So let's talk about why the crypto gaming opportunity has absolutely EXPLODED... Enjoy!
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I’m not joking a recent development has opened up a whole new world of potential for savvy investors looking to make some money and it’s called... THE META-VERSE.
Interestingly since Facebook changed their name to Meta and revealed all their future plans, the price in some Crypto Game Tokens have sky rocketed as people are really starting to get behind the idea of a digital universe.
The biggest 24 hour price changes came from Starlink which went up by 126%, UFO Gaming which increased by 49% and Wilder world which saw a 31% increase.
So even though these meta verses aren’t fully up and running, you could still make money trading these game tokens before they explode in popularity.
So the simple fact is that if you had invested before Facebook dropped their huge metaverse bombshell, then you would’ve made some nice profit.
In a virtual universe it makes sense that there would also be the opportunity to buy virtual land. You could rent it out for events and earn passive income, or even sell it after it goes up in value.
This is actually currently happening with the Crypto Game Ember Sword, who recently announced it was selling virtual land slots and received a pledge of $203 million from gamers, this came from 35,000 people submitting applications to buy 6,000 plots of land
Owning land in "Ember Sword" gives gamers the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency from any activity, on and around their virtual plots of land.
We’ve talked a lot about Virtual reality when it comes to the meta verse, but I have to say augmented reality, which is when digital elements are added to the real world, is more up my street!
It also goes without saying, if this is how we work in the future, then companies that manage to crack it first and come out with the best products will grow drastically.
This means if you invest wisely, then you might be able to benefit from this incoming wave of technology innovation.
Facebook already owns instagram, whatsapp and oculas which gives them ownership of our friends, our behaviour and even our eye movement.
Tech companies have so much control over our opinions and behaviour, as they are able to slightly tweak our reality in order to get the response they desire.
Just think about how much data they will be able to collect with a whole metaverse under their control. The worrying thing is, what if this data is shared, sold or even hacked!
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Hi guys it's mark so last week i made a video all about crypto gaming and since then the opportunity has absolutely exploded. I'm not joking. A recent development has opened up a whole new world of potential for savvy investors looking to make some money and it's called wait for it. The metaverse picture a world where you can buy and sell digital versions of anything you want.

This could create entirely new ways to invest and build wealth. This idea was first introduced in a book called snow crash by neil stephenson in 1992, but it's only recently become reality. After facebook announced it's changed its name to meta and are working on their own version of the metaverse, but facebook isn't alone, as there are many crypto and nft projects aiming to create metaverses. This sudden movement towards virtual worlds doesn't come as a surprise to me, as people are using tech more than ever.

It took 55 years for 80 of us to use cars. It took 28 years for 80 percent of us to use pcs. It took only 14 years for 80 of us to use mobile phones and, at this rate of adoption, the metaverse could be right around the corner. This is all very exciting for investors, as the concept of a metaphase seems like the next big money-making opportunity.

So today, let's discuss exactly what the metaverse is, why it could be the next big thing, what you should be looking out for and how to get involved and make some money, because after all, that's what you're here for why else? Would you be watching a boomer like me other than to make some sweet profit all that is coming up right after you hit that like button for the l2 buga rhythm? If you don't, then i'm gon na pop out your screen as a hologram and smash that, like button myself, the first way to profit from the metaphase is nfts and crypto coins. As many of you are probably aware, nfts are the latest craze in the crypto world. I'm not joking people are literally making millions of dollars selling jpeg images. I don't think these kinds of nfts are very sustainable as they don't have any real world use.

However, i'm not dismissing them entirely moving forward. I believe they're a very important aspect to making money from the metaverse just think about it. People already value digital items in games such as fortnite. We know this as they transfer real money into v-bucks in order to buy virtual skins.

These skins, don't even make them better at the game. They are purely used as tools to flex. This is very typical in the gaming world. Players just accept that they pay for items that have no real world value.

However, this doesn't have to be the case in crypto gaming. As items are nfts, this could bring power to the players as you'd be able to resell your digital items for real money and maybe even make a profit, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The metaphase is so much more than a game, it's a whole universe where you can work socialize and play all at the same time. You can literally buy and sell the digital version of anything you could ever imagine.
This reminds me of the film ready player one. Everyone was plugged into a virtual world called the oasis and they were spending real money on skins, gadgets and tickets to virtual parties. This would be like combining the designer clothes industry with antiques that increase in value. The potential is massive, of course, we're not there.

