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This video is brought to you by extra go to met extra, hey everyone me kevin here, oh my goodness, shiba inu has over doubled, since we last made a video on shiba, inu and holy smokes folks. This is absolutely incredible. Take a look at coin market cap right now, shiba inu, coming in at a 138 seven day, return the number one coin on coin market cap for a seven a day return absolutely incredible, presently sitting up 42 percent at 67.16. This is a massive movement from where we've previously been trading.

In fact, if we jump on over to weeble, take a look at the growth that chiba inu has had here, it has been explosive and in this video i'm going to show you exactly or break down exactly why we're seeing this explosion what's happening. Why is it happening and can this trend continue? First, it's important to know that in just as recently as september, sheba was trading for 675.. Now note this is a decimal position of one two, three four five leading zeros one, two three get it: you got ta, look really closely there: five leading zeroes uh after the decimal there and then 675.. So we like to call this in hundreds.

So 67.50 was where she was trading in just september. She recently then ran up to about 2 800 and did a vaseline up to about 35 and back to 28.. You can see here sheba really danced around this 28 level. In fact, if we draw a horizontal line around 2750 you're going to see a lot of action rubber banding across this line right here, this is really where she danced was around 2 800..

This 2800 level will also act, in my opinion, as a very strong level of support in the event that she does try to come back down now she did explode starting on the 23rd. We started seeing sheep trend again and we've now seen sheep run all the way up to 6 800 6822. This is incredible. Some market orders here on weeble have apparently gone in for as high as 8 100 for sheep.

Really incredible. Now, what i'm going to do here is i'm going to take a candlestick high of about 6 600. I'm going to drop that down to our lows about that 2750 support, and this should give us a little bit of guidance in terms of where we might start seeing some resistance again for sheep. It looks like somewhere around 9 000 and 13 thousand.

We might start running into a little bit of resistance again uh for the sheep now in the meantime, folks, why is this happening? Why is she going to the moon? Well, the biggest reason right now and it's very evident when we search for it in trends which, right now, if you just look at sheba on a worldwide trend search in the last 30 days, we've clearly hit a peak once before on october 7th. This was when i also was invited to a san diego news station to go on live television, prime time television, to talk about shiba inu. This is the last time we were trending so well, but now we are at a relative worldwide strength that rivals. The previous peak at 98 is our relative strength here.

The highest interest by country is actually turkey followed by slovenia, cyprus and then the united states and nether the netherlands, and take a look at this folks. The trending searches right now are sheba in you, robin hood listing, and where can i buy shiva inu this? Where can i buy? Shiba inu is possibly also because a lot of folks are frustrated. That coinbase is having issues with individuals trying to buy shiba inu coinbase is a citing an increase in demand for miners and issues with basically their systems being able to keep up with shiba inu transactions. It all sounds like an excuse to me: i'm tired of brokers not being able to keep it up.
I have to keep things up and you know what i fulfill my obligations. Apparently coinbase can't handle it, and robin hood can't seem to even get started here by including shiba inu. They would be very smart to include shiba inu, especially after the disaster of earnings. They had yesterday with a decline, a surprise decline in user growth.

Well, maybe they wouldn't be declining if they would just get what the people want on their platform. Now, before i talk about two very important things, especially who's now buying in toshiba inu, and how much money is going in, i've got to give you a message from our sponsor. Look. Getting into real estate is obviously one of the best ways to build wealth, but getting into real estate.

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It is a phenomenal platform. It is the only debit card that i endorse and you get cash back so check it out via the link down below go to extra. That's, now back to the latest updates on what we're doing and who's buying sheep us. The people are kindly requesting robin hood, except sheba, inu trades.
Take a look at this. This is a petition, we're currently at 350 000 signatures. The goal of this petition is to get to 500 000. This is not my petition, but i am supporting it.

If you go to change, i don't get anything for this. I just want to help go to change, sign the petition drop in your name. First name last name: email. I've done many of these change petitions.

They don't spam. You at least that i'm aware of uh and uh. You know join the petition uh get in on the on the petition, be a part of shiba inu history and be a part of the army. So folks, what else like? Why is sheba inu running? Well, one? The anticipation that people on robin hood will be able to buy it.

That anticipation is leading to this large run. On top of that, we have the wall. Street journal talk about peak media, okay, the wall street journal and cnn talking about shiba inu, potentially taking over dogecoin in market cap folks, that is huge that would make shiba inu the largest dog coin and i'll tell you folks. If there's any competition in life, it is between dogs.

Okay, people want to see sheba in you win now. Why do people want to see shiba and you win so much well right now, dogecoin is at number 10 with a market cap of 32.36 billion dollars, shiba inu, that's dogecoin, shiba inu is at number 11 at 26.43 billion, so we've got a little bit to go Here, in fact, for us to get to this level, let's see 26, we need to get to 32 36 divided by 26 43. We need to get another increase of about 24. So if we could just have another day like today, tomorrow, we are going to kick dogecoin in the butt now.

