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Currencies a lot about russia and cryptocurrency, and we'll talk about all this in roughly this order, so uh today, uh also it's worth noting that today is the expiration for that coupon code. The comeback on the amazing programs on building your wealth link down below those private live streams. Every morning the market opens for the opening bell: okay, let's first start with supply chains, so a supply chain. Consultancy group in chicago was interviewed by the new york times and had the following to say.

They expect that already bad supply chains are likely going to get substantially worse. Then. Unfortunately, rates for ocean and air freight are expected to well in their words, quote skyrocket. They warned - and sometimes i take this with a little bit of grain of salt, because it's like well they're they're, a consultancy group on supply chains.

So is this kind of like you know? I don't know - maybe i'm too jaded, but sometimes i look at it and i'm like. Are you just trying to get more clients to you know, get you know consulting clients to try to figure out how to navigate around this pun intended on navigate, but anyway, this person warns that ocean shipping rates might basically 3x from about ten thousand dollars per container. Now to around 30 000 per container and that we might see even higher freight uh air freight costs now uh. Clearly, that would set up for a more of a disaster and more complaining from the companies that have been reporting here in the united states uh.

Regarding uh the the expensive costs of logistics right now, but to some degree, even though i might be a little jaded hearing, this listen to some of the counter sanctions coming from russia. Russia is now lashing out and they've closed their airspace just for an example with airframe to 36 different countries, including europe and much of canada, and the issue with that is a lot of airplanes essentially fly over russia to get to china from europe, so that trade Between europe and china and from china to europe is now getting more expensive and, unfortunately, the us is on the other side, so potentially a little bit more insulated here, but look we have a global economy. We can't pretend that we're isolated and that, ah, this issue isn't going to affect us prices. The prices of air freight go up in europe, guess what happens? Logistics companies move more of their airships over there planes, in other words, prices of legit.

You know shipping go up for for uh container ships uh between between china and europe, guess what more ships get diverted over there? It's the same thing that happened with liquid liquid natural gas, where essentially at some point just a few months ago, there was there were so many liquid natural gas ships and we didn't really have a demand for all those ships. Then, in some cases, the rates for carrying liquid natural gas were actually negative. In other words, people were like paying or, or that like the ships who would that would carry liquid natural gas were carry were paying people to put liquid natural gas on their ships. That was a very brief and odd moment, but that kind of stuff can happen as you shuffle around, where these ships are so uh.
These those sorts of things and that kind of reshuffling, which makes sense from a business point of view, can hurt us over here. But think about it, if you're operating freight ships uh in in america, why not just divert them to between china and europe and make three times the money anyway, uh we'll see what happens, but obviously this is going to be a big subject of concern for the Federal reserve and the next two weeks are going to be critical to see. What's on the federal reserve's mind, we have not heard from j pal yet, but i'm actually about to tell you about some dates. Today, uh or or actually this week, i should say uh where we're next going to hear from jay powell and no it's not that fomc meeting on the 15th or 16th stay tuned.

We'll talk about that in a moment. But i do want to quickly mention that federal reserve. President bostic has reiterated that uh look he's in favor now of a 25 pesos point hike for interest rates in march, but he says that he would consider a half point hike quote if inflation fails to decline. Right now, the market's only pricing in about a 10.4 percent chance that we'll get a 50 basis point hike in two weeks, but we've got a lot of reports coming up that could easily flip this on its head and i'll.

Tell you if we get some bad news from these reports over the next two weeks and we see those odds of a 50 basis. Point jump. We're gon na see a downward moving market, so just be prepared limit. Your margin be prepared for some volatility here which might end up being buying opportunities.

We'll talk more about that big fears that we're going to be looking for here are going to be stagflationary fears. We have we've had some great retail sales numbers from december and january, but there are concerns that that's going to start tapering, especially with the fear of war potentially leading folks to want to save more, especially since they believe that energy prices could just continue to go Higher brent accrued right now, at 101, a barrel wti crude, that's the western crude uh sitting at about 96. and uh, the 10-year safe haven asset, the 10-year treasury bond down to about 1.86 on the yield which is down below that two percent basis again uh and Of course, we know we have inflation sitting at about 7.5 percent, but we got a cpi report coming up. So here are some dates and what i would do is i would write these down.

