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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? So 2018 is in the books and that means it's time for 2018. a Year in Review So what we're gonna do today is: I'm gonna review my metrics from 2018. I'm gonna talk about my average winners, my average losers, my biggest winner, my biggest loser, my percentage of success overall on the entire year. I'm gonna look at some of my best months, some of my worst months, and I'm gonna answer some questions as we go.

those you guys watching on? YouTube leave questions below in the comment section I will come back through and answer those as well. now. I'm also going to log in and show you all of my broker statements because it's important that you know these were real trades. It's easy to say I made half a million dollars and I want you to know that those are real gains.

So when I started two years ago with my tiny account, $583 I set out with a goal of turning it into a million bucks I'm 83% of the way there. eight hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars as of December 31st the goal is to cross a million dollars this year. this is a marathon it'll create carry over three years 2017, 2018 and 2019. Now when I sat down to start this big challenge which I knew would take at least two years, I knew that there would be some big ups and some big downs.

Despite all of that, I kept my eye on the horizon and I kept focused on that big goal. That big line in the sand of crossing a million dollars. I knew it wasn't a matter of if when it will happen in 2019 and then I'll do another video which will be $583 to a million bucks. So as you guys watch the video like I said, any questions leave them below I'll come back through and answer them and I hope you guys really enjoy this! This is an amazing year, best year of my career and here's to an even better 2019.

Alright everyone so this is a exciting video. This is 2018 Year in Review So today is the first trading day of 2019. I'm finishing the morning up 2030 dollars and 12 cents. So a good start.

So far to the new year it's January 2nd and what I want to do is go over my 2018 year 2018 is now in the books officially and my broker statements are uploaded to the website. So what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna go over to Warrior Trading Comm I Want to go over a few different things I want to go over my total gains for 2018 the UPS the downs, my metrics, the detail to answer questions that you guys have and I also want to jump in and look a little bit at where I'm at on the million dollar challenge. The challenge that I started two years ago today when I opened an account with 583 dollars as of the end of the year I was at let's see, eight hundred, thirty Four thousand, eight hundred Fifty Three dollars, and seventy five cents of profit. So 83 percent of the way to the million dollar goal and I've got about another 160 plus thousand that I got a earn this year in order to cross that big finish line.

So I'm gonna break down kind of where I'm at on the entire challenge which spans which will now span three years. But we'll start by looking at 2018. So what I do every month the very beginning of every month is I upload my broker statements to the website. So I go to the very bottom here where you guys will be able to see them.
and I've got 2018 earnings and broker statements. So I'm gonna click on that link and scroll to the bottom of this page and this is where you'll see my December final statements to finish up the year. So I've got let's see my December 2018 broker statement right here and right here from my main account and in my IRA. So for those of you who you know are a little skeptical and I get it, you're like hold up.

You know how hard is it to photoshop something? I'm gonna go ahead and login to my actual Lightspeed account right here. Lightspeed Calm for the skeptics. So I'm gonna go ahead and I already logged in earlier so I'm logged in now Lightspeed comm I've got 42 thousand dollars in my account. that's what I'm starting the year with so a little bit of a smaller account.

this year this was 2018. this was December right here month today. this is year-to-date now. One of the things that I talked about earlier last year was that I used my Interactive Brokers account for the month of January and February for my IRA.

So I've got about 12,000 dollars there that's not accounted for. took out four hundred eighty thousand dollars cash out so did a good job there and you can see statements are here: I usually go to my PNL I do daily P&L and then I switch it to let's see I click on my main account right here and this will show me the PNL of this main trading account. I've got my main one and then I've got my IRA one. So I can do like year today right here for 2018 switch back there.

so there's the year today. killed it in January red month in February did pretty well. You know through this stretch August and September we're not easy October November picked back up December was a little bit slow but you know that's the way it goes. So this account here gross P&L five hundred and fifty total commissions, executions, etc.

Again, this doesn't does not include the profits from my IRA account. I made some money in the IRA account while it was at Lightspeed but actually made more in the IRA while it was at Interactive Brokers So in any case, and just for those who are skeptical and you know what you have every right to be, because in this industry and I mean I see it all the time I see it on Twitter someone who'll brag about making like sixty four thousand dollars or a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in one day and you know those are some pretty big claims. so you know when someone makes that type of claim, you want to see that it's actually backed up with some proof. So anyways, and what I want to do here is jump into my little slide deck and go over 2018 Year in Review So the bad news for 2018 was that I thought I broke over half a million dollars in profits.
But once I looked at my statement for December I was actually just under that level. Four hundred Ninety Nine thousand, Eight hundred, Twenty Six dollars, and Four cents for 2018. So that means on the $583 to 1 million dollar challenge 2017 was 583 to 335 thousand and 2018 was 335 thousand to 834 thousand. Just about there.