Why is that so important? Well, remember folks, dogecoin the little dog that's on the icon, uh right there for dogecoin, that is a shiba inu dog. Now dogecoin was created as a copy of bitcoin, with some minor modifications they copy the blockchain and the technology, and they made a new coin, called the dogecoin and slapped a picture of a shiba inu on it. It was designed as a complete joke now. That means it's kind of been left with some higher fees and less functionality.

Now i'm not trying to bag on doge, i supported the doge movement. I still support doge. I don't own doge, though i'm just going to be transparent here now when it comes to shiba, inu shiba inu was created on the ethereum network and the beautiful thing about this is: it supports smart contracts. Now i was a little frustrated about how the whole uh shiboshi's were first launched.

There should have been some more transparency, but i learned a lot going through my experience. Failing to get a shiboshi, which is shiboshi is, of course, a shiba, inu's, nft and folks. This is open c, there is a verified listing for the shiboshi's, make sure you check for the one with the check box, not the copies or the other misleading ones. Go to the shiboshi's.
Take a look at this right now. We've got a floor price of about 1.339 eth. We've got about 10 000 uh items here for sale. If we take a look at some of the activity here, we could see uh volumes and average prices here, we're seeing average prices uh somewhere around 1.52 eth.

Right now and we've been relatively stable, just above 1.5 eth. These right here are some of the shiboshi's. We can take a look over here and we can go to recently sold, and this gives you an idea of some that have recently sold so we've got uh. Various different shiboshi's here some of them are named.

Some are not, for example, here's one, that's the hook. Here's elon flokey and you can jump on over, for example, to this one, this one's, nay. Well, this one's not named it's 6 500. you've got over here.

You've got this: one named fudd has had an offer here of about four thousand two hundred dollars just to give you an idea for the ownership of one of these shiboshi's now. Another big piece of news is the fact that the people buying, or at least transacting, in shiba inu right now have potential institutional connections. In fact, according to nansen, a blockchain data firm about 160 million usd in smart money has gone into shiba inu in just the last seven days. That's a big number folks and according to sentiment, one of the leading crypto analytics firms, shebe whales, are moving digital moving.

The digital asset in very large amounts transactions worth at least one million dollars have been skyrocketing since the beginning of october. Shiba inu is also trending in china, even though it's technically banned in china right now, which is pretty incredible as well. But the point is it's so popular, potentially because of the hope around robin hood, including it potentially around the hope that it's going to bypass dogecoin or because of the staking yields that you can get that basically shiba inu is running like crazy. Now, if you're not familiar with staking, you can go over to the sheba swap website where you can connect your wallet and you can stake tokens, you could either stake, in other words, berry sheep, leash or bone, no matter which of the three tokens in this system And the shiba inu platform, no matter which of the three you bury you will get some form of bone dividend for staking, and it's also worth noting that you can withdraw one-third of what you've staked, but the other two-thirds stays locked up for six months.

Six months to support the network, but in exchange for that you get a yield. Now we do expect these yields to come down. They're excessively high right now likely because of transaction volume, but we expect this to come down now. What's crazy is almost all cryptos are down today, except for shiba inu? We haven't covered this yet, but take a look at some of the other charts right here or at least look at coin market cap here, bitcoin down four point: nine percent aetherium down four cardano's down: 8.1 solana's down 7.23 usd coin; dogecoin, you name it they're! All down right now, uh shiba inu, is the one that's really doing well right now, so this gives you a little bit of an update on shiva inu.
Now. What do i think can this? Can this trend continue? Absolutely the trend can continue. Usually, when we get to the wall street journal, when we get to uh peak hope or peak uh sort of excitement, it is possible that we could see shiba inu rotate to a lower support. If we look at fibonacci, we might be able to see that in the lower 50s dropping from about 66 we're hoping, though, that sheep can get to sort of the next decade or the next uh or the next 10x on the decimal place and break 10 000..

That would be pretty incredible since right now we're trading at about 66, and if that happens, we will be passing dogecoin, which would be phenomenal. We would take the place as the 10th largest crypto currency, which once your top 10, it's a pretty big deal. It's kind of it gets hard to dethrone other coins from top 10.. Now again, i highly highly recommend, if you're going to trade this, if you're, buying handling this well, if you're buying hotline this trend doesn't matter so much.

But if you are trading sheba in you right now, i highly highly highly encourage you pay attention to the trend. The trend is your friend: we have seen uh sheba in you, trade completely sideways. As soon as social media attention has evaporated. It's worth, noting that it didn't actually fall much though uh it went to a high of about 3500 fell to about 2800 stayed at 2800.

For a consistent period of time, while we had lower search trends, now, trends are blowing up again you're sort of at uh you're sort of in this social media movement right now, but again, also driven by mainstream media. Remember, cnn wall street journal bloomberg barons when they start covering sheep. It's a really good sign of attention to the coin, but sometimes it's also a potential signal that you might be getting to peak media, so just be careful in the event that we hit peak media. It is possible we could see a rotation to the downside in shiba inu.