Yet when it comes to the metaverse and there's obviously a long way to go. However, it could be absolutely great for crypto gaming and investing. The sad thing is so many players have poured money into games for skins and loot crates only to stop playing the game. When the new version rolls out, i mean what a waste of money, but if these items were nfts, you could explore the metaverse, find exclusive items level them up and then flip them for a profit.

Interestingly, since facebook changed the name to meta and revealed all their future plans, the price of some crypto game tokens have skyrocketed, as people are really starting to get behind the idea of a digital universe. The biggest 24-hour price changes came from starlight, which went up by 126 percent ufo gaming, which increased by 49 and wilder world, which saw a 31 increase. So, even though these meta verses aren't fully up and running, you could still make money trading these game tokens before they explode in popularity. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that these coins currently hold any value or promoting them in any way, but it's clear their prices are being driven by lots of hope for the future.

So the simple fact is: if you'd have invested before facebook dropped a huge metaphase bombshell, then you'd have made some nice profit as crypto and gaming combine and expand, i'm sure more coins, nfts and concepts in general will arise. It's still early days, as you very well know the investors to get in early gain the first mover advantage, but they also have to navigate turbulent times. The second way to make money from the metaverse is with virtual real estate in a virtual universe. It makes sense that there would be also the opportunity to buy virtual land now.

This is getting ridiculous virtual land. What's the point of that? Well, you could rent it out for events and earn passive income or even sell it after it goes up in value. If you don't know what i mean, allow me to explain: have you ever been playing a game with a base cap or home that you spawn into every time you load a game? Well, imagine your base being made up of items from your real home, amazing views and even things that aren't even possible in the real world. Well, that's what facebook are trying to achieve with horizon home once you log into horizon home, you can invite your friends over.

Hang out and even watch movies together. Imagine loading up the public app in a virtual world and getting a free stock worth up to a thousand dollars if you're in the usa or if you've teleported to the uk free trade are currently giving away a free stock worth all the way up to 200 Pounds i'll leave the links down below if you're interested. I know what you're thinking, why bother with all these virtual worlds, when you can just go around your friend's house? Well for the most part, i completely agree. Oh my goodness.
This is the end of the world. Kids spend enough time on their phones. Now you're saying there will be visiting friends in virtual reality. Games too kids are just gon na waste their life away.

Well, yes, and no, it all depends how often and for what reasons people decide to use the metaverse. The difference between a crypto, metaphase and a normal game is that you would actually own the land and therefore, as i previously mentioned, this land could go up in value and be sold for a profit. This is actually currently happening with the crypto game. Ember sword, who recently announced it, was selling virtual land slots and received a pledge of 203 million dollars from gamers, and this came from 35 000 people submitting applications to buy 6 000 plots of land owning land in ember sword gives gamers the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency From any activity on and around their virtual plots of land, there's no way i'd have ever thought.

This would have existed virtual landlords crazy times. Thirdly, let's discuss augmented reality as this is where i see the majority of value coming from knowing how this technology works will give you a huge advantage, and you will be in a much better position to make smart investments that pay off nicely in the future. Just imagine you knew about the iphone before it exploded in popularity. You could have made a fortune off the back of that knowledge.

Every time we watch iron man, i'm always a major tony stark's, interactive, hologram technology. This is how i see us all working in the future. I mean at the moment we have to rely on zoom but, let's be honest, that's not the best solution, but sometimes you're sat in a meeting with 10 people on a screen in front of you and you can't even see them all. Imagine how easy it would be just to look around the room and see everyone there, interacting with each other.

Just like the jedi high council. This would be a really great tool for working from home and seems like the perfect next step from zoom. It could even be the future of surprise parties. We've talked a lot about virtual reality when it comes to the metaverse, but i have to say augmented reality, which is when digital elements are added to the real world is more up my street.