So if you don't have these written down, i what i'd really recommend you do is take a post-it note of some sort and uh write these down. Stick them on your wall or your computer or whatever you should know these dates. They're really important. Just like you know the fact that i spent the last three months talking about how lucid was going to miss on deliveries and miss on earnings, and then they did and now they fell 14.
You got to write the date of the earnings down to be able to play these sorts of things anyway, so uh first date that we have is tomorrow. We have a state of the union address. This is the joe biden's first state of the union address. I would expect that joe biden is going to talk pretty aggressively about fighting inflation, which could potentially be signals for more hawkish federal reserve.

Fighting putin fighting high gas prices at home and fighting climate change would which maybe we will see a little bit of a boost in uh, ev stocks or energy related stocks we'll see especially green energy afterwards, who knows, though uh you know sometimes when biden talks? Nothing ends up happening uh anyway, uh then on wednesday and thursday, and this is probably big - we're probably gon na have to watch some of these live. Okay, usually we're just doing the market open, live streams. Now with course, members in the morning, which is kind of nice because we get the day set up nicely, remember you get lifetime access to those courses linked down below and there's a coupon code expiring tonight the price goes up uh every time a coupon expires, so Yeah, there's often a coupon, but the price does go up over time, so you just get the best deal the earlier you're in but anyway. So this wednesday and thursday fed chair jerome powell will actually be testifying before congress and i hate to say it.

But this is going to be our first time hearing from jay powell since really the minutes of the january meeting, which were a big, nothing burger about a week and a half ago. The last time we actually heard personally from jay pal giving us the latest info was on january 26th, and the market in certainly technology stocks, has only come down since january 26th. Now a lot of folks like to say: oh, you know the bottom's way over uh things are way higher now than than where they were um, not really like. If we hop on over and just look at the qqq uh we'll go ahead and get rid of some lines here, we could see the trend that we're on it's not great and unfortunately, we're.

I mean we literally just hit all-time lows like two days ago. We're we're not out of the woods just yet, so we've got to be a little careful here and we're going to hit russia in just a moment, but first write this down. Okay, wednesday and thursday j-pal testifies before congress. My expectation is, since he goes to the different chambers on the different days that the more important date here is actually going to be wednesday, because that's when his information is going to be fresh and new, i would kind of expect.

I put a circle around wednesday and i kind of think that thursday is going to be a little bit more around okay, whatever right, okay, wednesday morning, we also get the adp unemployed or employment report yeah. This one usually has failed like this. One has been so wrong lately. I don't hang my hat on this one a lot.
I care about the employment report that comes out on friday, but sticking to wednesday for a moment wednesday. So we got the j-power testimony adp employment. We also have cpi coming out for the eurozone. That's so that's going to be an important metric is to see european inflation, which is usually way lower than ours in the united states.

So we'll see what's going on in europe on friday, we get unemployment figures or employment figures. I should say we get our new uh employment report. That'll show us what the unemployment rate is, but what you want to write down for this one is you want to pay attention to the month over month, expectations uh for wage increases. Now remember this.

The last time we got this report was at the beginning of february, the first friday in february, so roughly about a month ago, and in that report we learned that wages were actually going up at an annualized rate of about 8.8. At the same time, inflation's at about 7.5 percent, so that means when wages are growing more than inflation. Is it's a big warning sign for the wage price spiral? So really what you want is you want to see that month-over-month number, when you multiply it by 12? Come in less than what inflation is so that way if consumers are losing purchasing power, which would be the case if the numbers came in like that, then potentially you don't have to worry so much about that wage price spiral. So again that comes out on friday.

That's the employment report. What i can also do is, i can just quickly pull up and see what the current forecast is for the employment report. Now this can usually change the closer. We are to the date, the more accurate it tends tends to be, but we have, let's see so this should be the uh first.

Second, third, fourth, the morning of the fourth we're expecting here we go. We are expecting change in payroll. I want to just look at the month over month: okay, there's. Actually the survey is actually optimistic.

