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Fitness challenge - shaving meet kevin's hair / head. Meet Kevin's green hair fitness challenge.
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Hey everyone me kevin here: well, here's a little update on the fitness challenge. It sucks. So in case you don't remember. I made a challenge that i would go from being able to run about an eight minute and ten second mile to under six minutes by december 31st.

If i failed, i'd have to shave my hair uh. That i think, is a hard, very hard goal to accomplish. Within whatever was 39 days or something like that, uh, but but not impossible, i also made a challenge that i would do uh 200 push-ups in a row and if i failed either of them, i would shave my head well. This led to an outcry from the fitness community.

I said: kevin 200 push-ups is not possible. Even for people. Who've been training for six to ten years or whatever you know, maybe maybe like a hundred over over a few minutes or some kind of time, but but not not in one stretch. So we've revised that i pinned a comment.

I revised it and, and we've revised that 260. well, i feel like i'm going backwards. Uh, oh somebody's flying the drone anyway, i remember back in like 2017, when those things were cool uh anyway. So so here's why i feel like i'm going backwards.

First of all, the last few days i've tried running every single day. I have run every single day and two days ago i ran like 5.7 miles and this was like dead, slow pace. I mean, like 10 11 minute miles, just more like a jog and i feel like it's more just to get me in shape and actually feel like. I uh i can get through a workout because now i go run a mile, and - and this is me afterwards now i did run a couple miles as a super slow, boring, jog uh before i just tried running a mile again now i ran a mile again And i got nine minutes and seven seconds and i'm like wow yeah, definitely feels like i'm going backwards and don't even get me started on the whole push-up thing like as soon as i get to 20, i start collapsing.

So i feel like a really like day. Four in it feels very, very discouraging, like obviously you don't see any kind of physical change, you don't feel any kind of change. Yesterday i only slept like two hours because the market was going stupid and i posted the video at 2 am, and i was up again at uh like 4 30. Okay, so maybe two and a half to three hours, whatever uh to to do market open, live stream.

I tried having a monster, and i tried running on that. I got like a mile in on a 13-minute jog, pushing a a stroller and i'm like. I just got ta walk back so uh. There are a few things that i'm learning so far number one not sleeping enough works if you're, just gon na sit in front of a computer with coffee and like this all day long, which speaking of which my neck hurts uh.

It's possibly because i slept wrong or it's because i'm not used to actually keeping my head straight. It's been two years of which is very bad uh. So um, that's not a drone. It's a plane, that's cool! I don't know if you can see it.

It's pretty small, but anyway uh yeah. I i'll say it's not easy. Now i'm not getting discouraged uh, it does feel discouraging, but i i i think, i'm not a pro. I think you have to go through this sort of pain period where, like the first two weeks, are probably the most hellish, because you can't even like get through your goal.
Workout. My hope is that uh after the first two weeks of this remember on day four, i could actually go all right. I'm gon na jog a mile. You know 10 minute 11 minute, like just psychological break mile uh, and then i'm gon na go race a mile and and i'm gon na start, hopefully seeing that time go from uh well, where it is now, after a mile, nine minutes and seven seconds to you Know 8, 30 to 8 to 7 30 and slowly work my way down uh that way.

So i really, i expect to see more gains towards the for end of the first week of december. That's when i'll be about two weeks in uh, then i'll have like three weeks of go time to really improve and prove improve, we'll see, uh, i i don't know, but that's my hope, that's my goal. Uh. It certainly doesn't help that you know when you're going through these challenges.

You don't want to be like a boring person and uh, not uh. You know go to have parties with your friends and family thanksgiving and uh. You know maybe occasionally have a drink. I'm just saying uh that doesn't help, but i i think there's a way to get through that, and it probably just means working out more uh and uh and being a little bit more choosy, but i don't think you have to make your life miserable.

I certainly don't want to do that. I see a lot of this. The point of this anyway is to to feel better uh to feel uh more in shape or or uh whatever, and then just to to do it as a challenge. So super excited about that.

Challenge-Wise but uh, it's not easy. Now. One thing that i will say that i highly highly recommend for hello that i recommend, for everyone is find something that you can do where you can just be away from everything like away from twitter notifications, away from email news, notifications, uh crypto, buy alerts. Oh my gosh, it was what was it it was yesterday.

Crypto fell to like fifty three thousand eight hundred and i'm just sitting there watching the chart all day long. I send out an alert, i'm like. Oh, no, it's on it's under 54. It broke 54.

This. This is the beginning of the downtrend uh. If, if we hold under 54, that's a bad sign saw it dropped to what 53 6 or something like that popped back to 53 7. grabbed one, and i'm like there's no way.

I'm not gon na buy a little bit of a nibble here so uh i bought a bitcoin at 537 yesterday sent an alert for that. I'm like okay, i did it. I nibbled one and uh, and - and then you know now it's back to. I don't know over 54 8 or something like that.

