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All right. So this is a great example of a stock that now has a history of false breakouts. This is a stock you can't trust once it's done this once, it's gonna do it again. You know it just is a there.

I have a couple of rules of helping me avoid false breakouts, but one of them and probably the most important one is that if a stock has given some nasty false breakouts already today, I am going to be very cautious around it trading it. So let's just look back at this stock. just uh, this morning so you have Mbtx pre look even pre-market and I listen guys, for what it's worth, I said this uh at what time was it I'm not trying I told you so I'm just just to give you my my perspective on it. You know you guys do what's right by you.

but I looked at it here at like eight nine about nine o'clock actually it was 8 40 as it was breaking through. uh, four dollars and fifty cents and I said, you know what I unfortunately I'm not gonna I'm not gonna trade this one I don't trust it. Number one, it's kind of coming up to this 450 resistance. It broke 450 and flashed up to 470 but there was a topping tail candle, a topping tail candle and then it comes back down and when I saw that topping tail first of all, I didn't get in for the break of 450 because I looked at it and I just thought no I don't I don't know that I'm really into this.

It's kind of grinding. It's not going straight up. the float is higher. it's a 34 million share float stock, right? So all of that gave me reason to pause and hesitate.

So I didn't take that trade and then when it flashed up to 470 and that was let's see um it was right here. It had this topping tail and I was like no see I don't like that it went to 470 on the ask for a second and then it drops right back down. So I was like no I don't like that it comes back up a little bit and I was like you know what I'm not going to try to chase 10 15 cent trades on this when I'm risking a 30 Cent flush I don't care about it I don't like this kind of price action. So from that point forward I ignored it I trade other stocks and you know I'm green on the day I can go over the BIOS trade in a second for those that missed it.

but um, so you know, whatever. but then it comes back up Mbtx. So now it's done. One kind of false breakout and then there's a second one right there.

See how it does that trap? It pops up and it goes to 75 and then it flushes here down to 50 46. So 30 Cent false Breakout Okay, so now it's done it twice and you could see that just by looking back at the chart, you know you look back at the chart. you're like okay now I'm seeing the stock has some of these topping Tails It tends to like to do this I Guess you got a couple smaller ones here and here. Not dramatic.

Then you've got a bigger one here because it goes through the high of 480. flushes again and then it comes back up here. Look at these topping. Tails one, two three.

It just cannot hold that level. It squeezes, pushes through, hits 550, but again a topping tail. it drops back down. It's not holding these levels so the chart is telling us this is a choppy stock.
Now we've got resistance at the half dollar it Taps it again. So now you've got this is now. for those that have a Keen Eye you'll notice that this is what we would call. um this is a these are the devil horns right here.

Okay so right there is the devil horn. and I know this kind of looks actually like a little like almost like a fox, like a kitty cat. Like those are its whiskers right there. Um but but it's a Sly Fox and this guy is here to take your money from you All right So don't give him your money.

So now look what happens again we come up and it does it a a third time. Look at that flush, see old Foxy's laughing at you again. he got you here and look at that rejection and then even more frustrating. it comes all the way back up and you know what some Traders will do.

and I've done this before. if I'm in heavy right here for the break of the half dollar, then when it flushes here, maybe I add a little bit. but if I'm already in heavy I can't really average down that much because I'm already in with ten thousand or twenty thousand shares. So what ends up happening is I press the sell button I stop out then I watch it come back up like this.

I'm seeing red I'm raging and I'm like you know what? Screw this that was a that was a bear trap and I buy it here and then it does it to me a second time. So if that happened to you today, don't feel bad. It's happened to me too, but learn to recognize it and learn from it. So then it continues.

Uh, you know with that false breakout there and then this is where we're at now. so would you trust it over 550? I I personally would not. Now if it goes over 550 and it does squeeze up to you know, six dollars or something there I could understand why you might feel like oh man. finally it went.

but when I look at the chart and I see that many topping Tails I see the history of false breakouts. To me, it's a stock where I can't manage my risk. So if I can't manage my risk, it doesn't matter how much it goes up. I can't trust it.

so I can't feel bad about missing what could have been a winner on something where I couldn't have possibly managed risk. So now let's look at Baos. so on bals on this one. Uh, this one first hit the scanners when it was squeezing up right here so it went I Mean this is a nice move going from Seven dollars all the way up to a high of 10.35 right there.