So the survey right now, according to 59 economists, they believe that the uh average hourly earnings on a month-to-month basis are going to increase about 0.5 on a monthly basis which works out to about six percent annually, uh. That is less than that eight point: eight percent. We got last time, which was just a complete disaster now uh some other things to know. We've got uh joe manchin complaining that joe biden really needs to do something to open up the fact that we can have cleaner oil here in america, rather than relying on the 650 000 barrels to do a day that we do from russia right now.

He calls that quote totally ridiculous. Lindsey graham, is calling for sanctioning russian oil, and this is now the part where we should actually start talking about russia. We're also going to be talking about crypto a little bit which, if you have not yet been tracking crypto prices, make sure to check out ftx in the link down below, because crypto had an explosion. Uh today we'll talk about why in this video - but i mean look at this skyrocket here - if we just pull back on the five minute chart here, we all the way back to the 23rd, where we were trading somewhere around 34 000, and so we sat around 40 here we got rejected multiple times at 40, but i mean just today: we we not only shot up towards 40, but we also broke all the way up to about 44k until getting rejected about 44k.
So pretty wild swings do check out uh ftx in the link in the description down below get yourself ten dollars of free crypto. Okay. So let's talk about russia so so far a lot of the the sort of nuclear talk unfortunately has chilled down a little bit. I think this is because putin is just sort of uh uh.

Like i mean i don't know, everybody says: he's lost his marbles uh, maybe, but he hasn't uh. He hasn't really used much of those sorts of threats today. So maybe he's taking heed to just chill the f out a little bit. I do want to just mention, because there are some people saying: oh russia is almost out of troops, russia's, not almost out of troops.

Okay, there's a big problem here see russia. Uh has 900 000 active troops yeah. There are only about 200 000 deployed around ukraine, but they have two, i'm sorry. They have 900 000, so they've deployed about 200k they've got 900 000, and then they have another 2 million troops in reserves.

They've got a lot of bodies to throw at this, which sounds very terrible and insensitive. I shouldn't say that they've got a lot of people's lives to screw up here. Okay, it's terrible ukraine, in contrast, has 196 000 troops active uh, and that is again relative to the 900 000 troops active in russia and 900 000 in reserve now well, depending how many of those have actually fled. Now ukraine spends about 4.7 billion dollars a year on its military.

Russia spends about 45 billion dollars, so russia spends about 10 times as much money as ukraine and for comparison we spend about 20 times as much as russia. So 10x, ukraine, you get russia's military spending. 20X, russia's military spending, you get the united states, we spend almost a trillion dollars a year on our military. It is insane and russia says they're gon na nuke us it's not talking about it.

I think it's baloney, okay, just between you and me, nobody's launching any nukes uh. I i will bet everything on that: okay, so uh spending uh differences. Okay, so we talked about spending differences now, uh, the big. The big real difference here, like practical difference here, is the willpower of ukrainians and i really believe their willpower is so freaking strong because of zelinski.
This guy is is the face of heroism and whether or not he is a real badass on the field or not. Doesn't even matter it's the impression that matters right now and in my opinion, i've said this before the most important thing in this war. Is that zielenski stays safe like hey, do what you need to do to motivate but stay safe because you get captured or or you get nicked a lot of motivation is going to go away now. Uh it's worth noting, though, that uh russia has kind of outgunned with the soldiers that they have deployed, they've deployed about 75 percent of the troops that they have around ukraine into ukraine right now, which is a lot it's about 150 000 soldiers.

But there's this interesting thing that uh this person, seth jones, the vp at uh, the center for strategic and international studies, says about deploying troops and trying to sort of occupy an area. He says that when germany - and this was an insane number when germany invaded and occupied - let's say poland - they had 89 troops per 10. 000. I'm sorry per 1 000 people.

So that's almost one in ten! So almost for every uh ten individuals, they almost had one troop which is crazy or one soldier. Usually you get something that's more like 20 troops per a thousand like when nato was in bosnia, they had 17.5 per thousand nato and kosovo they had 19.3 per thousand. So uh that would be uh somewhere around uh one troop for every 50 individuals right one soldier when uh and the same was true. When we had uh operation iraqi freedom uh there was there were an estimate of about 20 troops per 1000 uh individuals.