All right. so that this is sort of the high level of where we're at, what we're going to talk about today is starting with $583 The first 44 days go over that kind of quickly. In summary: 2017, the 335,000 2018, the 490 9,000 my profit trifecta score for 2018, and my plans for 2019 and beyond. So what I've been doing for the last just about three years now is I use this website called Trader View for all of my metrics.

So I'm gonna pull this website up here and get logged in. So this is a website where I export all of my trades from Lightspeed and then I import them right here. Alright, so and I can choose any date range but I will just start with 2018 so let's see 12, 31, 2018 and then filter. Alright, now this when I showed the detailed here this is showing gross P&L I'm gonna switch it to net P&L It's going to show me just over half a million dollars because when you import your trades, it doesn't factor in some of the fees that your broker will charge.

So you know, wiring fees and stuff like that. So I'm actually just under this level, but this is pretty darn close. You know, within like a couple hundred bucks. So a high-level for 2018.

You know we've got the total gain: just about half a million dollars average daily gain 2128 dollars average winning trade $1,090 average Loser: 961 dollars So this is kind of just you know. very high level number of winning trades 855 which put me at 65 percent win rate Now 65 percent is pretty good and what I'll do here is I'll just open a new tab and compare this with 2017 so we can just kind of look at them back and forth. So 2017 was three hundred, Thirty Five thousand. Just well after the fees.

average daily gain: fourteen hundred per day average Winner: just about a thousand Average Loser: about a thousand. So when we look at these two years side-by-side you can see 2018 I certainly made more even though my accuracy was a little bit lower. And that is the nature of this sort of interaction between consistency and profit loss ratio. I have a slightly better profit loss ratio in 2018 right here.

With my average winters being bigger than my average losers last year, my average losers were actually bigger. now. interestingly, last year, my largest gain 12th largest gain: 31,000 Largest Loser: 12,000 This year largest gain was only 24,000 So even though my largest winner was smaller, my average loser was also smaller. so 2018 was a little bit more within range.

I Didn't have these really big extremes to the upside and the downside. So these are the high-level stats. So let's get into kind of the the details of you know my strategy. Now What I'm gonna do is for those of you guys watching this on YouTube in the description below.
one of the things I'm going to be working on this year early in the year is a new kind of intro to trading course. It's going to be a intro to the starter. It's going to be before the warrior starter. course which you'd see on our website and it's gonna be free.

so it's gonna be kind of I think a three chapter class outlining the high level of my strategy and how you go about developing a strategy. So for those of you guys watching on Youtube I encourage you to check out that link below I'll get it up there as soon as I have the class ready I haven't recorded it yet, but you know? so I'm not gonna go through my entire strategy obviously in this video because that's not even feasible. close to feasible from a time standpoint. but I'm just gonna go for the high level.

So the high level of my strategy and I'm pretty focused on the time of day I trade and the type of stocks that I trade. Now when you look at my distribution of trades across the week, I trade pretty much the same amount every day of the week now Fridays you can see are a little bit lower and Fridays are also or based on my performance of total profits. In fact, I made half as much money on Fridays as I made on Wednesdays and Mondays As you know, my profits are distributed across those five days of the entire year. However, Fridays are the day I am most likely to take the day off.

so I actually would have traded less days on Friday which is reflected by fewer total trades. And also if I've had a really good week, I'm not as likely to push it on Friday I'm more likely to say you know what, it's been a good week I'm just gonna, you know, finish up with a couple more trades. So that all means that I make a little less on Fridays than on other days and then and you know it's sort of a couple of contributing factors, but for me I focus, you know, being pretty aggressive Monday Tuesday Wednesday It's very rare for me to take a Monday off I like to come in, you know, beginning of the week, start the week off strong and trade Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday's I'm more likely to take a long weekend if I'm planning on going away or something. So and then time of day performance by hour of the day.