That was a nice move. Pre-market it dips down, it comes back up at Double tops. I saw it right there when it was squeezing up I saw I hit the scanner and I thought it doesn't have enough volume, you know And and for what it's worth, Baos is a bit of a bounce off the low, right? Uh, it's and that's the same setup that I guess you have on top right now. Top sold off yesterday and then today from 16 up to 24 bounce off the low so you know you get that big sell-off and then you get a bounce back up.
It's not always a big bounce but but this trading abounds is very different from Trading the front side of the move. When you're on the front side of the move, you can get huge moves because it's still pulling away. This is when it can get really exciting. the back side of the move.

Yeah, be cautious. You know if you can catch a couple trades that's great, but it's it is the back side of the move. It's would be extraordinarily rare that this really gets up that high on the back side. and after a big drop like this, it's just a dead cat bounce.

So anyway, so baos. um so I was watching it and I didn't take uh, the trades at the beginning. um we You know we had this kind of like move here. a little bit of chop girl, what's your problem? You wanna go outside so we've got a little bit of chop right here and then it dips down here and I actually bought that dip I got in at 9.44 Now the problem was the bid was about 9 15.

So we had a bit of a spread on this stock and that's why I only punched it with a thousand shares I was like I don't know. got a bit of a spread if I do two thousand or three thousand, I'm gonna be down a thousand bucks just on the spread right? and then if it drops 10 cents on the bid, I'm gonna be down 1500. So I was thinking about how can I manage my risk and I did that by reducing my share size a little bit sometimes. I say if I can't take at least you know five or six thousand shares I shouldn't uh take any trades at all? but um you know but at the same time this is this was just a small base hit and I I broke the ice.

It was also my first trade of the day so I made it at 944 it goes up to 10. it dips and I added at 10. I added at ten dollars right there. another thousand shares goes into a halt.

Boom Wow. Okay, nice and then we had the resumption. We had a dip right here and then on resumption here I added again and got a quick little pop here. back up.

I actually held all the way through here and finally stopped out uh right down here when it broke this level. So anyways I got a little trade on that one. The trade was small size wasn't you know anything to really write home about but this one to me felt like a stock that had more potential than um than Nbtx. The floats certainly lower top was bouncing so I thought this one might bounce as well.

so I just you know I gave it a stab and and it ended up uh you know being my my one trade at the open so you know now it's 10 10 a.m and it's Friday and I saw some of you guys posting some fantastic P L's I saw one person post up 14 000 on the day thanks to Baos. A couple traders that did really well on top as well. So you know my words of wisdom are: if you had a green morning and it's Friday go enjoy the day, enjoy the weekend, and let's come back and do it again on Monday morning, right? Let's not push our luck, you know? Hey Listen, if we had some stocks that were on the front side of the move and that were really looking exciting like we did last Friday That's different, but right now we're on a little bit of the back side of this big momentum we had earlier in the week. Uh, I I'm sure there'll be something that moves later today.
It's just a matter of: do you really want to stick around all day long to try to capture it? Or have you know: Have you done enough already? Have you made enough already? Have you made enough? Have you done enough? then? enjoy it. Be grateful for it, because when you're no longer grateful for what you have, that's when it is very easy to give back profit. And I'm just looking at the level two on Baos as it just flushed through that level and is at the halt level down. and it's just a reminder of how quickly that just dropped a dollar a share, how quickly one can overstay their welcome, and then you're in the hall, and then you're trying to dig out of it and it's like get in, get green, get out.

that's my, that's you know. again it's just my two cents. but um, you know I'm kind of the right right now. I I sort of feel like the resident uh turtle in this community because I'm um I'm not throwing down big numbers right now, but I'm just trying to be consistent and that seems to be working for me.

um I'm going to be going on a little bit of a road trip. uh this summer I'm trying to kind of think of my trucker handle um I was thinking I'd get like a CB radio and stuff and I don't know I'm not really sure you know I mean I should have a good handle but I don't know I mean originally I was thinking maybe like Skittles you know because I do like I do like Skittles um you know I was at Dunkin Donuts I was like oh maybe I'll get it done I was like oh sprinkles Skittles sprinkles but then those seem maybe a little too I was like maybe I should get something like a little bit more. yeah a little tougher. you know, like yeah, like big Cactus uh or I don't know but you know Big Turtle because that's kind of what I am right now.

which is you know why I brought it up Anyways, if you think of a good handle, I'm I'm in the market for one. so uh, so that's where I'm at right now. Uh, just finishing the week with a Green Day Slow and steady wins the race. This is about consistency.

