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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are. We made it to the end of the week. It was a short week so it shouldn't have been that hard, but it was a little slow. Monday was slow, Tuesday was slow, but yesterday on Pixi it was great and today on Pixie it was great again.

So in two days I locked up over 25 000 and it was thanks to Pixie so that was the biggest winner yesterday. and today. let's see. I think yesterday was 13 000 on it.

Today was like a 10 pound 10 000 so 23 000. That's pretty solid. So I'll break down the trades on Pixie. Those you guys that didn't check out the morning show from today where I was doing live trading and trading Pixie? make sure you check that out Because I started the morning show with a really good breakdown explanation of what's happening with these recent reverse split stocks.

so make sure you check that out. I'll put a link at the end of this episode as a reminder so you can watch the recap and then go check out the beginning of the morning show. And um, I hope you check out the podcast as well. Recent episode uploaded this week on the five mistakes beginner traders make.

So check that out, especially if you're a beginner trader and I'm going to be trading next week. Um, for Puerto Rico on my traveling trading station. So that's going gonna be fun and I'll see you on Sunday night. I'll be logging in from the airport to give you my weekly game plan so I'll see you on Sunday and then next week will be regular routine just on the traveling train station and in a place that's sunny.

All right, So I'll see you then. I hope you enjoy the recap and I hope you hit the thumbs up if you find it helpful. All right. See you on Monday.

All right? Uh, I'm gonna go over my recap for today: 40th consecutive green day. That's good. I can't complain about that at all. Eleven thousand, three hundred, twenty three dollars.

So it's a nice green day. Uh, it's gonna put me at about 25 000 on the week, which although it feels terrific because I was up 13 000 yesterday in 11 000 today. uh mond a Tuesday. Of course.

Monday was market holiday and then Tuesday was a small green day. I think I only made like a thousand or two thousand bucks I don't remember. And then Wednesday was a small green day. So my daily goal is five grand.

Which means my weekly goal is 25 grand. So I've hit the weekly goal, but I did it in two days and the other days were kind of nothing. So that puts me at about 47 000 on the month, which is 47 of the way towards my 100k monthly goal. so making some good progress there.

We still have three full weeks left in the month, which is great. All next week I'll be on my traveling trading station. No big deal, I trade on it all the time, but I will be on the traveling train station next week. So hopefully you know the biggest.

The biggest variable is internet. Uh, you just never. You never know 100 until you get there what the internet's going to be like. But um, I'll be in Puerto Rico next week getting a little sunshine.
Um, I I want to make sure that I keep sunscreen makers in business. Uh, so I'm gonna. I've gotta every now and then head down somewhere warm and really just load up and buy in bulk. So getting a lot of sunscreen and uh, going to Puerto Rico which will be nice.

So anyways, that's coming up for me next week and uh, but you know, same routine aside from just being somewhere different, you know, morning show, live trading, regular, you know, regular kind of routine each morning. I? I don't you know, I wouldn't be likely to trade all day any day next week. but it's also, um, it's also unlikely that I would have anyways because I just typically am not doing um, all-day trades in general. or anyways, so we'll see.

but um, the overall market right now. Just take a look at that. Um, we did bounce off this ascending support line right here. We've got descending resistance coming down, so we're in a little bit of a window here where we have a natural kind of pull back up towards like 426 or so 425.

Um, but we also have the 200 there. So uh, I don't know it. but at least the market's bouncing instead of just continuing to sell. So this week, uh, things were as slow except for Pixie.

If it weren't for Pixie, I wouldn't have much to show for the week. But um, made 10 000 on Pixie today. made 13 000 on it yesterday. So I got green and I'm grateful for that.

So those of you who are watching it these last couple days, Um, it's kind of funny because what happened on this was, uh, at 8 00 a.m yesterday there it was 8 a.m I believe. Yeah, at 8 a.m yesterday there was breaking news that came out, but the stock started squeezing up before the news was released. Isn't that interesting, right? So the news came out right here at 8, but it was already moving up from 11 up to 15.. So this, sometimes you know, you sort of wonder why.

Now it may have just been that some traders were buying it for a dead cat bounce because it was a dead cat bounce setup. It was a recent reverse split dead cat bounce set up. I talked up in quite a bit of detail during the morning show about recent reverse splits. So those that want to check that out, you could re-watch the morning show from today.