Well, I make the most money between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 10:00 a.m. and that's I don't trade pre-market So really, this is actually gonna be between 9:30 and 10:00 A.m. 419 thousand dollars between 10:00 a.m.

and 10:30 I actually made only fifty thousand dollars and I have a few, you know, little profits outside of that, but very rare. an after-hours trade that was a loser. very rare I Don't think I have a single pre-market trade this year. So I'm honing in here on the you know, the time of day that I trade the most.
So for those of you guys taking notes, it's between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday Now if I was gonna take one day off, it would definitely be Friday Performance by month of the year. We already talked about this a little bit when you're looking at my Lightspeed statement, but January last year I killed it. Best year of my trading career.

Best month of my trading career 117 thousand dollars. Interestingly, this wasn't didn't have a record-breaking winner in the month I just did really well every single day. My $30,000 winner the best winner of 2017 that was in November of 2017 and my biggest winner in 2018 was I think in in May so you know January was just solid February The market rolled over I continued to be pretty aggressive and they ended up losing a little bit of money down $10,000 That was kind of disappointing. All right then March really bounce right back.

Good month April Solid May solid June slow down a little July pretty good August Again, a really bad month for me. just didn't do well at all. September not very good. So I had three months this year that were pretty much just a wash.

but then October picked back up November 63,000 and December I finished with about $22,000 in profits. So this was what 2018 looked like. a really strong start and then pretty much just grinding. You know, this is all pretty average.

a little anomaly here on these two months and a little bit here. but generally you know, pretty good and averaging and you know, right, around $40,000 a month. These ones I don't think are really relevant. So let's look at price and volume.

all right. So when you look at all of these gains, they are predominantly on stocks between $1 and $10 I Had a couple trades over 20 didn't make money on them, so generally if you had to ask me what price range should I trade I would say well, probably $5 and under. but I do make money between 5 and 10. So let's just say $10 and under.

And if I'm thinking about trading something over $10 I better be really careful. All right, so you know it doesn't mean I couldn't take a trade on something that was twelve fifteen dollars. but I just got to be pretty careful there. So now we're kind of getting a little bit of a better sense of the type of stock that trade between $1 and $10 All right now let's see, this is going to be by the volume that I traded.

not in the individual trade, but on the total day. These ones I don't think are quite as relevant. So let's look now at instrument. Alright, so this is performance: The top 20 stocks.

Biggest winners, biggest losers. Alright, this will be familiar for some of you guys that are you know. remember trading these stocks but generally I don't think there's a lot to really say here. I don't I don't really care much about the stock.
you know this, this one a couple of these ones. Yeah I traded them earlier in the year, but I really haven't been interested in them you know since then so you know it's just they gave us some opportunities and then we move on to the next thing. Alright, so performance by instrument volume. This is interesting.

Alright, so this is how much I made. This is the my profits and then sorted by how much volume the stock had when I took the train. So what we'll see here is that all of my profits were on stocks that traded with more than a million shares of volume. So between I mean I just didn't make money on stocks with less volume than that.

So for those that would say well, you only make money trading low volume stocks. It's not really true I'd make money on stocks with more than a million shares of volume between 1 million and 2.5 2.5 to 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 25. not much on stocks over 25. That's just not as common that we see that amount of volume, but still profit.

So I need to trade a stock that I expect will trade over 1 million shares of volume on that day. And what would cause a stock to trade with more than million shares of volume would? Well, it depends on the type of stock, but for the type of stocks that we trade, it's going to be some type of headline or some type of technical breakout. Now this is even more interesting performance by the instruments relative volume. Almost all of my profits well, not all, but 275,000 worth.

The majority of my profits here are on stocks that have at least two times average volume 200 percent is two times, so two times reule to volume. why would a stock trade with two times more volume than average? It's because it has some type of catalyst. So you know just looking even at today's gains, these stocks I traded CCC LRH E MRI n Each one of these stocks today had high relative volume MRI n is currently up 15% CC CL is up 13% and rhe I guess I don't have it up. but you know these are stocks that have a reason to be making a move.

Alright so my sweet spot stocks between $1 and $10 stocks was relative volume with at least 2 times above average. Now without this type of data, it's very hard to come up with a strategy of how you're gonna trade the market and you you know right now I'm looking at one year's worth of worth of data. If I go back and I look at 2000. Well I could sure look at 2016 2018.