I'm here. This is a marathon, not a Sprint so you know I've just got to keep my head down, try to be consistent. Had a couple nice days in the last uh, 30 in the last 90 Had a nicer day up there at 18 000. it's been a while since I you know, broke ten thousand in one day.

like a little over a month. So yeah, I'd love to come out of this sort of slow stretch with a eight or ten thousand dollar. Um, you know day. but you know you gotta risk it to make that kind of money.
And and I'm not feeling, uh, too interested in taking a lot of risk right now, so that's it for me. I Hope you guys have a great weekend! Uh, those you guys who are watching the classes study up I Was talking a few minutes ago about just in terms of level two specifically go into strategies and scaling which is of course part of the Warrior Pro curriculum. You guys know that so go into strategies and scaling and then um, specifically I would study these classes in chapter six on level two and tape reading and then what I would do is I would go into the live trading archives. There's a couple I mean there's some phenomenal live trading archives in here, but there's a few recently that I added.

um, the anatomy. The first pullback. That was a really good one. This was a great case study on.

These are just a couple of highlights like this was a really good one. This was a really good one. So I mean if you haven't already watched all of these live archives and you're in the red, then do yourself a favor, watch those like live archives and spend a little time this weekend studying up. All right, So that's it for me.

Enjoy the weekend and I'll see you back here on Monday morning. All right, take it easy everyone.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “$nbtx chop $baos 44%”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars isaac unger says:

    Better watch the movie Joy Ride lol 😂😉👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars isaac unger says:

    CB Handle, I got it! Rusty Nail 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Harwood says:

    Thanks Ross for the recaps. I’m a student for a long time now. I’m comparing my analysis with your re cap and I’m happy to see your saying what I thought. Tells me I’ve learned well from you. I will go back to trading with real money soon. Thanks for everything. I’m going to Siargao Island Philippines for the weekend. Living and retired in the Philippines. Ready to start earning again and traveling the world.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Kendal says:

    Ross with the jems again 🦊😂🦊😂🦊😂🦊

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars malik373 says:

    Hi Ross….I have had a really crappy day starting with $NBTX….I was thinking that my loss on it this morning was me and an inability to read the move correctly. I got chopped out hard on this stock and had to reassess my abilities. It was really really good to hear your take on it and how it behaves. Thanks a heap from a Warrior Trading graduate.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cal birtic says:

    Hi Ross, your handle should be Market Cap- tain .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cap’n Crunch says:

    Thank you so much for posting recaps!!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikael Delta says:

    Ninja Turtle

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yosef says:

    Thank you dear coach

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fabio Ferreira says:

    its so risky!!!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Schreck says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oatmeal Gamer says:

    Slow and steady wins the race my guy!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oatmeal Gamer says:

    NBXT I was lucky enough to capture 50c on the 4.5 break. It was quick push, sadly I was out at the whole dollar but happy for my gain. Could of held for 5.5 but did not.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars coapa says:

    what made you go in BAOS right before open? How do you read if a stock has high chances of going up at open ? always wondered

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doss says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars THIRDGUNMEN says:

    Breaker, breaker 1, 9, this is "Rabbit Wrecker" riding the bounce on your six. Over! 😉

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blk_Legion says:

    I have a handle for you – Red Snapper 😎

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlockTronex says:

    Great point on how it does not matter if it went up because you simply couldn't manage risk. Great point

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jerryhayes8728 says:

    RC is a great handle

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ballistic Coalition says:

    Don't do skittles unless your a lgbtq fan and like to taste the Rainbow truckers got no filter there budd

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mobius1 says:

    As a trucker myself, in my humble opinion a CB handle can only be bestowed upon you by another trucker. I bestow upon you the creative name you came up with, big turtle.

    What killed me this morning was the flush on CVNA. I just couldn't get back in the zone after that and went redder and redder. Here's hoping next week is better.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Selser says:

    I am not sure if Ross saw $NBTX bring in late day momentum and squeeze over 300% and be pretty clean on that move when the stock refused to break down Amy lower than like 4.50s which lead to a squeeze to almost $8 dollars before coming down again bust hold most of the gains closing around 6.80.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheBagger293 says:

    Clear analysis

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars themenace says:

    you just speak what i see. I got chopped up today in NBTX, but i didn't have the clear picture you just gave us. Thanks Ross. We appreciate i!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle D. says:

    Nice cautious day! Back at it next week!

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