But um. anyways. this morning when I sat down at like 7 45 I looked at it. It popped up here first to, uh, the V-wap It pulled back and then on this candle at like a little after eight, it just surged and on my first trade on it, I, um, let's see.

my first trade, I filled 561 shares out of a 1500 share order. I'm not even trying to go big and I can't fill 1500 shares. You know this is the thing that's frustrating. so you know it's just like it just feels like it's consistently an issue with some of these stocks of.

I press the buy button and I fill a piece of my order. Now, something we've talked about in the Algo Scalping class is, uh, the way the algorithms work where you know just to do a brief tangent, those who checked out the Algo Scalping class it's part of the Warrior Pro curriculum right now. But so this this has been. I mean, people have known about this for for a long time.
but um, when you send an order to the market, you sort of think about like the plumbing of the market market structure and how this works. So you send your order and it's uh, if you send an order to route through Nasdaq. For instance, because of Nbbo, if Nasdaq only has 100 shares for sale, they're going to Re. They have an obligation to reroute your order reg Mms.

So they reroute your order to the next market maker. Meanwhile, the high frequency trading algorithms. Because they subscribe to market data, they already saw your 1500 share order come in and during the time your order is being rerouted, they're pulling the offer, lifting it up so you're gonna fill at a higher price. And this is how these institutions take pennies out of retail traders every single day.

It happens through payment for order flow. It happens through high frequency trading algorithms and so you know I end up because I like it, buying it and paying a higher price and so I chased it a little higher. Uh, anyways, um, this was on day one. So so today.

Um, where was this? Um, so we had this move right here. today or yesterday. This was it. right at 8am.

So today, let's jump forward. you had two things going for you. You had a really strong close. A really nice move into the close right here all the way back to 33 yesterday.

So you got a little short squeeze on it this morning. Um, it was lower pre-market but then popped up right here to 26.45 and this, sorry, this was where it was. Um, I think I was maybe looking at a different chart. Okay, so this is where it was.

We came up to V Web, we pulled back and then right it was yeah, no it's about 8 am. We had the Adfn orders that went through and then We got that break right here. up to 27 28 and this thing just. it's interesting because each one of these candles is marked by a topping tail like it moved higher and pulled back, moved higher and pulled back, moved higher and pulled back like it wasn't super super strong.

but it just kept grinding higher and I was trading it with 560 shares and then I added 250 and I added another 250 and then I filled 914 and then I took some profit and then I added back uh, 2 000 shares so I got a good fill on that one, added another thousand, took some profit. So you know I just started actively trading and we got this nice move here. up to 35 dollars a share. and so through this move, between eight and about, I don't know.

Ten past eight I got myself up well over the daily goal of five thousand. I don't know if I got up to ten thousand in this move, I don't think quite, but maybe close to it. Um, and then right here this was. this was kind of funny.
I called out what was going to happen, it happened and I didn't trade it. so I said all right. I'm watching this here for a break of this yellow ascending support line and I think here's what I think might happen. This is an obvious short.

If we break the 20 moving average, it's an obvious short. I think it's probably going to drop, but perhaps it's just so obvious that it turns into a bear trap. And what might happen is this breaks 33 and then it rips back up. and sure enough, it did it.

and it goes up two and a half dollars a share and I didn't buy down here under 33. So silly. I mean I. I.

The thing is, I also saw the very real potential that it was gonna actually be a true, um, bearish sell-off. Not not a bear trap. Did I say bull trap? I meant bear trap. Um, I thought that it might actually be a sell-off to V-wap So I was kind of watching it for a bounce off view app.

And also you know I wanted to be cautious because yesterday there were a couple of sell-offs on it that were so severe they went into multiple halts down and I just did not want to get caught. I did not want to get stuck in that so I was a little cautious. Anyways, I ended up missing a really nice pop. There it goes up to 35 80, something 36 and then drops right back down.

So now I said, you know what? All right, this stock may not be trustworthy. Topping tail, false breakout, False breakout, False breakout. Another failed attempt. We've got risk.

another failed attempt right here, right? So I said this stock even before this candle. I was like this stock has all the red flags to be cautious to trade it with smaller share size. And so at the open. I did take one more trade on it and I lost about seven hundred dollars.

I was up about twelve thousand at my peak. I'm up Eleven thousand. Uh, Three hundred twenty dollars on it on the day right now. So and it just although it did, try to come back up here and um, it popped up right here.

Look at that one candle. Look at that one one minute candle. What A So this is the stuff that I just don't want to overstay my welcome. I'm just going to try to be grateful, be green and live to trade another day.

