trades on it were right in here on this candle and right in here on this candle.

Actually I might have had a trade, I think I had a quick trade in this area as well. So basically trading kind of in these little waves to the upside. but you know. overall not not a huge winner.

The news that came out on it. Um, you know it's ultrasonic sound. Ultrasonic sound sterilization and antivirus equipment confirmed by leading lab achieved a 99.83 Um uh and this was this is against Cove. So the problem here is I was like 99.

That's good. Nine seconds. Okay, okay but Cove at 19. I feel like that's not really.

Um, a super super strong catalyst also announces test results from the Wuhan Institute of Biology. Um yeah, I don't know. I mean I'm just a little call me skeptical. So anyways I I was like I'll give it a shot but I'm not going to trade it with big size and I only made 400 bucks on it.

Okay, so that was Dtss, wasn't too sure about it, made a little whatever side do was the second one and on this one I hesitated and that hesitation cost me a decent amount. So it immediately pops up here pre-market Um, of course you might recall. We've had some opportunities on it the last couple days. This morning it pops up here real quick.

First from four to four, twenty nine. I pulled up the level two, I saw it at 429 on the ask in 4 30 and I was like okay, it just popped up 30 cents. Uh, we know that this one you know was in play a couple days ago, but is there news and while I waited to figure out whether or not there was news, it broke and went up to 42. And then I got in for the break of half dollar at 450 right here.

So I jumped in on the break of the half dollar and rode the momentum up here to a high of 475 which it was unable to break really strong resistance there. Dipped down, pops, back up, it tries it again, dips down, pops back up, tries it again. It's not able to break through that level as you see pre-market until finally at the open. Surging up here on a nice red to green, but not before having a kind of nasty flush right here, a sell-off, and then sort of a bear trap reversal back up, then pull back, move higher, another sharper dip, reversal, back up, natural fine dip here and a pop up to five which ended up being a false break.
You'll notice at five it got above five, but it could not close above five. And so I said okay, well I'm watching this. If it can hold above five, I'm a buyer at 505 506 for the break and squeeze up to 515 520 but it could not hold five. The bid couldn't hold five, it just it popped up and then immediately was back below five and it couldn't get it back above it.

So I traded this. I jumped in in my main account um and I hit my 10 000 share max position in my main account, it's or in my retirement account. Sorry. So then I was like okay, you know what, I'm gonna hold that and I'm gonna switch to my my main account and see if I can just actively trade on this side up towards five.

And so I I was for a moment in with both accounts, but then it just stalled out at 75. So I ended up selling here for 200 and taking um, profit. Which meant I only made 15 cents on average from 550 up to about five, uh sorry, 450 up to about 465.. I was up, um, an additional two three hundred dollars and gave a little bit back on that false breakout right there where it looked like it was going to go through 75 and then flushed back down.

So those were the two that I traded today. Um, again. I'll cover breaking news and scalping breaking news in more detail tomorrow at 12 noon Eastern. so make sure you guys tune in to Youtube for that.

There were some other stocks that moved today. we had mond recent. It looked like a special acquisition company did a merger pops up, Drops Down. Was sort of interested because of the move we had yesterday on Pgy, but it didn't end up holding Pgy today.

Didn't really give any continuation. It's holding up better than I thought, but it's not giving continuation we had. Let's see. um, Tblt.

I watched it, hesitated on it. No trades ended up moving a bit more than I thought, But then, holy smokes, what a rejection up here. Look at that candle. Two million shares of volume bull trap.

It goes to the high and then slams back down to V. Wap really nasty so that was pretty gross. Smit hitting the scanner right now. Very light volume.

Nothing really going on there. Uh, trhc. Oops, tr Hc. This is one that some traders were watching.

Had a nice steady kind of grinding. Higher move from three all the way up to 460. not parabolic, you know, nothing like straight up, but certainly moving nicely. No trades on that.
uh for me, oneem was a buyout by Amazon, so that's trading at 1720. Adxn ended up actually doing a pretty nice gap and go. Didn't trade it a little too cheap and so missed some opportunity on that, but it's no big deal. so still trading pretty conservatively right now.

Um, you know not. and I, I'm okay with that. You know I'm I'm I. You know, I.

I can't help a little bit compare myself to. You know, how I was trading in a hot market, You know, six months ago or certainly a year ago and how much more I was making. But you know at the same time, you know the best traders are ones who can trade through all markets bear markets and bull markets, and still find themselves generally profitable. You'll make more in certain markets, and you'll make less than others.

and I'm making a bit less right now. But I'm keeping my head above water and I'm locking up green months generally green weeks, and so I feel pretty good about that. And right now, some of these breaking news trades early in the day have been paying pretty well. And then you know I've been missing afternoon momentum.

I just haven't been dabbling in it. I just don't feel like it's worth it. Uh, partly because it's summer and I'd rather in a slow market just do other things. but um, I just don't usually do as well in the afternoon.

So and then you know we've got the overall market right now. Which you know the fact is. Um, we look at our daily chart and um, you know we are now into this gap with room up to 401. So we've had a nice a nice move here.

Yes, we sold off, um, down to 370 and the market's up. Um, you know, not quite 10. I mean, it's certainly up over 10 off the lows. from 362 here up to just under 400.

that's over 10. But uh, you know, of course we're still. The funny thing there is that you're up 10 off of, um, 362 on the S P, But you're still down. you know, relative to this move, from 480 all the way down to 360.

you've still got, we can go up another 10, another 10 and we could be up 30 off the low. but still not be back at the highs, right? just because of the way that works. If you lose 50 percent, you've got to make 100 to get back to where you were before. So the markets down, you know, was down a little over 20 percent.

