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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, Everyone All right? Well, we're gonna do month in review here. I'm in Martha's Vineyard. Today was day three of the Martha's Vineyard Day Trading Challenge. The goal has been to get green and get out as quick as I can.

I don't want to spend a lot of time in front of the computer, but having said that, it's a little gray and overcast today, so I figured this is probably as good of a day as any to do this May month in review and just go over the metrics for the month. So I'm pouring myself a nice little iced tea and let's go ahead and jump in. Reminder: As always, trading is risky. My result's not typical.

there's no guarantee for success. So the simulator before you put real money on the line. All right, right buddy. All right.

I've got my little buddy here, he's on the other side of me and let's switch over to screen share so you can see my computer screen which is right here. All right, and let me have a sip of tea. My first bit of caffeine today. That's that's good.

One of the things that I committed myself to doing in the month of May was not having any caffeine before I started trading. As much as I love my green tea, black tea, and maybe a little coffee in there. I uh, I find that because I, you know, I'm probably more sensitive to caffeine than others, so you know everyone's different. But for me, it makes me feel good and gives me some energy and that can very quickly turn into me, pounding the keyboard And you know, taking some trades and getting a little, um, getting a little over zealous on how quickly I jump in something or how quickly I size up here.

don't put your foot on there. And so I said, you know what, No caffeine before you start trading as a reward. When you finish trading and I'm done trading for today, have some caffeine and then once I've had my caffeine, I also say, listen, you really can't go back for afternoon trading because you'll be trading caffeinated And so I think I did. take a few afternoon trades.

Um, let's go ahead and look. So let's start High level high level. I finished the month at 52 000 in net profit. My profit loss ratio was darn near one to one.

Average Winners About a thousand average losers About a thousand. That means with a one-to-one ratio, I need to be right at least 50 of the time to break even. I came in at 64.5 So that 15 over, um, from you know, 15, you know, percentage points from 50 up to 64 was where I found profit right? So average hold times for winners and losers. Four minutes for both.

Total number of trades 183. Um, so you know, divided by 20. It's about 10 trades a day. Um, over 20 days? Uh, 20 trading days? Approximately average daily gain? Uh 2700.

That feels like not a lot. and that was something That I really started to be aware of and think about towards the last week of the month and I'll talk about that a little bit more. Um, in a few minutes. So and then a big issue here.

Um, look look at this. This is kind of. This is kind of obscene. My gross profit is 70 000.
which means I was spending a thousand dollars per day on commissions. 3 700 was my gross and 2700 was the net. That's way too much money to be spending on commissions. So all right.

Um, now let's look at the liquidity or or the win loss expectation. So on this tab here I can see my, um, my equity curve during the month and so you can see. I had a nice little stretch and then I had a 12 000 red day. Small green days rally back up.

Small red day 8 000 red day Ten thousand dollar red day Green flat. Basically green. And that was where I ended the month. so a little choppy.

Um, I finished the month down about ten 000 versus my peak of the month. And because I have had these, uh, red days, you know, obviously you pay commissions whether you're green or red. So the red days, uh, cost me money and then I have to spend several days making it back. And so all commissions generated during that time obviously eat against the profit.

So this is what the month looked like on the calendar started fairly fairly well. The first week was actually my best week, eleven thousand dollars on Wednesday, the fourth, twenty five thousand on Friday, the sixth. That was great. And actually on that day my commissions were quite high.

Uh, in gross profit. I was at twenty eight thousand. So that was a really big commission day. Um, boy, that was a three, almost three thousand dollar commission day.

Uh. And then it followed with a couple more green days, and then this was my twelve thousand dollar loss. And on this day I went red trading the S P 500 Sqq. I was shorting the S P 500 with this trade here and then had losses on these other two stocks, so not great there.

That was kind of annoying. I sort of felt like you know what are you doing, You're going outside your wheelhouse and you just dug yourself a pretty good sized hole real quick. Made it back by the end of the second week or third week and then had three red days in a row, which was disappointing. That was, uh, two weeks ago now.