You know this is you know, a couple of three years worth of trading metrics? That's three thousand trades. This is a lot of historical data. 3000 almost individual trades. So I can say pretty confidently that my accuracy is about 66 percent because this is a lot trades I'm looking at, you know, the biggest winner, biggest losers.

those are the outliers. But this is where the averages are important. You know, profit loss ratio Just a little better than 1 to 1. You know this over three years you're gonna see pretty much the same patterns where we look at the price.
You know the majority of profits are in this price range. The majority of profits are gonna be on stocks with higher volume. You know you're gonna see that here. There's a little bit of all ittle bit of profit.

27000 must have been from 2016 in there. but you know the bulk of my profits are right in this kind of this area. So I feel very confident trading every single morning because I have these metrics that back up my strategy. These are the metrics that say Ross You know this is the time of day to be aggressive.

This is the type of stock to be aggressive on. So when I started with 5 three dollars in my account, you know, let me just go back here. and this some people will say why did you start with $583 Well I actually started with 700 and then on the first day in January of 2017 when I went to trade in my account, sure trader had already taken out like a hundred and fifteen dollars in fees. so I was already getting you know hit with my first fees which you got to get used to as a trader because that is part of the deal.

So 700 dollar account turned into 583 dollars and 15 cents a number that is now so edged in my mind I'll probably never forget it. and the first 44 days I took that account from 583 bucks and I turned it into over a hundred thousand dollars. So those first 44 days of 2017 were pretty monumental I mean it was March 8th my old dog's birthday when I crossed over that hunter kaemark go to detailed right here. So one hundred and one thousand dollars in 45 days? 44 days.

So if I can make $100,000 in 44 days, well how long would it take me to make a million dollars? 44 days times 10 450 days? Well that's under ideal circumstances under perfect conditions. This first 45 days had ended up being a really pretty amazing hot streak I'm currently on. Let's see I don't know if I actually have the exact number of Trey a trading days as I've had in this challenge, but I had two hundred and thirty six days in 2018 and I think a similar amount in 2017, you know, somewhere around 230. so I'm right around.

you know I guess four hundred and fifty days or something like that. but I still have a hundred and sixty thousand dollars to go. So you know my my equity curve. you know I had periods where it was really really quick and then periods where slowed-down if I look at a zit win/loss Yeah, this is it.

This is what the equity curve actually looks like on the Challenge right now so you can see how I had a great hot streak here and then things kind of slowed down in mid 2017 and then last year my January that you know things really took off again. November December January and then they slowed down a little bit and then they took off again. They slowed down a little bit, took off again, slowed down a little bit and this is where we're at now. eight hundred and you know, thirty four thousand dollars after my broker fees are taken out.
So you know if I've been able to go up through here and maybe a little more here I would probably already be over the million dollar mark. but it's just there's no such thing as an equity curve that goes straight up. you're always gonna have. You know, a little bit of pullback, but something that I've been looking at even more closely than that is my cumulative drawdown.

this is. you know when you hit the high up here how much you pull back. So the deepest pullback that I've had right now is twenty four thousand dollars off of my all-time highs And that's that's not insignificant. I Mean that's a decent amount to pull back and one of my goals after that last pullback which was in May of this last year was that I try to tighten that up a little bit and I'm really happy to say that in the last six months, the biggest pull that drawdown has been fifteen thousand dollars, which is really not bad.

Going up as high as a hundred and thirty three thousand and dropping down only fifteen thousand on a pullback is really that's good risk management. I Mean you know you compare that to what's happening with probably anyone's mutual funds in the overall market and this is really good. Now a one comment on the overall market that I would say is in this last month of December I made twenty two thousand dollars. While the overall market dropped about fifteen percent, what's happening in the overall market does not have a big impact on what happens as an active day trader.

The markets are volatile, volatility equals opportunity and so I continue to trade pretty well, even through the pullback that we saw in in December. All right. So 2017 I already did a video obviously 2017 in review I'm not going to go over that too much right now, and we've kind of been comparing 2017 with 2018 In 2018, You know, we kind of look at it. the win last days, you know I I don't know that there's anything else really to add on to this.