I believe it will also be a necessary stepping stone for a lot of boomers. Like me to fully embrace vr. Imagine you could wear some normal, looking glasses like these and have a virtual computer set up in front of you that cost a fraction of the price it'll be so useful. Currently, facebook has launched a software that allows you to meet in vr called horizon workrooms.
This can be currently accessed with the oculus vr headsets, but there's certainly a long way to go before we can be like iron man. There is a bit of an arms race at the moment when it comes to this technology with microsoft, nvidia interested in the space. I find it so exciting, as time is our most precious resource by cutting down on our daily commute to the office. We can really gain a lot of it back.

This could give you extra time to start a side hustle or even take a virtual gym session with a real instructor appearing in your house. That's a hologram! It also goes without saying. If this is how we work in the future, then companies that manage to crack it first and come out with the best products will grow drastically. This means, if you invest wisely, then you might be able to benefit from this incoming wave of technology innovation.

But, as we march close to this interconnected metaverse, we need to address the looming problem of data control. The pandemic has caused us all to rely on the internet more than ever before and, if you think about it, that's exactly where the big tech companies want us to be. Facebook already owns instagram, whatsapp and oculus, which gives them ownership of our friends our behavior and even our eye movement, even youtube controls which videos are recommended to you. Hopefully, lots of mine if you're interested in making money but youtube, doesn't always push some of the best content so make sure to subscribe.

So you don't miss any of my videos. Tech companies have so much control over our opinions and behavior as they're able to slightly tweak our reality. In order to get the response they desire darren brown, the famous hypnotist actually conducted a social experiment where he tweaked the social media post. Someone was exposed to and actually managed to make him believe.

A zombie apocalypse was on the horizon. If he can do that, just imagine how much power these companies have over our lives and even our voting choices. This is all because of the power of data. The metaverse could be a great opportunity to seize back control of our data, or else we'll just fall deeper into the big tech companies clutches just think about how much data they will be able to collect with a whole metaphase under their control.

The worrying thing is what, if this data is shared, sold or even hacked, this would allow the metaverse to belong to everyone and not be controlled by corporate entities with hidden agendas. I think that the argument between centralization and decentralization will be the deciding factor as to whether the metaverse becomes widely adopted and trusted or just branded as evil. Decentralization is one of the reasons crypto like bitcoin and ethereum are so popular. I get the appeal: sometimes the banks have even blocked me from spending my own money.
They have got far too comfortable telling us what we can and can't do. That's why there is a lot of interest in crypto projects that are building decentralized metaviruses by this point. In the video i've said metaviruses so many times, it's a wonder. I am stubbled.

Oh don't do that again. Interesting crypto advances such as zero knowledge proofs, make it easy to verify that you are who you say you are without giving up your sensitive details to big companies and trusting them to look after them. A decentralized metaverse would also give us the ability to take control of our own data and even sell it to companies ourselves if we want to make some extra money. So we have to ask ourselves if we want the ability to make money from our data and digital assets, or are we prepared to give it away to the big tech companies looking to make huge profits? Ua, sports and activision are already making well over one billion dollars each from micro transactions, it's in the game and what the players get to show for it.

Some pay to win digital fifa cards and call of duty costumes, that's hardly giving power to the players. It's simply big companies lining their own pockets, whereas with blockchain technology and play to earn people can control their own data and profit from it. So the general public don't seem to be too happy about this metaverse, and i have to say i can see where they're coming from. There is a fine line between this being absolutely awesome and spine.

Chillingly terrifying. In my opinion, it's a really interesting space to be investing in and i'll be supporting a lot of decentralized crypto projects, as i believe in a future where we, the people, are in control of the metaverse. It is extremely hard to separate the real games and meta verses from the rug pools at the moment, which is shining a negative light on crypto as a whole. If you'd like me to do another video digging into different crypto games and how to invest in them, then just let me know so: i'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet make sure to subscribe.

If you want to grow your wealth and don't forget to pick up your free stocks and bitcoin with the links below okay i'll see you over there.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Crypto gaming is exploding (urgent)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB says:

    Thank you so much mark for bringing all this information to us so well condensed. Yes, I'm definitely interested in a video that also says HOW to invest in Crypto gaming!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rik Mik says:

    Hey Mark i enjoy your videos. In fact when I started investing you were the first video i ever saw on how to do it. Keep up the great work.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rogue vfx says:

    It's a great time to be a 3d artist 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cherish Wilfred says:

    Please make a video on investing in crypto games and how we can do it!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars all$mile$ says:

    How horrible is this … Digital life sounds boring

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Duong says:

    Why is that guy playing league on controller, what the fuck

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Surdo says:

    I always figure by the time I find out about something new it's already old.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torri L says:

    EFTs are bad for the environment. Why would you support something that harms the home you live on??????