Uh, and then here. Or actually, no, what was it? It was just that was last week that's beginning last week. What am I talking about? Uh, today's the second. So then finished with a five thousand dollar day 195 and another 5600 day.

And these were better days. Um, and this was the first day of trading in Martha's Vineyard. So day one of this challenge here to trade on my traveling trading station to get in, get green and not overstay my welcome And that's been. You know, today's day three and that's been working pretty well.

So one of the things that um so and let's keep looking at the metrics for a second before I get into that. So um so we looked at wind loss expectation. Um, we can look at price and volume. So traded best on stocks that were under um 20.

This was the trade on the S P 500. Uh, Sqq did better when I traded more shares. That's pretty logical. Um, no real surprise there days and times.
Uh, I happen to do the best on Fridays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I think that's kind of a coincidence, just the way the month played out. Um, it's hard to say for sure. So anyways, um, that was where that was where I did the best.

And then actually it looks like it looks like this month I actually stayed disciplined and really didn't trade much in the afternoon at all I had Looks like I think there's one trade right here. I don't know. I'm having a hard time getting my mouse on it, but I feel like I see one, but it's hard to see. I don't know, It doesn't matter, I guess.

so. bulk of the profit between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m and then after 10 a.m was scaling down pretty quickly. And part of that was also because of my schedule for the month of May. I I had, um, things that I had to do on the early side of the morning.

so I just sort of consolidated trading from eight to ten. All right. So so that's where I sit there on the month of May, you know, fifty thousand bucks. and um, almost all of that is in my, uh, retirement account.

I think 48 000. yeah, 48 thousands in the retirement account and the rest was in my, um, my main account, which is mostly inadvertent. I forgot to switch, but that's fine. Um, so the majority of the of the trades all the four of the trades were in my my retirement account, so that's great.

So that means those are tax-free gains. Okay, now let's look at year to date. So year to date, we'll do a little check in. Um, this has been a bit of a slower year than uh, last year.

Uh, but you know, comparable and actually better than 2018 and 2019 sort of pre-covered years. So if we look, let's see, I'm sitting at 354 000 on the year right now in net profit. gross profit is 471.. So I've literally spent about 116 000 on fees and commissions.

Profit loss ratio is not great. I had some bigger losses earlier in the year january and February, Especially so a couple big losses have made me. um, my profit loss ratio negative accuracy is 66, but it should be better. So I need to maintain the better profit loss ratio that I had in the month of May through you know, hopefully the rest of the year and try to bump the accuracy up a little bit as well.

But uh, if we look at the calendar, you'll see that I had a red stretch in January, another one in February a little bit in March, April was better and May was better. So if you look now based on the calendar, this is my performance month to month and this is going to be in gross profit. So 44, 104, 124, 126 and then March or sorry May slowed down a little bit. May felt very slow.

It felt like we were really falling into sort of the depths of a bear market. Um, and so you know, opportunities were fewer and further between. There were still opportunities. I still made money, but not as much as I made um, in February, March, and April.
Now for what it's worth, we've been in a downtrend in the market since the second week of January. So this these last five months have been trading during a downtrending market with, you know, short-term pops, but mostly just selling to the, you know, selling off and low and weak. so I'm glad that I have some profit. Um, I certainly over traded or traded the most in March.

Uh, I traded quite a bit less in April and produced just as much profit a little bit more, and I trade even less in May, but produce significantly less profit than in April. So this was actually the lowest uh, number of trades in May for the entire year. But compared to January, I, I did better so that that's good to see. Uh, that I'm able on fewer trades to make a little bit more, and I'd like to continue that trend into June.

One of the things that I'm thinking about quite a bit is a couple things. So so now that we've kind of looked at the high level of the metrics, um, well, we'll switch to this view just for now. Um, I'll go back into the metrics in a minute. So one of the things that I'm thinking about a lot are my fees and commissions, which are disproportionately high.

They've never been this high of a percentage of my profits as they are right now. So I'm thinking about that. And I'm also thinking about the fact that my, um, equity curve year-to-date if we switch back. Um, let's see, I kind of screwed up the view here, but I'll just go like this.