Well, russia! For ukraine only has 3.4 soldiers per 1000 people. That's like one-sixth of what was used during iraqi freedom. What nato usually deploys. I mean, i think they really think that the folks in ukraine are just gon na like roll over uh.

It's it's kind of a pretty lame deployment. Now, i think, because of this you're starting to see a little bit of siege mentality and lashing out, which is bad like, for example, today, in a car cave, we had a bombardment of a residential area, including the use of cluster munitions. Now keep in mind russia and the united states both do use cluster munitions, but a lot of countries have actually banned the use of these because they're so indiscriminate siege mentality. I always like to think of just the reference of like having a catapult with a bunch of rocks on fire and you're.

Just like yolo, whoa, uh yeah, it's bad! It's just a big mess uh. Unfortunately, these killed nine civilians potentially more. This was according to the mayor of kharkiv uh. This puts the ukrainian death toll uh for uh individuals in ukraine, somewhere around 406 for the united nations as well, if not already over still at account about 14 children potentially higher at this point, hopefully not it's terrible.

Uh but anyway, this is really starting to look like a strategic failure by the russian military. It's uh, i mean good, like i. I hope they don't succeed just get out anyway. Uh there were talks today, uh russia and ukraine.
Basically summed up the talks by saying: hey: we talked we had some ideas now we're going to go back to our offices and think about how we're going to implement those ideas and then we'll talk more in a few days. The goal obviously of negotiating is a ceasefire and uh and essentially developing some form of uh rule system for a ceasefire. Who knows if this will include giving russia uh control over? Let's say the donbass in eastern ukraine or whatever, who knows, but those talks did were conducted today, despite all these shellings. That we've heard of some other things to know is that there are roughly a count now of 520 000 refugees that have fled ukraine uh.

Ironically, 129 000 of them roughly have gone to russia uh fi. Only like 500 people have gone to belarus. People like yeah, no thanks not going to belarus. Apparently uh.

281 000 have gone to poland, 30k. Roughly to slovakia 84k to hungary, 36k to moldova, 32k to romania and 34k to other european countries. Now something that was also interesting is one of the leaders in bulgaria called these refugees quote intelligent and educated refugees. This suggested somewhat of a contrast to migrants who come from like the northern tip of africa or the middle east, which obvious often i should say often.

These uh migrants have been met with hostility in europe, and so i think this is why you're seeing the sort of contrast being drawn by some, because it's it's kind of like hey, maybe maybe the thesis, is take these folks in you know we don't be hostile To these, like you are to others, i don't know how i feel about that. But uh that's what's happening. So i'm just gon na not comment on that and report all that uh. But it is important for you to know that if you don't know european dynamics, a lot of people in europe are pissed about so many refugees coming to europe all the freaking time, all right now, uh some other things: facebook, instagram, whatsapp, they're, all limiting access uh Through europe and distribution to things like russia today, sputnik news - these are russian news websites.

Uh netflix's is limiting russian channels and distribution of content. Uh in russia disney says they're going to see a hit in their revenue, because uh they're pulling like their encanto soundtrack they're. Also going to pause, hollywood releases and warner brothers movies uh, including batman and turning red, these will not be available in russia. National hockey lead league-ended business relations with russia and tick.

Tock is also banning some russian news outlets uh now uh britain. Yesterday, folks in britain, leaders in britain were saying: hey if you want to go fight in ukraine, more power to you, where we stand behind you, they're kind of you. Turning on that today and saying, maybe you shouldn't go fight the uh yesterday when i talked about elon musk agreeing to provide internet starlink internet to uh areas that have lost internet in ukraine. Somebody in the comments section said but how's that possible uh.
They don't have the receivers and my response was come on man during war, wartime shipments move fast and guess what arrived today folks a whole semi-truck military vehicle, uh full of starlink satellite receivers. They have arrived. Russia thanked elon, musk, elon musk replied on twitter. You can see pictures of those.