This is how much I made on my winning days and this is how much I lost on my losing days, you know, just kind of maybe worth looking at a little bit, but not super super significant. All right, any questions on 2018 here? see you guys posting some comments below. see detailed. Let's actually go to overview and then calendar.

calendar is kind of interesting. You can see the actual how many days were red and green December finished pretty good there with Trader view I have the plan that's $49 a month Luke How big were the trades when I started the $583 challenge So when I started the $583 challenge I was using Sure Trader which is a broker in the Bahamas Most of our students are now using Cmeg. they're another broker that are that's offshore. One of the things that's pretty cool with Cmeg is that as you can see here, we have a rebate program with them and so you can open an account today with Cmeg with 500 bucks so 500 dollars in your account.
and if you're a member of one of our classes you've joined Warrior Trading and you've bought the Warrior Pro Course and what they'll do is they'll put any a discounted Commission rate on your account until you've recoup the total purchase price of your education which is really cool. So what they're basically doing is sponsoring your education. So Cmeg is the broker that most of our students are using now, but back in 2017. Sure Trader was a little more popular so some of our students were trading there and so I opened the account there.

Now with $583 you have leverage. So 580 315 times Six is three thousand, four hundred ninety-eight dollars and Ninety cents. So that's how much buying power I had I could buy three thousand five hundred dollars worth of stock and so what? I did on the very first day and this is what I would do again if I was starting the challenge over. Let's just go to 131.

All right. So this was the profits. let's see. Actually, let me I'm gonna go look at the calendar.

All right. So on the very first day, one hundred and Twenty-five dollars. Alright, I had two socks I traded a Ll T All right and I bought on a Ll T Let's see entry price was let's see volume six thousand shares. No, it's not that one.

This is the trade. So I bought one thousand. No, let's see. Hang on.

Um, let me just click on this. Make it easy. Why is it not letting me click on it? Details: Okay, there we go. Alright, so on this one.

I Bought $639 of this stock at $5.15 So six, thirty nine times Five Fifteen is three thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety dollars. That was the most I could afford I bought as many shares as I could afford to buy at three fifty I have Five Fifteen I sold it at Five Thirty one. Alright, so on that trade I made a hundred bucks on the other trade I took on that same day alt or Kop n I bought a thousand shares. Just about.

this is buying and selling. So what I was doing was I was using all of my buying power I was taking one entry and one exit using all of my buying power to get in. Let's see. let me just zoom in here.

Did you do Why Is this alright? So One One 2017 131 2017 Filter Alright, Oh, and then we've got to take away this symbol. Okay, there we go. So now we've got January So that's what I did on each one of these days. For the first seven days or so, one two, three, four, five, Six seven I took two trades, two stocks I jumped in as soon as I had my profit I got out one entry, one exit taking as many shares as I was able to buy so on stocks between $3 and $4 I was able to buy anywhere from a thousand shares to 1500 I was trading with small size relatively, but as much as I could afford now.

of course, by the end of those seven days, my account had grown quite a bit and so I was able to start taking bigger positions. So on this day on the 12th, I ended up being able to take you know a 2,000 shares position of this stock, a 2500 share position of this stock, and so my share sides were getting bigger and I was able to see continued growth. Now something that some traders will also talk about, they'll say Ross if you could take $583 and turn it into a hundred K why can't you take fifty three thousand dollars and turn it into you know, a hundred million dollars and that's that's sort of the biggest I don't know. Criticism that I hear from people is that this strategy isn't real because if it was real, you'd be able to take five fifty eight thousand and turn it into a hundred million dollars and you wouldn't be, You know, teaching in the afternoon.
you'd be living on a private island or something like that. So the reality to this strategy is that there is a up side limit to profitability. So let's just think for for instance, here, let's look at my let's pull back up Trader View. Alright so um, let's look at okay so we'll do detailed.

so my average let's actually look from 17 until we'll just go to 19. That's fine. So this is the total the total gains. so my average daily volume is 71 thousand shares.

Alright, So let's just do the math here for a second. So there's been just about four hundred I had two hundred and thirty seven days this year. So times two, about four hundred seventy-five days, Four hundred seventy-five days divided by 2015 Trey's for seventy-five is about 4.5 trades per day. So 70 thousand shares divided by 4.5 trades is 15,000 shares bought and sold divided by 2 would be average position size of about 7,500 shares.

All right. So 7,500 shares is my average position size right now. Just about okay. so with my average position size of 75 hundred shares, I'm producing a daily gain of about you know, one thousand Seven hundred Eighty Seven Dollars.

In order to replicate this strategy from 583, from 58,000 up to you know, a hundred million I would be having to take an average position size of, well, about 750,000 shares. That is simply not possible. And so that's the upside. That that's where there's upside, you know limit to this strategy.

You can't take 750,000 shares of a lot of these stocks. Some of these stocks I traded When they did their initial public offering, they only sold two or three million shares to the open market. If I was gonna buy 750,000 shares, I'd be buying 50% of the company. you know, so that's where you know.