So, um, so that's my equity curve year to date. You can see how I made 100 grand in January and then gave it all back basically, then rallied back up in February. But then you know, just have had so many drawdowns which are these slopes coming down where I've lost money and then you know, rallying back up and every time I do that, you know I mean if you're I don't know if you're building a stone wall and someone knocks it, knocks half of it down every two weeks. It's going to take you a lot longer to build the wall and and you're expending a lot more resources, a lot more energy because every time it gets knocked down, you've got to re.

You got to go back and do what you already did. I already made this money Now I've got to go make it again because I lost it like an idiot. and that's what this year has felt a lot like. It's been very choppy.

Uh, and and when I've taken these losses, even when it's only a 10 or 12 000 loss, I'm not always able to make it back Super super quick. It can take weeks to make it back because the market has been slower. So I'm on the one hand wanting to be grateful for the fact that I'm green in the bear market. Something I talk about a lot is that if you can make money in a bear market, you are showing that you've got a really solid foundation.
Now, if you can make millions of dollars in a bear market and you can do that in a bull market, then you know you're You're at the top of the top. Good for you. I'm not there, I'm not there, and I'm not there. Maybe due to my own choice of not wanting to focus as much to the short side.

However, there's a couple reasons I don't focus as much to the short side, even in a bear market. One is because I'm a small cap trader, and in a bear market, the opportunities in small cap stocks are fewer and further between, and the volatility in small cap stocks isn't this big. So whether you're long or short, if you trade small caps during a bear market, it's going to be slow. Doesn't matter if you're long or short because there's not as much to trade.

There's not much moving. we've had days where we've sat down and the leading gap is only like 15 20. And whether you're looking at that long or short, that's just not enough range or volume or high relative volume liquidity to be able to do well. So probably the traders who have done the best during these last five months, or those who have out-traded me would probably be traders who are trading mid caps and large caps.

Uh, perhaps to the short side for multi-day fades, swing trading, or maybe getting into options and stuff like that, And that's all fine. Uh, but obviously it's easier said than done to just start learning a new strategy and just you know, stop trading small caps and go trade large caps. There's not a lot of traders that I know that are really good at doing both, and traders who try to go long and short on the same stock in the same day like someone who just trades like, you know, Facebook or Apple or whatever. You know all day long what they're basically doing is they're trading that stock as sort of a proxy for the S P 500.

So you know you've got Tesla here and you've got the S P. So for every point that the S P goes up, Tesla probably goes up like four points or something like that. There's a relationship there, and then it's not direct, but it's very close. If the market tanks, Tesla's going to drop, if the market rips, Tesla's going to rip.

Now, of course, Tesla's part of the S P 500, but such a big company that the moves that it makes is going to be very closely tied to the overall market. And that gets into this whole conversation about. you know, how is it possible that when the S P 500 drops that you'll see 500 other stocks or thousand five thousand other stocks all drop the same exact way? It's the high frequency trading algorithms, and if you don't know how they work, you're you're trading blindfolded. You're missing this whole layer of the market.

so you know we've talked a lot about these high frequency trading algorithms. And for those that are interested, I'll put a link at the end of this video. Um, to the Um to the video that I recorded specifically on high frequency trading algorithms and I'll I'll put a small link. Um, let's see, I'm never good at this.
I'll put it. um, it'll probably be in the top corner over there. Um, I'm so bad at pointing. So right over there, it's just like a i'm really also not good at my left and rights.

For what it's worth, it's like a block in my brain. But anyways. Um, so I'll So that video is on the truth about high frequency trading algorithms. Because what we've learned over the last couple years increasingly is that the majority of volume in the market is actually generated by high frequency trading algorithms.

and these Algos control the market. I mean, they run the market. and if they have stocks that they don't like, they will do everything they can to keep those stocks down. And we saw this with Gamestop.

They have stocks they like. They're going to do everything they can to push those stocks up. And if you don't know the tricks that they're playing and you're not able to visualize when that's happening, then you are sort of trading blindfolded. So that's some really important stuff to be aware of.