So I've got to keep my head down right now. You guys know that I'm behind where I wanted to be on the year. I just need to keep hitting five thousand dollars daily average 25 a week now. Maybe I'll have some days where I make less and some days where I make more.

but I only just hit my 25 000 weekly goal this week, right? Monday Monday market was closed Tuesday Wednesday were slow so I'm a little bit behind the ball, but um, you know, came in right at about 25. I don't know, maybe 27 000 on the week. So sitting at about 47, 50, 000 on the month, that's halfway to the goal. and and that means that I could hit my 100k goal even if I only average maybe about 3 500 a day for the rest of the month.
So I could actually reduce my monthly goal or my daily goal and still come in around. you know, 100k. On the other hand, I'm going to try to keep it at 5 000 and if I can, anything over 100 starts to cut into next month's goal. Because really, I have 400 thousand dollars between where I finish the month of August and where I want to be by the end of December.

So it's like I'm in a race and I've got, you know, 40 miles left. It's a long race. so um, I've got 40 miles left. and hey, I'd like to.

I figure if I can be consistent and maintain pace, I could do, you know, 100k a month here and hit the 400 by the end of the the year. But if I end up having a month where I do 150 or 200, that's gonna put me a little bit ahead. That might help me get to the million annual profit target a little sooner and then anything over that is a little bit more of icing on the cake. It's certainly possible we could have a really strong month in October or November and I, you know, who knows, I mean nothing's I never want to say anything's impossible.

You know we could have. I could have a six figure day. I could have one day where I make 100 grand. I've done it before.

I know I can do it again if we have the momentum. That's a big if because of course things have been a bit choppier this year. But anyways, that's where I'm at here at the end of the week. So I suppose in a way this is a little bit of a weekly recap not entirely.

But the other two stocks I traded were both recent reverse splits as well Inm and um, Ifbd. I'll probably come online, um, on Sunday night and give you a game plan for the week ahead. I didn't actually do that last week. I did, um, another episode instead.

but but I might. I'll probably try to do that this week. So um, you could probably expect to see me on, uh, Youtube Sunday evening for a game plan weekly game plan episode. Kind of laying out the plan for Monday.

I actually have to look and check to see what time my flight leaves on Monday. I'm not a hundred percent sure what my schedule on, uh, Monday actually looks like, but um, I'll I'll figure it out and I'll just let you guys know during the the episode on Sunday. So yeah, no, that's fine. So my I'll still have time Monday morning to trade.

Um, I just have to make sure I'm I'm in the airport. Yeah, I know I'll be fine. I'll still have my regular pre-market routine on Monday, so no big deal. All right.

So anyways, I just want to make sure. So yeah, Monday's fine. So, but I'll see you guys on Sunday and uh, for the Game Plan episode and I hope you guys enjoy the weekend. Uh, those who haven't checked out the Um sales for Labor Day, they're still going on.

And of course, Warrior Pro Members. You're always welcome to upgrade your memberships and renew your memberships to add another year. So feel free to do that and we'll see you all back here bright and early Monday morning. All right, have a great weekend.
I'll see you on Monday. I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. So please, please please hit that subscribe.

By Stock Chat

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15 thoughts on “$pixy $23k in 2 days”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Nice guy says:

    Good for you Ross, I was doing ok than had a trade during power hour, where the algorithm just cut me up. Do you have any good books that you would recommend to understand how algorithm's trade? and "Yes" I have watched your classes on algorithm trading, It is very good and would highly recommend it to anyone learning to trade. I want to understand why algorithm's trade like they do. You hear thinks like when the 10 EMA cross the 50 EMA on a 15 minute chart, algorithm's tend to cover shorts causing a squeeze on the price to the up side.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdell Ben says:

    Ross congrats man !

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JC Q says:

    Let’s gooo

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Long Tu says:

    Many thanks Ross for sharing, very informative vide as always!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Ess says:

    Wow.. that's great! Congrats!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jackmags says:

    What would your strategy be if you dont have $25k to put into a brokage, should i still try to trade 3x a week max?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Ney says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarret Moore says:

    Looking forward to game plan

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ema Fernández says:

    Ross, can you please go back to the original intro and outro song? this one is so tense! lol – enjoy your vacations and safe travels

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marcus cannady says:

    What type of laptop do you use when traveling, Ross? Thanks for everything, and safe travels!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burzio Brothers says:

    I almost played on this one too but I’ve been swamped! Well done brotha keep it up. You’re inspiring to me, who only first started investing four months ago and have made just about $1k a month. Made $9k into $13k so far. Thank god

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Navas says:

    monday was slow?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Great work on PIXY Ross! Safe travels! Looking forward to trades on Monday!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Lo says:


  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr_x says:


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