However, as long as positive catalysts continue on the horizon, i expect good things for shiba inu. If we get a robin hood listing, i do expect there will be some form of buy. The rumors sell the news trading. However, we could see some new hodlers enter the market to at least minimize or off a set uh that sort of buy the rumor sell.

The news pain now is shiba one dollar possible. Well folks, for shiba to be one dollar, shiba inu would have to have a massive massive move and the way we can calculate this is actually quite simple. So all what we're going to do is we're going to jump over here, see shiba inu at the bottom there at number 11 we're going to take that market cap of 28.91 billion dollars. Okay, we're gon na take that number and we're going to take the price of sheep right now.
We're gon na divide a dollar divided by point: zero: zero, zero, zero, six, seven, seven, two four zeros after the decimal, then that is fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixty six. Then we are going to multiply that number by the market cap of shiba inu. Right now of 26.43 billion dollars and chiba inu would then be valued at about 390 billion dollars. Is that possible? Well take a look at here if we go to the market caps of various different coins you'll see that ethereum is trading for 471 billion dollars.

So if shiba inu went to a dollar with a 390 billion dollar market cap we'd be sitting at the number three coin and we would be one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in ev that has ever existed and we'd only be one third. The market cap of bitcoin, but folks we're going to have to convince a lot of people to get to that level in the meantime. Thank you so very much for watching and we'll see you in the next one bye and check out those programs down below. For that coupon code expires thanks.


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29 thoughts on “$1 shiba inu.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R says:

    Have you seen there's a Baby Shibu Inu🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fastfew2 says:

    It's a pump and dump like doge coin watch.😂😂😂😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PACIFIC BLUE says:

    Lol not talking about shiba today are u

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jill Valentine says:

    Every time I see that hair it makes me feel so unprofessional

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elijah Taylor says:

    Amazing amazing video, Kevin. I bought $500 worth of Shiba Inu in April 2021 and its currently worth $35,000. 😱

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad cracknell says:

    <HEY !!! Haven't you'll heard of josh Owen WELCH? Why lose your coins to rise and fall? He is the best trader ever, i have traded with so many traders, but he is extremely the best, bravo 👏👏👏…. <<<<<<<<< ….

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lister Motorsports says:

    350 million shiblets here .. Thanks Brother !!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cpt Clown says:

    $1 shiba, does anyone actually think that's possible?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BOSSYNSWEET RECORDS says:

    Let’s go shiba to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🐕🐕

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sau Wong says:

    Uh shiba will never hit $1 lol. Look at the market cap and supply

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars compactc9 says:

    The day it goes to $1/coin… That'll send my portfolio into the 7 figures!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SQUALLHIKER says:

    OG in the 🏠!!! GO SHIB ARMY!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christine Sommer says:

    <The year 2021 has been like a rollercoaster so far. The markets started off with a bang, with Redditors gathering and shaking up Wall Street by trading Gamestop stocks. Then, Bitcoin started spinning the charts up and down, Ethereum surprised pretty much everyone with its price hikes, altcoins started booming like never before (just think about DOGE), new market actors even rushed in to join the race. After all this, if you are still on the fence about getting in because you are worried that it’s too late to get started then you have to trade with the guidance of a professional<In three weeks of trading I have been able to make 9 btc using signals from Ross Chang. He can easily be reached on Telegram @Rosschang1

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dartanian Dawson says:

    Thank u Kevin I love your insight

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars constantin58 says:

    Soon we will have more cryptocurrencies than dollars in circulation

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Rowe says:

    dream on,a 1 dollar per coins shiba would need a massive burn just too many coins for that to happen.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Franks says:

    all of shiba army needs to burn 1mil if we all did that we would burn 800 billion the price would go to mars

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis Finch says:

    Hey Kevin! Do you have an opinion on Dogelon Mars? Or really any insight for getting in on the next Shiba type coin early? Great video by the way! Great advice

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SniKe_ says:

    look at this clown… i wonder how much he got paid to make this shit LOL

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cajetan10 says:

    Love the hair. Pretty sure my elementary school soccer balls were the same color. (The fuzzy ones haha)

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan maribor says:

    Bro, Slovenia is top 10 country in kripto!!!
    S❤️nia 🍀

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NP says:

    Tiger King crypto coin ($TKING) will go to moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jewel Thompson says:

    Please do an updated video because now the highest has been .00008. Also, is your hair really green or is that a computer graphic think you're using?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marta M says:

    Where can i get more information about "extra"? Company?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Natera says:

    Great information! Shiba Inu to the moon! 🌕

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marta M says:

    I want to have colour of your hair? How do i do that?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Know N do says:

    Thanks Kevin for good content
    Thanks ShibArmy for strong building SHIB community 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GoneViral says:

    Doge is still the best cryptocurrency even better than Bitcoin. You need to start supporting dogecoin

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meet Kevin says:

    I’m Decimal Challenged
    394 TRILLION or 394x BTC. Not 394 billion 😅

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