And so one of the challenges that I have with trading Tesla or the S P 500 or trying to trade Tesla as a proxy just for instance, you could do it with Apple Netflix is that you are basically you're trying to, in a way outsmart the Algo. You're trying to trade with the Algo, which means you think you know what the Alco is going to do and you know if you've tried to play chess against a computer and you've lost trying to trade against, the Algo is very similar. And so what I focus on and what I've been doing for all these years is focusing on stocks with extremely high relative volume stocks that have a catalyst. Stocks have a reason to move up because I've always felt and seen in my experience that those have traded the most cleanly.

And maybe it's because the Algo on those stocks is just going the same direction as us. We're not trading against it, the institutional traders are trading that direction as well. Or maybe it's because the Algos aren't as active on those types of stocks. I don't really know exactly because to be honest, when we see some of these stocks trading in these very tight ranges.

and then they do this like quick breakout, false breakout, flush that feels like an Algo trap. and then it's that dramatic 70 cent flush. The bids get pulled. all of a sudden, there's no liquidity.

You get this huge flush all the way down, support breaks, support, and then rips right back up those algo flushes and algo pops those spikes. We see them even on small cap stocks more so now than we did in the past. So maybe the Algo is getting smarter. I'm sure it's getting smarter every single day, so it is important to educate yourself on that.

and I for me, maybe I would have done better this year if I had been willing to. Just, you know, take swing trades and short some some stocks and just ride the overall trend of the market. But that for me, doesn't that swing trading is not day drinking. And the whole reason that I got into day trading was because I wanted to get in, get some money, get green, and get out.
I don't want to be sitting in front of the computer all day. I don't want the risk exposure of holding a position all night long, or for two weeks or whatever it is. And honestly, I've never seen an opportunity so far in my trading where I felt the reward from holding a stock overnight for multiple days outweighed the risk of what could happen overnight. When I can't do anything I'm can't sell, I can't buy, I can't do anything.

I'm stuck. So you know that's again, that that's me. I started trading with a relatively small account, and so because that was my foundation as a trader, I never felt comfortable holding overnight. You know you're holding overnight if you've got a small account, of five thousand dollars.

How much are you really going to hold overnight and expose yourself to the risk of a secondary offering on a small cap and a, you know, 40, 50 drop? It just feels like that downside risk is always there and so the upside potential of making an extra couple hundred bucks is like not worth it. So my feeling has always been go in, get super aggressive, use as much of my buying power as I need to, or which was probably as much buying power as I had when I have a smaller account, and just trade super aggressively, and then go all cash and be done out of the market. And you know that's a strategy that works obviously better in a bull market than it does in a bear market. but you know the profits are showing that it still works In a bear market, you just, i think have to do a couple things.

You have to be a little bit more selective about what you're willing to trade and um, size down. I think that I've had this, you know, I I see something starting to squeeze and I keep thinking okay, this is the time to size up because initially the price actually feels really similar to the way a stock was starting to ramp up. You know, six months or a year ago and it would start to ramp up and start to pull away and then all of a sudden you get this. you know, multi-point extension.

And in the bear market it doesn't feel like we have that. Whether it's the algo support or whatever it is kind of as a tailwind, it feels like we have a headwind. We start to squeeze up and then right as I think it's about to break away, it drops and the bottom falls out. And so what I've done a lot of this last four or five months.

What I've done a lot of is sizing up for the big move and then flush red. And what I could have done instead is get in and don't add ad just get in. Maybe add once, maybe twice, and then take profit. Or just get in.

don't add at all and then take profit. Now the problem with not adding is that I'll never really be able to have big winners if I don't scale it. You know, because I never go in with full size and I wouldn't want to start doing that now. so there's a sacrifice.
But then on the other hand, every time you start adding adding adding, you're also sacrificing just locking up a basic. You know, instead of adding, I could be selling half selling half. and I'd be locking up a small winner. So you know, obviously with smaller share size, my commissions would be lower as well.

So this year has been a lot of spinning, my wheels, taking sizing up to a big position, and then getting stopped out, sizing up to a big position, getting stopped out. and every time I do that, I'm sacrificing base hit after base hit after basic and generating more and more and more commissions. And that's reflected in the profit loss ratio. Where my average winners this year are smaller than they were last year, it's reflected in the accuracy being lower, and it's reflected in the largest loss being, uh, twice the size of the largest winner.