Probably if you just look at elon musk's replies, i probably liked it as well. Remember you can just throughout the day, if you want, you can always just check my like history at real meat kevin as i go through the day. I do sort of just like either videos or things that that i don't always play here. Uh as this is, i think, a little bit more information dense uh anyway, the united nations kicked out 12 diplomats, uh russian diplomats from the united nations uh council, which was quite quite unprecedented.

Uh gen saki said they were spies anyway, so good riddance, the international as she's. Our white house spokesperson. Remember that international criminal court, the icc, is potentially probing uh war crimes, uh suits against russia and crimes against humanity. Jamie dimon says russia has ways around the swift banking system, since russia got kicked out of that.

Obviously, the russian rupal plummeted today, uh it's uh now up to, i think, just over 107 rupal per dollar uh. This is also leading to a little bit of a surge in crypto which we'll talk about in just a moment: uh just two things about ports and then we'll talk about crypto. Turkey has officially decided to restrict russian warships, ships from uh from bypassing at least istanbul. For now now, i'm gon na go ahead and just pull up maps on this one.

It makes it a little easier to see uh, because some folks are wondering like well. What does istanbul have anything to do with with ukraine? Well uh? It has to do with the fact that there are russian warships on the other side or who are trying to come around. So take a look here. If you have russian warships in the mediterranean or even out up here - and you want to send your russian warships around, which might take a couple weeks right - you send your russian warships around here.

If, let's say you don't have them all here, then you might deploy them from the north, try to bring them through the mediterranean. The only way you could really get into the black sea right here is going through istanbul right here, and turkey is now saying yeah. No thanks: russian warships are not allowed through this straight uh, which is which is pretty powerful. I mean that's, that's now blocking russian warships here.
That is creating some concerns, though, that potentially there could be some hostilities here. I would expect that if uh turkey is going to block russian warships here, they're not going to block them here, they're going to block them here, at least that's what i would do. You don't want artillery going off uh near downtown uh istanbul anyway. The united kingdom is also blocking ships from receiving port access in the united kingdom for any ship that is operated by russian citizens or flying a russian flag, which i i understand why they said both because if they just said russian flag, then it's like.

Okay, take the flag down, but also russian citizens, because every time you pour you port, you have to give your manifest and where you're coming from and who you are, and passports and stuff and uh they're you turning any of these ships, so you're. Seeing these things go pretty broad here, these these sanctions are really starting to crush the russian economy. I mean i personally, i think, uh they they are uh uh. They are going to yeah.

What was i gon na say? I don't know what i was gon na say anymore. I started reading somebody's comment here about constantinople yeah. No, it ain't called that anymore, anywho, okay. So let's talk about crypto, so uh crypto there was a.

There was an at least 10 surge in crypto prices today and partially this is being sourced back to a sudden surge of demand. Oh that's right. I was going to say i think the russian economy is going to go into a depression. Uh, you know their currency is collapsing, their stock market got shut down because it was just collapsing and so you're.

Seeing now a surge of russian and ukrainian money go into things like bitcoin, not necessarily all cryptos, but definitely bitcoin uh, as as a way to kind of become a store of of of uh of wealth. Now uh what's interesting, is we actually had a little bit of a flipping between the two currencies, the uh, the value of bitcoin had a market cap today of 780 billion after the move and the rupal moved down and they kind of passed each other to a Market value of 629 million. So if you look at how quickly the ruble has moved like 50 in the last, you know four months, uh bitcoin can move just as quickly when you have these sorts of larger inflows and and that's what we're seeing right now or these larger inflows from ukraine And russia, and then you probably add to that fomo like when people see the sticks, go up. They fomo into this stuff all day long right, there's still plenty of uncertainty.

So i don't know that you necessarily have to uh go go nuts over following uh chasing cryptos up uh. Personally i invested in cardano last week. Uh i'm happy about that because uh i i bought it at like 80 cents. I don't know it's up.

Like 20 percent right now i'll take it uh, yeah and cardano's, i i think personally got a little bit more of a potential upside. So that's one of the reasons i bought that uh, of course, uh right now. One of the things that i do do to do. Every time i do purchase crypto is, i do send an alert as well purchase or sell whatever uh in the socks and psychology of money group as well, and that's a link down below with that coupon code.
Expiring today remember that coupon does expire today and price goes up over time. So we did see this now uh. We also saw inflows into bito, which is the bitcoin futures etf, but one of them inflows here of an increase of about 3.7 percent and we're seeing a little bit of a break in the correlation between bitcoin and the s. P 500 bitcoin was becoming more correlated to the s p 500.