Fifty five thousand whatever uh these nominal price fluctuations anyway, but i have fun with it, but the problem with it is like you sit there, you stare at the chart. You can't think and uh something. That's really important, i always feel like in life not to get like philosophical or boring or whatever, but is you got ta have a quiet place where you can go and actually start planning and thinking about? Okay, what am i gon na do next? What's the next goal for the family? What's the next goal for work? What's the next project for work whatever right, i don't know personally, i think that's pretty important, so i'm going to hope that my neck pain is just from having slept weird and wrong uh to all the haters who are like me. I don't like to color your hair sucks for you in the meantime, maybe i'll even get a little bit of color uh and i'm trying not to go farmers uh, not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that.
But i'm trying to avoid that uh. But you got ta, be careful, don't go out when it's like uv 9. 10, like it is in some parts of the world right now, it's like a uv4, because it's no it's less than that. It's like 2.9 uh, because it's like what is it two 1pm in california and yeah anyway, it's super low, i'm not super worried about it, but uh anyway.

Thank you. Folks really appreciate you watching this wish you the best out there on your challenges. Good luck!.

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32 thoughts on “Disaster fitness challenge day 4 – meet kevin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eDad66 says:

    you are at a plateau you need more reset in-between hard workouts. You actually will go backwards if you don't. Its similar to doing "excessive" trading. Sometimes less is more. The answer is not to do more work outs 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Klotz says:

    Do lots of sprints and speed work like fartlek if you want to bring down your time and do one long run a week. Also with the push ups do a few pushups every couple hours and slowly build up from 3 to 10 so that you can build strength. It is the quality of reps and number of sets that are going to help.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DaddyJMB says:

    Be mindful that running is more catabolic and be mindful of recovery.
    Also it is important to do twice as much pulling as you do pushing(push-ups) to avoid shoulder, neck and further issues. Good work!

    Ps posture, nutrients and recovery are key

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheChaoschris says:

    Yeah… 200 straight pushups… your muscles need time to rest from HIIT. Fuel and sleep are very important. Over 2 decades in the military it takes years of training and coaching to hit my max 112 push-ups in two mins and a 530 mile time. Then to maintaining is just as hard.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Newsmoke TV says:

    I love this content! Health is wealth! Letsgooooooo

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ana Pks says:

    Kevin you're too hard on your self!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyng-Shyan Huang says:

    You could also add weight training to increase muscle mass.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OldSchoolFool says:

    Rest is just as important, maybe try a 2 on 1 off, or Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Ortega says:

    Kevin, the best lesson from the first days of your challenge is that "enough sleep" is relative to activity. When I run in the mornings I'm toast at 8pm. If I sleep little, it would suck to go out for a morning run. Good Luck!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Ferminho says:

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smith says:

    Meet Kevin is going to crash like the stock market

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Did I do that says:

    Workout just to be more proud (like actually proud worthy) of your body and less sluggish to be honest.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Did I do that says:

    yes, start bad, then worst, then bad, then better, then even better…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Tucker says:

    You need to be making sure you’re eating right and fueling your body. And letting your body rest properly

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven says:

    Water is going to do you wonders. Stick with only black coffee if you need. I don’t think people realize how effective not drinking calories and just walking will do. You will also feel much better in a few weeks.
    You can have cheat meals with friends once in a while, working out once won’t do anything , also one cheat meal once in a while won’t do anything.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Fan says:

    Hang in there Kevin. You got this! p.s. I really like your hair color. 😎👍It reminds me of one of my favorite Christmas characters. Heat Miser. 😊

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Slay says:

    lol i was surprised when i saw the 2am post

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee Sowders says:

    Drink like 150oz of water a day and take a bunch of creatine. I also recommend taking the supplement "slowmag".

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Pearce says:

    Read “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins if you want to be motivated to work out guys

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Sclanders says:

    Once you rest up for a couple of days & get some sleep, you’ll come good. Trust me.
    Have a rest day or two. It will change everything.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Kim says:

    Nothing wrong with your hair. What's wrong with doing something different that's just visual and not thuggish?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Gomez says:

    Not depending on one source of income is the best decision an individual can make for his or herself. My life changed when I stopped depending on salary. Trading and investing changed my life and I started making huge earnings in a week that was much more than my salary, from there I expanded it to different business. Don’t depend on one source of income my people. I’m on my way to be a millionaire it’s all about putting in works, patience and perseverance. Let’s get it. Nothing is late than never.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LutherSoul says:

    You have to have some recovery days Kevin.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francine Shea says:

    Please stop with the crazy coloring.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christian Ochoa says:

    Hire a personal trainer/coach who knows their stuff 🤷‍♂️

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EdVentures says:

    Kevin can upload anything and I’ll watch 😂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S says:

    What’s with the squid game hair 😂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Randy Noel says:

    Ya give it 5 or 6 weeks you should be abble to do couplle hun , push ups.. If you can do 60 or 70 add 20 more every week👍👍😁

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars anony moose says:

    Kevin look after yourself, I think you're pushing it too hard and you could wind up with a stroke or heart attack. Start slowly and forget all the challenge stuff. I've seen people that went too hard and have a lot of stress and suddenly they had a stroke, because your organs dont go from 0 to 100, takes many many years of work.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emma Maton says:

    200 push ups in one go hahaha n00b

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rabs says:

    If you shave your hair off. We wont know which way the market is going

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ClosingTheLoop says:

    Oh man. Please listen to Cant Hurt Me.

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