I haven't had a lot of huge winners this year. I've had a couple, but I've had basically two really good days this year and we're 30 through the year. So that has me tracking for six great days this whole year out of 250. So rather than try to size up every day like it's going to be one of those six, focus on the very high likelihood that it's going to be one of the 95 percent of days that are just you know, or 98 of days.

they're just average. Get in, get green, and get out. And so for this Martha's Vineyard challenge, this was kind of an opportunity for me to press the reset button. I knew I was going to be on my traveling trading station here for a couple weeks and I thought, you know this is going to be a chance for me to just focus on get in, get green, get out Because the thing with trading and traveling is that the fact is, I don't want to just take two weeks off from trading.

You know that there's gonna be some opportunities during those two weeks. and how much does it really cramp your style to trade for one or two hours in the morning wherever you are and then go do stuff for the rest of the day. If I'm in Italy, I can trade from 2 p.m till 4 p.m and then go enjoy the rest of the day, do stuff in the morning. It's a little complicated in Europe because you can do stuff in the morning and you got to be back at your hotel.

Then you do stuff at night. you know, here on the East coast or in California, you know. or maybe I guess in Hawaii you get up super super early or regular early trade for a couple hours and then that's it. You've got the whole rest of the day in front and so for me, I, on the one hand, I want to try to hit this thousand dollar per day goal in 10 days.

That's 10 000 bucks traveling and trading that can help pay for the cost of, you know, the trip. It can also just make it feel like I'm still in the game. I didn't take time off. I'm not rusty.
I haven't lost touch with what's happening, so I just kind of show up every day and do that. But then on the other hand, what I don't want to do and this is the risk of traveling and trading is I don't want to sit down and get sucked into my computer and end up spending the whole day here because that defeats the purpose of being on the train. number one and number two. I don't want to take so much risk and have a really big loss that then I'm thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Now, this sort of philosophy of how to approach trading while traveling. You know, how does how is that really that much different from how I could approach it on just a regular day, back at home, on a regular day, back at home. Of course, with my you know, computers all at home and I've got my big monitors, I can see the market very well. These these monitors, you know, which I like? I mean, they're They're fine.

They're um, this one's kind of knotted up here. These are, um, uh, Usb monitors and so what I kind of like about these is, um, I've got there's They're super skinny. I can bring them with me basically everywhere. They've got these nice clips on the end and you know I can put two of these side by side in my backpack.

They've got the Usb cable and you know I've got the the traveling trading station. Good to go. I've traded with this, You know really all over the place in Um, in Europe and in the Us. West coast, east coast.

So super super easy, super friendly for air travel. Pop it in your backpack. Um, if your Tsa pre-check you don't even take it out of your backpack to go through. Um, go through.

You know the Tsa stuff. So the thing is though, this is a 1080 monitor. but it's condensed into this small space of like 11 inches, 11 inch screen or whatever it is. And the maybe it's 14.

I don't know, Whatever it is. So the thing with being at home is, I've got my 24 inch monitor. you know I've got and this by the way, was built in 2018. So I've had this now for four years, so that's a pretty good life if I'm gonna be honest.

Um, these, you have to be a little careful because this can break if you if you drop it right there. I've had that happen before, but um, but this one I guess I've had for four years so that's a good stretch. Uh, but in any case, um, I don't have my full 24 inch monitor so I can't see quite as well. I'm a little bit not as comfortable.

I've got some distractions. I've got my little buddy right here. this is his foot. um, you know and we're just.

you know, we're doing our thing. but it's not the same as being at home. My internet. uh, not the same as being at home either.

Although the internet here is is been very fast, I've haven't had any problems with it. Um, the fact is, I mean, it's It's actually phenomenally fast here, But I'm not hardwired. I'm on wi-fi and you know I'm you. You can when you're traveling.
You can run into some internet issues whether you're on hotel wi-fi or in a rental like I am, whatever. and you can have some internet issues and so at home I'd be a little bit more comfortable with a full trading station, to be a bit more aggressive to, you know, potentially have slept really well, and to bring my a game to start. you know, slamming twenty five thousand share orders and get up to fifty thousand seventy five thousand hundred thousand share position like I could crush it. You know, the fact is, um, I could probably do that here if I really wanted to.