We had a beta of about 0.7 in january, and we've now devolved back down to a beta of about 0.5, which means basically, if the s p goes up. One percent bitcoin might only go up. Half a percent so you've got that differing correlation. You could say the same thing about bitcoin, potentially going up.

Two percent of the s p may be moving uh, one percent so you're, seeing that that wedge, that separation happened a little bit more uh russian parliament. What's actually really interesting here is the parliament's always kind of been deemed to be like a rubber stamp parliament in in russia and three individuals from the russian parliament have actually spoken out against the war today, which uh, which is really impressive, and honestly, i have to Say quite ballsy because people like that just end up getting gunned down by oozies on bridges by two motorcyclists in totally apparently random, certainly not targeted spy activities at all uh in in russia when they do sorts of things like this, so uh yeah i'd say. That's! That's quite brave, usually you don't you don't say no to putin anyway, at least not in russia. Military-Wise uh russia has still not received air superiority.

Uh. There were some questions about a fighter jets being delivered to ukraine and uh, and some folks i saw were leaving comments online, saying things like hey: well, how are the ukrainians going to fly modern planes if they don't have training in them, and the eu is actually Purposely providing the certain types of jets and migs or whatever that can take off in or on uh ukrainian airfields that are still up and running and can be flown by ukrainian pilots. So these things are being considered. Imagine that considering what kind of plane the ukrainian military could use before delivering hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons anyway? Fortunately a lot of to - and i don't want to minimize anyone's job by any means.

But fortunately, a lot of the modern tech has has gotten a lot easier to use. I'm not saying that so much in terms of like the jets, but like the javelins and the stinger missiles and stuff they're, making them easier, which is great uh for for helping like arm the resistance in ukraine. Right, i mean there are tick, tocks and instagrams and videos of of people in ukraine learning how to use weapons for the first time. So i guess uh.
There are a lot of very, very brave uh men and women in ukraine. Uh fighting this. The pentagon is going as far as calling the resistance quote, creative and effective, which i really like the second part of that effective uh. To me it this kind of reminds me a lot of the the movie, the patriot where uh you, you basically have uh.

What's his name mel gibson, mel gibson, fighting the uh, the the red coats, you know walking down the swamp with their trumpets and all this you know stupid crap and uh. Mel gibson and his sons start firing on them from from within the trees and the swamps and they're like. Oh, no, my oh, what's happening the rules of war being broken um, you know. Obviously, times have changed but uh i i i mean this is good good for ukrainians, so uh they are definitely slowing the russian advance to kiev uh.

The pentagon has, however, said that uh there is uh and we've seen satellite images blastered all over the news all day today about a 40 mile long convoy, uh heading to cave, i'll, pull up a picture here, it's quite wild. This convoy is twice as long as what it was before it's moving. Quite slowly, though. Here's what it looks like so it's about 15 miles away from kiev right now.

It is 40 miles longer or 40 miles long, which is twice as long as we believed yesterday, and today the entire convoy only moved three miles. That's it crazy. Okay, so uh russian stock market has stopped trading altogether. Foreigners are banned from selling russian securities.

Ukraine is requesting howitzers, cannons mortars, launchers, automatic weapons and jets uh to help fight, also they're, requesting missile defense and uh air defense, probably like uh, sam uh, turrets or, whatever you know surface-to-air missiles anyway, uh belargian soldiers. This was an interesting update, although we, i don't think, we've seen any movement on this uh as of late. There was talk that uh soldiers from belarus might actually end up, deploying uh to ukraine, where uh, which which isn't good, i mean not, that it's much potentially larger than what russia has uh, it's not, but it's just. The last thing we need is just more more troops, more enemy troops for ukrainians coming in there, because, obviously they're on the russian side, uh and then just sort of in uh.