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bastelopa says:

    Sorry; Money, money, money. As if there wasn't anything more important. Metavers is a key technology to turn humans into pets of artificial intelligence. The result is a matrix of total surveillance of all personal details and Skynet in the military sector, as in the movie Terminator. That's where it will lead.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LaMinHan Is Geniuz says:

    I don't understand English that much…..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trip says:

    I've got a small amount of sand but I don't see that being anything too great…the real metaverse stuff has yet to show itself

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheProtagonist_2X2X says:

    As someone who's very techy, I'll pass on this particular investment, don't know how common the thought is, but I believe the metaverse is connected with The Great Reset and I'd prefer just to not get involved with it. Also, with all the money floating around in there, ripe for hacking/scamming. I may buy some Meta stocks if I feel a run up is soon, but that's about it.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BananaScrollsOnline says:

    is there referral code for him when making a public account?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p4nd0ran says:

    Hmm so about the part you'r telling people are wasting money on cosmetics they later dont use cause they don't play the game. Currently the biggest platform where you can buy games (the name is steam) has marketplace for some games like cs:go or don't starve. You can basically sell you'r old cosmetics to people who still play the game.Not all games are supporting marketplace but its still worth noting

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Mangan says:

    Great videos Mark thanks so much please do more on your potential investments. The crypotcurrency one was very helpful. Thanks!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sk8cy92 says:

    Lol it's funny watching all these ''investors'' YouTube channels that in 2020 didn't mention a thing about crypto, just jumping on the hype train.
    Watch all of them stop talking about crypto when the market inevitably and brutally corrects itself.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yasin Nabi says:

    It is the future currency in the global market….

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valters Zilberts says:

    would love a part 2 on this topic and how to invest in it! Good content👍

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stl_ Lvn says:

    Well, imagine this kind of idea combined with nowadays tech (Ex VR/Virtual Reality), anything you want to be in real life that is impossible can be implemented such as architecture design, world base fantasy, etc.

    As you said "Such a massive potential" indeed

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pulsar_Gaming says:

    Of course I would like to know more about what gaming crypto are out there and how to access them

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Romeo Anderson says:

    Most people have no idea where to begin when it comes to investing. Fortunately we can learn from outstanding investors from the past and today.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samiebomber says:

    Mark what platforms are you trading these coins on ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Jenkins says:

    Would love to hear about your thoughts on specific de-centralised crypto projects and games!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ballista says:

    I am a real gamer and love games but all the "crypto games" are mostly trash at the Moment. Like all the browsergames back in the days

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Burke says:

    Soooo everyone just like that forgot the claims by a whistleblower that Facebook encouraged hate speech on their platform and false information just to make money

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars minimalisch minimalisxh says:

    Ready Player One environment was depressing..modern slaves on one hand and big corps on the other…funny how hoolywood can predict our future…or is it obvious planed that way…like cooking a frog..smh and people cheering on that bull..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars imnotftw says:

    Great now there's even virtual parties I wont be invited to 🙁

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saaira Bibi says:

    Late into having a pension!! I'm 48, do I start investing in stocks and shares or buy to let's?? Thank you 😊

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yurkï Abdullah says:

    I enjoy making money online,there is this good feelings it gives me

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars crazy cats3t4a says:

    Damn it wuld be cool if they made SAO in irl

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howler says:

    people still misunderstand there will not be multiple metaverses, just 1 big one spreading across everything digital, an item in a game, for instance a golden sword you won in an event, could be a display to put on to the wall in your home app, could be a decal to put on a car in a racing game, or a playing card in a card game… the way that item is shown, used or perceived can be different from 1 application to another, the devs have total control over that, altough it should make sense in order to be accepted by the public, our golden sword isn't gonna be worth much if it's displayed as a bottle of water on your mission menu in a game for example because it makes no sense. it needs to be recognizable. i see great things coming from this but also a lot of pathfinding needs to be done to see where the public itself is willing to go

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