If there was something that was really set up well enough. I I probably could. As it turns out, and now, I wouldn't have known that until I got here and tested out the internet. That's the one big variable that you don't know for sure, but I I could.

I could trade like that here. I mean, it wouldn't really be a problem. Yes, at home I do have. um, I can have my redundant internet set up, but a lot of people don't have that and you can always connect on a hot spot and you know that that's always an option.

So you know that. That's a little bit of a risk though. You know, taking really, really big positions using a lot of leverage when you don't have a redundant internet backup ready to go, because all of a sudden you know you could have a drop in the internet and then you're sitting here with a 75 000 share position on something that's really volatile and whatever that position is for you, that's like really big and uh-oh this. when I come back up, I'm either going to be up 30 grand or down 30 grand.

You don't really want to have that happen when you're traveling. That can really bum you out. You don't want to happen at home either, but at home you probably have more fail-safes implemented to prevent that. You've got the uninterrupted power supply connected to your router, your modem, you've got maybe a backup internet connected to a switch.

so you've got the two internet's going you know, running at the same time. So you've got a failover fail safe there? Um, you know, but not everyone's got that. So what I'm really getting at is that in a way, the idea of trying to trade for as little amount of time as possible getting that green get out and not position yourself to take a trade that kind of ruins the rest of the day. that kind of applies no matter where you are when you think about it.

Uh, so maybe this challenge for me being here in Marcus Vineyard will be kind of me turning a little bit of a new leaf and approaching trading a little bit differently. You know, sometimes I feel like I'm I get so competitive to try to hit, you know, last year's number or whatever it is that I end up, um, just pushing too hard and getting so competitive and then getting so worked up when I'm not at that level that I'm just kind of making myself a little bit just too wound up. And maybe I should try to just like, sort of embrace the travel and trading mentality a little bit more even when I'm at home. Get in, get green, and get out.
I mean, isn't that the whole idea of trading? I don't need to sit in front of my computer for eight hours. and there are days this year where I have where I've been sitting down. At seven eight am, I'm still looking at the computer at four or five o'clock It doesn't really feel like that was the whole goal of getting the trailer. So why was I doing it? I was getting competitive.

I was trying to make as much money as I could because I was trying to catch up on where I thought I should be relative to last year or relative to my best year or my best day of all time. Maybe you know, just pushing too hard So you know when you think about it, how much? How much money do you really need to be happy? You know I mean there's they say, anything over 75 or 100 000 a year? the amount of peop that money people make doesn't make them happier. Yes, between broke and 75 or 100 grand, there's a there's a big curve and I don't feel the stress anymore. But then past that, it's not like someone who makes 5 million a year is, you know, five times happier.

As someone who makes a million a year, it's very incremental and of course you adjust your lifestyle to whatever your income is both up and down. So you know everyone probably wishes they could make a little more money and everyone probably wishes they had a little bit more money in the bank if you really ask them, but you know it's does it really matter? Is it really going to make you happier? And I made an instagram post about this yesterday. I see so many people out there who are successful but are unhappy and I feel like if you're getting more successful and you're not getting happier, you're doing it wrong. And in my trading, as I've become more successful this last year has been, I don't feel like I've been happier.

This last year I feel like I've been more stressed out and that's partly because in this performance sport I keep comparing myself to how I did. You know a previous season and I'm like you're not doing as well and I'm having a really hard time being okay with that. Now I think that for me, creates this tension to you know that will resolve towards me being better because it's I want to be better and I think that's healthy. I think that's good, but there's obviously a line where it can cross to not being healthy and to being intrusive.

So I'm just talking out loud. Just some stuff that I've been thinking about. I mean, I look at the fact that I'm spending 30 or 20. Whatever, it is my profits going to commissions and I'm like, man, you know this is kind of ridiculous.

