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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So we're gonna do uh, a recap here. Go over the trades from this morning. Today is day six of trading in Martha's Vineyard and it's another green day. Uh, finishing at four thousand, Two hundred, seventeen dollars and sixty two cents.

So I did the morning show from about nine A.m to Nine Thirty. Hopefully you guys are subscribed to the channel. If you're not, make sure you hit the subscribe button that way. get the notification when I go live for the morning show.

So I did the morning show and during that time when I began the morning show, I had already taken a couple trades on Jam. Jams are leading Gapper this morning up 46 and I traded pre-market as it was moving up the Gap scanner. Reminders always that trading is risky. My result's not typical and there's no guarantee for success whether you learn from me or you're trading on your own.

So take it slow. So I was trading Jam and um, I traded it from. Let's see, the news came out on this. I'm just checking the chart real quick.

It was. It was right around 8 30. um yeah, it was at 8 30 that the news came out. Pat.

News. Not like a huge headline, but it sent it squeezing up to about 320. Pulled back and then continued from 320 325 35 45 55, then squeezed up to 65.75 pulled back and then we got a re-test kind of this resistance. flat top area around 366.

kind of kept hitting that level. and then at the open we got a nice squeeze through 365 up to 75, 85.95 all the way to 4 15. uh, high of day is about 4 4 14 or so. um so you know, pretty impressive.

The problem for me, I was up about 4 200 on it. Um by the end of pre-market the bell rings and I made another thousand, got myself up about 5, 200, 5300 and then I gave back a thousand and I was like you know what? That's it, I'm out of here. I'm not gonna overstay my welcome. So if you already watched the morning show hey Bud! So if you already watched the morning show you would have seen the trades that I took in this area right here.

Now this was from let's see so I guess I started the morning show right around 9am here. hi hi can you sit over there I got to finish, I got to finish doing my work and then we're going to go to the park. Okay all right so let's see. Um so I probably took this trade during the morning show this break of 66 we got that move up to 78, pulled back and then this was the trade at the open which was you know, pretty impressive.

I mean it was. it was nice and the problem is I traded it with small size because I was like ah I don't want to push my luck, I'm already up four thousand bucks. Let's just add a little icing to the cake. Smart move.

Good risk management. So I ended up making about a thousand dollars on this move here up to 414 and then I added back. Um, I started with 6 000 shares right here at about 405 and averaged up on the break of 410. So my average was like 408 with 11 000 shares or something like that and it dropped back down here to four and I was like you know what, I better just cut it and I cut it for a thousand dollar loss and I'm glad I sold it where I did it 401 before it broke that critical support and then flushed here down to 82.
that would have been much worse, but at the same time I felt a little bummed that I gave back. you know, a thousand bucks off the top. I was like oh man, that's kind of lame. I was starting to get a little stubborn.

I was like this thing has got to go. it's it. Broke back over four, This looks good and then I just say you know what, let it go and walk away. So actually just shut everything down and walked away and then I was like well I got to do my recap.

So I came back. You know, just came back right now to do this quick recap and then you know I'm going to shut everything down and be done. So 4 200 is a good day. It's not as good as 5 000 and of course reminder.

You know one of the issues here is the fact that Um commissions right? So I was at 4 200 at the end of pre-market and at that point I estimated my commissions were around 500. but then I kept trading when the bell rang, got myself to up 5 000. But as I kept trading, commissions went higher and then I gave back that profit. So now I'm back at 42.

But I've added another probably 250 dollars, at least 300 maybe in commissions. So now I'm probably at 800 in commission. which makes the 42 more like 3 400 on the day. And you know again, this is part of the deal with trading.

With this type of broker, you pay for every trade that you take. Um, so it is what it is. Uh, but at the same time it's a green day. I can't really complain that much.

It's my sixth day here of trading Martha's Vineyard on the traveling trading station and the goal was to come in and try to make a thousand dollars a day. And for my ten days here, that would be ten thousand dollars of profit. and I have far exceeded that. Today I'm at, you know, even after commission, still three times the daily goal.

A little more than three times. Daily goal. Yesterday was the only day I was below the daily goal. Yesterday was A very small green day.

Uh, but last week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were all pretty decent days. So you know I'm getting into a nice groove here of kind of getting in. You know, getting some quick profit and then getting out and not overstaying my welcome. I'm gonna do the same thing that I've done these last six days for the rest of this week.

Get in, get green, get out, and you know what? when I get back to my office next week. Maybe I'll keep doing the same thing through the entire month of June because it seems to be working well. So you know, my biggest loss? Uh, I think this whole no I I've had a couple losses that were around a thousand dollars. Um, I was gonna say I think today might have been the biggest loss I've had during this whole stretch here, but I actually had a slightly bigger loss.
um, the other day. so I don't remember if it was Friday or yesterday, but it doesn't really matter. I've been doing a pretty good job keeping the losses tight. It'll be interesting to see what my metrics look like from this traveling trading station Martha's Vineyard Challenge.

I'm hoping that my profit loss ratio is a little bit better than it's been, and I'm hoping my accuracy is also a little bit better than it's been. Accuracy was 66 last month. I'd like to see that closer to 70. you know, but this, uh, yesterday I feel like my accuracy was pretty low.

you know, So a day like that kind of draws it down. Profit loss ratio has been about a thousand dollar winners have thousand dollar losers. I haven't had a lot of big winners, but also haven't had a lot of big losers, so I don't know. I guess we'll see what the metrics look like, but I'm not gonna obsess over that or look at them right now.

I'll look at them when the challenge is over on Friday. All right, So that's it for me. I hope you guys enjoyed this brief recap. I just wanted to put something out there so you knew where I finished the day and I hope you've tuned in for the multi-part series on technical analysis how to read stock charts for day trading because if you don't know how to recognize these buy and sell signals that are in the charts, you know you're kind of trading blindfolded.

So I encourage you to check out that video. I'll put a link, um, right up here. I'll put it. Let's see, I'm so bad at this.

I'll put it right there. and I want to remind you guys, it's always that trading is risky, my result's not typical, and there's no guarantee for success whether you learn from me or you'll learn on your own. So please take it slow and I'll see you guys back at it first thing tomorrow morning for the morning show right around 9am. All right, I'll see you then.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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