I've kind of learned that this strategy I think would probably scale up to about a million dollars a year of profit. I could have done better this year than I did. $500,000 was good, but I know I could have done better I'm not saying I will do better next year or here in 2019. Maybe the market will be tough and I might even make a little bit less.
but I think on a really good year, you know where I was really in the zone. I could probably make closer to a million dollars. Could I make ten million in one year? Not with this strategy. In order to make ten million, I'd have to start trading stocks that had more liquidity, but with more liquidity.

the moves are smaller. So as the account gets bigger and bigger and bigger, the percentage returns get smaller and smaller and smaller. So that's why you know I didn't go from 583 to 100k to a million to five million to ten million over four months. Basically I averaged about $40,000 a month and it didn't really matter whether I started with 583 dollars or I start with 50,000 I averaged about $40,000 a month.

It's just pretty cool that you can start with as little as five hundred eighty three dollars and get yourself up to that $40,000 a month level as quickly as you can. So um, yeah, so anyways, that's just kind of a note there on the upside limits of the strategy I think it works really well for generating a hundred thousand. Two hundred thousand Five hundred thousand. a year, maybe a million a year I Don't think it would work well to try to generate 10 or 15 million a year I Think if you wanted those types of gains, you would have to be trading stocks.

maybe more like Facebook or Apple. But you know the reality is those stocks don't move 20 30 percent in a single day. So you'd have to adjust your strategy and it would be as simple as that. So that was the first 44 days 2018 total gains and metrics.

We've gone over this when. I Talk about the profit trifecta. What? I'm really looking at. there are three core components of profitability: my profit loss ratio, my accuracy, and my consistency.

My profit loss ratio was a little better than 1 to 1 in 2018 and we can pull this back up here. So this is 2018 profit loss ratio A little better than 1 to 1 accuracy right around 65 percent which is good and consistency. overall. I would say was you know was really high because I was Green 11 out of 12 months.

All right. So you know the $583 to eight hundred, thirty-four thousand dollars right now. that's where I'm sitting at. Still have about you know, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, one hundred, sixty six thousand between me and the 1 million dollar mark and I will get there.

It's just a matter of time. It's really just as simple as that. You know, I was really hoping to cross that line at the end of 2018, but things slowed down a little bit in August and September and then November and October weren't the big blowout months that I needed to cross that line. So most likely I'll cross that line at some point here early in 2019.

And and when I do, when I do and I will prove that you can become a millionaire trade or with as little as six hundred bucks in your account. It's not about having a lot of money. It's not about having a PhD in finance or having you know big connections with, you know, some big bank or hedge fund. It's just about attacking the market with a consistent strategy.
But the reality is, it took me two years of trial and error to find a strategy that was producing even just $5,000 a month. So that's why most traders won't become successful because they can't afford to spend two years going through trial and error. So the sort of mini classes I'm going to add to this YouTube video and that you guys will be able to watch over at Warrior Trading. That's gonna kind of introduce you to my trading template because what I have right now is a framework.

A template. a strategy that is profitable. I've got the historical data to back that up. It's all right here.

So if you want to learn how to trade, you can either try to reinvent the wheel or you can try to learn this strategy that's already been proven. Now, if you learn this strategy that's already been proven and you decide you want to tweak it, you want to adapt it a little bit to something that's more comfortable for you. You can do that. but you can't do any of that until you first really learned how this strategy works the ins and the outs.

So that's what I really encourage you guys to do. You know to skip the 18 to 24 months of trial and error and learn a strategy that's been proven from there. If you want to change it, you can change it. But first prove that you can really understand a strategy that is working every single day.

Alright so as we look at my goals for 2019 big goal is to cross over the million dollar line in the sand. Really excited about that. A second big goal is to trade more in my IRA account because of the tax advantage. Most of my gains in my Lightspeed account we're in my regular account that's gonna be taxed and my income tax bracket rate which is the top rate in both the state of Massachusetts and in and for Federal.

So you know that's you know the reality of you know, trading in a regular account. So 2019 I Want to trade a lot more of my IRA account because those gains are tax-free That's awesome! I already have the account set up I've been trading in it a little bit, but I want to make it a bigger priority in 2019 and you know, just obviously continuing to work with students I have a couple things I'm thinking about for 2019 and 2020 that I'll be talking about in the coming weeks and months. but right now the focus is just continuing to build this account, crossover the million dollar mark and help you guys do the same thing on your personal challenges wherever and you know you may be on them. So I actually have a mentor session coming up here in well, about 45 minutes.