Maybe I'm trying too hard. Maybe I should, Just you know, trade in A If I'm only averaging, you know, what's my net profit per day? Well, my gross profits? Five thousand. My net profit's only thirty seven hundred. I mean every seven hundred's good.
It's It's not bad. but at the same time, if I just set the goal at 3 700, could I do that in a Tv Ameritrade account? I don't know. I mean, you know I've taken 1600 trades this this year so far. I'm not sure if I would have been able to perform as well in a Tv account, but on some days when the market's pretty slow and I'm just taking one trade, one entry, one exit, maybe it's not a bad way to do it.

I don't know, I'm thinking out loud, I'm not really sure. but uh, this month, this last month of May generated a lot of commissions and didn't feel like I got a lot for it. So kind of just continuing my thought process of i don't know if I want to do this all year like that, doesn't feel like it's really, really worth that condition. but you know this is a this is a bear market and this is just get through it.

You know, try to do the best you can try to keep your head above water and I'm I am doing that. I'm glad for that. And um, you know, I had initially set a goal for the year of two million bucks. Um, which at the time in January felt realistic considering my average sort of slow month last year was around 200 000.

I haven't had a 200 000 a month once this year, so at this point you know I've got to let that go. That's not going to happen unless we have a really phenomenal. I mean, it's it's early still, so I don't want to say never, but it doesn't seem like it. So rather than keep focusing on that at this point, I'm just kind of like, you know what, just stay green, Just keep your head above water If you keep doing 50 to 100 000 a month, it's gonna be a fine year.

Will it be as good as last year? No. But it's a green year and this is just going to be, you know, 2022 Bear Market. Get through it, get to the other side and I know I will. so no reason to get too bent out of shape about it.

You know, the fact is, I I can only I can only work with what I'm given. you know, And so when I get really frustrated that we're not being given more opportunities, it's like, I mean, you can be frustrated about it, but there's being frustrated about something you have no control over. I mean, other than just being annoyed that you don't have control over it and it's kind of annoying. I mean, what can you really do? I It's like getting frustrated over the weather.

like uh, well, what can you do? Why get frustrated and so easy for me to say it around the weather like hey, so it's a little bit cloudy today. I might not be able to do some of things I wanted. Whatever, I'll do something else. You know that's that.

Goes back to something I've talked about. You know, a million times like that time my car broke down and I had to walk, you know, a couple miles or whatever and my um, you know, ex-wife was like really upset and I was like listen you know the car broke down and it happens to be a nice spring day. It's a nice day for a walk. What are we going to do? You know we can either way we have to walk, we can either walk miserably or we can enjoy it.
Either way, I'm going to be training this year. I can either be miserable or I can enjoy it. So I think that's a good way to end this May month in review and as always reminder that my results are not typical and that most traders lose money. So I want to be very grateful for the success that I've had and not seem like I'm complaining about making only 50 000.

I I feel very grateful but I also in comparing myself to myself and how I performed in previous times. but um but I've got to keep that a little bit in check so I hope you guys have enjoyed this. If you want to keep learning, I'll put an episode or a link to two other episodes right here. Um, this one for scalp trading and this one for timing, entries and exits.

Uh no sorry. this one down here will be for market makers. So this will be scalp trading and this will be market makers. So check out those two videos.

I hope you guys enjoy them and I'll see you back here first thing probably tomorrow morning and again, as always there are no results and no guarantees in trading. My result's not typical, so really, please try to take it slow. All right. Thanks for tuning in.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

9 thoughts on “$52k may month in review”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin says:

    Ross, Ive seen you make that in a day, maybe loosin the man bun and get in there

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Moreno Soto says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Candlestick_Brain says:

    Man I usually already have like 500 mg caffeine by 7 am

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whatsapp +①(②⑦⓪)②③⑧(⓪⑧④⓪) says:

    ⬆️⬆️For help/guidance on building investing/ financial portfolio💯🎯.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars somehow says:

    Basically it is all about your caffeine

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dur Purity says:

    I'm done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire $23,000 every 12days of my investment

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Superlative CG says:

    No one else does it better.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Regney Sir says:

    no sound😮

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Acehole4090 says:


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