In a couple other notes here it's worth noting that if our futures have been so stupid, the last like quite frankly a few weeks - i mean it just seems like every day they they're like like, for example. Today tech is down point. You know almost three percent s. P futures are down about point one three.

Whatever yesterday this crap was down like two percent and uh. We we weren't down anywhere near that at open, so there's a lot of nonsense happening in futures trading. Personally, i just wouldn't pay too much attention to it. I think what actually works better for me for kind of, expecting or setting my expectation in terms of what the market's going to do is just watching btc's price btc seems to be a really good indicator of potentially what's going to happen in markets before it does.
So i like that there was also another just fun crypto note here. Apparently, south korea is spending 186.7 million dollars on the metaverse to create a platform to basically support digital and corporate growth. I don't know just thought it was interesting so anyway, uh okay, well um. There you go.

Thank you so much for watching this uh. This live stream here check out those courses linked down below seriously coupon code expiring tonight, and you won't regret it. I highly anticipate you will love the content. That's in there uh the live streams together the discord, chats uh everything shout out to those of you who joined while this live stream was happening.

Brian stalks, the psychology of money, reuben, psychology of money, heather real estate, investing seth stock stocks and psychology of money. Rawls talks of psychology money, adam real estate, investing welcome aboard and james stocks in psychology of money. Awesome awesome welcome aboard. Thank you.

So much for joining and folks we'll see you all tomorrow have a great night.

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24 thoughts on “Crypto, markets, more disaster russia ukraine crisis.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Ubilla says:

    Love how u capitalizing on people fears and doubt my friend

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CelibateScorpionGoingHerOwnWay cwgtow/gggtow says:

    Buy the dips and avoid listening to the SUPERFUD. Funny,no one is talking about the Scamdeimc anymore.WHy not talk about how Pelosi and Biden's children ,along with some other congressmen have business dealings with a major energy company in Ukraine…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manuel Ubilla says:

    This the ultimate FUD channel…KEVIN: oh its RALLYING OH NO WAIT ITS CRASHING ! U build a course of wealth and don't even follow ur own advise….I gotta give u props u r a great sellsman THO mabey u should do a course on that. Bc ur definitely not a trader. And apparently ur not a long term holder now so wth….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Hibner says:

    Bittorrent&Tron Billioners 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DD says:

    Kevin's vibe in this video screams "I just realized I bought the top"

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S S says:

    Thanks for all the updates! Love the quick information. Appreciate your time and effort everyday. If I could I would of givin 2 thumbs up.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Index Investing With Cole says:

    I love you Kevin! You’re better than Strongman!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beech says:

    Paper hands Kevin

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 4 Nine Fine says:

    See ZELENSKYY perform with is Transgender Rock band in the 90s 🤣😚 Go to YT channel:
    "This is Reality 365"
    02/28/22 Title: "Weird old Rock Band" AND YES, It's Really him! And he look Hot in them 6" Stilettos 😍 So if you are actually dense enough to believe that World Events are nothing more than Contrived, Staged Puppet Shows, your a lost cause.
    I'll bet "Lill Zelly" and Obama made some diplomatic moves together…. 🤪

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deez Nuts says:

    Thanks for saving us money before the big dip.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zoros Drago says:

    Hi Kelvin, I like ur black t shirt u wearing.. May I know where can i buy it or u hv a link? Thanks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bodyemcal says:

    Oh mr FUD is back!! Gme to the mooon brahh 2mil per share minimum!!! Lol jk bro do your thing

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benz951 says:

    my man!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denis D says:

    I'm russian.. f uck Putler!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paradigm Reality says:

    Biden is a joke.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Glazar says:

    Found your channel by finance, happy I’m staying for rational coverage of the war in Ukraine. Please never stop, thank you! 💚

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marissa Daubenspeck says:

    AMC to the freaking 🌝🌝💎🚀💎🚀💎💎

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Maness says:

    Kevin livestreams are back. Feels right. Thanks dad

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paradigm Reality says:

    Love your Channel!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Brooks says:

    Thank you, Kevin!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heather 22 says:

    What's up Kev!?🤗

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Move around with Piracha says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy says:

    Kevin’s wealth is like soap. The more he touches it, the more it disappears.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sausages says:


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