So I'm gonna switch gears and get ready for that. I work with my inner circle students and have one-on-one sessions with them. So for those you guys that want to make 2019 your year to shine new Year new, you let's make it happen. Would love to see you guys in the Warrior Pro classes or in the inner circle.
for those that want to have some time to work with me. All right everyone. So again, it's been a you know 2018 another amazing year, best year of my career and I'm really excited for 2019 to see what I can do and to see what you guys can do as well. All right, so that's it for me.

Any questions, any comments, leave them below. I'll come back to answer them later on and I'll see you guys in the chat room. All right. See you guys soon! Oh hey, I didn't see you there well I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade.

Hopefully it comes soon. Until then, make sure you subscribe to get email alerts anytime! I Go live or upload new videos. Until then, Happy surfing!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Day trading in 2018 – year in review $500k”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sr Jr says:

    Of course your name is Ross

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corwin says:

    Congrats Ross. Im still trying with my $400 account. Hoping to make this a full time self employed gig. You are by far the most transparent and honest channel with tons of free advice. Couldn’t ask for more being.. well free advice. Good luck to us all🤘

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus says:

    I see these ads alot and I watch the vids but I still dont know what trading is.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars goku says:

    I don’t have a damn idea what he’s talking about why do I watch these 😂😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holger Nässling says:

    Good job

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Halibut 1 says:

    Can't see any of this on a cell phone screen.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlo Noora says:

    I dont believe this show me some real proof

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars salvatore fancello says:

    Ma tutti intersati e anesuno non ne le fraga nula e io vedo bene cumpri

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Karel Kraus says:

    Short UBER!! $ in the bank.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 100 fold return says:

    When I trade from my small account I can't trade too often because previous trades that I exited haven't settled yet and therefore I run out of cash to make additional trades. It usually takes 3 days for the trade to settle. Was wondering how many trades you were doing every day in the beginning of your career and how to avoid the problems I run into. Thanks! Also great work!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Boone says:

    MEDIA: WHAT HAVE ALL OF YOU learned from being so TOTALLY WRONG? Could it be that you learned that THE PROPLE ARE IN CHARGE so shut your collective faces in trying to shape the election outcome!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Noyes says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xx_Minecraft Gang_xX says:

    If I pay a pro trader (bank employed), will I have a good chance of making money?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars badmanners says:

    For u to make money someone loses and vice versa.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SorryIJustAteYourDog says:

    Hi coffee break

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victoria Windsor says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Afro Amigo says:

    That's a HUGE check! I have goose just the thought of being in your shoes withdrawing almost $500k. Wow.

    However, I'm curious as to how much you paid in taxes? I did some math using the IRS calculator. If you reside in a tax-free state you'd paid 31.1% to Federal only (which is a lot). But if you reside in a high tax state such as California (9.3%). Your tax bill would be 40.76% leaving you 59% of your gross profit which is $296k…ouch!

    Did you really pay that amount in taxes? Or is there a benefit that you can apply to pay fewer taxes?

    I know long-term investor pays a lower % if they hold their shares for over a year. Same goes for real estate. I'm curious if there are other methods for day traders. I know being a Nomad is one but I prefer to stay in the US. Please reveal your secret if any.

    Thanks Ross!

    Edit: 2nd option – move to Texas or Florida with no state income tax

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dtanktdtank says:

    Paper trading?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cecilia Montano says:

    Rip VP HP 0 do jk JP HP

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlueJollyRancher says:

    Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nnnnneeeeeeeeddd dmmmmmmmmnnnooooooooooonnnnyyyyyy

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Sanchez says:

    Would you be willing to give me a one on one lesson? Or even a phone call? I'd be willing to travel and work with your schedule. I'm very interested in the way you trade!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Poorman says:

    There is no way you wont get destroyed by tax’s. They’re merciless on day traders.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InnerVisionTV says:

    How do i start

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Thompson says:

    congrats, im still at 000000

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huberweizen says:

    Congrats, Ross. So glad I became a warrior pro student!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BradyGaming says:

    You seriously started with only $583???

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Olsen says:

    What are your goals after $1Mil? Have you ever done a video of your story?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Olsen says:

    Do you have a 2017 review?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flash says:

    is this jeb from minecraft?

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