Whatever it was, Um, you know, from 480 20? See, so you know 450. So back down to 380 a little over 20. Coming back up a bit here so we'll be interesting to see what happens. Um, we've had a couple of earnings that have been good enough that they haven't tanked the market, which is good.

Tesla doing really well here coming back up. So they had earnings that came out which the market is has received well. of course it is under its 200 moving average, but a very nice uh reversal right there. So that's good to see.
Um, Netflix had earnings earlier this week. Um, it's coming back up a little bit. not not quite as much, but a little bit. And we've had some banks Goldman Sachs, Bank of America.

There's a bunch of banks reporting. so yeah, right now it feels like we're having a little bit of a bear market rally. A little bit of reprieve from this hard sell-off that we were experiencing uh, here in early June. But I don't know.

Uh, you know where we're gonna find ourselves? So you know in the next few weeks I suppose on a bullish, um, a bullish case would be that. It certainly would be nice to see some consolidation under the 200 moving average, but we're still on the S P. You know, we're still a decent ways away from that level. So, but we've got this gap here from 401.

or it's a window from 401 to about 411. I think that we need some good data points. Jobless claims were out today. Market's not super worried about those.

So yeah, we'll see. Um, I'm hoping that we can have a strong end to the year. That's still kind of my optimistic hope that you know it's only July right now, but that gives us a couple more months to be consolidating under the 200 moving average before Hopefully we get some data points that help send the market back higher and then that'll bring that rising tide, will bring the small cap stocks with it. And generally speaking, that's what's happened.

So that's what I'm hopeful for. But in the meantime, uh, trying to, you know, keep my head down? hit my base hits. Lock Up Green days 2 000 a day is? you know that's that's pretty good. So good opportunity to remind everyone that trading is risky.

My results are not typical and there is no guarantee you'll find success, so make sure you take it slow. But if you want to learn more, make sure you join us. Tune in first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show and then 12 noon tomorrow for a special live class on Youtube on, uh, trading breaking news. All right.

So I'll see you guys then. And that right, There was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. but do me a favor, Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trade.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

21 thoughts on “$sidu $dtss momentum day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jodi M says:

    Former Warrior Pro student. Just want to say thanks for the daily videos and everything I ve learned from you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Opinion says:

    I hope someone can answer this, on PDT – if you bought your stock today, what is overnight sell? can it be first thing in the morning or is it full 24 hours? I already used up my 3 Day Trade and trying to under what is overnight trading its definitely nerve wracking. Also, after I sold the one I bought today, can I repurchase something else tomorrow for Monday? Thanks for anyone that can response!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimbo says:

    What up Ross.. Keep killing it.. Thanks for the recap.. See you tomorrow morning on warrior. Just doing the trial as of now but I love your tools on your site and community. Hopefully one day I can become a warrior pro. Then earn a badge. lol. Take care Ross and team..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Nice trades today Ross! Looking forward to the scalping breaking news session!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kain Thomas says:

    Hi brother. Your Outro still has the “I don’t monetize my YouTube channel” might want to remove that. Just looking out for ya’ 🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TM says:

    ADXN was on 🔥 today till mid afternoon momentum fell off. Then suddenly (out of nowhere) a ‘ALGORITHM (driven) HALT’ that occurred on a almost 1,000,000 Share Grandaddy trade with a 20%+ Drop thus giving the MM’s an ‘opportunity’ (IMHO) to balance their books at the expense of traders. Would ❤️ for you to opine.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vill Ram says:

    Thanks for the breakdowns on your trades. I bought SIDU right where you said not to 😂. Then I lost on everything today except TBLT. I’ve only been day trading for a month so I have a lot to learn.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars says:

    Thanks for the recap, Ross!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Rock says:

    Of course I miss the small caps 😔 traded UAL short! Finished Green!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajcook7777 says:

    Hey Ross, will you start a Warrior Trading Funded Traded Program? Fund traders who prove themselves and help the next man up to your level?
    I bet your Channel and reputation would skyrocket and be a great thing for the Community

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:

    I traded ADXN 💵👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:

    👍 watching you 👍 Stay Green 💵

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NIJARIO says:

    My problem is that i can't find opportunities to trade everyday

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake says:

    Hope nobody got caught in ADXN

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wongee says:

    I respect your work mate. TA Is all well and good but I find It truly baffling that all major crypto youtubers just look at pure TA and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC Is dumping and why the future outlook might not be as rosy as It seems. It's kinda irresponsible to Ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC.. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market.This Is the worst possible time in history to invest as so many don't back up their crypto assets…more emphasis should be put into day tradiing as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the Market..I have made over 8btc from day tradng with Rodney Wei, insights and signals In less than 3 weeks, this is one of the Best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish..

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Schuler says:

    Ross the boss.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr_x says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Einstein says:

    <I totally agree with what you are saying. I started in crypto in August 2017, and I bought in. I was up 5x by December only to watch that disappear quickly and then watch the original investment go down by about 85% during the ensuing 4 year bear market. I took the opportunity to accumulate more over the last 4 years which was hard to do and at the same time a smart thing to do. I wish I had bought more. I am in profit for now but I am planning on using my experience and what i have learnt from Jim Brin I have learned from you and other Youtubrs especially my mentor Jim Brin who taught me how to make trade and increase my crypto from 11 to 27btc that no one really knows what is going to happen in the market…….

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Calvin Smith says:

    Dang I was trying to be first

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Crager says:

    You're my hero bro

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars euroPino says:

    First woooooooo

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